Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1881, p. 3

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ALL-WSO&.OL IGI, PLAIN ý'AN] " 0 BUTTONS, LININGàS, MILLINEEY, &ô. CHILDIENSI 1HATS,&o Tenewost goods in the miinory Lino aM low prices. SILK PARASPLS, SATIN PARASOLS, BIBBON8B, LACES, PÂNOY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, PRLLLINGS, MUSLINS, LAWNS, I'RINTS, &o. clothing made to order liM;,te bét styles. GENTS' SCABFS, TIRS, OOLLABS, CUPPB,-- BRÂCES, BOX, GLOVES, &c. -WHITE ana RMATTA Br3àTS, PLAIN and (CHECK DUCKS, COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, 1&o., &o., &o. WearcOofferixlg the beat goodB in the lirade. Kindly take a look througli our stock. New Goode and Low prices. - We cannot be undersold. B'R Outfmrfl onotiaford to jet Mr. Nrqu' êoêo.il.rdloic Mluahla pumo f 5, a year a> WHITBY M&ARKRTB. omtuaczaOryx"; ,May Ull, il het .... 111*0 lie ..# ................ 095 100 Fleur, Pa Owt... ...... lj 8 0-800 ByO.e................. -0vo aoe8 POaU................... 065 070 Peau,bla .. il. 090 o 096 BluePO..............le(;>0 O1 10 Oats ...................086 n 86 ROY .................. 900 01000 Âpee pu bu....os ....0800 0do Ptate........... 085M 087 » 031 *012 .hm ..012 0 15 Wood......... 45.*i.. dn à00 Sh.peknm.'.' 090 O1 00 Rids ................ 700 87 50 Pork, p Ilvt .......700 .7 50 Tomate«, prlbu......000 (a000 S006 le8 0 10 012 000 Olrprde.....::::,. 0850 040 Ohickeus, ppair.... O 0 w 0 O80 Duke«Perr............000a 000 Gef a b........000 *6000 Turky, parlb... 015 0 05 Woo,uuwambed ....000 o 040 lewlra ....... il000 00 ihaOu, Parm"'-î . O 10o 12 HameIl:*g : ::..*.*. ok 0 100 llhuueab, pert hasch..010.. 8 <i0a0o Asparagu, ....006 a0000 shaloles ..005. *cos 000 Radishe,. I ' 010 <g000 Pamapt, " " 010 (8000 Cabbage,per head .OO... <g08 Ooo The market il weU msuppled with freeli eut floveru au& immunma. tSrnrfrom theerrors I wil1 mBond a reolpe hM will autoeyon, FR1111 F CHARGE. Tht. greait remed iras Aslcorered by £ mlouary in SoUg Bmertca. SOUCIaalf.addreméenveoe ta the Ravr. jouam T.lxmÂt 2.Ui4i2m Bible Homom$e.,NwTrCi, WHITBY CRICKET-' CLUB. 'I ATIILETIC 8PORTS!f THE FAIR GROUND, TRE 'I7EEN'S PZMTHDAY, Pot dzs v .p, ise Ou Ltusi gven bye. 0,Whtûeld; Oud; Pleture mýveabW. Aumsa; Sud, 8SU, Huud. WALR, IW~4 e -al,. 114011 k0R OYS impxdçr 14-490 yard- imIlo, RaS& mubyO.F.S"ëat;Sud CupglEibyMtchBroi. luYA» Cr-OpuàgýCOUMItyi1Ont. Sué Value Stasagiven by W. IL Nois ;u, Od -À-Wl P oktgiyeu bM~o nl Cup ma az <~ lviavàby ÉotrUo X pirge ail eutrleut B Treasrea.Ubertary. 'Whitby, lXay 110h, 10W1 *691 SEEDSI ,SEEDS!! W. W. OOD, Hnu Jua'»revd alargosud 'vriied NE W SERDS PLANTS KINOS, FAR MRS. ALLIN'S B00K A NDO8TA TIONE Y 8STOýRE, At the OId Stand, BROOK-ST.,.- - WHITBY. fjRS. ALLIN begs to inform lier numerous friends. and onstomers that she 1.8, again settled, ini ler',o'wn premises-the old place on Brook street-,ziow very taste- fuIly fitted'up. lier stock in ail limes of Stationery ie the largest from 'which to make a selection. PAPERS ANDENVELOPES 0f finest quýaiity and iii every variety, very cheap. OFFICE PAPERS #nd Offce requisites, Miaries, &o., supplied at lowest 4;-- Lgue3 ACC0OJNT BOOKS, PURSES, CARDBOARD, DRAWING PAPERS, POOKET BOOKS, PLAYING CARDS, PENS, FENCILS, BIRTHDAY AND FANCY CAIRDS, ]3LOTTING PAPER. FINEST INKS. CRAYONS &c., ALL COLORS. Exorcise and Dictation Booka, Campbell's New Maps, Portfolios, Books including Sehool Books. Agent for the Daily and Weekly Nowspapers and ail the Mfagazines. Also, ordors taken for MsiMapa, and Binding and Printing; Hamax, Cr4icet and Foot Bal.' FAN&UYWUODII 'AND FivKMuv WOOL -WtIRK Iu «m Ïiàyety ; TPwoy - ri mbroidory, Mottoos, &o. Also, Toilet Mls, ~,Tie4, Obina , Rair Clus, Bracelets, Eaxringe, J-et sot, &o., &4, aZbe1 stran sd .an Faney Goods of MN JEWEL£Y--Gold, jet, snd celluloïd -Gooù,, of besuàtiful patterng and aelins very chéap. pleue 0.11 and Examine. îr IDres-âMakdng auhoretofore, ana a hu&omely fnuishea room lorFiti. MaY 11111, 1881. MRS. ALLUN, nTe OldStnrokBWiby HARDWARE!I WH ITBYO AYD Tr OS 0NiO O- . Offer apecial indlboements ho fluilders and Contractoes, l LokButta, sails, 'aints, Ouas, Glass, Patty, &c., dc. liso, a large supply oh _Spades, $hovols, Forks, Hooa,,.Garden and other. Baltesî.FoagWi,, bd and plain. :COOKING STOVEJS, 'With extra hça'y furnitur. ;,aloo MM, Paila, Pans, S&., md from heavy tin. Farmýr 'er Èqùi11aus ana&elX, aneiçltyand prtccbefore purchslg Ianpedlrs C'RWGPýes ii om the manulaetureros,anad Mvibe'fowid Uavng large, stock, both tro âa4re r do wfl or tosewhoinsyLavr n w*1ir prouage. <We talc. tis apportuuit-'of t*bisicip er afcs dcutm r 10 dupboXstrctmtientioi-b bu #a n su srivmng te mccl lhe -wantz sud â o klOurunlwe WoÙlddis.bhmha itshallbecaur ~iinhouhrb~,oepattenti±x suàd ,vgi ifr ai... +__________________________ __________i 17* DV1!8METmi It thhse bi bCOURT O? E for the t~claly of the «VLAE<? BROUGHÂM, On the 30th Day of NATA, D.e Datedi at Plckeuog tt. 4thi ay of, gay, HECTOR ZEATON 21t Clark cf the Muulolpm4yoS J. . k-'j Towels and..TowéllHÈï U.~ asorne MILLINERY, IN NEWEST STL. We are also offering the RIA wear ini five (5) iminutes. For GENTLEMEN possible notice. sale onlyyu. will please notice that mwe - are ~f ol4iar fÙ2?111811 f - I I OAESS ÂNýID MANTL EMÂKING -TO ORDER. ~ANIE. Ceas Govs elrfee.tly; eve J dr;ready for' prep 4ieJ4Iftirnslùî h' PASHIONABLE SJITS' st sotest i-Pte Whitby, May llth, 1881. i ee~ Et" M O GLOE T013ACCO CO,-s DETROIT, Micit., cnd ~DM~Ot The Canadiau Packflc ilway Co. EMIGRATION TO MANITOBA AND TUI CANADIANq Bale cxiXLsaR22d.. Toencouragip aIld ettlement of the Country, the CndinPAc490 Bmiiway Oompauy 'aI b. prepared, until furtber noti, te mal lands required fer agcutai purposai atutelow Priceof 20a e. payable byintedâelmansd wHIl urtier -'b'. a or o bye uyofrebat. tan "-Pzice'jýjM f r «7acr. aIsnob lands bo t aIcultlvatlou, alluzi thmt..e ive yeufoflig thé daté of purebage, aC- oorlng theliiatueasud orent oaithe oterirVamentu mde thhrepu. Thé laujaof.érad. for "Iala, wif a comprise UinoraI> Cou or Wood larido, or tracta for Town sites aud 1RsllWaY puros. Contracta at apeddalateu v mîÎh. e for lamndurqulred for cattll- rdai sud xother pupmasllvllgimmediat, »cultiva. Intendlng Bettinre sud thair cote, on roacblng ti.Compauy's ailw3balor. Pu j4r.utl,rr mOl h. urniled on CRIS. DRINXWÂTIr, Manlreal, Âpril 0th . 188L reary MORTGAGE SALE. DpURaSUANT TO POWEll OF SALE ie ie codn n , ua morg-ruade -by BAI JUr.u muimuansd Jààms Joaampu iamw, tqevini . ftomrfor sùo, byPchl Ala2 TOWN OF -WH ITBYwft ï day ,of May' .D,1881; GERMAI4NSU CA-Ni, M~~A B R YCE-CS H.TO A mos3t complete;ý stockï,;of ik LADIES' FINE SILE HoSe iniBlack sud iwose. LADIES' FINE ILISLE TRRZAD ROSR- l ýalâadPanay <Joosad Black, frbm 85oe b $1.40. LADIES' WHITE LISLE T"BRAD, ROsE;Oi 4AI'MEBINO HOBE. LADIES' BALBRIGGAN ROSE, at 20e, 2k , 8e 8o, 4C., Wei0.5. LADIES' SOLID COLOPtS COTTONHOE oIx LADIES' SOLID COLORS COTTON ROSE, with clox. LADIES' LACE COTTON ROSE, 8,' 8+ ud -,,0ii. LADIES'WITE COTTON UOSE, frogm ý8 t.0tn LADIES' PLAIN AND FÂNCY STRIRI OT'O:5)EiCMU . OHILDRBWt N 8}1,lhlLOR ?l5k0 -fhm rom #14)o É W, --P 8t 101 EVERY ONE sad~~ NEW ADYRSEEWS WIEAýtTRHEPEOPLE WAXIM '1 FINE JAPANX I Mat -Me cand40 lb., wortkb4-rom-4Oo to 76o per lb.,, h i T' ~ - uf me -Ycung fl Tesa, aI 85 ? AW DVMT r~FORS& 0?LOT 27 lu 1 ouLots o i. 12 E yeuy, OlC u lb mguî ocreel. 81.11e ~1 ADVERtTIBEMiCNT. 2.0ý tu Eàdor o the w hiebrj Chroma it.. /DZA et%:- w. - WhlIb LA1GEAND K 'p 0E AND OP Ew.D LO DidO u.alt,OrtIes,, Thread anid Cottion j.: n~-. * J -" 1 JL m X-L 1 1 .Lisle 1 q un, 1 1

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