Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jun 1881, p. 1

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reas 1 POP A Myn Ter e ' 7 in, opar AnnuM d oh argid a ýotsaprlino, a neertIO UA*,eh subme- in 4IOSO 111 ot deborlpti4fl*p i1t('Ws al ter ton ceàk. speia W*ksdornr h ythe ybafl,0t Y Ordrieo ajeSdVRtIiiUUt in net hein witiag. Busine88 Direotory. OYITARIO BANK,. W13ITBY BBANCH1, TEOMÂS DOW, FAKIKWELL &RTLD , XceATTORNETS, SOLI- coitors, NtrisPublic, pnd OonVeY- %noers 01116e, firet door bouth of the Royal Hol, Whitby. JAMBS BUTLBDGE, B. A. * onty crown Attorney. 4 MESSEIS RITOEIE & IILLINGS DARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN C-HANCE Ry &c 0. H. RITOHIE, W. H. BILLIIIOS, Teronto.- Wbltby. O'sYLIVA APERDUE, AESEMATTOSNEys, 80120-. BîTouis, &c., &c. oppoB:-72yonge Street, nazIth Domainion Bank. mut Cerner Ring and *Yonge Streeta, Torouto.th D. A. OSULLI VAN. W. E. PERDUE. tht october Srt, 18W. ly-45 fic CAM&ERON APPELBE & c i'HILLIP5, APURISTERS, Attoneys.at-L-an'u B Solcitors iu Chancory, No. 4 TorontoJ stroet, Toronto. HECTOR GAMERON0, R. 8. APPELBE, - P. INcPHILLIP8. --(iy.5) A& RRI TBR& ÂTTOBRNEYT-rLÂW, li B Seicîtr luChaaery Conejacor, NPtajPublic 0Ofi V-D nsBt., Mouey te Loan-Privaelud-a e interest. -JO]f rA. McGILLIVKAY, 4 (Succissor te H. M. Hoeel.) AJIRIsTER & ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, B Nt rypublie. &o. Solicitor for the Dominn Bank. Office.-Nezt ÃŽtoor te Manulon Houai, Uxbhilge, Ont. -26 s - CHKAURLES C. KELLzR, ATTOB1MIEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITORINi tona, erc#0. IL. T. DARCLAY, A TORNEY -AT -LAW, BOLICITOR in luCbanaery sud Insolyenor', Coavey-p sucer, &., &c. LYA ENGLIsU, IL L. Bt, AItRIBTR AI L W B OLICtOni ee Street, shava. DAVID ORMIITON, Bl.A.* ATTORNxET-ÂT.LÂW, SOLICITOR IN LI.Chsucer7, Couveyance, te. tuîa-nhée OMoesontia of the Pot Off@ic, luMMlo ~sBlock, Brook Shtt Whitby. ly.XO JOHfN DALL 0iW, AREISTBR-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR B in Chsauiey, Cnvyancer, &o. Whitby. MONBET TO LZND-PTlvate Fautes-1 lu us uop ta 0OOat a lqw rate aofa ROI3INON & MNT, BABBITB8.AT-LAW, A T T OB N - B 7Ie.-3 sd VMt oa Croi, Na. 9, victoria Breet. AERIBER'&T.T -SLICITOB B lu ChaO'mO7 su Ba couve t sucer, &o. CffO-DeVO , roc Street. Wbltb., Onlt. G. VONal eITEL 16-R., ARIBTBE, #0 -.Mônoy to Loan B Isener aiMri ï Liôéns. orncz-Zt., eulueao BrrrWhithy. Tan. 22,1878. (tf-8 RADUATR of Queu's sud Victoria G UnIàWarultl, iet o!fIme Collage of Physllaei sudSurgeous, Ontario. OWca»-BrookSt., Whrtby, Ont., (Ilirs dean gubCeiitol no Hte')- IY46 ~UEGEON TO IRECOUI'Y GIOL, s » yren Street, Whitby. Wu. IMODUR, gl.D . N.Ces-9 CIUyB HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., jthéeyi B. . H. tL., Oshawa, Ontario. ADR Whitby, Sept. St, 1874. 40 W.ADAMS,. ro R du (10 ~4. caa Plttwatgettaélt,8 utréglAsa v dvoaW u., rr s. nwee D6seho. VOLA. Xvk WIIBY, isaivect~i opF OnTAITt1MA~J3 O 81 fIOMMBC1ALHOTELsud0SABLES %J4bdmun 66 Jaruls-itzeet, Toroalo.W JORY 1M8BAst, PB - F B 01Wu121 02 Thei boat 6100 a Danouie tu he City, cui' C two blecha frolu the eJorthètn Dep,andOIOMe 'm st to lhe Market. Thae Busi bas beau newly littet aot, sud overytbu ins lsse. (1y-7) nus. WALKEY's TEMPERÂàNCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. - Good mecoodttln ai riaouable terras. Boarderas$2.60 pr e ei. d nOSSIN HOUSE.-TOEONTO, ONT. The Palace11ot1 o! Canada BRedttet, efunisedu sud unrive. NewrPasso- ct Elevator, ran lht %ut day. The - a i O W fr f c a H o to l l n C s a d a w th g ra d - et! prcen, vàs -43, S82.50, sud 18par day, ïembeof Clubs and oethers, tsirlua votas, wlthont board, l ehb. 211h, 878. Propriotor. jLoYAL 1EOTELL,- wHI]M. The aheve hotel has bWu thoreughly ouovaied sud relutnlshe, asudnle owu- *e the managenient o!1GE. MACRIE, ,rnirly e! Bt. Lawrence Hsll, Port Hope. Rvery attn paidto te gu. 119ai5T Od Ban'ple Booms for cru.- 13 BITISH AMRICAS HOTEL, (xàru lesses soasi.> WHI1T BY, ON T AB 10- Hasno evy renovsted aal uxulhM~ tragimoat, s&" Put An farat-claslorcder les te reoiption ocis. kAu omnibut to sud rnm a&U trains. firali-olasa sample mccii. *IHAKESPEARm HÃ"OTEL. SCor. King & York-uts., Toronto, Ont. FA. O'GRAD Y, - PBOPBIB TOR. Tue, $1.50 osa Diir. iy-47) ][OST OFFICE S&LOMi, Tosoarro. tw TgE BEST 'ACCOMMODATION -Gom for Queute. <1y-47) JAMES T. JEWELL. Propriet o>. <Lots ut tb. Nlpisslng Bolol, Toronto.) Geet Liqaors sud Cigare. Commotions itabing. Ffrsl.classLiverj Blabla aud Billard &euor mîtachot. l- y16 TI QUEEN'S HMOTEL, BoxST»niT, WRMTs. HIIPMCL&N. - -Proprlifor. Best Liquoresuda Cigare. A*wvol ua- pliet table. Ary bedtcoémo. Coifortablo atabilu sud large yard rocru. Charges moderato. -88 CENTRAL HOUSE, OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. MGAW, - Proprictor. Flrat.class accommoedation. Bout Wlnes Lîquors and Cigare. Gooue uiliug cd attentivvsoibostIrs. Iy.17 WHITIY HOU SE DUNDAS-ST, WHITBY. The ,anderslgued wauld intimais te the public limaI the aboya premiseshavi hein newly buita t st rtet ai> throughout, fat lime accommoadtion ofgueule.Beut Wlues, Liquors sutCigars. 'THE CREAM OF CANADA" WALZ LAOER- Aiseparae hine Wine. Luger, WhoW - sae sud Rotait. Beardera tatou by lbthe ook-on moder- attelars.*1 ZO8BEPE A. BANDELL, July, 251h 188N.89 B LACK( MURSE IJOTiIL. Cas. FZewT du GSOaca Bn., TOROIITO. ALFRBBD OXFORDý, - PBOPBIBToRê (Lmte ai Welllugtoa Hctel, 3Marai.) TERMUS, S1.00PEU DAT. Got la> lag for ovin 80herss. Pinst4eas ooi-r modmtioia for far ndu the travelnug pqbhin lugenenaL(l.4 T UR IVmE'syNIlaftr ho canrod on by me et the olt place Royal hoellsmat1Irespectlau l'solicit lb. paroag àti. publieo = honsos ud comlortahle vohiee. ept. 1l1h 1879. ~nd Druggaist, >EÂLER IN- DEIUGS, MEDICINES AN4D OHEMICÂLS, TOILET SOA.P8 PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRÂCES, ThKUSSES, SPONGEB, AND ALL KINUS 0P DRIUCGMI USBNRIEU USUALLY KEF'! IN A FIRIT CLAMé DRUG STORE. PHYSICIAN8' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefulLy compouxadod, asdnaorêces aswered with caete sud de"tch. Farmers aad Piquicians from the country wM il luiou stock of medjioines compiete, wzrantedl genuine, andi of the bout quality.ý CORNER BROOK AND DUND.AS STRE ETS, WfflTBY, ONTÂRIO. 0CHi1N A FiA L Ly -1f8URA NC0E. 71 INQ 0?T .E AS0ORONI T O.ED M ONTARIO FAR MEÉRS' Il INGBT.£A8 TOONT. utual Insuranco Doý'y. - Lkiey Breakfast and Tm ets. 07 yDinuer sud Dessert Bots. H OFCBO-S.WETY Feucy Bed-roon' Sets.Om£ ICKg.Wa i Fet7 Jup and Tespots. OD T' oulyC BivrPlléOets ' s ud ttr oles. tpAI 1gm PMBff Sl Bliver Pistefi CakeBaskets. am ,'~dtaaelr Op= tqn t" lesa OW Eodsrs Esvees cnt Forks.as those o 01j V"1.àtablr"MlCompany Tes at eergo. duestorl'e r< - J1JST LOSSES PROMPTLY PMID. White Stone wsr, everxy kint J .B . Hôtel sud Bar Gotoaf. 3 B i -E JOHIN WIILI, GLOVEZI HARSONq, preedeint. Vice-Presifant. importer. . FOU MR, BCZAT Dominion Wood Workis, WityÂtit,88 1 P U J . 0 L5 IuG>fALN'J" . Geo. Cormack, L IUMB&B HERCHANT & IBUILDER. .LJ-A lrge uîp1y o!flauteru urisi- rugi, sut a in . o! Ivistet Holing,, Docen. ash & sutRas. LUNDER vwholosale &ut rotail, or by by the uearlest. Plang, bMooldinga of eVem escrap- tien, Floornsting SoIlnRe- ssvlug. hapiug, Tunning. Scrofl-vork, etc., etc. WhIlbr', bOct 1h, 187. -48 MIONEF TO LEND. 'PlieudadonlguwÀ iur sotteftMm- el ta Lent upanPrletTwPoryI uuham"ylljLoy Botted o!ines Loesscmsa e palal lu sur a ehlber. 0«9«9alImprovet Parum tnd t sd s" tuxes, E an sd allier msrkotatckestocks porfartlaerputleulmappljte 1 JAES HOLDENX, Apti h, lm . -15 Lombard St. an& chalng Cross, Lonin. E5TAELXBRED in1782. GILLE SPIE, MOFFÂTT & C0., Agente for Canadai. R. W. TYRS, Managfer, MotreeL. SUBLISED nIC"ÀNA il, lhe 'Icbb1ders anilag'j e Wbltby, &Mn %hoSlem 188.6 IA seuranoe__Company AOSETB, p,2O1>759L P. A.. BAL! Acsrmig uttae gtldyldiybit 'of! other's blini, Atrny todaés, sveetàwlow'rs of sprlug; A pretty dmmling isp vltsoy tunt 1 go f hafs thé littlée.5llow 1IH'm A heallhy looktng cha:> Anohermnonh tfea sfate 1 No vt Iist oiolde4ibst biseou9alng a Bnt t cIn Pua hm d one vlth lest thon elght. My oyeIs l thébe by 9 Whsl s But ayVU 1 my w tt1êI¶t? Ant I y îj ate, by-aut-by, Whouen b 8geW =o0e0grewa lap, HOMU rea My woâmt jackets Isuppose. Anothe ? -WeOU, Iban goodusas, I1-inet amarried man. What i Dont Ithluk hlauirettiNo Idou't. To keo hlm em>,tbowoikiouse jeu uai th. bit pucn Boni think 11 <l ye for uI. ventrot W. muusu't hlnk *eif't oabJulojt, W. b ttertaresomthbng whlhlasalr zoon Ill omen Alt O = e-4rum I-bs I1-Ah, je- jual go. Hes lovly, le tlei5uU SISee thir ,a *0icefiesise. cf Lady Suhlhhsr thâird; ' Lut When haocomas a-otltlag cf b. flhi *oosey-pffli Hefl ho a , Io vIW9, upon iMYwo O)h yog, désar, ha ockeh hslhy bat Ye= mauwnt trus t t at- Ido net vlah, ei course, jourhop e. Bat when uoatender bah., uo MdUT. I lok IZ n bu 'ISface iIrh thal a 7nah , Acharmn l 111e tily dty bit oetetbr' ,& tny tddlà4 sSt ov'ra nof iprlng; y y oUes oMs-glve ils isiij, A pretty dsrlug itur VilIMug THE YOUN G DUKE. (À Mercil'aeMoueg gay.) BY uZitiAliX 5EZL, SEO?55C0i x =u, .G out TERlVII. Tceetatb paeeltcf5-l anakué. bfoa 1hsa ron shines i wber&e4rdlnsiaélé.-Prout&ons shbwedwltbilthe abandommnt'Ilx V rgn,ln her oralo rat D tae. len il Th#t-roooat. 4emthtermother rend- onin- ere&-Mr.o etbrefllteIelo pit edtlen»-ýWsêeowy;, sud a&they,-ýbuh wsos bbth-,ddiÏoes-ni, tesldo Olthat. jyZi uÙwnwiig1y pbput, tiaey bat nobtiîet iMi, e, ld4ýtopïwor thy bengei.hsi 'Pli znder~raopf 1w owars nt.hie in suai tb..J~ri 4_lszup -wt-o l. -UB-* an S worliyofhep pa dgneu' flle 'Deekpre4w1h~epotsa&esr'uP *tlyvila spapahytheniil' dgm1tyi u ras eer, IbIL wotl, whcb.I.do«A horliéb fse ~omooIria widyla euwthi W~s be1 vs nve. é4 b urderd obe Der der lo thellow oreturs frl thi r .rwic v i i ~aeruaoal ovrae 0:t Ent,, xi- l wi!3>ae cuit ot bt es ht u tom. ÃŽie ~ rvlhtat.0vo, whih0soor c Sthint.. ae it àth ey had only 10 'T Mme étoé b neoizer a te 1 thybd4,ote ae, u ovC-LI 'ted a, Mmeajffl,, 'ulo4. uffrom su lhuurelélavbeb'theyba4~cwa rot a 1dia- lb.9 * ~ ~ ~ r kiffalO.~54 b. ~ oe l Hu ERXX a-aned 41nlgb iu eaig tbe odaïdsh bifted. .On thl v gtboyb, tîbeau morei han Ivo' pé st 4ueth. ftt'aoie.1. tel one againiot 1h. econd04favorite, Ipe'sr . lire ' DgaMp 6y 2aii-. à=e ïi9o sud&tte ed -ue "iagîslus th laüï tao This nmlghwvr ru ere, I trt t a n«su' a, -roeat lie eaaotèPOU kyatra l ft rivai for'à hie' b acke e second favorite. àfiriua cnuerm-r, sud - caution'Il j sual ýttate-Zode round thé âooiaý4 ,an.ita LTadv AthvnMits: la W s dat hrc whlIh -bail nover a tpngVof andWhch hecareleesd jmmss'bat n ve oinobtftrvo lu IMl, inushotpalt1he grand stand in eplug;ý tâomnphi -'z'Ph. spectateM s too surrieïa teeheee, bût heu ti route cksbnim. T'Pvie- vaila.Bari o! Bt. eoe-f vDaerde'byo1rZ tuble hConfusionl &s1.mar'- upot auf b Nvmiebs yo el temen vhrpir e juta era -r îesley, a fev glovis. TPhe efouun-d le Lord BIoom srloy, though a hack- f te fvorteni omp»liment le hies t, ca' 'et teecive,.ironm il urice. ~ e "P, vetlitto 'Wi'eku' P 'e Y. o 1mol 'rtet&. 8fir Luclut tedbluo, bat hob"fiad lied -'d;asud h '4lokèd Yelov 'tnomen. ibi.-L Rd oumaulow -vas doue, a I-intBghot vas- didaleid las DakWüote. ýames'was prbpe hes'tiesb sut reoa-'heo- fild ? - Ãœ l 'ahly ijbrt bi& :M4th s.,U4 cepsLn, ho, àî~tvn~ 8 ir li. ihan the Su r bruumtý alist»Oses the, heroineiý,1" ,Pýt --tbst7 ý rro= ' lm L ý ýfn, - --- ýe ý- . -ý .9,1 * i season slways comnméneso 'b H*ek1yï, ' b..' cause teeae o my Bail sd fui vottrea; bute aswe mo~eoté daflnes wiU develo-p itseifsdt .,ll deaperate4ailsopIto t pa!duee'vsr ioty witlonld.màatela sd-t ccso a ecd e'etl se whioèh ue JI These philosophici remarksr'pïreceté< jânother introduotion to-tho-public 1baU- rooro at Doncaster, Mxe. Dallington YVere end Mies Dacr 'W'alkiug atm iu aa1.npr", nit of tho rc-,yo . eYtonaru pr te loy, sbou éotmore'coerthW3iiItlthaon ,hit »tura Wî s'Âidcmerrlbte anocr tue by w beincn.!- 4,8- 'L . -'i 'or Ivo, starlugasi'of they- vjshod us te, ".Lot them star.," sait the Duie o f: ýT cf' Ti i vo a'a1Hi,' aud thyaegîflot vitia Viiie"prposslytoW -boholé un" - banni, vbo tolté it iôbp6day tf Ndm bn la snpatq.j ;* bal 1-4 non, "Iblirs.I havenodouhtib i lni 80.l ,f léVei runs ; but ho is a iextr*niely élaý à iué manuer, tbmt.Idô nol tuila oue rireputatll6brmnonizos vil riaeopinion*" - "fAna i lbis vilt b Bnglud mie. -1 o nv s- is ouf axd iaxtruateWft h alibis plan', uc6ceet in arrnig éomolhing 'W ià1ýtjaisýýi 1- I-hepe >tbab'aiý "-pay jomayi svet I and tje-I for your-sako,'tbat ho. ho, h -nstbimin~ ûot if ultv Insuraseu efetemAt ils loveârsn c" e rata« -bu Buldine u, mirohat"à, 115ee property, agns liossador alyirs iw t C. FORBE inou hs a;wý,ý' ne conS! Whitby, ApnIl 'Ph.4M àvAcli o! ihev, who l npOOLru OTon. aqe,the f ers1 busINoi ..5a SOUINS 110 LoIN C pkI Authorize d <apta$, )OOO MION. FRANK 8MITII. -cseProsident. EUGNE'KEFERs.,vice Prosi4ana. PATRICK ms a, W T. KIELY,Rsti., joffN FOIy,Eq M la.J. 1H. DATES, Newàpspt 4dvrisî, Àeit -41 Park Row (iris Di4ci>1v okl avthotiired t u oîsVvivri- moni"tu t îe CHRONICLE at out- bout rates. MO NEY TO, LO ANL' Appîr' to- ,HBLUtS ,'soliellen. gr Offce Movin Onansir 10-tfWbly THOS. SLE-IGI't J.eeO.esa uausses Por furthsr pcrtloul"Ii ètPly' <ô AA. A.OITg . ]+t il L ejlr, Laaagly àh AR< D~]~ISW.HOTJSE &S Tui 00B aE . H. 3AMESON'S P A I N T É R' oses =imm 9a.m. te 12 M., e sudW d pfr t h ao lm tel, . R o iltnce-cer. alByren ý, sut liboI sroit. TWO DOORS WEST DP ASMETR( C, N. VAiS, Le. De.S.e OE,~UDSSEE lat rr oaanaOU thé >*Ab Il 0dn trphj ttet 'Puhezrotet vicprlu ofbj pr LU, bitb R!_ 4,lm. ! Icea aniscUeli. Do.Roànaslat1Gev Ao 0 "ÃŽ, Z vattkuaiiaDtj.o ;iév ais ewblck t, utim'a Drtag Mon _________________________________________________ 13 I ;1 Ring st»' .rw t 1,~~~~ 1 1 ON ZA@T ."*TB]R?49.

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