Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1881, p. 1

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IE ,wÎ1oY OR I'J à *PvàbtuUD B h BBOOK I8TWZt, WITlT.' oharged a 1. e tf S centsi, parlin;" Irui desripionvis 406damag Nvamat. ter ton cente pter-l. llpecllotnoemaý vlhayrta Business Dir eotoryf 011TAR11O BANK, WIITBY BBANOH, THOXÂS DOW, FAXEWBLl h RUTLEBDGE B ARIBTERS, ATTOUNETS, SOLI. citors, Notarles Public, taud Oonvey. suberS. 020e ral dccx scth cf th Royal liotel,*hb. JAMES 1UTLEDGBE. B. A. J .FAREWELL, L. b. B., County rown Attorney. 48 MESSUS ITOHIE &BILING S BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN -eHANCE RY *c çç.b1 t il>y C. H. RITCIIIE, W. H. BILLING8, Toto to. Whltby. .O'BU81rL1LIVANq & PER1DUE, BAPtBISTBeeI TTORES, SOLIC- 4IOTÂRIES,&c., &c. OFFICeS -72 Tonge Steet, next the Dominion Banik, and Corner King And Yonge treet, Toronto. D. A. O'SU1.LIVAtt. W. E. PERDUE. octobcr tira, 1880. -Y-45 cANRON01, APPELBER& lnc- PHIfLLIP», 1) ARISTESAttomuayaatý-Law, sud BA1> 'aTtxsÏ' hobun No. 4 Toronto HIECTOR CAMERON, Q.O., B. 9 B. IE P. NcPHILLIP8. (y4) BAuliiTEB & ÂTTOENEY-AT.LAW, B ctor in Ohancery, OonveYbucer, Ntary Public, &c. Ofico*-Dundas St., arat door vest t ofArmtrongs Iotel. Money to Loan-Private lundi-at loy tuterest. JOHN A. McoGILLIVRAi, (Succesor to H. M. Hoveil.) AnRISTER & ÂTTORNEY-AT-LÂW, B Rot PuhbUe &c. Solicitor for th Dcmlnloiqank. ffca-Nett door to Mansion Houas, Uixbrldge, Ont. .26 -ciALS C. KELLER, ATTOIMY-AT-LAW, SOLIOlTOit IN Achance , Oonveyan0er,&O., Canning- ,on, Brok, V 1. T. DARCLAY, ATTOUEYE-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR Alu Cbanclry a mSIiouyCouvey- 00Sreet, c., c. DAVID ORIIISTON, B.&., ATTORNU!.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR UIN ACbanery, Convayancer, S&o. Omi-IIt the Office acuth orlte Peuht Offce, lu MoM&i&ue Block, Brock Street, Wbltby. ly-lO JOHN DALL DOIT, B RBISTBBI-AT-IAW. SOLIClTOR luinChnqery, Convayancer. &.c. Oiftft-DevrerRlls Bock, Brook Street Whltbyi MONET TO LEI4D-Prtvate Fende - in WsOutup tc 5800, nta e 1erae 01aInl. tarait. (ly.62 R013INSON & KENT, OPFIOE.-11 Victoria Ohambeas, No. 9, Victoria treai. J.G.Bsso,~ ,Huz .1.K'r ISTEMP,,AT LA-WSOLICITOR B aiifl0&<ttgv;eloy3 olvey. Stre4,Wiiui,, Ont. a. PEJJ3J~H4 .0. of P 4l'i of issud sd itoi Owwrm Eik4& WblbyOnt,, (tire doors scuth 4d Bloyaatl. 14 S VRGO TO TIMOUSTY GAOL, th le oye I. O. . LOsiave. Ontario. CDRt. niOGAUIT. I>byslal,4 urge=n, Accoucher, S&C., &ô. WbltlysySept.8m,01h,14Ldo 'W, ;ADAMSt R OuOS-VBR h». H"IL iRZS' Offies lius 9..taim0pu it 1.80 ton Spà=B~Sue~c. iBru sud G1~ag*s o o ciu alia ii localoan an's nev b 9 Mgosr boa, Wti sm PitdWru ga bng s z4untlrla g d Ur.w ~oap VOL xxVs CIOMMEROlAL HOTEL sud STABLES, . fit and6 Jarva-street, Toronto., JONMBAS, .. -PBOPBZNTOfl. <uconeon xc ramq ruu.vj Te bout *1.00 s Dae ouse iu tb. city, 05.17 tva blooka tram lbhelNsrtbrn Dcpt,and cloue to tie Market. The Rouse bas beaun uwly vlttad out, sud uvery-lbius Fîrat-otasa- (ly.47> ]ans. WAL4KEy'il TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, DUNDASSTREET, WHITBY. Oocd accommodatIon t reasonable terme. Border, #2.60 par week. 45 ROSSIN 1HOUSE.-TO1IONTO, ONT. Tphe palace Hotol cf Canada Roftted, Eefuuisbahed unrivalled. Noe asen. ar Elaatr, r ulugul<ht ad a. The &e rices ï-ï, ;î.5, an #8pe-a. membrofOliibs and chars, u g Peb. 27th, 878. Proprotor. -D TA HOT1L, WHITBY. Tba above Japtel ba beu tborotgbly reuovated aiaurnlsibe& d s u anst der titi manageèment ofOit>. MAORI% (tcrmarly of 19t. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope. Bvery attention wadto guete. J = Smp B ooms for 0Cm- B TsaAMERICAN HOTEL, ("Tm noSON uorsz.) WEITBY, ONTARlO. Houas uavly,-renovted sud luraisbed througbcut,, mmdput in fint-clos. crder for therept1onof guests.An omanibus te, sud frmail trains. lxastcl"a sample rooma. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, 5Cor. King & Yrk-sts., Toranto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. Trcuxs, #1.50 Puas DAT. (ly.47) P OST OFFICE SALOON, TonoNTo. X. AÇCONNELL, .-PROPRIETOB. 1sà TER lINT ACCOMMODATION n for Ouests. (ly-47) 0 NTARIO IOTE., '3 DBocI-STUEST, WHITBY. JAMES T. JRWPELL, Proprietor. (Late of the Nipiasiug Hotli, Toronto.) Good Liquore sud Cigara. Commodicola Pn-st-vIsa le r Stable sud BUllard Paglour attached. 17-18 T UE QUEEN's IZOTEL, Buocs: SvsErs, WUXTST. BoastLiquors sud Cig& À Aw-eh dur pfl* table. Airy bed-rocms. Coafortalo e stabling sud large yard rocSn. - Chargea CENTRAL HOUSE, OSUAWA, ONT., W.P. McaAW, - Praprictor. Lîquors snd Cigars.Gaod stabll nsd attentives hoillers. ly.lP W HITBY HOUSEV DUNDAS-ST, WHITBY. Thc undasguod vouid liniate ta the public that the aboya promises have beau niewly bafltansd fitttad sp thraugiont, for the accommodation cf guesta. Bout -Wlncs, Liquors sud Cigare. "~THE6 ORIAM OFC ANAA"- -WAt.Z LAOdR. AIse parae hine Wlne. Laga, Wholue Boarders taken by tba -stok on moitr- *t t Cama. Jciy, 251h 188W. I 13 IJC UMNE OTEKL, Com.Fscwr a Gltoss87à., TORONTO.% (Late o Wellington Hotbi,.Mskiapa. lng faor ovit80hra.Pla.lsacm public lu ganera.<l- YIV-E RY!1 YT¶HEl iErff yBusSINESw -.12 be carriion b mat tlé a n upnfu oomfotabl ve OP941. ept.141EY1070 L--O-AN 0W B .7 Y TEf, Nvappe et.fthOe CHONLE GtH'.' MW ONEY. ýTO iàir lOAN 0K EyAS TERN,188 . Che oXI~*~li4P~ Bholi!rhlood. 29. WUITBY, RVNI O NA'O T JL 7Ise- - t ' ,- - -thi- golaeme,..b . a e . v a v 4 b1 ,us*eË efrltr a s huu ie s nt ia ffa - o ,- h - V ,mist and Dr git DRUGS, MEDICINES AND) (HEMICA LS, TOILET SOAFS, PEBRFTJMEIRYP SHOULDER BRACES,ý AND AL!. KINI>S 0r DRIUGISTI' IUNDRIES UBUALLYKEPT IN A& FIRST CLAIS DRIUG STORE5 PHYSICIANSY PRESCRIPTIONS Carefuliy compoundod, and ordera anowued"with ostoanad dspatch. Farmore and' Physiicians frais tha coutry vitifini ont stock of rmodicinea compiete, warrmnted oiiuine, anda i lie- best qualily. jXenn BROOK AND DUNDÂS STREETS, -WHITBY, ONTAMIOt CHINA HALL, $leu 01? TENX5!Oive(aEOISenEII) 71 K/NG-ST. EAST TORONTO. Fmscy ,Breakfast aucA Te& Sets. ltanoy Diuner aS Dessert Bets. Vancy Bed-rocm seto. QsMeüJgs ahd Teaçts. - Sur1lted ][nives, Parks sud Spola. silyàr PlatedCruets an& Butiea Coalera Silver PltA Cake Baskets. plower ibaes for ILy's, &o.,*. eîanvaze, aUdesri toua. WM00e Stonevoire, evay lind. Ha0tl ansd Bar Gooa. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Work8, WH ITBY. Geo. Cormack, T UMBER MEROHANT & BUILDER. JIJ -A_ large supply cf Buildao' Fureta. ings, sud al kin a cf Twistait Mold.tuge, Doore, Se.eh ana Blinda. LUMBER violceala and retail, or by loy the Car lobat. Planing, Mouldingo of overy descrap- tion, Flooriug, Sbectiug, Shelving, Re- sawcng, Sbaplng, Tnrning. Bcrll-work, cc, etc. 'Whitby, Oct. lOtIt, 1878. -48 MONET TO LERD. The undeon Ebs nr amonut cf lmon- aytobeuduponPermor TowtiPb>oprty,at uunsuaily UV PR.tu c o! r« loana coiu b. repal iù «aemasit be. rcwers. aer&XmprowdZ7asud,4 Wll4Lamb, for aeha turés, Bank, pd cher mraaa mca For further psrtculas apy Apri i19l3 Oms.-o D V It B - E*0 . L0, B-~- mi 40.f 1 N 6 U -R ANO ONTARIO PARMERS' Mutual 118ur81w8 Co'y HENAD OFFICE, BROOR.Sr, WHITB. %Îge CODU7Cbhbi, Scbae Elos sd tprOul risa o as isOf any veaemblaadCompano JUST.LOSES PIOMPTLTPMD. J. B. BICKELL, ZOHN WMLL1S Presidant. ViePresdut. C. NOUESE, SsamAzt. Wbitby, Aprhl SM, 1878.-le ]p IRIXFIEEINSUlIANCE CO. Lombard St. ast Cbaring Crais, Landon. E5TÂSimmE» tu 1782.. GTILLESPtE, MOF'PATT t 00., Agente for Canad.- RW. TYrE, MAUager, ontrea, A BO STABLISEEI)lx W A- LA lu 104.United Ilahty of au ha» Staakioieu, an& large Ruer ubis. Mor toraas clpem la la itby0 April OM1. 15 AROUITEC TURE]; DRAWINO AND SPECU'ICATION soce& BUipLDII', »T W. ara o asc nu Th i eguie nigo in triai anetucas.W *ldlb Ées. Oh, Pcesoat al*4o*ila . Oh, noua *0 sCllt 9&Spae ast Ai vaian tt iur It Ou av pv Tbey eimpliua intb» ZàO01 ace Tbay pr= Our ps4baru»,ce They keep for utci aniy« ae They trmpet Sur nam 4I=-*lea Tbey bang car prtrsts~eItsBvaI And pint md geû"sh Li g!,SUonr talis Thepaipeufmn Weam are 1 leeotjsmin- The meraI sViaeimena1. They Imaane cer lhea~I ta They bond us dova 1m'eiimraznkd nez vinstyciéva,a#ah Tne traiafcerclsBxneg Audiad ailriugetd'b tg, Thsyr"ü utva bto k À» wesuêl aIeaair- Aid a Xvnr apu1 . Mow.te) Tev re he s *;0,. sSa Theamsh ntsim. theprety (rl othi., icagr an-, bihenoble nUe* i ro ab=g oloa. viodii bail a DaIlingo Hoas. ihe praty hgaecf ibim.proudy min sicrka auaedisldoviheiatuse mon- m ncait t"atlym om 1aro an' isg noble bn-vra no be-, a blondrd l ii e li presence.' A bao thluit anIScPra as uiara blonhae the ,orpmrlt&ingil s tal fofleI ihi IMus*g=frevâailw ; o nmor%1vod -xie'isodai yout ita$t-i aai~t< lb~ii 815 doues ban» inirro irai- s ual *llow amotn Is, 153 O sloi îi frm4kii ,- anea wht"ilh ha* i te over,- tie vhsm es ihe-viti -lm$*g mst ou viioh lie n sgs. VTis thqnt;g ruult, ib~ girl."-à0 té mi ~frcm the M"a uanea is r tbsi! on Ibal iw 'hiirohinst f liaI tie Dake ef M.là fIt vas -,a: bo, but -it f, It Prdane. Hrip f beforote in-pe-e xipd of- Tsiyan.Il oes awtis h ; disa tir from Olympus ta a banuet of. U1e oui rmotai; (To b clus& "If 1 vas pecdent." iroke mi enýsm nua aas U feli ld onnArtn. I sars8 eul meon uilpa; 'uW" the p*Waukedl thmwQaIMA- ~nttolie plit Tn wls me,~ M bo apsu. 1k. 1 mrka osellft Ù4~iija~eae vi i oaafllsg*~"~guat~frh oftwbýe Iaha 41 ptt~V om- .19 i-tono'aIl 'bb1W fa~i liult. è.Bu&ds- slng i ila-r M. 1, e mtp uoel ia iiPu ls ~lie e~eacl ml yanvpan é-, -po e fZ11ta. ie4a ornlïf."'T ýtheL- , A s ha- i 90ito f i a u ginea, and t e vul i a h n- pouab tcv, Hgi-pl e- muaph. me miie,ed pulse.- I"iblicis peotoit,iaud 111e aoranet - >a-ueas -omoeIn qeihlaMtrt#A Minsolb uple fhat i iao"laf t, c hlnd-trai hs - Ae aadmtei utll aoisys.eo xliihon i o.lpi Usîl ma ns" fernglplt:allr me1f ku lade c aeukof te, ntAàn Jurs; iiaefoe.ayting*al oona w4ahlie o~rc1ttid 1 .T&lk mneto, ibtuaa ssa h m nient,', Te wna rlkv-c -oiv u ca deiy. sans be"ld ,iui UU oiy1bit~ sionilpl tisser se suie lutetherela mIg vilh boe dit Ema ses me aOve? for mu i JOHN Fqyý1Eeq. JAiE8 tdA8ON, M-Naon rap ~ uer*t mAon cn=y $51 For fartitsparticultrs, ap»iy tu$5 i. A. A. POIST, ,ste viLant, egky i »d A RCJtTRCT- ý4t#ý 1 qà .Adié, - , ,

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