!110cayî':floWffeM 2mi OE]?TE là GEBT ÂlDBBT .44if batZ O&', nD 8 Fk andSa 4 Vert -i~resa Good, and Onsbmres; Our gls u are uq,qWB led l ii lÃi *Nw Bhade OmleUbbons, and wliitq &reW, .0PIU in whitesad guredM-uslins, Jt, o ~Jfsery! UIinoryI - 'O~~N~è #t~atd, Bonnete'are=uequ&adi tlnazs a4Valué. » OLQ~NG! *CLOTHUfG!1 'tC ItGI Largeoà ,-adsélect >stock of 8oôtodh and:Canadian Tweeds asudaFrenoli Worsatéd Suitings. offereda'a.t pridei that',always pléasé. HATS: thé latest styles in Yflt t5î Wl CVANNOT -131UNDEISOLD' * OUR GOODS AME NEWI- !THE PEOPLES' PÂVORITE 9ýýLTpxq The, Reason Why Si.x rea5sons why ba-uyers of Dry-ýGeiôtl do'better inmakcing thOirpuhae IIRYCE'S NOTE» CASH 4l#TORE, ODDý FELLOWS' HALL; than at any other hous lst.--ý-The gooda are sold for cash oniy, s0 that, the cash paying oustomer saves the extra amnount to be oharged, for -bad. debtéwbioh, in the case where part eauh-and part credit 18 done. 2nd.---The -goods are ail marked in plain -figures .'aud sold only at the price marked, thus giving every one au assurance that they *are quoted the lowest possible selling price. 1 I . ý 8rd.-There is no accumulation of old goods, a l'p r Chasses are made with the greatest care, and should any matérial not hé readily sold, it is immediately reduced 80 low in price tt a m"ey alùi effected. The stock is in consequence always fresh and -derab"I 4th.--The stock is being replenished every 'dy and everyý novelty for wbich there. Nail h a probable demand is ;1Zown ealier by ,hMm than other dealiers. 5th..-E.Every customer is treated fairly and theý--ýt» fîtn oto- d4eavour made- to satisfy their roquiremeiits. 6th.--BHis ever exteÀd4ing business enableS himnto ô bt each sucoéédirig month, thus naigthe present -the best opportnt for, buyiug.the best ana most fasinal goods very cheap. Your i nterests demand an early visit té this juù y oiPu-ý lar establishment. Tiie Iran ludaotry of the. fJnited Stamin laedmrnga -rude .hook. 8ev- oral fnaes bave .lredy <que o«i(0 biset ; and by th.eud eofh".w..k, frhePe " aotlvity vil bave ceaeed nils hantwent7-fou n lu 1h Leansd Sohu IkM lUail si.. Wbo h' n lb :7=e t obgau to go up, owlng lu, mo nsuwe tu lb. oprst. loue of a rIng, abon$ à Y@îr agolarg frite. Lut y.ur, mnarly tvo milon cf io of trou "spdml I ve.imporie4. M;ceh cf lbis trou resualui bond, for vi b ernt#à u«Iie.iîd tc bOpmI cud mae e~ rt new ri.c pig itou la lover lb.. at lb.end«Cl lat #«* d Amu.rio*,a oudonulr 01000% "à et ai lIg rie. wtbeut i. ouina a los.of fom #8.5 to 48-00 ion. !m#ortalnestMlgboee ou, tbengb in à doeraed rall; sud lh. lmiued. fate otleck foi &Muiuaa igmmter = ieMy roua i yl baiva lm- u o;e lacken t -t de.0 0 ~ d for OansAtap rmor*$, tu th. Slalom.bytb Beef a4. à ulton ofIb si the b produom heu, hotu rem.ousumrte op«ratcaof 7.11ev'- 3 1~epbm.hold ozuw» their b1OOd7 =th& f re te Urneti and masrk th erm» of ut d ative c rtcnsatlt~M of .the erbhite or insg "4 temmove. Écpos f à Turb a bmPseIlum4o %bthé hboaelà . The bu& of the, WrM'. wgiiibg la cdoue wlt tee"Ipen.. Emlbs -ou h. pro. oUW dfrous *My statiumer, sud si wholomml fronrn Brs.tToronto. Thom whvM rte for fan., for houer, or emolument, mnot do botter thau um pone Mot eby IboBmtrbrooir SS..lPeu Com. 8mu. empmef rulmhed un appliction To ýPublic Speakers.. ,ftbic km ad smomwho would aee umrâIrosta bqud n. sau' Pe~oa 51ma tfplet = ",ii mnbWuir foi tbe. Iboat- mud- lungo; I1 spmMeedJl7 its ops 0cM d c urce a&mul- rnonrrocuIsss Mo th t c oImd te ROBERT -HK. BRYQCeEn Imaml ii ae @wo.gCm, lo -J à snou f Weadnuom la fln ei b~reuWho onnet1 suy patlcnlu ver aff..m aaoe budnomu t i r. e 1w e-k ýuPUQ ttc- i 'r *.~-.--c -c- .. 4.- t- 1~O YAd~b13"NW GCARPETS, i 2 CASS F DRES OOa Bttcin1 heap. I-, A fll ock of Genora1 GrqceIioý -. f. M - ~a -i ~ .LLW -h. I. 0. Ohurob, Ombsw% vil b. heldinl MIL ANXuSI GlOVE; GOD PRIME Lm41w 0 forabea tifulpiE.. n Sum'ueeMLa& MEme Dluhete h R te a- ýxÉ s Dia - rau cL R a", O.80a i &Wtes F 4quatio E ve2zrnt A T 9o kt ,. i1y 6* 181 W. PEtIOR8 :-E. ib.lWmllso cuiy comte lu lb. Il A Guo Ccmlc The Labmoroy for Eleeo oBittemlm eue» entti*Imm, tgiug e nunino f b.ndm. Th uesdy etaineAfSr "l Oa.tonlmhlnq.WIarew sud beoino ev. t to.UPm,- --q Wbn mud t Oa roaimab FRSK$Wi puce ton. 'j4-i-c,.cc. r, t k $4. -c' Lit c ~s ar~fJoeMnge. ~~44~ I ~ ~i '-c 1 ~ ~# ~ <~4n lie FOR BALE., ',NOL S1ft ET il, gr- The lTrado PIý#d u Oronto p8mSPè a- rangemen~t made WýUý A èiiÃà le hr-quanitties are nsed &afl' _V"db~d 1 1Y on >à rri~~o ' Train. w TO TIEF#F 8': i_ If~ If y0u4 If you If YOQU If vouir- Eute*prt.e. .1