Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1881, p. 1

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4~ baPratin ~'SbIiolis, liarged tt ata%, bm î ill asertin, and 2 cents, pet lU & 0 h ab uieut inmertiba. Spaoial 1Repôrla of, eibtig, Plâsnial Stteentos Oai IUkan Eiayoujsij noaneOoopaîlâaéid iaàahecu .0flika deoriptiauwmpma aag2m.M berit aau subaper a ' lu st bAinluwritiig. .usin688 Direotory. ONTARIO BANK, W 111T BY BRnA .NOHf THOMAS DOw, FAREWELL di. RUTLEDGE, > ARRISTERS, ATTOUNETS, SOLI- >rltor%, $otarie$ Publie, antd Oouvey. OSas cfirsi doorsonth% ai the Royal JAXES5 EUTLEDGEI, B.A. l Oouzq1y rowii Attorney. 48 j-4Eg$S IUTCHIE & BILLINGS eARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY dc d W32.i 1t I::â 3.- - G. H. AiTCHIE, W. H. BLLINOS, Taorento. Whltby. O'stylLLIVAN diPERDUE, A> R1ISTEIAS ATTORNEYS, SOL1C- i> ITORS, kOTARIBS, &c., &c. eoPFICaS :- 72 'fange Street, asît tAie Domuinion Bankt, and Coi-uer King mud yocge Srsls.Toi-auto. O. A. O'SlJILIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. i)ctblcr'Bi- l. 8.ly-46 CAMERON, APrLLE à&Ide. l'UALLIPS, B) ARRISTERS, Attorncys st-Lais, sud ISlcioin labncei-y, No. 4 Torouo abacci, Toi-auto. HETiOR llAIOtt, QG.,- R. 8- APPELAI, P. Me<PIiLLIPS. tii--ts) JAMES KERTI! GORDON, ARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, t> Salaoitor lu- Chauccira, Coni-eyanaei-, Notai-y Public, &ac. Office-Danéas St., fret toor ciest ai Armatraug'u iHotel. Mbouma- la Losu-Paivice fonds-at low JOHIN A. MGlLVbY (Buoesor la H. M. Howcll.) BDARR1ISTER L ATTORINET.ÂT-LÂW, 1- oCaza-Pubule o.L. oicitai- for the Dominion Bank. Olce.-Naît door te) Mansin lan o., Umra-lge, Ont. -26 CHIARLES C. KELLER, A\TTOPXB't-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN L- T-,U&JILAY, A TTORNBY- AT-LAW, SOLICITOR u in hanaety and Iusolvmey, Oouvey. sucer, &., &C._ LYDIAN ENGLLSI, L L. Be, 1ABTBIAT LAW, SOLIC IN l cery, auve7a ok.,. 'G im- Cas Street, Osawai. DAVID ORNISTON, a. &.9 ATTOR;ATLÂ.W, OLibITOR IN Orca-In theC Offce soUth of the post ofie, iu Momiu's laBiock, Jirock Street, Whitby. ly-1O JOHN 13ALL DOW, BARITER-AT-LAW# SOLICiTOR Blin hauaer, Couveyaucer, &a. Offce-DvrriUts Block, Brock Street, 'Whltby. MONBY TO LEND-Private Funds- in sumo up to #8M0, at a low rate aoflu- ROBJINSON &di ENT, (LÂTE Daaasx & Rosaeou.> B AIR[USTEA AT-LAW, A TTOItN - sa-m. Sili.llors, Coaccymnouru, tLa. OFFICE.-la VicIaii.scuee 9, Victoria St-cet. J.G. Rasuesor, M. à. ir asA. E s: sucer te. ,oz î*.iïc lok, Brod. Sr,,Whb, I. B AtLe,], L-ouyto Loant Orouc-OvurDomiulou BangýWltby. Jan. 22,187Î.(f J. M. GAIÀDRAIJ5i, N.1., Ornids- o*,t.*obyi Qut., (théee d'ors miAi iZL y.46 11. J. Gulf*' M. ., s u»zEo TU, douZftY GAOL, MR. BGAILT, Pltyiuiaurgaau, Accoucher, &o., &o. Wbibb Spt, 8th, 1874. do 1.80 to, P.. . a14ue-Ooýr. .of»ypa sud Glbe With calin, PriÙted wOtdr&g iat t"@uets, and untiring Industy WC advoi VOL. KXV-. WHIITBY, PROVINCEOF ONTAWJT] C OuLMER'ClaL HOTEL ud TABLES1 1' UIY DRýALma .- JOHN cIUt,- - PBopxToÉ. 5105OF TEE iMGIJG (BaticsTEED) ON-_____________________ CaoQusamoa Ta aolwaczlscx.) Il KINB.ST. EAST TORONTO. O AJ AMR Th est B4.00 BDsBouse in theCitiy, ouly - two blocks tram tle vier -atsdea. -j uul1lWac oY. la the.blarkct. TAie Hanse bas blew or l hi-may Breakfast sud Tes Sets. v'itsed aut. sud *Mvy-bbiug y#'xuA.at\iyW( anay Dlnuer mué Dessert Scia. 'aFscy Bcé-rooeu Sels. HEAD) OFFICE, BROCK-ST., WHITBY. MRS. WALKEY'tI SAve PlatelKnlves, Forksansu Spoans. q1RIS COMPANT lusures Farta Ballé Silver Pimbet Oa'uets mué Butter Cociera.. a , Clountry Cbnrches, Schaol TE P RA C O S , Silver Plabeé Cake Baskets. Rougs, sué blair Countetmi etrates ani oow Rot geai-' Enives and Forks. g su of aiZay well-estallbed Comupany )DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. Tea Tryisud Serers-. lu Canwada. - Piower Sîséos for Lily'a, e., &o., Gotd accmmodation ai ressanable lai-me. Giaasware, &Il descriptions. IlJST LOSSES PROMPTLY PATD. Boaréera 82.60 per weck. 45 Whie Stone vare, every ilu. Robai sud Bar Gooda. J. B.- BICKELL, J-OHN WILLlS, GLOVER HARRISON, Prealéent. Vice-Pmamléant. ROSNHOUSE.-TOiIONTO, ONT. - Importer. C.N REScarÂv Refurnabcé, and Univalisé. NewPFuss- mnon[fn, Weo Wliy pi 9h 88 gsi- Eievator, racinA1 uiht sud day. TAie D m no odW r cn' oi -a-ciass Hotel n Canada wii gi-adn. BRWHITBY.SRACECo ptdrices, viz :$,0.0 né$ a-dy Mem ca-m ai Clubs mué cihers, deafing Go.C mak Lombard St. and Chmmiug Crama, London. rams wCau br, dEMBWiALI5SSD INi1782. Feb. 27i, 878. Proprior. LUMBER MILRCIIANT & BUILDER MPAT Lge klIt u )OIyolBaildea'rnua. GILLESPIE, M AT&00., I OALBOTEL, WHITDY. Dome Sabsu BInda mu ta Mi, Antbyfr. W=?YER The. shove hobel liai ben lboi-oughly LuMI3ER whoiaana rt!e r reovatet maddiefurnlsee, mué lasoDou- by the oui- iosd, MngeMoubraui. Evperoy iatimcle comsflai-Com- aawi, Scg. Turiu _rcoll.wa-k Pnde. Moderato rates o pramium."' uoieîl,Iav s.ru Whltby, Oc.t 1tât, 1878. - 48 C. NUbE BRLITISH AMERICAýN OTEL, R A Y' ("Tura sssasRoux».) WHJTBY, ONTARIO. Haonse nevly envated said fumulileai ihraagbaut, sud put n fémet-ce aidem for thie reception ai guesia. An omanistoanmu fram m&U trabus. F irai-cisse amuple rooma. SHIAKESPEARE HOTEL, k>Cor. Ring & Yark-aîm., Toronto, Oui. J. 4.0OGB4DY. - PROPRIETOR. Tisaxs, 01.60 vis DÂIi. da--47) P OST OFFICE SALOON, TaselaTo. M cCONNRLL, --- FOFRIRTOR.. 9-41rTREEBEST ACCOMMODATION .~-pi fac Onesta. l-7 o TRO 110V 'EL, o soca-Si-ara, WHITBV. JAMES T. JEWELL, Praprieior. (Labae thtAe Nipiaaiug itotel, Toi-nabot Good Lîquorusud Cigare. Commodjoue Stablcng. Pirst-rliesLAvai-yStalle snt Billiard' Pmarrattachie&. -y-lS O SHAWA BOUSE, KtING bTUiET, OSIIAWA. H. CHESTER, - - Propi-ictor. TiIs threstory, large sud commoëli,,u Roui te rfltted as u ithrehuit th ie lvaut..u e tra ivelling public. Tallesuap- uldwith tthe aholcest aithelIe aan. The lai- sappliet svilh the beau liasds lîquors suid cigmare. flu teanmué iaom »ta. lien. Ample stablerooz c cutailiers. 45-ly TaE BsocE Brasa:, Wara,:. PHILIP McCANN. - -Pa-opristoa-. Best Liqoors asué Çlgars.A veli su- plibcétable. AIra- doms;. Comiartalil stsbting ad large yard roam. Chargee moderate. -83 WHITISY HOJS]E DUNDAS-ST, WBITBY. The uactarsigued wouid latisate la lbe publAic ts:bAie abova premlmes hava beau uawly bauit mué fitted ap tIrucugliout, for the acctommoudationolo guette. Dccl Wines, Lîquors sud Cigare. THE CREAM 0F cANADA --WALZ LAGER. Aise pore SALa. WAoc. Lagar, Whli- sale anal BaisA. Bourders akea ba- tle weeonau dea-- aie toi-ma. 1Jula-, 28tAi 1880 JOSEFEI A. BANDELL. L u- B LACK IURSE AMOTELL, Can. Faour & (son caSTs., TORONTO. AL1?RRD OXPO1D, - FOPEJETOB. (Lala ai Wslimnteoll, Msrkhunc.) TERMS, $1.00 FER DAY. Gond sball- ln& for over Eâ» hars«s. IFirt-cla aacm- madatioal or ta&=mer@sa" thetravelng *publie Au gçiomul. l T ECLYDE BOTEL. 1W- lUaceS. Eau:, TOUOXTO. HHIFLEMON, --PBOPIiRsToB. Tii. houaeI.ucwoiy rinavmt.r=az< b'tt bboo. Evera- accamiMUo ', for bia travelling publiw. TIi esa- of a lqaarm Roye lest anIc se al- c bll 11611Jahé patronage ci th. pablia, lconascand aamnfai-tbi, ývalals epi. 111 1 J.. 0. 1MdLR.J- li1B7TESt lNowpaper 4rîmslu3W i aid,,ew-Yorkisk auttlorised Le c osftitit liii dverîia,-- ztimstel ias heCttONvLB,-"'On letrats The u osigned heu anqamosnunî ofMon- ey la Lent upon FarM or Towna Propca-ty, 'mi usaah]J Low Rates oi faierest. Loamaseasu bc repalé in sums ta suit loi-- rowoms SeVora] Improvcé Parmi sud Wilci Lands fai- sale chap. Iliestrnentm made iu Municipal Debra. turea, Bank, sud aiher marketatable Stocks. Foi- further partlculame appla- ta JAMES HOLDEN, Apri h,.1872. là ARCHIE'I -CTURE! DRAWINqG AND SPEIF ICATION or BUILDIN GS Pa-omptia- pieparet wibhvicw ta Ecouama- ia Construction. GKU1ICIIANOD5011001 ARCHITECTURE A SPECIALTI. COi'iespOadeuce ReSpectfuîia- Soliclted. Oshawa, Ont, A. A. POST, (isba uibb Langley, Langley & Burke, A RCHITRCT. DeaaiquaforChai-chas, Villansuécottages ap%ealbyha. Dri-inge piepared for r.. m ilelg eisng strunctuis. Oviccs, far lAie pie sent, setAile residenos ocn Katou Roamé, Fiketrng. 4-i)- P. O. Box 3= WMir-a. ~ ~e ,fouon au sta vcrtising conér-ada mua be muade far it ne Nuw YORK. 1 MONEY -TO jOAN! 4100,000 FOR .1INvESTIENT.ý Aet hLb1 A ssurance Company. INCOR1?ORATED 1833. A SS ETS8, *l,1Ol,8789LW. hcsuaaceas affeflcéat thie loweal <'amieut rates ou Bufldiaga, Mei-cicadlsc, anad aier propea-ta, aginet Ions or damacge la- fiae. C. NOUIISE, Agaut, WlIitly. WAiltba-, April M.h 1878. 16 PDEPPRI'acQUININE si-Di MON TONTC i conaads an uvs-yig s&Mount of quinine sud larau. lb îcassases aIl bbc powersetaiAie vainable tntes <oincuicthng élsesascandl v antoat-cbe ta vsakaaeus a iow faa 7cilic a-a"'A svseau, cfeebîldondition af tha 1.1, ansd derasgemeut of the garerai Aiattila- p FF-rEt", ÇcTNTNE ANT tMON TONIO stirnathcus btseosa-von, suddinaseular systeca, <atrarcves dlietlni, anulmusàteae eefrtta. reornat, thes c,-,ltic For dsicfltated heullh fa-ccmthe effect af bat limat. tht. toute le luvrajiabl. iy--s F PPER'S QUININE s-iaxn MON TONIC rouaciaancd develéte is sivoua cneres enritei"a-the lloed. pi-canotes appettt-. dîmptl. imnu norsd depression. eati su the dictiesiv arass.i-stemapecifle remeda- for asurauia. amas. Indilgestion, levers otfci-ara- iui', cest facbtcas. and lu vmtlag éleesas. acrmofulou teadeuctas. &e. Thcovicale tramin gfi aala lnsfgnraied hy Psea-.s Tont,thes nental aultiai Ar tenea the constitutiong'ata uatec suad a ratura ta rabusi eaut ceraint.Uotet.32 doese, d. 6d.; asî site.tIls. <tlai <-rCbeciste everl'crce. Tic. anas a -. Pop lr.Rd iaLborstorr ~Landau, muai beo cm aa.Tuain te Sa oaue 5seouertain lu effeet as P&spi-s xiincsMd IranTR ia etrmuly t xme or6elt nts l h s»a Iba Ootole, aud abould. alvaa-sabc ai ÀRAACUII ru ODOPHYLL1L-P- vtJil -o 1 blY. Ppper. London. This rosëtaj lanov aiseailiubeacd cclce»ad udcalo- mel foi- lia cure of da-unepala, biltananca., and ail sa-spions of cougestimof aitheallvsr. 'eble ara gaaermly pain -benasllitli. sbullcexa baad-saledrowait.. no appet, li--a «cg,de, &Bsgrscsae tue an tisa m nds fasbngaof!iriuca opte,< h he a g- aahb iv In lumotin. very 9 te caon the bovea l ilug a ns aê hsbaud camiorn wibià hal oni-,t-bla thi aaifmflclue. Taaaxsanm sud Podoityfl la a lutd n=&d, onla- la- J. PEPPEiIR asord Laborscory, London.-aaiccasnaine ta oun eralabel tte 2mmosi vuiZnabie suId ental meuélcine for Lu-n dia. Anst-alla, lice CasmuéndColonies onar- mita-. y-a oexyplis itLÀflRAMBESTOIcEt il JWndark .nw su- tnd na 1ev dava comploeybsiimlg etAihé,natermi colo. ics efeala saipemiai- la lat priduoSéla- an la- atimeonsdy-a. snd 40"s ualInjure teice- Lai-e laUsau.eL.rccyWa equl tathe masu aspeusive hala- restai-sm. - l late otfor realoa'iug gr-si-bite ho its gucano? amsudMla iasoluuela-hazacte.- Seoua mmnded for dast4raa-agseuril sud eneoraing gravtl Olltalisir la ;Iiu 1ih g. r. Mo ea-mred wlthli 1 'Ioes.of! p-ýý10 19 Wictly, Febraier- lit, 188. . tsP- B ROT eI, WITBY, ONTARIO, waSs 'LEATHÉR- Ait ' IRDINBS, :0=te Oieh Pau arHldég, BaIÀ 5nLmàtbas. IBo igay.-1972. 2 - Formaie JojSÊ & SIGN TOW] PANTER> -c.anni h az1 i ca81h-THE ana- as nane~c- ~s. cAr QUININE "THERE 18 MONÉY IN IT YOUNG uzbi17 h tomh1 acquire a BUSINESS EI)UCATIO' Should wite b xM. YEREX& PÂNTON, proprietora of the London Commercial colleg Ica circular containing fia parttculars. SAVINCS AND L84At'O M pA 8 A uthorizcd Cap/tai $2,00,00 Office, No. 72 Churah-St.; ,Toronto. DIRE OTO RS. HON. FRANK SMITH. senator, Preaiden EUGENE O'KEEFE, Esq., Vice Prealden, PATRICK HUCHES, Ezsq-s W. T. KIELY, Esq -JOHN FOY, Esq. A MNASON, Mng gMoney Ioaned onu Morisgs £1 lowel rates ofintereot, sud on couvbent tum of r5<payIoent. No oimission, Môrtgsg sudGoernaet, ndlkuxilld 1beitui es pitrchssed, and sdwmnes mde on' mi For further particulars, ap»ly la A.-A. POST ST~OCK SPECULATION AND INVES! MENT-Operations on Margin or bj Privileges. Specisi busiess Lu 8iini Stocke. Full xuartclm lax npi ltoz JAMBS BRO WN; Dealer ln Sock 2 Bond$. 64 &6 45-5a, . . 11 Gura i e a su lfaillle cura for lqcroluia lu lia worai forma, atollaru desp-sed Ulders, atyphelas prma-y accoudai-asd tertLary; Taourra, Pout E tiouas, Old @ores. Rhcuamascj supi iiseuses ar sorea prodorsé îy bai bicad or buora. BISTOL'S SUGAR-COATED PILLS CURE ALL LIVR COMPLUINTS. For sae b ll ulDrujri an sd Dealers lu Perry: avis & son & Lawrence, Moalmeel, Scle Age-ntz. Cash F QrGrain Ppoduce- The nderaigucé lin..prp&md toa y tce ~BARLEY, EaU auctSpring WHEAT, RY Et &C-1 Also for N4. B.-Frmrmwl glsbpba-v- lns ltaeir barleoydalq ,se l- iaa brigb. J.H. LONG Augueil teso -fl IMPORTANT NUTICE! TO ALL WIV I MUy ON-,. 4T "EYY ~ notic eLaIvSulb vc am-Pdler Agantsortoi:aa Dec. Mt, 188-3. I-m LUMBER!1 LIJMBER fI W H 1 1T7 B' Rau ons tassA is....u-;&. j u i -ioi Ma ue yoo> st geR pold, agéd 27. TiDI 1e4j>uie lthea D~keo! Cevekd, a9d 77 ; the Y.94ugeot,,the Dulte of Neývosîe, a uiluor). sged 16. Thý-c1d.at mar lnutlis Marqcui rieqaK-.GO0à Osido,(aeùù 4tlgd "Th - aId. zatePeae, ropoa, nowedge BrtheboodOvu Esi, A iàe E&àri of faklugbeùni. E RS y8FEBIRAIRY 171 1818 NO., ù* eut lia rragea 7. The oldeât 'ab lat In snw, Tme'. ear DgMmulnvu, ngý ,th Ugsti luSuw ou " pr(>por.liRsl he is," aid Guy phetamjeo, reg-rMiugblu hu é $odou b uafptauonf6irjsed 1 - - ou«id iýY, wftlî e chuokie, nas lIoked sami light as écis miglit doéià brother heoldeet memhè îf h "ofas a o w h o u ld I C h o » t a w lk >th e w rld aa m - u, o h i.q u's sir o g tie w h o lie d b e n 9ic urd.(i iI W a 5 î y. Y f f v' n u @# îs Minwih bbce, fgra'. iàlh tnutfce4. Mieown belaveda mongi-cen gras. iuesuibaty ubr' ae a The banquet wae unow mpread ilwms' Hughes, NL P. for ithe BQrpugh of, Car. inestire puety t.ard(ïai ; look whsî shoulders 'av-petiion af the supper, excepli for -'arvon, egsid.84; 1h puuest> Mýr. N By surmer breeseýa, u ahieafy te lie huth, aud what a step." '. He in the introd 1itîiau of goeeansd bnrkey soléae Dïckei.n;, M. P fOiïDUeg'. ii>, ii ltrs esCen fmayat i¶ie bid rather thin, I tilink," saggeeted the iacnd chat aIl the viande were steamîug age22. Te olei&3dge iciEuglaud hues, grm fiaimidoummnqr Tom'; mugeclar training, aud wae f "Nàw, Vien, Rit, yan settie- your Bâcou, aiea èChief Juie'iâ i lànkruptey P, Beneaih s.aahopy ai sapphire sic thnking how împrdved lie Weald belcoip.nd I '11 settia mine, sud theu e 2;ti ouageet. the Hon. Sir Lulled by sait wlnd'a sang ? FJow ahouid when the goa-l iving of Tregaa-row had Z% ,,f1ail to*t."' Andi the> insrner j briiSn' rw,.q b Qeî' (40 1 choose putjpijre flash ounlbis great stroug 1 whieh'ilia 4 ribes o!Dibbles were settledi Beach liicîcuý, ae44. 'The' <luest Ta walk with ihea aloug tAie wia>ir rond, trame. 1'Teat'a wî' feeding au the 1 and pliacci" nnder <te leaderchÉip of Judgd ln Iielatnd latbe Hou. James Thi-ngl fl*eresefiela, thik-swn insk«, ou kaciw," chucklcd ont théibhf4r bestie, dd -rat crdit teaheur O'B4rien, afthe 'Cdiùrt-.àf ui eah wlbh iraety rima, 10 rso h cBeuide aire bound stream wbose waters yeoma ; â"a prty Pardigali 1what au *orgenzsiu.Od i itd eagtèr ageti 74; 'thc youngest, the 11t. lHou. I T llwed atm ha bath ; -I wader hoai n't afeard of avremanies wlth gi-et tact;* iud aid lerad lt itgibc; Jdeof Appèai, In voicelese munie aIl the sommer limeI? to put uroutât]Liy'e littAe waist." »13ecfzebub', lu virtue o! biR s bviug 't- sged 46., ~,î ofde th us Sôtchi lu wabul ra 1ciao o mmwker gis, Tom 'would sop sud Isugb *2-Ilu9, teuduti tae cinete, sud Pretty Tom. Lrec e~ojeLeR.Hn.Jh Hwoléith hoe wakth ad dshow lice hiesi-m waa larger blaa nmy fram haàviug esrvsd for sï- ysmr ai 'ug3lig.-'<Loicl Glenêoirs,,Lord Justice- O witla thce?tie! waieansd pcb Ai lspaheibré, eirauk me-cie thebmayoralty, bmd Oues, hc 0;flcy6uu gestAe Thetilme ci roseaths tAie. noaiove, as i wss, lighbiy sa ashadow ou a beét i ectèd'as clief carvers. h twas à auderý l3'ras 8had ILcrd Shiaad), aged Ah, my dear heurt 1 but winter fires arze brooket ; andtIn would commtrasbls grena occasion'. o the Diblies. AIî-the ô1. 'ýTheohicet pi-claie oa! hie. Chai-ch brigi,-;01Bu Aud iluth.eiakaof unehîna fr-ontabove i-erairoqgh sunibuvtbauds wibli bers, grëat qualitieo were in <lie ssdéeudaftî. 114Eugnau4 h e', z.. Revq AMftd We en mtecarinlyav'e mceds-ildo'-aàhundred other litile, sillp 'The flsfi-cbwdrayeysboge dra6 OivotBihpo Lsdif gd82; t. ~ ligitA. plcaeàut bhlu- . poil cil-; old Beelzetuh's >eseeee bg ia pAiie-1ielA.Bv. Itwi 1. Th; Paigtarouie rostes, lietAi sot Tc.mueSMary haci basa bld more the.n ta no oter! plirn;ea Ilasuont,: U hlcsiig -idl, ishopofSdor jid an, - OgtÊ Sun-kiàsed sud radiant under youihini ona& that moruiug, sud al poor Emiiy's sud en4ýai-meïub. Kit thi- hoi 4 h odspasetf bc rs Eu-nawar&way irne baun ti~~ atrsdescsmoreud ooleedhijak&gaenlie duîcpascd the F* silcfM "PiaOOPàil Churcht îe t.'av Èn D o m t u n d e m u .l s u e cl s u v e r , a I l oth e y p o ar u i d e x p re s e e cia i, i i -fk 1; u I i r e u m a l s % j a r ' sU y , R o b e i- , D a rle y , 3 e * p i t K l z e . V swbis laiesrprise-ellii idignation sud ail wfierte ecept wice a sniep oifal iDI., âgPa SO;.the .yïAiüge"-éeb,it. i There ln mare nacof ailovc's supparbiug bis wrathian sd lad iheaýsubsideti quiet- île criel l b bÀitmore, sebcl écot hei,-at- Sauta FQûreggîý,Biàbcp! oflýCôrk, à agid_ ait a m-fi]y ina th c ui c tic on t "lieth pas on h vig bau m ach. K it i nti ,dow n hof48-th S oc ul aasl agan, por apoliicaltiaciata laij*oînciu Ibi Epicopsl Ourable Lbeth&4RevRl, se There ce mare necé foi- lov e tawrmp us wodb mr iehissei ai! j - oiicltcietui 'ýoni£Pti PiCPË r- ,r~~rm deer." Lily's n-EeÎ "cap, whiah lied oansed 4s1e a,.f csmnim~aui--ead deiUiP of-;Moi-ST r8Od, BDame 5- Aginst id.'s coid, 'erenu suaner ;flowei-s ei»ch cetir,, hart Aien aise produced, Augeaf lunat ae wtere macle np uaw.±.(Pi-imua)4îpgdVOt h&c6aIAies 1 are let. sudi oU on a chair. The dmR.O;Goohëù akre@t Laoheiow ae hi es glad tume b oa, lhiilbrougttontamea soi-bofcorol- show iheir coniffutpt, .sud, lied, ,evou ý;eq of KrgIl sud che Ietes, nged 57iý. Blutltme wmlk beslda théiis It nawî li-ytboloiae vliqliLily wora wlia ptilcccacps, Dow smiled graciloudp on fi odeUaonii8r Moss Maote- s i c rr i- A ic a c T r e g a r r aw . e [at & W a a g o o d o p p o a tu n . t i 4 v o d g m t 8 w i- h )Y - Sa pourieaily think," saidoI dGny, ity, toc, foi-bbcdzsptay o! flpigLw HîbNe{a-iu- sad-f- y WASSAIL: "<b'tat 'twàe RAe 3ope wba sot lire te sui d ! dres, bhliglii'me .cu h g. A Chrlimas Story. lie tiier 2" fesaed that lihe Dibble -wsrdrobea. $ýwe _sMaaUmegor4iiECB eged :!193 the; " No dôito! lb; l'ut Ae',,clear off more bfllliant bthan .coatlyï oonsià ~'a~et SirJ*udiow Cotte a,,4agç Z,7., (Coaetiuued.) Dow, sud We siau't ase heu la biue aralip of brai t'yclow sdg' u a"~ r'-- c ' cn"= > x. caunatry fMrenome blee." Catton&. - P uaiêT v ozan-'W oxs.i.-A. Brook- Cooauelns ae ot e feaaie ' 'Twass lie sa, Tom ; botter tiasa Sa ice feast ent n 'ight neji. ! - ý yrYieaandelae -t'in julgý t ~ ~ ~ ~ 1w .a baebcm nt îoeiesa srs u rnprbbo rlagn; A h ier table tho mi-lb wa&e omee ohcungtuêbfore sit-- offset beor enaiaje tin, bug 1,11 bell pou on#a biig. I Sisl i-es- jmore subdid thbougb. te-e- wereýgls. do~rw it lesddtbèyýittlai tliés' auwerofrthy r s a.iufcto lise tbag 'ci-e banile o!fs a p, snd putIlacai-Is <bhei-e, Ico. Te'n d-yo tiuiLnMy'iii eehttl izlcr -thô:widow 14ho The *rraoracia ,persoaca a! a strares- the cash labo ithe blia, for I Aiea t ago- kept lo)okilIz at te sona and _'mitutcwgn Ioa lslotp5hmanido h dlmisad gueiail ve. abrûptlp, sud iug go have my hanse luiut over tiy "ciparby pordigal ;" bie dam'nstb oost- ý, cuhef*ore ,wLisu! ùalive.. ÂAý-w8Éell Wigli a soi-b of siadoi'p fate, a epeai- bead fer tle sake ofa! o yug garl's ecal ou la n sd LIly migit ,ale sror ati i czsinua gave>thè boyea -mollicr alîo ftue hugug ve blce; ucpa-jewcltvy." - cned fer coueidemlug TouA' le;bespt- *mu4ekic'oxifrom;bor eou lnýwjiChi beies whiahlibave becu gi-owiug dieper i, qs'pose, Guy, tey'îlelsi, -o lebaqe.Te aic ei pr t, eseleibif6br'4psana4 s ud d ~a r r s i e l f t n r v e a e l e , o r l e a r - s a c , " s a id t hl i e a m e , a m it b e p a i r e o v e d t c r z n n a l a u i e r u u e e , s d - c t a b n l 4 a8ro a r ca d i - , rcd up burmiediy; broiccu tbreas, wich eay. bhona4t tbe eldeet, a vea-p ftueiyclvelpp. peatpd iU80mw orAs tof thea members uf-ilcê c lb would seem -ta reqoire.sa.whloe voIr -la ceas, dame, 'Aie quiet nai'ral cl wokns., evideubiy ibanglit bliat- thp Jauily'wh*eulibis f&tier -lfomuia4 Ilium Ums ta reunite, si-e hsstiiy bronghit t- thep sabould, thougi 1 dou't se wlap'lectrine o!f aitéscat] eg arcly,' ýeou n the Aaippailtion. -ls~cIm galbier in ana cliapter. There ia cibler &ley aiouldnt eap wbcrcthep lie." carildont lu lbe pairing -af Tom and ltowewer, isàbelicerArtlb. apAiuinai C hie coonclusion, aor noue et all ie , "No. Guy, na-ai-y womau chouldL'Ii u h IdI- iy uttCaumAbe dia pot-,eeuta -ticekced. Afeii:dapvjàs ace-hie bt'oter~ ~ actore, afler a long serîe a! évenaismiseus ef ber tuue." - oncidlea-the i-a-ui-a o! hie polga uli4y*îagdiet-owonst ta JAycos'c hig hft maihas thep wre. We weil, well, lb metlhave ceee, etsiIbiesa i nhapoecî 11dBtt a~l~srccolaur o must coféese t a gréat likiug for tie tley wou't i. far. Tom belle eu' lie, the company. The raildeiet athle te 'iLosbrotAier. had i .1e-forc lu mers d aItfsbiaued style, Wieu Con- bath Made znoney euougb eut there iiin nices, howcvcr dit lier Aesb toconsole ee4, odinh êexàcuatin 40 cusions woecocnclusions iîncl-wben 'Si-alis to bnp ?enleaz.e, tuat 'nl make hjm. - Thue ur get iwd i 4ieîwyer'kn@v ao crojLlaol' lt;ýana& viitcpig aIl dafficultice wemO Clcamed l*ap, ilTregarrow in s ring fquie; sutdI1s'pose effcctso! of ilri ualer lcéaëbIr'ie gulewan ýwroteOn ýac ideubls expliîned, al l te persouages lasl ore fat dai wlieu towld wlll l><iild te dipai wsnec-i-ccut 10 , oa sIuI t- b~,-Wact 1A' accunteti or, sd cIli bic evens wooa ue sedd,'m seKitlteccae sttiylakagteîeyemn a e ,l fo i'8*11i'" ii eclPaI p-iij Up like îhe cutI a! a lIstai-y. Even aca rai t Lcgacy Lotge or Lcgaay "Nelot K&'sait lac, "'we WIM1 fret i momnent adqlien baued i taack iongi t Calietrs arc. so, ew, ansut il" andi tAieatt man. chuclclea lus- a&k'tlia. pass&on: L0. o rtu-urlt c twanks -lttc O'd'I3fr r e qitd bave been se abri anoltii e aLaé tge, »tI bAl a lown doncitm'a return sudaI t al01er ereas. r- yilâ adt1iiredrafts of willé;in Mr. s d t i o n g i aî l l e c o s a q a e c e o f t a î . - a o e s w r b A a . e s l o r a c A - a l " A lel_ on i1ý- t l t i i e l -~~~ wassmll ught ziglit licreWdall et to anaque on a large s -. TÜhe dameiO1aci sýtc1onicb'y;_- -a-l i-i' inaginetian it fbhe rester, w. aie îoth u4cer tic.-circum&tpsaoes lied rp AS~rondieratae p an~dbt e Y90 pà Ëy àîde troi : 1 te I x i b î n c !,Pd! c e t c g w î c a frp A e a n l a w ti 7t e x ibp e 4 th e id e s f e scatin g ' ol t th e c o9 - m a n i ' ' f o r s ô -i . à Î e a s i 'j q o t li sm ;g r o p e d i a t a b le a u . b i c a b e u ca b a d , W c M s , - Q !t e l î u r e a t hb c e n t c 4 a c 7.-1g , p g a i c ~ l c Blttinie. h. denonument' o! our lbe cipo l ipadglsdtheic i-ii- bbt d'-ipssu une lýiytïhc,~cj~,p- draas ti paaisekai< l4p, rld sp ad- uqabote ?aeti .W. bave Awa griaups-;two boulse: rA.tiuethé: s theftéc aIe f. ia~t'wl~ iistsahthe vAarage, qut at tÉe -[nabi va~a l at&cI.a,40ITE END]' -, o-~" Bcwud a ie d~, £allihe fattet' fana. eti W vilew -te lice fr fliàm, eliwaaekiU,4. Witbch is layisb l4t i'ýSti tboitlg siiy bpiit beter id go to the hJzaâadcbe lbalopalc. i l bovum eaétîamtAan t10thei u80,O't Ile?..h.; lAltbelr famile, ta tlehe sL, Thce ai-dom' o! Livar pbi . , n! i % moria.Yet Wc 'i tiî cm»tbe vi au d Kikth patnlarchbhad requesteid cuits ~ - aZn*" DOW a )iôpas 'ofo! liriz a a, grsat fa pr, ibst-lbep migit, ha MR SOu<l'8 areuBL kd f ~ tbnougiiont tib¶ ream o ! f, Ègandt bÏr a llacied ta ait sté table.by- ibemaelves, "' TSUPtHO#B. c- "> c îtzuot p'rbmason tbatOauriàspit# - a àbcp w llika, fr once te, sece' -'- ian àt o!'h tAe giy tng#<Yoop crmp lad alresaly beco paaeî ccci ysieïfaffr a Very Severi and a,aclorthiaggravstioc ,uýnt 0 1 veiliîn, shbit-d u Madclcc iIo.w absgai t semtsif on LA. sud id1 brigh -ow of *e effpp3 wil or daep grièf,i ".sa Dowe i feeh of loy ?'Di »~~al in a v7 Var urame. T psamz .mfr af il lc a li- ma1 0 0u* 1 1 ONUT TO-LBND. 1

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