Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1881, p. 1

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67 i 0 M4 5 D-A yixY0x I BROOK STREET., ITYI harged sailb. Lfil twmui [erinas Oc ,*Orderate aoutn inu dlemg tn ust belnwIU# Bus iné hetiy IrA IEWZLL & RàUTL»8G, Ose a6oIh*hllb JAMES BUTLEDOXB.A. cemuay '~W *Ire. 48 MEsas BTOBE tBY.LLGIN BARRGTEgý-à ATTOPNtIZS CHANCE IRF dc C. H. RITOMIE, W. H. BILLINOS, O'1!LLIVAN &PERDUE,- OFFICES :-72 Touge Street, nexI the Daminieu taaksund Caoruig and Yange Streele, 'l'orata. 0. A. O'BULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Octebor SPl,180 yb CABMERON, APPELDE h làc- HECTOR 011151ol0, R.8& APPELBE, JAMES. KEITH 1 GORDON, 'j>)ARBZISTUR & ATPORBE-AT-LAW, _u- Seltciter -lu Obm7r, Convapauces, Nalary PUbLic, ho.OMfo-Dund" St8, ifral doon etaof'Armstrougla Hatl. Money la Lau-Pnivato fond-ct 1ev (Suocaser t10H. M. BloyaU.> BD ARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, U Ntry Publiec, ho Slfitor for the Dpmîion bank. OMfota-Next door la Mansion Hanse, Uxbridga, Ont. -U8 A\TTORNEY.AT.LAW. SiOLICffitOR fin, B ATT,,Z,TLAW, OLICITOR sucer, h. o jARRIMT.EAT LAW, BoLIcIYORIf' coaaStrtoalObq*.1 A TORUY-AU' VFSOLtOITOR IN Office, in oIIn' lcBro tet Whîtby. ly.lU JOHN DALL DOW, B ARMBIRRT-LAW, SOLICiTOR in Ch& <naory, oacveyuw&e, &o. Offlo.-D#er4 Iç;é]lpk.' B1rook Street, * MOb TU 'lgO >»-Privito Fandu inu i m4 p L 800 t a low rate af lu- tercet. 14 ROINONK LENT, B VioLorloo8% im . J.O. Rs Rs"»w ..HassrA. B. Kaur. &T,.U KLLT Jan.. 921%8letfm J. W. glu t obut, 9.. Y4?~ Cfoe HOSPIAI4 ONDO, BR.C,, c PhysiofmauPoqgeu,, 4000Uobllar m. 0 W,.. 'AD AMS, R0010 ' t , 12ÈM., Z MdIENb>i4 sj f WIIL oBtus #1i5g,~1â8, pesA t~qug~s, sud untiring In.dun~; w. i --- - iv I VOL.VXXV.. ÇO~une. ALT l ULTALS MaudJdJBA*.elmm%4OUSEgo D"94Çkc ,,îM -P, W31T0B 1:)SPI noionTiON hi bOiNT.i &teoS mcoe, iris, 9-$2, reaanabl8 par ox. rlOSIl< houSE.-TOBOTO, ONT The~iioefloxlai Os uad RILe IDYLBOTEL, WIUMBL Who aboyaae! oýhie bén thàronghly renovaied an4'reiurnlshed Msd innow un- der Unhe M& =1tinla GEl>z. MACEIZ, (forniarly of;S-aweo BlPort Hope. F.eattsumtIo edo ge. Es~'"~IOd~a plBoom for cabi- $ra en. obu. &I a elyrpy ,ta u uns 'tbraeoout, ef&&PutIj&Aret-cla.. arder toi tcusmperooms. Ï. MecoNNLL, . .,pBOôpBIas. lo THIE BEST ACCOIMODATION im far'G eets . <y.47) IIOrýR0,1TEL, o6XBMT HTY UMB .JRW1LL, Proprictor. (Lite of the N$piug Ratai, Taronto.) Gaod Liquersàsad Cigare. Comixuadiouu Stablfng. Pirut-ciueaLàica Stable sui Billard Parlur îtacbd. y-16 M. CHESTER,-- Proprictor. Tixis Uraeery,Wlargnsd copmmadion, HIoasq rW t Md furafsed tu, suit the vausta ad Eb. tràaling publio. 'Table eup- ped wli h. heOhicesI t ,tw;éaan. - The bsppl_" i* --the b.'est brands, liqor'a Md cigusu. Bue*m taom Ott- en'.~ Ample stub4uooa, caupWl leer. d.Iy TuE ýQlEENos MOTEL,* -Bacca BUnIST, Wrrnr. PHIZLP Jfeo.NN. - - Pr*o>4tor. -- MW&e Liguer, udCI lire. A vOU Isur pilai table. Airvy bed-noamu. oaxntntbe ot&biiig sud large yard ruen. Cbarpse WEaýITBY HOUSE DUNDAS.ST, WEITBY. TL. undenstgueil vouid -Intima$, la- bbc publie $bat IL.euliove pramieci Live bea nawly buill masu td 4p t >hnaubout, i thé iaccamanodilion cf gel.3a fa THE OREAU OP <CANADA" -WAI.Z LAOIS. '-Also pure Uhine Wuo Lagon.WhoW. Boarders akon by IL. wcek ou maden- 4fterme. JOSEPHÀ;. R4DBSLL._ loaly, 28ti 1880.;- .. 8s- ÂLFBBD OXFORD,. pBOpBLNT4. nuM, sLOO PîàeR iY,'814i&'lI T""d T.,,Th btisof liqumr 'Md g4gan, sd te. MrdeÊaqafrkàelnwfL thV bAn u* J ,Ui> atr esU5, teP" 4l bou L LVi~îais WHITY, X9VTNR OF ONTf17, 1 Paa erai sd 8Tsots. OlvrPloae&ruiotie sudButter,.Cealors, sliver Pistal Oekt Wiea. fofl ' urndPnu -Rtaanaa la"ed Dominion Wood.Work8,- WHITD]Y. Geo. 'Corxnack, Dore SuhauBrî*U. Maidirhu lONffl wmjeleeS maorb byý0ýl aùd. con lorS. Plaieà Meàeee l 4O o mpd«ccs-. lion,, 1 Floing, Shoctiugr, SbotviUi, Re- sawlng, $haping, Turnfiig. Scroll-vork, WbiLbg, Oct. 15m. 1878. 431 VfEE TO LEN»D. 47 tL ud tpin P5rM o-*'PownPnapanty, st unuuliLee' atadiItaut et. L' aeal r epablin eb toaStaber. 1gtre Làde lua Munial Dsban- FleusLbopurllainm pply t ARCHIE'!i CTURE! DRAWING AND 8PEC1FICATION ramptiy Pre"aeSwfzg L=w te o«uey CIIURCII AND ROHOOL ARCITECTURE A 8PEOIALT. Correpoud=nceReaPeca<oy sonacte&. Oubaws, out A. A. FUST, AR CH! ,TE CT. Deeflusfor CborcboceVîliae sua Cotlsgug a wct'y. Dra$4ix*e' pred lor ril- ntodcifagezhti struu. rprs PPER -,ibe-, ouMdon il it MON EY TO LOAtj'!1 -ON REAL UETATE SEOVMY.ý' Atlwe'sRTifkg'us, fiu.. LÈOAIyeeurft A Nb 10idays*-s -L UINg1Sït4U'p 4 OIIlbiO #AMER1 Muia IsrCoaoy HEAD0F708, BRO~S.,m o. [Lombard St.ant Chenu8 Orcue, L~ua4ou, USTAELISHZn 't 1782. GILLEBPtE, MOFPÂT!f A 00., .A.GHOY ESABLT8ED TFCANA- AU Ibm Staclhaldeu, scullarge Resanva. Fendu. Kedxanaa at. i renl À.0.à EUT à ras8mu B ce Copa>y AS SETd, $sm dl,)O dm';04 WWtbyP. A.. M.LLa Tauoauu iacm7 i lb. OUMeet'"u of thén idnores, mnahunbIMcdls S ete thpm * aa duatber rofaine Oecfine QlpnsUIIBE As» 'toN TONIO l ng stuedee ud uvrnpam, raceb'lmt vea matma ev aLi ta l. nmarrn yt*m.uelth o ditiu a toue lh= iy 1 QEML1ýVINJN àa» 1MON TONtTO PUOb the ugli&nu tax narrons sud ugn uvutna, nyrvue it thean anmeli Oru K , tu àacrult e - b hoa l Fr dMbpta, t lL fen l.e- a o lmia tf ta,. e Theeuabo.1y Q lbN oc HO OT sd dmei lbs mnrasaewe lu *u, e'"fI*wctigmea raid roCbemu teszYwî, P2eub* lu sètP.prsqla iuc sd liumI=1u. ecet&uxm " P-it . -rdà,*M 1' irôilftmi tie YTOUNG MON wh&,$eI Mta qu#-#,a- Wrnbl Bhudwrite -W Mes&d~'~RX PANTON, propMfif t , k*? boan Zd O r,~Framttbe -,tàl JAVES MONgchs OMMrurco hgU'Pa~u <' cated&~f, 10Il~l T IMin ~~o -"4~~ fi tlbhl' nurnaur ; .1 1 j ' ,ý - l ' is heu=.~I01q4rg 4î2hÉa i~bxL ~ stmr's ati unriesa i.WhilmiJ 41 star"1' et replysi -hi IL. I al~ti1~ 1 '- t I o1 Lueraî I ~4e' rT c uil T~U'GlTBOtVu i i tl - ~ ~ .- ~UI ;~4B7~, 1b "à-me mm W 1otbet'ilî1 tein * "Ci allahC ebea c 545emabj.vll b For-04 b SU ru Ïber<Mee1iéwe vi oio ri lot., irdt eeendy ayb 1tttuy.toer, tnéd4li ffardueb,, Ertipbîris, 0madSersa RbçqssOep k. Y- î f, rod1 su ildseee n raid b p. mi bs The u8 f palar.daorinaoe. omenettosafari9Z CUR AL LIER OMPAAtfs . I dib erlorI tue d,-.h, .r-y lo rd Pesa.FOBil" 1.e'Dalr l seba"-, te 'b c1ham b. Aba faik om4-&0., Alliood e beci bpp it - jBta*th'bae sSmue aLogtheFme*uw bgdg a1adelua yamep,-i ruitelpr, Ji~sbglotIm taay,~tI hMur IMPh OR QTAin Odue 1 - olsW1Q;oMdY cx Oe'len fmshl iu nlOmViLts fâc& oajre u t"- *àoieue >*nderfully ýyati ià !, âtl M& 4. bâàié;us o aa,-iuddbd lE l! auapolat ivîneI sidj'he,àrtW ist hh' Iafiea sIawh.- "Fou'nd moi -pnae oadr'porhraiL.of' a nxlada-oobe A-s:sam.'fr.Idemr boi. atpianeé'scim cJfar-ma zauangis~ pa4-1hi6 jaê~j .LlueoffmrI a ceume-tie Dec. Sih, 1880. - r - 'i la' JO H-K R- THOKAD To a= Tjvl , -.,, ; ý,;ý 17 - 1 es l.avetariosarooa fou pof qoadit.l mn wr i-flulj15t51M Ili >b4éU4R sou) rides 09 la- -brcarna gé aoaupleofb (t8e~lIpead Ime. lckft andg *aIf athom tr ,, 'liet,-Idgolitude, was Lh7raing np ~auo- îwU4a*fo ye omil; ave seen lor." et tetttgtnir vzaa, d l_.:17s LLt'a é i tacry. he nciau. elr ~oreoe avLawwlial oage the W clé i1n4ÉÎ, gIo1rw liaiw 't' issb ~ ~ bIe~th" ib d' dle, ZZu I4I~ uel a dVipm'âl1' 8ftf~f.fgUIgibgo :1 Il,

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