Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1881, p. 2

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415u- adula irlha ~P'n lbeir nova dl0 shoul tbe prpsty of Mr. » G laeiff lI N.11, inthls 1 au Pearlg m Pray, Ate 9, 1B81.,. Pa»%. ONLY Bet opsk AMtM Wlitb, Thursdy;- Aprl21, 1881. The Liberal Canéidaftefor I<ortl -- Onlarlo. tase Ldbal f~iSaS or th On. tario The viste" m1a miaone to au mbIëdeffis Ia'I»M bi - .Mu~i~vttwwUana1atb 4ouiny ala= 4.dtgntm g &Ue. clsb pibli.mttumrS:Aamua of undoubtel imWrv., AlbnaI*ibis Iifetlnsgi vbo4lJ'aa ay, mdgin«. tngIy hisuppot t-li.rso cnddao s hebubai aqvas thlisuom.fa Is bera eenv.ai4the, i ig lathe sufges of jalfriend, afi hlb.rrcafse, tb lb. votief&B mn et, libsrl oplnmau n" th.e sllng, aMdice1 :au frinds of lhe - Desti of LUnld eaconafild. Tiiheti ciBenj&a iDsa»Ii, rl of Be4manfield. lookplm M » aniary Heo ocopled aeolrmnm inl publie affaire turupvarlaifet rl Yeus. - n .a n.la làammtlal <noIUolm 15 e15. FIn yc b.w the.à wlur 1op cf b Oouavahl Pa"l. 'Tb4«esssul iesuu s 76-baving bsboin l».. Ilt.n.tDMa day cm W"hié Iw&hd requtreg amaI aunle vesi, F * h iin eviaommlaalqdse , réeoommmdid telook' or lhe au. ucubwnissua in, the' cguou aua pePoI&890d& P" e1,ch. ave PO orh»vortse Ws94olthe bot médziuam fonrinakia lkéoca char.buj 1s a et bual Vlue.. -..A ti adVO tismts Of n»V ulhlanen -South OctariaRa"=Ameecwtou At the mqbo alom PrSy, lb. the uAOnehg YMn- à). oemteal u, seIlaê ses,' 's fa Fil w~q.voes..u.t la toMr. Hagar hm wpmtm6.i tegive * the O ov- 'à Ialpendeszt support.Th roga,.» Mal or mai. ofb the romilla Fnl -lNorthumberland il aibvu lia Ibs.re Mvery fuv constun- stid stoni"io vilcm hu o consider. -edasI. la nsrium consorvatie ecandi- "d"atjul ovtu lter théi Hou.. of Camua or-lieOnlaloAsaembly. Tii " sauimtofaiMv.Hagarfor Dr. lHaniltu ê ourso roduces lb. alraady uaumsuically smai oppalàon, anS en- aMës lie (ivenamatletaceunIIvwo Dciii ef Rev4. WM. Punshon. A The caMe laitî veuibroutitho noe dthe dM ofB et id. Dr. Punsien, tbe celebraluMathedlatprs.cher. Péopi. in Wbhbylii reinmber hus visite la '"u placé, anS th oe chs lai floceS le hamhlmn. - h. Ie BRed. W.- Morley Pnuho vus borain 18U4 aI Doniailr, chbr. ioffino ofhi iefahr,,a lamber uselshIA ii ae Wai a us. 1 .BIDéM i@ t slroIg Suinl 1ý%Û- WWàttb@ýÈie t ofdi'a asscmay trpelogalt iiai hl ia «I .lm odtà làn PonM i80 tan e Ifng b. t isme. etn I»~4boale of S is trai pasorae casÉc I a l ehing lbe leaderset Mb. w.eaa onneihlon. At the " ufmncu" of 180 ha vau appointeS of iiuaatya Whltehavu, la Cuin. besiaS, aS ah oenly lviuhy.oiu yeeufaSp, bis netation vas snob ibai pople flocheS ta oahum fresu aiU par". IHo rnfitenid --lu varions pa"fth tl.eountry, basidJes visiting the nislropalia, viens uis addn&,sscs, botb froni lie puipi sud lie plateru, ah. tracteS considenahie attention,.lIn186 i. left Englanid fan Canada, anS mar. ried bis Sectaidwifo's iter, a Pro- .odiug vbieb 1.5 te bis binug atwuok off 111e 'Legal HunSatal by the Wss- isana Conf.reoe. The lady viii vbom Ps. Ponahon formeS Ibis connection 51.5 lu Ociber, 1871. Durîng bis ras- idseluis nDominion ho was Ove tiaes Peldont oet 1he 'CanaSian con- foeoce. Ho retrnied 1e Engiand lu 187, Mud lu luly187, bhoc-as eloctel Prisaient ol lhe We.ie&n Canfereuci for lie iom*sg yea. Many ef biseUr mossnd leotures, jmnbliahid aine 1888, aran m Popuie, espiaIly tb. Iisur ou "lobaBuu ansd lie xiupoa." m ï.beson bast is pu»Ub amia!volumeof pua Abous aili a hebi .l. ton 1, anVu=i iI li Umi i rev&teen un Ob=* k m xKe nly eoniu. loin Blov 8 al" baWoodbouse Chanab Tuly "d'à. y. Sa"i. A= o àmms-lJ. H. Porry. aud loin Hoppar-Delegaiu.to -8yuad -Dr. Car- mou,$ ILH Pmry sud ObhaS arney. l'h. ImApaS.staitsmont of both lieue obairciserOrsmalisactepy. 1,Tan psU& TautMo3n Co. hae nov Iveve- tsslmumsnts inlova. Coin. MnuiasionW"ithelb.,G. T. I La"on. lie Wbllby P. P. & UL. stetiot, Court Hoas, mNeuMd!anAominion Toie- napb 00- ansd business plces. IM in expoeS liaI uomumatitin di Oshava su Bovmauville viiibuocra- ploe in ta l or lbneu voeks. Tie suutralc9MOU s at T. G. Whitû1do ToàcnooC.LcRoSM.-Hoa las Pallia, a fomeir lav Partuar ai 8E& JTQIlm aidoalhm beauenappointeit oliaiWW cdeusom aIToronta. = ouW*dmlq mornlng, The. b" eautateutgMapie, on lis tae 1*ýTaax.--Ou QooS q1jà7 Iauea aleadacof any mnelt opie sud mat nrbants diA uhu 'bns.. duriaig lIa.fOesaooa. GooS ,uPr" ves a for dslry proauce, at evaqiingffareS for "Je was bought plianci i.srecmmandaS, The report 'i cciipued uuful map ashvw ing ~ ~ ~ b s>'psto itidiffetral -cs$041 izeingofaithc Domio BilvAys in openatien . 0,9.1 Î4BaiI-ya ndes a',onstrotion, en ciiab Iraçit i. laid - . O B*Uilc-s nuder construction 1,076-66. Totl.i . .............. 8,8W.49 There vas an. Serease of86.17 muiles in apenualon, anS a decrs..ot 111.,2miles nadi construction. The nomninal carl.! on li* Mis xiui, lm8, v.wu Lioca OrdU9 SAry sias piL$l#19,506,08087 Ptonmno. e do 70,450,140 87 Bo diSdbt..........980,66115 9 -Total--------.... 210617,4i98 il Amunt af aid frni s Domsinion GovasnU î474U M 6844 Ontario U .961,07 4es Qaibuc "84 1,058,419 86 Nev Branscici Gev.. ,740,0000 Noa80" ià.Go-r.......818,700 Knupitams.........8,818,944 88, Ohsivs.......16 Total ... ... 8?0i9 1 ,Tic nominalucpIW tal b. iiu ay st be oloieiof li.pevl.iiywa, c ordlumry shiresapal12,58 8 Pre(enoi-i169,05,187 87 BondeSdelult ....-...8,116?8 Gav. anSd uiia loans and bums.... 8,10,1024 Otburso8unceq ......... 4,4U6?? Tboespilai tasunatlfot <h. past voan dosisbat inclmue issoinof JO,- US-.7e.88, 1h. paid npcapital of rait. cays lu Azueiosu ernltary, ovued anS aperated by tihe Grand Truni, and eroneouzly inucînlded lu ther. rturna of forner ye. ns. Tber-,la iberefone sirluafly th. largo imorcaae of $19,618,70,%3nluthe.capital of the railu-ays, made up tins Ordlarty ame capial. $2,40,407 10e Prottrence . 1,890958 00 BoudeS debt----------.... 8,004687 96 Governurent aud muni- c;hiai aid-------------...11,987,796 43 OtýI$Ir sources...........'15988 Total .. ........ #19,618,79o 84 The large lucreasa iu Goverumoul aId io chiefiy dus la tie ixpndilu»nia the Canadia'n Pacifia llaiiay anS lb. pusohais of lie ier. Su Loup sec- tion of lb, loteroolouialas von s 1 cther extensions sud liprovemuset0 lie bW1evraiod. Osdiu asbre o&pilal..... .6148 Ps.tavsnm 144 -8468 Bondde Se .................. 9118 Govunniont sudunicipal aid 1%»< Ohes soures ..-....-.....--... 29 TaoalItrain niluge for lb. year wau U2427,449 miles, agalast 20,781,- 6M9 lu 1878-9, suau nooetf1,6M,760. The enuibes cf passemugers carnieS vs. 10,363,U84, agalit U881; au luoof e 8,839,818, or 61-43 pan Cent. The tonna"e ai freigilbanAleS cas 9,98»,88, azaluel 8,528.810, sn lu- me ofc 1,810,048, or 18-17 purcent. The epa--i oet paesenger.-,traios va fro 12 to 28 miles mu bour; freigt trains, 1lOto 20 su heur, Tii. caruuga pur mile o anas l aperatian Mtre irfe 187M-80 IUM879 Pesoger Irafi. .024 M99 Preigittrafe..2,2w8 - 929 Mails, Expnug, &0e.... 28 12 Otber aourem ....... 15 1 Sbowg sna Imm» i -$881 h b. umnungapersil o . luge vas71,47 la 17-0 gl 8Î-» lu 1179-79. Tise sire an m osuSliaMUlyp. mule às#88,876. ihe e"ÉtlIbIt ion sbires ailbonds'ethb. rUàlpys it serninga of t" yu ieul thmbsbeiqlate Ibopaymnt cia dii- Sue cii? *Met. Opob liie bar aSbsu balm ob ïye00aa -of- PrmJ.- B.Powell& Co., sdtwoiity .lght ethers ssklng liai a by.law pro. vllgfot.'atoug -0f'd .-the nta ti sai slsyeer.- sIas i» vAsi Mr. Long bronghl in th. repert of lb. oommilu en Pire'ManSWi9en ne- cemmeuding paymint .f tlb.Aaofe King Bras., $,sd, the 9.xgatîng of 1175 toe o re oompïuyisud $4»0 th ie Cii.! Buginir. Caunoâ vent me ooemiiles eftheb. vole,1Ur. Zay lu the chair; Mr.'Hauaam did ti n. fM in te fi rasumi wmercaummittes lu ricomunondtng a <ranI t lithe eompany aoulzy 175 as il cwas -lb. amann I-gntud lb.. la" year but b. lihoughlà$ Im- uni asbeumsalan tb. counel boulA*=mad lb. report by in- creadsthe. grat ho #22&, ani cnl mors te tiatl efui.l'Th.elola nec, vaslioir dnty ta amlia ilvain ibapfe ef nafienh eonipsap. Tua ce aocw baSMant leinaavlOss aeo b. sjpmolsle.Wue nimkber cf lb. st müddir pena ýsvenoctorM44,« oe y"a*-~u favintd"14 nbill" e,". d-aal b liscci .rly if chienMuron.vcaco ire ois. Pm n * Suryho eal Vceul cul Siaurvel. -Mr. Campb.liMr..Bloctl,lsayerl, sud Mr. Pan tlloced vithIftflgei l lb. ametenewù ésme. Efuamn, lfaer- ithelna t hes u cf i v ute M»lb.hep1q" Foi. e- àsd hi mebescd tb. nom-ff tant bIfr m y ib*bli",verspor RaiS Ho 15sot bocevo a, s"an resea chy lis <railt $176 asimiliéb incaal nov. The catnpony hsamn UeS for any inarsasi, anS<*om Uh ho prosuntd tiy cure satisf iet il chaI bhey b. H. SuaireSteloonrage the firerasu &anS coulA if lie jyen proveS oue of bard voti ta theni, bring in a repart supplamenting thoin rant. Mr. Campbell, Mn.-au--, Mn. Blocwa»S Dr. Bogl repUMIoSte lbo- jeclion. ai Mr. long 1fr. Smith vaýq0"a iia pno to Mn. Long. ' The repent wua amendeS, as mised by Mn. Itannani, anS on th. é0mmit- tee risixig lb. report cas adapteS. -vAýRINamosTai!. on motinofe 1r. Bloc, secondeS by Mn. Smih, lie petillan et J. B. Powell & Co. aud athesnelating 10 lb.ester- ing of stroe vas reterseS la 1h.eom- nuls. onm ire sud caler.- ar asa u es.nTITIO. Min. HannarasecondeS by Mfr. Wim- l.y, moyeS liaI ltb. pbhlioa of umans. Stan. Bras. be rs.red ho a spuil .amniitte, cansisting ai th. re., th. move aSd Z. C. W.eluY,te 'bave lhe sculng put op se riqusited as obeaPly as possible, anS that thieasmunmrpsy the amnt ontheorader oet le or,, Tic major suIeS the motion out of order. - roion xnoio. Mn. Campel ga. noUe. lihaI is c-aniS intreduce a by-Iav 10 uslabIisb a market for lbh*sali a01grain Tu£ ccv nr-u.Asv. Mn. Campkell hrougt inl a by-lav te anuend by-lav 307, kuova au the. ooc iy-law, go o asl iov milci ceira 10 =n lb. atrncet a u tiuiss dnning tis sammer m=nthe instea of as.ande th. hy.lav froni 6 &-u , t07 p.m. Mr. Kuiley moreS thatilu amend- ment lia the by.iav b amideti b &slicl00cocate sun aI hlefrin 5 am. le 8 pi., Tie amiudoue wu evas rniadSKw. Casapbe» ! at on lg ay, anS Iio. byC lac amendeS sconingiy. cm=a "s avssiol. on n otIaiMIf. nmansaeonddd hy Uri. Camipbell, lime CountIO aiàkutl "th m ,....... ..Sil l eussuio T» QUbaIvu> laha byMr. lo.cph et Nforth Ontaior 1frHsm en, sacre. lary; fr taxbreasurr. àn'u lhose present w'v?-1r aWbI, -àLP., Mr. John. Tbomanu(ogfr Milse), Mciiis., Chine. Robinson" amo F. Bruce, J. P. lely, Àý .TButten, Ths aln(lie. ntiing 'nimben), D.M- CarA , D- Wse, J. 0.,Robin. àou, bari.at e. kit., andispioant lives of theb.jowns4, GsareUa, 01"- or, stand" 4ana eaogou. ,--Tb,.fabwoing w.reuthbitïlegatsrm lis duffurantMun=alitisi; SBaraL-Kesars Campbll Lscrsea Tbenb.-U Jobuston, . . aug loin Ileale, John L.e G. Bobin- son, AL Eo 0i0,N dvioh-7.' Brook.-Wa. Way, J1.4 Z3111., Mal- ob lItPiadm, J.HIL GleuS.uuing, P. liins, D. Pâlkay, Nilý MoPladait, Doni alone, IHsYUry xl«ouing, Ti, comuingto-J. nWmBa- don, jas. Curiu-t. BulL-M. Boube, PbiiIpLa»Jnc. Uzbridge llg.& .Btc,1 tL, MiKe nWm. Sanii, LG. Crosby, Zao. Somerila5. Vibnldge Tobp.-J. B. Puasby, B. Pthos, e. AlliaItOhas. (ouS, C. WliliUm, eE H ffiberne, IL Raes., a. B. Miliorf Tihoa. Armstrong* -ra Ùiapan, l. B Dsvdson . -i1. Ldîisn , Aunes Biai, Gco. Dovi, Rosme, Calvin Sienard, RoEai. Hovsu I. H. Brown (substité, Bosch bing ahort)-14. Part Pery-& J. Hasiluglan -Cale]b CrtndelI, B. C. AW»iaentWln Boss, W. scugo-g.ltstuc-ail, John Foy-2. Eacb munîipality vas sepresecteil accondlug te population, lu lhe propor- tien et ene for encli 100. lInlbhecases Of Sc'P ud an lsadh i4delgatrs cr mbsituted for these vie b.d heen &-p- pointeS, but vbe 4d neutiattend. Mn. ASidson Bîobandsen asul$uefr Un. StiiiWill ta repreoint ltheaian4. - 1fr. GOuiS, tbe prosesidiu, cngratu. lated the convention upon,,lip iun>upol assemubagce 01represeniative xmen pro. senl. la lb.eourse ai tony car se- tive pai U"!ssqping bol",d aire senabotter rpsas utalof i.h Party; allhe! aspwwasdlaoofe. bai good-natnrea and S Ui facend appiaro te ta"»reoj lion. ard of sallr a Ibeit min lai lb. commg iots.t.l fe ot hmmu.iieigirmndl and kuactng db fis na uc et lb. gen- tlemenpremt. ,t beymaI b.sua, iessaL oadiaunnanmitly; truiteS tb. pmncidino ivc-anISbu coniduoled amieahy, anS thaha&flurte candldais cvu choMacaal voulA go avay ilu squat good humor, aud vilimh etsia tion -ta put in lb. nasu lbey aboul acîlee 1Ï. asie bler loy venud procedas beydiS la tbe Stats,cuitb. eut nminato oe eptl oicours. et nonatîons. Aller rmaris hy Momuns0Ghibniat, Armstrong, Brown, Somerville, and others,<,il vasdicdiS lateprooeed iy nomination. Un. J. P. Poley (vie vas rocilved «ilh behrs> rie nSsaShb. va u- canngeS lu camlng torvard tapropose, th. "ina cadidate, Imm a chah ba haken lj&aost sprvw onivenlian wh4i Ur W e M iiiae& Am éïd ]"nlimaation pissent a- àMami" bhta s a lbhe. pule liaI W&& caàto&;' - WOU, be lhought b. coniS #Peak woaca$for th. fol-ý tuasptb 0<lb e"b o f Maa unonlibe1 the disy ulty o iVtoaoesyg ~).[ Ibal iaI 'nat , Ub-a eoxlal rusentaumeC i aasib effl ouaged mniber ftliI elaU t e>-,.at5 in basojp oannonusudwonldio port -osncslïn ni .5 culA ne a aiemi aspi brialy referrid tj bs p wiio proestsa i'jsuceasl, aoulà hobelb nemmueof the convention. Rea moft cangune, frein lb.eheesrly<e luge sud assurances of support bho écoeived 111.1 day. Ho baS beand'ý he would have lie unu!ous supp cf Tiicnai and ai Maa. RHaàakm 'asid eS acoesfonvard aI lie ,form electioan d balgiven way toe Wbeler. Reihad doueill 'Mbis lii la elect Mr. Wbeler. Iu the. sot] -woulA secelvi a lgosupprt. aid Scuggand Beach b. coulA bu heartîly upheld as. inPortFerry. Wl ho secondeS go evry cndite iw that candidate claimuod'in hisecsw csity, bu caineS, 'and baSréez iaov, froi lie ssurances bu baS' ce ' ren.1quanter-tbsI ars cwhoie iding be my»ulA pou eI 55iss voas.anyatfier àm il L 1 etatumints ýmadoe otho i6Uld bimei lo ltie cqni a fi ecetiau',à branght ont. (fippians) UrM. CArM c-sSisoalnsu achun paiUnry l , jp.maule. liit, h.~ ~ ~ t "a oebn 0aY. Ru ea ~Iaysng pipW rs" on assng *noan hion;bleadb.en urgeS la coma vasA, iS .à il -'~t 0 rloitIVi iese, an"bd t~i;i l.vas clliigta suppofi any but clauu iaS misoipUIS hims.l f li i blgaIf-S ,ue valrU-,aslm gai, m IeIkk eso luh eyn b.d é bien em lyr, cAs $4' -, aOi average, sm a, bfas.$0487 ho b.d giron faulifl service.for Il vas aoc etpl,6 asieS -for1 Dominil onOdé-or t ieho-nipgil tit'. usgoto bisovn 111eil] vilb th. pnusIlgi' of Panliameul honomRe Ho oulA support tlb. m istration suS gain for the developun eft le, nortlile ro eouuontry; hi vo tnmp thearlýfiug anit evcner hecol ty wu sbook from ils centra 10' ils oninforence, il volS .beo10k by1 lapen Ibs '- eolon. (Chaire 1 <niaI laugitir.) - opmetg1 Mn. Jouas, aflen opimctu ca»Vnrulc, yry iuiorouilybrifaim te gentlemenon ve esDnt eniyw ing but auxions-ceinti readfuiy âc an-to gel Ibem nomil3tit " a su "eîmeà a ho huIt îby boAdsupeI plaluns areveubhodT alao , tbaght1 iflb.h convention coula1 inS suholhe addt, ih i b. a dA .. allter Mha b ut bha mindiug uhiies4,àaA' .*p-g mony-vb.tliti. b. bua of t 11 ho diS atoI *ab$ ehlb 1111glony eonlenine lie OUtarieoai imf AiM hZ blsufficicutly 10 ire'OP lise.: 515 uetbluk so reÉyb,4illOf iM on bis services as cler Trime b. vank.d for th .e m pisty.- -He. c-orkedhin Ibm ,pltY, beanashoe net due do anylbung ise. AnS WeuS ald tdo mnythi11K ils. fer lhii SiSate la he selectel bY lue countO aue diS al euy lahi hoveId- no ai mlcci iorn sanies.fir othirs. eîtber ai luis. quist, modésti a ipalnting te Meum rs. ansd Gi slroug tillac.vus laien up-oua tb. min vieO couA àbak. lis coui fror iecentre la lie cirenmféreiei vell befy wvire.ilebake cati leueVa&. -(<Ira amgliter aij luaie. . adctohave bis -ab sînaitié«a*tt -b chlaridlag et mome a una qaiw Sh wil] '~Th.e rt= Pont cf lrsp lune:t avyt BfltO,01 s n&ta at BboUce A ji-ffWý b1d, weeqte egWsed wiIb , h 5'pi5nstprohibiting i ýý î'i t bt êiàt bis ow friends, or thon émusfroin "I Wh wboere nov uaigb.diI puriod of lb toc m"h cvwj Re ~,idid notv*antl-hat ~c b t te~. idehlbfiiï-au undeserved reproacb afflicted vwit] Sup- -s«hWud stad sagail is fm or hi casi aperm tod. jue Tb arty wbose paper vas tb. day& - lu Ire- -,w a offive ",-giving purÈe1îl o o muet be 1hoi âbd" teït-fieyesâgo, (u1fr. Higgx1î) fectedunder lb.' wus prisent, and -prepared -ïb set the qe1~ap fosMater righl sud give the 1 explantion 4 oct j rect- esdy givcn by him'oeverai yeors g b.d and repealed-in lest veek's CaRONICLE. -Latta.rs ps t4mt Hi' asdmoqi"bed b.party te United lb. "North iV Port ac ton, laklng s retrospect of &bc diffi- liiiited. viti "Aculfl e o b.d 10contend, with in l4W 62W0,000. 1 mer erydy enOntario vas United tý > les inoorpon Mr. Yokmu b luge bogli vbicb Winnipeg, C vWer lb. Party, b.d grown 'l0,ils present Andtew Drui b he strengtb and vigor. Driimmond, il in Ur.'ï Wggine gave the explanation Andrev Whi inl reference te 1Mr. Gonld and Catbolio MORKnzie,. 1 bh institutions that b.d already appear"d The Gove inates ul.. olumnu, exoneraling 1Mr. tb. monlb eé i Jo a,ý ,o . Ve proof, ho salA, thst tb.e ~10 Clblic bd lreàdyamcptedtbas an Banke' l a o be found En his friend ,02 the Sqire ll, mlationg 1frhIsao (iu ubl M~ l.ac ~uIte carierlu in theCounty *îmomft bo Ciouolh.ufulueusm uin tbody. "mBi.- volte Ma tb.favorableëhup- o o . . ë<g ifo r fim auequI1umful saSsallafi- « .11r, l rcurebkeme l « o be therd- 9, r.sm 4dnSao of bis esuil7ii1oà 501 - The ýid îï a», D bbis Êfal wù-a' *on e,4 d - 7o_, un- r. Gould bulonged lu greal put tlb. This i, -& for' hooor of haulug tleocounly set off-anS reeCor w* itnit Votéar et <n~Yoê iglbrovirs of Ià USA. havé bien Aéfriid frenyer1Miei b. heEdite Pou fv ûovoorn cnigorad "disanab-Y Oum oW mingforardCourts boloi. vas r iv<1vi sthusaisltechier..aness ~0 uiavry fééeng .ec utkn au hïave (polillcaly) 0ol b ýis phllorndest a di 1h. lu BoniOntario., H. (vlbmueh puinthin deý «m ifotion) spoli a ofbigunoqual toi CB m eié r th iving adeq"uati exprisn on. Ie fiul e yA jff; o igi .mmeutly lbaflkltobo bu bi noé? film "i; téod b lmlsoi imaîyIl badfougbl il eâu,ad 1baIlles. sud lhrougb good, and evil 10. lover Court. t~ e-port during thb.-paslI4, yoaR e-. Ho ,e lBge. paid a higi tribut. ta Kwfi. Goï1d4 made sd ;, and-, w. tayY ispecial reference tb J. P. Foley, M1 fr. ana . g ~'m' Boblusen, 1Mr., Thomson, 1Mr. Bruce, plalntiffa for »ent 'Mr.Zoues, Mrs. Feashyi Mr. Keller Mr. ' ia foll Du-OULery. 1fr. Campbell. and the Editor theSolicitor of" tfheb Chroulole, and neLnrned bis mfoot displayed in eisincere sud hearty thunki ta oe and issule.-.ïrisi 11111 aIl for their bled assistance lu th. pas1. and He regretteS lb.heverailce that vould Al the take place betwîen himelf and bi. ionda in the idiuiz. but .1111 the cou- Litle Po rred necion with them voeu] flot be alto- bcsoms rit ether severcd, for thongb PO iti<ially it Drew Couni 1i- should ceas., b. vould in ail likelibood tme& o. , wbo' b. connecteS vithh e county offiiaily, bouses yene ni®r anSdi tat capaciîty be hoped that,vaocupe H.t while the dutles of th. position vould Egje -ï .ns nt b e disciared faltbnlly and effweinlly, te, piecsa. Il lis11eY Weuld aI lb. came lime h. dia- théebildron: 7o hangeA itlb enderuese sud homa-ity afiorjihe emadkindly-sympiatby, by oui who hlm- u'wr0 aise rm busi âd inny -experieucsof- et b p oa(i anf dovo. ef life, anS via alwvasyI- foàu iï ah i r of pathised dihtbeidlstressed. !Mr. Pal- hci~a Re.gesteS l be1propriety of preesaitlg fr-. vwounlep. c Ol -Joseph Gould vlth soestotimoial asI b. i.arzze, hadarecognition of hàbistaSlervices, Sud' vouude& f; olb. hemeetintg iagerly echeed lb. sug- tai gestion. - as carlieS î hi fle voes f tank laKw.Paxton mn for his past servie-sud tote .chair-. TgBI£, ion. insu a ieeroforthhaQuesi, Bigilov, Orientei pàg doI GonIld, an& Paxton, the. Proed Og f -Jeajths," l 1h. counveiioii ver brou 'W a ce. d suci ..dwî nd)~ that izi1874' 'Laie va. Early Sovu Bpnlng Whist. Tripolis afteî 0-b fear ils Visit s cf ile Editor of the WhitbY <Jlrois- appesrad ilu ~ '4..dea eof theii n Dm six s- aovid itaclf cf À» a geod dalofjleest i. beug eai:i cnossd the WaceS b Iis quesi'h-botbm in n caiihe -uid 1 î"Nem , oadem , I whioh1 ing-Nec bnlr o b afer lo b. >ee6ouItIh ïsud ,Iaï- aout- u nder the. .ureyof lthe, viuss bich bave ourri. 1n my"Port in lbe United e@ 0 rthea.leualrsoI rate, beAaqis ofaue bin- wite lh.~thendsolb4i o d ofmty avb. mil e- hb suoalperiinl oau of Thes folloving are the part- alei; laesGrabame, DJ.,Bxydges,>AndrevMalln, mran, onîreal: Obarles Winpi m~W. asn xitli6i auüd Wm. McK6nsie. minet biÀk alsteofal> *g. ,766,6 ubsorIlmd .2- , 67 M;Capital :paid- àâËàor. , Dot-" in lm.ain bytOfie MisaisCogrs.» mialive." os a jlb. Éciter, Mr. D. A. O'Sumhi didS la intaIs lavas. , The ras. inai e isquestIon UnvaI&ueiinah ai lac- nover iororéSecI- ihiibn lulb. cselb ilwugillelit6 d; t on. tb. legal .1kb.làbas carryîug à tes 1succiasfoi Terrible Tornado. Dk,,Ark., April 16-A tenri- wept lb. nonîberu pari et aty, leveling bouses sudt ibeddyl'splanlaitia Ire. ýhun eS Socm u, oefvb-in ýI .by Ai-dai - HI» (calonSd) evoln cildrin -ver enuO n alteàinlg 0gavre oeeof HMU c-as-bit by- an pie.. af r sudkilcd.-Tvaobildron mshod ho dcealli' -elrA rbloc-si b &a-mlree-hap: snln witi a. baby lu ban arn. unuae. Tva chili. îa reporteS. -dangzerouul-, Othirs chýa. usiannot are wporcd- kâlotiand bom. valuahie - callve w ive mle - Ii.bost i sb eoPv4cog t o t e" "ehilarng111.-as the on. es attached front .can psé.pod mi&- To LA. Wo muiaiW C-.14,ueépA. ho able t,-Xam e*muain Ouar -En.yil.pwdub." piic ps 4sm1 lar1qobo. li u -ea d ock brosSe. HgRi s oS. etfr a opy, àailafter 0imaîUg lbhe it. b Zen Beev e logl Tvnhi for tvunty 3yeans, aýnA .a maeirai the Cannai of' AgnIftllu- anSArws Ë-- alof iOnnto. im 1emt lok lie erdas cf Dr. idvinraien, a Vilefnuy -suffleâIn CaEBffu. \ited offHl- ami Walter & FJWà,1 lie celebrated dis- tiier.spdà 1io n ) eiraof WaIkur- vile, near Windsor, end Craig & John- son, anS bock " àr dea.The hrficis an Bleedy M,ilmW, - page 885, sucured thbir ordqm.s;- ,Ilefr luerestinluthe vcrk vas snob thetiey dnove me aven te Ibeir seifan î«l so Ioir tarin snpninsndntRHelugbsd aI meand- lai e me .b.d .vsyfhiog of value an bosrsesisl, - 6.,' -e4sncb as; Mub.vm, Stouehsno,,-Youatt anA many allier vak.7tbhénot hlm 10look -mzy -book cer-efny' oves. . Aigai so ina. isteutbal buho verai limes' taak lb. m ueot of hue pocket to psy tan l b. ho sd . oulA nolvwait unlil liegin- uauIeilvry. haov Regave' M- hipder Scdïào -1a46 96. bu nho fudhecoulA a bon laanr jbu nsrandldaco:lalas awthism.ot .-i foulda avea flfty copies ngbt ontifnaf'- ba4 lb..ù an beu -- ibanli panS t if .k to-ciovie. !sMPeUtfhl7' yom1 IBy The ok ola .tooà;ind D -lie bien a ve soch &Iisg.j intions, a fit lic* isst of p baS il examia lu CanadsC.o pronounceS il libat e ver fdty limes lbh solS lu suy ol lie immense eugnav lug. yen= 1879-Md iouelIcia lm-sego, a. à-- Taa. 9 7 102 Wheaccdene l Ï78-9, w Employas 87 83 Thon. -asWBteofove one n suger kilced lu 1879-W7 us prohigyeur, bia doreasi L:itec cnsieumployes, anidv inthe numbeof et emns.n songera non omployes. _Tua"- Of thbrI Beingi keepin ALL ~ NO. 1--% Cheru Imma i lie liomp i t mla a-et pto : ,Wi&a mMa. - bot

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