Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1881, p. 1

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A."1. H aa'1 N8,. AI hIdII~li* lIItt ter ers odstim~ u bdAromum. mIus e UXE1iti ..-AlAvIu. Busne8 Drléotry uisBAMBrTJ31g ATREYSL THOS u-iLLSDOWIB.A B AEISTERS, ATTORNEY8U oT AWIOeLua lo, sud Oonve OS.. IraS Woo H.uotuLh f h'oyal Holul, *blbby D3ARRISTURS QATTORNEYSLÇ A-,TOUA, fl itOL C.,ORSC ()C. Il RiONI, . St.eetUnt th - Tnp oeo o Whtb 0.O SULLIVÂN W&EPERDUE Octobor28rt,<188. ly-d5 CAMBiRON APPELDE& c Attotner.ît-Law, aud B Cmdtn*u'lhauo7'No. i Toronlo HECTOSOumESSIl.Q.C.. 1u. 6. APPELSE, . P:-F . P IL I . (I.> ATT0RaNIHY4TLAW, NoaTPbin, h. Offio-Dunaa S., fiIdorws of Amtroog's Hotel. Money tW Lon-Priflte fond-abt loyw iùtturet. JOHN A. NeCILLII'RAY, (Suooroor tqg. IL Roeei.) fARRISTMÈ dh ATTOBXBY.ÂT-LAW, * s olaayPublie. ,. Soboilor for th foinWon =ak. Offie.-Next door to mamnu Hotus, 11xbridge, Ont. -25 CHÂbLL* C. KE&âLER, ANyTORk5XAT-LAW; SOLJIlTOR RIN ton, B L. T. AILY ATTORM "i&T-&Wï,OLIOXTOR u cho o.r C"bomecae LYjNENGLIER LL.H. 0ou Street, Oshava.- DAT!» OREISTON, B.A&, ATTOMMIEBT;AIiWSOLICITOR IN! Ornoai-In te Ofro= àth ?, O)&e,. lg MoMICUs BWc, Brook Striai Whibi.y y JOHN HALL DOW, BAB 1~B-AT,.LAW, SOLICITOR BA hsunobery, Oonveya.ooer, &0, Obe-D«oUvrl's Bloçk. Brook Street, oyuxc-BroW>St., Wbtby, Ont., (tire. deora outof IRoial rotol). ly-46 R. J. .GUNN, a.MI . URGONTo ËBOOUNTY GÂO0, Wm.. ModRenaci, M.D».,M.R.Ce.8., th ye . b.-Û , DO haw a, O tu lo ., C Àa D.- Ott. 1B0AR9T, physidn, surgeon,, Aee.oher, -h&., &ho. IDl3myjlepT. O, 187M.. TIOOM8 OvERE HB AROI i-Ver. o -, ~ii- i W===F=11,11rIIF7 VOL. XXV. nOKRROI1 KTEL aud STABLES, %- U1 ilund esJ iasr.tToronto. ;DEN M.B.AB; . . - pBPR1Zoa. Escumea sTo :DOUx xzu.,) The bit 81.00 a Day Enusmulte eSyouly two blOoku <rom ltae rhemn V.pot.saoouo W. th. 1ag t.Thea eboo.h.u a nely Vite ont, aod every-thlg Frul.o. (1y7( XRS. WALKEY96 TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WBY.' Good aooommoda t irsoeableterme. Boardors 8150 per WeOk. R OSBIl q (US.:TORONTO, ONT. The. Palace IHotel of Canada ROfitt$a, Refurnitod, and ulvsfled. New Pausmn gor Blavator, TmIIIII nigtisdma. The OUIy firet-o8 lass Rell l Vada wi1hVstu ate ces, Vis ;#2.$950, aud $8 lxm fClub aad thora, rooma, mitent hboard, 51 te, 82 r a~j Fob. 27tk, 878. Prprieter. HOTRL, WEMTY. Thé boabou ôtl hu au athunmuffl r.eîated aud reumiraulzd, *bd luuonun- dur -te ménagemnofetGO. KCItI (formorly of st. Lavreno flalljOrt Hoe xvery attention nid-l to es. ]%aeolsIlyuoma for Colt. AMRCA OTEIL, <L'a a o ua.) WEI T DY, 0OYT A B10. Houa. n.wly renovated end furnlaed tbrouoout% and potit u t-clasuorder for the roception 01onouta. AU omnuansd rom a&U trains. First-las. sazoploroomu. SHAKESPEARE HOTEL, .Cor. Ring à York-ta., Toronto, Ont. J. A.UO'GADY, - PROPRIETOB. Tums, "150mam Dày. ly-47) POST OFFICE *SALOON, Totoîro. M. McNNLL,..«-pRopBRB2'O1I 93rTBFÈ DEST ACCOMMODATION m~ for Queuta. (lY-47) ONTARIOB JOT JAMES T. JRR;PBLL, Propriaf or. (I.ate oft he Nipisulng Hotol, Toronto.) Goo.a Liqoora end Cigare. Couimodionu StabLioz. Firi-chuLtvery Stable sud Biliard M. ClIESTER, -Pzepretor. This t ryï r~,lame a d ousuodjouas Hou". l=rfited1sud fisns.tenuitheb vante of tlite Fb.ib ýT"a Cr plie wth lit. bbande uquworï te, fratda,& ldon. Aapa t bhma oug hstera. T aE Qunsste MOTEL, PHILIP IMCOA"~2. .- -Proprfofo. But Liquonruesd Cigare. A voil su- plie4 table. Ulry bed-roome. Comfortl elabltngsc ad large yard room. Chae. moderato. WHITBY -HXO V E Tii. nadertlgned vould >intimaté. W hét pub à itil. o~promaises baye buso thwly boU ud81. p thronghout e Liquoorsasd Cigam uts. Ba 764 AWabpure 3111...Win@. Lugur, Witowu Doarderu tauo by te veekon modu- .Tly, 21h1880M8 cou. PohGoeSuTOUP TO.- TRMS, 51200 ?38 DAY. Gooda i WI1TBY,~RVE0 . HWE Chemist an d.D rug-gi st,ý DRUGSJ MEDICINES AŽXD OHEMICÂLS, TOILET SOÂPS9 psBF«CMEJRye SHOULDER BRÂCES,- T'rTJSESp SPONGES, AND ALL lINDSO OS RGE*'4NREU IALLT KEPT IN A FIr»T CLAàS DEUG STORE. PHYSIQIANïS"PRESORIPTIONS oarefully ompoundda, sunacidesmnswmeewita.mse .and de.ptoh Formm ansd Pys t4nfrU icountry wiU fiad ui toc of medioine& complete * amnedgivoe, sud ot 1he ORNER BROOK AND DUNDAS 8TTBM, WBIBYt ONTABIO. 0-iNA* HALL, 51GW i MTeE Me 17(UeEGITEEim) 71 KING-8 T. EA8T TORON TO. pàney Beafstsd Ton Sols. FsneyZ>inar ad Deuut ert&is ..uoy1wedrom sels. vu" J utaensd Tuapola. * Oier Patdetres, York@ sud Spoomu BllerPalo Cr MiusudButter Coolema T fsTrald Semru. lueuan, Aildesoriptionu. White ouéen. e, uv.ýkuni. Roa edPr Goodu. HoelILOVEIR HARRISONq, Importer- Dominion Wood Work8, WR ITBY. Geo. Cormack, Y UMBER MEROHANT h BUILDER. 1À-A ilrg suply of Buolders' Inralit. Ing,ad &Ulklodaof Tvi*We Moldinga, Dooru, Saab sud Blinds. LUXBER wviolosalo sud rtai, or by by lte car bai. PL aling. mouldigu of uvry deucrip- tien, Floonlag, Siuu , SuebEg, Re- uawIng, Sbaplng, Tunn. Scroll-worfr, etc., etc. *Witl, Oct. 111h, 1878.-4 Say13 TO LEI> The nadoosnd bas «T amouat oaigm *y le Leni upoéfu or o lroy, aI& àXiRMUfy Lov flaleof Ilt. SLoassesber!*Mdlaasou la nuthoè Buverallipo. an m IdI for "ouv 'For furtitar perlicolara ppyte Apni 119m1 IN 8UR KNC0E. S ONiTARito PARitmRrW HEAD OFFCE., BROCK.Su., WHITB. TUfs o» Ins' ur Faimnl- Contr vkChurbo'Seté as<o. t a et=mushblaiCompauy JlJST LOSSE PROMTLY PATU. T. ]a. BICERLL, OHE WDlIs, PissAent. VIOO.Prs.Iet. C;-NOUR8R, SacaMiAz. Wfflby, AWU l994 »M18.-16 PHRUT1 FIER INURNCE CO. Lombard S. sud Citavlng Cros, .Lmon. EftlAUMIN a1782. QILLESPIE. MOFFÂTT k CO., Agonis forCmaada. B. W. TYllE MaaerPot I3, m!*!SH AMEEXCA Meui'anoe Company~ NCORPORATEDî x$~. ASSETS, 51401,MSU. P. A. BAL!5 M.s.g.r. luseraneos ef.eted ai lb. leveot ousuat U~~S Do»a the out o!th, Lreittle U "FlovasItt tobunaryionU1- Ont n lte 1= 1 be A B,14.1libng& on theo tai mnlas1 Giv thy ha nie suelber Taking bock Mdaarlff, Loet hi=mliea lbeeweded maln, From the sitar nov, Thon urt hbi. furer, insido, By tIremums- ia ge"w .- ' Rt. anoy su s v er, Non. tbislmerysev ~bimbds " a e y=n bnmy Is mornlng 2 "1No;vhâtdo 74M vaut me b deCIO "%Nothlng veiy seoui.ardm-,blt 1a auvo broisa lt.e laspof my bsetoth, ed forme. Auy>ujvel 40lieil bol I- muet lwa iltt, ovealg e&eu # et lira. Dmea.' ge Fb. wpeukfir is my ouinàL i. 5h. la trylng owler bai belete loeklnig- glasof our plo«sut l *.roo«M. JI am on my keouui aithede. ocup. inî board, pulllngaway lté butter and. sugar sud mamelde tal vs ha#* be nu* tdonbrufeakat 4i. 1ru réoff le auf the up Hisifft, Lit-er. I& lU ef etus u tpp(5 w v Me thema fe breakast t.mewv moelngF se M*tvmgbm êt. Axsi IL Y* m ya 'i k i Il. - (., iCi i 'TiWitîmeiorie. a d. ayi1 'g.~I 'Avta*Jhà ndrBaulx O)>0 a a uaige r m e 5cn& à me eos - -iuiel-a" , Ll~"Iu~api-10 ~~-ay at u Mryvii i 50'o s àv lo. AI.ahau ae ù bss-In pirty to.atlgb, sud vs ast haire fnj Mie lu-; sMd Iviii play, 0Soeu,tf ;-eotis 'Mir-a yfl faYozitO 828 < roSi MYA bilin olWeth .stuly alun le opmn#io dor Whfa ) me; sud, wIlh many'iJcOlia Odà oue os Se routs.bsy -Ibebraceulai sud te -aboûrdý li utiy pua-ntagain tl l. .q>,, dliantlg t l. to. s- P Having nUethng ýpsrlieolar to do, Z n oido tu p hoéme, got'a basket, and I moisi, vottsvatnu is m Ininxriesýfrin Iciai - - .:ygb< ào cnio&DIl atre. .> - . a- wav j lIsses enlda, oedsu" si*0 alit 1er so propony, ainal4 §Oomomqey r. ' -on» P~Ž -- i - DRAWZNG AR» PECIPIOATI o' BUILDhI~4S Prompliy Pitraii vttbAum'toXeost Oonakuotieu. Ç»URCK ASO 8011001. AROHITEOTUSI s1fO&ALTL - Correspondeur. Reîpeç$fnJ~y 8.11.1 H. B. EARBE~, ArubtIees~, O- A. A. PCST, (1510 vllb Lau~oL Lsugluy k~-3u 4~CHITRC~T. M R. J. R. HATB*, Newspupog. Uroru ~yA~.sta 41 'Raw('J'lUuu H Iimg mlI.~ X*k, aut~onl~ed lit oooWu1P~%5~%VOflAeOé moulu lu liS CRDIQ 10 ut ~uI' taf Tout ^T m'a »V 1 King Bt accooti i Chai- s cun- tîheis. r, to mmm propezb à!l m à irlrà 1 6"ý

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