Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1881, p. 4

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tb Mr.leO so t ir « a nd I 'u h 'sgsabmhr l.lt wae ir gmarss , w ýe - Pot je .aù .a- Débold ibea-mo asu le usssllHanPden, Throeugb t*try oeuo, have ihaîr craves grovu diai; À Pia, a surisé, a IntecrusseIl sas, Wîîlî&ail the lrLlus glazy ut là1berl eblefs thé «U sdcvii, Tàrilladsoss atitcar Mois ws ur.evs As wuntby cf1b.the beie out tDY &hms gav a s fDiIbe past. Aye Wbfaý :U' al ci .uSl&nd igre long or Bae shall Wear lhe victor's baye;- Wbeza cernes tiecomilet let oui- var ci-y b.1 64à Biais 1 a Laurier 1 Blako aud viaorlay' Bllis, vith lbe stalolees nais; Blke 0ou1ithe roll of gazoe RIg#b laced alreadywllh the gtsd sclial, 09 ail Who feel a petrot'a pride In irulb aud hessi Weil îrîeA lulfto e inbreadtb ef viw, lu bur ainias the oains ede-. d- With sncb a chiet, ciy brther.s&hall vs . dresci 0f adght but viciai-y, vhee the baIles Wlsh paeeeul caufliot soi-gos lbrougb the Whee algbty.throe &hall sommes us le seand, Lic velerans te aour «nsV-o,4m and 'Tit aurs le ocrt i lblailes bloodiese throng, atrusg is ouresase-our chiet- Stnp #ljlbAM abelleS Tbî ïlir cure. orce cfBleu -W. b»iourebef-we gi-etsoi- hcoore Ls k"erbmwbsd e Ou.eiry lel -acv'Bhiiàseau 1gb, anlet -reeg, hbey hut lila etbl= 0hovoe laoed làuge;ff -snaithe Ibrot Ut oui xe-ih1Webliâlb. 1aig A* prmog tlc, 1h@5 au lfbusthe lias O*i leadéerssieùr4yblove.shah Uroutét h* Uur batida-" la "Blaie P' Blake. with 13 ieeeeern * ilik, ise l m loieor blâe; Wol bo,poples esab B iokoe, vhonai>th.future cuilt Sas 4sop seebried *itW~n lb. peepl'O Wl..,, upighbl, u-$remi Gladtone& Delil=tgon 1e4 i eut veleome h. Woclhy cutlves, vhee-sculsd, oýtâpChes,è Lsad one «»ppsueraiem cbmolgi ls. b4resI A vOcoepivortbY ou %rtilashmuos A sco elesa Osavi Court At Cyprus. A frlscd b-i ut Pt "Cyprees. t be falloëlng lubbl eu ecu Th4.Cea i-i siàieg i ~eaI ie b Kouah, csnsistiiag cf beCadi ilabg iubes, lits op e dsbeinuLriiiisd .- Wli fer : %wo lse moneam M -rayah ili-. fei, poîsti dove iUir e. tu; aÃŽwlb hie asubbe f, ý ilou#ecd d ~laiir eSig *lc f te uâilIeôliie-p.elb witso3 ilsy spi eT Turýlsk- àoibl ileaiseuaklsgluuulaailus#ekjstlup Uawéîoc ce dlivàansgot be *Oý.anduile" of the côt aWta liavoaidasof thé laînreaietiprte,,oea cypiclt 'W Aildi-cesi lieOcur ie ta-Prat d the4 b ioilhýu n tape5t" -Behb & vie - lhrb ai c f1*- 011«. otl tkes by S~,piuii5,vileesa asi lu,s ag- w e-eutta woasbictian& >uoukelu» àaiut J';0as eueeouiti sei- 8". ftqtli ict ndvqWtxte: WilIAait du défefi S aI1I bcùtd likdtZ esk'ifogre 4talig'ny e. eý r@ is ligeAi'IMOwusiur cais. Chotoeove&afin celaaibou îî-u'w gAibl. . NISIîg4etN ae F<;irotkj d iscp- bm- ; ilenlsuitah Cour-i.Thi. As. juitci, ïU *assaeitucis 1u a large ibtîul citiul ibmhmUIîeýt uit-bilessaruti llru;iàeru. îîîe tasrprelar t'cking ascIi- *ret W, eerb'sehm. - niattiar gitaugtour'& e la 5-' 34. vwaulesusllvery atigalusnwn i b. 4éae pdae ià t'en fsi hp CChe~ vqqpip ,àlâîb p the ip ioi- cyîdl 4.fs: Aieeoele, spa"iur; *'.sl souhaitea Ia ler. Dito"e. MAsLi. Qfmmha * 4Âm lsê S~T~' - Umame, viett tby plromptly deepsil te UA Ezcelleeoy te I.îllhîomvivi. iceer, th ii. iiioewiîissloiùer, uMr- profs.gat . f te -GnA Ple nfor a parts. Uhns UnIeto~ z yord pelitiati, ut . muiinxse hue fesilecekrk iunte <hiy guo' alors ; butlocd Sel vilI abortly catch ber byý lteé ai-w* 8, sabevi lier- vscillutlca, n ui ies n- 44;a mi he dhin tie puise bounl't gatlliug cithe saine fOr gi-ses,9 a ewcbkise rting on thie tatlewfoiQY 41dMliiý, ad i thie scie boy Mslh,-rinf op aid jnnk iunte bettuai cf tbe onai wetiig bis Jeelte bis Iguore sud ta ive te aferesaid youpef. @ter an awfut aoportuuity te puî bis augal plumae on- HlfSprifig hHIL the *ui ~ bine irds1hdlthg bi-lgeai -te varle- os ai 4 80 .m., vit e .ai-e avakened Sy tae neigitber's bei stealies a r hrs.ý-rdislfrooea-u t tho ,114y.i the biack kiteon vin'dov presenteth a aighul vbioli weuhd -baffle a secrtary cf a uday ohoel pinucta tenoma, aed lne fon ee coi-uer lev Iyeth the felîne cf 1880, eanpcvei-oî la thie beepity skiri sud garniala ict itthe lamala eau. Nov pi-suce forth Aut ldelisesllier dockiiiode fer tbe punfi-iyg-of lte tht ytuuilg =aui aie' « ot outinlb pr- eloututo!a ai- orvîtb obnenc-m=ttasl ineuoel ii e gpy gRbi p.ftnbiilsslb for Qpeuiugsandhe billohectcr walketh pover as thue Law dtrecte, snd endeav- Once more bail I Soa,vaier nov aquirletb vacilla for oeeasdtouer mu.b for avother, aud .tiiti tere is ron; tihe ueblder take4litday» lb. stova and calehetbcocld, *in unisoi vilh tbe enýLisafaiiv lb.essit day. Movlîng on) iU», Ïidigmaire ùiear*sý dmddtsfoi-- lte aylum -;theb, by inallhoeià blsit;oà " i 'l.!'- sbakath bis bead as lia sayell "ibhs baba bas aara"But vitb ail lbb» desolation thona bringesi tote ycung mas vitou.girl looketb laviugly au the P'oreaei," thon aIec carielbli tby breatb fiagi-sel broc-se, and thon vat- ereih the fui-i-cv vhb thy tsars ; sud lte vernal grass, snd lte catflsb, sud green gai-den iruck sud hteating calves, tsud dry gcoes, sud May flevers, and Ossnade thisihos, sud the bold jimuen Word,'comnth4ip aL.d criet inla uison. Raill 1 aIlhall I earib sud and &air, sd the ton acre lot, sud tbs fat mn,ase feu cof tby glery. Irelani'. Happy Future. A kind friand bas sent us s hut- arous brocha" e itht an iluisiralon. rep- resn.nt.nuî tva labicrrs in fri-eudly cen- verse about thes fute of It-land, vben site wilI Ais fiesfrais "tAie,hujieof Ianlloriodum"-and lte reeponshbiiity cf paying ulsbts. Riîiiculousasi te follew- mng redue! se ed abmudum is,tbcuseudp cf aut Ibougbties ansd aenfiiinug people 1*1 tell ee MmT icaureas lit ea des l, bf ?t.- 4vomp a r4 1am liks viitAi 11.Ws lhave so mors led- g., o avwè~fàiyons, or ïeroeyos or-maglslrates, cr baliffs : sud vw.p or. Titi-lun a femago e apse oti Coe ~ 0 vlà,s ina lutte limvuigli a em te do04Ã" ithout, ihek$glieRii3o.toc, *04 lot"lb.,». go ovor te ecnvlri lb. people uEguf Wiall lhcmse aIs, ne poorbouss P>o joBs. anidiDo ,& si ay kinti wliti Iba sie aham suislgisce l auy (rse,ýoquitry. Oue ac v"il b. aà geot«,i saer, and a deelboter,toi>., W'll-bave se muqli liati as ve lil ant nt t-epal for, Il.'W. Msay.Y vbat vs lie.. sud deovitat v.. it.,AR4, onl ii iveUiàai aAW>r-tvÀFhie 11i-1loir -beiatifui couîl-yauil >"AV.h.. .i-cocb&J Roi avay wffliîomilil. Nul s ýbit vi . .ei geai1 bacf-. ba moa, ùn-sa "-s-k- uls betiler'lteytl eveage Inuit so'a.Wetii setesv thetu. We'lh'Bi it* every niau aendara woai ofteom fi-m ie-ýQa-. devu, aunI tbey dsieu- il., Ot, Tii», vont Iheu. a b9 loionsuati'te t Thon w. may saretb Irlanci fi-cm o.»edtO'a - l. tler*,~4sxIcftor agont -aid- st best st,' i'ýI thereicesi" hie grand- -est oeepli e ,beihèr ti , ana t*e esvy sud Ithe veutiuer cf tbeved.L" 140à dui tu-Lmr aé Ici4g4~red.tU i ts rdled uI1 ~lîa amosedulh l&sbanquet. Wilde- whloh b&la 4 . irsadyasaceda i pro. portions. Peacby, iij rt 6 roqi a v l &'V"ln o~'r cf at i1 te defeo.at bfi- S*civil striant. It will b. rsuieteedIat ibis vws -=&de a lest -case, and vent ltuithe Court cf Appeai, wilore ,a decîiine asgiven eatv utef rt io Teoruo BANQUET TO HIoN EnvAi» tBLÂKis. - Sir William H owland bas con- s.nted le preside astlihe banquestle b. 4hewd014n pr.otth The word "rolgut" id not Amerio&o, "cçording te the retailor, bti asused tjy Addison alsedyeebfpet o esn dii iii caUilïw*s pift u. tbs market in certain p arl' tsh b e. public. "In Euglaud th. word wua applied te bid boer er wiue." says tbis acthoriiy. "but i»ntlîis countiry it je esed te peint out a kiud cf Whisky, mn (trop cf wblcb veuld peisen a hsalth# eiounacb if firA ai dAis distance cf 78d yards, Dollypgount ids le govsrn2' SelinatGoôstl1 -AT- GOlLllSSMI'li'-ý BAL *J ELEXCTRO-PL.&TD GOQDS LADIES kbôfif 'r 12rAT 008T. SIL'VER WÂTCHÊS The whole stock to be oleared off before the expira- tion of the lease. JAMES JOHNSTON, Break-St, Wbitby. 1 Ma=i oh, i1881. J'OHN SCU LLYý, Land and I1 9~n)~et 400 i'urme t u Otsko8and Landei -RPILWAY AND STEASI? GN. Agn.af or eh-W.4 Tea ier"is S an d C4ify of Toteato.", TICKET$ -FOR SALE TO 41Z POINTI. Ccotraolor'b Mesdqurtess CANAA PCIFC RILWAY. &T~o fs -wlshu«tleam& sur frisuâis la Grsegleg alsswls le Çeorreqsedenca, .eioitei -vSlbuvs office; o, 16 front-B8t, V/et, YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Improved.) OAYUGA Jia MOWER,, (Improved.) and = &Gol da W. alec netify al ?purdumses ho want durable machine ,ad propose offioce in w1tbY. befere w Ç W~6YSTEM, As early a s i.pra ill. ana theuuuby malte car pruc list at Iowpeli liv- '-~- B~OW& JATTERSÃ"NMNPS Co. Whitby, Jan». 21st 1879. -5 Coun -i " INVEAIÇ' myLqcr 8qe h~eg adIl'etail, KIgîG ~~t7S~A Just received for Christmas and the New Year, a. large istock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, ~o3prisig -port - u 2l0rry -nres, -Brandies,-- ~hdG~ss.1 d j d~oter. - ~ié Old Rye sud Mail Whlsk.y, test le th. Taylcr & Bais' sud Cosgraie & Sons' Car&idlu Ale" asd Perter, sud Lagar Bear sih draft sud le boîlbe.- Puaelsrry té 'tof upauiar qeail. i 4 ,.0O,00 Mdi Sm ~ M~dby% n veoti sudboti. A.r ntro'lsssu Mad <oi meooiigpupoae, ai #2.75 per Gallon. Red d aGreen asal Olti Tom muid Rolasd* Gin. t-i euot'e, Burk% ,Duivle sd Steua oBooland IrisWhuskeys. Try oe iW b« e o4î WiIçiv t -fltwst Wblakey iii the market. $2 per giUoor 85proébè of one dozen issai qealiiy of OiJal&Bu. t Basa AIe, bodla&byIIMbsr* sud 1ogler Soui4,4 Qla.an Pa. Ceagi-ave A1Sci f(oclt), Toafok& eie <i.QaLtaCW I a) .Ale cedraft, te 5,1 10âù a àntiGlloui legs, iii làBoul. id Doses, cf cedoWes qua&dte sud oscen U-I BA E EER PORWINTEB..USE, - Tvoô dosen boilles ai #1L25,per came Ovuo ud BasisBsoot' lui- in quai-l:ansd pibts, Ceagi-aie& Sou'a celolxr$eâ Stot, at,1 5 per dezen quart, and 75 cents par ?ior Tus - 1rincesa ToIle, -For de Aima-, âïdiroquous, iai e! ruitss BQues f O uý tga,- ' ine, --e 0 Uta QleenflteTrf . mâ î Éà Vleis GIIdLge, Poùda-Fmer. aoi Amins-s. La Carolins, La Catolica, ioga GaussIez 9E[. HjLa PFiai- the, Ameaican Ccnsu Wîilon's Ktoutral-Ginger AI*, Lemouade, Polisse Waiur, -Sellas 'Waii-, Botlas retumnable vfien soi ehargd foi. DePs. bith, 1l8m. r2 s;pllrAWAONTAlIIO. à-,ï -t--! pô - t a s EFFfl EveryNe - SheepPi P OU&Ikltry. fea --tW ot-onthis Fzî i)lgv s-uatrmr u ree ni p*e~e e be2l e.-Tilasbtn ptoved by acuae. petiment. ~-- , -~~~~ îÉÃ" ktinM Toer!u Fsxn, if tsda directed, ýil ftna marrsingjyýshôýtlime, and a censidorable savixtg, e 1eceàinpteparinganimais fer th&é mâ elT~he be88WOf sileu- oa l ýýjlh belttsudnafirmer <lien iheii fed in the ordinary way." - -On ne animais ini the firmer's bain-yard dees Ibis PzRn - ehevs ils good effects sooser or more salisfactorily lin cntlie Hog. ,If given 'lm i lea certain peettve 'md onze-for e e. HogChoiera. '11 - ii atePg fatten in bl i sa ii FEAD'. THESE REQO9MMENDATIONS. I bave used the ManbhaiiehFeed fer my hroes.sud cowé, and j feunitiabo very Ioný- eticial, and vezy nilcestile au c9-wo especisfly1 lb»quanhiy of milk haviog incressed cen- siderafily with lth e ae quSitiy of food, an4 tly hae fatiened aise te a conelderab1e oelt aiKtthe ssci. ime. *Z. GRAVBL. Logan'e Farci, Mantreal, Mai-ah 22, 18W0. This is to ceriify thal I bave uned 1he MachaitïnPsed, forCave-for smre time:.id fand ib beneflcisl both bfer mli snd fattwannif guveula lhem regularly. THOS. IRIVING. 16f YnerteeToroto-asie, 2S II Milles, Ontarie, Jaiiuary 27, 1881. Hs-hn sea elda;httnFe. for Hforees and Catile, we f154 il Iho es.d ibatwu have =ed in the .ay of Feed. (8d.) James A. Frazer, Jamee Lindsay,,Johnman Agnew,, J. R. Mitchell, Jehn Besdhead. -w-- R.W MIl G o., Pkopretors, Montr.eal. Fer sale in Whitby by or MEMIwP ZP X] .3j:, Brock-St., Whitby- ANNOIJNCEjlvuMENT. FIJRNI.TUREI -FURNI TURE!É The ider ixid-begs resi»ecfuuy -to announce te tlie ini- haiats<fWeitby eàsd urr'B Ouniitg country, tht holis uow opened outI 1h. o&a niuwfçn. o 4stabhshment îic long keit by bis father,' On &ýBook SÉtreet, two dooôrs- South of the0"'-14Neiw 'h vi2rè er. intends ta lteep a large and weil aesorted stock cf FURNITURE, ana hopes by o3rict ttention-tobusiness te mealit a centinuance cf the patirbnzge .o lc¶ ýgbefto"ea on the oa establishment. efrties debirous; cof furni hing, will now'find a choice and' -sali, , 1 ected stcok <o cdiof-m, as every article has boss gel up ex- preslyfor titopenlng, and i -shail ýadd nov gooafrein the factory in Tarante eas s steeédeti. Pu2~camrs'na rlyoh gttng good Furniture, at the An early 1 ection of the stock is -now solicitedand vhetlier you buy ic> 9Myou il libe welcomi he bisat the. Fur- iture. Whitby, Oct. 28th, 1880. PA RLOR BOO-T and SHOE STORE! Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, MAT THEW OOLLI'N1 Tnforma oustomera. that aIthe above eatalishment w.il,- be -SI foud THE iA4046T, 3E8T, andFI1*EgT assoutment eof~ok -cf -Boots sud Shces betWeenToronto andMbziltkeaL -t W ~Don't be satifid with looiitg ,aIt te displayin -the show bÙdw ut-go in ad: examine anti se for yonrself -hath-ttoe ileti with B eveythng hauauibe oalled fer iW lieBout andShoe -in., fer -Ladies, P6 issG"ileand Jhýéa 1 ewar-, Ot.er.$900 iUîctorl f > iATLO P1IE :No bbow0 I bà-whatià sstraîght, m saying that'-in the:,csi cases yet uzipaoleed thhe undersiËnedIias nov. oniiand -as lre a stock as »Bé miost esleblilments in bis liii of business; .A See the new Berlin Fei -t.Ldis ieK4Boot& - eltBpeeilty.ie3 Fie-ic <M Truns -ýa ma Valises' in great vMliety, a lowest MATTH»W COLLINS, - Theé?Mài"iotk'Pâ1or Bool and Sica Store For cale,, by -. Perluciol rs Lmautssand Ferry Davis -à son.' & Lawrence ý,üout, ;Sogle Agents.- MONEV TO LENO.. A LARGE AMOUNT 0F PRIVÂTE t1funds ta leund an farci propertY ai 6 pet cent. pert ennui». Apply le JNO. G. KELLEY, Boliciter, QM-12 DevereIl'>Block, Whilby. FRSALE. SACRE, comprlsiug lb. Soulh-wect t.iVý - 4areo LlN . 0in . h hços., TonsîpcfWhiiby. -Thon ei s d ifii et-wo etorey Brick dwelling on 1h. r mases alise - aoo4 barni 4vIb* ibc4 F: 8udccvar stablés, lunuîp house, etc, 4 ! hih r in. excellent condition. There le aise s lbrivlig o rchard ou the farci; good vater, bath bard sud seft Only a few me- ment's walk friom a echeol. Thtrty acres vote ploughod las f all, 9 of -whioh sresowu ini fali crep. The nomaluidon biig'excellentl pssturiig -là»d1 - Oüe- thid ý-o-Âprhs mou - l1be-ldowi . Ie - maidare h -ai ani beven yoaïïd bî yesrlyiunclhiu Fofurther particularsa p1ytOomis JA. OBI&fo thAu e pemse The Mi duui aisphe e ruinn sucl pioedut, The IS cdoue pnomplly, lu the And guves entire satiefacllen. BAII S &DEAIJÉÉRS Supplitti ith FIOUR etkbis Beli FÈLOURA1I;DALL KINDS 0F 1MILL FEED, FOR SALE.- Bighest PrÏicepaid foriWheat ,AT ALITIMES. - -ThànluLcl for tOie painopagoierffae teutcu adasnes, s d e esiunstiotii T. P. WHITE, ;tcîale~e,'8o~>27,Pare Y eàw~yP oitiio GLASGQOW. Alan Liýene,, IWWTER SERVICE3 vu ]BOSTON AND- -SHORTEST SZ 'PASSAGE!1 The' Sleamnshlps cf the-An-s»Lise si-e. -diî<lsthed fraci- Baoiiô every Thursday, usliug a Haifax on Fridsy, sudaviii bave Ufia îr.Saiurday. peelicu cf eater aun.Loer -t o- -FOÉ[dlan, frais Bouton. Ma-oh 8151, frouu Hall- 1 , faxApril fe& ý. Poye"frin Boston. April 7titroamERol- ",fax AprliPh'.- sardnln u rm Boston, April 141h fhem HB- fax, Apnil 19ib. Moi-aviso, fi-cm Bouton, April 21stfin Hai- fax, Ap-liSU&d Cii-asis» front Bestos. Apii 28th. fomRUsoi- -j fax. Apnil 801h. Sleerage assengers sre'forvsrdedto Los- dondMi-&elub, 0lu0wiQuernslews, Bristol, Cardas, sud Loan a-came rate as la Liverpool. Part ies ahing le Sena for Iheïr friende cau obtsun ticket, at 10W rates. Fer tickets gid bti-lher infoirmation Apply Express anid Tilegrsph Offce, -Whiihy. .Wbiby, Nov. 2uit, le8. BU SINESS EDU C ÀTI foi circulai- oouieiccln ulpriclr.(40, Office, 17eo. ý2 Church-8lt.. -Taleute. HON FRIIKSMIH. enaor~President. EbùJGEtOKEEFE;IlEsq:; Vice P*esldent. PATICKIII~H~, Eq.,W. T. KIELYE4sq., rae ô lalteret, sud ounaeoniotter sGovernmnit,and lmnicpaUDebuOltanr- es urýihsd, -ud sdvances medo e»zmm. 50-ly - - hiLy hi'-,yot~Blo-Pdioe TTIG8-, THE DIVISION êOURTS FOR î-ly et ii it, vbaït t T-Y-ooriradel".----7 your tmate ?"' asdte lb. FAREWI OMM;ce, rai H ctllWbxtbl . m ý,e

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