Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1881, p. 4

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I l olasa if à 1e &&bhop" n l. fim Do t e.di-bsnue e Frm= your ftur. effrt4s, bey, "onaautlow' s odny. iUmak li MOE,(Imiprove 40--l chsof the Ot j smlh bdî Rindkrçhls LIteatur ActI rOuveu the "Tiifeuethor h lb.web ~.but mauy cf the 14TIg ie t agi z lu te bo V 8etrtain lbe pic Snsoba u oemt.lookiug UIesu fthe ~lan la cf eambrie uuprstanding sdr ..agtation for hroloeupthrohhtfat eouâ~ Wh*.niI have mt00as a signal of dagr-tbs iselrnvos son wave of a h&ndksrçhlef, diverted fremIn - cfe, 1 - luso Original une, "d smplobre md btii angors aluheb.ievic. cf fole'. Thereà130.Jseh h aatr>' od ofaàjallant Union soldier lt. 1 5 wl.cfolt beiplesîîy lu loe is ilbthe '"Mods.Thi beaàbiful daugliser cf a ono~drate dons»rwu ,a5 geuseal, sud earrid on by bandkor' the landiordiid shleslgalseyaem f o's SildfriThi loibisfalthfnl uste d0y.bu wva d.i lltesuoi sa mid 10 s rat trust villi bis love ment cf trdope from wbhich hon««er etuunds& àIsImd uS rUd~ 4ortbern peet »0e e.11 isl luti lgbe ý -hersil 241: BU ot, tOlois. brève soldier 9 th&% date the E ~ siaL ~eeIbSni. lndicorde lu SU .~ s~dtlu bis mai esefs o amlmiidpurcl lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ " Dqg8ml~lu1I r ov Do lu Ionstheft~t~ tan~ hos....:filîl, few dcnl U Eo rov r #*$b*sbes u o a b ef-- - è t :T te E ste holdings lu '~"~"' for whieb tbe G 01 ï#ý,--v etat slover PrI , sgu8a#t 11 ngy "es 'vjs la.x esl s1= epert likbo s1oSnIk eb Gvruunt b- plwasftlsily c»ma f PrluezdW s*~lit1l. Ma in lu .Ar.Govern uth 'tb basof lu 1 ico % kut, vu bislugOeUI M'a > for TQ.sda Ili uusutl)i.qhle esle.wek dr rah bq2lýoslï and usa.~sslb sWrle dur ay a vàveail1i>' sou- loot. mauve. l vf = 41î1"sud a t mtlls s sagi dbss o-pain lad a snsiou of s» . ountryma pressaS p&4sààneb#.au euh> aud 0%. s.dto hslpmwu sression iluoesqatà cyipure sud per. Tbit ü« lb. L. ;bau!ty, smnoats.. LuwejeWU if te . h du- éle ai ciblse.a 4rpoulie ;-sMd bddwnfofiliSioýt Sudkîrb*sf- Snaeir et ie ie herm e Srves uercmi a- "Mevr"suV r of i adailnh 1ik nrpolous i ns u&sho, y" th* suase fuk ï); ient on St. <'sd t11 hsrsldlux bo isbi due f a ilouu e "osiaqlbusmodte%= ýièBI) ibsp4w eftdg a«àè àzùg,>i aUs.W your besdhttsbein Asal Che csqieVb '~t*b 1-mm01 On'*Séruia el wa ofaOuh0orereu l s mint offthe.-Q kproristonrefusi irmit vas 0lthe. prooeded slow 7. se abolition epft be t .OWC b the Ilon. Mr.1 à saardOf leew eA lu. >Itos t ws tory 30vei'nmulhlbu mwa Dg tl utesof l M,647 acre, sud oMp'! ehs bolng *0 MW. tbirë cadlord ltereatsu be be obange bas bedu boue- itthougb It leaMiated sb teproiîlà e ,8 Mmesnmst pad Sl,18. te tbe tenats, ea tale, ris. -Iban b.th e= u af seport, "ds*d Nova 'varded te lb. Glaitom mylug applied for ltvhi lad referons luiteme ltd.r.d. i of a, difemt celrio: able sý iôolt riatit. Fi ii.sù là b Io$ b idéo. *àd&eedf doma1 Fu. eh oras.&ans nevma fiotien lbat tb. animal Mueto se brougb lbe-d -er fu irInfrsatte aplte ONTARIO BANK-, y DIVSDiEN!> NO. 48. bt T- OTII l hta3ll - bsdiy beân Asla" reatheouret lisl *0l ~mi lis Bami vibs pmce bon 'IyDNESDAX té,ltay cf Jime next. s asith temie lit 'beth dérs Icus- fbAMIniGand oelu 0fwt fb Steheheming p, es l b.Usl TUE8D$Y thM. 2lat Day of 7 Tb* Ohair viii b. tuneail 4o'look ~~sEGlu" Bail, liBb E W4es laegr U, le ad 1 'i :kau as4badlstee t. iiars 1.14 lUlm the. lter. wolý teahs tero tecu 1 iuhra Usesi0on fis <à$ ,en ind voen e usng Di. - <'Nov, do you 1mev de net tale off tbsin boa- bh ?!" sxn by; "Cou a. ~ ~ 8 POki.ls t Whha& ,A msa "inult b Ala n Lno.- LIVERPOOL, LINL>RY OLA860W. IHOKTIT OEA PASSAGE! EVERYSATURDY ?O QIBEC, at 8.00,*£Ta* ux Fida>. Cablu hfat,81unma li, acoerdlng te mâdBln et uglrmM. Loverrlms for r.. ...... s frit *~~~ m iit8 V5ALO May , lmu MyTb 81 AT BARGAMb GN T S'F oio'wngflrt-qie lrgnd a of E (Impove.) PRING ptcs-Gentlemeni qrueh a barvest as the Isut and esrig off the Gold Meaaf for <J3nsds, W. aiso notify al1 purchasers who want durble macin.ry aud propose têpyo 8~Q1D~~RY5 toca at olr office luinMtby, beforn payABEEUX,,g aii àor intetion toàadopt ithe ,,b neazly as îo prwoierand theroby, make our pria. list at lowest liv- ing puces. Olvo usýa sal BROWYN APATTeRSON-MNF'G7Go h itbJn. 21st18?. ' iÂ~2 & DIMJN S County Liquor Store, Whole8ale -and Retail, jnst received for Chitmas and the New'Year,,. a l arge ,,-stokof WINES and LIQUORS, direct impor*ition, oomprising Port and Sherry Wines,% rnt* e, Gin Rum, Scotch and Irish Whskeyo;BoW W«â 4 s O-ulead lMalt WbuslsY. lb. buet la M1 ?asylor & Bat sud CoMe Je &Su'Canadisu AMan sd Porter,and Luger lrtid sud bsst moted, sto f CIGARS lu tbe count>' sudSheryWiaoMemeuir qulta »o, .OOQ ad125 (une.-.eI K Robin sud Hsna.uy rmndieo, lu vod sud boUle. S*diteteckigpurpome,met2.76 par Gallon. T1&O e met. Si edr pSro*,eof o6ê&Ai cou ool.s Flstq»Uat> of 015 jamis. Rm. »ss410, betIbleb HUMbât sd Poete SosluQ .sdPit lOmnlSGllJi n ouBI!,l m f oas dosen quaI, sud t» dozen pinte, ai 8#1.25 per cme. L4~ E2I »R !wi~iir Gautos u»d Bm«u4situtin qoumt*a 8pinte. <Cmmae & SasshmtdSot i4150 par dosen quarts, sud 75 osais p«r dozen pinte. __ Mis sr i> Begga gs*.-no La M«archua , 42zeg6leeislrE.ILaF ot m eue - 40- Flot de Ama, SWindsor, *Grand Duobese, Cricketters, Ne Plus Ultra, Victoria, La Catchies. amoisen cousi Wllasi! -ta~.-Gier~ i~ ~onsa olu'apSla Wtr Dab.I~Wata Leinn S77, graallCaenqdtlpu. IJNIHIING H OU sEl glan sud adian Tweems,for, AND SUMMER ýSIUITS!1 da fnish iýi firsi-olase stle, anad at modouste wi3i save money by giving àaadeiaunnz NEWEST STYLES IN 111;StA PS, SHIRTS Gollars. masud iikindq of gnt'furnishinge. jo H-: FEiRG U S ON TUE OLDL STAND, '8ro 2;1 ,Dundas Street., Whitby. PH OTO~W1HY NEW iSTYLIE 0f Photographs, ii ipi >Jid*fe-sze, an entirely NE-W SPEOIMENS OIî !EXHIIBITION. Oa'àrâ14Sinud CabinÙets furnished ithe latest style of the Art. ri à ~ofail ijies âlàisà on hand., A. BAR RETT, Photographer. 3 P.o ite Onat&i> 13n, t Ayo igmén<leihg ýtostudy Photography, viii fia agooad chance bycalli~~iný#. p arr# udgettiing ternis. hi nié 1879 No. 1. ~ARX-T SELOCK0 No. 1. H t: IAhse>'a s84 meL. ecoUI5 fe AU. (15-t) .yroz-t, Whltby. APPLE TES! HOME NUVRSE'RY, Prom two teleuir yesrs of aea, embracing &11 the bout véiltiaa. Wh6fessle orders by letter or otetws puuotuaily atteudeA to. her, e * SZTH 0. WILSON, Lot No. 8, Sud Cou. Pickering on Kingston BOÀ o s at Office, Whit6y. Sm-l "THERE 18 .MONEY .IN 1I! YOUNG MM vire vish te acquire-a BUSINESS EUUCATION- Sheit ,write to eus-..YEREX à PANTÃ"N, preprietors cf the London Commercial (lolege, teu cirqier0oMtailnng fl partiolas. ,(40j THOS .SLEiGP , P A INTËE R, -Can nov ha feunsi atbis 8e, TWO DOORS -WEST 0OPABMOTRONO'S 93FAllOrders ]Pr ty.mteaadate. Wbitby, AprU 14,18W. * 46 FA RMERel., Workingmen, profendsinsl mn, am' vey =an, requires at thiaseson - 9ýth'e -.y xr semethlng t te ie oe te ihhs sstI=a prep"r hlm *r vok. -WiUn do tis b>'oianl ilupuities freux the biood. USE VITALINE -4in-47 - ToRONTro. THE PLACE FOR BOOTS*ANýD SHOES-I ogteanounce le-bis frienda snd oustomers Ibat be---huatabou 1the hsnsomanovs1or; N i..Mrket Blockt, ,whçre 1the Bopt snx4 ,- hose buiasin iiis ~àzà , min lutur. be strrod on by-biii.- 41eHs * juil rceived ýAN DiREYNE TCK Laitet styles fla Lý4is, Goluî Msss, su a-Chuden; fne qualily suüd.il alprices. For- W fit ûrsled.Rpar nsl-Oàa proptly done. '?oHN Ai'NDR Mr22, '81I. ,,Devere ehore 500 par mi la âOntario, and Laa.ts lo ~N lbfrlime. RAIWAYANt TIEAMIII AENT. TIÇESTýS FOR SazlaTWALL]POIT&r ',o9traoto rHedquate; - CANqADA -PACIÈiO ReAILWAY. Te p~èos vtblig t> s~idfor friead to GTO't Brtams8 Ir lIoIVCBt rates sua teil formtion giYeu by letter or, obu~s. vifflh se nand îQnd forrates, etc. or arranging elsewhaere. Oor~esen4ncosolcitt ~ithpersont h avn frfraie or wishing te pur. l"STORAGP & FOR WBDD3O. Office, No.'15~6 Front-St We8t,, 1t (Opposite Union Station). nG.DOWNEY,, CASH FOR WHEATP, BARLEYPEAS, AND UIL =MgDSOF.GRAM i[>BD FAMB'PEODUCE. A upply of Weàtern <orunov on hsnd for sae. Wht8~ Mau, 1M8. -12 CENTRAL-. HOUSE," W.s. McGAW, PoMi"or Fùst-easg aeommo a , t.061& Wne FRSALE-- APrime, 885; --st the ~LI1UTEDI 'thoriz~deapitaf$2i6OOOOO Office, lie. 75' Cbdafb:st;<Pe±onte. No. 1 Markot1Blk,; Bs 1c1ç, m pl I l . 1

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