wuvwqaà 's tare shahlul-"dau, W~OMMta'a tare lea1.lie rase l-M ODîMand grave, ' Wren Tita veeau ler-'ts bAve is Remnkieence cf O'Connul. Ietpavana s ie. ard cf lte ois. br oi neognter ofi QOonnel Itlh lts faiigeold, Mie. Morarty, te buck. l'ter of-Dublin. Nevesheieti lo 1-15k ét$telling aua old :tery, w* vil givq .P.P., .R in.,lubie vacant wcrk, 11110 Oealenavry Lits cf O'Oouuait," jus$ bail a hucekteetatiton QesOf ltaé qusys -neariy opposithie PeurCocurts. 8h. WU &a VIrageeOfte firtet rder, very ahie wîtb bar fl, and acliimors formi. of vu cl lt-bkr le a ocri- Mu for ber polfers cf abuse, aud @von t 1 u theite pucoe Mrs. 1Mriarty's Ian- puage had paed ne a curmeuoy. Il vas mooledl once whelber te ycung Kerry " barrister oould enceuntaer ber, an out ei o!fieuo y(tUOnah' r@eSmneel Madame-Mnrcat~. OCaulie Ililk~~~fb1*.a;cn u * aie oenioonlar Ittats wBel.vtoffared scud laken- lWec1<edlthle onelereoutu <ut- JJddY -&va s obar&cLer," sud ber Wy wvu ou of tbe. sigitie cf Dublin. V0'1111811 vas ver>' confident cf#nue- Cape. abad aid au eapasIplan l'or "4~#I~t~hulg tibI, ig vil theit ilaayPt feu a rclnut oiexriaia>chaisl taIcfI u Vt I mieprsél ce. O'0OpsU cwgeneth ie atlaci, -"u cialpetie for a *Slkîi, ilckviev1W , juyodare nun balla Mba~tlI *ueo4 t euh cigtleuppua" tc<vpsa our gsdmbc re.e luira i idy ;'doa 700 anue say, it Otcsi-iWtilge puoeîsI ami mp"lt "A, mpoitar, sut i itai 1 oeil yodi &0 jour basîla," mujoued 9'Conueii. - "Cani ~t ouritiea jtanteuk- "ieaep aecrlys ougue lu jour huai, yoli oCit liagaa,' laId O'Oonaetl, LoP YourjvjapBneub4, u -.liiby taleaucdLti'eoc r.'a rIarîy6îè"l'Il anaka yen go qul"er nov potlilaa psmoï ,ti tuy t-alen ".-allget *lii a0*jwdtiukleon-baau . -t.the hoky. if yoasay saoet- utl, ciknlly sotaulon sarait; sud borry ldibete oi- fiel.Upanour - cavasse, - I.Wbw bos -w* 'a;andel ld iin preleul au 1cm aec - Jilinc u 'itlmau iflte ikea nr e iuenu ti Wleb, taI bangs Uaagte.Way, you1 pea. ee&î. pae us-os;eero«Dore dld 'a uMalapsos1 amkucke'1k. jou l pik op ultugit cf Ocidaiccea Qbri.als'gên detoj1 bide jour *Im i«cli me, jionsMur- Sud a * " à -Dublinujuilge Y val-.ay huaIt Iîe neôlibel la l5ea- O bali, ba1y; Biddj1 das pevybellpgrms le ler face, olou'ybelyvsc pou Dai pon, lsdaê l gtorted ' atle <etorc Io assn lied muat Yen comnpare S4jeotives," iip..j rli utle"ee, naet yess;Maw, niera, anenît-I Prend Cuu.±'olio, tir, &Isatis net .rlgh ;' anore, silel;, go, sort, gce;rcw, rose', tout-"e t'roud sire-'- hbtop, 1 Uay;- 'thons64]J'-" Obp-' Drini, dranjk, cg4 ealck $oi;iru, la Ihundr-" O Cilp- Gecc, botter, ad w2 p;, p lef, b$et oh i 11h 1l" Tih. aerigod parant hait breken laIe lthe rscitatlee vîith a boul. A ~ ~ ~ w GualÇdwhpreparlug- lb. vins for lta New Yeer'a calierg, and on atiug il füultd il was v-ry weaii "Look bors, Mastit, y!1 Yon b1avs badi drinking ains of ibis vineaatd ild' up the decantar vitit watar. ' "Hil'a a fao', mtismis ;I i d ipour oui soeaof dii vine, auJ fillecinp lthe ieocautar vici eiateruaster." I"Wlttl dILyou cde that yoflng ganmnusaiktub ia dekarricigas, se dis yaah fanhienabin culied narvante ilcer Gcilueas bïs gmaed te wesican de vins, go cJe ca1lter.cen aucue n anWid- ont itatp."ý A à eNdutl Methoelu akvct %Vra1sy vitas ha thougit ns to his marryiug a oertaca. wwemn Wall kuown te bath. Wesley sdvisnd him net te think ef it. "WVhy,saicite otite,, "ea i n ema- ber of yenr eiturcht isu'l sile 2" &Ye," ,Wîilly'lÂst you thlnk ché il. ti4aà unteua 2" "~,Y#" sld Waicy), "-I baliava sile i." cwell lben, vIay net marry ber P" "Ilacau, My.t&çd het lasLord eau --lire vitit a graat many people thtaï, yen n su, tialy, 'Iws îuunu'î ba Scé 4g~ré Ou the gonnig feliewm, 1 lpoIsé. big a 1001 as Sny ci thetn vbsn 1 va ,yonng." "Y.. , rapiied E'ogg, "snd yeu are ébot an aid man nov." An impertinent fop mades sport cf an oid farmsr'm large nana, meni. andi -ohm, but lite old fermer siiced bina alh.tQli hi vrie imnai! no> teIard bu acatte tf pfol-your' chcae . "AunovC', Mre. Suiiivsca," sid lice oounsel," vil! jeu Le Icîil anaugial a Loti! ltsejury witetr jour ituaband vacc in tebabitlofi eirlking ycoun vithit-- pnnity P'" "wli vit, air?" 1" waii împuncby." Ha van, air, nov sud tim; bui bhq struai, nae fteuor vitici. ttiuc." A nase, ou beiug calied tu lastify la s cour an sa wtea, wt i-aid b>' thea ork te itoic up is riglit band. Tha man itcumue.ilaêlely -balai- up is - InfVhanci. clark, "*letesseir," cxpaiued lte vit neoe,à ati ikooping bts loftibandud p, 1'u lt-lt baudad." A 'uîstcer" et Ayr introduce Ite fellovcog petittien ;ulits prayer on Suaidarv ock .- "lO Lord, bflhe bt EscababeiLe bonclanîd te Ere Curtt-it, anad teunion i'resbyterian Cia atixsc l li t tier tubureliaa. Titan koegesubiavarions nicit-namea, 1loord b jwbih t lty ewü c3oi;Lios A lady maie st."Mplaiaite re»dar- ACk ta GOâta, RingoetPrà sia.: "Ynr Mesy"saeho sica. "u> tibanci tratse mue beu'. Tbat* nette or ni>, buni- 1tn," naid i ie Xing. -$à Bautb. sseAîke Mi of en o; "Tbit," seid ito, la noue ofjour bualas."-- t - o, trr lug ays a iNov Yric ~Papý2, ittho smeti te u 'Oséolional thbroat at - ià a.m., sud ubouîangini s iha kitcitan M, Ji cP - akcy, v el Il? uickI l'l stang e te. Didat ,-a te> l liaciitpiciter on itbs culer bal- j iuaet Ayt-t- iii>'good& lord, L'M "Edearci, asidc ibean-ltalyou hvdisoboyect jour graudmulbar. abo told 700 juil Dov nol le jnmp doan ltaeotelps."* IlGraudma didu'îbtel as Do caol, papa; sica uiy cama elte - ilce sud raid, II vouldnt jomp dovu titanestep., boys;' sud I ebeuidntç tik siteweuld-su old W la>tika har." If aiemu absnae meeme eofauy'kiud -garauîuatiug lia jumtb.ps n oltce eit-. crut room sud douchlaîh viti lte i-. -me;i,, ':lm nuni uieiVseady te advr-r ~til jetbaisa faw woraJm vili hlp 'ne &long." Hosegain-a f.v vende sud neyer Jgulr-ady te advrtises. -Tvc ticket.s dmitttsg lady cuti geai tu lte "G. R. X. XL- T.' grand ball", ar expaoted Ie-prvdu#e a six-lina loeal- sudaa squarter ior. aplutan dc±sciptoa,' oe itelëis' toileas -afier ttc bal lai crer. - Biesigitecifer lta c*Ingg et s dore, bIbad no ides tbwit tle Jgs e ers -muteliballer esslag. Au exaitauga publinhes ltee moccesau papar for a priseeaaty euvemn. il à . titis :-"Aftar inu came wcmau, aa ste bu beau afler hlm acr ancto."l excitet' rinftbeuit,-if aka'n in 'SaIq utatllies. lmadl e r&oana là tL zin1 4n4 le»" botl. 81 o4h* êle'pdfrcmý IncdumiMsibeay thes formul*a "ipe apn cure for -t pad IL p&à - for Narrons dsblltiy sud ail NeresOm -plaints, sltar havlintastaul ia vwondarfui $juratiravé ers ine hiJnauùà b has fit I l4s"aly ta te, Il*s~ t mid adsr erleahuaen suffsnlng I viii &end, fras ef charge, te ail vbe deilr Il, titis recipe, lu Germait, French, er Eug- lisit, wlitoitulldtrsotions fer âpmsparln ud it using. Saut b>' mail-by addressing il slacu! namitnIbis spr, -W. W. Bhaer Bld,9c Vafe,. .Y. President Hayes. Tho raldity et Mr. lizses'AtimsY ai. iiyn quasttôn6d, sud 1isadà uistrâtion criicae, bt hepaynnt of one dollar tration eau noyer ha cutlcited lunesi cf. coughm olds, incipteail conlumptica, sand g«ne%ýjl debilhi, tor-léading picsiclans of aul seW one>O«l>i0"ovi ad pe utrilca il u rpiUe tautbhdugit Tic. tuit vondrful sud marvseos suc- cama, lu cass were saou ns resck or Pining ave> tfram a conditionu1 etMusrble. nesa, ihat ne ona kncvm vittail. ltent >pofilablo patient,.fer doctors.) ia obtMiued curefromtblt ldoms au lse p ilfputil setheadans à t h a r»Steced. «strutta ait ' Ioer. l ser I*& W Burdeel fllc;bd Bitters jethe lita alBo Purifier, LvarandX ou tha llvar,?titnidmss katiebÃ"wh cunxg U manerff llious complainte, Elde>, ompalusand diessonas ec blol miyot.ýdrutgaî eBudmol .B1o106d'Bitters. Sampie ottn 0nn The GrcessuRenedy Kucan. Dz. Kians hzW Diacovxa r.n-Con- suimtion ig ce rlalulý tics Frstal -Moeti rmnedyr- evcr placed vititnth ie roacit et t'UfcfIng licmaaity. Thouaen ic hopêes autioe, nov lJoua yp i-owlic licair pralsu, fer'Ibis voccdîrtfcl Dlmovtat v!hith tle v avtheir lt-ro&mo en ui' ea lo I;osiit-4p curaeCuumption, liai00uha, 0> odmAOhmoL, Brn tia, ftPvr Hearnaies sud &It affoections o et b.T ot, Ohest sud LUY«ugid, aoti ece te ia vWon- ècsfd1 Curativepover'asanif 'b>'mage." Wu tt6reac-e icc-ify aeqacest jucu lt ccli Ob your druggiat sud gel a triaboutle for tati eonts whvhîcawitt cAnvincote ie ctet kepti- crac t-f ilwouderfcat menta, sud showVauo wa a egcunar at-cdolliaraira battis .vtli do0. For &ale Ly T. G. Wlia8eld, Wbitby. l Beems inpossiblc J piPIplatct4aaltOM Bhucha, Mandrake, & oà imaka s«,tusu>'anti acit marrr.lu"ansd voarful carans sE .An c nt paPeter anti Docte, "lswyem u iliigc i-sst t br e ra ty jeu musl ballsa dtry ticeniyeum. usa andoubi na onger.- 806 oller col. A r Oj u d ifftu rbe d i it e u of le a Math4I e Illnar-frm laletikeaboutit.Ticec ef "t A uor #h e *tbviotta 5cramd fu. ~l o .11 Y«u et once tiit ItvSl!regalee tea bols anti gir. rtalelte =molies, sd re liai t t» bsii le hfctid e*"""iuliki u.c.IL le pnrieolly mal IFSeaïAaail reinptian cifoes1ai lce hit ansd' bi laea phyiciens anti nar nasbeUnita edllt isete.. ibid everyvice-At U Sicontneà boule e 8-t Pavrt>' andS Distrais. Ticat poverly vice produiras tha greatall distraiis notofe! ispansabut aifltae blocai. <1rirsclof île ricicuema, il becma cea e cMiaondition Ssnmei ana n lliaaugs.Giron -dis cutl sud scrou eaisvllng m~aloresgmu*à sud naronstibililou tesof flah sMidp petits, vel engi, îýlrc eesesud e=u- Jmt-ibtian, are sMous Iheeemmnitrouti Theraiere Ify-cae tfrrrintlt- ýimbo(n icîo d b e t oel4 bl mt eden MoaiDà bmeray -hctoroe -tiens b>' trkiug et lte 7001 f tl ie i [mmiir ticeir Mottila« au oueiý -e" Jiolai Words," So e aIeRiai,»r. W~cis ~'The finest that cmiiibue got !1., Whity. spt.281,'80. - KING STREETr, OSHAWA. Just receîv-ed ýfox- Christmnas and lac- New Yçar, a large stock of WITNES and MUQUOIRS, direct importation, comprisig Port and Sherry Wincs, Brandies,) GifiiS c h andI rieh Wùs k ey s, B *ass' hALL-i N tVA flL' 110 US iEJALE MIBAIsS Gooderbara à WomVs aclebvateulOlci Bye sud Malt Wbinksy, the beol u intae T g0ç&~ae' sîi! congrerc4so qCaet'ienau Ise sud Porer td1i B6wlwâi -ft-ïià w-baigae Tite largteî sud bai serted f ock o! C IG ARS inui ho ceuuty 1 Part mdtai Rcev Wiues, of superiur qutaL&t>, et *,fI 8,4.00, te-00 and f9.50 per ImipériliGeitea. - Masteh, Jules Rotin aud Eeunesay Beuies, lunaceci aud babl. A ivl.spByud fo>eoki gpspaa,$2.76 prGallo.. - Janaeoai' , -C,D 'iulecand Stuari's Scotch andir-matWtielgeys. ie our celobratod- Todly ,Whiskey. the fineet Whiskey in -theJnarket 2peOrga1I.or *5 per doset ef ue dcizen Fiit quiliy cf 0111 uionaoto, Basas.", bolell b'ibleri and Poter A Sous. in -Qucais aiPinta. Caatgsve & Sou (Toronto), Taylor & -Bei- (St. Cathariues) Ale ou draft, tan à , 10 and i aln o e, anin lall t css of «és doien quarts sic t Iv e rn, Pait. *éi#4" P« *ee., - L&»ER RER -Toi WIxNER USE, Tire dansa boese alI 125pervaae.m Gg apnd B laoci'e lein aquaylesud-puIcs. - Cagvc O ~ ~ tmalbrma Stout, at $150 ipar dosait quartsasdý 75 cenutsI par tloenpa. Â fir f Ua smjlceaiCigareOeatty ou lsnd. Plccr Fins. PimeasTottse, , prdo Aluar, Gold Cure Kiage, Tronipetesu, Grand Ducitans, Baai 50 Cigar, Fana, Ite lusonültra (5eaeu of the Turf, M. P. 0W iooyat b.inrtc. L Ocritu, - La Caitica. ~~ua~~Ri~o, mr, Bioells ---c-c- À NU RITI XI-CONDIMENT.- À- Pëe ?rvntionof thePraU g Kendall's SPavinCue A» 0F? TR MST IMPRTAZNT ISOVEBS 0dÈ tHIS G.. l*1 malthym &aartlngarnouncmont h~HD L'~i4u~ior 1Yis ad iflyeQv b3~olargemant, 0seýtbot the' ,- es pç;Memn è fl V i slw ~ W e M s k a 4 r b l s s t à lw î à e a tr , à d gae i~Uia 'oul m persona whô have usied iH, to prote our stateuznt. Itis excllent for rmving unitural enargene6ts f anyv kic. It dos nt blst nr cause uy sor. Il as no equal, teouio knowledge, for spavin, spiio, ring- bon, curb, callous prain, swallingu, galle,, 4menesn rom whatever cause, andt aielargi-mnts of te joints, or in any part o! tbe body or limbe, and is aine gooci for cnts, scratces, wounds, etc. For Man,, n tu a complete remedy for Cornu. Frost.Iite, or "iy rlsc, Col or Lamenens. e-Wo have rge n ub amdý-N&W--ORSE BOOK. à treatleéon titejiorsa 24i is di aa î , Ao u Sd h r a ready be au old in a short t e aSe t e 0I e pri oa f & 36 n lUo s x c6 "v8 A n d every o euew ho eesani pr oounces it tae best bok evr publieed fr thes pric,à ad may claitnit &0 e haWorth moze- titan bocks for wiih they have paid 05 and 810. R. W. SM ITH & Co., -rop#-etors, Mû-tredl, For salin uWWhitbY' bi W Z ., et È F I L X , B r c k - S t., W 11111$ W- END FOR VALUABLE CIRCULÂRis4 ANNOJJNGEMENT., FL/RN!TUBE! - FURNI TUBE! eho ogder"î ned to announee to the ini- h a b t a t ~ e t W h t b an d s u r o n n i g c o n r t h a t lh e h a n n o w o p n e d utheodudwell knonetabliahmeut 8 long kept by his fsther, :ooo: ; R 1 fU¶,N'S WHITBY H1ARVESTFER, (Irnprôved.) YOUNGF CANADA MOWER, (Irnproved.) sou a harvemtai the lasit and canrying off the Gold Medal for Canada, kë psy OH N 1LYE wà à Wéailat our o ffcë ies h Wtby, Wfor laig your orders_ewswhere, as it is env intention to adopt the As nearly as is practicable, and theroby ninke our prico liot at lowest liv- -ingprion. (3ive us a eau. ~BRON PATTERSON ýM N E'G3 Go... I amn daily in reoeipt of FRESEL OYSTERS (best brande), OY0. STJE Rv J i, FI1N N AN HADOI1ES, &o. A FULL ASSOILTMENT or CJRISTIE' S BISCUITS, PURE - OOLD B4KING ý,OWDER, RECKILL'S PARIS 31P""PRZEC -à "ieiEGAR. in Dembjohns, ZN~iHMALT VINEGAR. ËtO#Ey, 15 ots per_ lb. 8PEOIAL iATT l41N oue ý:"EiIfEKABE" IMÂTTHEW COLSN nfr6cutnètstat - at tbe above' estabhishrne nt will ho T h E L A G E T, B EET, ,sndt FiF ,,ST ù a i t-- cil Stock e l -ÃŽ,nt~a, 8hoabLTgToi-ento sud onre! 1) 5éý t ie atisfféd wlth-loo fig t the displây i l eu ho iwindow, but g~o iu sud-examina and nee foreyonirselhe -store -fited -witli, vc,-.-rl,-. ttan ou aP e'1 folO iii,i-Boo udShoc ýlino, for Laion, caesGnta sud ChUdrcnù,s Wear.-,- Oyr s ifr or t fo vehrhoe8. < A O / R c~ No' hl Wl bat.- what , trilit, ii smying that fin-the cases y et npacked te ià d rsig e & h4as now o an b u sla g te4t s tuet ettblahnnsin tainlino o!business.- See iie new Berlin Feit 1Bots.-Ladies' Fine Kid Bcoots W' Truns - abd -Va ises -in- great vanety, t -Ies Ppnicas.WQ Thre Milmniott Parler Bout sud SheStore, Wltitby, Oct 20, '80. inVRBL' BoCK J -RPE T, -*00., rordiuto, Photegraphera, - eaka jlaaura luniniorming thes citiman. côf, Witl, azu'Senth't&Ê,ta;eh purchamas * Ot>l, ia i a ltat VeiI.nq Phiotographie ai F- niu WHITRY, ~iaextensive' alteration- n 'p ziproveZ rneuibth a im,e bec - 1 ALL -WORK GUARMNTRED PIRST-OIPABS AT 2'HE -CHILDREN A SPECIALTY... See -Pur TAB9LEýTTE, PHO TOS. FRAMINO in ai] us ,branches. PHIOTOS. COPIED and enlarged, and finahetd Plain, in -cl, ireter cetour; ink, or crayon, et BOTTOM PRICES. .AGENT for Mason-& Riscit manu- facturera-«f Pianos sund Organs. Orders. fer Tuning premptly attendeai le. J. W. B;1>opýes by tit e to ebus!. nana t e ent a shara ai ý ticspatroaes J. W. RUP'ERT, -'d ieunsBok ro-t han Ln e On al68lidIk. 89 "Ccordug t, "oltion cf Iatrct. o airte for ns- st loenst rates.a ;. )DArz 7S aimu Hibernan. froan Boston, Pab. i7th, froni Rall- -tex, Peb. 19th. Polynesian. fratu Boston, Fab. Sith, from Hall f834 Feb. 2fth. Caln from Boston, Manch &d, from Hall- Barmelien frotu Boston. arch lcl,frm Hall- fax, Marcbý2tIr.- CirceSsa rinu ,B4stou.HMarch llth,froajBaL fax, lianch.lt. stea e ugersara ferwarddtn",d dondaery lias., Glaagow, quetusovu B3rietl,OcâraiS, ud Londounets Umarate parties vamhiug 0 sand fça' lhsfr friande. cen otutaiu tickets t 1evraléà » - -Fer ickets-aud fortitarauormaion appt> EBxpress suad Tslegrspi office, .Wlby, Nov. 22n.d,8. - s F OR SALE BY PRWVATE CONTRACT. z '±be South Itité e it Ne.29- .ii& hi Seuthf4 et tihs Northc jof ill,0ich tait opucasalea cilice Tevnahlp et Whist7, conîsinina' 200 acies Apply ta - -~ ,ONTAMO LOA2~ fu LIVINGS CO. 2, Jo ali's ept. i. ct. 1, Iioi. Sé. iluï 4- cff-l - sUn bino,-Fnib aoM ta'g p.5 L I9Tn2 rt~e~-., a Esa-entn-Mr 1 JouIS ct 8,Mint Âlhan1 sflgiw ou 2, &I< -aT~o- * Pall r.ide preo ftpj) iyj,1. 1-1'S"TE . lrkc'lePa MARES TifEWEAK STM NG, p, a PFroted, dos coab cas t0 ave<w =cï:- acer o aualiment, as easiZj, dige8tei nla*matc ofNaturels -Oein'laInqu Ag7ent, Iron i in ooan< cures I"athousan<Jfie, smlg byXonfr.j n Inror.igà na VFtcx<ting teSysteme Z7icener- ridcineciandvatçdilo e- sneates everyapr' /iebiZr rpairlng damagès ana WcÃŽltste searcingort m-bid accre-' tions, and -lcaving notlitig for' This fs tus secret of tihe taon- derfui sueces, ffs sae~ey, Plaint Diopsy, ciiren4o Diaz- Chils sd -Fovers, - Hulnorso 'Loss -etf brnstutieunal.vIgoro »iseases of tho R1dne:*Si c--4 e î.1B8O. ct taaase ber à alte Bible -oïdefat Ãctulss ahergo -amorti -.~tusal -Spet litais. lamas. daacrlj taries ,nasll Bu On,.Brocy. Street, two doors Soujth of the Ne*','Mar ket, wlcre-aeintndulelcep slage undel asorted stock of FUBNITUILE, inhpebystrict ,attention tW -buâéiess to emii a ontiuanco of lte patronage se long bestowed on the old ebta;blishinent, wdell sèlmted stok *te itose frei, au éevry -article bas bee u-got up ex- pIr 'sçsly fer thid Opnng and I sitalladd newv-goods frein the factory in -Purohasers may rely on getfing good Furniture, at the ver1j Ioirest prtces! .An early« inspection of the stock is now solicited, and vitether yen ituy or net, you aIl will lie welcome o t inspect tho Furu- iture. PABLOR BOOT and 8HOE 8TUBE!1 .,Deverell's Block, Brock-St,. W hitby, 1 S-&MO e ,DALIAN IVAP,.FIIOUSI,,'l A ýeta i ï . 1 i 1 J'Coun't