Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1881, p. 2

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Thé L.*t44mgCarpelRoue-.Domipiio. The Pin leq.a4 all ai; TaUlaolIt4 D rient Dominion FàStty Groacrlee--4,3' Powell £.Oo. Chn n reuia-R, W. Ilowae. PiyiLa'Pe.ê.ugout - IL W. towk owéop4 . .Stewart. Dréeand unVaey Good-0 . .Stewart., oloWQiu-eO* . FS l.wat. Unui. Ptuising-U.P. Stewart. Tu1.- eaîleal ,Ogaietla-W. F. SAbbee à Ce. COaasit kobild, ai Grectvood-Mr. Mes.- Pil lisi la dry gonds. grecarise, r.ady luncae lotîng Aa,-Ur. Gleseon. aielNotice' ~ViPpr-Xr. Gleamon, Oraenvoed. 03xeis fur produce- Nfr. (ileason. dowinq bMacbitua-L. Fairbanks. TiIen Lleocn.fieId grapa. Lettor Titos. Guy-kllestrated Stock II.WiLiat Oorrected - laregnu Sjrlug pair. . 8tinnl te t'arasera. 8 p ,-Be-lotansd Site.., Win. Burns. WitiI Papers-J.. M. Boberteon & lires. Tue no.ilKiunonu en-J. S. Bobarteena O?4Lt Ils 3@PRANNUM. Whitby, Thtrsùy, APrl 7, 1881. Mdore Lîgit from te Rast. LteuL Tmrtir NgKva1. B. l'a*Goe eina fly ppeow $0l bae venyé 'ing %bi o on way lu orotg, ê. m. No doubs vae culer, stlmudby th Part> ltaIM i. ConaSi tié. Goet rment nouina., wouid b. mmttin. Basies avlmtg téGovern. sutntetlis baok ibe lbet beau làth. tud I frqaa lit. ultmenaltaeoosttuency W aînop.nagnl; be itad large fanily sud I .iu,41 Inficuce; bis -brother vite badl reprouantd tuse onstit@eie>' Wallre- .uru edby a atjority of ai ' aIetta e e leotintuei a " tgWsy .eieoeed aud a d nae.laa tioronugls »uva of tA., ciet.,. Mc.fv, lie Liber&[ câudidaî,ce neie a otry'bal ouliy entered lte 4LaIdîbree laye before t"i tnainiloe", ad laid tae.i-l> «m Ise u wua mérite and -the poid cause ha rap - re.ntad. lu vlewe of te tas, bis re- tari ity aàneofit>' cf 47 le a grand suc- edca, and la tamBl, We*enutainnit, ai- ameaiunakespactedsurprise fer lte Liberal Party'. XItm teé bandwrlllng on tue w"I', an sitewse emphallcal lImas MlIna o"rvemnnul vicit bandant or glaItiNjrth W.st teliha Syndicale spaontiters ands aond.naned, and lu&&t ige people cf lt.e Dominion only vêle the oppcrtuaily te drivateom «aJea<aad ggage ait of po*ef, "ta mi[sex oit I>ausa" 1 l ccàios. tite edutor cof tb. Bystmdaisi sa eothe Pa-aieri et tha.Donnincea ia I nimber < ide dmotlit litm ederispala,, i scri --Brryting por-lenda iséM. libate viii sau t a-ed Dot I ml>'as -tes-wëlerbc P"~ , 5 itte bond et1 Batltête opiionof f 'ri.dly Junigea àa simie litIUr. BlsaeÙ4laifrhap *'ge oresale" a- titn Sh. tellang fua paoa, Fer- mliils@, ar-ha of part>' tainagmeal tbhas a inraslelior tu bronstof bim. Wbascvan na>'bte t sala of Pr-lame cf Dartmee âr.eau1 @beigue eda itlsl kittlalt If Sr Joint ?shadousaln l aumi- endI toea-ea0 u tent oaee-te Jiee~latueuubla. - IVlInnrs modeaiotiser- h.ary upment ofeak e' I.Mouaresi.yeahrd.y. -- Il ,àiutultoa cf Ar vo euda cf1 fat (04 elfle, Oueeou UbogsaudOns Mrein t"heP.î TrIse nmi a- AU lunmpladl *en- dîtitn, mu4ni hvtlm -1pin>ntio.d prime aesber' ard.lt stof0 th. fetoiu#i ,fa-om whom prbas -wcrs-madie, contribtanî ta =ib hlp amit -R.-Pardopala Kdmd Bries, B. Kartina, G... Meas, Tbcm, Jenuioge,-. . Saié, -. Patrie, J. AlfiC4As, ,Sbâte, Jem., Sieýe .- L. Dean-ta, I 1., L KGnitet,, Wm. gertalake, lie. aodna, h. Mieeuni Jea. Werd, Joitu Bisa, Wrn.,BaIl, Tios nors, iitiJoiàa Le.. - ,A yemllns &a npueitaeed bons Ur. lmba- eMeul>'. étue 0 lte] fileI 1 tel- .-7e - I ~. ~ - .-~ Wboidn't bave the Herbe r! -1- iing op canada. - -'ilK tithle purpone et cMlaing lb. 'towàIe&ffy the Ijt4iwd Blale c t wn4tinft .i Wiiy 1tnuby lias iarbon, zmd wbahn depatttment, din ii gt ott ýbte uxirllr sud elevuttar could 6e gotel aitga; t&k Pebruary lte emigrants tcs-$#82.,O0Oà nuniitnr of uuiey ddditaînli. " aaêimôr-.9,iDur.~ tri verni listenenilotb ir whnum ltaepeu- iiïk thé seonênt f lebr*aàiy 8 ,870 date. #11# of the gou vre let! astre>', . aid dieu ipntmlaeratét ffutglid l*b.itla the, corporation of Whitby préaut@&4- BAt"ius(",laihesait,, the b. to evalog.ile owu barbor. Bren wvit ea.<ou IsnMadmefnd *tito# lach c1 solvaent tlmnniefoi-vend remiythe *ils. as l e a-tlimbuted g be =.bmd lassa -tbé,itarbor sud guiaale. thita BeW-iId vickad poliôev cf lita purený"tb' teau per cent upon Is@ lueedamonat, so .'b*,Govemimenllt lepmbla la amy#, pclsccd Vers 1e thalde oethuie rate- Tfitiscountry aouald b. a ebeap ecu- payera-hait -%boy ocuidnt o-te get I ty~ elll. aenaleaeym ecp elsh a favorable p-posiion. il a dear country. Théi ceunIryneeda Neyer, évevouuete eay, were tae vai' dollar t*e2 ap teép S itongt peoplaet a lecaîily so bl'uad e 0 ir legislstion ham sent aver>' ldar thaI own ileroesana &0foclishi>lad &Wy ei,. b sd la u Otiro b ste . ty blisn guides. Tietaiut lmbasum' ehw53ior ltae Northit West.Tiis'; -th lét ol Wbity cfihe Innbor*trade tàuulr-y le toc veakteb b. -I>ukdeuie le te hirbor aud teé building op <fvltdebt, sudi lagîittion ha. bounii on Port Hope. Thlatler ±owa gels Ihîia iteck meauenormons debi-bco beavy. eseau00M for te Improvemeut ofgthai là De Ow etÏeerisso<bnalt lte ils herber, sud itms theipromise et biug bai, sitile legtàleîlob caiil>' annoo manie a Harber of Betage. Port Ihoe. ÃŽ hast il oans le idd laim iionsÏ'to barber itas been thé a Bi and emvation ltse delat every year for lb. nexl ton ef gliaBloa, u% ndse predeable Ibat 1th e Yri. Cmaoe nder titan litaItbe people retumeni au offer et £35.000 people fiy (rom Canada, sud litaiina ($140,000) for l, man mdiganlly re- elgitI menthe 80,000 of Oui popftlellon fusen totedispose eoftIsi- interen t 0tb bive crossai te Bor4eai' md saIlt lit ,L.isllay Comnpany fer boy ew. Wbhig; lit adjelsieg lipublie. Thte Palifo b>' barbon le aduuilteni le 6e a botte,ai- Rawyand Ibmeîtffble atation herber tme tIsaI t ['Pot flope.. 19h itih"it liuei Id# l, as vahave so béolonged tlte t ova, ingteanî cf bleng- otten pelaln eut, carryiag lte counIry' lug ta a prIvate cenpan>', tIbm Gto. tui ldil>' toyaidu- Wasigton. nient cenaîni net refuselia inegnsZO ii- elaims for aid, or te ignore i egans i Pnerai et Mgr. Prouix. ioal poston au a ban-ber of refuge. TIhe barber wocld bc a largo and certain Aruenuts cf te fasaanal tif ltae la- sour-caof5reene, ad upen ils balug mntsin Mgb rUïtiruustt owned b>' the.cerpon-melcu depeueatr 'eU aostu ia muhote t ovus fututre prosptl.i :? ete Orsidony vas one cf gi-est pomp. But te blinni guide%, »i lte noie .de-; Thg-remîtes o et b.dacaaed prelala clammere, iad tseenious 11111e îlu " 1 voebazpoaed ina t h uiocit, and vais nImors,and te people Whoto 1 oîllnt nvieiu byitonmianis vite recollealed' S iteyeud te engtof lteir nos@, Be ie svirtuesansd allinded le psy tribule ho voit, sud Witty has loçlall 1 ~ >~nn7 Thg faner#li bat place vouli have beasu&egood doy'for" gtlin e'tk. tir. ~Oiil, lte iecoea future cf Witby, if1the. vina hthade broteraid -'Alexandre Leccet, sud teair hldlingsitad o beau U..«W 'r, cf Mourel. v'*sie "bm ilf op fina te Lake, sd ud Ajire&lln eubiâ m.* refr.gis <Igace Arcibte towe'm proapeiity lobt luagiebnde of jc o~ f Toroto, oflaalWaulbc lte mon cf enleipKu a sit ml s -..b rtleR. J. bone'p,- of f1 t. :Licùlaels0olegerTôSe n d a id A Law Againit Tnetiug. Boit. Ji nneu .vLooslI. Thm or ea&loe* je" iIàrdlp The Governor of the StagaetofWia- thea. iO t l oîteal, atndad b omin bas girsu hie sanutel idi t t1 bm04Ye. Cano eN t cf lontie Bilh "alâet II9slint, IaleI û tlooni l, ud, santsuor cf l;B. rlmaabo liras. cinnt. Tte fiibas DOW lM- tcic,To-no;-Br ati egn cornelite liv et Wisconsin. île pro- oe t SI Mîcitami'. Qîhedral, Toronto; visions are sumeaariseud s folluvs ;- Mmcd..oef 'oiolni MoBride, cf18t. ,"Te &mention a glaiss efboern, on- a Michael'. Catitenln-l, Ton-ente i aid a gises etau>tiug eise, in a ceevività nunube-etothen- prisais, yen-e prerenl usannen-,tomenafine sI toast sud pet- luntesaunoloan->' 4qhap sxpn-lenoaned even Le ina The e h-Ir chznled tte somma îe5uem vte a te*' ta-ende tu dilanaqi, vitîntieot- i-oeefor te deai, and the sonne inte ing tuor-e ilexnting titan fRoman orxoded ohurcit vaa st imureasive. pendit ou te board, s 10 n-u tlhe r"d Tite s.n i" aviag been coaclndc-d, -ot baving tIse panty terminatenl b> ltae rclbsap Lyuoch, asnlJ anenne silenoe ari-vailoute .poice. and tee cinspny nt1-inextd ti-ieoongregatlonî as fllose; traasferront te te itoepimity eoftitan-Dear rtheIera. Iiesu ouly eiepres to lecok op. Tite Logisaaure afi Wisconsiu yon lin.mfi-w woris lte sentinments tee paeseni, andi taeGovcertaas igu- riaica1 fend non limaprenent oeakloa ad, a bilI tle pa-elibit. Inreak np, ana Monnntgnenr Prenux, vlxoe udast we ntterly amnailalta the pornlicin isud mi regretL 10 1ev, hu lIcti l-hind huasi u immoral practica cf nn-nati.' Ail the vinniota, diocemtain l*edicîn hao iti- persous Wbcosnay invite othen-etet e-1 dssrtusg li lite recoiletieus ehicli drink, sud il portosenahvtenay acuept wll long lir' e in he erts of the peope. sueit invtatloas, are manIe fiale tean-- A devoted and zacIen priest, a palacI rest andi pouislanueut." T bsl 1w au gentlemna, Iergn-tfnl o e t ixanifsd axperirnut ifi legWealion. If te ex charitable towâa-dse lI, ha aact-1hcad hie pertinesproves sueassul omiter Lue«M ia- tefor tli gno thlie citurclaandtheit lttrmaes viti graup thits,aan a com - slvahion cf hi& breelaren, Thi1 Ieau promise may bha afecheni botvean lta. besily it'epresslte grasS blait vite adiocate a"d thoe vho oppose viticit .hie deatit bis loft mcug ue. prohibiton. filaBiebop kIn seessious odjor davoti aid -puiebal la 4dàUhlbisý Tinê TreSfc on te Midlsnd dalles,.wha hsaand euh4 wlave «a reilpÃŽÃŽtfor biesusparlors, i v tLdr. 'tIr t a-IHop. papara ara boetlug lng neari>'haltea eculo ftuerdowa of theit ncreased traffice sxpaeOcer daets uva Wiedaihle. MU&a brtime te Midi&autilîva>' 10 liusul ovitaet o> roals ler#lUllt ecmnig saison, SordoinIg l Our,-îl*IWaul vbom ha gnlded a beloed saien-na eoitespfrarlee Il ta la becomaý,[ fatrl ose hoanty tha.>' neer ap- itlug nios oaa ft ). l;Ilest lel a in e. The r-e. dioccees 0( litrue a matepeelul trains 8.11>' Shan ca-pib, ou »Idon* 1Kamilson flaviditb tltera va erst rla.S>' iwag 0-cfIls vutoddnely tmovdt hielm au is. lte Irregular oaiea .vissait 1lbavae1 ois. th vlatelt ha vwu 40 gr"4e t.c be ru.la auenillustratiof nIlte Il-e14# le aed,ia veli as te dloceeof Mq falllu tip ot.e Mid]smd fn-otïan t.e norh rd esfiïýa, cmufle lha t O8C d o i* terminus et1té read tu" YOWÇ,a ý1 the .aimuàwI i114-1g91Y nepecietu figures ima>' lai-git. Mii.A',IL <fesly vbc gavet chia-ait socb e a - loek'e m"iiviiill st O4,il0<> tdof voted aid s2s"8usmîsier>' Neaan anitp taoneesu naviigàtion opeuon ltqe -Divine ['rovidenlea uiita me nrile of lotte. Itt. ,I ohtà lir Wviti l 5oOIT.our- dear darlmd, I anna cole 000, lamiyear hacl> l l an-ôt ted Sb-, e ianiI~nhnl otrIt otr. var-ama*tons cf ltae cu.At Vie- al vaics.YOâIuId*ti ton-la Baàrb e iaCampitelî IJI4 -ut- ra i s étu»re s te bttoms. Lai 15A000000 est f lumber sud 10,4110. itepr-a>', .dear braliaran, suo lita f 000 ablîglsan d lts>' havaD'oit -M oimgnetaProuix'haBotnet »lu"e * 00;ul> fee r -ta lh;!ip.Tbointe 80Ged's <lot>, ltaaI- l ituligve gd~~~~~~m baoaLOtv i> cnilPP: d quis lte, foilowbagin-opellon. .~ «pUe imas-le titightta of lO0;-ý ufêbtt a véolahetîb pnsela toleb. tà"u nea 1 to her te gil>' -aIlitcoe'. Iret itlUipalauug àil lits rsae11-51-i 000 pere er m eai-. lai, -as tha.1 oibil lale -a vte in t'Obe laken4 as l lipa-amelug -lIe number eh lovons Sai-t pUme a-ie. , If 1h.emajil>' note îulSite "A*, tbeaatattte li sa timt l li a.suu s.t - -if h isys, htîniBare <mli, ana t"Mut quit *dvenllmlng." But, if ho woçlàd«'17' thiuk of it, here le tnseau cf the, yearwhen iU is saleto dimotntuea&. îepdL moo au&dslrcnlt1bé,sut, «re ge"Iy U*sdîui a. pépie &frJdoI tàge tàoât Palues 18is .thalr tàd.,' and advertmers thon £etthe lafflt- oamrofuhtls doing("Dli liama.," ltis sud, "are hebâbifiadvillmlng,* Eesm, whîAn *7 l i tithuMdhé, làtrYasm theAdveraMoueae ho -as. cerainWh alto' the sapeet aid whoresbey= trite;t e tbsit-, - white out of mason aMd t ept. Wessn td-aarre or linàté, *lno se thé eaiAfor your vares, lit li clear lIat thoe sli no lime when yon eau- judlioualy withdrsw from the publie sya your auonoamenta. On lhe sanie mibjeet the. MOotiry, TPimes givea tmeine lta ta b"usns mn'. suad tilesat5t In i o f proper sud jOdilôo tü dtu*4UOise cd the &bief causes oft busness failures Thor@ are buine. men, tbe marna ex- cellant journal &ao, Who don'tnder. stand lhe vaiua of advertislng. They do dot ses lte direct connet4on hae. Swe advertising msd the antrancke of a eustomar, or the jieoaéud fer'ëy palculàt iili. Thealtou fltb a gelf lloportanca wlaiol is imuslg, fancy their beinessas ara kuovu 1goltae sitole omunty, citenglng as Ibat ommuuity uh uextaul $itey have zo conception. Toa avertlsaoeoiioulg lIbthesecraI of suceaues lu adpertlangt Ira gai an i&art~enau pblsIas a aet à W gure -as aîy ou. willtu a pper taavlng a sinaIl olrldulalloW-my bouilntlred *ObeSaP4, buit i la doit >eed4iou adve 11518. Thorsa n ritscri qm iL ai ion DaMcemt mraPU.ia Who hsue tiad tIb an# " Zoh jadlioiy; bad tbaey salmtad au adt. vartlsig medium. itI wud rei ttha, wW-o omso"nty,"aid uiada mmof lItaIumedium a.Ut ouw al I.placlng thairseamaabla sannoiemaiek»i. &b. publie, ttiay woold tua a resurp -toi their outlay, W. mcoefbiacm ha havesopped idverlilug becanse, {uly tuwb li dld tt >, oit i"testls is ea tbui 61wbuniceebas- Laijen way nomploely. On the otite baud mer- chante site aciver4laiberaUly and judiciously mnd incareec f ccstowejs and a grog busiam*, and vil tel yen taI thaernoney expeunded in ad vertieine le capital piîced ta a<lvantage. The fy.sbn.<t and circuler piau te a poor wa3y te advartime. XItoiy serves a, Mmentury 1>nrp0ae, *ni]le d.etroyed ea coud "ai ucid kt.'lthe flarnuty neseparer ia preoerved and in resd over and ovei agi, and whiteatletacir- culer ouiy a-saches emps.ataively few people, eunlte epecisi ecsînci wlxiub it in seut ont, ft.e legtatlea neespaper resalis &Uanlsd lhe ader- vea'tieeet. appelot geentinnsly le known te and raid by &Il. Iti te ouly titoougitieaeby viaitthe intention cf Ah. dvmrle le enooeesft4 uacoin- plihed. Thé firet an neailggcf thé ntio 0"04 et à»écathnsa Sas lhemd t th. Ecsn u sa«, Toron~to, on Mondey lutI. The by-lave c f tb. Amodcatios ver.nusddand adopted. The alaclion cf odcars for th.eans- tua yaar nime lea clow t- -Q .mo4Generalt Àno 8ibr laid, 'Prouto, and Judga Dadtieli, cf gonorar Seca-eUxy-1reasure-, W. l3nnilee ..Tisute, ¶'r LoB a. Blps, amilion , 1. Tr.Oadwiei 'Guelpht. Dr. 81pragua, Toronte, aIL,8 *sadienrasolveà ncmMolionet c Ur. Ray. aid eeondad by Mr- Ced- wiek-"Tbat a comml" t a .apipôould ta devise a acharn for awardîug £a badga or oasuib.prisa for tité inde mne lte follovin :-lMi,. O'Day - Sm Sir: 1 wu dileppintednt ai litera ite f e no maetia-av lte Town Covisil on Tue monday iaéin , 1 ltaagrale liitereil Gise lu tem hvm -Whtu the piograutla tué -~<lal81o amucit ai>' Mb *Y lesîbrel Perferm- aiéa thalt "se round. Tita Covumil 3.à wueeueiI isluld, lu orditer te -tXn I ha ige how goulon upetairs lia malnr iv mes'. cf BbcMini- tiaue - tiee ,-fc Ivi apelairs, wtin wj teï~vi BbÃŽov didn'4 eum off. Tita>' 1. musthssJelisovni 11e ysai-for 1.1I lt lr cvi ShoIw vis <luand asqay lte 0 hat.Ti a ~p4e o aadjura wî lte perfermiasto - vfihosut <lvii 4biaind ruaad-admsrsrs ti-esW natis., - d'Pl i. TheK i reýld wanted- 29'of C lte Tovi Oovnsilloi enjing lte . ,Tbroop, an offai-e s mau ingagemini T vidh timptint Salarie,. Titein r is * ver -luh Oei0opea-alÏnSpeeoefiee. I eam <ladlte y dadnlgo, mas il vouint spNl ont Home Show. Yra te nom- mand-4. B." An u ae hingu tub plads an Plat 0 Apr*i-ttilà arewr9 >od msiu>'feele Use n ae*i WaiI nn DoweniDan, knovsi %à a a vr>' lta titroublemoma cutoeon, vint te a sUr- a c fmln ofie fer setîlamiel an a îtrifi e mi atonunt. Titeo vuoui>'a oùlenit lT au1b lsen-k, kuovin lteé cumlomar, pur- coe niadte rle nauorditer, vput lte rtittairn- in an envolepe au beidîhe Ctueomer, l'un ma i will il attaI, ý bc laie fi te lte dria Cgarelieluse, ta a arîi la jimiun tîle ltais au gelbis pi>'. Whiu tsbeejndse - An mon atlite Coert Ho use gel lite note lion ai opeeed il,hoe ltanded il back, au lu lavld lthe Caueomer tbaitai l as te be cio talan te a etlu olter office iunltae N Bildin. Thare lt a Ocamar vînt wllb netd his noe, an frein th"lh. vas*lotete oCori aitoti lle i, evsrin like nant ltaIttis tu8e vint e be tasl et#*ebealu, W IW fer <il poymanl. At -hal s 40 .- -h.ovie axan i fha liev ltae cniu ofs thle note..g, Av oora» e eid,à*Wee, WWà' auI lanc orditer fer ruyeut 'ai nia ickeut p cci [Raid, sac! liteà Jit*lfixa-.an- think iiii vhtytsla'lticis>'fIe road. An frou lassAitav sau oiditsifor hIiesoa>', ltae g1e vord t irf-gwte ré 1,s>c r. fer Titarea golu le haa sal#Ruistica* <t<u &ver ltaIakoîena. wva .Auothcr- urmenigmava a tellov ted v lapa>'75 ullad ors-Wa te irf.wbicit parlndedlgo bha- hem iegillas vas bei avesl on, au appaîInail a malin. fna tyn vinaI leli thé$anu aigeltoelàd. Iu- Pli deent evaiyngfell« ov be u aon t minableni&aiba*nabeau tooled Ire thalr lîtij gifte ai tlitade sulte>' bsV I Rince r - arued vindenas. 1>'ditini *1db aud Tommy turrf-itsog Thouwsugl vm tet'Imuaoufal a, fine -1 momeeni Y oi-a be iin-ng t me, ove] My asly books Werae onsaus'elooks the And folly'e aiaullaay're langht me. ab TYes-tIse Peolm hava tint sleaya $bal Creppin up-au 1h.>'taa stili s plani- mal fui en-p-em'pahIaliy 'laie pîptIen &gin n-ot Otawa, la eauoft lite ian-e sens -o fîshe AdamiltaI lispienei immelf siquil go abs, tae ek"son. On tha. fut an .,&pril ho un-t viaita thlie WaiTit rworIuu in hat eIbm evwld teen, Whi itirlin hlm namin tnt lte bock tipt for thea. aign-stav dia- Wvs tlnguleiten i vithorathite pli dovne . urI date Apri Swaond-Sboviu ltaI a iteti cudn't b. ooet, an- "litai lie Xeay Do new ail about Il. Thm'-~ea àsîbtroke av POm jan i3r yes t1 -ori %%@a Suse lmanrae au eaehae an s l finitlime mv fi. Une IuÙmelra inLuPc 1h. tevualap aloppad lu a a one Pl*' fn-oss nise c'lock tu a-I aornin amtliMOI euluAttdfunrlhryelate tateh@ âgéof, n-r a mainnlad>' avincertain yaae. -I Aller gattinau user ibiS mbe vas nu- Gel marrlad, ltse Numerathor cappani eitaOf elimax hèa in eha.modsmlvoméan hov >'Iý wsmy laldbrh.titd t-,Hoehain -ol, sbtc bromut*bd* a u vas4zev fm te doom tu n notissi cime *basIbolitema ai-lt, hotte.vi Ir.I 4pon, - e 'i buhatll ihuln tmriahor cime 4i lie vis &xad bis bisse. et 4-1 kenitgb-o 1e lteé inece," es thte mtrn I4umbrathbor. - amtis4dm1l i Jusl-"n aina. <> pu in l"haalcnselt* 1» a01M 1OM i.. e eue.Aci&the toel 1(momb« ta ait ad ifita 00 4 lial th.rc hto mci ila iftt. lit In mnotercime I»hîrd av a Biaasis Namereebon- (a Ulme juns minylitaEuBD Itte, [uff, vito oni>' a eledo thiz fit CErid i WâLu*--nhe le Itll 'mim isa oice k hap upb>'mamiero lioplub. A.mateh,-wue playa ne seuda>' balveen Whitbe-mu Mv ale, anti reeleduas Mlove:- - No.!. Nc gay>, selp-$f. 2. - Baev, ellif-S. BaennaI G. A.fcesbw Scott, ci Walui, Brou, slip-le. D. Arucîl, altp-î4. On Waduesday, Bovmmnille visitent tUb>', fon- a Ïilejf dvgems, iresuling ZOWKÂWYILLU. mr. b. Tcung, G.1alie E. Munie, -Q. Rsy, Elterden, slip-H S. Rey, skip-211 The samrnie -luhm. Bevmanville Il pl>' anetiter Wbitby rlnk eft he 'ta> club tnt the eanng. Vine Culture. Otir raiire viila. p leîsad to per- lthe foltavlng d irstli for pîuulieg ta dfter-cntltulra. We are ccuvlnced st ontdeem lu Athe Elufe 0eth1e Vine certain, if the dla'eottene <Iran an-s The coninutiens naeear>' 10 lhe 5110- sel cultivalion et bbc Vine in the epon are, lai: Te bave t6e vieeya-d se cad ltaI lb mi>'te titorontgbly aned sd hbavadirect aunsitino ut ai mes, inecaty e the uuerning. vo lew=tg bol, or damp situa- ne, sud niene train agaleil d«aile, ci pimors vitere lte air doee'net treel>' Noser iaprparatien oftli-soui i insemea-> It a em odunanil>' unifer ir or grin. W.ll rabten a uatre ybu lIaeit e endaor-ige groh i bêhhdligà anttlt> cf ninem, tîsyahe uiet ànd dsf'id. f14-a utu oatn lua a*ircué , hàI i m til laled. Wbeu 'tatan i lthe trench cultâekoaitrench Bw ye& -sa.ont off vines a seen bo. sile le lapleatni.Carry lie Viax I sacnteor alIl et eosfse snalatl i salunateni viit h dft - For vînayard, cultgma: Plant tell fe se ttcplauti. Toi <an-dan culture:* anl i ac miet va>'&, dlg bhales Ive et vide, tee fet dp. -Irbëow< Lua 114 geen murface sirtit. iprea oct te ond ud e fi" tcôte I-ocf ,1theVan. ta tiltip paIsabols -kmradim ilsfiane rfiSô inifliti tixalî> s aking lthe a sand drawing 41d#îwtha.heLaid nry n-cet vbos.e beulde- gaoba ion ýearîla, épra îiUg ouit ii tIse reots Ilu horizontal poaliensad continuaul>' ising tue vine ltaI lthe earth niay tle smoeg lte smallslfileesmnd nia. Filluba tbols oomplctelji proe m oit aanud the plane vitn lte foot, n novai lita ediface e a dismeter et miu itres test, vitit a nincb uofmin- i.' aliev, chipmsairaituviage, muyitsag st vii teld mousture, le keep tus les alvays moist ; leep titis malaIs DU 6n-ken muni permeaitie, duu-ing the umer, bceing il in and rasasviug il lah fresit aateial vesu ieesar>'. neDt Allev un>' fn-ast nure le ne lu direct contact vila rhe. vinas Ibte n-cote, Tte aboia description Ij sppi>' teail ail truitesmni mbrebs. )r t .t p gulu, cer ltahe ope et -uta, vla."ncfoot of sailli, vita,"re- oie la asly gpins a soacc. a te tli la ot 4i-gronni ~Jig idflItItIs ae tram iessrs, le oleb-ae, Bamemnuaw ichnas Sd. -uncertalul'lu in theTranevul. qpiivaIuei încertaig'sid'7dis- balts l p :eihigormcé, çniuç.- tm vas avare0f the paebfr Sy demeud eiasun-tender o~t ru. TIsera lta a sreui,89410100ciouli ~Beerabrais faîth. limierel Wood ceepltta suffl-iedhiet. ca- M4 ellai gsit etllît mse vih ritiet celi cimias, if t dnuamuz>' net ,,y osaide t Ibol .itotild break il lufiiol an Im ireinseusol>' pû I __________________________________________________________________________________________ ýEst Witby Ceuncil. lombes, April 41t 1881. -- Tha-goneoui ot lthe con-praticu oh> Eaet Witlby met pureanul ho adjeUMu meu.-membe mli premeu-mtîle of fencaér meetng oonfirmed.'Tiie Mesm~. uace auiebefore lte ecun- cliaslngltai the side lina bmevaen Lotia md 13lu th. bieken lieut b* opond tôr pitio avai. 1,Mr. Smith, ieconded t>' Par. Scott, movani bitIlte Eesv n& udMrL Jam« Rose aid Sottl ire appointaa cenimitte. ho examine int red aliovmneandtiahoreport te tibis euncit '-las, su epeesible-Omi- rid MaôJames Bilans, btaes&"MOT, madie hie relurna er lte pissent -ycar. Rosa, mioved ltî i te felîevingaucuule _nov 'pneuct- l,boacceptai msuni.-pald ltaIt thae evrarueSlis eiderolthe Treasurer for the diffser eaj uils vîu --Ã"ms. Ou', B. & B. 72.89 ; C. H. Giles, balance et silma-> as assn- ors, 110; H. W. Kerr, enreor in suss- in S. S. Ne. 4, aid Debenalure lai 030; Rie9bard Mothereil lalueexpoees, Dr-ev vs. EssI Wbiîby, 138.50 ! Daid MeGee Ë. & B. 82 ; Wm. Smilith, indigente 14 ; W. G. Hunt indigent 1 11,87 ; Goa. Deinige relief to Wm. Gilbba, indigent, 87 ; Gao% Titomas, B. & B. $15 ; J. 8 Ln-ke, printiiig 14.25 ; Robei-I Hedg- mon, veed fer tevu Hall 14.50 ; John HailtonR. & B. 02.50 ; Johnu Sys, R. tt B. #81.06; James Barne, malin-y ea seseeaiç-8J. Oaa-a-ed. Meveni b>'Ms-. James flce.seedad. b> Mn-. Scott ltah. hsConucil do nov adjoar u mliMonda>'thlt 116day et Mçay, titen le ment as a Ceait of Be- vision. Oaa-a-ed. Hudson Bay a a Possible Outllîtet ths Nor-t-West. Duriag lte pulaummoite idtte.engin- cenes et thse Nelson River CamupSry have eus-neyent a uaîlva>'route belveen Ner- vi>' Bouse aItlIse outie etofLiaeWin- nîpsu mni Fort Citurcbhilonltae Hudi- son liay. TIse distance baeft lintame' -places la about 8"0 mils. Theasunva>'- id le f iel "follavilte. course of ltae Nalson Rivaries#adistance -et înaly eue haenn-d thies ev0f di lotlaonaîry, Thesat eipart o et rt.nde a ceua braien rocky countr>',vitere 1h. Nel- sou River lia a descaxtt of 'nemi>' 700 feel toth lbqleer plateau, wereit countr>' egain becomes levai, sud cee- tiuai mn ta ltahu Edson Bay>. Upen anltefffrilébe ioebyrangeltae sun-vayeni -,route baveï ltae aiso'n River, hmking a mois non-Iber>'omn-se tovurd lthe rals>' et the Chaurchill iraler, vhicit is reucheniealitsenulanc. on lthe lever platetau, mni continue te tollov ltse course etflthe rivroitue.eutlelinlua.ni sens Bay. TIse ostimaant ceaI for bauildingie s-oadbed la ton titeusanl niellerga smile an tIse plateau mnd sev- enteen - iousnaeidedlla-s a mile aie- lhe rock>' portion oflIse a-cule, or an average et tWnlse titonesunicdallars a mile aiong lthe vie l ne. bu poe-ibie ce tanmspont grain fa-nsmte Saskstchewan Valte>' te Liverpool for iras than i, illiicecI le cars-y ilte oMen- ti-nul l'y tIsepropoesenirailva>' nea-lIsoe Lake Seiperier. Profesea- Bell, o et anmadien Ono- legical Sun-ne>', vla sailan fn-em Fart Yen-k, £Iudsu's Bmay, mni paasel ebreugh Hiudsen,& Straita in ltae latter part oel 1miSepembe-, »s sllalsaig vessis tsar. sometaues coneidera-le diffiaulîy and dela>' in getting Iirouga, but esamebipe c-au maie taeVoyaer at un>' lime baîvocuu tc fiast et Msay mni Novembai, asïlteé sîriaeare near>' oe hu-dmilesvie lunlthe naiiev- esl paI, aid lte elsenne - lnol oh. eli-uctanl b>' e. Vanno a"t Osteg. sta pïmntôr mOi ApIt. MoseOates mekes lte fdloving pwe 1 dîïtton for April : A fina mpring mout, 051151>' avorable feu igridiilguralope onets.Paging in moutara onli-l asnit imiar JatitUdea t« tutelaid vas& îr>' cWarl>'. Litle smev ftIlle-edseia suda a -fia-- inniber af Apiilalolera, villa probilXt>'sonse uupilatà nr9h-ý eait$ar ound uMiddle cfe, usqnth. _Bo- rare dupefito eaentit tu b. lenk- fora sin>' lima. Mr. Tesuor presticte as lolloirs for -lte meut i fApi-li:Ttaxe viii h. mlarp fr-ieluintaegi ofngetApriL. v if h*sûO*-fil on h. 41t Sua5, but l tb= spln ili jet avoal>'. ait ZIHoumitER gixzzs POLIOE S» nase PL-KLL D e»Wa15»-5T10. TIemNe. -loudont, April 2.-An &&&y'"hmoe. ounueni beteen ltse people and the pe- lle,, vito - vers prolecliug à piooase seevei on au estae onear Baluagitider, in !County Mm4yo. Tvo men wveakil-. id ued ma»n' oundeni. Dublin, April B.-At a landi meeting ah Clougit, CenI' Kilenu>', te-du>', Dilloienam-lelegrafrosi th. Bimuei Leagmle ai Badllgdudeda about anul- ta> lter. yeclauday, *taIing ltaI t e -oice iaion hù poit uhe utan p.c. vocation, andni litIo vee o llini Ivo vere dyi an d titra. vndeni.' Thse dolailm c lte -lot atBalgar demi on Satana>' a ra as foilovu:-Thte people etaed ltapolice, whïc were< - olligani te- 0,i. lu solf..defeuee. Tvo et eh. rielers v'ea-ekliia aid hit-ytvo- - vendeni, four me hidi'l tai lite>'ia net expecli leto linc. One poflma vas kalleni and enerul vere senerel>'. injua-enib>' sInne. London, Apuil 8.-Reports fr-cm Balisaa ue Ibal a large naniher et eviclieus hava titan place on tse-prop- ea-ly of a Gsîalwa gentleman in the last fev demys. 5cme cf te sosies wve piaaein lte exîname. Ovsr oe indeipolice accompauien lte bailiffs mni eub-sbauiff in Ive tevulunnis, vitr. ibis-beau tamulias vers put cul. Min>' ef tIse.familles vseever>' destienlo. IOnI>' tee-cf lbem vaeealiovani le a- t uin, oe ua careakar the alter afteu sulith et. Thea Parit Pricat di l b:cu tu r.lisve lbe yretchad people, vite ibdproitabi>' aiscd or beau unnibîs te pa>' rent fer some >'am5 Iu even->'case 1h.e aicted tenantsecar- nied ave>' lts uleers etflthe- boumas. The shen-ff'e aistantmmhbaute ituild up lte places villa atune, lTh. latten-obtam-eni .ep4usbeelin poesi>'bl. Iî labovever etaieei, tli i lb oltIbempmste for eebyh sa ila lin Ia Iose oldIngs, enen et a mnuae.i 1ient ltai ladbeau put tapon tite tiowsiT.lh.niltrieiel ri> tan-ien. Tha e is re egagen almmea aven-y day ine encllg *id Pro- -case stt-ng. Theatimar fte iI. dire iteunade laeud a netiS taluGmma- quandce ci0lirhenumee aving beau pOlm oue su difloent parts oethlie coula->', Ihat lte pack Ir" ldnol huit un>' Mca-O Ihiessmeu .A - lerra nomber et precoesses feu rnet and ejiectuasut bail been-san-ve n ulte estated eof0e>' Lloyd, Justice cf ltse Peace et dr"fftan, anti vili6e barit eenan I b nsui tu Q-u tes- sessions, ivl;en nesrly 1,000 pro- camees for aeut .villi hieard. tTpvanda et 9650 civil biuis vits ad ejeclniante for- reul haebaen lesun on lteé state et Colonel King- Barman, MBL P. cf Biigo. Thse majoril>'of the tenantes laine resoenite helà ait againit lte presenul renta - moii ejectia. , Il la ateteà ltaI the coier xevîiinsa wre diouaeni il thse 1aICabinet togathor witit a possible -oulbn-eak. Mr. Bnamfrd's Anivice te tthe Fammen-s. As lh itsldeI fo e adig fr-nov aP- praociing, I viala to aniniesi a fav vomis- ot cautidn te saritsrs cf -Canada. 8oet eaI selne-fiftlama bar-loy titan yen did lut yeau ; il vil a sbet- ter teIttelandi aest, A(i *lu lite oes case perhapa jea vill gaI .60e. aud lu the ethar yeu vil ai >1 peu tusitel fer' ycui' burlé>' naît 6f but if yom do nual vaut t etaI bie land romnain si ie,, sew Wild Goose wbeal, %vhichitla sraison- aiti> aun cop, mad certain- te - 9alI for net more titan 10a par buael lis ltai tse beet faili vit, but yen. muet be careful undi pick tutaras aid vilsioale. eut ohfbite seati. Thte Noe«Yen rene oJurnal eeym. ltere la mcr a-s e ne> uAmori thite yeai hlO'tiirequini for sniÏàliÏgw plarpomseaud i vtS iioeaudnecof. punicIae~icaer tha ï tîjournx1al s are ~ ~ àýi lm lyfdgadreemuenada 'w ta-tai !ný*ssmaune cf >hlteb5niIf -va' laine smuehtrle>' neai >eài "a titis,; 1yeu vUii herefona no gel a-orte Ibm huits naine.,I1cia-i Canais ibat drink boer, Ibo sgu cfchenicale leW whil itsie crain>'frot ohw f t l &le,- 9 oihir, m aie foa ansd hop haning hiteon >i hanybami' Thes ue of subetiluls, 1 ar no son-r>'B&ay, laop a >' one ciof n aiadian nbieveraamd Litle cI ot.'n aor neaci- ,-mlibitthay sttn l gi i John A. Macdonaldi gaveue hall lte dot> off, viàg,,M40epar bumitel ounee>' Ibuaeleioh. tarie>' hhey use, andesi)lb.>'e ventl ih in cTemoi tigte lae -ÂÎrÂucain Pxa.-Tba mte of if- -him-tn 26m s i..s- ly deplorabis,lb uhappy coula>'bipga pre> ' 8au. a, 'asordes', ii ma mi ionai leMiGRamrXO ro IuRE.a».- Prep. ations ame being aide ltrougioteu Iralaid foir emîgration-to Asiarca, Tha steamer Ausft hidpped 125- young mon and vomen cf lte fuanng clan aIs Galwayté 18 lia Unild Btates, and a seamer la t8 cIl fortnightly a& lte came port fer paseangera. - Sue lit" Mmammnaticu of 1h. Czar te Sultan cf Turkey. lives inu-constant .dreid ef-asmafte The Eari cf Perthhieaspisei dehlmex- amiuelion in-the Court cf Baakruptcy -dobta, i7,00; asata. nm7. PIt la nov eMMdthil lita gentleman kuown 'aWs Commandent Alfred Ayl- yard, nov Serving wilb.-the Beers, te ne etiter titan Murphy, ltae Miucheer informer. Th"e emprse0cfAusriacmpraiua ltaI Enln admppinting allesr hl> Isnd, lhitIs ar ane "leppi," andi taI th. fields sic, tee mai for 'a e ganop. Thte marriage of Lord Brooke, M.P., teir oc hie BEu etfWarwick, and Mis i Mmynurd, lte iteaullfuhai hireu wviomu thie gesipe itetrolthedni ic leng age bte Prince Lsopeld, is fixedti t taie pince on Salnrday, lte 801h imet., ut West- minlatea Albe>'. -Lieutenaul.Generai Sir E. -Sella> Smyth, luhe Inspecter- Genanal cf ltse OmuadiunMilitas, tas iteen gîzetteni ho te celouele>'f et isScvneô.ecend Higittudeys, lite "Dnkc of Alitai>". Ovu,,' nov foring villa lie 78;bt *The Scafout tiHgitiader.." Duowx.-Wm. muer, hairdrlasiai, and Arlthur-Wright, soi-ual pleyea-, bot italoîging te Bneckville, vcua drevueni Monda>' vhile ont dudk-aheotlng. ýOns-tird montrnb.ier ubeau out -in lte Ottavi-diasIi Iis maison titan Saera - Isali raamashave beau mantea Ircluni under theprenisons et Coercion Act.-- A NzxvspaBLuirnx.-Il is ici oi heltal inoepapar mac«a srs iamati hlmuder ltei-te Chicago lNws -d al.ote n ~a king oet-Den- mark se sBtte 1vbîoithcouini bineb' sceapa tegelhsr »ivne- a nouii Io sund a uivitmmIy decayentrd 1fely. Decyen isla ardI>' the Word te bhi-ap- pledti ea-noyai famil>' lsitluoudays lai faishani a Painca. ef Weale o Great Brlsin, a Ring'So eGnoe., aid au EMpresa te Bisas. RàEweaxax-It tenidu thaï lte eue- tome officervWho -vas *instrumeutai l vorii up the Chsueliers bridge sesi une, la>' viicit 926,700 eOt nditial duuies e ae mddsd terltseRevenue vii gel one-titnidet titiheamenul, vitieta it as entileihorecaive mnier ltae cualama agtltionr. SEmOr. .masss.i larepoian IlbaI- citrgoee a seonos nalure. lain beau pa-ferrasi agsinsl a Gonremaul officiai b>' an employas mien hlm, -vit recenti>' icceined i uas halaller ltse lOtIs oh Ma>' ie cernaes veuld not -hae requirent. BunuasaCOUE.-2heapr.ne enIt *ili mektionilte- U19hqf Apain myrthe 'The board ofcexamiucrsor' Dominion laid mia-nee7ra viii meefitllewa ou .Ihe Pthof M" oroathe, -ea»sna$enof, torse,costlng 1280,000luina.héMon.- treri ýmsçkot during lb. lut tharem' mentha, »auMtppeni hcm- ail oneu- le the Sites,- -A îtt pni idepàtolî- fam Bambefotd llite&btllte vler te t uSaiathe- vai le rising 1 he ileuSa Uosmetgthu Bied The- Mn-. Glu Ha seiniI fieaneil * ing au.iu posesaso0 penny$ a expanil or £714,0 £983,0m,. of ebuta 'debt, H mnillioni voulil lei na prope coma fax cenitati iras hae surplus a" et £285. last yas posas eaI unli-it disapper dut>'n-d b>' ?neof

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