SPRING ! PRINTS 1 TWEEDS I 1881. as PRINTS 1 TWEEDS! ISPI1NG!, PRINTS 1 Wo ha ie recoeved fthe most extensive assortment over shown in- Whitbyo sud at veq close prions. A good print for 80, 10c, lie, 12c, spendid veine, COTTONS I COTTONS! COTTONSI The best in the Dominion, at MilPrces, aud in some cases lower. Goad Caotan for 6oe; very poil, 8o; Extra heavy, 10e. Dont buy a single yard until yon have çxamîned our large stock. it viii pay any buyer of elothiug toe nland examine. Special line at 50e, vert)' more. C. F. STEWART, Whitby, Marc)' md, 1881. MONUMENT Ta POrE PIUs IX.-Tire Coilegn af Cardinale la Raminl&coiui la eret a cuagnîficesulwviie marbie moanument te the o mnry af Pope Pins 1X. Ils modol basa been fiisbed by tihe sonîplor, Jcoanneto, ropresentinlg tirs pnes4 oiadilu bis cle, kneeliug a& a lot prie Dieu. Pospe Leoosudtho principal meebers ai bis court have giln te ais tanhein irearty approval. WbeeS csxplelod it la ta b. piaeed in thre basIlics of tire Chureir ai Sauta Id" Meggiere. Theirs(lsgo Dry Dock Company iras recently iraparted s namben ai French Canadian sirip darpenturu ta replace tire strikore. NzwrouNDLx..sD aRMrsWÂs.-Tire Gev- ernmeal of Netionndlsna lias antereri lIe a à cantraclt itir an Amenlean Syndicale te bauld c ralwcy ceroa tirs Island. Nswioandiand pays 8180,000 s yeac for tirry-five yeais and giveua naillioet acres ai landi. Sarssioa COUaRJuUDsaE§'SALARieS. -Tire $1.000 s yosn givea ta lie On- laraio ovenament for services aunlira Heir sud Doviaoe Commission is ta b. discantiheul, and tirs nuitinjdRe Sp. poi'tsd la Supeciar Court ai Ontario, wil necoirs $1,000 a yoar lese han hic Tire. Pastan cfia certain tata chancir tire.theroenvelope syom as la vogue, iaiocmed biegotngragation on Sandsy aveaing tiraimrne usembers tare ab- sent nindsd enougli io ceai the suret. ope@ vîtirout potting aay incney la GET gocd seste for tire Luis aCnaceri. Secuca one belon. you are Loo lite. OuiTARIaOsRIKET ASSOCîATIoN-Tira auaI meeting ai tire Ontario Cricket Association vili bcrelrld in tire Itouel ironie on Mondey, lia 4tlà ao Apcrl, ai il o'elcck. It is iroper tirai eveny cricket clun atir, province viii seuil s nepreasuttiar, sud _represontatives frani the ior provinces are eerdiaiiy invited, as questions relaling ta inter- national erleket viii ire brougirl befere the meeting. Headacho. Whb ecomas stlriag martyr ta Hear. usue bena IMaocK Brsean BIrcaîise vil sarsly carseithe cauce af-ail varitîrs cf oluher .Sick or Nerrons Beadacis, cissace tirs Sys- tem, regulate lie Sacreticai, relieve Conz etipsilp cf lie Uoelei, purif y lie Bltod, renavis utheLiver snd torse ap iii. eavous Systosa, and disicessinia head -cle wifl bo unknota. Bamuple botiltu 10 cona. eg batties .00O. Ilà rrsx.î's PaCRiAt BAuà tLa e om1pesed -CI the mcii hesitly bclzams sud gase. 'Tii. Baliais, vbicb enter itLc ie compos- ilctiowrs ued lsy the. natives wbsn Amisi le& vas frstdicovsred, sud are combined witi etien veoaeiîstantces sableaded ta- gether, ut h is a upeie, Ãac ail affectians allithirt ndsi sulage. Tiusande of bot- lie are ncsd sunuaiiy, sud itii. coneudered ans o e bstandard preparatians eof the diy. In cases of Cirante diseases wiich dacicre bave failod ta Care, BUsaUncR BLOOn IT-r Trias ira achievor itis gresteet triumph. Ail disos..aif the Diood, 'Livsr ari Ksdaeys, Smalahs, Dyspaia Nervon e Dbility~ Biisamaîism, Piles, iemate Cosapialits sud ail forsae af hast Vitaliy are pcnmptly csîced hy lii. gcszi rnvatlug tauruc. Triai bot- lie Cotcolton Ceua. Thre Vsnerabis Arccdeacan Seatt, of D ur- hem, Canad aste,sys tbat ho saferoed froua dyspepsie mare tia weaiy-fivs years bai tiat tires vomIs' as. af tise Penaviair Bycp u Iran taule) ha. beaefittad Isus cn .azsdrlally tirai ha cat i ardly pernalie hiasseif cf tire realiy, aad people the tuai, im arecastenishod et lhe chaneo Camaping outinlatliapin.Woods hie beon rococamendeul tae oasacaptlvopatients, sud lb. Iiev. Dr. Murray, lu hiebota etheii Adirondacks, menionu a remanhabie curs troamIresaimeni afi tua nature. Evecy ana affiited viii pulaiensry dsees cannai male ts lcavenisat te camp coct, non i. il ueoesssxy, thon aIl thbs benefate aiftire treai- ment axe precurable by seing Gcay'a Syrup cf lied sprnaf Gnm, asi cisatiflce pmpaîa ion, wviic pressatis, la a conceoirated ad agruebs tras, ailUsh rmasetoftuis native médilcinal gem As 0arsfer Ceughs, Colaol's, S» Hin si-cfBasîess, ih la Invaicuable. Boid bysil obsmiote. Pnice 26 ad 60 cents per batile. 18cm'tu Trti. gnà îciwa F,cuanrAW..rxs. -Tire irue FloXida Wter atays cames with raltle pamphlet wcapted crouud mach bottIls, udlai tepaper of iblu pamphlet a"e Me vends 1M lsm 4;uLome, Net York$," eten-caarteeloau tampeul su pale, transparentl lettecu. Rid là a lest cp taeithe ligit, sud il genue. yen vii ste lb. aboe tords. Do net bey If tbm tordu are nal tbere, becanes il le Dot nie rosl artiles. Thse vat*r.mark latter aay bis very pals, bat by iootlng cloaly against lie ligt, yau cannait Mil te osetem. A ftact ibii en Paliîcal econciae apt te fengetinis ta a muaafatntre rais 01 profit lasotthébm aiy ossentiel siemoat te sommees; tise aggrogato Itrofit ai tse e nd cf thiý p aisof fan greaier importance, sud tiii»l uccsi cases jeu pester cut cf a lot caeas profit iban cnl cf aigi rae, b.- cause club.1ncneaseul business, thîci thse lovor prlee gives xri" le. Il vas an ibis prinçîplo ibat Moeuse. Tnckst & Billlugu calcl al' ttrcduolug heIov fOW amiou UOMynleNlavy" bobacco, sud tg ls pchu tipis tbay bave avec minces adiocou. Tue ile ns i uereaone 'avy lie peopla ai Can- ada arc smoking tbe boat tobsca twicioea ha produesd, ai a eeper price than auy ciber people eau boysauiniar article. Most wrnl e . aelof ail ce"i. hoir Dono~atetng, detorgeat latnum, he fuil i ux sud the dme ot gngute are apsc4lly hager Inlutiro obaWraan sd M i niot leathhome sapas mad eroeptona aresoatheal anal csu. . Tor!oflfsness ci Pçoplc. Wu woitld nt, hy autlelng boadiagas al other derlesed yea lute, Mailing1 cf ie rlirinsposue»d 8 Pierce'ssCe ubrateil 'Mudiles vexe It net tirai' vs are*aAre et tire - toqgtuiesoti o people, anal thil iodai, ion ;ailý cl adccl Sb. ci Goldle livol oul xlae Fashionablo Milliuery -and Clotlsing Store.1 Haw ta gsi Rlch. Tho griat secret of ebtaining riches, la frRt ta prcico economy. and as good old Dleacon Snyder." "It used ta worry the tufe eut oef astoa psy sormous doctor's bills but now 1 have strack it rich.' Health sud ha negisssreigh supreme in aur lutile boas. hore. sud al i smpiy beesuse we use no -othcr mcdi<'ine but Electrîr lBitters and only contsafty cents sa battis." Sold by sul druggists. Sin-lO T'he Grestest Rernedy Knowri% Dis. li-;ras NEcw Dîscovzax for Cou- sumptlan is certally thesgreaiest medicai remnedy ever placed withln 1he reseh of sufforng humanity. Thousands of anas hopeleses ufiscers, Ziow load!y PIoOlimI theic praise for this wonderfai l soovery ta WChaelohs w. thele lives. Nai aniy <las It parifively cure Consamption, but Caaghn, Colds, -Asthmsa, Branchitie, gay Fevsr, Hoarsenes s ad aII affections cf ithe Thra, Chest sud Lange yid ai once ta its wan. derfal curative pawers as if by magie. Ws therefere s.areufly reqsofyoa to csfl an youc druggxst sud get a trial battie for ton cents whieb wili convinos itu% mont akepti. cal of uts wonderful merits. and show yan what s regalar ane dollar sise battis 'triO do. Fer sais by-T. G. Whitfield, Whitby. Aistonishlng the World. For a perfect renovatian of exhsnsted sudd eafeebied cansitutions, lamai. weakaess and generai decline, uothing so srrsly sud a eiy dcesacprmanueut cuas es puud Bttrs heir wauderfnl cures ar'e enish Bithe world- For Kidaey and Urinarv Camplaints they are s perfect epseoifi. Do not give ap lu deepsir, for ksectria Bittera wsl positively uesd thai wbaxs everytbîag es fis Sl ail uiruggiste, ai tlfty cents a bottis. Buclenls Arnica Salve. The BEST SASLaE ib te wnrld for Calsq, Bruises, Soes, Ulcers, Sslti Eheusu, Foyer Sores, Tatter Chapped Rande, Chilblausa, corna, sud s5linsueof Sisin Eruptiona. This salve je guaraoteed te give perfort satisfactian in cvery case ocrioney refauud- cd. Price 25 vents per 1Box. Foc sale t.y T_ G. Whitflel 1, Whitby. 9"k Noiru of Rirth.@, Marr.aga &uri Deaths charged 150 csauta each. MABRIED. GORtDON .BRA ND.-t 290 Ontario et., Toronto, on 25th Marcb, by the Bec. Gea. Mu. Milligan, B.A., George B. Gardon, Manitoba, ta .Taae Wîikie. eidsst danghter af lb. lais George B. Brand, Esq., solicitor, Kirreoeuir, Seat- Ilnd. DUNLOP.-At Eaut Saguuaw Miohi. gan, on the 2ht imet., of ooagesiion cbf the brain, John Dunlop, &Red 87 yeurs and 6 moothe-san af ihe lai. Alexan- der Dunlop of Pickering. The romains were interred la the Preebyterian Bar- il grnd, Damasn' Cresk, on Friday, LOGAN.-On the 26t1 March, at Oit City, Ps., of diphiberia, Albert Ww. Logan, aged. 9 years and 8 SHIE'R-At Whiîiry. on Ssoniay, Maxcii 27th, Clara S. Stade, beloved wife of Jolin Suefr, Erq., sged >.-,yeart. r-a on tresand 16 dayâ. WH!TBY MAJiETS. tHUrUosicbs Orrici, ?slurch lOtir, 1881. i'aU Wtteat..............$#1 on Spriug *Whaat ............i 00 Barhey I ........... 9 Flanc, pf Dtt............ 2 75 Bys .....................O0 70 l'oeg...................064> Peus, 1black.yed .... ......O0 90 lue Feas ................I1 00 Oâale.................... 05 .& ...........900 Appioou, Ierbus..... .. ....C 80 Patoues .................O0 83 Iiggs .................... 012 Butter ....... ............O0 20 Cheese..................O0 19 Wod.......... .... ....4 60 Sbeepctlnc..............O 090 -Bides ...f................. 700 Peck, per cvi .............. 7 00 Tromatoos, per bus ....... 00 Turaipe .................O0O8 (larnots, tlt... .....O 12 Csiery, por dos.......... 080 <Iloleos, perpair .. O 50 Doicks perpr..-..........con Geese per 1 ..............con0 Turkoye,, per lb........O018 Wocî, unuvasbea..........t>000 " ' W"hd. -ý.......... 0 Bacon, Farmu*...... 00M Haas#, 44...... 010 1 108 G100 * 50 *100 *000 A 000 *010 oit1 TA CAlS». O i Uwbe ar e a ro te .errais sund indiscretiona cf yeutb, nerus, *wekaos,.arl dasylo61cimanhoodl4qi 1 vii seud a ccci e hai -HlicureYOn, F4R1118 O HABfB. Thîs gett rsmedi, wtes dicciveredby ii. miceloisary luSoat> .13 aercea.,.Bond a self.9ddroeesdsvulolas a thé. RBar. Joups. T. luisz, iaUmses,. .Bible House, New. rie O04, NEW ADVYftTISËXENS.' IIOLTSE 'TO LET. f1011 PAMLY IIousR5 vý ei ia=-, Slehocl. and l la ftst.la irder,, viii quarter of asuasescfihanu, on Pyrossret 3Wx. 28,'81. (15.11 " yrei-i.Wbtby., -WANTED. tanteul at tb. lLOYAI Botel,> .uppIy te- NEW êDVERTISEMENTS. OPEN TO THE DOMINION! CLAREMONT and PICKERING SPRLNG SHOW! Foc the Exhibition cf Hoises1 catfie, and lImplenïents1 .Will b. hemd ia the.Village af CLAREMONT, TWEEDS I TUESDAY, APRIL 26th, 18811NE AD RTEM T8 esusea~NE resac ee e.anran.sucruua c WhuPie i of.o .ouaigt PRIZE LIST. BSBS. let. 98. Bd. Boct Heavy Draft Stallian ...$15 $10 >5 Bosi Agricultarai Siallion, 8 yrs sud upwacids .............. 7 4 2 Besti acter Sisufian..... 7 g Bes& laavy Dccii Mars lu foral or evidence ei beiag )lest . 4 0 BastÂAr'cuitltu rasdo.. 8 a0 Bout FIU flod stsJan. lite 1878. 2nd prite b y Mr. Hon- deon, ÃEviugbridle,vsao $ 4. 7 4 0 Bems I HaV7 Drat Tesa lu Han- necs, Sud prix. by A. Oxford, Black IHerse botel, Taranto.., 8 4 O BltAgioltarai Tesa in Bac- ec.2d prize pamp Mr. G. Gerow. wonuh $8. 8 , pasic bors. cailars by Mc. N. Bur- ton, warth 5 ............. 12 8 6 8 Beat Agricultarai T.am lu Bar. uses, il yrs andu ader......8 4 0 Besi Single RHeie larass, 15 bande and cver ..........7 S O Baut Siagle Herse la Harnais, nader 151 banude ............. 7 5 0 Grand sweepstakes facrhein dciv. lug Mare or Geldlug-Sulkyr, givea by Mc. W. Dawsel, value 355 0 CATTLE. Besi Bail, 3 ycc laidunuder. lot priza cutting box froua J3. %N ard, vale i5............i16 a 8 Bost Ball, 2yr ad unader 8. Dun rIy &Brs, valu 1450 . 64.50 Beet Bal nader 2 yusr. 2nd prire writing desk by G. B3on. dy, vaine $8 ................ .5 8 2 Best pair Fat Bsters a obipplug, 7 6 a Bout pair Fat Cet sn rid= s chfo la.... . .7 & Best Fat x or Siocr, Cow or Relier, excludlig ail siievu lu Pair............. 5-a S RULES. Na animal can b. entered, fer s prise in mmrc lIse esclie, caeeptins eeopste purze fer sangle drivers. AU lautzes s uet b.encade by 10 a'olcok ou dayoitboccv. Zuriccm ea emcd.previ«o i. dtey .show by nau.mezubees r«mliig #1.00t. theSeocretary. AUl paires psid lunmediatqly citer show la 4ets sud Msnufiacturcra cf 1Mm nte t wkh b tepnovlded with sptée te = hib ir guoeds, bat. ne prises viii b.e Warded for thosa. .Meramarsoacompote or suy r .11ftiii prises cffcrod. No restriction la reforsace ta Haomes bac- ing ~stand lu towship. iU aniamale for exhibition muet ha on tus grouand hy 11.16. Enaies to ho marie vith tbe Socceuary an or befaro SSthilut. The. Clarerucat Bras Baud have kiudly toirdeceri their services for the, d&7. WM. M. MILLEB, Chairman Casa. GEO. GRROW,Sec. W. DOWSE-L,Tcsas. Ciaremout, Mcccii SSii, 1881. M8 UNRE8ER.,VED --8 A L, E e isPhstons, Wagos BY AUCTION! .8,A Tf/RDA Y, APRIL 2nd, M81, Wlounseatlsgv5 u al tilogulan pIim Democrat Was, SALE AT il 0'OLOOK, Â,K.. Timse.-O ent cule rdit au SPPWfbve noies. titi thse r Au*alated RelIa, C" unasCe=usir mm ES NierDcncevasaor O». ADAIR BDEEN, resardma u he55a oente, rrllon DESCRIPTIVE GUIDE,. tits Casesend'ul Crea, sd suai adule. vm vii abie ftue majcrlJuy cft.8âh Ta as sa.tlPaacST AFlStck at DoiminnWarer( EInglish -ain LACE CURTAINS 1 LACE CIJETAINS I A full and weil assorted stock of Lace Curtains, MANTLES! MANTLES 1 The ladies are specially requested to see our Silk Mantdes and Manie Satins. DIRESS 'GOODS IN GIREAT VARIETY. Oui' stock of Scotch Tweeds and Worsted Coatings excels anything previously shown in this department. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Our Tailoring department is under the management .of a first-class artisan. Orders promptly filled. Adminstrator's Notice to Cred- Itor8. P URSUANT ta Chapier 107 ef the Revis ed Siatates af Ontaria, entitled su A &et rec*etiaiTrustees sud Execators,"5 the e riore af the Relate ai DANIEL McCARTHY, lais cf the. Towusblp of Mars, ia tbe Cauaty of Ontario, Docior cf Medi- vine, deceoaed, are hersby reyiared ta coud particalars 0 tair cdaims, duly verlfieul, te Tioth MoCartby, Breeblu P .0., on or ef Lisday clUMy, A.D., 188. An ty11ares eqairsul te take ucilce that after that date the uadeswued admiuistra- tac cf the said etai. wMi distribute the ase th ereof amen g ths partis snllled uhere, bain ¶regard euly t e l aims ad which tiiesn da dmlniatrtor thon, bua notice. AUl parties lndebtod ta ibe raid deceaasd are requlred ta ray thé. amounat af beir lu- debtadacea foribwluh tote ii.caTimothy Mccartiiy. Datedai tBrocha utic 17.uh day o ai Mcci, A..,18g1. TIMOTHY McCARTEY. i1"4n Aduinustratar. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. P URSUANT ta section tbiriy-fouc ai Chapter ose huadred sud seven cf tbe- PLevlced statutesof Ont(araio. Notice ts bereby qiveoa iaSailcreditore sud athera havuag clahas agaiusitiihe staiset THOMAS OEVITT,, laie of the. Tovaiiaof Pickeriug, in lii. County ci Ountario, Yeomsu, doecu, wba laid *&,the Twenly.eigbth day 0f Febrnary, su4dir rect.xed te Ssma e=e'e ut n. lsdge, of the Towu cf Whiby, Barcisters, oor belone tbe Tweny-Xuh day cf Aurl 1M5, a statemcotb cames mu d dresees, and tie fou1 partiucu c f u"er ol~lmasu~ ssuritlc mi]yJhelaby then. Andl tbat citer the. »Ad Tweutyr.Mih day ci ApIlt 1864 the. "d" ogu doiiater ceaitat. i.ptald lae ThxsaDevîtn wil prsced te disiribuber the ss"fts de salu intestt.Thomas »v«nU «»"g the ares atliete ejo havini esuad te tses. aimnl wy cf1vlcw ehhailhalve recelved notice su aforesclul Da" teu iWhitby, Ibs28rd dal cf,Msrcb, 18n.- JOHN DEVITT, 4U-4 4.dmlultraier. ailiers baving fram O$50 l 5van, vitout luterferlng ittub bsr preseut verkà znsks froua $W sud $75 te $l60 a mentit, aecg in iret cius Canadien Bauk Shanes wittiont repr risnethualabuyiug sud selling or- liary goads. W. transaci c&U bauson a «maUicommission. Pamphlet ceciela froc. Addrece Enqalren, Wsu. Wclkectoa Co.., Stock Brokeoe Sm-Il) Jacques Cartier licuis, Montre2l DC. DOWNEY, Wllkiuseus B1.eet, Brack-atreet. CASH FOR WH EATC AND A"L RUIDS 0F GRAIN AND A 17pp01cfWestemrn ranet on baud fou MIp WHJcî]gBST cASH PRICE FORX EGGS. E H. RUPPELj epeprdeys ilstil n Voca d lslns.a ie, *., in et-..G*xma an4~rucIrosiegoscitbor privaiBr là : cise< wieleu reiulec, cai tb*pacilul "ola cirns pi GREWr BARGAINS Speoal Linesindtns iioh Prizits. HATSte Rat. HATS!I Gents Soft and liard Hlats. Sec, our new Jilanian MILINEIRY! Our Mihlinerliasà just returned.-from, the-Market, where ihe has made large ptlrqhases of, the choicest goodaý inlierli, CAREETS! A large stock -of Carpets, al ýqualities ad-ricS, be ceeu in our Caxpet Roomsi. We invite inspecétion., OIL CLOTHIS! Floor 011 cioths, from one- to four yards wide, and utto Sit any room. :B IZO Ire0rmi OD .FELLOWS' HALL, s~~ Is shown a verychoice. collection of new Spr-ing Goodsin -every- de-artpentý. Orsbei The stock of'plaiLn and' Faâney Dres* Goods is- most- complete, embracba"ngo al thé ne*wesgt desi*gns for this season's trade. adýi - lin' A LOT 0F LOW-PRICED. DRESS GOODS, GREAT VALUE, from 10 to 17 cents. LS ALL WOOL ])EBEIGES at 19 cents VERY WIDE ALL WOOL DEBEIGES at 25 cents. FINE SATEEN PEBEIGES at 32 ýcents. VERY FINE STOCRINGETTES uat 85 cents. FINE ALL WOOL FRENCH -SUITINGB8 at 40 cents. FINEST ALL WOOL FRENCH AMEERES at 45 cents. Hom, HANDSOME ROBE AND DRESS GOODS at 30, -60 and 75 cents. ELEGANT NEW PLAIDS at 45p 65, and 75 cents-. A VERY LARGE RANGE 0F BLACK CASHMERS at 50c, 60c, 70c, 80c, 90c, $1, $1.10, $1'}seilvalue. -A GOOD RANGE 0F OOLORED SILK from 50 cents Up. AN EXCELLENT STOCK 0F BLACE ýDRESS:AN», MANTLE BILES, the best value ever shownm. MANTLE A"D DRESS BUTTONS-a very large setock of the newest. RIIS STOCK 0F FRINTS I8 TEE FINEST TO Be ,SEENË IN ýWHJTB'Y. 1115 Eiton>in i, whioh have been unavoidably -delayed, iii r sit, iave__'h arrivedl at Halifax,- and wiIl b. slioWn about the end of ti we.Se.tem a. n-eà rly, insp ection 1off- I cornplete stock, will repay iutendin purobasers. I 0MDELLUOWS'ý ~ ~ B4 Msarh 20h, 181.. . znî-Td NEW A-DVýE'RTisEmE>Urs.- GENTS' FURRISHING HO0,UIJ.S E The 'drind li e atxeved w splendd Socf8EWot 'Wi - of England sand 'Oaait~ éh ,fo SPRJNeý -AND SLIMMER sJJ1Tlt À.U garmen-inmflm icdm mAeBh8& ii st ea- die pncep j-Gentlemen vs..leb7 pv gsHomll NEWIT IYK f4 O JOHm naa iaofpWýwe I J: 0 ,N'~!~P 51 C i eiu ~~,.a~ TiohE 2LÂ7E 1- i$Mo c, TH-ÈTTa N-YE wÀD Su Announce the Arrivai of our Early Spring Purchases. MILLINE]RY z - CARPETS! A full stock of Teas, Sugars and General Groceries-and ,,Cr'ook'er-y.- J0 B. O EL G. Whitby, March 24th, 1881. . ,, .,,.DoMINION ARRO[ OIL -ýCLOTHS'! OUn of 9to