Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1881, p. 4

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out, l l4m.b $bs palihot So@m somew,*, Goal$fossiles lom si ii. set, i ieA aalng Nelo#.e ve Wbarn. h ie o" biomet Our g,~ndoasging Amualng. W. do notSkamwisethor tise scP. lent ei thse follO~ITng lettesr faitamed or enraged on readAng iL t. wwvri. ten by a Buokinghasisre farines te a citinguiehed aclentiflo agrlanitursat, te wliontm0 le et udrellnfor in'. tro(süclUOt^, V*sbty oS seÊibe : "Be. upeoted Sr-r vont yeatesclay te tise fair aM A-. I fcnnd soveral pige of yens speaies.,Tisesevaofagroat vas. letyeof beeats; and I vas greatly as. tonised at not aeocg yoa tiser.." W. muet Imagine tis ite have beaun wrtten in au offhAndod mannes, anA vitisout mauchs cenelragl<sn f sale» anotier, by an 'htstefrsr ewb n et. ersocme asalsat mes Aglositusal Ex. lbtUw is*,bn raoeaa ollovote me is lorajaekao.. I hâve ne doubt A rqyaiisi lseoi maginatIoe ilesrquired le deplmol lseaameut of, tht ialatrop-ld gentleman, of a, h. amer in od epublcplaces of promenade. ' Prayl .-M cdman, wlson le rceved for. reply : "No i; * ii do~t ttbeélongte lias aeporatlonl"ý -Tise saluoe rmank applied te Ihal am-ý bitIns -eo1sts- la8dy4 Wba w"* alhing Yoy easaaly about bers favorite antis.' or@,.wisoneea f tise- empany ln4wsted fii e ised -Lamb. -Witb is indignent t e ofise b"(1, ise anuwood, tisat the tired !v3' Jl. eabout visat aise Doubles4the &îtýtih pûi ttise quet Ion Icoi more minecd by tise oeswer lhisathe paraill neucf,, wvio, obseev- ~gan Itê girl atlslsy a"n a SUnAy, adoosted istssvus: "ooa.mosning, daugister of thse EilA on;"Wieu aise Y M~u aisînsnings aietake hb en mkd uypooplo bardofiheaulog. W. aretedd thal a certain Dean ôf Elyvý,as Ooce at n dinncr, wvinjus aa tise ch wu semoved. ti SAuisieci Of discourue isappened ta betisaI c f xtsaosdinary nsertality ameng a iayee. 1W% bava, look," salA a&gistIiinâ t ia i&ssýa Sean oinnat 'bassleesa107a saýY, montsa." Tise Deanàib e 'wvaoy deaf, rose met a hcoslela. lss ~s andp sAgaotse cpm any ac *,For la$and A e py dis emrcy', make. U asioasmtliua diaiser&lo"mus-, tise fcllowlng vso ie$aîla "May tise Msau ýIo-ishm lostI meeae li thie glosiens servie#: Of ve iesnlr7, noyer! edls i"eoevAthé ie. or, Br' ut lthe persaon visosduw As*id> te read the, tost, occident lnLttedts icipotasii Wordlsru bc'a -plotoly chang e ts eont, n eauuao exiofetmerrhaens l lte àhiauder.a bleu t e pcsts oaelon on pblic ralia o e l~bsIader vas proposeds vissa hoe atâir s éngmattcly sopHéed tisaI h.cvas"nwosefitted for tie se c. ol1tbass for publie eais. OOoaionally wure coolve' ;S'ttttous information viils e iôo tof~ eb. depeinded on. 4 pi'ot oàrserdiv cou ntrvbsebiuwovisvaee bservug a nat- issallet n a iel colleoting Insecte, s&y oun e tiste otiser: 7UWbat , alssi felov deing biss?" 6"Wisy."ea I 'tuslIet ,,whav4 liat Po. "Why ou. viso ciLtais 40 guati,tLo b. e.".- aIevel vush ibesoteil eîua$ a vaa t, -ho, AS araw roornit, vas ased y iioff. car. .wbat'a -yeer dhe r <',4Wbyi 'thé ausitist au s.t4me, ÉLAJPi- 4 "hut Ilu 1., ou 0 âne ansd SILVER 'W Thè whoIe- sock 46o be o1eea off before th.e xpira tio#t o the leasq JIAMES JOHNSTOX~ l'ru maer Brock.St., Wisltby. - Marais, 1811881. 81- H oûse for Sale or to let. quarte of au n -re di m jonsriS apply t bé CY D a 1 > m a 3 5-B RSN mgtàïo,6"vÃŽ enova scisalA have balwA of a certain Ujntant ei a 'Volun' er corpeàviso, beig > oubtftl- é h s aA dfsisbutod s'lffis: su is i oid cls but':- 'ÂAl yl Y eht arew stbeut arma,.IsolA np -oUr bauds," or oftiSiaffectionate Irseisman viso once enlltic n bs 41h Be gimesat, la erder ta b. near Ie brother, Wiso as an ondes isan te Cee At ppSiex. eaated. as au Iis lergeant once dis- 'presint, eay'Heo;' adalo etisaI are net proslnt, aaY 'Abeint' àAlorlng lis, but noS likely 4t, be duly appreolated citos a moseuî'e *Iisought, wvat Imade inunver tb r9se comof0a fond fatisr os, seWbho. basotan a- y. '7Isiesi!on gue, bo lb~ a iceroided yen ocoe plaing for a mao hrgAwftl tfelony,-Madà *,Mst'Iglowlug speech te tise uttar rmIn tisaI vwoud overtak -tise Aoeudant'a vif. auA largefaiy Tise osaticu Sbeing concluded, tis emas. eA adiocale dimovored tisaI bis client vau a bacmoeler I-On anotiser occasion, e layer.vis,' ve auotmssferget. til thesis res#4VPfttéa, asIwe" ý se &yur v i avnd boien ssïageAho, pIssadtise cause cf an olA effender, b. gin by isaying :-I Amn Anformed tise prisosser aitishe bar bose thse obarictes ef be§mg an umitigated meoundrel 1" flore éôtnbôay vlpered -te iib-thal thse pflseuts *ào ble ove lîbnM isabo h tisesmeestolv. oàtuia e : "Eut visai great and Who&SeesE wusévi netI geatly esimicated by seuy et his conteasporarlea P', hlo tolloeing If anuag, coula not altoetiçs b 7nIdered tossiPllaisont. ary ta came o' stoie --inl Cork,." salA O'Coàtnnîll1"Iremoassier lise crier tsying ta disperse the crovd by exclamlssg: -Ailye iblack g a th is eat lavyese, qtsit tish oute '" Tise lite emiacait lavyer Soîjeani TaI. lourd musI have beep * qonelderably ansused e aI vsaIocused visea he imuiled aetClrinton pies, land had hie postmsssteau «aildby an old Scotoh poester. NHU nanse, "Msi Sesisau Tai. 'lourd," vas palnted on At, ana observed ýsy tise porter. - Tise learned gentleman offered payment le tise ttu eanforli trouble,* but w»smet vils tise reply - "1Na4, sicr;.I'vdu taise a pepny fras yen ; and y.u're very veloéeme, for 1 vas once a sergent 11k. yoerae"- An elA gentleman hein; t«WsAaSter e eme=lcùse ef iay esd As aliot eetucisfoirâneé; lut' year I culA mkaley oa tlse flare, ynalaback:gan "TYee, eaiaoer&1l creplias!. «Pray wusis roques of is good.aatureM fiend. Nimumusanoeesreis'laed cf amaslsttmalck eMinees nade by Ï1010=0 saerrants, Pib eMM eandlug eut conepienou& AnLalissuAotie.' min codm ebss en ma s er- vant anuIriéism, htea visai-heur It '%ras by tise sun-Aâ hi ilwu va faten. eA teea peut Inuth. garden. Thse. msn vas sscivesy long -gose ioe.b. on. téred tise apastun.at ecimvevialoctd, vilS ~ ~ hi h%84u.IVI u ad -s1u¶1 "Holrs, air ; psay look aInt i emt for il moyetifis an. al ovr"Ts ous cemplein pes-iapa more tan rMcel France, and r*4uîniug moes lionsthon., &A ordinary paese"ge,aent bAs servant ta books two places anA psy AborIsAsis Wishobont4te office *tise ne; 'aY te ta"ke s lao.,lie tonnA -floe 1 urt al se beeu, boked lucide su*s'- "c'Pm das lien eAb __- FRSALE. A 4O~ EOND.WD.TOP EIGGYr. OBROBICLX OFMUC. The bo ei machine* »u.i» enocommoent rom 'iLs, aller passiz2gthrou1 sis a burvr e te oa a ryisg of tiamGOxP oal for cannaa, Mos whq vant durable,-maphinery and propose, BY - o mlast Our 'offiein$Wlstby bobs oietïuhém,, Agit la our utentton toadopt tise CA SH.9SYSTIrE MIf FiÃ" & PAtTERýÃ"N'MNF'00o., whiy an. 2 Blm1. * ouity iiquor .toreWhM4é8iàe and'ýk M KING STREET, OSHAWA. rIs ecoiveât for ehrý,,1tmnsand the wTeu,- sTar stock of WINES and LIQUORB, direct importation, comprisig port amd Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Budm, Scotch and Irishi Whiske.y», -Buse Aie,;_n Gui igs and Blood's Porter, Pý4«mk WotâDiWaeoil Bye and Malt Wissky, the, béât a tise Tala tes' md t-sgive'& 5ams' anadian Aies and Porter, and Liges .Besro a idlAn )tt1e. ~is lu~t but sauoted stock .<4.IGABS in thse aounty 1 po M sA ineo f u9cfIî f l.ity, at 85.00, S4.OO, 48.0o and #2»8 e-ls!wobA aAbâttie. A, fi .t 62.75 per Gallon. :0iez Td mi Maugin. -hmuoa'.,Buùlol »ufflle andA Stcr'. ctch and IriaisWhiskeya. oeI.ratd oe447 Wh Ukv. ho fnet WU»ISky in Smket. #1 per j g.i 1.i45por îoocfâne dozên VIssWtqtsalyof Olâ la»mIR.. n Bau Aie,.boille by Htbbert and Poster & Sans5, in Qante and Pinte. !~luare~RoaTcsust), Tylo &Bate ('S Cat.mrine) Aie on draii, An 5, 10' 5O go, Min le iàieuCames0! oedozen quartsaenA tv-o donen pinta, e$ 1.25 per cas. LGERBM=E]FOR WINI'ER 'USE) 'Tvo domesbottes ai *1.25 puo,:.<5. ~Oizaaeè msA 1~o'sSeuin qearts anAdpite. Co grave S& Sn' elèbsed Stout, aI 01.50> per doren qu<rti, and 75 conta per .Aeaen pinta.___ A kv et FJorflna, the maomples. of CIgar epie Lestuo laait jo, La Vies Eàmiente, oanetsatly on baudf- Fisde A ima,ý Wiadaor, Grand Ducaiss, Ne Plua Ultra, Làaam, La catele, American Cons- '. Wilso'e Mna a-lgsALmndPtisWlr claWtr ~~&aàaiw, éeme-8oda~arupMssiil014rid n qu"arts in lts- imam ideU Alvered fre. W!cisarge teousoes WIlîiwoesband BttqGut iurSoe e..ilb, - SHAWA, ONTABIO. *WEÂARE MÂKhG A ~NEW\ STYLE1R. 0fh âgr~s, in- sipialie!-, siH ý z N nirl EW SPEIMENS Ã"~EXHIBITION. Cadsan Cbiitis furn1hehd« M the t,' OpÃ"siteOntar*o J]Bank, ~ A YoungmY-*-airing tb study P1sôgraphy, vfflnd ma agôod chance; bycuÉ nMs. Bunrtt, ana getting terme. 'WMhiY:eune lOtis, 1879. .4 No. No. 1MA1ÇET BLOCK. THE-PLACE "FOR BOOTS ÀND SHOES'ýý busnesluai i~ raeissvii ~sfuur S carrieci on by hlm. Ho hai AN, -N FF»LYNEW STOCK I Latest style. for Ladies, Gea,Midses, and M»ildren; fine quality iadai 0IUEkItEu W*- RK -A gPEMAJLTY. An easy fit gunrnntcod. Repaire neatly ana promptly donc. JOHN SATNDERS, -Ceaun ne und ai ILI& llop,- ,ÉwéDOOBS'ÇSWBT 7AMiSR sAul Or lopup ty Atten4adio,.m Worhlngmni',profaipberjaker came #-12-W te lsi ""steman ll do this byc1l&iassAg au LuptsWs Afrom tise blooA. USEVITAIN AiIJ a n ,b~tBo~ cf aiahr*i . Lve a ta fr tom~~~~u tIcisLtemdlt PStimo.&»eutoh &ZApxIits.isfcn at haaitsrm ]Boston, Apu Mil f OlaaaAntrm oo, api ra H. m a.ASDtz SMar. 22, '81. No. 1 Market Blocks, Whitby.] PA RL OIRBOOT -and 8110E ST OJIE! Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, rint ofi Rubbe,'g oF Bl e a peeily. WJibOctk 20, '8 A LtAnlI3 AMOUZET Or-BIYAT £1.Sada to lendon Laa pro4ry Ver centpeagnnuon. pply ta Am.12 MAJOR ML8 The- Mül fs mnovin ComplA i..rnnin arder the XMsglner&U n etel ~I ocprmptly1-in Vie BEST POSSiBLE MANNER,ý Anla gives ,#ntire o eaiton. B3AXERS &DEALIEBSWOý ISuýpled vith FLOUR ofihe 1ei quallyâai Loweui satâs. PLOUR'AND LXIXNDB,0F MJIL Bighest Prie.paid for-W'hoat 4u.thorlzed-Citl*0000 -office, NO." 12 (iurh.S, Tamntô. * ~~Eli~EEF;'Rq~, iséPreAident. rtof n. loin su e tn aIlnve" afy tNo commfauian. ý tg5 os purciss aatddanuamii on saune For f bter pàrtlcule Itb A X, POSUT OithJu ~*jAT LOW PRIOES! onaiht ii a g that in e&isbonhand.sslarge a'sloi busliness. Bcooe-Ladies3' Fie 4d ,Bi a mdC "Valises in, Tise Mammol 0. iety, at 10%i i-ly Thée Eui = DO est on bisesil 41, 0s ine a [san &Ul tematatin, mot IisIgu4,aAho .losi - tise JC"Tasthe li.action tote s ex. vision ethtie Court of- 8~1e îoeI aitlcd tise nov ple~'at"Ae!d Muns i influence 1 U»U50 of 0 poet -hoII ilion ma ài1 ' J. E: +l'ýl'I-l-, + '. -11 ý ý ý j à ý 1- ý ý - ,, 1 1 ýl 1 ej,; B lu 'Di5 Ce' DOWNEYe OASN FOR WH EATs BAR LEY, -PEA8r A eupply aci WesternCa myVenshW& WblSly, mat& %à4 un. "'; . 1 . . 1 1 .-m ý ; à,ý+ lÉm: d

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