Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1881, p. 1

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BRfOOK 8TREXT, WITE!. lisrged ut the-ral. of 8 bou% 4,UrlA, r"I tiet in,rSu al@ ii. euo >ý ib it teenntrBoi iu*î laybontip.iiiea ln:urnoe cîmp*î«ýMal ter. i 1km- description wheaajlaoed amobxg Ne&teXa ter ton cents pot - ne., - ni et b u obW'lt ONTARIO 'BANK, W IlI T B yBBRÀÂNOIM THOMAS DOW, FAKEWELL & -RUTLEDGE, jABRISTERS 'ATIORNBYS, SOLI-' bitors, Not;i4Bu public, and Conver- ,incers . Oinla., iraI' door South ci the Royal liotel, Whltby. JAMES BUTLEDGE, B. A. B . FRBEWRLL, L. L. B., County Crown Attorney. 48 MESBS S ITOHIE & BILLINGS BARRIBTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &c -VV 3 t 1* -Ya C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLING8, Toronto. Whitby. O'SI!LLIVAN, & PERDUE, BARRISTIIES KrTOUNBTS, SOLW.- ITORSI kOTÂBIESd&0., d&c. OFFICES:-72 Tango Street, next the Dominion Blank, Sud Corner Klug and Yonge Streetis, Toronto. - 0. A. O'SULLIVAI4. W. E. PERDUE.» octýobcx'28ra, 18W. ly-45 CAMERON, ArPELDIE & Me- i'RILLIPIJ, B ARISTE Att&orusys t-Law, and oictos uOhmnery, No. 4 Toronto a treet, Toronto. IiECTOR CAMERON, Q.G., R. à. APPELE, - P.. NoPHILUPB. (iy-48) JAM.rEs IEITII GORDON, j}AItIISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Convoyencer, lýotary Publia, d&0. Offce-Boundai St., tmrt door west of Armotrong's Hotel. Money to Loan-Private fond-est low iutereet. J6Hn qA. JIcGILLlVIIAY, (Succoasor te H. M. Rowcll.) t) RRISTER & ATTOItNEV.AT-LAW, ".. Notary Public. &c. Solteitor for lte Dominion Bank. 'Offlle.-Next door to Manuion Hanse, Uxbridge, Ont. -28 &eIARLES C. KELLER, A.TTOBNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITORI IN A. hancery. onvoyanc.r, &o., Canning- Bn Lroo , L. T. DAR1CLAY2 ATTOItNET-ÂT-LAW, SOLICITOR ln Chancery and tnaolvenay, Canvey- &*urer, d&c., d&o. LYMAN ENGLISIl, L L. B., I> ARUlISTBIIA! LAW, SOLICITOR I2 3> ChanaerY Oonveyanac,ha&. Sm. one Street, Oshawa. DAVID> ORNJSTON, B.A.,S A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chsncerf, Oonveyanoer, d&c. OFFICE-lu the Office aonth of the Pont Omeie, in MoMillans Binai, Brock Street, whitby. iy.l0 JOHN GALL DOW BARBISTER-AT--LÂW. SOLIC1TOR in Chancery, Convoyancer, &c. Office-Deverill'.IBlock, Brocit Street, Whitby. BARRISTElAT -LÂ-W,. SOLICITOR ancer, dm. Og6-De1.,lll'a Block Broor. Street, Whltby, Ont. O"nit-Over DomilnoBank, Whitby. GRADiiîU .1 aI Cossu'.udVittoffe Unlveraties, Idesnhez of tIrsCollege ci Physiciens msu Èreb>s, Onterio. Omoa»-Broiâ-St., Wbitby, Ont., (three doors south of lwyai Ectel).. ly-46 Rt. J. GUNS, Ji. D., S UBBON O TS ÇONTYGÂOL, Waa. . MoRiiEN, i.o.p X.R.Cq.t. c.UvreSHSPITAL LONDON, ERG., y te oye iR. O.RH.,.OshÂwa, Onitarin. c ABD. <AT Physicien, surgeon, Accoucher, &C., dca, Wbllbyi Sept. 80th, 1874. 4 W. ADAMsI IMBIN8ô£R ILTIXST.I XRu k?¶f me.Dad" t.¶ hi2 v sud Uiluusa C9 ai 12i., sud froin se--Cor. cf Byron ore n Ail lte 4~, ~ - daàim prlnt4d wprdIàg" s I ~tadtnlrn n~r -.c4oePeac. PBi~- nwdé rutbeit-lWod. VOL. I&xva ÇOIKBR1AL[G~L n~ TALE, 84ACMjerîit"sr.lronto. .toit$MOBAE,.~i1921TR 45oEo vo ti City, 14vj ?eot S.0 e a anse i: eet.ol tWôlbl$icka rom lb. l<rth.rn Depot,andloise Io the MaHrket. The. House bas beena DOwly pteAout, and avery4liing Fret-is.. (iy-47 MfRl. WALKEYP'd TEIU4BANCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STRLeET, WITBT. Good accommodati on et resoneblstoernS Boardcrs &2.50 per week. 45 R OSSIN HOUYSE.-TOEONTO, ONT. Tite Palace Holel ci Canada Reited, ltofurnlehed, sud Unrivalled. New Peseen- gor Blbovetor, mouning nlght sud day. The only)lraf.class Halai lunLcanada vithugredu- tel price, -iz -82, %250, sud f8 per de'. lienbars ai Clubs sud othere, deslring raoms, wluhout bord, #1hem* il Feb, 976h.-678. Propricler. R OYAL EOTEL, WHITI3Y. The above hotel hua been thorrhly renovatol and roiurnbed, sundla nev uLn- der the mnaugement oi GRI). MACEfl, (formerti> of St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope. ltvey satoention ad te ateue Especielly oad ampleWoma for Cou& IBRITISH AMERICAIN 1HTEL, R A y 1S, Lora casnte ceusa.> WHITBY,0ON TA RIO. Hanse uewly renavated -and furmnhed Ilircugitout, sud put in fra-clesae rder for the rocoptian of gueta An omnibus teansd froun ail trains. Fiaat-cas asuple rooa. SCor. King.& Yrk-sts., Toronto, On t. J. A. O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. Tzana, 81.50 PIE a A. @ly-47) P OST OFFI CE. SALOON, TaozRoNo. M. McOONNELL, - PROPBIRTOI1. râ' THEE IEST ACCOUMODATION -v-i for ouesta. (ly-47) 0 NAItO -I-TEL, Bo-SiixWIIITIIY. JAMES T. JEH ELL, Prrtprietor. (Lute of thte Nii.i.usg Hotel. Toranuti. Goal Liquors sud Cigare.Cotusnodiun Firat-clans Llvory Stable unid Billiardu Parlour sîtauheti. y1 0EIAWA IIOUSE, 103 a STREEIT, DSAWA. H. CHESTER , - r' Prepric tor. Tit lirea-stoi' arge si andýieuâiâlnu, Hooag le refittol suit furtae tetasuit the waui4 aoftise travelling public. Tsble anp- M lidwith thtitchoicoat of lte acaso. The be supplel witli th. beut brandis, liquais ad cagars.Bus to sund Iran îsa- lion. Ample stablercetu, cereini hastera. -T îE QIJEEN'S IIOTEL, DZouCe SrZtiu, Wucursr. PHILIP McOANN. . - pru' r. Bost Lignons c Cigare. A WOU np pti dtabl. Airybe-rooama. Confortl itbugsdlarge yard ruea. Charges moderato. -38 W HIT B Y-HlO U SE L)UNDAS.ST, WIIITEIY. The ntiulrsbgnod vanl istamate te thse publie that lhe utîove premaes have basa novi>' milt andi littei op ulruugiout, for the acrouuadtion ai guete. llst Aines, Liquom ansd Cigars. THE CRîAN cOF CANAA WALZ IACtEtl. Alan pure 1Zltinetltine. -Lai&sr, Wltoe- sale sudÊe~t&AL-1 Boarders takouu by the weck ctinieoder- aetertome. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Juil>, 28th 1880. M B A IIUHRtE .IIOTIIL, COR. FeUSt e cGeotto, Br., TORONTO-. .4LF.RED OFR,-POBEO1 (Late of Wellington Hotel, Merkhsrn.) TERMS, $1.00 PER DAY. Good stahi. ing for over MO0 horses. Firoi.cless eccom. niodation for fermersansd titi travelling public in ganerel. (ly.4 r [IE LPTERT BUSINESS willlti futur. f h carriod on by me et the aid place îRoyal hotel; sud I reop.atfully solli t1h. patronage af the. public. Gaod horses and confortable vehxicles. J. C. PRINGLE. ept. 151h 1879. .8w Row (Tims,.Bsiidig), ?4ew York, la aulîorlzed tu ctact for advertleue mnutsulethe CHRQNIÇ'LE nt ont best raes. 0.trtLtiona 1cr aondnallng th. mo profitable bu*inasit en oyone cmneug1e L. Thebusnesaslaop esyto lear, a Ou inàucionsamso sIple ls willlog t*wk. uieuta 5. Ici as on. Boys and girl.cmens=ritlarge ÉMUn. Lany lhave made al the -buiiess Oveér OUehunàrea dollars la a aligla wark. Nothfng 11k. il ever knpwst beIqtie. AU Whio 1 gage are anrprsad at thoe.asMd {tiptoa 'NO. 144 MONEV TO .i&ND. ?hatern Max. , bile mi ,ssMary rnan. wti. ifo-ndb i taiMr; :ýKàvaneg1i Nwk Aitf r p~j~ -~fôld~linait LIi~l1ill cf Aitui Zu lte ràesutime, Robert bega h' 19oing letakeegc-mn f"i A A RGE ~dc].au PBpeIy Aj oR Ule1xpn4 laeit allaeofÀawn.. av,litti àWkWýrd. 'W'li6a nf9bVtÇ eople"-wiit- ùtôforeiga -pgrts,i: JýL l n t e l n ,o n G 4 r raLL E , p rS a 1 lc i t , . T e W a u' s 0 bl u p o n t y g i s , V i' ' r î ' ft a u I n e c ia t d i m pns a d ' p io e ' v u e ' , u t e t h s e l l w e e t e - 2h, ekolotonu <11 ~ ..'dR ber behi;da hlm on hie bl'orse's iilepriin . Th ioaothusbat onwomoiýr, as'h ie 9W0 lewfcl pOzi tho ln 4-'Eere le .paoney otof: whicW yone "THERE 18 MONEY IN- fit 1 ane a xpdl iht-thbltreuds fci were a ssck cf0 1crh. But t1i are tO Py for tlieirkeep luacnad 8t1l.hi~tel~iheJ bay hnds ahvelousràaad o~Iore ;bd bis titeir îPasae o a iverrpeol, end for, - 'T' .fiiescrâme I affections1, as lie arse Waré, were ai. -wil ibyon i*111 lie econtable* ta tisa ,YOUNG MEIN wlià wlehto cul E , atcýad no sono&d uer tread, Attdshipswere ltnewiti the dâd readty bepoken by eanather' ycung pér- Young mealhe.Âd'irse&bl BUSIESS EDI.CATON oires wliere l waduntb. Pc?..i ey vr uatoîie eshhe iirneu.edsei ebl 'BU INES'eD'dATIN tvnl#bredycxitde lbouse ,tht-eel Should write tleoimas, -YEEEX & e w on à 0- h yoa0," said ite oMary, oarge oil liic vich you Will malte eut at. PTON, poroeaa ie Te bckh.rîaefoteod.and holdiog ont e PWtsylttîl bnd h L r lemPapr aIselgi. As il a eabripasietiby bP.eImyntb h eIeI~ef*~o. London CommsTcia1 Colloge, leyiG-ware twtne la death, prend $unul tii tbatefil ma yonr oenwy." ., If Mnrphy's masiter ba bei-n the' maeel.ibvrecl n, '.ma ot rul yn~e' àotnot.acltneu live, tçstad -cf- lmcircular containing- flEptbculers. (40 milérébY b t esogo'. 1O honton thousantid n, elit e nd y"rdy ttstiemt mtlivh ol oe HsrIteeitustds-Vltimaers only uhing thst gfVés9 %ho rrew le te baes it npot,»,botter pieu -te-:"iniuro" wuI S m- ThPtbauicanèIi..se og.e ýt an e As for- the zýal sud tfttle1i1y f, is -newziadbeîdu ih#'lýr, tlurpby, h."wasne jMO enti ont. ;To ha 're e.witlV moneyi: andJ SOUS ANU LUNIl OM PAN jR Who aritsail-su1toof inte befora.» md"gr ts odo f.lar a*cml~ ysî yen nieiil litai youààngflîl1koappttS (LIMTED41~bo~ amliiselfrt-erkjsait ~hs~rasAr~ly, ic.aaveme f~nrcharactes. Llirougly aprcctcWhi.e. AUthorlzed Oaitaf $2,OO/OO No1!441 iv agu ndddiaÃŽtstut-4Îà hcm le e hàla iheà ayon bissIiiiliciiy dit at permit -hlm te- in Lsss nkuôn tu ortihes, beeevwas a -*eortisas wicksll gi'rl 1 perceive ltaI.- lthewoi,7k thos -provide cofce, s'e. il Cburck.S,'Tomuoto. BY' Hlm IOctimJi6 I h '1 Sut Itougit I arnno yoÃœn lady, - as for him ab Mrs. M Ivlvei'e i lha .4Z4~Y tiu5~s5st~Oi4UlhfRebut nowhoh was àstting veryý wheûMurplày added a ùi»t-veryrdlfn Hom. fïAJIK 801H. hunator, Presidexit. -0o mn: *hile nièey hoila tue up -reIlinded. HA wes;btrniugte express férllrq n is. formesr îiurpatiiypt4u EIJOENE UI*EEFE, bq , --Vice Preildeat .cnsîre.aiîwsoe i SOein iNê Mit sairy wý". j-ct0-a-3 ie. lits Aurpxp.lieaay, of- PATRICI MMHE, Eaq.. W-TKILYEs - .9f nktts eîa 1 ltecueverything tha he ü. 9pb to he, but.hjspiru~î ibc~i,~pg JOHN FOY,4' t. , h ipsnrsaW " cqxtîu uti; 9ui a -.M~ )154 . . lbuiaw'stth The 'prtrainud hê co pu bc leuitops.4>-î,bf4 .: ~~rt't epullcllal alàd, a. xbufatieP ooitAiote4he*upn sxr ibia e os4gdbs ~Thearkiiil~uluvesadfy , irant 7 sO~rne rm:,t'..- jpr.. vIua promipelo ieeephbimseWf-Cd Ur~ Money loaneuon IforWgeat lowest Tb qn aamsely- i:0Inse t eiIRber ýiinp1y. cn.j Oe4 wiaeeuh bndoJrn~ rMes oftbnterest,eM n on anaieni beruis à1Or- uehtrusêtluGi il lm lwat tiepe r piscdeJ , ih enygietblmcjé$ o No.lq qc-mton, mortgage 11 A ., iE neueatwirnMe sudm0&venmeî2t aidmicipal Ds)»eàtur- evorte hil- rid .1ptrleýMtý es purchssedaâsdanusdex o ASTR., bond ,moadel Uf-PrpritY1-hut kArpbio Im z iýirÂL»* For foebât pA'Itnersr'sbefersy ta one, and théka.1i X. t'S --tra ilshaort- c i buideai; î - r iibtfb iIhiàlrh aule ~ fp - sMm etox ne eia lobott-ta'r," se 0M- pinting ta 'verioes oignalerfprou--- The Great Blood 'Putq/ers I Ward , ber, but &ppiýred nacre busilyp nR, x hohbl vely fsaî1à'es Fitior oiie f bis litèMu engegeti with bis rmep:1hM. eerRob., hd bes eprodluceti- wjth M-r*ùj, ti iccavaneyi', wbiob extgnde4< fJ' apver4l -uRST [1 4Ot hbeugbt hsbimë é.is upen le eof ucése. *"Tisaisas e. tbüo e visei ji a,Rbbsrf àc&ultl ii,- mcFe conýpbam(Li rteply. ' lcll à t bii ÃŽ eî eàic. Ptka.Uevfu'tUud cf -paintingl jof findring 'tii. ,,heavy 'pbis td. - ~~~ou"lta" ptth 4elb,~esad. me> liùs 1et c'rnoseu. Thei. ounie 'hlàioh ho ad.tô deal svith Saîsaaflht {~ hve -refuset tedeo, 8w-4e d lm wtt itifnlly btisaIRobert ero e, rlly upo anaetnit.cl, r anti fer esktIüdie4ît itsChea' wqâ id ha'ou 'en eý ls le eb'v uddmeus i bftuetin7ud AN!)-PIILS. ey, w !»qe*sVerat oUce bs41apugbt _he aille te ssa exajfomer but IWhounbe- was, iôi sagageti vithth mls : ~slcUshud 188. iiiof osicithq fr.-f r eil glades heilét <Iýbgs e give.Simpleasho thetepai ocf buumanity jl~e Guaan.e lueaan(lllo abocpgb as1ie b peyngfo ~ni wuhogusetithat thè -relation bW ~er his ceuoaterdé kd-oi t~ crlulssinlis *à fi vborsin Iogedi fer xiewa tofui-ixivain. tween. lisaxiuuter'a t-bi air, .younq ofaobect- seata UC«rfýS il r'..Y, .Inee4mif*s, S et n- aledry. 161 cresare bcd been a tender epe, anti Frenb the blýervaliocnAta hsht ueedsryand iemtiiry; Tisessrat, , bci Fobnatlbflh wu1k tlws as encw braken ioff fa.réver. "le Mu. m4ieîy3ý. llkeu- cf thsse ytliroutzh'the Irupuana Od ore. lhiiesotisss. AttostIceipmyelfto4'àa tlese FrýUa n epainter, thon ýP' 'quired ho. ~cfi.tdc obad ssl..Lbèn- down. ant .1 ises. a are peddby baave .Witaou-in t <le(g ces;eig h suiau drbum ar s r'nst hvpfs(edlu "Ts;ait mate&r* oé, b et st. - as eni t'once bQts by-aendauiol. BRISTOL' 8 UGAR-COATED PLitS hret aa shvut sIleWot i e.ntko le >-iu ns; lint as oacus thèy ' xdsrsteod jre. snatheni bave Ituevurbita log." [trom Murphy lt. pevereltat bcd been.- <JURE ALT. LIVEIL COMPLAINTs. j "And otl tro-yen areYounug ate nd Me o tte7eàfrt lt1=6 ad)g¶d ehe en~ausein For sale by ail Druag.sta ati Tlera linkiod, au<1 lmvt an bonieat faà&e yen. 'Wallabout te Bay , u4,iexihA blps W(eyett.otnce titres.. of( ltât haracter,- - edcies twculd ratolilme a lie; I feot-ita j st,lit %eie tel hmef iaIjadoeu iiaia ostbciea Pery !avis & Son & Lawrente,.&FmO-a ret , Wî,Vn,iegibcarmMt etai_ om ais e M. itrtDees@ at uie. monto t Tssogirl aune aente. "io'loed, mis, lIts lutre.", - - At thae a irda Uth ta 1111.e-retee - - - 5ttrue.4 te eit i ihtheiielr esud treppilDOi- 'es ~t iduu, cveé Cash For Grain Produce liera>'.. îvist ie itshnds le bide tjÏý -- tsars' Lbea ès o<dleu ogert, ijîi.~ Rer byhn1~e7Mi. Deô"ioài, IBARLEY, Eall and Spring WEMA-T, Blackeye sud. other Peau. ing their barly dém ut seua J.-H. Loità Anges:, 951h, 1880.8.1 LUMBER 1_LUMBER 1" C. JOHilN 8SON , LUMBER MER'CHAýNT, aunai lworacforrae ne;gnaoxiugfianr, i hfàaro uisrtedidèI lifs fesh -au thte, p4aesante wirred sboubteers, ft 1 more spare tlme on. bi s htd tiliwas Ieu frliirp.an4ý not wtlant amr4nùaWiu làliis: spenul it. -à ptirit-wbich. lu bis cesjo ceuld- net p Racîti- e i hai bfreefybet ihds. Déy thé itittestnewmof 11 ,.ý Titi, mon- ~ba ieldipcevrfr tltu,é *Iià-Jlhu Ré ' ' ,-hiw Ewi tp.father, a thbie iuso-e owas mking cf, bis Iunowledgo waO toe sudeever te ,wk tL ikrýy fatr bln. self. BRoberiut- s iI -huh Liiz>' t prseni acolti ual. Shtoltdt enly ipnke cf Mr. Rewýlaide"f6irbeeir-- anc. in 4eii ~srdbrilïi6r-'for heu' sauc-,anticf lis i nliîeke-for foe- tMduht -idno a be i velad lté- -ýelinquency te bermomtiter, upon whoni ýeaahalicovery '"ig t snow bave - eMès*aaLÈffOUWa. l-ad o - -a %bydwa dce e tiext t ehtsmb renidA, Wheri "..Ob v r - ad snLutnie a ulu"i Il À è t~er o-Leeg, st sa, hert iotipe tMa>' *Viit. 17i. - TRI TORC Turis c ~.1way -r CHINA HAtLe "siGop ?TEE 815 5ue (amaisTiUE») 671 KINO8ST. EAST TORONTO., Pfaacy Breakfast sd Te& Sets. PsaeyDlinàr asud Dessert Sets. Fency Bed-roora Sets. Feîncy Jugs and Teepols. Silver Pleted Entres, Parkas àb S c ons Silver Plate4 Orneis sud Butter C=~lsa Sillver Plated Cake Beaketa. Rodgmr' NLies andi Parka, Tee Trays sud Serrera. Plawer Shadea for Llly's, dCq .,c, Glssawar., all descriptions. Wluite Stone rsre, .very ktud. Hobel sud Bar Gooda. GLOVER HARBlISON, Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Coôrmack, Jr MOEBER RCHA>T dcBUrI DEII. -1- -A larg upi> f Bulders*F-uraIh. inga, sud &U kindeof TisataI Ylvdinga Booms, Sash sud Blinda. s LUMBER vibolosalea u rAail ori>' b>' thf e =1ad. Plarilng, Meouldiaga cf av ezy descupu. lion, Piecring, Shellg, t.helviing, Re- awing, Shaping, Tuninsg. Sarel-work, etc e etc. Whiby, Oet. 101h. 1878. -40 .L4ONET TO LEI. The sundsrslgnsd iasanuyatounut cf]don- ey ta LenAi upon Fr.rnior Tovu Propeml>', st unusnUsi 'Lcv Rates ofIiieret. Loana cen h. repald lu #to t utber. rovora. svrs Inipre-vaParnmM i Wld LaM&d for sale clwsp. Invest,ntmeu sl MuinicipalDebea. jars, Baaicý ana thoe. nskettl» staka for furbter paranimter pply let Apri ISM 87.1 ARIC H IE,'I: CTUR E! DRAWINO AND SPECIPICATIOx î,romptly Prese itYO t Pn iiConstruton. CHURCII AND 8014001 ARCHITECTRE A] SPECIÀLTI. Correspondence Respectfully Soliclîad. osha, ont.~ A. A. POST, A RCHITR CT. De4sfrChurahes, Villaws andi Cotages Dear içafor Draàwlnga, prepsr.d for re- Enoreiueit structures. Oviccn, for the presont, at hi. residane on Kingston RfoadPicekeriag. 4-tf) P. O. Box S02 Wmr. 7ýIlS PAPEII miky blitnnan liý'9e t xeOW. P. Rowel &dc <oe NewapaperAd. vertîi"g Bureau <10 spruce: St4 <liwer. 4& vertisnag contracte May b.mae,. lot il a Nacw Toita. 1 :.18 l MON EY TO - L.QAN , si00,000 O r iINYiST*MWINT. ON 1UEULET&»sio:xit Ai l ,vat living rasaid in4ai Moue>' eecrea iÙýibi 10 ý,cf p - a*io nu. & ý ý- Whitby, Pebraar M4is M85. z.KIG DBtOTfBR81M WHITÉYt ONTARIO: LEATHER AND.Ê/J2 - SHORT NOT ICE. INSU R A NO ï.7r VW. OMTA110 FA8EI8a Mutu~iJnsur~c 1 Ooy J. B.MCEBLL, JOHN WuiLLS, ,. Prosident. .Vce.Prsdent. VC. ROUEllE, Szenlrazyr. Wbi*ty, Aprii lem188.16 pnoiZRixIR.IS-INSURANOR C0. Limbavd St. sud Charlng Crms, Lonclan. EST4BLiBUXD iv 1782,- GlLESPIE, MOPÂATT & 00., Ag oni frCanada11. aunIhes. oekder ase pr d i c . ]OUESE. Wlty, Âprn W,18% .Agnt lmly IB âxl= Assurance cr~ay P. A. BALI,, ysteaanBufldtngs, Meuhaudise. sud ier pcupoety. agalitn oer dem.Age by lire get'Whttby. Whblby, Apral g17. »-18 y)EPP7IWS QtlflCDtEANDuI iOSTONIC t cuteasan nt-tirie aianttcf0quinine anîd la-o. Il n thsa ille powera of thèes vaittsble toutas ln barilab Isso u ava.ptanie traesble te o oa 0 tt of te nervaus usRtom, enfeobisd coaliton cf the aen' sd cerangemnt aofiii. geeral P ~ ~ ~ ~ v F.Ir' UNX TÂn RON TONTO trn thaa ie nt-rrauc ald mcusalr "-Stei.tm.impruves dgtil. u at4 tle suIticiui. bbc bfiqt-n rIth. For Iebilttal hoistli raith ie ieNset oLjpt cibtettis toute is invaloshie. t17- MIE UI ý9 INnE ÂttiA ' XMON TOlIC Prnees sadoelo1,a thi aroua.ueygtes. entIches the bled. proumtes cpptit% dis)Imel lgS agnsd deroosion, fortinite i.digetave arca. Tua especille roussIrfor nenraigla. ara. loUlgeston. foyers of oser>' unI. ciet affecics. sud Ln westing di8eassa scrofulouu teadencica, &Pc.-The viole trM, Is ge"l byicn - ,o rn.9 oe. Tm. I the;uiax sseE ttPmolIb> bdxiiials ve usueaTi4nn.c J. Pepiter BlfarSd abosetor. Landau, muai lie ms th*%Zb.l. Thoelavne Fosie oeert;iÏ tuff= m OPWOr sQuinine sud lroe. Il le at ' smw enlaltutedel,uis lh' radis ad tb. colonl.u, sud aoh=m. l elvea o ýl Volaombtnailoa. eafsetffiarnt, Melelusi mcets. is nov nai lunaeel11 bine y) Mg sala. moletfor the aura of dytacemsi4, OtleusC4, and aul systoma Of eatinio lier, vbfie ar eeailv e, bne thle salaa beed-«.e,-inali Da o Cpèilta e taunue. di& gssbieieseio .mh nie, gIdtiss. iin abesecfli= ancinSi,u visita 24 bitura. Il le lie safeauillina». Taraxacum sud Poli h i la a bld*made -grI> by'J. aLabomatot>', 2e. 9d.ad 4.ta. e 80pIbsEchenisIs, A mnat yalusble sud osa«nal m esafor la- IS, Australie, 1h. Cape, sudConesgn. 1 Iiump teei'n gy atianlà& ew dal' ac oot»aparior. tot lat produoeo l:y'a t- I- alanenc andde.amibi -oct iilreti. ti. Lebolt"e.lO.-Lackdy-am' .equstol b va erratoror. y la z oa o.aaltttng Ira>' h-efr e l Zk= lipsplod aperIeclly ataire pohi«nvIsud lz Boi isu iis 003M fSi~X & AINTE CI vrlte te sa ais e. AdraTeu Ci n. boat, Toth e looel «a &=ua e' W-HJTBY, ThROVINCFE 1F ONTAÏUÃ" TWU- - DAY'MJC 2.18 MARC W- ef May. 'lmer, P~arer' -styl da- im,, tia 1 1

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