TrHE WHITBY OCHRONWOLE! W. H. HIQOINS, A&t ii. riutias EutaiiUuiim.ut. BBRUCI STUZECIT, WHITBY. rerm $1 5OpeopAnum. ment mea"d. n , onpariels ad targad et tiie rat. i e cents, par lin., #ret &goî1nad 9 oints,per line, ascii lubie. speisi Reporta ci mi'atings Fihanclal t~ttnet iBanks, Raîlway bosupanies., insursa o aipanite, anti mattors, of like. duseriplion whem plei ao uouNews Mat ter taone vs er lino.. ipecialoontraaîa matie with tdvertitars y ayaa % aiir as. Orastoescontinue adverlisemntri i ,u à t ba in wziting. Lusifl638 Direotory. ONTARIO BANK, WKIITBà BIRANC11, TEOMAS DOW, FAREWELL & RUTLEflGE, 'ý ARRISTEORS ATTORNEYS, SOL!. citorà , Notai4,. Public, andi Convy. sners. Offtce ftrst door south ai tiie RoYal 'Total, *hitby. JAMBS BUTLEDGE, B. A.. -1. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Onnnty rown AttarneY. ta M!ESSRS RITCHIE & IIILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT L4W, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY tc U 12.t )> y . H. ITCHIE, . Toranto.. W. H. BILLINGS 1 wlmiby. O'MIILLI'VAN diPERDUE, ARITRATTORNEYS. SOLIC- ITORS, NOTABLES, &i , &'c. ,OFFICES:- 72 Yange Street, next -he Dominion Bank, and Corner Ring and Yange Strects, Toronto. D. A,. O'SULLIY&H. W. E. PERDUE. 'October iSrd, 1880. ly-45 CANEItON, APPELDE & ir. l'HILLIPS, B ARRISTERS, Attorusys at.Law, and Solicitors ln Chancery, No. 4 Toronito street, Toronto. ,HECTORI CAMERON, Q., R. 8. APPELBE, P. NoPHILLIP8. (ly-48) J AMES KEITIF- GORDON, j ARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Soctor LunCianaary, Canveyaneer, Notary Publie, &o. Oifice-1>undas St., firet doar weet of Armstrongs Ilotel. Maney to Loan-Private fondu--at 1ev interest. JOHN A. BieGILLIVRAY, (Succeossor to H. M.'Howell.> B ARISTER & ATTOTtNET.ATLAW, "Notary Public, &e. Solicitor for the, Domi.nion Bank. OMçlc.-N'ext door to Mansion Bouse, Uxbridge, Ont. -28 CHARLE8 C- KELLER, A TTORNEY-AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chaucery, Cobvoyancer, &o., Canning- n, Brook, C. Y. L. T . BARCLAY, ~ TTRNE-AT-AWSOLICITOII lu cbancerygadutdInolvency, Convey- LIUAN 8NGLISNI, L L. B0,, I)3ARRIST R AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN oe Strect, Osiiawa. IJAVID-ORIIIiSTON, B.A, A. TTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cbancery, Convoyancer, &c. OvvWE-In the. office South, of the Post 0,11e., lu McMâian's Btock, itrocli Street., Wh itby..ly4O 3011N BALL DOOt', B ARRISTER-AT-LAW. SOLICITORI lu Cbaueery, Conveyancer, &c. Ofie-DeverWl'u iBlock, Itrock Street, Whitby. MONET TO LRND-Private letnds - I nsums up ta 1$M0, et a low rate.oaiun. tcet. (ly4is * ROIIINNON .& MENT, (Livu DucoAN & Roa11soa) DARUISTEIIS-AT-LAW, ATT ORN. oUya, Solieltora, Oonveyancerc, &o. OFFIC.-ln Victoria Chambais, No. 9, Vicoria..Street, J.G. Rostusowu. à . HawMaavA. E. E.uuor JNO. 0. KELLEBY, B RISTBI»-AT -LAW. BOLICITOR uI Oiianoery ana Insolveccy oanvsy- tuner, te. O£foe-Deverll's ieiBroek: Stret, Whitbyg Ont. 1) RRITEE dr.,&.-Monty t. Lo&a .l)Zsuer ai Marriage Liconns.. Omcz-Over Dominion Bank, Wiiitby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-5 J. JE. eGALJIRAITU, i.V., GRÂDUÂTE n'ofnCeen'. andi Victoria GrUniversliés, Member of the. Colluge of Physîclaus and irgbons, Ontario. Onxoum-Brook.St., Wbtby, Ont., (threo doaru souh oi Ioyal Untel). Iy.4G R3. J. GUri,_ a. D.9 * S1J(FRON TO THE OOUNTY GAOL, Wm. MoDRIEN, JI.D.,.X.R.Cls., G 'V' HOSPITAL LONDON, ENO., the *yuaR. O. B. L, Oshawa, Ontario. C-UDU, BOGART, 'Physlolan, Sttrgoon, Accouchoer, &oe, d&o. Witby, Sept. SOth, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, R OOKS0 IL . H. AMESON'S GoeyStore,, Wiitby. ~lfiehu 9 f¶>8b'1.1o 12 M., sud irom 1.80 ti , P. tn. RseioIae-Ocor. 01 Byron sud Qiert streets. C, N. VAiR, L. D. 8, oerpE l~THingerteti onaSU thé, latent rncf 'e of thé rt,- à & chesp umethe cheapeetobnu '1* gootiase Ibm Io. Tsth ile iot iAuGoU & sd 81v«.. -Ts.tlb egttel-li4tlout pain, bl prodiucing local anus etw e.,ntal borneý-lu owi. nuls new blecli, oateinloon!«Drug SIens, King Street, O.ha*5, 8W_ JOUSN 0ND B0W1 N WIth caini Printed wor404, gpui tlougiiîi,,auw untiring industry, we advôcaîe Pad Pora nGrd. -tirod VOL. xxv. MWTH-ITBY,, 0POVNE-ýF ONTAý5RJOe,HEMARCIL 31, 1881.NO1 I~""'"'-&"'4"-"' A.~J A AtJU RLAU ~A~JIjJ~O~ bd '5and 88 Jarvis-etreot, Taranto.. JOHN McJL4B, . - . JBOP.8IBTOB. Tiio boat01.00 a liay Rouge tth le city, anly tva blocksa tranhie Nortiiorn Deputandeclao te tise Markt. Tii. Roue bas boeau nwly Fittsd eut, ani every.hhing Fruit-elaige. y-47< MtRSN. WALKEYPct TEMPERANQE HOUSSE, DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. Gooti accommodation aI resanablo tanuis. Boarderu 02.50 par yack. do R OSSIN HO'USE.-TORO:TO, ONT. The Palace U nte iCnaa Rufttet, Reiurniahad, and IUnivalleti. Now Passen- gar Rlevalar, euuuîug nigil antiday Ti conly >a-ciasm notiu n aa ithrau. sciriivia -#2, <2.80, anti 8 pr da. Stmbrs afClubs and ti eura u.9b mrcna, vithaut board, $i la $2 p r day. MARK N. IRIE Pub. 27th, 878. Praprietor. RO 1. HTEL, WHITBY. Ths siove hiali as boon Iiaroughly renovateti anti nonuusioi, anti à anov Un- dur te management of GRIl. MACIE, iiormerly ai St. Lavrence Hall, Part Hope. Evony attention pald to guefor mecia travellers. a ou B RITISII AMERICAN HOTEL, RA Y 'S $ (LAT£ 303ousBuE aama WHIT13Y, ON'fARIO. Rause movly renovatati anti furuluhut throagitout, anti put linffnt-clans oenter fon the ecepion 1ète Aunomnibua la andi frofnau tain..Ir, a niaple roons. S QHAKESPEARE HOTEL, ~>Cor. King & tonkîs., Toronto, Out. J. 4. OGADY, . PROPRIETOR. Tzaues, $1.50 rais Dan. (iy-47) P OST OFFICE SALOON, Toto,;To. X. MoCONNELL, -.- ROPRIETOR. i-S' TUE 13ESlT ACCOMMODATION jra- fan ouests. iIy-47) CH IN A HALL, 1 ýN SU'RAHC*ýÇýEet- aîex OP TEESue10 ue (uiEQISTBaD) 71 KING-3T. EAST TORONTO. ONTARIO FARMERS!ý F aucy Breakfast anti Tec Sets.. M t lIn ir ooC rancy Dinner anti Dessert Sels. Poncy Beti-rcom Set-.HBAI) OFFICEP BROOK-S,., Pancy Juge anti Taspots. - 1 Sflver Platdilves, 1Forts sud Speons. T ETS COMPFANY lins Ft -ana iuilti Silver Plateti Cruels anti Suttan Ceaie ru. luge, Coutry Chuircies, Schoal Silvor Pisteti Cake Baskets. oUM",spd thein Contents, ah ratas as8 LOW Te& Trays anti Servers. inlucanada. Flover Siades for Lilys &.Ik. el ail t&Uescritins . JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID, Hotel anti Bar Goodsi GLOVER HAP.EISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Worka, WHITBV. Geo. Cormack, LU MBER MERCHANT & BUILDER. L-A largo tuîplY Oai Enliten.'Furniah. iugs1 anti ah kintis of Tvlshod muidingu, Dooras, Ssah anti Biluts. LUStRE vhslésalu anti retail, or by by the car loaa. Planing, Mouldingi of every descrsp- tiln,lcng, Sieetiug, Siselvtag, Re- aawlng, Sbaping, Tunning. Scroit-vork, et ,etc. Isitby, Oct. 16111, 1878..48 m ONBY TO LEND. 'Tisa untigneti Las m nionul et mou- ey la Lent upon Parme4wTovu Praperty, a nuiiy Loy Ra« tas nlereul. LcM au s b. e psiiutn ss tematbon. noyers SeveW jImproved i mrmiltiWild Landis ion sala cbeap. Invesinuente made lu Municpal Doban. lunes, BanS, anti thS ur uatatable BlocS.. For funthorpotkintarsappty h4 J AMES HOLDEN, Apni h, 8leml o NTARIO IIOTIL, Baocx-STUESae, WIIITIIY. JAMES T. JEWELL, Proprielor.] (Late ai the Nlpissing Hotal, Toronto.) Good Liquosonaanti Cigare.Comton Shabilag. Firat-cisue Livekry Stable anud Billiard Parloan attachai. iy-10 0 SIAW IIOUSE, KINO STREET, OSHAyA. H. CHESTER, - - Proprictor. ThistLrue-itory, large anti commodln Rou n e t riltti andti urnihedti 10suit the vaute af lie travelling public. Table sup- w itli hotheboheast ai the. seasc. The r u ppliod vîiitise boat branda, liquars sud cigare. Bus ta anti item sta- tion. Ampleostableroi, careful baillera. 48-ly T IE QUEE.N'S HOTEL, Bnom Si7Laa, Wzcreay. PHJLIP MrCANN. - . Prel.or. lieut Liquars aud Cigarki. A well ep pîm.d table. Aîry b.d-ratis Comaiarlbîs etabtinu enid large yard romn. Cierge. unuderate. .. -88 WHIT1I'Y HOU SE DUNI)AS-ST, WIIITUY. The uià doerei nd oulti intimate la the Pubîlic tt,t e oaprumises haeubeau uewly built ant ittei op theougieut, for the accosmodation oi gneisas. Best Wiuea, Liquores and Cig&ns. THECcREAU OF CANADAý' -WALZ LAOER. Alan pure Rhine Wîue. Lager, Wiol.- maa,»sd Rtai. Boardiera taken uy -tic yack ou moer- ste leruit. JOSEPE A. BAtNDELL. July, 281h 1880. 32- B LACk ILURNE .i O-rEL, Coà 6Ju.losa i &uSsacc Srs., TORONTO. ALFRED OXFORD, - PROPRLH2'O1l. (La ai Wellington RHal, Marithau.)ý TERES, 81.00 PEU DAY. Gootiotcal- iug for aven 800 iirsuu. Puirs-oamsaccoin- modation for farmera andtihliatravelling> publinLugancrul <y L J V E IRY Z T IIE LIVBRE BUSINES vllin future 'bc caristi on bj me ah theolat place Rayai hatli, &Bd I respectfcmly alit theo patronage ciflthpublia. G ohrses ani ccmiortaile vuoiles. ept. 151h 1879. 1.0.PEISGLE.n1 - - ' I M R.J. il, DATJES, fopaper 4ýdveailstug Aoent, 41 -Park Rnv (-irimes Cda s) , NoirYork, la aulluorized te cuooatrusot for advetice. menuetu tho CIRONICLE uai eue bemi rates. S TOCK SPEClULATION.AND leST. MRNT.-Operallonsc o arnor, by PniviIego.s. pecial. baumnc in Ming Stocks,. - Pull partuculan ou application.' JAMES BROWN, Bouler lu Stoià s &sud' Bonda, 64 & 616 Broadvs,- N. Y. 45-5m. MON EY - TO LOAN UN BEASY TERIRS. Apt W. H. BILLINOS, or Offic e o Otanlo Bank,' LU MBE>R,ý I_ LUMBER I ARCRI-E'lCTURE! DRAWINO AND SPECIFICÀTION BUILDIiNGS Praanptly proproti viit, vluv ho Eeoomy inCentruollan. CHURCH AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A 8PEIIUTY. Conrespomdemce R«epctfuly Sotlcliad. E. B. BARRER, ýArcuittat, &ro., .Oshsava, Ont. A. A. POSîT,, <laie wti Lan lLamgley & Biurke, A RC H1 TEBC T D Wius for Cburce,VîIas anai CeIIegu a Ytcci>. Dravfop prepareti for re- Orncz, for lie pruset t is reeldenco on Kingston Roati, Pickerng. &-tfe P. o. Box 22Wamaiy. J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WMILS, C. NOURISE, Sscawramsr. Witby, Apri] Pli, 1878.-le pHtEIra PIREINSURANOX Co. Lombard SI. andi Cbirlg croîs, Londont. ESTALI5MEI> IN 1782. GILLE.SPLE, MOFFÂTT & 00., Manaea, lMoutral. A GIqY STABLTSED'CA- Punda. Motierato rates cf prumitum. qO. TURBE. Agont, Wbitby. Wbltby, AprIl Pl, 187.M - 16 BETSHMEIOA As8urance Company. INCORPQRATED xz83. 8 8 BT 8 11011,87 9t. F. A. BALL, Manae. tnsurs.ncet sffected at the. lovest ourrent rates on Buildings, Merchandisé, and other property, alnst lIon or dam"e by Ia. C.NOUESE, &gant, Whltby. Whitby, April th. l878.16 P EPrirws QznmF. EAxn o10 N Twc centaine an unTarylng amount of qulinn and tcon. It ail the poaers of tii., vainabi. toncom lu baulabiug di»*sesan d s m~trtTaeable ta veakueusa am1'wtat. r! lie nervnu sstem, enfeeblad'condition of the, body, and derrangernent of the. gaverai PEPPEB's QUIDNE à AND 1MONFTONTC efreutiens lithervacsd ,uscular sytrinprovâ. digestîin, animna.tiith muret, mamlts thé. bealtii. FOr delîitasd hEaltfron, the, ffsctet ofhot tonte Io invaluable. 1y4 ffp P ,t'8QVUME RAND IB[OSTOSTO' m rouies and develops lie mca-oui aergies, rsebes the blooti. promolus aptIt, dispels lagnicvantideprsatnfortfies lie digeultra Orgaâusa [sea seelie romoedy 1er îseuaaigts aigne. indiigeston. fée-es cf OVer Id. elsts afuctinansd ln vastiag d»ies...veoao toudenclus. t"c.Thaolu r...l srsstiy t.ivWgnal.4 iy Preu's Tonte. lb. mentl faanities blgloueau*6lise ocutitou rutly 1itrsnetbuuo& anti aveu -'outiesb J.Ppu.Btford 1LabaratorvLodm. Mish uthe u I.a.Thm*o tua.x#cu1f cealiu lell s eppt s u4Is, ti. resue for uelauvs Case of tfsr orifrarmu Condition,.y- nÂ.ACMAum PODOPny=Lli.-pru,. by J;=am~. London.This ls ù m U)dicinal mets, Sa nov sns..! iasta l" ie PMO and calo- niai forth. cure nf dysoups is~oummes,,andi loge Wu, ir apueth ,6o.1 onedtsaUreosbie test. lun-. usvnfug Riidinesa. l tesouciat gfofulacea gou-inarslod. Il sets theu sug. lie nmto.vurv slig.hly atou o h grula, idvigsa ase of heallliandi comicrlb vitbu 24 houes, Il -ls lie safost miino.ele Taraxaeura ant Po"opb e- t&a lid Ruade only by J. PEPP£Ibesifodr Aiboratory, Lonïdau,w oe ameLuonevryjabeot ties te. 91. -ad 4a. Bd. SS by I lum tstu. t A uuostyalahe udsand a muaW edictlso for la- dia Austra- hle cape, anti Colcnesea per .iy datiy* ar adl l*dv eompltgelq ioly suah t oucreolp. 010 l a, es cnl slatenonsdv.aatdos olt w eî".1. Lerg bolleuli d.-Ssekrla equatte T1HIS PAPER zmay on flO £JOiM5&OXpOflIr5iSf!5.L , 18 vetising Bureau e 0Spruce St,, vima. -TOK'EV5LPUXI vertiuug cnrct nyb. atade fanril uu la teb t o sjCotonl.og. ..r.M ii ol MONEY TO LOAN' cfd!jamer ON R.EAL ESTÂTE SEOURIT. .%u13nsuaitt At bovst lvlpsg rates oS ltut nhssl a ps une U tvat ' l ina ne >gouon Moçney securoai 'wihhin 10 dy cfp.4 Apply tla JOHEN PAî UHABON. a l d Whitby, Pebncary 16t,180 9IMqa a WHITDY, 'ONTARloia Importera, Desiers .dmaqiaouicnorAUaicul LEA THER AND FINDIN a8.> , ï>. den iusfo Oas 1is d forHMaus, Bark send Losiben. in Boxst$Iýdi 209d, MJ&ad 1& 6& M SORT NOTIOB. ~ .. THO., -LEIGHý, HlousE & SIG. TWO DODUS-WEST OP ARSTILOY emagmauls of liohi5&O U d 311 g lbnugh nohl, a4ult, on-,bou' , ib c*bip, eut coit 011t hep &bout sl"pioamQ freinMv, K*lr*ngb' .sal, »CI 48J hoir sîpeofea vhçJ3y or - iapart-de., 4rayet ly him- ý Tluos~ on for- Lt matIportse InoranIads uil-ac. tIi. oitigant Eobn4 Ilad ,boh ,wetiam b u " -"I "Y wiî vsmurpisy74s lau«is, loieo uebu - îtu -lecIlfIm hJis"x- a il aaeeed stranga Ibat evèc' rliyrpaielRit.! '"Il vW*as but a ebtià âgd sitouldi ndulge lu stuolu ilcn!ly at iseI iidshep.fatiten but à kamekftesr."p labdoida cf oneasupposae, hob. dangr-','. 'Titcnwhore dit yen -learn7,cuu, fine. -ouulyiii. 'Onluis, roture, mol only vas' j vodgsaut ycurgc,1grg '.- the seunt i revd,ýbuî lte cabi dbor ilt thlie' ývillage obool. 'Itacgeme té apecleti jusîshe vas shoottelupâte it. lime' ltait leai'ng wà 'g (ho oolny tiing r audiiuramabath Mutpby sot Me- jts8cud~tme ,cuit nÉia' icondiion i goire. lise formuer évidenty luthe bîlu h hatl[va.,very, uplsani,sud so-I esu, spirite, ltaelatter ---,7-'sud quiet- woi'kot bard et my books," iookingcs nouel. , ' _ý1. 6"Ah. Ihal's bcd," obsarvêti Mistes- "I111cm glati Mn.' foulon le botter," 'Msguire. daIre0à tingly. - Idog1tmimd1 obs tai e Rber t, sigoiieaoîy. I1 luape , a y l 1 1 0 eeni. to "'a - o ltera us nov mc reason wity Isiteultiba lvnla asd' aveu a -11111e "sftÉme ic, teieid atimillauce te hlm ?" . IisnhctI have mysoîf founti 'ùefdl eot -a ",Ho'. ili-se'averS il iii V11, iegan efnicb-batwI cam' deadt againat bôoks.. Murphy, booomiog auddenly assiste anýti- luytisliUcitu entea ctiQ1%. Ah is, nadt. J dment, lueteat cf, say$m'g ho yourseif., !'Stuff ipmd-louseme1" sait Meguiro,, !Hèe inlu s man cf spiri it Va ,peeie. cootemptuausaly, -"1Wty kosp'- çp u"- *hôae vieva ,muaeeds :u1q oret fara., Dick. bufone Mn. Chesnoy., vise; uboiaehing, sua II oo' ic tèsdi'yoP, sfter al, la onpet .useve 2Mn alre.stîg in l t(muklug :abithýt.. Danton eau hardly,,b e ou hotgnigblt 'ýWIII l tbe 'pudant ta*d6' - s alte sir, being in, poit, of fact--" idoà ,.hat cequris Ityou, or even (lf'théy' "Untior t iunfieuce c a e$leoping z ittyc0- u ot orgodooks), "lI - à ticughl,". interrupted Murphy, grave- ýie, ïi 1l? "NovW ItL,' sc-n&eoeelenC -Iy. - - ' ' - i h t l tsacbaracher' f oui 'geeti "IJust ce," continuaetiMagUire, "bètlipds' b'ele bard 'hltx~ oe if you requin., a plain enserer te a ~~p.~" quésation or tva' I ',pnbisai -,h lap ZRo sm olf i Mrà kt*niieî ddUux - bell oua y ynoff e u tt'ôl ho uc ovar Al teliém.ioved,'aia hose eémphiioâ fd 'p$peýom thle.fokeaie."tu~uto ?li pipe. Il vas fimpos.-' Robert',tfiongith Il sétrange,,emougit aib V tjl ytise epes bli i s- thtiîha siould b. lb.. referrsdho' teIMls aewier15vs ié u iji s6or' Iii .ùS ter.Maguire"'jon u 1xpl'aiôncf ausno utd I "ffývqer otme go' d<4lth imsportance, lut lue wva. to tieiru cf story; ' b timueti ' #) taiuing 1$ to to4augi'timonclaie sÃcabiu-b0y, asud' luw tv1rorî- We fft. I s. f-,minutes thé tw tva lu-veiuI via - oîan.à ü -hvejnty.- v.*ieleti nuter "shelley 'Érom lishe Ifnim oflte câpÎà ùiuý of' bt l fraluelngJuooz, ci vitt a pipe lu Il ivia bt a smil anai, À~ed.~l bhis meuhli; hIIuY veyequite sage, ex- calelîsti 'e eruad,'lut -fey -è cep ~o h.vatli-teemigrnt. hae- hante deau boidralu pïÃ"à w' dt,Ãôld n;w' ~para$" sy -prly uout; e %tiousaui ladn th cîtremuBar t&aia8a 1 ud ié starswse asinaing qvenlmasd',tis adiseimt long luit'lts p1acé ih6n v&felW J brosse rang lun ie aiurau'da,but-tisera liïIvilis ca tî ange ai;t Bit. éli ùi à vus mc alter sounti, sava vimau a wvae olýns; s sam r~uari', Isrgee.Ihaucommon sîruck ltae vesiel hon'oul toe à s schooner, (nll'fý ou hon quarter, aud matielier ebivar aIlelu isiulit, aud,'vitih 'c' ww froça stem te stanu. han cf great igunso. - .' '11o0wvijat flei 'aiyom vrautehokutov "Wtere doe hiaslopbbu ~" Young Mau 2 luqutireti Magia. , hailadth ie. *I"1 n veul10kmcv severa i tinga," ne- *'ToLondion," sait 1; '(roui Barbu pleti Robant, piqueai y luis ccmpauiou's ces.'- toueaint aise, peu-tape, by the. reflu- "W. kuov tiat," was ltae:uânee-re tien ltaIt a confidence btai ben repos- 'Senti yamr casiler o board.' a- e.tinl him çvhich bat been deniadt ta "Antia aceSfleg fisv np 99 berur' hitoseif. "Firstly, vity have 1 bae omeel-ihat. Tith as -ihirhy yeurc ,ago' ' Inîti by Mn. Deuu taI Mr. Kavensgh, ansot h1» noeuiluben thal ,mom4%nt as, - mu! employer, vas te join us on Dur 4 eaaly as tisoug i i happee i yest.t.-t, voyage, viun &litI as net lbe case ?"iay. Ouaetia.ea'l fait i'mb lite' bauds "Loi us coufine cunsulves te'fasels," o f piratas every day. Neivithitessdlng: ' repliedth ie cIter, puffiug sawly ut ibis t umm-aleýrm I tot il bard' hi*keep 'MY -pipa. "lLesve outI wvien lta;aiset mc lmer (vimich vas alvsyà s sitcs4iWhou the, daie,, anti-tis a couer j sy; n.tIs'eaophalo cahoeutcav-é vers maS Kevanaglu la go ,oardth le sip ttahis ing lie boul hasle. vs oulti lu otmn itts prasent moment."i boal lovent ibis lup, 'Full:fà st*r, ;.you:i - -1I prckle-sbirted- dogâe1 _(a. uthugit vo - wcuid'îi h ave worn vImitS cte, i l fi" CEAPTRIX. htttkuowu ofi-i prference Wojtbemi)f n 'an T yul ruit eu vthiuù auiainoluof THE OABiMPAcuEifGUES. ý - ;r'Ive sud thaï lnoh "toc.,-"BUi'<Ij '"Itr, Kiysuagb on..board 1 'Tûil la 5 kim-beltin taim le' suiv or ~wmm Incndbls, 4claim.d Rabett. - omirlbu in théilm iouie . mouti,s, alpa "1 can'theip Qà ct," réluritti ICag. ^he, provérb, gel il out as eaay-alYoe uîro "î'auouVrepeat (bat îIýstlue can. -.Oniy Imad..iipy- nin4* h' f. facl. 4 eplz ilWtt MyevW13 4aÃŽ~o. 1b -sta .~ bs.~vo~ w da-y.,l ;Ltick Isc'ven promiý thai 'laka- ibtguutlomap you "ul rm -,l i "thb youri tcô-uiort. hd am imjte tbsses vWhi ta_-> Ut the "-pouce", coml]à od - 1 'Ana h re ' hnW ÃŽAVA n Jy k, a, ., s .t ..s: 't d Very Icat6et hit-now- iagédqêp&% ,. ~lose handiwsaaabéy~f êiverybety's bqud wu~aà iI sanie ïgooti pointe abolit' hir, e, 'iltAir: aatpointse tiî*wre attractive) 'vas, a> =abject cf cuniasiltluau ýof '4oatinR ,:bbdyw'ouli otwies te daetroy, even #' atl s~ittM111angeous i but ç!ould rallier preserve aid make muolu obf it,a 'a -rlîr"sehô f'hat 1usd oncexiste&d. - Wbat doubtlesa streugtheu.d lthes. ,iueral viava in Robevt' tvlucÇ ,Wis er t'nly naOt withluout god pnelpî.ewtu lias nddanly broken cff liad aaélîed d3 ubear the. conclusii oi tbaëouat; téré' Moreovar, tisa- onfidence tisat had thos been reposed :ýmui-o it vwas reasonable taesupposea t magnira id not sho;Wtav4qry.bodv thiasîotgauiz leaf of!lle ovu, lsÃaory.-mwAa a 'comipli. menjJ lisrg a op4seas rseùs!a og IWne X".Wau avii netuo s metdtat hea sioaid 11this to deiful stqVryaIli ovar tht pJjp ,mgn~uu~y jladis "fliii I ýâd hie luaeonad ta 4p.t Hçdii net ses 'tisai vitatwa a' aI -thaiépuuofui ninilees. tih, caims cf justice sud 7aulliority s tbfti u osiaie» baye-net beau expect- éd ',thal lié,woul d baie "shcbked ant the réiielntiou ato e.denaunca tie afithoreof if. , gie là aa.koJïlf the . -uieÃŽ'Ãiinkttc,1 'iuu ai -tii. Moi ler Carey, aud dreaincd ý'fa "eopecklei-ahirts d dg," Who -was, sn un oct lthpe moning- 1. itc iehlly ;Ia<l n igr tkonir ,sbaoerbed the *aa true ilt vas ooiy a..f ýe4 lpa jluordi i mcpro Labilftyi, t"b.'srn u ed't bêlieaéý&etià lâèstor bis ioomp4auîièà thîc Maid r~b ave l. T .ngréîn t1uKt aguxmre brv ie=s- natqbsns.t "Qrà lÉan -béI,.aimgcou a o4ue f hie oeft de ofthe prerl' n4veig WhewhoýudhlS4i-arrivod' 4tAiïibot it»eceiviuq amy ommnuninc.' &ftaediiEe? urby came Io to W lb-éd . WqèI iidu", wýai.iwttéF (Ta be Cntnuer) Tuas.ýWROeG 1ucLxw4-Thq Portland, ýýTe Lse,ý1t, "L ý ,c Iw - Sorgecrul Cuatume. ' l ulaatsrli.'h iy amt thdty Wighlýaxbibit luvarda ý-'t.' poli.; (Froflthe T rise Witnu.) muhtriea. viiether on ..laudor see' -Surgeant a412&lis guard n1 ton suit, luiacomnpadiona vieva in thhalquar. men came ont irim Athlone; ant inLuthe. ter did ceuni a littîs ",aranceti," con. 14LOG ai theo sa.eriyatenupte thiov sidarnugtlie %matllemo f the.provocaï clown tha Planka WhiiiiideGincla hati plu e- efotie. ei on lie, brakan arche.tnaapsug for bistreaps t aPlt t( PassWae "Ia il nominal, thon," saked ha, "for lb, psnoka oi'the terrible dusoharge of shot ieplslebar eclsi.tala aub~Calvbh ssau»lW e d « dofuter,ý nqinoubl? Tiey dontî mean ny par. bail cearoti away,,ual &auc- ai thumai ic ular.liarm toms, I suppose V' to4se hey vere .11 deati veut 1"noer -board of them maaniug any forth, anti smccoetied-in thieii tugr'buut lest gcod, ratarned tise othor, gricnly. them lires &U but tvo.-Efftory cf Irgaouu. Rohers isinuself begau ta leel ucem.- White wa vait withihanefuint i fortaitie ; occupieti with iis owu sor- 0cr lc.vd Leriu'acocmiug glary, - rewu, aud .1111 more vitliissmultifani- Lot anitiirow à a îuo biina oe dalles, ho hsaît aimat forgotten tisa Ou tii. pages a1 bersM017. sppreheusione u viiclu lue mad on the glorious days loug lied laboreti whitea t Mlvauey'u but et tbis On the actious ai ber de&-MmnaIlteicdns he i a Anti ha,.Custamu. foagisî anà bmletalehdnidnsviil ioht At cad Athionu. first matde aequmtintsnce wiit bis pras-, eut patroenreurnad 10 hlm.. Kavansgit, Wheu Ivico dive thonsanti men indeeti, vas uat ou baculd,,bat haoluini- Andt wice s score ai cannon, self sud, Morphy ver., sud il vas ,nmore Brate islence 1h51 bcdlbean, Andi awoke lhe slumbering Shannon thh4upossible ltai ilwÃ-ou thhir I.c. On lte thrlce hleague't**cn eonnt ltaI Ibis uuwelootqà ; V.isih v as Rainiu strm of abat anti loiup about to b. pair!. ;Wiîbaaî >ieolut.iy. Wbia itravely atoot ils omm wiehing litaI ýMn. iaguiro, w..- aI tliq Anavniug back te tire viss whel, lue regardati b e.prýoaisofisa viilti vs m glox~ig ant pia, Ile.ywtitit coneiderable anxiety alt- "Ji tisaIris gel reliai, reaohed te piîp;asul a police înspec. Ou ourpraven esa ro tatu1c; Ion, ecuompanied. by Ivo mcnoarmat ,A" iavougs yeux latsdussater, vi'tpiSe n ttsu so mor Qqlijiy, neyer biise loup, 'The atu a muupe,, rte "klnt as1ciyot a mater; parchuiont 4044 d lehlm. an tho On allnts v'sormu Athene." crderse esguvein lu slsk.n, i , ud Wftbsa cheer le vork for ilbnda .zc.$e bëo.,,weieu 'a1t Plicnln sthe hilrsu lunom <ndec. ,Tteu.é, Whle them cannon keop tefa. tor, wu the un11.1cr tluc paseengers ia 'Noaththeb.ramparte uinter cever, iis b"~d, ûnsh oMpia hû enumbors.' Porvard boys, your tmsk là doue, "Tbier, ro tvailpasege o n Curet Atliont , lamhos v on, ltae li'I"'ou-w>e1i'v.41,cqWl. Thora a dag ofi peu anaI gola "- tOuOis lMn. Detitoj'4, viu ' b iiiel Fiying o'er lti. Bluanon river, fSud belew, iII (i hà c o i i bacb Phares a votersu cali antibolti la Ur. Kavanagit, nue coma on btoard." Reepmng anxieue gaard, and noyer bsc, cdlt Sbia gioglnon ti.-n, "Titlromains u10 oonpý h Shh ii UglsitaeAhiona,# inspecter, aigniflcýunt.1 41 "I muist Oau lbey asI l iie fort tbeir cvii serclu lisp hip, anuth Iou examina' a01 Tilt ho vit Ideli*hll noy er. 'baie. Se "aîDo pouivethe' dock. "Stept Lad Culumo ho thse fraut, WhetO à tbisMUr. Danton ?" An -ôffi- Corne nsYguaru ot i irauks, jcer ciii, ývoueesciacempa 1mied teinel- W. wil bravo the bImlle's brut, aposter AaCné omaPolicemain b'eov; lte Wu'li ruineatise trescci'rous planku; crew sud p asaogeru remaiued vitera LeFofr tie ai veoso tise7 are ; the latter, fer the most part Fsrevoilswoetiiarl., motisr, vives, cctt u lumd e aosu b Weicaaiu storai of shot sdoi . Ruardian of th. lav asusluoep reaid a Forvrd prsg les, uars e Ilru, dog, whose ioen(ions,' uoltisutantiing Tic' an snn ,thoartsf ir, bis office. ti. cmol punada thoa.u (Irsh oli pp i xâîriresalves, are fiendly. Sema vote a more Noyer vait la coano t houtees>; diseniytaaspect, sitougi t tey bha Firât the Englu a totiamaz.ti patticular c*use for igivîngs on their At the dsniug of the. dueti, av accoant, sudaailiers a more mon- Theu iram Ialk tau iSkt lb.7blasai; seing, s e ar or blie luadthie upper Andt teeWeil i Itii.7 sucad. lband. Mutrphiy sud Magnire atone, Wheia tEe smake ha.i cleareti ay, wbo ttood apart by tise bailwarks, Silence reignati as tdeep mautsi; eeed ltte lte wviseaffaîr as nue Amtieleven iodiesij1 of courue. 'rut, fnom *bat he t Iter Qunh, n au èL celamailforthtd jast obsçrvedtl le hlm, Robent knpv Pircn tr'te onigair, tbilsAs fer (roibelng thb' ase, aI prom Atisie. lheir ayes fl atruueatjy u hi n 81111 aluven morevat furth it toani s ooi' fcam ee or-uu-; Wms hose whoti meeouaEzrecei am rnhti oa Thinking liberty vu vrth lenaucea viienl resenwtlyl,:es-moLu* Net eue drap, butlpoete gos!.; appeared uponi it, aimr'- hipiz exlv4iAs;-, Maaifully thay vnrk'dxail Walli tien o,lte " i Tire,-roptle flb ieihr, ' ~ i; And ai Jhnglaud's siiet a i o- - vsto hruh~ n c l Ail tisebeacsltcth ie vû&er t1utae&enoc iÂlo ,Wb.ithIe mniuiatieloetisway, Pïooé4e 'Tsré u*e. fc liitei b o;' 'à t fibion igeyiâ,U dik Prout 1ouin net Itqis4r - oC. a, béei ià peîtmr, aýà t Shal ycaur fIeg .5 re&Iai b'off 1 i cSp. vuIband over the wie"ful on theomris hogt e e 'nsemijhai For he Iish ola nd geen egd. Wboo luecame Wtcihâsiib;t Wves ail suent antiserons thlie là t's great relief, ho diai mot dsil9'>at" Olor Aiiu.second ; nurer tiç"NiatêF Magiew ,"c .Men of ish Iiod d abfrhh, , uy mmec m o iii atte tion ; but Throwu aun'whahacaver shiore, tha se ie4ý4mpiY verYparticular- ý -WhIJtY" 5atler at utheuearti. iy , it a 1luket any' adir yeWre,"<4 Torehame.thoe dseta c orf ,I" r ir 2 sqieitsIgutmnl Brotheii, sop"aci OCusîma heu1 sahana cf gratiflati vanuî it> taI cenvula-1 0f lihesacnlcgloicant -dhabaesiwsl niehmt And proparo youra.lves lte moundha 1aea l a emhi~hmh Tenset ms brava oi t Jndulgo cmn badinage riÃuthlitacon%uîb q SlytlisaI t tracIslëjiËth Robert the i 96.cimthîmg bh,ipmt hlmm b h isigh O&d MURPHY'S MASTER. luélr. 5cm. of 'b eugst,'oin theitaalir ban>d,. wme itimlnqedtê'oserult1 thihwiaty thug takn-4tl- .'f6wa <OolocksaL) aa one Pofthem ýà néa-the i-1 caiiu at bis peil ntt pEuè nï-hiuie f> OIJTWÂMRD BiscfD. urneti lte utter'ibto Thon e to nos e m Ivo lumirot 1