Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1881, p. 2

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. R.b.i sle-AW. Wde spçil otice..-4 à ONLY stpo PER ÂNNUI. Wtdtby, Thiursdty, May 26,- 1881. Narh ntitiolelclion. Onuprle brfrouataSU quartera lu the Nos-hli ldlugindas Ste es-tniof &r. Biguole lecion hi' a vus-ylarge Changies lunlime Dominion Cabinet. The iollovlmg as-ethé e novCabinet "asgel sumonuced .Who chege.made, Ln te Cabinat y.aleday an mt cuouened le the, o.;a&aGarsiof t le.ainon. Jas. KeoDousi heeomos OblefJustica-f Nova spoia, SMrAMu Campbell boca- jjgwlutoiJmanle- Hou. John O'- Ocaflol, Pcatmmmr-Gmenil. hlmbis poitio; lsOU. :-4. Kous"seo ee lsyc o e, lp ion . AW. licLaI&R, site Oanee' eo Peilc c7d Uïe f lima poWfclls lea ma g!w .uidý m g,uâlbt thuGemm- -~ ~~.F . eSnfsd peusosisei lu vbleltlhesct voulM beOmt01ed. The pe*"eSef*.nopelslnglbhet. in Th Pirsel Suaer suFsom the Uppos w tir lU~Utxftm bu»" or mrsv. TPh prepe ity < oil wenvon ud wime»*tv, aScoilngneod ouns~ dasi' mDulmIt sud Lakte Supedr po&peso.g l. ohoing lllece Vuovlalons vrv-y "cre.&long te route ïlumome titahebheau c fauiné in frash nmt ei àviesk beire lte Owen 8o»urveil, cbnacntly the finit boit vswugàs-hi'lealokeA tes. à proopecting Parti'wu vs 1off cI4lthe Bamttisuds a aty orCornish culteast mlehlplcot. eni, ta vert lte plitiA native opper mim. Mr. Stuut vMine h.pti. tillSlelvcr I iét ut brslast Dulttm, The naetooa.*' presonlm Nes h at m uiae M p - àallos. '-h. les vu vm aa hoïédoviiti , bt rosesu nu iedE% apseru. uottmac ér bt ie a b ubeuOt eli uv Be fk la n n ger li#o&Mt -The tu noPaivas biten. abas 0l te bc. Brltv&Woa edl*had a"--s batbo"»% rtiesMd fre rvw TUib lb aihu. t clubmbêa liteS anA ite Detroltu « ruait. 1h xée the, vIneod slime RepmhLcustegit. fflg- blXinrf::,- 45 ie s sllieont sugp, eclntta *llME=,trait. -7-7i Lir Asithur.. ... ... ......... Boil..... tilamoit ... Columbus ... DmbirWon... Foloi'-------.... G ....jo...... Bli........ at... 88 206v54 291 M 14 16 2709 6K79 5109927 605 45' 19 85 8965 818 84284 107 48 16 50 w800 16400 180 0 47'00 12200 21400 47200 1050,1 Bast Durits.. he lieBnseru fhail Dus-tm t. mate provlos 1c fr lte eledtiu 1a rpeetatvot.lte* Imm osLglablu Mbu.iw Votnb e% ws. k lrgo sd os "M 49.g., rie Boas, D. 8marfli smi Dr,lesseabaVis rudot w SetuaS. Snmlli'Sege,sud Mg. 1.*f ,&deg"sot'ooc mtsa ec betsl à"- . =--athle euOtios tb ýUA i e I*vlo 14a,-PS. it,. 8. -BMI&bi,. Wrlgltdm<WprMonce amd C. Quluiàs The »uosOxm hor on* icgi'ust. sudi lu srsean s itir se so- h dM*muspozeaasfoi=pe A&IpMoDtr <Ot.Mms p'robably -lb. iquestion of rmlh!e offouldatlonand aiaganiation 18l e11 elutlu more attenticu lu th. Dout"h at lb. ersent ticethan mi tope tuept thet of 1he ctlo*&l a"q4slabelag fêhitnlu be mete. Mr. ChauleRaudolpit, 8ée. téry of tha Boutd cfTrade sud Ocua. mre etblegoon hisiouealreport for 1880, rtosthé,b.subjeet; Mr.a àe uulî.rmully onsldersd arsc o b uas ama li thé United StSes, AS, m hs.aoaou n y eommerea-qu-* tia sA»ýttt.grecS wlht sud eonmlds ratio a" vs sutticin lb. follovins onrt o hmli. report raferred t., under lte headngof This qustion remaina in mue t1h. aaise position a a ysu aines. Tv. noV reilvay lins. have ban eatabllshd la 1880. The. Ohicago aud Grand'Trunk, oounecting direct vlth the. Grand Téc t Ballvay of Cnada, ana by ils#Ad, ils connections wutouc«teatrn ipoits north af Philadelphie, vas openeilta Ibis city lu Fsbrnary, snd the Wchcbi St. Louis & Pacifie, vitos lies a4went th. Wast and SouLthvest, souréd ia outrance in Aqun Theat are Imiport- ant ccoomorlem te ontrarilvay ms&sm, and promise to coutribute l899o1Y ta th. oomumércW promperily of tbhe ity, If thsy do neO bringin conposive ole- vlously ostabllalisd linoshave sxteudod thelr tracks loto uev Serrllor, in'viin lmzngra1iýon thither, ail of vbinj., Sam inereassd produeonud lu sévé« way tends te bbeiefuture Prospet for tb.e ommsrola1 interetse ofib.e ee -Thé. grecS rciu'sy morpratlou,~ or or, ***m ar cA.s partis th*019 ,sp«evsmeme, or ta, deatr.y Umma ompetitore. Befictlugmon $tu*, .,ghaat m they obawl fk mter l11mb for%! asu n iùy vslidsd l. b.e u es a w hiceh v 1 fw medividuis hold. sud éoeficLflaylontroloastuob. c tnigmenace te lIto commercia p ftb ooutry, and ta its Inteesa.lu tb. amulime eoLS ta o, te" ndue en- er e m e ars mrlymod, a tan$ Pro- tut or 40o f varningisnDovsMd agin beoudinu lb.laid; t1 vievu" t etmo dit *g shd e mlcein av.r', mon chant or railvay mg ate re ougbit, «lin sud pUbllsh.d, dim sadpéthaf. =or ïev day., a"ben lla BstIi ha oe f .1 boa.dsulng, dspening snd stweugtbeuiug a paver mmoreptent Ilian rmoets, bovover, moiés quitly .atadily lArlwad, eble gs Wtatom aad dnatio au relulled lut. c dreani thatl i laveit" or Are beld by 1h. tbroat witb c malIed band îhst Utouataa. ith lthebillty lg ezecute, t lilicat Annibilationu'if lihe fiet MOve taken ta luterfere lu the. progeseof oees for lb. abeerption ailte pea- =i' subutémco,gr luin y au naflr su- barstboevhbo 4bavsmg posssd_ tbeanslve. 01 the gatavY e ol- suggosi àthkq.yaa octltls ta., Pouait, *0olutlmCounty--Rtevnue sMd salartea. TPh.efcllablg fl Utke fou th. -ahm asauci r1= 01'ot" .Pcstmasler et îb. àwaet Poelgiso. fou=E oNTâm4 Weddlng Beil. rUa wurL or xx. D. .OSu- vax, or Tonomero w MBrcu or Wurrs. Ur, D. L. OVuilvau, aut d tammol, sud ie. flin84umdisheof Ur. W. a. Elgg lm ilo o i #op e ter of lie Wilbi C»mam., teck plac lu tte <attelle hus-e libre Ibis =*mi-un&. Théa evmt ut mibeen auieus- ' y , c u e p l t A f o r o u t i m e - t a c . Tii. chus-c h .lronged sI sue.anly tour, 'Ple ceutre clWy vu s 940W frou a lb i tare etreet. ai seven o'lock tho gmmo mad guoernmarnau bridemaldscrmd, fovaimes-tii' &£terbyltebridsadhot imtewand mutbeu. Hie Louibp Blslop o'Ma- boa on" emsd té mrrags vilt au té iromtive ceremofisa0< i CatmolboCsch, ]UV. hIboU S. £nte., parlai pub; nov. 1?ibirVin- ' lent, Mi. Mieteela Ceo Ta0=; Bei. PmlberBeamm ,rP ,'Bsy. Fabec-Boosu; Ber, Estimer,-MoQluvo, Chmasmeeloot lbo Cslbe-al, Tooto ; sud àe.J't ofrBrrscNevMarla IlmiouW a s mtfl.d i'Mins Ner issMgje, Mie. Annis Perdu.. Bas- ad mi. Emier MosI. sdci setc.. Ai. toc- Tcb t or ameQ.Y. er Aem- Ms.-w viman by be oai, .vtma us. O»Uo9647 race Mai' saamp nin-assn ne *DMw. tlalvydu anldhvlduallli'aboutilhlm. a peaaualip moe ma t han- baqu about uts mon etotteb" atloulee-k TPhen Ur. Eaovayseo me brohct mlsüplacd ln u ont l'nb, sêrnotwe lit& > Poâlst. eultmred, - lolit., ,-h. vold grâce lte courts_ sud Wdravlug roms et ,Leon ou i te oontlucunt ;anI bis sucoasa bers, wlière men gt seu hi'e ulb g e",h olbor, sud,.u a emergemy, by-tri "puné emit hier, Sm evidence ofldu abiîy t bvumd ho mc- ceptd,vwetilut, lunlte court of public opInion. Th&t&Ms-. Hes-vey hbu beau; nceesoful, aa std i a ucfiue semaslbh record vhiah follov viishtov : Hoevas bora lu GluevSotîsud, Augant, 10, 1820, bis fleAsadr belmg a West Indis menctilt. aud lite lte long lait brotiier lunlte nove:a ai ltsé lia, avning s plautîon 4àu Trîii dad. 'Iu bis yautlr Rbent altended lte praparatani' grammir scitoola, sud en- tes-g Glasgov Universt, vas gradu- ateA lu 1887. Sitortly after tbla @vent ho turnediiaface te ltaé Doev vriA, aud saltlimg lu Canada, hsgau lteé studi' afilav vith Her Shervcod, attorney germrai Of lbe province. Ho vus cd- mitted ta the bar lu 1842, sud coin- moneeic Sttes lu Bytovm, nov 01- Mth@ lie cpital Oiflte DomIniOD. Mi' ibiliysuddsaluA legat acquiremenls -%oast von hlm c vr' extemmiv ansd psylmg praclmoeinuBylovu; - but the eltY' vW" immiiand,sitar ail, polc ansd dealilng a vider b a srid- 1 aIlle luaOhcag. E30came bersilu 1852 suàd becme»a meu*ahercithé fitin ôf MorrisHevy &-Kmen ftr liting untnl tséevation or lime eau- ion pastuer, Bekner 8. Morris, ta lime bb. s-. HRmy aiiund viit Ur. Charbuonuntitl 57vr»heut ons-rm *a viit BIbI Anthony 5*e fins ci Hemi & Ati n l180 Mu. Gc vas admilted to ltoéfir nsd lte e- pstrlmarsip cctinuod ta 1877, and vus thon t.e c>dus t gfirtn lué lb. i' e.lmbas iedi' aJeyedu exenive and profilabla pwcdics il lb.thecourts, sOcled an nationa l, . a1nsd cn&mLi XiK ". ua dcdbiaboom isie Ii omit the us ef public Lmpit %uce, civil sud ÏÙW vlk, F eit have cama befor. our courts lunliis "He bua S.fin tea- attsiumemls sud la au scoamplished linguitt His lutegrti'Sea lvru udsmaan n qamotionsd. No corporslo@ ver pur- euad he consuece, neoclient aveurne talea il. Me lu a promimeut membou an ansouaifthte os-igltars ai the Chi- eu«o Bar association sud bus b.'e trequeutll'preaidetofailte-SI. Au- 1dreva Society,, aud*o'eiof a t.osCledon- tan cub. . ba beehoun iole msrimA, lu 184 ta Maia Joue., Asugiâttr of Duubam Joue,4colleolor of'itepeut )faltsd, sud lu 1861 ta Franes W. Smth.,,'Il 'Ph. subot of lb. aboie sktch îla cosin le Ur. ILB. E.lmvw, pocimat- orof Wbitty.1 t vilit hI sexEM UM&EISTING ZxrncTs rJWiixI- Tbo#beoiovlg extracts froua tlme mi- t'» Dr. 'MoLollcn,-,Higi Scitoat rou tseLiudsay Separate -&&,frdsc gond deal ofinorma-. will bc reaA vllbintoest hi' many'r Acommodaion, excellent. - Tite1 îekooHe 5 ifiu le ct u,",Ie.lrero ,wel vntüt4d wîUheaullmigronuds., blglaIcdin"hore ls agoosppi Orgcmlsallàm.-be elcuffcation; te atisfeclory. 1Oicars e ReHaa lis- 4ow basa* lurge ïmamer ai oliames ta loacit, s heas qu,'it. a number pro- paring. fait lb . Iîilarmdiale examina- lion. Bemartoe-(1.> Thé building (fer tite baye> te c- good *ns viit canveeunt clas roome, flue gs-ound, etc. (2.) Tite tecabuna as-e &aileloglliqusaifled, anA sout deoal edt bir wort. The Heed Master, Kw. White,, heldans dret "A." te c capital tecoer, sud c persan ai tood addross. . I hjaemo donht ltaI te exerte a mos ati ary. Influence on lime charates-ols a bspuiil&. (IL) The idWs cipline te gcad : f observed l inte class- as examined a strict 'attention ta ltse vert lu baud, suàd a deep lttrest lu te quartions, -ego., cf the inspecter. (4.) The perfarmance of te pupils in arilhitusl, algebri, Buglish ie itori', &a allier brambeevas snacb s tagive sîvidsucu of supenlor teaoblng., I. addition te te accampauying re- part, vbich refera tota he by's sehool amiI mue a mai'cfsv verdi about lt.e gilâ ohool, 'îîldiobcopsias ofaitva îmain divisions, vis.,.lthe 8uparate Sciot foo r = p apersu h. e leclt sohoob"1 (1.)The sebool building is, I pr.slmme, oeo e etiosil n Outarmo. Indeed Il vould be d&Moult ta Sufid oe mare thoronghly adaptecd tea.ocatý- louai purpse-ite h.auliél lati romaa perfect ventilatin. etc.,,senderieg il rcan ltaIcoulA ho desireA. (2.) Lite r rounda are beanWluiy laid ouI anA volltkupt. -Thée Boy. stimer Stafford bas recenlly proseuled sucAdditional p lay-ground ; Ilte aurouuded hy c itiit ud claou boarded fonce, sa lit lb. giria eau taes Ibtan esdhelt- fnl ozerciso tram vtih thoy are tee odIeu deharred. Bonudtbe bordera cd * lie plaly.ranndýis plantbd. vith Ibeir botanlsua upas, nearli' ever' variety, ofsl bliering, etc.,) vicaitfleur- u#£In ut i nau lmts, lu, *addition ta lime ab"oie ieanbeauti- ful grave a fev miles froualte couvent, vimers 6b girls go once a veek during thlie sumutor mouths 10 erjoytem- aelve-cokieg thoir ovnifood, etc. etc. (8.) Tlme'elesmo e al.Seperato Sohool, are veil comducted. I ha A ne lime te a examine minuteli' the vark doing ini thlb junior classe, but I 3aav onough tol Dwarrant lte opinion limaI eeti4o$bary a work la helug donse. I vas psrtiaularly e truokt lthle uulas-uly tîdy appear- -suce of lte sobiolars. eveu n lthle laver division --mani' of tem hing. af r course, lthe- itidrou of the pon. (4-) -I examined the more advned classe 1 in te tsparata Scioot vitit a 900d demi, a of stracluese. and vas utucit pleaiem as vlhtheraenlta. The. acimla id uD or uînally veIl ilu roading, vniting, sud a , pelllmg. Thels- anavowu l cIn xs b. tic, tac, vas vary loodi. Thai' perform- edo arîthmoïliompea*liomP vth quitueu Md s u nrc'.sd iwosud dlu- f elligont i aeiugcmlbn prajlpof It fractions. mte, tshmodei01e tIore st tauitlh beue b uvlmslbe ir tîia albe,-oInoteoIucehi0 - is~ quit. hi gbe Àltis est dis- s epiUari' valîeî. 'Ph. blghest division - ha. airxoade s a" e'Owgo ei ulu ouagbrsndfaeuld. .,1a O»axumiead ver' tlmitllé c dce 6a élasses lutte "Select S4hlico l.lu Ibl sdaveiein sru« 0I.adii. e, vbi s pDg g ev .are aiding mosi cdvanced sui ejaute. 'Ph. oexcnaiation uaiits Ut and Freuch, *» - ilgiyamWteolr'- sThc questions I *Iin cnmtbmpianc al-*gebros-o te closde.that I mmuall * gaeto"luermflite"Classes lýuro 4- and 144JZ &~~th tà rii af fo The -E héA.ofci culture d valu, 5und ûs Thi y «Pe&~ul *à plate, - Duà1 Goy@ and rom oei borturnfrom &U lug roadu. - ' -b ptaf ePr4vinelte following la 'Oua, moion etMf. È1. Bilbla second- fo. found tlobe about the average ed b y 1Mr. J. B. Kattevoon, rélticd' Witit.86»nbdako , sjoie cm Orm'tihejreamnwer bo sud'is herebY lu- Ag OCts,5 bl, bt le ; ID lit . straced taastop pa1nmioldite bb ~""' ~ »* ~ O mictofoMr. H. Bielacad-taris Ilisaso oovu -itaI o cnbe d y ,r.511,resolved, "Xliii the vi eenl'o~suale-ut. eominittesof tFuit Ovdent hstISMm b , lte viole on the bylav onitled by- A evldnttal bqter cda pted iav taeulosenapoude»certain dilov- for4s litiIw. ~ auosiofeïro:dl u iii. Township aof M etc. Ontua l rMfilefl4Whitby: J. . Matbevmon lu the Em litaI biue Multa a te lr .adaptedchair.' m for 1h. cOulture of vheat- cala, bcrloy, Oommittee rose and eprlea pro. Di etc. Onevéry important tact la shovui; ras audamkslecie ta ait again At ai th ltat whiie Manitoba te princli àR c thenezt meetieg af the canait. Be- On1 prairie land il Ioa ual destltuto i oc- nortrecoieldand adaptsd and leave obtai lb satmut a ttefrea90=9 ta veu te -ait ugalu aI nuit meeting ai for a showv âl itaIvii ev exceptions tua ey Oi 0 have ho diffieulty ilu obf*inlug'te Oncotnc or iké,scnd r uecasary fuel, feucing, sud sien buiId.d- a yMor.onaids1fr H.Bite, secon-barej ing timber, Anolimet' ery lni eýccoîaut e w Daviin, ave th t lu hem subject for fermers la tte *uuppîy of , a it nca LlieLgit-nat vater, aud Ibis isa wooisily almvu in of Ontario paseod et lb. llut ses- af ai by th. repart à abundlant lu uvery la- 7uo, Municipal Corporations are sa- TI caltly, ,end lte quslily goad. The pavered las allowauces for roids luves eabundauco sud exoileuce et lbe hay 1hct are uuopcenad for public Iravel, dy in the Canadian North-Wes al trdly sud Ibat parties accuçying tbesame pi noede confirmation. The' report coar- aret ersby uoified litIeaI le 'nuit Yorl tains a an enlssoaitbe Moetoba sou lsession ôar Ibis concil, i il vibchoready Bi vhio he ben frquetiypublshe'lutanegotiatq vitit persona bolding the pamphlets, but lter. e s oin sit ovuSn O mihse- whiob le, im ri m On motion ai Mr. J. L.SmtecPu wbib l #~%l mprtgeW- Ilo od by-r Bictel, ,aby.law vu u bel eloai, Ibl li iteragence, trodued aud pcssed te appoint patt.-vbii sho w @'& oe r L o fili lu lb. r ovince, eters for t Ihe to vnship ai W btby. for Itk& ioumt fee. Tii. folîovmng snl4ects are- 81.Bive thoen dealt vitit, and'a gréat deal aif ýOu motion ai Mr. Hemry Biokie, sec- pIU4 vauai.inoraton1 . Iboen peded by Mr. Mathevsan, rusalvud, ciw1 vat eed informanlifleau i cm-Thasthlb.reevo be and te hereby su- loaiat sdn, hffuel vinofveaer lborizéd te graul bis order on lb. - ýtboU ate fft ofhis;mnuer. su eiltreceurr lu Icior oa in . Thompian, shol on o gcitie lismlur and"r, !tasfor, theBlof #50 boimg amountin ll ba Mc useo kopin catle n wnte, gus-of ai ldaims fer c hors. killed aud a thal happera, aummer fratse, timu af seed-ý buggy arany cterdeme received by ftran ingand haw«vstad *terme.- - im n theetcou., on the 28th iy dofbe b e Tig ati s i se ioiow m d my a m e by er- biru ty î88. W .1 ss in ndr e sard t t r expém c e y M r. D avid aou mved, eco d d by ual farmrs u rsardta IeirexpelaueMr. Mathevsen,ltha lite neuve ho and ed à s9erve one lu partienler vbichis ofsuf- brb niuie aguibsodrue ficimI value ta be ,produco@d bora :_ .u ou treceuror ilu favar of ltheiallaving Je I vould suggsst #bat lutemding eset- persona ; -Geç. Wilkinson A Ca., for cit, tiers lunlteé North-West, vbo coin@smd onu steel roadscraper $5.15 ; IB. ~ion, etidouon- the prairie, aboula Dos, sngraseing letter coudolenceta îg beuc ace r vaeflad reedls. Darlieglon, aud loUter- af Town ban bre y uidor o lane veunritClark 1250,-,Jas. H. Deloug. repamrmeg a sudr aasl an pula nthl pe esadeor. sldeiâlks as certlfied hi' pathuter Planot udplfourtest s &parie .sda %8,00 ; C. Burst, repalriug bridge,-81,88 id Pta blauleê f= eue fol*part.eTh.y B. T. Harrson, ireigbt ou road scraper, don t b pare nehootimied e3T11sud85cents; M. Hmlerepaire tu bson trnslalI vIbitb'em Iveive feot ;vÎh10H41S,70;Qe. Fraukisi, So bigt rou lme se lufor ans sd repaiing culvert au gmavl rond411.00; -ch. ËIbey foruan «he sinalà.ISdctrWm. HeulI, frcming croaAaf caudal- ai S a resideuceof ai le yecra ltaI Ibis euae . tiVé country is vaili albeulatod fatralsiung Mn. J. Davidian, acconded by Mr. $219 lisdfeetkinds ai grain sovu by Biok,1e, moe aI lim te Âuditera' repart If t) tefèrent ofOthe, lete trejasulre bootssudna s-leu'$. JAMS SEWRTfliitBluf.couonts up ta April 4th 1881 ha adopted ta JAME STWA"rHig Blff.anA pcssed. and finclly andited -ud' A Linsysim Toal bstnene. tbit lihe reeve grant bis ardor an th.- es il Lida -ndTj Astnne Iruasurerilu avetr u. S. Dirliegloit AI lte agnebai re-nio, Lior-for lteamtoai #W, iteing lte amonut aiof o i r tte nae all e-Bei. Pater 1 aguutsala' due lte late Irsurer. f pool, uld teBy1fte ogn r. J. UL. amitit, seconded by Mr. made lte fallovlng statement, &as- KH. Biakbe- maies, tha is canna60"itde tieas prted iu the CatiJe Tintes:-"«I baie receive a communication froua a nvadoure nti i iiMua u of mne adl'f fr1sta 3 meet ab one o'clock p...re en ai min sud ariandrsas cCourt cf Bevisian anA otter buel- v Satl:r8 ao f aiLnsy, ,caged$,- adaad -.o lM moi iooliomagltbea ifor te quadrderei._____ endngIhMarcit, l inticitthé naute oi g onteliofaibis panish_ W"sAnauncementa froua, ttc Cmnua4 da- ~E Dollto h. fonnd. And witlle Ste Oho- ote dlice ci lb. conli' af Victoria numhawod S - ofVs1 bogig't h èi% titousaud ont ofa enprdoua, S e u vses faeigtplt lio of48,00 nlyIbr. olbe? ~ Argentin. Bepubliihaehbeau d.1itte to boum 300 - soqiieted e f cp' 4np , d.an Lathe oasting Iraduýof ItheDonmin. me of sucetfnd DiireloP - ul of' liquos-, m .el mnsIorl.'t.CmteofGe adB ca , vttoot a leeqa. llougbî' uey vhtheDistrict o1 AlgemtanadMué,-ove, th sh 0 l s m A 1 P a gtter iio rd o tm l o rm o e d i trict, t a o be <C h. grqolt om aiI0 slmeW reoîc iti 'Pi dli oTonto wlth ltécs nf W sosûcesainl lu bis oruado a1int a eof PetanOtaP& hh dr&ink" KwM. Pater O'Learys, vitoltemina loimfoliToola9 &ý Pcieluenskeu un y ini. lot for preitecling thepublic lu- c spolier e, 'nlaovs:"A lusi na bom ,,teset munXriera, slreami sud rooti,Ci made o tePather Slafaord. Lut _Ylbe lm îh'u. naiaLgsitr i 7 h(Mr.'L1ecry) h&A the- lcareof bt eaeson, bus been dissboved hY @ seeing Fater Stfo*rdl t,, bmaabast ebeau OSmuI. a"Rel evr ord. hr ba en siid regard- ~ î ~ ~ u - ng b4agoom 1uin lb.ec usc of lemiir- iamybtedll. aiUct5 ~ fult tmn~aeeaiof *de op oicite bdAty' iffli Cr.uAnv viiiW st LindaayarL 18th lit. ,Preparations are being tfor' glefg bis lordship a qordial Ttioii..1 ràEXEr FEE.-Owing t a conteun- ad change in lte lsw affecting àes in towua and citles th. Ontario wrument hu noti11od corporations to loeehoiir nmets for a longer âd* titaü tee montits. àeOa OIDîx.-The 2611i of May is- o abserved t1hreughoutta Anglican reunian m cda fi ntircsson an Ilf of Farsiga; Missions. The, offer- es in al-the hrchea in that'day b. devotad to -he Âlgania Mission zI. doupatoh front Vitoria, B. o., »aYs brut locomotives on 1h. Oc"aealPa- 3 rouway~ are running betveen wry and Yaie. Jzw Va. EAST WmnTE.--Te laut bis suit bas not beau heard of yet., ['uesdsy, Mr. Rilohie, in Taranto, 1used a c-ni niki ta enter c non-suit a new trial. na the gronnd thet ber eziotieg lave aduc4uate fer the 1>urpase, England îdeclinud t a e part in an inter- moal conference for the pruventian imuination. ie revlsed New Testament was de. Sed in the Ujnited Statueslest Fri. mornieg. Eight hundrcd thonand ie. wve ordered ini the cilles af Nov rk aud Philudeiphia alan. ai. Father Siteeby, of Kilnmalook, Lad, hem beau, arrustud under th. iein Act; ih bai beau circulated taulte affect amlpax vu asnging lu Cacauna. du duLoup anAdalter vaos-ing oes. Il meeme ta b. but s repetitioni 'ht la nov anmannuil ruiner. 's-. Ira Paye, tsecolobraed, itai 4, as made amtchin lu gland ai ait puculiar mnatunê t, taieg £100ý it4 labdlS 10grapes couoculiveli' 0* ' and' as Y sAyoch «grap. te muil hifia enra cloem. AMui. G. Moore smloni.. $100 ltaI t e fouItvt h e pes-iormod. Tite dsac ee sn eigbt peces. anA lhime poto b. Ia a pislel. resepit Laing, ai Monts-eu, amateur ampian single acube- af lie Doutu.- iwrietet.Mail «pressing bis vil- gnou t s-av Mssr' Baell, af <bat- m, trem ana sud a haIfto five miles 3s-oatvillo or Tarante. Kr. Newbargor ihaî arrîvinuluLonu- a en route for Pera, vith a challenge n lthe AumiaiànbillidplayÎr, aie-, oViusx, or 4.00pointe %mpion gomc lo be pliyed luna&sanies 800 points eaah durig Ave cansecu- e nigita, tas- 1,000-os- ifnocossiri, .500m aide, li4NevrYnk or London. bu eformer.place tinitooc, lthe citai- ie aoesata psy Vigflnu x«penses Lrchithiop Lyneit, aI Tas-oute, iait- ti î6- iendntodo no vai' se- onaible foutlb. uterames or aseliaus ithe Tesoate oLanA Leano.e minlim sttlbvsaewupari of Mma;- iar ftiect tt thbe fli'ha i àdi runed titouseds af acre oi ual, anA luc re se atertàbà6d lbat nititïfflotion 0ft lb. stte viii lie moonlilbe rete val IMs ocy tibaed thé pace te édthspot lào lit0Go rct~arvlhm c honrrible ulgit, met 'tii v11v. Borne fIt' or ixtI' bodies tai 'areadi' been recovefred auJveo lylng ou lb. paeen Tmose . iarriing trout ï-alite. diiom eiany directicu crovd.4 b'arnd, mux- loua ta aeelI a f mi itblnwallievu e on board. About çeattocénamd mit- las vers r -reintd onu-thé excunsian,4 sumd lb. vWait of anguisti tà,ai-arasent ltae sigb ttte vitimms uteirtrend- log. Pattera, metiter, trotton san a ter, raited about paufe-strten, Pi' aiven o'oloabcout 8 balesi ver. reoaered tr-onuude a lite vuek, vte titedeveridg one Ii teeS u Jeti. Aimeal cior' iminuat4soute pour vu"i vas brongiti te ltesurfaceand couvey. 1j1 a1' gs-aensd vwonmgarma lo tte baut. 'Thé eatee rucm c.,. e vwuearli' broi k o'te .pot suad lt.e viIma Plcced oun'te, upper dact. Pires wae II ulita4haut kovilbootng lb. river, sud *peltroleua êioh.s ve br'ougculutsud lb.heareit collued lutote Ibetfb. tP l40- lburot1 10 -O'clO*ek aboni 150 corptée, :have heaun aecuu& O tii. dosA aïre oran oifltwah os-t Aieu; Mu. J.0. Meredith, Claos-fc tcé Division Court -Wm4(ofidoe, Cit, Asseeme sud Sueuay of th. Western Pats- Asaeoikn; lire. Wrn. Aahbury; Wsn. Mim 1,'cf Monlgal, oUmeca Tui, ud bis tva mue; Iv - ocllAs-en cf Henni Beston, mctn;J Bogers,'plomber. AU vas oufuiiom. Theo laudieg a@4lte foot of DuudieU vwu crowdod vltt People, &U 'valdau la breatleu expeolation fou the aria et taesteamer Princes. viit lbh bodius. Thi otlovin mrnesmueI becAddeil te lh. liaS of ds-evned Psud mlinM#.' John ClIarkt, hoemator; - Ui". Coi Nelui, Joteei'. sud WilulIMors-son, lts-es, ebilidra ci JaeseMonisant or- chant, afi London Biot; Llin Stinner; - Hoitha, plumber,, sud ttneechitrenm; A. Weslma; LiraisBattes-ville, dcnghter af a vonkuma stCalieg's Brer', John Dirait, Sr.; Mise Cou- mail vhom lboy tubAd for tva heurs to rususcîlate, but ineffecînaflli; illie Qim an muMiss Paunni1 Cooper Cee ficacd), danghtcs- ai Johin per- (Titeses vo ver. sitlg togathes- vitet te actier' wuobeved ta id ieae upon thent).U. Mstitews, nigitt odî tor of b tAvcries- lait bis vifé, amd iv ebldren M Scart, of the JamnieCougtilM .Siadons of th, Custana.lstci bey. D Oroulip ttaoS abo ' *Ut dton. i&Uay Ton" aiîpsdiS -,5L The &Uliei Au t. n'.epape ale re mà'&'urs ca Tu"b5Oe al i' eplýM I meut dammt s Cd. it 0 Tit ceidal vs em' due grosocagaeumu sa 'Ph.botutv fsud nged net 1Wte 9lhbut gt ou u t aI vurwvded ouditicu, bt ho ia »renli t tg ve rpMlie& "AI 4,ýwsp r Wukm.- o >Promeet b4 bu yUie voradieaicuteth anrla1Is: af ur Mumy hLmuna.', wbicb tbe wor*d ALnmn & Kmp, New Yarl',.ppsarn Pâe lutter, wlen ayeajet tb" 11111e mphlet la hedup b theK . antl whenîmer Ploida Wter3jeoff tefj Sale vrapps 'in alàp1 p itiot1etthat d s e have Ibis wat-mrk 'or mla n ILth» i in. caunte"ito a.bouldbe ritt Mady olipymen vite verse bligel le wltbdraw fror, the pulplî on acouins o Ulp7.m#a Bore TbXoa*le hffe receveret by Flics pubow, ' Byrp, 07H~ppcpfs to diseuseof lte breatbng organ. Svoxâcx ACMLW e al ow vmitli a wuccqireuda perruct knovludp f thý dipe', ýOur-7obm ater a raid on the, =,P&a s v ers exprsalorbidden te PaaKilrthe nrau 1e a, n alterremedy baa ben dlmcovred lb tli dayesqualita il. As a measofpnrifying thie bloa sud hmmora, Ibeir bas navur buen anylblng up. erior ta Bristol'. aSayarifla sd_ lM; aui vitererer they are aithfny used, we venture ta aaY tht nodisusse, hovever. ag- gravaled or avere it may bu, can long witbstandtheir clensing, hehing and re- storing paver. 1 Ta Stablemen. It Je on record thul every atable in wbobh Harvews Condition Powdura areused is iAe only fe brou rm- h. disass icdent tW bonus, but turc ot awifter lest, cluer cosa and aleuker akins Ian those vbur the great spedcismae ignored. Note il 1 Atoimhng the World. anA gerat AucUine, notumino asesu-ci'ai speeil«Vpraduceia eremeencure as dec. E etrie Bitters. TU=ir vaderlul dure are &a1onialmiegthe-.vend- Por KiAnai' anA VUlri mComapàts sthsyarspefc oealfia. Do nt igive up luin str o BlcreBittera wtil poaltivel'aun sd that vitore evybm g isfln ei &il drnggls, ta. i il' cents a baIlle. GWae Up b h te Doctera Witore ,Acatàïrs bavnibé Cur, ans-,sd hue «tien timels-patients up tg dis ioctnlc Billes-s bvalleftn bu ne a cure uffeted, o lytolbe MCà; Of ail DlseaeW i t to' Y . i vrKds ,.ATnIar noae aro pamIvulyaidb BIOÉ Thoyiuvriably ue=Con- stipation, Hoauetnd &U BîIlonaAllta. Tr'lbhem, and bu convinoesd 1at thoy amm l% hosimedliélnq evar nmeL SOld y Hial druggwsla.alfiftti Centa a battis. AUl forma- ofNus-vous Deblliy co acu- *ol i' urockff tote vtalsng pavra :udc&11600diaters. It in1he bt reî ta f làLvo.Bavai, sd etaboafesandpb1asita tlais lm fuiin l îleeffets auaitlh retortstl"i. The Livsr e WSkin, ltede a u ad lte Bo thap ie maturae l cansure of-lthe s s~a eirn W*lhhomi àtbl' db h uatnrea pulmncedy.fidact13100 Bit.- Peie dC aIt rs cd Iat ville il tvOii- t A Rla xleÏsns.-No bemsabmioula bu vatbouli a batis l ofeyàaYsnov On., lu esaeof accideut. Thtres' e reart ion effered te suliering humnaii'Z 51u mcd., somani' pes-mnuteures, or rslleve morlme h Gcd B&aniitan, b h the b Bure-ailsaA hi',h. ffliCtedau n mgeLof goW ib? é h av v oo ma e nf r s v ee k h id i " dita n stn sud -NEW] NEWI PLAIEN BTJ We ae New Gi Of Greess vdisgulu cure cfDy vithmtmi cmo soldatu lecuati&» .ymng the-, idida adula

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