Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1881, p. 3

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OpeninglDàys-N-, U1INBBI)~5Yo!i ,48~ - - ----il ~' ~L O;, J ,tdu ~ UOOBSU i * TRIMIM R ATS,-IE F 6NY GQOD$,Ec OINAMEiNTS, &o. Incltding ml the l&t nt i tdapro tfflâ ýbf the Foreign-,miaTkets. aOlr sowîug fth~lagSye s s.nt4 s1iiouei qual t» anything in Oanada. We keep"ouly the newest -Mod ad h s ms i e~dfrteOzigScn Being roogni~e as &' - >Rg oueWîil, endeavour to sustai'n thab reputation'by keeping n 18 e "Jus;t the Goods the, People Want 1" ALL ARE INVITED. NO. 1-DBVEIIELL'S BLOOX. Pennylsu Syrup. Fenorlà ý quaiter cif'a century thé ehemIcal prepaincaùlown uas "arnea tarru batsais =y «rlwlu tisgabReI hnm«aam ocsi y MaLn i ann he ths moti popular aid rainahie cf the s"lb. Uahsd Mro t0s27 Meodiolà hthewn4 and a M&' o f Ith, buot drMglto cenO denthuladrtas tt famille id friands ose1 ortqlng ht f ceoplalute wblch itol lts. Thelb- uefcf rôn W. a modioal &pot bus long beou n kovi t phystoan bt it bai s~besr qkors ber presotlL a fon m agessble ae tit Conàgis aid C*Id. eunscf III, Mos elent ail ralalue po pirationseerpSba «f«e~li o cou'bi, 4q,%Dd ougos cithethroat an nup. ?firmnh.ah1.nmody lea u h My A% sedal amuai eoughi on le ehinspedcti on mu rema ohlw ts ienovaifcmely and as long s1 ula S i spo.yud, rem*" l get, ths mosrpl il, topera.- tieu, the t'et sa"ict, ssy and pranant l Isa ots cloua0 mllI ti be pnledaeneed y U thé Y, 10.. Wh dooaf a igumartyr te Head- Um puic .o u &MBnsss wM sureir cure fnetue c f aivantik*of llier Sick or Nervons Headach«4elomen..th. Sys- telo, egso l. She meshlcu, ruilera Cou. tlpatlonIftb0 Bcols, pnnfy tile Blood, reoe .the Lîver aid tous nOp th. Neouou Systom,id'dlsh'eui alacile wtfl h unukuovu.- airple hofall0cents, Luge Hoir toi get Ricil. The gréai o t of- ettaltng iches, I. frsi to pftnietceouoiy, and amgooa oid «'Dscon 'Bnyder." aa11 usad te worry thé lito ont cf me & py anormpnae doctors bills but now 1 hava strnck it i nieL.' esIth aid happio e ghn supretlaOur hilabouse. ho , land alismply k= ae*a* snée euly e-adis t 4attterbo a anbc dl d"tus , -'fn1 oeum1 lenLeilewù.. reiy Prr400.ea 1%h1 ..t oursao BYeVoeAhh i4be worM. For Kiuww aid aey Oemplalatta 1h s a prot Bliwters er$liag ms 0"b aIl dragglatu, atIlOh7 cents aà bcttle. Thi .GretsR1emedy Kîown. Da.i. wes w »IOOVET for Cou- aumptioc eniny the ars"tuimndiesi remiy evor plsoed wlthin fthe reaeh of leufferiog IIwnanlty.' Thoussuda cf once ilopèe s eers, Dow Ioudly proolah thoir 1praisifr tltswoudsnfaui Dusovery b whle th:4 0w. choir 1i..Not only dos ený«i@Y.Ord Conumpai btlon ha CDde u am, Bronoe ..i., Say Foyer, Hoarsneseu sud al i Zctlcnr-o-to Thrcat, Chomt and Luicga yfeld ah ooceta i WOU!, derfual curative poweraiasil by magie.' W. tilerefors barnestlg roquait yen to eaU o0 your dr et And get a trial hords for ton wot W&*lhIcolivioce fileéiMcs kepti- cal.utl Is wooderful morits,. sud show yon whata egu1ar on. doiuar ise hotU. will do. F&r sals hy T. G. WhitA6elc, Witby. nagyardiPectoral Bahm i; a lew dss reirs the Moustrssu u twsuty4Ave cent bttsbas mai 6y a sufri frein A-th à, Brouphtis, Croup, Inficenta, lHoarunes a S orsimscf 660 Choit. it là he grand spo for &U throât aid lumg ç Ilaas4adln$0omnumpi., On. WKIBY ABKt8,. Jallhsa......... 00 04110O Baney...........095 .0100 Plof0lr.ftrcwt .......... 275 a 800 By..o ...a.......... 070 O0 w Peau,08 7 Blue Pe................ l o ïïOl1Io calao...-............085 *n086 Eay..........900 01000 -00 00 Cham. 0 016 Wod,,...... 450 4,500 Shspshu........090 O100 'Ries...........000700 oarcL..........012 000 Coley, purdu .... .. 080 0,40 Ohfckena,4pu pair ...0.60 0,070 .041éir........ 0 fi0 00, esses Puli ............ 0 0.000 Turks, pu e...... 010 * 01d .Wil ,uwsbd 00, 0 d Bacon, ]Pàaimo... 009,'a. 010 HmainCIO'........ ois01 seuil Who moia fi ocrs fta Y.01Ir et nomsdy in, Seuh Sr r EW -& T, TEFABRION4BLE UmiL,.INBy HOUSE. N EW AI1)VBfXSEMENTS. M EQHANI1CALUJ0- - I -TTr AN -AUTOMATIC IREED flRGAN. 0:0-- WTTHdur OnGUuuTrÂp E aÂu~Mun o Pm, amerechu;t vvwtout -any msofdctncan produee an en'diess variety of lioeflent mugie. OUR ORGUINETTE ion achpsytnbtaMuia Instrument oa mri ot, wihh.beCoIeSt ardi .UnitedStae where 5,000 Orguinettos per montIb are sold. OUR ORGUINETTE AND) M'OSIO PAPER Win 1 istu Le .years, nô mgàter Ëhew cften psyed, sud wMfl nt gel out of ordar. Pu1CES,, ý1 TU IP8, or W, Fi MO8T & Cg, 1 1to-, i OLIGIGtJ STIRBET, 8OLÊ MANUFAOTURERB AND PATENTEES. MNREL idmn FURNITURE! GRAND SPRING S ALEl 0F NEW HOÃ"USEHOLD FU1RNITU1E, AT SAMO'S FURNITURE VWAREROOMSI BROOK STREET, WHITBY I wil offer, for the next 30 days, my entire stock at gratly reduoed prices. Ps!rtin -About to re-fnrnieh will dowell to oallI:and ispeot rny stock, u -I'arn bound to give B3orgeips.- My stock consists cf OABÃ"T UMTS BED-BOOM SUITS, SIDE-BORDSIUT RACKS, CFENTR9 TABLES, SOFAS, COUCHES, dAi »'WOOD-BEAT CHAIRS, PLÂTRASSES, BUBEAUS, BRACRETS, WHAT-NOtS., &à.. %Z-~ Rememnber the address- SAMO'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 17-tf BROOK--ST., VWHTBY. SEEDS'! 0 MYDS luit recoive-aL fresh lot of Gardon and Flower BSeds (Vioka), al the .fineat smd newest to be had in the. niaket. Sola out by weight. ONIONs-.Eed wethersfleld, white ieRut Siver-ehin Piolding PBÂÀs-iom Thumb; ana Cartwé frst Cào.-RADIBH, BEÂNS,- BEETS, CABBÂG-eanly and Imite. OÂUlJPL?%oWB-D. -Nornmald. OAEROT-Eamly Fmenh Sor-ansdS1no1d ,VI -r'Y' Sungar, Cross. CUCUNEMBR-EB1y Green C BaEyI Pranal, baid LOnËgOréon, -LETTUOCE - MXtsDumhend, sud W . ME40N MUSK-Jmnn Lind anad Green Citron. MELON, WATEB-MUom"ai 8w.e aidPhiu 'sEly. MU8T62BJ, PAUSfleY PfflNP Wd F LOIWER ïSEEDS. Aysin woet, >ÂAimïrBaissm, Oan4Y Tit, Rieinus Co"rivnhlua Mine and MaoDsto-.Unesnsh-sttaiflB; Lobelia, Aniaranthus, atiey,'Bpetnâ,Peau, à sinxe Â'~hee f 1E L D $ ÉE'Eb A amiortment of Fie1d ýý0eed rrM,>ngold, BugarBè i, l:. AM.gSON, Aprl i*1 881",Itabi~n War.house, Whilby. WEW AVERTIEMENT. ttouse for Sale or to let e. il c.., i% W N O *- cci. 01en 10 <i3tenfoBy m lubt;y. vher ual»c.A stnileaTio' lm =Plera I cbe au"$"l4snblt 1.. D -Ja Xc. A n. i batn ed n.% mB. vbe oi N iiltd9hOMI v aat d m . stibe. ils Talbot er, ie adfrcot*u ieoiia loa o ticf irao. trou cf the Cent T4elcunwleiulconnScf ile Townbtip -1 Wires is ei et .e-effmrnÏta z* I I - W.L15 ~r i ~4'rIv'~flh1,Tni4flX~ , - M INEIRY -NUR SZ aANQ MANTLE MAKýýGU W-e are p'eared toçý1 41oderà,-foriinJa1_ery iM"Tjjeèbeat styIesýý c ndMtrntlempaking departmeuit wf4U,,w~oifflde Extra hands at. nTrôing epartmnt. Orerrom. 'Y Su.its. unsurpassed lu stye 'rn ~v~paSî. . ee. * ,u ""j ~I i.-~i r; k 1<- -. ~ I j~1J~ ~ R Y GaLOZ TOBACO 00.9 UTmoIT. tx...&MaiWINDSORO(>m OPEN TO THE DOMINION 1 CLAREMONT and PICKERING SPRING SHOW! CLAREMONT, TLIE8DA Y APRIL -2Oth, i1881j, WileinPrises vilbu PRIZE LIST. BBoi cdie Bstllton .... 7 p Bostubavy Draft M"ar n ou or evidonce of bigloert... 6 1 But 4ecultu irean. 3.Sa8A set7r ok lnéJu. lo,, 1inut his Artu ..ds.ane9............ 7 4 O ,se"HlvyDrf TissulunBar- uss iIpisby A. Oxford, Bukceboblt Tonouo..,. 8e40 But Agnleulturai Toam n lua. no nas. pdla up brMr. G. Oerew. wctil. 'd,~ hermecontasby Mn. . .....nSh ...........18 8 But TesmnnJ. s "Ã" a êiand ai s...7 6 ' a 8la 15 hada.......... 7 -S - - A.TTLE. BBe fSyns .11atIunde. Bprias sope blIr r Bidrm"or Stoar, Ccw or 82 Desiroui ~ABD~-.~- - the indeia&bÀi - of ri cf~ Wua ÂI1gnn~ PRO... ,roh -22, i, Re, A T l.Fsntaat E 9. L'Bt.tI 8, ~n1a-.i 4. Canitie. "n i ." T X.,~'r I *~~' ~ c ass- the' market, ~ook the,. >1 i.--, J i .0NIN -~ -ofobangte 'L~mAmDI~ 8 modst fashionable Mlinery ini ishould att.end GRAD ]?NIN 0 PTTERN BÂTS AND' BONN OSI~b~W1~7 TÃ"dyTmorrow and following T~EE US~LY WILL, N EW A DV EI9,Tl.s e.eNýTS. OHN CR T;A1LOÃ"RlN G nu 'BUT d BJiJ ~L4UNIZ~ GENTS' UN4¶NGIOISE!il WMlby ý 1 ,ý , il ýj d Ce i -7, , ', 1 1, ý 1 111 ý 1, - 1 lý ýl , ý ý - ý ý, ý P u "5ý J )j il

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