Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1881, p. 2

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. ;Dm Robn$on &Er,. Bptosi oll". -ONLY Sa So PER AN5IUM. Whitby, Th5rsdty, Aprfi 28, 1881. A Gond Part>' Suggestion. -Aitishe Liberai Conventiaton onsot Ontario, iseld ti aoCnnngton lut veek, a Suggestion vas hhsova oub>' Msr. Paxton Ushai Il stet pon prossapi- t>', voulti do iscor tla Use part>'.it vasu.teudériag t Mn. Joseph (ouit ons public mark cf recognition for hie long part>'srvisa. For fort>' ,yeara Mnr. GouittiLus tongit lia baitie. cf theid.Lborala- luibis scunt>'; visai lisrwe vnsdivlied coanesla ha bas uesthiembisialflesuessud don» hie micro lu pses.rvlng union vilsin Use s-cuba. Ba o ual u'Mn. Gould'a part1' fiands, but usesa% "'*& heias ade'l wiarmieegulue Mr. Gould'e publie ais. Neation tomev, glati>' coulibuls Usein Miltavarwda marnafittlug tastimonial to Mr. Goulti. Itlai for tishe ralus- modiste -fronda cf Ms. Guld-"ltht PauSeai iate uni>'of Qaiaria"'-lt usigbihb.sald.t, leairce kaov visaI misapa suoaiss tmuonli abouitas. sume. Ontarib & $suit Bts. Maria Railvta>. à useeting aI uha Provianal Direso. tors wuas hai t Tenante on Frits>', vissaMs-. Edigar- vas slsctchawiman, * sud Mr. Fdffra>' acseîsry-tsuumss cf tise revlionàal boacs-tThe meeting daaidsdti open a stock suiscripliasij bock, anti lua asesrt lime thseSaubacrip. tiens lu>'thonasproset liounîel ho 0280,0WThieing tisa amonul ce- cemsstaybie ubmeibuti prier ta per- mmaent Orgaisation, tlins tallmant et6Mpse cent. 'vas pstd in andtihei *aelcg of sharaisoltura for tUseictihn et ïhoaoreappoistei otet sMay'. 7 Ms. gldies repwutet tise- Whtyà Rally>' ompen>. The oessinWoet heiUsr-ad, iin.un. à derset, vM iibo edvllse naua.asmy daisy. odfe te tia Me pltijusmlleatVis es- i d. hKilii a &W Wtby Ioau flbsmaaor th traBe Io the iront. A eVehavini usY>'M-tisemeV ton 4unatt4r.ulglt"ote tbs ms. joieadt, lb. iaa. s 4 ater »w nts ha.-eselOu.l l exteatbi Is Gaati Osas-a lemiss esS- lmn«d of Léke Stpeufes'aiesBl Sie, Mae, thumott. ,tesm o0090 eodi taunh-i mt.wera halasa, c as te.r eauliedby Xr. Cumbeand, X m Browns-ad Isi'mease, apo aie e31 0«eoaaa.wimhU.Cmi eloBs dileatelula msu, fWr&b.olaitus et & Kausiea ecd ti tes-alebava elotbees a Mesilouedpubl>'b>' sa>'-oethone M menashno. lié aydi>'vb.Mn. Dalois dff MoOali' aassteaMaguatavn cc b andusgaveéUseC=ndapâe li BynIhehepesalau"ofettlid.AI. lu tn> theisUsa asssdts Wl vihobri aaatibs ami éeSi., Bsn.,à I s.i 19964 WM the Mts-afivh i vi i asisae tise Banit over Ith. "extension et Use ti Nerthes-- Poo rous Duluth 0aIs d Vacas uelMpsoeeadtleMonts-esl ovas- »tihe Canada Centrsb rals, fer lise ss. sou Usai lise- eas oethUe SI. ani & Mansitoba, andt liSt. Psanti mua.- * obi etise mmstbiter 0ep ocf tis I Nos-iass Paela l Klauesoa asti D'I' erflMs. Blgmbvtla Lhe fouiing sm= teWs-etir "La meilg Xs. Blva ias eleedai bires iepare ihas elmi avwift a oias o=otilgsit bala"-"ik ahetraa muai>' ati eaus ant sisbl an'91 raueei'b Us an aty. mV",»am '"l Titisappees-alI by Qomenbatjsrs. na, la Lsa ankest osulat vilS Usehes. Llber$-apppotis eadmu th.liseose oft tie LtboM omsewusle f iesL, Set Kt theToms h bit-i> val 4ï u e*bmd i ta.. préoe, TIle -fbees uggee i aldi et bols exlstlg part"e>sud V"a'i programme m a remsady' for 6 o ecMPlalad iof, fIN# rpa a t o toi. Aitf or th Ue Le tud, BSale ai tUsa'Northoesoi a ecuuslacuappolutsd b>' the Lms 8rti; Formatsions oi b e dsal îwus ~5¶Bp5ou5mgersniof pracis dimlioion $0 - Oi.Devolopmiit ofcf r eu Ote cia nelallosa v"iiirano, suad cdca iges et meacnea htuduce Freneta0*1 I"alll.tc asiinla elipissg Our, s Sources. Mi. Radieal reforus in tIb i li tratiosi cf Justice. 8tb, Beistance, te aIl baw or asti., t.nding te centralise the povesacf il judlciary, sud divalnfsb the power, thei Local Ldegllature fa feai sW Otis5 Reductiasilot thse nurieurC minuotes, but increaeinta iir al" loti. Rerpuauion efthie tillea depanlusonis andi redtion et expoe woueant it thie public servie re0qaireusanta. 119h. Creahion cf nev ourcs a irev auna, sud resortteotdirecttaxalloni neesma'aapec»illl>if fi b.fousslnec oesean> hokeep lise Northa Bies.Rail roncd.# 'lhe Futnue. -, Tise Tsegrn ap iaI ush", theisaMff cf tise ymoug usen cf ta-day la lumepsar ahi>' boutidup vithtise tnjuisaOf tUs ceunir>'. Il isconcadti o -ait hanti Usi Canada cannaI lonsg rutssalumie tependency oaf ils.mehiosianti, nom Ibm tisa Peo le âoildiïlvaya ha content t ha laieatetflte Qneen's subjecus." Wialavar an>' eue'& opinionmnie bu ce to Use visdous or-unviedos cf tise N. P. aIlrmuth admît ths inu is 1h bs.ha iug of tise gag o e -ot fumeal inde. pendeuca. Ssome ir>' vaabiali lmecil. 0& upot o bost Use fgag cf .eus poiti. cci indopandenos. Ti ta>'muai cous visen Canada vil cut is e luaing shsiaga ; non aboulat t bide Ihlbeat ini Usa lap et bis past hecaume c stranga future hecbous iLtes-wa.tt, fi iite the goot fortune of Useo yotug nmof te-ta>', lu aii likoliiscod, ha sec Canada suserge trous tise ceolaltatu sud be. ceuse a12 Indapendeot al>'cf the motienlant. Toc Bmuun CaaA« ruu.-lu tise Impenlal Houas ot Commons an Tuiesday avenin¶1vbou Mn, .BratiauRi presenwdsti hmta ttte tise catis it- Staffent Nortioseomovsdti t i'ha ba net alloed eehado ec. Mr. Brtgisîand hMr. lastons an tdagalusi lie ma- tti@nisu antîrr915fr1deissîs foilowet. after visici Sir Shaffordi Nentieote's mation vas carriati by a valueto 208 é¶ainsl 175. m kaaisugs retassut t power teaut Mr. Olaelce jeeteti co lnttrai, santirs-StaffedNt rsUs olesa tisi t he lusderibad-abdicai, sdel sfunoilont Se lsould 16k. lie se' Z:4,<IbIt atimoeeti tisai M- duugh epled trous the Hue ths Speakertn Isucalleti tbeSergeat- etro siand Su sidhu u s racureti te e;pel IIbim. Whte lisaoui s *eetiuglie djournsassnloflb Matc'c Wrtae,-tOae May' suile ns-ý speemtulI>'via Caiyt raYa ai 4hi. munnie"-; "Net aIltise Bandea"t uliela anti babbllug 0*4ofa cllnl a aenlhug veusen'l iat haie utrtta >van tisa isc tau su>' ime, olut, > %$Muso eMe, If aI helletd ùbn spd. Mato lioft vi ant qlltlue eusaé lnon*,@#ulls vi e oklslps-M raid Cïaryla'ei lpanaglng celalaa l bit .0%t t'brida, lu vouitiblier- tig tée ~ow mean he ,viaI !Milli Bt. NsszeroitMAS ceuSa t" se- rat chaptesof a nMvses-listar>', ci. lied "Balîlla Bqa" vsthii y Ms fin. 0. Biedati, t6 ise mscsof "tDûi Uinco.e! thlsousIetfMss. Oliphant'. ehIgItm ipapes-sona "tvafgls ases" xnirtvo Vas-y lulstamlg ye atr e " >oloI oes"Ts aiiliment -eftD. s-' Ou*&dsmun Mme'u et tise stralig Idité and bd. sutua"SeMoitia t#tus. tonaofan-J -Mrlen itelu » C uu ss ed ol a s F a c s an d T u W s t a P a r i a : t hIb » .e u t sA si wRse p re ou a _ 47ppr e >- <ou ' r rabsvii pset Sty Use o nta u cibl Oss is.-i~Mail ieeri;at ipar i als itsltl>resicreti, sud aib iileav0 Livo1pool th1e RenembaProf sla nce agui il hi a vi la il a mc T mu A aI v lb se Os s' Su' peesme 4Acasius;- Tvt, bojitDMO nasusiglisMd Robent Grahsam. aoed- &ooiyà aniZ0waaM.a.. KI., [on tioti, -t' ls'encs bo'eu Utsa i ty Tir5 ~!uabfwatlut. aura ii.iubrtoe lie lnte-a an.ale s l e U li s ~ k 1 e a v c g u B on e c U s e@ O m o . î o e n p t o i out ciegentlemen hindi>' gave up-their tVln1Ml 40 tickets tuo trient, trous thse cuntry, buta% T nh maeany MMrmadweïte diaappoisalad àt cluinet baiseleg 'I.teasse tbr ete t . Jc,e1à abit cf pasteboasol.T*a Wbs e ageaof LUMW tii Glbe re eesple-vliiareport ci you an04 mmatésst aumS ty iTheubais Vras oWo v eupiad by SinrW.Pl iowiadt vIsa Isat OVl the iloeeot of the elng, Sisriclhard doubt mi ~ Catwright anti otiena on hi. lgist, anti YO D W1 Ms-. Mackenzie, Ber «MQMaoetr sd relatives es!- cthers on isa lot. Amongit theo honr. mtondY, preee oss vse a lange number cf Senators est. W sud Memsien of ltse Houas cf Ce.. ering lt mens, andi a atili langer number cf cf your lx nuMombera efthte Ontario Ahssrbly. >'& havi 5Tise gatherlng vas a Usoroughly t'e se.m; your cf suntalive bue, ever>' babut>' aimait son- yens rat &Ï, tributlng itu E4ota. The.toasat lis aI v a sthie s atiriahi>' ancget. Tise Ssci vas vellare, Oi "'The Qusen," Abse second I"The Gev. tram ous t-e omrn(oeraI." tise thirt lThe Lieut. f5i isMM y Ùovernor," tie toasts 'The Asmy, eu- ili ul Navy ant- i' Mtie4" s»d tise fifthteTise ing thrOt a« guest cf théii sl" ver>' cc 55 Sir -Wm. HRovwland viaI>' hunieti busines uimotsgh tise patrietie toutes, viici vers plesad iÜ rleft unropôclsed in, exempt numbas upon us s if four, sud tua oui>' b> C'-la. Skinner ablead -ansd Gusenof Hémiito.% bis refus-02;9Y - -an e aMr. Biaks, ith.e bab'us an alu ever>' k 'IWelliiote "autoderate. H.eiutdvs e auta M9.s. Ble a alihesa, suegnît>' of pur. eau te te '& ff Lussani higi-uindedtritùmilu, sud ha eusdel pr.sliclly avoveti bis @nfidoiieean lu ntA aI11 -iuinashe leaterofei sb llPart>'. aiym r- Bis rnema ri é elottdl>eeief, and sud Pars, th tis. ins- raPidlY aillet injte huader. meut Asa Slug atplatse sas Ms. Bicke rose te is hbilüI test teorépl>'. Mlse peacilaeled an vin£pcre hourandf0rtý mnute, ad »aInI py 7marst ovsry beet vain. lRe began b>' a polttue gignéie anti ingularl>' happy sefereuse te Sir wS. lewlait,,Whor i. hepeti son ta aehabkt in public lits. Passing ou le tise queshion cf leadeshibp ne apoka mie. Mr. ML -ý ýué1àly efthle difficlliai, anti perpiexi. ftrn, an ,ties pertalniug nte os ition anti cflosia lis' ecou-aguset fiorded j,>' m théisefole*, Occadlensas'e'oes bîis brougit ToA&M. U 9thesu tegoesr at hatut il. 'e se- I)EA E avievet insua nutaher-iy uanuer lie Syn. lhe Longti 0ducalte bar gala tes the constructionofethIis is tise alise Pacifie Railva>', putling bis peintea ist &i If witi apilîrecîsion-, anudelieliing haret bigiesî re after hartt fappiase. Passing b>' a et aur ecul maturaI transition le lis finaucial con- ailov luîs dition cf thecocuntry. an thle danger et We liereai piliesg up the doht, sa nti ilg Ilse laie yen 0o aunual os-penduhura vithont incs-easing tise a"eAt uie e sme ratio iha matchs! tek. icuvo lhi sources. Tis lid1( a discussion et anti daim of tie tas-lIT, as ful1 and ti oins- of yctiog1 liv. au Ihm brevit>'of!thie dite .pes- bave oftoc ruitod. Ne alivee hfitusef a vils but a, Free Trader, but atirittelt laI il vas net yoUr ci nucessar>' te salas « a lange revrnenusb>' slange bl Indirect taxationi &nul! egandet il as yens fatiel lMPORahblste sais. IBsrevenue viti. sterling qi ouit* alls-ding incideubsl> mages.pro. Irue man, otien te certain home industries. 13e musi adir repudlaîed ltha rgd e eiseng sbtil Wb cmam a te the manttfRéiukeri, as"d PIQOeedimc>' ion g1 te Wduluate sous. of thse aya lu viiinodefl lits, lise proemultarit! aéboula b. aitmadieti.yens butin, 13i decnuoed the.tom oeau tua sucr vas-su bramuffi, thse proetsu iga duis, aoue. thse taxtes vilcistise devlpmsut et Signet ii luusXb.rlut sud "poùutuethdmea !1lm5lllâPidbw busd th ie potr as balis ýý - tt rh. î e eâiteod a Pmelevte ,,lr tlbae afTy T ii lai d " Lodee, ans direls 1 lie uèuutéfUri s itelmciaed p.aeiVbaw vae lOrning isreatter. Miten Us TUs spebech onelutiet iisa betty parisen t porortionamcuitIapplause again sud roinl Tise'autitoait on'Use liaiwvua mjo yeii "«Tise Bnate sud fta.ofeoernronsg' stetet is -Seaie Mefsaw, p sepoludib* te Mild eôu Use fentirt, beisiba sit ho bcouid ne t employer a sa3'ltmcites tiabe dy ta -vileshi obut fev bin be làege. fie contraseius toI lse'lo.golarge as tlive LégilIve OGeunei vilthes.pris- same degs-s est cosulmatlve Sonate,' u an ee' od alis ce"eti t oorn, aud' vonldvoie fosrea t glas t aniYgeet Zàmamueelucitdte'Maûe' lu tie mom it auenabetopatcplopinion. 1 Eouse of! Consmns,Menbo hait su hOQr1 * saittes OeI i e el t sud VorosthL lie r4rainéd froin soinsg Gvernunon1i is navlise èlta -iI tidp hgat enti or bJb lttti,pýii 1 Yra, haveouietsouxon i'clir cm dübenrpalv -ta hA eishutw 'ou plissant esele tls Ve talte s ppertunit> cf tan& t Yoes Our reapeoMltal itibu san>' e&csiluut 4nalitias, wbicl i aboya lu youn desiuga vili rcnsideratian oi our isulus, 1>' s7uspathy lin Our'lntrubls, specia i mussaIt Yeu; tale lu eus lismougi a penloi e eding a evuwlve Yoaru%WibLave =otm "ytltaiiumes1 deasaont- sfnuildepiossion prevail- agis ans ceunts-y, l irn mom Onpaiinbut ilu es-lins of pariculami'. ]Bai vo as-o fiaI nov a mev osa ha. davuet aud maltera lockh isot.. laver- 1 a iris at aiuring lis eusa yen May' have proapanity brsucs cf yens basiinné, sud Msure Yeu liai anyuiIgw. a make Il more s=csast l 11lgbt W. viis 1te onvey te aseux lu vhisliYbuianti your Mh slt b>' us, anti nequmat yen Theuisentw "sptis depré. bisan cfaOur regard ion yen. kat an AU lYlsa Pmviene ayon botite ujysusssyhap. flgthor vii >'ur ftalisY>. luI behali cf tise emçloyees A. STE WARTL - Anti 85 Oihon UvelI Hall, acountasit te iie 1 reme ntng Use chisal anti eBr. Wrn. Thom8on, ti wlng atires. t- Vie. 2'>sasiia. Bîs,-We, the employesa cf ford Lumber Company,'. tias- s*le hiet"-WanO es rt vont>'- Uay, sud iaving tie vury egant for yen as the eldeai ion oernierneployer, vauli net 9ecclsion te picseuinneticeti. fose as-o doligilet te colig-aln- >n arriving aItl'aun mttjoniiy, t sicis ene las sppeseil te Ir cyli, sud s-es*b forvard let beca ihau.6 !ibuspajori>' tien ah &atitui Ucooti 0 te gîhait oui in lhs vontd amli meghs, thiÈ, hapil', la base, sat'ing aI yemr command. buainss inconuectien viti er, anti having can' ej tisn nualitie. vici eompe thes suad vbleis vr Aîb ecl se Ditrof &bd riespsetoslin lue. soure Yeu Usat vs hope Yaeu be sare t l ire a haeppy andi 4 afnt lurnseffort@' la uake ina aeno mcssyen wiii bave Mest ,sympathies aud assls- in boaithtse etssployeo. MAXWELL H4LL, Anti 80 otenrax faese Watt iestl<ày Utir. id embellis.d vils bammas- lUthéli Mfand businesof e# preseulaticu, auppes vas ds lu Use spaicous dlnng- e beastilseuala sonnes- th. mnl ho e"nalo was y :i.letsaut, and deu=iOn; asciiemployet. Prebab>' lu »inssa ceu u aCanada, aIbis, tlae hers axialtisae " et mutligead.vl anti tassa e be bu osnd ah 1Long. mimat dancing kspi np vii clii a reaeouabyaiy heur &Oh Irm Pichon michestUsi tivr'ti CuntI' Rayi veisd4eu o evutriverTb &BBe,55â5iaat la liMuu l t te màï "lofiat rinLii Sdon-Use b" ab nuied tW sahe tà :Omdgcf tise wOk., 7W5h1asct tsgatio' n P-'âaike Sthe Mail reprsasutati*eo. alanees," repliedti s. Stetilen. 'Tlsez sil os lut'e imnsigràîits Ui. asaset but bet neari>' ah #greial anixûia thon. vetild isavben bathie contra( pus6t Par-la s'selau anerlier dt tissu t dit. Tii. obstruction oethI me" uppreventoti us1trous malciug cn extensive arrangement. vitis Use atean shlp companlesa autcibarl.foi- sci r ng a las-g. in2iumtlan*tha meason, bu 9nsxt Besson vs look forvandti e a grec infini lieus 6ii parta ai ÈUrope. At th f rosent tins, w. as-e vos-ing in cou jnellen itisthie Cansaian antiBrila t Gaves-ument. lunUsismatas." "Wisat effect havo Mr. Peter lisis lattere lu Soollaut'I ý ,B s.thseilgiesi Noue viahevel Thie people pa>' no attention te vbai h ays. Tise>'bave hie formes- f*vonahi reporta, sud Usa>' have Use favorable ns port. ai ail th.e otes-delogpes." * "Have yen made su>' barge purchase ai supplies lu Englsud-unlnrails, ta "1NtEto. W. cancilgel everytisinI ve eau lu laDànikou," "I undrdesislyôg iela&rgoly inter oemhd uia heLcndonderry "elmiWenhs Do yenu hiik Usailihe demant forrmies rails for 'Ibm Canada Pamfle Railly mc>' ual betupP4old fs-mibhoe.iroria "I do net hssow vhslissser or otlI "Ieel ompan>' vil ie aile-to saexeteni i14 venksa s. la uppi>' rafi lue! quantities soù as#Oseau e vo$bail ne, q aire ibes, but Landouders>' villun, doubtedI>' aupply largo quanhils c visuelsasutDohmmlesialefor tle rsou Ms. É. glg,lu -re,;ly ho tjÇ report. ea enquinies, sait that tise Hudmaic Bay Comspan>' bat mado definito as. nangernenta tes- disposingcf large spn blUies cf their lauts,cssd ii'thorotigh canaideret meteures for intuciog imu migration te the Norîb-ýWeii, but hia vas Dot in a position te mu>' tefluilely vbat bat beu dealdeti upou. Heu. Sonates Cocisrane saidttte great indniernont lu immigrants, epuci- sily te tenant tannions anti mou ef csp- ial, voulti b, lis practical illutsratien ciii.e tact tiat an unlimiitid quantity cf lb. hast breets et- caIlle dbut be cheapi>' saiseil lu lhe prairies et tie North-WVest sud experlet teo Europe via Hîu>nnay s>'ahlew ceait. Dnring hi, riiît io bat purciasot a large q nantit>'o et or anbreediug pumpos for tisa Ceelrapo l14teb a Comssn>te 1,. ette thiseBoy Rliver dietrict, at the fo&ot othle Rocty Memutains. The cattie sieaussbip Oren Home vonît leave Englaut lu a fsv day. for Quuioc -baving on becs-d, c large number cf tlsoroisghbreti mheop, esitle and bories for tihesa:s'eslu ttoNosduWest,ia evn stock tutlu a t isptci,,anti for othes sas-ias, Wbose 'ý'otliInbllîde SiropsSire mieep,'éol JkàAgbi tttle, andi svot'al '41i et'11hlcIley"e stt ofI. sd a 0 nSI <. 1-1h, crn Lep OL fscIscpurehabodia Oydea- ale slion asu air osffriprie tbre.-peai'-elti Àbey Otydastislemarie. flan,.J. J.(I. Ablioti alté "purehset tWa "Ccii" stuars si tie -seieI., til ileâals, idladielotmrosiiit. iou ie (l anada vl uI.snev ors in atook-hreoduusg. Tiie "oub" lid a lulis teplug saovy animal, vili ubuadntisuoatflasbantiboe, isck liko a cmnliares, quupk asfinsee bas-e, sud crommeel vii cour Canadien bisee thi> viii make a ajile did * anim to expdit ta Engliai aisoer Biropesu mark- eté i wet 'g~<otu an ibesrang. tise imnportationuofia lange, consulgumnn of tsorougiinetihuila eai*an .srlyta dy. Tise'Bmuk of Menîreal. aSS jour ItrS. Wasington, D-0, Apnil 28.-Past piuter-Oeneral Jamesa hafià ëOesftts n, t viiPremIdbuî <Iàrdld ibaferbooh e>' b8Iîiss *64tlj i tai ld t6 th s- 0re lvaiélo, aeos tise dopast y~ isual ecuâta rian l. madtiei 1-~~~ Jénêtr n e~or anobr. Ne 1ev York, April 0.-TIr. Ueeéat& lé to'doi~ ltla n és pi'a où rnlse M "es ibs lias li]'es ut reveti hsent! as' seeapro 6 ùjsllca-ta the areu o- entay-- - S ey 'Yok, AprIl 94-A Waablugtc id speoiindtoe i aWsy -~Lm peoauneha.beew bi'ongh btat, ear upcZ I- tise Adzuiulstsaîln- b- useront furîhe me inveetigation anti oxpôszuroof the saik s, etBd fauda ýon thie tar rota service asThe'arguiuefit tiied la tiat ,he ovi.i il -ehoulti b. eraticuteti reatul>' b>'the t, Ue parnmeni vithoui expesure, as b>'i he sud an open investigation man>' Con& y resamen anti othens voulti be luvolvect s- Tiore la ne gooti reason ta suppose thi ir- Pomtmaater-Geuoral James Iniéiis tc ut stop lu viai ho bas undortaken, bhl al appreiselssiVe rnumeurs are afleal tiil îe Gorbasu iae beel activel>' luiereateti ii s- Star routeaMfira. hb Nov - ork. April 25.-The Tirna Wasbingtnspcal Bayea:-Asauming whleciiau ofasase t vebtildrua ci r. uiuely-three favoureti Star routes, th le aggregateocf Bratiy's arbitrar>' avant o0 ou tiensa ouas -vould b. #0,275,000. a- Neari>' al lieh ,contracteran i'hse routes bave beau apeclal friande cf hb Bo coutraci Office, and supported b>' inlu. 3r ential persona oulsîde of lihe Peateffice beOpas'tuessi, *hê, fItla belleveti, roeir- kg et large pecunlany novante. Âoiong the prornineni parties visa, ii la dlaim- e. d, supportedthUe contracter. are ex. . Delagate ýRîkine,,-Nev .Mexioo. , -ex- il Cengresussu Resta, Arkansas ; ex. rSoucier DorMe>, Max.', sud oehes memibs cf,,ongres. trous Texa"; se CongreiMan M po., kMiwsousri ; Con- td gresarnan Blackbur-n, JT. )3 -Cisaffée là Richard McCornick; Congmgaimau P- age, (Jaliforuus,; Congresaman Blles sutan ex-Cougreseman Bypes, Loulsiana; )f and ex-Govrnmor Tiiay. Wyenslng. 1- Pice, chie 'Of 'Bray'il asasi favoumeti contracture, 1h id allegeti, has tih sup. t-pontote i.Miaenni delogation té Con.- sgnou. -xCongsssarnau MaNiheon, oci aifriilseaasertesgeha $12,000 s i- yeïr for atlesiding bers te lhe interesea Y cf oontràetone. itlsa shatedti al a 1nevepaper vnter ber. *ho baw ;dc- e fends Brati> & Ce. las& aummer receiv- y et a large Oum from a contracter. Contractor Pric&as a lsecontracteata e large.amnuntsthhut ver. a6tcarniet *ouI acef-ding ho thc teries on vitici thie atidihional compensation vusl a avantiet. lBrady was once eosnpelied te disctninue cci tain oules allotteti te a Prico. Cao Audretvpi lie clsrk dia. t ciargeti b>' loslmaster.General Tyner, a la a deacen in lia Preshyhemiar Cinrii, ; donillesa oves hie aucceFe aa a Star 5Route contracter anti pesboffico aller- i ne>' te eccleiaalical asiîstarîe. Tho viwols aleal in praclicailly dîsideti b.- Ivteen the boraey getîg and Gilmon & )Balisbury' part', thi. latter bolug b>' tan Shie most extensive eperatas. Tii. Dense> gang la composeti cf J. W.. 1 Dors>', J. M. Peck J. B. Miner, vise caltda.'ilidi for Sl.pisau W. Dorse>', iox-Seisahor frein Arkansas, anti Becre- inltse, hltldiug for sud raceiving con- iraitet 'J. W. Des-se>' la àbËaher cf s'eaien W. fDores -A, 1'tle Ocr ilia ysars gehâl*àa au ignoMi ferner cf Vermont. Peck ila abreuisr. lu-iv t8qplenW, Dèree ; .uies ie Doîiè'îy's antînr. He v-as broisghi tram Baudusky, Ohio, oxpressl>' ta go 'lotolie, 'star Route business. The amount knovsi.to atybeau pockeled b>' the Dose.' y In luescaecf thel alnoUnt eallsdfat' b>'tle original bld 's11, . Tise firu of Gilîr, Salibu>'& v,,i.gmmposed cf J. 'P. imosnd Eine âsud 0. ..Salis- bur>', brother.. Gluot isîs fohùteni>' a;siage driver frou St. Josph te Sac. rmsenle, Californiak. Ho vas ver>' ignorant, bnt abrsvd. Ho andtihie baliaburys iscugut etuh tisaatag& -linos. lhe excoae et psy recoiveel hy tise Gil. mer, &Salisbury cotlsinallon aven :li.l celod for by lie original coutracte amounta ho #718,000, vt -moere ho hlet rin. lis adilîcfite $le aoue> givsn these large con araca.,ïs -bidt tisougis airav agentp, amaulfortune nuervuvo A pCýUin E ug- » aItal Raulroad Arc1dë"nt.' FlooE out itt~. land. - à- A nues 15(0 VaUT DOWN. AN Elt. .r Ab f il 26.-Tii. taa . ai- sANnEN-EIE > ÉmN i sLL- i fa inQhes elierdiy and s t. la cOseitt1i a faid he Bb l>,~ EIEIJEI rose oah iâàbahkiTl~rsds hi ehêoideofé tlo h lb od erw tdTihb i z1 aUsx zbs 61 jt, ela.. .,à lot lia ii l slle t *st'Hi fueblo, Cal., Âpril 28-Îeuîeray amore ai ibis Point sud stili cernna id -é ïôduhuji oli tebcd cf. bis lopin.pasasuger coach containing lnte goufoBrn lc.beo.'Ti "'l 0oscf eabjo4 or bwton, sole paisengere on the Denver and Rico mligwasoaadeeybidn ]il trss fbs iea u Bs ui rande train jnmped tbe track two on th, muddy lido are yeî eutirely Sur. rt. Rose, uoncf his. etecutora, bas searàbed miles sait cf the Rock tunnel aU4 roll. rouudad with water, hlIbbdyc a a n x o tl ly fo r th e I eil uý r a n d a w th o lt e d a h u ud r e d a i 6 y f e - d w a n a t r l p erai i s ph e o t. i . tiboeisè -us Lordehip never meUitiscn- odbankmènt. No other dit4-left thé aureit sema ta obe les# berce, wbieb Sed the atibJeot Iu bonverÉatlon. 1 sali- îrack. Five muen and one woman were is probably alei.te t1fo filiug Uip of tho; sa to k e dý- o po q n ng i cif. d eca s e ldH o l ,thee pers as alightly and ilir eo vas lew land o and basins ifuruhor do n i es t ok a d sp n i b i w f bi a e . H se ric u ly suju re d . o n ti d aid e c f h o r i e r. T h e w a te r eh- cel ithat il ws. bard te -irodé. fle . taer intelligenée frcm tho wrock toches the base of tii.bluffe whuctb i eer madie allusion te tho malter, but near the Rock tunnel shows that eight bang over the aity, bas invàdsd about th lb. 061e gsuhored frcrn bis remarks mon and eue wafàz% wete killeti, aud oneliundred yara, aniha.rab ithai lho thoughi e hobaliacrnmetbing in ail the passeugers injureti. imb three-fouirtbs as many hanses. band,",aa Palrnerston sald when deathl06liay fteihbtnt fteeoe )n anti ho were at alose quarters. At Mt BNCL' ' MaSIT-r.L nyecfterdialian s C f beso n eed se tknes, bowever, ho wonid semile oddly MorB gL'rIBLPII.Mr . on eeriyt took bevler ou igb. )n w h en thp do t& rs told h m lb e w s get- A . S en eca , w bo jes th e repu te ti far mii ar er ro n i w h e r be e o e e g . ir ingstrnge. Bt u teSunay iglt f Hon. Mr. Chapleau, Îlas au exceed. bora, Who are doiug ail tliey eau te ie. 4-before hie deatb it wa evident thai lie i'gly calions conKscience. He cannot, lieve lhe distress. AU the depota are a. hutidbigb hopes cf recovering. Ha did stand everything, anti uow sues L'Eflec- surroun -ded by water. Thse North la nol digcu8s even witb Lord PLowton the teur, a Preneh Liheral newspaper, for- Western i. reacbed by meane of boate e. leadership uf the Conservativo party. having mentioned hie Dame ini conuec-, only, sud others are ne- better off, ho itHie opinion would bave been soins tien witlî an article heade d "The Forty great le the trouble te theo sas ou tis ~.weigbî. The Queeu will send the Thieves." If rumeur speake correctîy accon5Chat te Chicago andi Bock UPrincacf Wales te the funeral as ber Mr. Senecal le a man et large figures Islandi, and Chicago- Barlington & il direct representative, andi cie wiîî also iu bis political transactions- Therefore Qnincy trains were the cnly ues tiai La bo ropresented by the lcading officers il will astonisi no oee learu that hoe ventured frern Cheir stopping points t f ber lionsehiol. The Prirceof Wales tike for $100,000 as a alm for bis outaide f the cty yeterday. The t and Dukie of Edinburgh will walk inwodnded honour. Ho would have superiorityaf Ibis rie over theéeue of [n lbe procession from the pariai church bard work te find lu tuis Province a twe weeks ago bas been ahowu by the t Hugenden te lhe grave that wil re. jury bat would rate il se ighly. entire isolation of many buildings Chat before were net teucheti by tho water. ,'ceive tlic remaitis. Lord Derby would MR. CHÀPLEATI'5 OFIES-It is aise Between the stockyards sud the river ig *have been a strong man for lie con- rumuored Chat the Chaplesu Goveru. chaunel proper ili;jeue vasi ses. witii )r servahîves, but ho bas identifieti iim. ment wiii muke an appeailte -the pople heère sud there a fsintly discernable ýn self of laie Witi the Liberai purty, net upon meeting Parlisment neit week. Uine cf posi-tepa te show tuat untier. ie ouly in tbe Lords but lu the Liberal Tiiere may be aomething in Ibis stcrY, neat islurosealIstqeat éoher limes valu- sa cancuses lu Lancashire. The general se fat as Chaplean is concerneti, as the able eugh tc fonce off. Below, sud feeling id in favor of Lord Salisbury, hcnourable gentloman'e, course in ho' amomg the aide trsaka runniug aonth ef enet becanse hla popular, but because lcngiug (ofMcially1) te se0uîauy fininoisi iii. transfer depet, are a score, cf cars ae it seelnste be aor Re of Hcbscu's choice. concerne as. aliensted from hlm rsnzy nearly submeorgea, whilo iissndreda cf i. Sir Stafford Norîbole is nniversally cf isifrienda. 'But ho sticks ta il that tesaeiplngo h abdot a9 pronenucoti toc dm11. The Marquis ho. dosase lu in ho interesta cf the 1coun- taan roedopplig on Uetashabed u r.evold probably retisse ta serve under tvy, sud points te French atatearnen as been waahed away for a corisiderabl. g Lord Cairus, but il la saiti Lord Cairna hi. precedenu. - Whatever- Mr. Chap- distance. *wcnld acaspitishe Marquis. The beat lbauimay do, it la very certain tuât lhe This rncrning it was anuounad hai- > solution cf tie difflculty therefoe ap- laut ditch muae yawn beore bis Col- th Chicago uit ih Island > sud'Cli- - erate be the selootion of Lord Salis g ues or, destruction be their'o lors cagoe Burlinglon, sud .Quincy reatis î bry. it ovilI be reasivetiviiray ie= lk au appuai toeeo Ople. wfllI tako lrina eut'aIt the ususi lime. r foebodinga HoReiî identified witb ail OTELg]=.Te uii TeOhrzg8ýr'-btlTcý- the mout queaioablo detils f le se- C. x~7 su.Tomne Ts te odaaebtl~u- ,-P'by * ca lo d "I m erl l P Iiay '~ t l ~ n î Ia n d é lit f M o n tr a l id e fa ir te ~ th é flo o d a.in Io w a , a n d th eïi r tr ain s w ill poalo IMPsai h o altonClubmet ing s coeea5casus beli betwesu Moutreal not atari. Tii. Unin Pacifi road la inssrder ta iv the parI> Clbrmeetiing -City sud tise Quebe Govornrnt. Il ruuanug Usine »s miuai. No. 4 frein Sime, may ut iste lsaeniip u e hancpnaero ha M. hpla tise voat arriving last svening ail rigiit BCiMan yc p ukte let ibod niin straite for mrnuy witb vinai te blut twa heure lais. Tii. break thia bad Geo or séwbsieof.RTh ondrvtve a rry n tie Governent. -Reconti>' sideo f the elhsorn bas beau- repaireti. 1bave a great opportunit>' for comPîsto o aomvrtre-e ie inne e n uly bion tos cf mai themaier, brt reorganisation, but circurnatancea viii maitnletet a'good o xaernste the re aotybe bcgtoe sebu preeulhemtakng tivutge f i. mindr o loPrvincesdpy p but.ne baggagab Paseger, ail as preentthen tkin adantge f i. ho 8525,000 due aince1886. But the impracticable ta gel Il frorn the bluff. T13E EAgL'S FORTUSIE. City cf Mautreal -thinka chanity ohoulti The river Ibis morniug la 24 fe 8 Contrary te the goeral supposition, begin aiborne, aatlaitiihe oxampo f inciios above o 1e aler mark.., L ord B eacon fi ohl fe alv s a fair fortu ne, goo ti fait i h e u i ic are fro m h e Q u . Ca k ev ie, M . p i 5 - T i altbougli the exact ameunt dose net ap- bec Geverunent, whlcii Que fan bas river is nov &bout five incis ovor tise peur lu is ii.ii. Hie vite brongit birn kept very few cf ita Piedgea. Untî i hi ater mark cf lait year. - and d la a gool propel-ty, ant ieh matie sea- some of lhe remainder cftho mnicipal- riaing rapidly. Tiese teain ferry vas tbing out et bis books. Thon thse ro- debtare te ti ut hwadaeiiueggt i etra aigpel inuntiac lii Mre. Williams left hlm ta psy up tho Finance Comrnitteo will frornflIlinois sabe. Mauy farmara £40,ooo0oo, condition thal se ehoulti ual recommendthelisCaundil te 'pay a are rnoviug- theïr live stock, grain, tle burieti beside him ut Hugenden. dollar, andtihie Goverument lintaI iion.ehohd furuilure, andfarm machin- Mtra. WiI}iame le buried tihle smie case will asetbem, ery. A.hsrgs farce cf men are nov ait vault as hie vife. Theoa ili be a tre- BFNEVOLENT' OFFER.-A genorous Slva tryîng tet a brein. anlerh menducus rushî te Hugeundun on Tues fewasumtdtCoFne Su>'levec ppeieai tBacwo .tiay. Tic Great weatern Itailwa>' wiîaller vassubuoftetitetye FcinaneB i aale mies pit v. Dane Commaittee cff 8beiaa fransmilesn upe 1oerive. Ts ma nd sn o eilowtrIn suuriglettemanner cf ils rocepticu une ciarua-farmersisbasene hopes- cf, arveating day atiilsov lll~ves u nd eutloistia of seme of tie aldermen. The eicos of Parliameut vill-muhter ut tise GraveTh fe ksfo MaoMil ste Loiano.Apl2G- bJk in great force. Tic moruing papers haT ive ter Cityfo Mar il taninhe .Otepy ee tti on shu publiai a paragrapi te the effecitiat *sîhsil ie tele il' iîasMoîro al îforeu.inpetSny love-aiverbis pot i iion the Quseue appravea af -tie action cf ltiu- t olrsa ra ut frepcoi.Te ie .*o se Lord Beacanefishd'e oexecutons luin uv. tie City poar, the mane>' ta ho luveateti incisabove the highest Mrkrhof 1880. ing a ptitats faneralin uaccertiance viti nilelteet pnI aleuet uA -oe autl-fgieuton v thereues i bi yl, ýanti ah. feit providing iread. ,The condtions vere uuermined ou -suudsy sudfe ut atoni' ionaainla noinchlan f1 iIu i> hliainnse iu ut leie'The mille efthéieLoulalana, bt gy ard P a mo n dirgatet ithoul respect e crosa or naionalliby Lurnber Cor n .y are lu tt dat , as id Tis prd a mr va itsto w s ude ad e .t Ibroagi Irnalees uppeinteti b> Use almoal the vhoIe cf ho lover pýari f The paperapb he Quorieu d ent ti on4r. But lla. Biepiena objecleci teliect receiving a gift for the peo on lie Chicao,-1 ,Apnil 25-A. special Contempt cf Court. grounti that lie City Coilucel le net ap- frorn S3I.Paul Ibis monning siaies ihai pointeel te adminisier a fnd fer - dlîiitise Ilootis lu tbe Mnussoit and Clsip. A NOVA _C.gUZUfEA O Q.ert. staiiElya eaxci TO tANtable purposes. Aid. Grenier balleved p1 avîly aeîIlî risiDg;. AtiMOU- gfais *1l E ExtsCULn NeT BE COU- it wa. the finît ime lu bis long o etvideo s rus af.--four fes. lis lakesi IbTES-StOiîSN'T **GARE A sue tat hoeihalia eeu lise g. eost o hice. wlhiu24 -haura, ficodbsg th. loy- auy genutleman thua; aspereed, and> vae or part cf-theiovss, carrying off usan>' a cauis etitai a vtehnd. Ths buildings, sud -wasbîng eut sevmrai of uslai tpril!28.-A short tirne ago questiol cm c vi, u tAd hl.rallroat tracha. T hée viole vaibe>'- Mr.D, . rrQ. ,,pubisieta Br-Brown sud Stopise srefuseti te ýaCCepî is'aîtsailabo, Boti rivera are niaing les o et Iera le Jutige Wotmcro ntieh dnton , i.tarehéMSanai lserate cf threls'incises auheur.A delyslu rilsani he atei avnganti Provosi voting lu faver cf- a wre- o onbridge évier the Minnesota beeon brought te the attention af te le ci hens ao r b le Canoil a o vs anSna> elray u lf Supreme Court, action vue talion. The ee tf.Myrh calt net Ilsougirthéseotiers can hbe Osvet. Attarney-General tc.day moveti fer a mnch for uldertuania chant>'. . 1 HannubalMo.,April 2,-Tii. Su>' mie cal! .ing on -David 8. lcerir, an at-, A pool telle ns "It !0aneual ulaya loese broko ti. rorniug a7 mile anti' s terney8 nd barrister and Q. C., tesai- Muay." Nol until Ibis vIntir'diii ve balfaisavoesat'linuibal. Tii. Crs. tend this c6art &Pth ie tiir-d8stunclay dticdefiat tbs vas Correct. 1etseis - 6 eo ieat - lIlu in Ibis terou, te ghow cause _why an at- bcwever, vo are preparool té go faitbon coeaanq.Tisse belngaesër ral -vçak- tuclîment saulai netfate igainsl hlm, and,#a> liatitil la ornetimes Decernher, ýpoints, ilt18e hable iUga'iI any moment. ar vi>' be sboulat b o oComiuntteti for and, frequentl>' January', Anti vs orsThe losa of le. bore ils 28,000 toue.- ýcantempl c'f Ibis bonCnraàble court b>' pretlt' sure we've'hati a lithoe Februany, The river la nineteen fnl uet ec haviug priuted sud publieheti in th?,anti ef lat. it'aeomsd vsry rnuii.h iko abeve 1evw ater mJark, - ana Bi l l 1>ailYp ~elegrarn nevapapor tva cen- Meri , lufact, vs- deu'i romember niaiug. -- - mnicaltion2,a, sdifferènt-dates, lu wbici thut it vas laven MaY,- ua'bave. - -. . ,4emnuicatteà tUés aid David B. Kemr beau once, htj e i ie fgig c.,cmxa TO t Vxr..en URANI lncludlin of the-le Beingr keeping- ALL NO. i-D Thorepo lu Dabamb' eral uupon -: Miesionaa tistnicta of misuanar>"î voeeheing vere et hie - thise ah inlu scrififi- of internai As cusi brade i sa Arnenican * conapicuoli It lasgn- halte nmei pat 'iona b th~ Ue secrotio and&U loohl sud fmiish i from IMP if 0our Noe what.vnca pracur.at Stie Tu.00. -relievai, andi Aar-~iw 'M hm ion toi dis tht ps-o L4rd lR c"u C~.samn, .i

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