Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1881, p. 2

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Wanerooaaa War.toosas. Wsrerssosae. ouais. au- Vui. 2Kt1 e Bok .ob aiuders. Tailorij-:ohu FPerguson. G.nta uusilgJh.Ferguson. ama an~d Cap-;ohn Fergulou. Te 14p.uulstome Ysll 11 . Chea al r èoaa trogai Bpeu1618-ThoWorid PuhIlubnua Co. enarjllsushlp:Noise-W. E. Billngs, Soir. Tii A" Lins-G. B. Yule, Agent. Shorthoratl.for sais-J. S. Thomu. 000. The Lyman Barb Vene.. Great sale of Boots sud Bboss-Âdarn Good. Sma.rt Boy WanCed. Au it Lu'Reort-Town of Whitby. Uureservid sale of biuggies, &o., M. fYDonova.u. ÂuotiouBSaie-L. Fairbanks. 8.ed llaokeyed Pes.s and Bariey-T. 0ooy. IuteIlueotaal trest-Miss Ohumobli. llte. [4tsat TownU Hall. Notica, W Gredtor-.Faroweil & Ilut l5$lg% Boirs.. Nerrou Dibilty -âDr. Aaair. À Sr ac-. 8.Boherlbon 4 Brot. Valises auý4 s .l-.8Bbeou 4 Bras. kàJoTtos SALS. Sae .ofCarrdages, Buggl.., Wagg«o., 40.eà Mu. O'Duovsu's Cardlage Fo oor$y Eroek-lOut Wbisby, on sCu- day April Rud 1881 - L. airbanks. 8.1. à(MAotou-I .lupmsuta &o., th. orp.aiofthlbete Thomas D.vitt, co- Iii o. la luhinusth 000. of Piuk.rlflg, eu Muady, Maroh 28th 1881-Thomua &0, te.Property or 1Mr. John Arm. atroe e Dihàr.ki on Tueday eIU*ftsm iona Fairbanks Anai. ONLI -61sxo PER ANNUM. Whftby, Thursday, Mar, 24, 1881. WMATRen Paozè.uu.«s.- Toronto. Marob 28r.l, 1881. -Moderato tu frash soutWwcslserlysw w..tsrly wlods sud loir warmcr westbr. Tas 4a. Waalcr ln th.i oullty, wjtthe fiodippesaeii of h. suce, la Iuokwng r.mnkabyly sîlud coming ou& pieu toi bealthy. The. remeut raies havae caried off eh. tes, sud cu-n .4 Cthe ferrow,, sud givec the. fie "a ânse promisiog appearau.. 13àLîuRI>AYS market in a big bota-s Uneu. Wet or dry, the atlsusdsuc ls aiesys are, sud goceI prioe. are cii.1 ttisiu.(«or&ailmaniitabl. e oom. In the .ba.y ov *ot.of th. sales eM ss.ruhorusmad. by M4r. J. L Davidsu, of baiss, Itsu w»k, we umctond the faeC that theii.m se mad*reaus. .4 $875 uu-Ciiir bargmis, vithin forty. sI.,ii bours after paruhslng. by re. iliug to Mr. Palmer, of Muori It tu fiappsaicltlxs Mr. Palaier bsd beau lâm4otlig for tb. porobmés dirsa ftom. Mr. »4vavdo. Bos belug autumuhat tardy,lfouud ou bis arrivai ît lUr. Day- bIsio' pis.. th"4 s. mi6"416h.oe"ut- 64 boitjuil ... isus nef. ,s marnait bÏ buymng the aoc. ý*a b*1l "'Rmose obtSfsaeu"s" oomaua- *or,"amiioncd lait w.)4 férÉ $M,, sud loft teul urnrulg for Grum Mill lehetho eecthe b.parhasof thtïve heifcr cuirs.sud Youog bull bought by th.es.Sder(rusa irý. Bavideau.j ,gos» of mislta" afilaister cf -110» of Bhaaou".-for hlch1Mr. Pelai- or - #8 aOt publie tue"nlaut y.ar, ».I a umal ha bas- neyer beau bêatsis lu tlwpaow rring. lit. »al J"a , imbpor"ulosdaaugUmh smmser. Vif. »Ou. 09wUsud o.Lte, Of bis. pveàt beril(fee boaord) cas cliib. u wh,1 The. long suoi tport,&A% g ession li.Dotàipîou i'arliasusut, hi eh c m*@d un tIse M hofDecembcr,eis Mosd&y laut, 21.1 inuo.-tbibsluit 402 dayst. six wouks cusu $put li. acfi Sndosdeesl, -sud ' Ch. i-es t o!the time-the session Was sseeJlsesIy prolouget by lise nrteadîust Bu cf h. gonenumeuL,-'The dopirti etibeÀ * u i W eportsaveseomly brouwhi tdocu at-An'an -11 terralI. dnrng h. progrese o e Cesc. suce. oloas-saasou hre. usouthu aft.r -tisée -B"4 l opoingsudCha c!theHinete c!Wm. Th 10 bai ths Inierlor-Sit Johu'a ocu esparS. ai.Th met-ou Cime moruiug o! tbe adjoutn. a baia ment, Iu al, sitty-tlire iecote Doolittle Pa;acei sty Cwo cor. asseuteul W4 - ba Hie Excelluesc-tbu Pacifie 'lilc.yMartin, nvy 1t"'74y 10 bui Bi i si gprevloualy ruceivud the Martin, royal assrct.-Thal Act aloace jcwli S hua, cause ehe session long to be remern r. tLsask, 1 nýe 1 bas asa ha&in bu cheliIelands o! h. iitm great Nor-Ch West, sud Pacifia RaiIcway cerebartureti seay ho tic Syndicats.' 2 hua, The <oing isaSfie speech o! Us, Alliou,1 Garerar Geoural lu proroguing Partiet- 1 bue. ment ;- 1 1.f Ton. Ali Soai. GeasUmen of lire Seia<.; Ges. 10 Ibm. tienscn of the.Houesaofcmmosc: Leask, 1 Iu relieviog 700 (rom yeur PariS. sueneary duine, sitar a long aud iabôr-* -One bo loua session. I desbre Cc conney Us YOD John Stc suy boit thanks for the assiluity -you bave ahocu lu their performuance. Tiei. r 'jAt a iuesaeurs lfot tranafeting toab s do sy q -ft o! capitaliste ths reapousibhh l Odd- e-- C stueting sud opersting h. e haibu <ui PanifieRsilcay, cili, 1I ansst bce follocosi by IMost favorable i.%a, ki y precanthe o 0auiction O! hia great 'l; John usllualelcerpaIse h lil bucth. duby Ms thai nleret o! -he Ccuspuuy - - Sa, uns vcrer stion teo disposa, wlCh- Lum1bg eut dehsy, o! the lands, gr wca-lu ID dKerr. 1î o! thir unudeitakiug, ans fT, ctu -, Dant Pose te promuteimmlgaalsb - ~ B y sbricad ou su e.ttebaslns clc. M r oo -mluisteri clii, howéer. noC rela-x th.s'% rtr - fagrin tis ame direction, andait 'Gang150 'bellevei hat by thbé onlîti -'action o! Kerr, 1 the Govetnonet sud ths Cumpeny a GA" large lins c f valnsbhs e ttere mî a C-0. Po,1 eonfidenuly .utbed. Bcl-in* Iron' grsltu ont udite Su chabbot. l* XrIn elrs, 1i cile tNemysCom o!fsskiug re gnae Single te antuai nattier* viiilibcmalastaiuesi 1acson. ils int.gally, the lands roeurvesifer sale Sot O! bylbeéCrocu l, it i. beliaea,, bieM. qagla dbeposci o! at pricés auffibleut uruntas-' Bot lie ally té repay tic, choie a! h, ipbidi- Gose. Ai- ure o!fsuouey hi th% Dmnon-on anthu Blue i ouuli-etifa t! he ra-alway. Tice extension o!, abs bonudarlie of! Manitoba elil confer he priviloe o f local sef-goverument ou h people ai- Tic 0 réady reaideatin l, or cho 'aiy-- isre. he usîlti after ocupy the si-ess oc aldi W buhe o'Chulai province, sud by isablilug he Legieas -bett tare te estabilufi municipal institu*xions in Ii ula-gudAi -iitenod greatly tolebcbg.s ad t h.ecîffare a! thaC iuterestit1g tic Houf rugies. Ou tha The amentimena. cf the nstuc-slls gonouof a lou lace ili, 1 rase, have tice effeut the tatb of removing telis. dlmadnsa iCnularr i. Dia wche usigratae Irom 9Ittope have groesC& ser bitherto ishoredud ofaia! tmestiug àa baC rcu large luof population frosu Che shonîtiDn Old Woard. DanmesCI The uuuaolbdadbous su dmnsent o! ad Ose the <ouerai als7 a Acrta - sM'a c1 Uic uualIy a sews rejatingtho Goretuseut' railwaye no, ChIei bs i.-prored, aud systeaiatiseud ont hoactetl iailcsy i.gislatiou. tie f*elth 1eam pissu e tobet-re Ijis -Ycu tilcS1 &Z bani-e7's w ufonmtuletl stht lalelate hie dises o! the tuodla. ppfflflu "rthu Not1sometic WoesC.Lý t i1, grstly lu obe:-Iioputi- ht elbecolp .ffoile lu ]"e* UceCha10taeke their powed, az setiandi hblas sud botae t Cesuselv« ee aillo tapet"ral sd a<4étihtâl pnrulw trléde cliChe el ucaeeeal. By nu utliar maus ci o mas" Chi stui"lohênh pomte, hý - tfoi Indien$ th.usaeln. s'ndu a s.!-li- Jolen MIL snC Mds sei!-eupporhg thsua - '-uDo- his scr.C'a minion Tr .eryrelièeesi f tIh umaI.-th meu of i.ecing theai frosatlefr oPp*te týaLd the 1 by o taaste oilatatiùois. - ' d iel Tia b eàà«îlssofe!o4wtetli",php fys- bai, ka tousbycsabl i eoItiveur -as u O disif omrilhe U1 Lawrene eil asid th icsitm4o prs4 sllo _t eomansroe fc <3e sd i nert6itl have ie. O&fety d!ilsete. ' - ogun Ga*"@* Of Mn die Rotes.of Cesomom ipoka i4 la bcer MaLj@sty'a uamu f th"u a orse~B for Ch.Suppli@e 700 havel tuj --Blake,* grautai, sud bssrhlly octusf~u enei-ous on h. improveat onaîidin o! thi ey-,ala crofs. z when h. *hahl b. ahib acattle t o Min o mutW On Canais hevlugIbxuaueiiMiln V07," " le e ce sIOaee s-esion cf paeo n»alprosersly. aose. Ths îlse i hird Sw ession -cf1Chai fott PrlamutfteDaaiiwe -2:911Uhl Tasst., l foiiowîug là thes 0*0 ll-it l 1 v ces us.- Spriug chuat Damue m iocpo-ie T. Po ibuoot g8 . sh.s, Di lepon i; Go0"luy e. Whte Ob-itiy-8 et -h 1ompeuton;Ts, 2.' s ~ M.chite as- et- li1; J"u Stoks, 2. 1, T . Stoksmet, 2. da aore (teble) entries Jas. Stocks, 2.2 Ais o eloer S D- tie J.lu, r 1 n ;as Sa 2. Io sumoolalsccd2 ctries Se 2 T.Dry su, 2. ber poagon#a tae) B entri î kUt 1Gm, . 11g, 11or el-e-S sîloug-d-oo rc, Ir", an , ;W,' isoUrt2. oa on pobee- enlrles-KD 1 . C a ie 2 i S m I , raep-1 eutrya-R. H Spunat à arnacimavery . Fc ,fbet cgoSentrlct 4eeeA kin 1. asiu, . re. 1 WA. K er, 2 peu- plugli-G. . enh-ea' Tb Catiàou»en Buattufo eScngr a oue &teSirGeorginS. e t- 1ha y rs-. BlkeF.ndiche f t55 wii Os culs calus-s cot re tamter M0Ouufdr e er 1ae or .retl tgeamounsu- teSir Geore Crier.heI a oconuwti o!cat lek place se dliq e ueei stln i neoued hon Ca iatuemory Dt eorge Cad'ea, tico Hi nicua tics icusmonaL siaac eutiticd tsi Chie hoisot. gR. l wille h fH - t bhild à t j1wci i - C l isepblii -4 cal Cheteforededlôd te rt"« bnat lits tib.u4 ony Prit Éom )emcusatSoane oCsakIe loir a Iidhction of rouI o! buteh.ru t IIU~G TasLiN s. i! Mi. Long rýerstcd front tise commitý. t-4"rlng tlul&-Mattar lnýihago-on 'Oi 1tenders recesinesi huai-w. ]E. Nec- m42 rblnry, fo~r ibghtingirstbd ae8 girh. SWard-laiupb,8fl00-Josephb lqewbnry0 gsnfud lngQePtrO Wa*8 1M SWlh, 4 oU1latIng unly, Nu*lh Wud-Joopk Ne 8,1.15; -for -Hlghîlng Cen tre card, .Joeeph N.cbuny, 0*120;for lhtlug North sud Centre oica Warla--Wsu. e.uyl on, 8170; for, llgbtbug NoirCit Wsrd,-John Lut1 95; ti fr lighlbog Citutre -Ward, John Proos-- foot, 85fo lh#$Cg Centre Word, r5, W:llb,89;ibCn rtWa -T. eoamsended theaccptance or Cbs tender of M. Weleb nt $164 for llghtlug the -North sud Centre ,carde. Thal the oansittee badd retWlncd tendert for ~ lghtîng 5 lampe bu ,Booth Ward aet? cents lier ubght eauh,_ or for 8, 10 cents oaci. on motIon, Ciahe ctueli -ent - mb commnlee ou Cie report-Urt. 1(ors. iu h.e, bsin. Ur. Long explaîucai he diil.rao nceb t~ he severai tenders, sud sai Chat oun suaking a calcoîstlu Che. DasUitto came t» thé tcoacluiou bal it conisi hu ýrgu Olicaper for the SacuWn ofini lice oâ,sud a2. lui Ch. lghting o! thicslape. -Tlcst- cha asWLttChu ' eosumeudsd, sud nnWslsh's tener g ener h. lacest for the Che tca carda asid othecise aalisfso- îc tory, hey Feommended ts amepC. sn. ; le casithe Intention Sa o bso âk sasuontli'e psy se .eOrty for the due Performance of h. dutiea, sud a strict Sagreuement lied heenpr.pare&l Ur. Hauai .e..id.r.d -Atbutter tCa riesgn. C h..ontraeu t ScupctIo-oac lu t he NomCh sd 0eus lu ischelleCs, Use ern. dotie celsi ha botter sitoïed 10 b' _tWýo tissu I>yuse. csma 0o;Chrs ciscui nDotb.amuopoiy to-une Party. If fIa.*socé. h1a - mrs Ca s aaois, benefit, itw-âthe l bgtlng-cf _h. alreet r0e ýlampe, sd heo rs estomplainte 'o! a thowaylu eb tekC&lsmai uth* North Word bat isohaenCkn cars o! the U r. Peu es@&i th.e om ttbb "te te e- bîmtist t 6b49lbg tu 11., th Kly s e .reanîts of s ual- n" cuishion ho bâil modtie ata Ch. ast of climueys sud h.1m&ofl o!il-about 5 gallons of oil, 'aud 10 chlmoneye for ech lssup, or about $88 for bolb, unit the arnoeht Pod - for llgbtltn# Ch. in lepa dühng tépast year #514. Ho lu as i a !r ro! 'aueptltug YWsI&'s su tul the. loceat tender. wau Mr. CampbellI aaid Chatcouly 18 Cilsu- fol- neye cere roquir ifor Che à lampa bu luthu South Word sud 25#balions of oùl. H. soilid notoC *li8tlC CC giîilig Ch. ochtroiCi ecrone ludiidual for North se- sud contre caris. Ho deit upon h. c f length a! Cbmc it couli taka eunesuan [o. tec go round sud ight Chu lampe sud ta t15* put hois eut, snd disi nul belien, lu eauth lie nuy-elcc policy of giulug bu] ion col-trc Cite locesl tender. tise ' Ur. Blow baiaie doubt, the commit- ces I.. bail giron chteaae4ter Choir boit con- ere sislcratiaa, but Cheloeest tendon cas dld DoCtava beetý4haputi 116. Chts.- ho hr or teeptrtles "z4cde bug ouisi b. »ad Caen luCo AccouatI.rseonield like Sa si. oe se c oi-k distribotlai aunetCh. ord rrsldepti in maeh card. it could taks mes a long tlsactb igbt hhe Rampe, a-long as in tisWput thomaiont, sud h.oeWu nO$ Pro- mnaig a pus by dcelling long on th. iS Cblaîrmu amre. the Mi-. Vot sai.uoq ly onquired cha- 6Wi tis the genlemen oi -hubQ bd spok.n i-last Jenow Chaï; Ch.e otrotr*ni air golngol iorp1utiiaICt lstp o ian r hT1i.tbt boy """-s*lsttsefWIy, la adA b.> estmeuicP l>'tsCün vin' Chat Ch.- *ouk *obhd >s-tuc aes- ecfliitklcccaa Iouni Cc sec baC Shc in cork-,wa rprty donc. Thi. con. iaàt Caclor wcoula banc s eleint, assistance, Ben Wheu ha fslled ho do ,Cia eotk il nli coulsi b. tillA aob4gis Cc asotuplls el MCr. SOb4'a*lldIit 6ldS %ili gliekeiXhae is utaalanother Che <Ih ceci of-lBrook etreet (r. Ilur. am Bloc sbud Camapbel In. sPok *Ra n a ofa!dinidbug the at. tenderis. ý-, Î2 ILaC. hi 1lasi Lv. Stc.ck Buclopacdla' by ii 1-e.l i lkd l.Y.j Tu mr;-anao e oonglcd by MCr. Blow munai t4 rcfer bock ihàIreport ou thé' ýsoul yr-lmp. -AfalmCler dleomsbou rosu chen Che mZo u asvoted docu. -Ycaa-mcur. Hannaru andl Blow. - Nys.Mcsrs.Long, Foi, Donkley, Kelil, fitClni obrue sud Wesley. Dr. Bogarl dle aîrs.sdou belnZ -sa"l.d pon tW record bis vote, msld fbu Report pdoptîd.- --- - »x si ïx db.opabsboNs. * -!. oîkleys-çlsIrj# o il1 cIs n ogt utsrcpo f l"i mmlutee, audh aftl ::gjby dsusoub u frock and Duo 1Sseatee,880 Centre Word, #85Q ;N'orih Wiîd't250; #250 south Wac' UscLnât,>. 40 $10 to -repaît bridge on Csineron>s aide line,' ou thecondition Chat Ch. ApproprItiOns for Ch. dificreut aide lues slsud for Ch. preeut. Dr.'BogsrC vaneel#450, sud Ht.i Wesley- $500 for thée North i Wad, sund 1fr, NoUtes 9180 cactedaà lurger su,ï but thcy Were iuable to bar. Uic Sp. propriatbon luureascd. XC vas, how. ever, ondershood ChaS, if Ch. loquire. us«,cithu Wat4* domanded 1$,:, th afplropriations coulel hercatr fis bp. Mr. Kelly coudcunud the piement osled Chu msking outiof stiaad, expouding lb.esuonsy where it cas most requirud lunCthe Cocu. la thu course of -th. dtsussion Hr. Nours> cosuplaaÉèd -about' Dot bcng couou.d. »MXEBSBMISL'8 CAsai. Jameos Shiel cas heard belotseCthe coitlinlurefursuos Wu attest elsiehuh uiextusd of Cýe 75 csets por c.ck allow. .d'hioeby thcce oauofim es7ITons arsauu. The. péCttin ef4Wags 2lltlebsfanl sd O ohira, saItuhdpetition of Stone Brou. cers referrud tW tue Market cosu- Dr Bogart reportedi <resu Chu corn- mîttes on Coca properiy"iu tarot of purebasiug lMr. Lscler'a e st # 200, suid Antavr ofo!aylug "cMote o! Jobu Blocw.07; E, J. Johuton, #28.82-; Wai. Daruca, 8;Disl. Morubsu, #9.04. IlpôttIdopted aller considet- ahi. discussIon in conimutes of Chu 'l'hale, dariug chich U1r. Kelly strougly obj&e tci qibr -mfeool lrniali- Mrt. Bloc saidi h.nevcr acliclei h lacuenstasu sud dbd nol w*Mt il. Cr. Klly reported <rosa tlW ou.- cnittsc. Acceutu crdsred. tabc paid- Wan. Till 817. do),$; L. Ilouck,,#8. Concil rssnoscd inu cosmlittee o! the chiolc-Mr. Weiley la Chai chair, and beteen Mesure.Bloc and. Roi. Iy, sud Camupbell report adop Ced, andi audilors' report flosiiy passosi sud aliowed snd or.lerec tW bu printci a» Sfic lac directe. A&Y AlsOBTM MOTION. Mr. Kelly uovod te have tenders saeos front the booka for discounting Cocu paperî lieesrs; Bloc au4 Campbell oppaaed. ý6tso8ail beh à. S flotbtobhtuWb Vot. eoensure on 1h.i fluSucucommit. tee. 1fr. Kelly, it ceeas sated, cao a aimmer o!fithe finance committuee le- nilsud colMda"è is's uggestions there. Motion clîbsiracu. Cooncil adjourned set hslf PMslavon. The ilusCrate: Stock foctor and LIns e ockEsiclopudls. jlli Sgen e for thu s con r cA * ,i eantsimlug Chis lo"ulity. - Ml- ho bavu etaisaôitU roooust tiCh. book as a mot ralualse aa>,nu1ailou ho Chie lat. mer ahd a.tock-brjddr. Tixosu intuosi- iug to su!bcrls.cexamineuacopysait te. Cibwîlç ll u. The follociug aïmonpu1tothât lou.laà tes ifyuitg to. the, lu addition -to those publ.hed -lut Columubus Maruli lOh 1881. Y.z wfll Dot b. doiu .yenjocty seas public journallit toChe Couimuity if y. s 1topshort uow ln et. posin Hiather -Pufl9 thrlokèry: Ris cousia i ulpldice or iiot his only faut&a; therc's maoh mors than Cthat. This Pu-p--Poaff I mane, cholhas eoOutiohulted hmsfblc us Who basuo' sgodor t ay -of any ,ove or -auythinglu. Che Iown,.-iarrn what's psld for s' e a Pail hdbe mcmd foui the. sisqolucs av Chq, oadaclnt, 2PIRï tiChtblla caiu p lu i"Wx&Âix o. rWoa-.-"sck of &U tCraes" bas rtouoed bis blmauk brui W the. asseso dfillsdluwith' theilgsooté ahe value of bis statlouory store, books, muolo, tQoys, bugics, leooj gel,sllsu;z.nc tiès woù.spr, illMachine i'u shoot squsllzing snd raising thuuesmu to Its tkoc value, thu publo ie MImauWCa hie han pot groper value en bis cvi ssb. liaunot. er in ' puf'lu Iiebut neât- XL ,ff'a ame met hocorth Ch. imense sum of onu budred sud tbirty -tbz. dollars and Chîty-iour Cents, aflowing blzse bond of tlcfiimntheuoddca$" Thure'o a ubcu, boulaitlIttIe smsu for yeis i Thare s h-man that conta th mals. hîsuel! ont so ±mach betther than hisenaeybours 1 Thare'. the Pulffr Chat bas Ch impidince to Calk about the WcarravCanoNîi.z IThe. differencu beCCrècti Chai. tejust his iThe Edi. Char Of Che CaSWordLu 1sy'nearly #200 a ysar taxs-wlîurus aIl thé taxseof Poil sud th. Brother Puffera upon Choir Asseasment wouid onlyV corne to eight dollairs and forly.eigd! ceni8. The Essihhnr av Ch. Cznissic ienb nover Chried to shirk .psyiu his fair ohare av Chu bprdmns av the ocu, as a ratepayer. Tii. edithurar Chu Cnnorc z=L bas brout up an rsred a large famiiy lac WblCby, su spiai is i. ailus amongsit the merubsuCe an Chradusmin av the towu, as bua lwaypsld hie way. Au for woýobOt & 44àarthst avn àsin- tbary hsw taken a forcînosi part in pro. mol'ltin 'ryimprovcmint au lnthurpriso oalsolatss! Ca benifit Whulby. 'A good muy Polis, 11keM hler Pafl, bey oam au gono durin that ime. They 2 at.' ..atked thu Edithur av lb. CUROswLS. Bul,- efhruai littlu#élargem-ji4t,' suthuýr Ptlif isdoin-turnÎed ont to b. nothin but, deceptlve Puif Ball. *-I jiit mibothuile tifacti, Cu show how mach moro b.kumin, an mapho l,'profi. table, ih would b. for -W new mai), like -MuCther Pui. o pat on a modist barbu au Dot preshou.e 2 mach. As ilt i, liu basoul mc hîussf alafin stock iu hrylu to . injure te.edithur av Chu CaaornoLa aau Chia lsâ hbrck an hi, lu -dettahidiu the ocu av Chu taxs, oalyohos Chu monan bhisc hruColots. But euuilof Poil.Meu like ,hlm Who ,.iýy s0 mach, sud do so 11111., cho lier no perxuiniut intherest in the Cocwu. au cho cmm poil ap stakea at aby momaint, ber alwsya beecuaiu lujury, as Choy are soy a ay blj. 1I iras ptealins t Cthéopenîts ae tho ooort ouCbnuesday an'bard his Lord- ship. Misther Judgo GaIt'e charge ho Chu grand jur. H.esud bu cas ini fayot. ar the pretint grand jury sistemu,, an pÎisud il ass ,proteuckîbun Co ,thu Liberty av Ch. aubock. H. casi not reuommiud a change ; ýbut ho.tonld Ch. mixubers av Che grand jury-W Csjaktbe matthet ovrrasil th. àme. H.Lord- shiipgiuersfly, akes as rury liiliglu-t an dompr us se rc. n pblic m»t. ther ,nm illiit Cà, are cldh hlm about retainlu Ch.tWi>ôhd In. riibo hakidhcr tlie, same slatom touai Injotis susy ho suu. As-in Ch. ose,,.chas aMâwgsiuimy eau go èscretly M-em,, ânau mho' Innocent, à ebruiebIh masy h.fîoiund aaMngt bisab4, hor mccw atlthhi an Sficthar"go. T-à ha bet ibauldisleo arai inlt. Tue cîpbus no, wlaCh. gi-ste obJck. - shuls. y$ci 1-W04 sa f gang Che ai- plibe, lsar@Chi pChblikgood au t hq, Peojlë,liberlîis sn St t sie. . An Chai pboplua' liber",ca ciidb# -sa&>*o1hapbt $take, iudosdf, lf a oue-a.ucap:pover, -iu Chu ghape. av &,publie proseor, was gsohiifed for Ch. grand Iif4stûa tIh outy.k Redc e C. amber su .the efîts; if jititeihit ]et 5kus ber Chie -Bî&lwonkavi. ist é ôpU" li éhun lu wht 1 .ay. The suisil amount an crIminlâï b1s. ubd h.be'coort sak»er ccifàr- Ibis pecca ble Couniy->aro b"b i y,,iao mietrahîs casse m inlluluJoli, - Sfi Judgo Cie vo wthin u ssou av getelu the pait av White *giOVcm.But ebat -au .ocs. j r«rE-1 Ca h.preerrcd. It vas s grand pro-ý heution Ca Cthu Iibertiup o!flIào peaplcf sud came bteeutb. ace .aedùsuddCtu proationl. ,It eau frigilful Ca tbsnk oii s aaCe ôf hiage ChStmlgbtasale c;,ithoutChat -protection tWCh. eeoa . In'Scotlmusi bey bfii lb.Crovo' nproe. ,ator-bo sasculup the évidence b.- -fore -piaelug parties ou riai, buC ho RFofesrus- Che grand jury q hé . cotch see.AÏ utâics réduction Of Che nulicer 6t grai-sudrore, -Chat cps e rqucsCAôCIthaC t IlghC bu énhe glas. es limC aoc cas Cwesclty.Cbuuiansd tevolva cuore euough thoSud a bill, bot if Ch.rc c-aeonoly_ hirteen preutIlÎ re-quirusi Ceelve tho Sud s bill. Hie Lotdship coucludied by rummrking Chat lbe grand jury chou bhey conte Cogeth- dt might diacuas Chie mattur sud gin. the court heir opinion, if lbmy hb.d uothlug Isuter tW do. Tice grand jury Chon retired. The caisse lu which rue bill ee fouiti me the laut aseizusansd no-c for trial are- The Qucen va Ganble.-Suborualiou ofTire uQres va Lapp.-Purjury. Nfist PEIs. Laing va Ontac4-o Loan and Savinga Co. Thu plaiutiil lu Chie ddum claisusi tiertabn goos uderas àohathul lslorhgagai, ot chich he assertesi ho ha the ocuer. The mnortgage cas madie hy John Bon- nett sud wee Wtics plaintIff. Bennett ant i efe bail also execùtait a fisortgagu to thue Ontario Loan anti Savnugt% Co., sud in the latter morîgage Chere, cas a power of digtresm. Uuierithis a,'%quant- ity cf grain aud farming isuplemeuta cure- seized by the Company. ehici cure ciaimeti by Laing as aunmer. Hlencé the actiou. Dr. HuMiobsel, Q. C., appearesi for plaiutiil, UHi. _Ritohie anti Mr. Englielbf ofudébants. Dr. MoHichaei démnrred ha Ch. pies and Chu court Alloced th e morer. The Doctor statedtheIc plainig's casef anti ocutnddChst ai cosuson iaw Loee esc ne right to dstaid the gootis o!f thirsI parties. Ht. Biachie elalici CthaC, uudsr Chu clîause ibu Ch.esortgags, Chers cas a leuncny. establUsbod and thst defendants hati a ri ght te destraiu, aund reliai upon the juigoceut o! HtM. Justice Gcyue, in Royal Canadisu Bank ns Kelly. After oxtul"ig Iloutley, the mort- gager, anti aber cIttuesu lb. case wasigirsai teACh. jury. Plaintiff non-suitei. Lesvu givan to surinl terni We have a verdict for pîtif. record- uti for D289. Court adjourneti. Weinesdayi Match 28rd. Drew va. Corporailon aI EBat Wit-t bi.-Actiou for datuages for 85,000. This case i. ut hemring osce go.tus S roe.-fMr. Kerr sud Messrs. McGe& cnes for plai. ; Messrs. Ritcicie sntid Billuzugr. for defundazits. Chairgeocf Clilld Maurderi ciOnTHRitANDsDAtIGUTEit AREIBrii. Mra.. Eddty,.1o! Prince Albert, anti ler tiaugliter, Mary, a young caman o! 22, cure arresteH& ou thec-l7ehinbsC.,uder Che followiug extraordinary cirou- stances. On Chu dahis ol., Che danghter who is unwaiaid, v-as confluoti o! a h.sltlcy nmai-fant., Dr. Wier cas Chu - madical attendant. The Doctor cas diretted iyW m jr.EidyCa cailusxC Clse lcY- cn& 61 thé ,buýek 'door- Wicqrdcr te aàveu ucotico, Ucetallisi 11e2t mornlug aud ascrtiîasi hat Chuthle ld »si mcthur'cure doing ccll, but eas hold by Mira. Ed4y tbal io ueed to aC ea &gain. »-Î-O hu f'ollowboiïg -Satndy- il 121-bC itbeiog mioures Chat Chere caos omething cwroog at Mli.Edyp Dr. Wier calisi &gaiu. Heý ashed.hoc miss Edidy,*as, asid Mre. EFddy repili. 'Mary w el but -bshebsby laisdad.2' R. heu 'UqeàWto hi.ho socu thse 'flll. - lira.Eddy brougbC Ibs body Auto the kttc.lioisp *hors 1he doe- t c as, sud' ,PIadciùI. It ts henoi, caid i, hureIl la i..' -on ulaSsi isation Chu à6otlor cas of opinion - Chatproper uourishmout hart olbue aldulcnispolld ta thé- hitle ont, -sud te- uiarkedW >Airs. Xddy Chat -it lookesi rery bail au ber part, bisldlrsýhsr aise, Cake ce fthie body, as sa n,*àionela ioi conid bu made by the coroner.- Dr. Wiair ticen left, anal despatelisi a mu- ssbgsrto PorC Perrylfor Coroner Joe., cho- arrivesi Chat enaulg. HUs ani- nd a jury'. sud fotlA Constable te -potfy rs. ddythslIii'dceeredto - dfSqta eotîth cre ld Ongc cout abl six lli * u t hen i l bin gt no" ne taeClie door - ot thueIstie$ l, #e ôitroDer'andJucry çrocacded titller, sud Re He NU N Ne' -STOCK 0OP- Boots, Shoes and Slippers, ÂAMOUNTING TO NEÂRLY $ 2,0 j I cals retV atemp to lowupCloricuccl'. prio. Loudoucrsasre rca51y ho b. liens -Chu maddetifprojees ta îrbulodt'O Irl"basc. -J aadrtui tbs h. Goveor t ilce suk Of! Znglandhu reuorrd - intorsàstoes Chats attmpî cwil b. masis tab otI "lhe -Olel dy en Threaduecdle.slroel" into -dUicair# sBd the milwry giard cbic ocesChe .bauk-ev.ry nigbt - bua. been doubld. Thcr&u e iscud :thet sars.cstcher oacleobtained »ccSu ta .-h uion: resinb' t4sebank froua a seur chich Oua beueath Il, s u oxapsl= agentse Chat Chey ima eu apurat. frorn the drain&.-If Cbey have Uisy cwiilu laru Cha Chu rst.eatoir'a sEtorY Ir apocry Che Westminister Bank sud Iuststsue boildlnge.en Lombard.ahretsud Chu ouiBtaad.atrcee Parliameut Buldings, wbiofi ce tlhoroughlY exploroi Ihe' abher day, and ait gbarsies by a iee Mvoe- of deteolivcg and régul oliffeure. hcClub@, more psrinlarly Chus., chere ab.ontsu Isiorde are supposoa Co squander Cheirremnts at baccarat, hans buuu earuud ho, look ont for dyua. mite,-but Chia is doabtleesa jok ofa somc youg muaiburs, or nt Ch. huist a clot of gentlemen runduresi moreuasd duapursîs by bolug blaokballed. Yslloe 11on unrpassed for Chu cunr.cf Burns, Scalds Bruiges, Woaxxds, Fruit Bites sud Ctsiftsains. No other medicino requîred lu Chu housebold. IS le for bulurn&i au cou as exterusi use. BVery btti. is garsuteed ho 'y stisehion. Aul inui. Cino e n Iir s h Brisl'. Sariaparilla shouli be usedInl Iconjuneticu cith Ch. piUs. Aud Chu 'Rick msy rely upon it, chere uséa ogether, s directed on Ch.ecover, no ieseasu long rest the c6mbbnedl seucbng and healing poceru of Chose heu great remedies.- s cogh or cu0I hocovsr sight. Coùunmp. Clo ma foloe su ma-ug Dr. Wistas' Ba&LsaM 01wild Cjxhrryia reçuentii curai hIa mch dreddiseuseituimeî luvsriably cures Chuepimay iscas.1cfthu Chrot, longs sud cbcticbsro other renie. dies fail A hait or ebole boCCl of Hnrray & Lan- a' Flarld Water mbxed walChemwslur ofthe bath isof guat nec ho invalideansd ail dellcate or nervons poisons, as iC revives sud brseeu up Chu fsiling strength, and ootheu hluostmslirritable ici-vous_stsem. XC sicava gveun us isurs hto Àareta- huiton êtrscle cbch are dsserving of public paetrouagu. ]Probsbly no article oeer ofëedt he pobliclibu-mot cith'the same- mucÏocasau Gray's Syruo aied prats Gwzi.- Thousnsscff amdiles lu hu Do- mInIon keepItih Chir home.'a *Ch alnt ard, CouhEsRmedy, Thoasi= o!IbI article bas ussamcd euoraiaus proportions. Ourtadvice tuthcpubUeoai large us lu lry itîwvlrtueu If Ihoy shouldaIausy -ime--as- fortuuahuly coitrsct eltiior Congbs or Colis. It in sold byil chuilts.. odunsithh ui auiai t"blbaveu the prie of most, articles ho Ch. eou tmrCh fri employ'no trsàvellerm lseser Chair soughC by Chais. 'Phà-murchau dccso requiretW keip's lare stock-on budsil-ý log-iC. pias w±Ch inlsrest, for Cha fi Coijja su cisüudiCe source ai1sipply le, hlm ,I Chu cest of apostal csrd or al mosCe teli. gram. Re losea usothiug, thàde u-ftiai ueing over-itced. ,The..article in s stapls oufo hcithureisase constat a d.maid' sa o hat'or iour, sud Che rzhant cmi, thrfore a»M i Chu minimum rats olprfÀt. - tn.a.. nuar... RM. -'- GJEAT -SA LE!'

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