Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1881, p. 3

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STOC FANCY Wh.. IN EVERY QEPART- T Ef tOOD8t'ýaêPartment you wi4il hd ail thé newest Dresai ÇGODS-The latest and most desiràb1e goodu in the,.trade. .See ýour Hoaier«y, Gloves, Parasos, Embroidories, &o. HOU SE FURNISHRINGS-Lace Curtains, Table Linons, &o, TWEEDiS& CLOTE Sa 1ýle fine goods 'we are showing for the Spring CL T EN -I hsd artment'we c9à, not be 'excelled. Our make, fit and stleOe EECT 1 The goods are new and Stylish. The prices are the lowest. cr 1,B'w NO. 1-DEVERELL'S BLOCK. P.S.-Due notice will be given of Spring opening in Millinery department. The Brlats Budget. In lb. House of CmosMnay Mr. Gladstone made hie budget speech. Roe aid the gross revenue for th: paet flnsucial year vas £84,041,000, show.. ing an mnroase of £1.841,000, over the. es0tituate, sud a total laoroses from tax- ation of £878,000. Mr. Gladstone pro- 00 ose smewhat ta ainehorate the revers' licences la favor of privai. brewers, sud intends ta reduceslbe dnty au foreiguboeur about à shilling sud a penny, and also ta augment th. duty on imported sprue boer. He said the lIas. les-lit yeer vas 88,810,000, or £UZ4,000 leus Ilasuthse estimats, and the surplus revenue aver expmnditure £IÊS,Oo. Thse rime bcd nov srrlved, ho thought, for propoelng the conversion of short aunult4es ftb longer annulîles, wigthel.vlew ta thée reduction of the debt. He proposed 10 psy off sut7 millions in twenty4fve years.e en- liumted the expendltisre for tha yesr juet coonoued et £84.705.000, snd the revenue et *85,900,000 wbicb would leave a surplus of £1.285,000. Hie proposes t ae a penny off the iu- corne tai and apply a SM ulm 16 the construction of barracks. TIi.. mess. uresslie osud, vili eonsums th.evIiole surplus sud les,. su estimated defloit of £285. The extre penny of incume tei wich ie toa be remitted produoed lasI yeer &bout £1,000,000.He pru- poses ennuelly ta reduceth. duty of silverpîste by tbreepence per onuce until tbm wholp duty, of algbteenpence disappeare, sud replace Ibm variable duty on differeut kiuds of foreigu spirite by one of ton shillings sud fourpouce on escIi gallon of standard spirite of al ki=ds. lHe empects Ibis viii produoe an inraaed revenue of £180.000. lie psoposos varions changes lu thse probste .legacy and sucoeussion duties, but no- tlsiug cfa sveeping nature. Ho said the anomalies ellng ilu ennuection with Ibissubjeot could auly be grappled .will when tbe law of inheritance vas deait witb. H. conclnded hy statlng that tb. final resuit of &Il the changes b. proposed vonld b., for the Yser just canimeuceda uestimated surplus ai £295,000.. *Two ULoscs,orc ANCLURE ansocu,. Iu Landau the reported abeconding of the two bank clerks (3raydon aud Me- Eaeheru causes considérable sansatIon. IL appears tbey LookhtIe keys of thse Vau?, wlth thsm, sud à a nubaid tabe broueht irons Toronwto taopen IL. I T u nlt beau reveald bow usucb vau taken, but 1h. amout le uuderstood lusome quarte. 1 be large, irons 810,000 ta #8.000. Orsydonwvumderstood tu live st a higb rate, k.eiug expensive horees, fancy doge snd taksng ei hald position as a spoart. 'IL vas ibouglât aIl along that b e bad outeide resources, but thonseappear 10 b. ci e hazy sud un- certain klnd. The partids muet bave loft on W.dnesdsy. - 19 is ual kno*n thse direction tls.y Look. IL le given out that db. bank i. soeure but ta vit &Mnount Li not ststed. Ail parties ci', very retîceut. Nav PAILXAME1eT BuaDiNs.-The Comsmisloner of Public Works of Ontario le nlofing csutiously lu thse malter of 1h. nov Parliaiment buildings, beldetsrniined ta keep the cos) if possible vithin ths linsit fixed by the 4it'isture. IL bas been decided la htibriit two or three plans, amsy ane cf wbich would b. suitable, to tbe lest of thse contreotors. Tenders sud specifi. calions are being- prepared vitb thal objeet. Mfr. Fraser bopos ta ho ready te invite tender sabout the lattér part of May. Tue PILL Box.-Thus familar l1110. re- cep"a*leoften conls,undor 1he guse ai MediCIns, chesp minerâi eozmçande thé- monl dange.rons. lieforo ou o & remedy for cough or oold, or pvxn 'or ache, etc., makesuqulrtes regandug b. virtues of Dr. Herrlck's d a.etdVglbePle IlPscuous uffienlng 'roM impure blond, or Whose hosit is gving vsy, oiher s min. hinersor lthèsevwsonstidy closoly, "iI fand ln Fello's syruLoi Hypophitphites thse materiel ul tgM tison sd 1he Ioula te, houp then ýthons," DIr. C. IClay. Whtu a persocuIs vosis-sud falut, or la- tlgud sud "xbautted, thon. l s otlg an rsfreshlnir sud revlvtongs. a 11111. ai Mur- ray ud L=Wms's oada Water, Rubbod on lebahsdeultemplesi sud ilubaled freîy Illoes uébrui.et te vbole lys. FadedO plnoe.Hwmmur thon. bande of ladloy li rérewho lockh v ansd fsdod, whi i .tuo9ely Illeo; ta &U snob let us viaisr a wod. Tas bave la Brio- tolsa arspârilasudBPill.ene ns e«i roi- torlng yIr 001, bhteing yaur epes, sveetoug yeur ta'sudglving pou snund Spuerdailsth. To curoa secugb, lé rellove &ai rritations ofet i.roat. ta restoro e fect sauduea sud bat t hesi l.mee iiesa-99orgenlua- tiens aiflias unan rm-h' ug- Dr. Wstsrwa lsamn of Wlld Chery. vbich luesllpréore vlth tise sane- cars in the seetlnsd omonlge l elu Angrdicsteas hsu~t as.- lntrod.soed *lb lb. public hy DM. itur avec farty yean - The genersi verdlet of the smokers ni Canads antIsat01fyrtlo Navy" l-e bûfeit tbbuio tboy'have over used. There eau ho ne nistake epatbis ,lut for, Il latuprovol by tbis t =ubl 9oles..ThI"lagede iuand fer tise tobeeco shiows te ta b. true, *ad thé chargetr of thbelusad 5lyta1cre tber proof. hhbswIlever.bemo01 he p mndl.hn, u'b» lg meb ad dlovth 17 Iureaelog dens. Tise ssus&us. quslt7 ty fttomo secutsfer T1h. bss ut nw'riped for ail c1eétioaiS ofitheeohest, Luffl or throat le (Omy's Syrup bci Àà spiùes Par. 'Il laewutau t. yugéd by theus o f persisas ulengJ he la ové dite"e u d Ain 1ysv itiotncýo It eEcrds.lasinàéAalerief. lu NE W AI)viERJisEjmENTs. Wu R. HOWSE, Chemist and- Druggist, -DEALER IN- ]YRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, TOILET SOA.PB, PEj%>UMIERYe SHOULb'ER BIRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINUS OP DRIIGG1UTU' IIJNDIES ISUALLY KEPT IN «A FPIRST CLARS DRUG STOIlE. PHYSICI-ANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully coompounded, aud orders answored with care and de ptch. Farnransd Physicians froni the country will ûud our stork of ruedicines comnplete, warranted genuine, aud of the best quality. CORNER BBOCK AND DUNDAS STREETS, WHITBY, ONTARIO. 1881. SPRING. 1881. CHEA P 0OOO8AT GRIEEN WOOD!) The uudersigucd returus lice scunere thanice te custozuers for pasi patronage, n osctulysucits a -'coutinuanço of thisaine. Ho asors bis eihoris t patroniso Home Traa--pecislly wheu they cen buy botter snd ciseaper goodMfirons hisu at home tIbm by going cwsy uasd speudmng Iheir money elsewhere. READY-MADE CLOTHING. - MDOTS AND» SII HARDWARE, SEER", and, in fact, everything required by the trade. SEr Splendid aaaotment et Wall Paper, very low. We meanu W do busiess-if good CGooda s &M close prices wilI do it. (*ive us a call, sud see tIsat vo meau 'what vo may. Spocial inducements ta cash customers buyiug lange parcole. Véry highest pnico paid for produce. MeUo-" ,Sinnil Profitsesan Quik Retumss 1" £pt* élIs, 1881. (lin-lO> M. GLEESON, GREENWOOD. OIGUINETTL, AN AUITOMATIC-REED-'ORGAlie WUTH o'ur OwulxtTrn Aie P o ~ muic Psu, a Ae VV *ithout any musical education, ean procTuce au enalis ysri'etý orf excellet music. 'OUR ORGUINETTE le no osteli penny trapIbt Msia istruionit of -zen merit, whieh bam beobme Standard lu the United Stae6, 'where,000 Orginetesper tiouth an olM., OUR ORGUINETTE AN D MUSIC PAPER.., -wi l at for mnüy years, -no matter howofeapIay64, and irill noê t tC Of ordte ;8. 1 V=0TIGBJt UET, M0E I4ANUFACTURERS RD, PATENTES. M0NTREaL. 1e 0gel -Rich.Th ra ed n Thé. ntsecrt ot obtgslun riches ýDL Xu Kios 1kw Deucovaai for Cmu. tuet ta pnue o.ocnose,. "aulsgoodolti Pd1lOé e = i~jets aeis "0DesoonSuyder.0 «"Il uesdta warrytb. 7P-Î OV«»I>1 vi fn th. reait 01 Mies out a1 me lapu.u&ïtvctr' ile )i <bUra5 tçI. , 4ausgi spuo but now 1 have smuek rlch.» Kealth su lais ebgusio, 0f o 1 jnesrIhsuprom sla oUttle house.. Uh6r raleIIp"r t"sAserEliyeo ",uda htbnplybouIus» vs u»e no IiCi he W hleve. = ,other nsedlclnq but Electrâ ie 3imand it on5t-'y C" osumpion, butoY.blà .ol oisffyots"rbotti.." SoMyslI 004, Austhme, chi s, Say Pqvs .drugglals. Sin-lO O* -ù -110deiaRalons U b Tapt rrl-3d Im I' ïioÛs C bi Oiir Cfarpet rooms are open for-,.,,8pe-ýoDë,tion. ur eoo eigomletèn BrselTapestry, WA,-U~n ep tar co h eot eigsa Iowes3tAprces MILIEYAN RESAN D"MANTLW MAKIý-NG Weare prepared to- fil ail orders, for Mllnery in the best, style&. Oi='De and Mantie making department -in-'fulil workingoder DTMJ~T~r Extra hands- at -work i-aloigdepartmenti lOrd6esprorpy Suits unsurpassed in style and *okahp. The, usual supply, of eàmilP Groceries.WÇhitby, April 7th, 1.881. Jî BfOW LLi ; w "MD DfIf Ad rit NEW amUVIM18MEIS« . . A I I OPEN TO Tifs DOMiNioN i CLAREMONT and PICKERING SPRING 'SHOW!1 l'or thse Exhlbxmcw ri Mmre, camle, and Impleinat, WVfl b. held ilthu lb ilae ci OLAREMONT, TLWÀSDA r, APRIL -26thi, 1881, Whou PrI"ai viii o ofrea&amonntlng ta PRIZE LIST. laI. d. , Bust ieavy Draat Stallion. sud o.ma RoIricilbra SDibn& 8 -re sud upvsrd.............. ..49 2 Beet RoadeterSthic. 7 g Bos" Heavy Drt smre tu fmi or evidouSc tbei-ngls . lem. Fsuprise by Arthur joebet.,caws F. Sud prie by Mnr. Heudensim, draviug beîlivalue$L .-...... _ t B:m Heavy Draft Tesu lunHeu- Ias.iSd pries by A. Oxford, Hors. ho e4 -Torounto...- 8 O Ile grcual Tesa ta Bar- usas. e M rix 0ie pu mp hyMr. 0. Gore.vet x .rp i bar.. e*oUacsby Mr. N.Bur- toZ4WOrthj8....--.-------. 12 Boul Agrieubura T«=sin la ar. Bout SIie oHors. euea lh audsa b vr-----7 Gn lors, la Nfer esa in Mei.-or Gel-dig-sulky, tlvenubyMe.,w.Domie4 aia 'è 1 BefftBll, S-cIT u sdoûr8. <sr IZIttoà>Yêc Bua $or ukppjng.... -.........iéis BdeecUdlngellsavuî ~sir.o't*và "tut giutaLd"bl Aetoniabiug tIsý erod. Poraeperfect renavati=o f oeusew udgenorai deelire, nothlag n srrely prodnctàa S mSet zea Hosds (OA$ E SmFi ODD FELLOWW HATL, Is ehown & eyçhiecleto fnew St5pring Godis i every, depamn Thé' stocèk 'of pan and Faney DieussGoods i'is oilteba~n altenewest desigus for tin s sasoi'%s tade. A LOT 0 ýW.'PICEDRIUBGO0I3,GRASVLUfrom 10 t%017 oetA, ALL WOOLI) EBEIGyRS 9 et 'VERY WIE àA.LL WOOL -DEBEIGES at 2*5 cn FINE 8ÂTPSI; flEBEIGE 8 a.t 2 cns VERT 2L'LNýSTOCKIGETTES a ~cns FMNE ÀLîcWOOL FRENCH SUITINGS at 40 tetè FMP68T ALL WOOL FRENCH AMEERES 1 43îexs HÂàlD8OMÈ fROBE» DRE-fS (*008 ,lýt 3Bt0, .o nq îffi 8 ELEGANT NEW PLAID$ Bt 45, 65, -and lý5 <ietÈ. A VERY LARGE RANGE,,0F BLA0EO S«ieIB at 50c, 60c, 70c, 80c, 90c,$,1, $l .2-vt~ A 0001 RANGE- 0F COLOREJ) SILZ 'lfbtî 4%etsup.' AN EXCELLENT STOCK 0F' BLkÀOX JR18 AND MANlTLE SILK8, the best Inevrho. MANTE A» DESS U~I'0N~ 'ery larg stook,ýof thé e pst HIS STOGE 0F PRINTS 15 ý ?-INES7T TBE SEEN MN WËiTBY.ý lais EB0DEi~ hich haeeeén .nnavoidably delayed eu arrived at HAlifax, and w~iib. 1-hoiwu -about the_ end'ý of ihis-iwleek. && ,the m:.-L A~~l npf~~o complete stock will epsy îutoeniiugpurhae. Msnoh 204h, '1881.- I4 sT E w AVRIEMS NISV j à [4~L O1~ING GNTS' FU RIfNG HOIJSE!i The unaen*ugfieè b-.,ua M,.IT& o n1i4s JAM a NI go, for, 'T -Weat Ln gaimes prime. exSS-REuT." DAS STREETS. MECHA N/CAL lb} No.1, KX, ýju zz l7 1 1 _- Il

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