Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1881, p. 2

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no bu, 0 4>vcuit *'No~qgade -Lana. ro.. ae~~ Sla, B vath aer Camp. -oýJûhBlow. irc' tant noMFumé».-.! induirt t-O. Y. Stewart. àoiggeS IB.ubn, oio., al Dr. e'àowlir-o oetr*t.- l'arm, for' Sole- 4bn aay Mouey b Lia-J. B. Doit, noir. Oa~~Coti, &o..nJ. S. Robertson aurs for IlemldsanLd ]Burn.- P. Haumooke, fan@, &o.-J. 8. Robertson Grea Bargaina at the Banlirupt Store. ONLY Si S0 PER ANNUM. Wtiltby, Tbursdy, July 7, 1881. The Wounded Precident. IIIS CONDITION HOPEFUL. Binet the. voandiag of Pt..! dent Garfield, bulletins have bonmiseuced ai- mont every hour as ta hie eonadtion. At frit tiiey vif g rues anal Rarded, and, soutinced up tî odedaay. Tis (Wedaiecdy) morning they vire more ixopefl, analthe ilustrionpatient le nov repofted as lmprovlag aceording te latetiegram reeeived, up 10 tie of. gel prn- The good neye *111 be emnvel wthjo>'ovgrywiiere. - eISugar l'acter>'. The meiblluhaîa of a Boit Sagar Paotovy là Whltby liai boen telked of sccne iwa bak, bat. until the. priment, no elep4estie lmate plaesthe. propo- sition beltowê tisatepayereinla apracti- ual "Pi~. A re'uwsIlofor 'a public Meeting upos lb. bJeci lbas bien proented the nayer *8e viii. nenb>'anouncenuent la oter clorons. nu vorebip bascalled a pulie o Meeting for Frida>' evoalng 10 hear analdaasoiste dtaits. Let un hopetisai prîactloal goca Maya1resait front Ibm st4p.. aNÎ ders"etha if I veabilato rabil o 00bande vould b.etpeoyed tho ooncoru ; ual t e lea app!a iapita resady for lav.atnent; uha ýLWilby-ls regarld by tbe parties tnt4replealausutheaM tfavorable point aend at laIvie>' oderate encouragement vlll bele»edtu o euarse ,sudalin v'lev, P. erlMr,,Rolden lei vu be- ineve, *11. prianipil pari>' w ual bomee oonpUieeled vhb, anald cG apbtohe baaébohée *1th wvii osaif. uating vla b. ail# 4uplaie bfore *e meeting par, #004M 4 o< uh nÏsulin l a maQUn Mr. Rolàethbu elwale bieu n ceue. oeea ta the> eaterpeflseeili vblb ho- bau bienuuaeie, *i bls namce tiv aosurame. cf gamin la uhle-Co v.s fui!>' belleye <tbat, if lb.ehoene4u mi fo"ubp anal er te beae -et th. loÏVa, heoulMdanosidentify ]-tonaleif vii 1 ee Lvatheii.devilopb.- ment tobe wb-* t mee=ticg. If thé »Lin bot ail equel to thirai. portab'd'ut eealoce ii eaboulal b. t.oi tarat iewd-l vr héla Whitby-au Il un not ai AUl nakel>' ta ho t» lit miImportant ever l la ite olti e iepromcotioâ of lie ovn!is Th etetlx~iugi wM hi aiea, bas y-15te',lSh lint. *£bc Agngo, Cwvie oliday. Th4t."limeclis not et bien appclnh.4' for oêlhbratiog the sauti vimlolida>' lau actiq "*n lit, nur >denfre le ubat epe May b. tiak la lime for neauringi -Arelief 10 tht e, nadeeh ho tie reponlun-Is hi. adjourameal of Town Couacli-to lie fret Monaàlta seplimbur.-lien>' cf car noadere oflen! expressi hiemselvee as bereal villa Iiïtg:iy reports oet hé ie poemidi Wb le usomitimmu tee! IL iin* nrt upo Deto uply or héie nférmc4lou- lhe -plae d u.ennheppy reporter Whoue dut>' ebige im ta rgnIl>clyi eut thie meetiage trom the openlag te #Msu anldons, anal aflervardi tran-' surie "see ache natal put thoua la a riadeble ujie o"theIt "boels of cma- aCe"dvon I uaibemaoveall t tu ii nea> -a go cf lb. untortunate ecibe. TctaIk aatan n al hait,' s""arepeal 'hiien- î9lves, anal tit eovo anal oer agie thie roguan habit cf ie taiking ma-x bers."- lqo'maltehr 1etrvial inqeé tien.'Îhe>' inut meke' aeasci, erlas nevanl speechsu ,ne malter boy pla=n e motion me>' be--iven if 'l1luticb usneil natioer of coursel, anad lmounsic altogothon outI Aigplac- lihe llt i for uaburdoning ti.meelvec. Tbey ap per le be potenesal vit lie n*glo0c liaI lie>' are sent te ta Towuon u au purose Lte lIt.-Th ii.>' oiii nu. deucial ta aemoab. ihat incessant lelbiag lu Dot he lb.on>'gv> edoI»e busines befere thoïé, u Anui, ta> lhe va>' nome cf ltik"ers sol, eus oaninot beip cooaoualhag tic lhej hié. lieue tie tact- cf thoir beiug leva Couailoraconfiee pecial pnivllegq tapon thein foarnlitiug "pehn upen e long ufra omat' Well, a thounanal uSants anud praleji lufictien *rtvempths e oupm. 4na peniapi b>' hiit "ne, lis iema4 Iei are nov mkttag viii bave a eh fuete vaigh it i le-lekative PowtFlir anal elnk laie Iheirminais viii proil aile nefteic. Perbape, sinsmCo0e4.. 1cr Blow han beome fana>' anal ipeà oquallag old al nvi&bout. *tit*0v "8A mca of voed nlnot o e del la-like a gardon full cf veidh." anda ne onvlniing membonéb liai lb., public hlrnl-e t he iuthtetentc efthle tova-villbe botteru invalby' epplylng lie pisls of coamoùnsau le castng alevathetu eubirnut guovtb cf Town Counnailapeshijlg. Â14 oLuPEEs PagEE.-)Sr. ! Palvarde, thé,o c ahadpa> porter cf lie Globe e of rl>ithgi> fc. on Tuende>' durlng aur ibistoc W. fouad ou *r ou ret irt oa ade- Wailagéen, D. C-11 We téel extremel>'mortified. ai misen- iag oui nD fienal. ia iehaî Je ave tova ou Tauday 9"nevealt h vul bave mere tien aeligilcal an te vl- come hlm teWlatby and alkat vii aId time. sadal olal fiondi-man>, alan I ~oneleo hit bouteias ii, Uite.toibe goepertd, ran zètihrerg e n do net tonnent fori "eapy. '0f e Ailttcé olal "GalW er> ' of thai 'day -Toua White, nov K. P. 'fou CeVai.i, isal ediior cf te 1le iGeele (lien .40 ltascoet atiawwdaa'> $Olise von prmoamet a e ati butte 'Mqas, Ü beoma nen the, utICI null mnou CliasubePlânnyhhor t 1. las nette,) lana be nasalthone'ofa-Ithe gk cauglainhi etn aiegin'Q"1 anMdOUth* nlobagn 9;ndiu the bQoncean tt tie mie oumacai navepopr mcane tic eau>' lime of 1dw oui"nAan' Poitane,, lickleou. odale. via re Otnli Coagnessionai Globe, ah wae-ý ingc h is laienn vinea&premlahed anal &bore ho ho et xI v il e uad cfM hi ldanr>'anda biit>' ain r ag coafortable Sanmeanud a empelenee. Long me> ay hoive toe9*1 boti Ath t i.lO.F.égg tue. groni-dsloit4 tbalte na oiDon ai>' mcnerouble ùidefeatugh. boys uhn lie.Wiihy elnb b.d viiithoiïr eâltoni u. o E hini bolsu anuitbs smoking of frit-lan. eimiaet. TIb.lr friquent piastioe et banc baIl liasheé> Mdla fer rmokters, àaujCi IInet huit1 tien le keep il up. - IWe fiDisi dolallg dcoe'etorhe. Wuttb>'-ulub la- b' 1 -ba. ailplyor. .ev vwegivc lieý na 1 , lit4Unulauge, W.AfIsru.ld -bati"I- SMa"L., bOane aia.. D. .............. 0 he %'- lbbOanavs ............- "B.Leraaldn b aruvl --mQ. O. biise, ....eu ..... .........9 65 O. ouis, b .................. 0 0. )£"ouel h Cataye. .......... Il C. aow b Cariveil---------------ea G. Rive, b-Caxn ......e.U - -.. ýè7 W. Aiustag arvie% o getonu. O J. C&pblitbCàrwe% eWilex.. 0~ IL Lafd*4 bOensvefl,........... ,G. ZZy&N ot nte....l..............o Dp..... ....... --"i -Osu, icIotlaningui !OWecMN .......... D.aa beh.-------- à>'tublicdpael.......l.....O P. Bum&an, b Maltsod"............ FX. Hallanfibliaell .......u....ne eu ......aa.......... Toacuaste--t.evmnrur On Domnon Bn>', zýua olmePe mnahea, a eplendial vikit van got, aadlhcdavauaillb ldallb. de- ninal.la ie ttenoa a tenge nar- ber u t uaters ver. prasent,thie lidIes tut-ing aoltin wp totale. Thoe cnrangsmentc er lotnttuencmng tbé gau aàwu'an A*pee.bl W"ac oinrio ont. Tomavte gcing te th*e battfint, b>' sn ndbg aTov"ane Md aalsptnolete théiebeawo L, idag and - M » na. -Thees Ive èglmeu olattbdtti aau, plyaje l ' eauh. Keavi1a go badilthdtlfneaa oioslti tban1h. sdeuehlnct Eaffya<Letayt lhe l u 13re e proumldto 10fra l ane, but olêr satiat>'10lteimm - Ilt tcin labis bïic5 ls-n bovled tona p0&ly nasal IL Tho Ivu by tuÉ à 'p the large aoie et 'f tU deii, d a huée bat fuï, is infi -vosn an eset Tenafulai'.bou lageule 1 eaken, anal ~ ~ ~ b ni orrisamuAb xpeoti *étom lkIse voS ls>' -lad dant. Tic nut 1" score vwu liai cf le. BeynoIA, w o ck àalvan f h Iootenés of the bowling andl bit1>1 lhe bal fel.' itis vanwclliIy , watte eal ces'chance, htelg tueni pa& n. abowlg ay* docw »*M anm vanWval! on thc Viii.),'à A, PLEAunt A» zsMUMGMUEI GAR- STii auttal eomnumetmsat oerdies 140(l distibution oftpries3t,-- Miu.. &il'@ Coliege'van hltn lieepfternal n of Tuca"let ilathei.oonvoealtea,bAaU 4etli cocleçe. Tneevan a large eh. ttmadanpê f,- vlitor, nstu1uig e Graum .lb Aruch ficqenraI R ioar-Ge t ra Tii .bolaruhlpn vie tawaplTeala folovit -#aOfrouatIc - O rnai liii 2w . aôenot enger. 420 collae.' Vl o-mnV. anut la mental, phloscb.- .iooîgr 425tro' D A.O SltienEcq.0 for Grêek-luh. BEd. O'Neill;lad. I. Beneit ýTii. puis, vire pieinii th 'mi.n- b tio heb.suunfaul upllbeing vrarhul>- pptaudhd by let'i ov-.lual. la thse evenlg bnue asgrol by lie lmni Aieation et 'liii Cet- le, ut vtwmi- a - 70 punt@eset dovai. lu, hebenco V. G. HeeaQ thi. Pesident e is noatin, ln. B-. A. O'Sulivaa, Vimoednsati.n ai. ehangel vitis menkedal it>' thutien ot ehaininn. H. vawus upporleti culte rigiit anal lîft b>' Dr. WiW*à, Peilent of Unlvencll' Celluge, Mr, Mutok, rVlciiChantoelblcfiet l, iveoit>', Ur. Paioaubualgi, el-Begintrar, -Mr. Page- lov,"who t piom ntial Tniil'CollAge; MdanalR aogupeute vers th. Sou. gyr. 6lnÂA.Ean, Di . -B. Iiea,* QC.,-Dr. Oaeeidy, Vioar-GeI,p»anm' airv PaLir V% e,î VG mv. ati B«v. ofbts~sdn~ bell, (0"111). ai,.Nvane> eriptloD aalabunant>'- nppia av IA been carefali>'dlcit of lb eeelonc t, e:tie mltetite Pope, ana lialoflthe Qioï ah o i vle, ver.seda> ievel i.Ple Vineif-relitila pbelge uu.h je Co.leco tii henigti f t. Iflubs va u verim= b 1%-1: 'ilion arris. Tihealli hof el0 ipsomnuou vun repilil ob> 1*t. B.S.Rasad, Q. O., 1 , IS& olaMlirpiiy, Dr. CanulA>, m adliB ,eo whovte rmpontinti o b- hai cfhic luouat ,- tai University, of Huldetbnr. SpeneeUetAn lUAei euigobaracier-*reresise ý,delUireti b> 'Aid sytu on; .onslimaalelba'. Theý prooeidlnga voi- biengih te a clcn&-by thé e hlti efthie ohairme b.- iâng piposeti l'a eompimnentai>' terme k n.Muiok,v ho gavis r 'uli van -the. oedil et havlng.- oeiteti, ubout a y ar &go, t.elie cf binU~. liuau'Cdcege alilati u i ni venu>' Collage. Tube ohaimnan brief>' retualualth"akefor the. kindnuss& ili vhmob bic aces Sud bn ecirsl, an viii asfoi the nemplimentan>' vorcis lu visicli the teout ad beau propoe&l Tise affain va allogehen -of a ver>' ou- joyable usnatn analtise proeea- hW ivêneWaughtub oe about ial- ft«*"bmoLutter. -l5Ibo 1- toc walltxr' for1 chai f i 'ci. Tovn Coiani.. -. ~ ltb>',.Jul> 4h.' UA.heéûla uieetig cf liecmen- ehl on7 -UQai1y eivang tien. vire pnoenfU rý,.Ungt deput>' ineve, [in ubep msai], -Mosans. Plov,» Bogart, Piakieyi-' Fox, Hennuea, Relie>', Noui.., $Min&t anal Wesley. Absent, 1h.' mayen anal. pays. Fo Bïoxuroicn PrmW. B.Hwe epeellag oyin. liev eot veten tée is mellar-prmies. - mnJ. G. Tbeuapson, ntaiag ubal v~~be 1 payhiptaxi, anala*S- .igfor oMr ae ek< nbebs Io' de ne. ýment otan &Mount ef Ï6, for vn dons Seplemci cf 1880, on Antierson id.i lia.. TOFi Epa-rAOTT *Dr. Bogart reportadinla avor cf pa>'- iug an accouaicf Wmn. Ifobte's, cf 028.- Ol-violipausial tirougi coormittee ofthle viols-lin. Staihli lintechairs anal orderea lton paymnt.. Mr. Dunkie>', ohaliman on etreete, n!eponted tliItlbappropriation ferrlii dfIereut vardt Sud beuexpindal, viti lieexeop tien 0cf a nlbalane, a&ndalin ta i furei numo vonlal b. requineal t9e ut idevalis unlaa thorongb tahe ot nipai. The repent recommiandel#-or eau yard. Coneitl i oinimittieofethie vhole- 'li. W in' ali bir . lnP v skuti fer explanalleus an te, lie mnei- et jpenditani cf amountealaiai>' ppropiatei. lin. Daube>', la glvlg explenaticua geuneli>', salal250 mals of idevalk lied been madeinlatle Centre vend, anal ton or a dozen enivertu put la, anal aà oiSon necer> r. p aire made. Tiene vua eldovl on yoï ver>' bati,anal <be puep l ubed orfearee. ide- tenu te give an ueeq ouni ,ethma vl.e detaiof etxpinditune. lTisin l- Siaiag iiiupeaàdilare irn ontrai>' te ii gm diit uiiaeadpromàise of go thnke tt& , thtie el c-Ihai ý l.CIre vnlied tnei olh vork jet b be dose. -Mut. Manna uxprénseal himself un- salleel iti a clatement matie la chie n.Fex conulidlin M. Dauble>' eatilleal te credit ton tii. nlatement. 1Mr. D=Mkeyalzored liaItha bleuit for lie Centre yard b. filledti ti-hie suin et $200.. Mr, Blov ceitiet Mn. Dakle>' van adepîling thei'plan et puttiag il on graduait>', tii, »' lta 4Britisha mi- -jeta ginitali>' bretle taxes, for if tu>' ver. plut on att et once lie>' votulal not stand i. Iu tii mater ite leit thierieponrnlhility viththlecm- millec.. Befeiriaag to lte.tiuegrecefal appearauoe of, pontions et lie itreel. ovenain vili thishléeaanal Mr.,Dun2kie>". promisestthle.cl uat etiuag cf lie councit tht Lb. mater utua .et-, tenaled 10-be nuppeoi, Mn. Dunkie>' belag aunPlugliehma liii bimneif, andl tframinté nème couat>,o', s iikg cf lise nlaj.- Tiei grqvtise next dy - IlyenmalIn itlnJne Maffbehh11diae If oaemn Augut, Di hi>' ucl oia~1vga n as- eime longi, analdetglt badalius lihe eem- 'Iiiti4 "Ë:ffPla ed t streele ir se Altaotiuer--" g. -The. inDe> Pot lie tie band f- af itl.en vampet, exlaaanl'-li.mnemlja 0u609l hDotv - llA e roa tain de» vwnraifor lairda% wvag. lii> ihas ai ; no on.ý Ieielfhî1m. th lieva ,dé- ivea.ma no e0 humi trfomn tise, lpecpoo"lurs matie jankfe e vane ai rong. 1Hi.ýplan van lie £p- poalameut cf a ntreet survejon, eÉ nouas 4omptout practimal man' tle -upnte he lb îpéfathureot 4hhu ou>,anti1 la>' <il Otiwarsmont vanheLà, irninpeotive cf vende, Who vene lis oou2cilIori amoagel*liem, ho aoenkd, tat wvescapable et' deing thic verk-Was listýe asWho uaderslod il P, Il voul&bèaaauuinh botter for the te*n aixa eîpen athe end l leample>' a praetical mc --i. Hammm explained the mannen la ttc'iwoîk on ii ul a W I b>' leader la .Oshaa- ana l ea- lir.,Isaggarot, te npiak-agan. MnLwë. Wi. (cliarman, nalal tiers vei oc muli l albing, au -liaI hi van neti goba euittenatmgi".tn ta h uii adrdani lit. LUg 1l kl 1 e lnn it. Mn. Plov 9om e~ùo a. i~ dlelating te mombere vieoni>' ovea ninpoucibilihy Ici hou Dontitueutu The $200 for tue Norli vanti va On motion ta give the. South vend $100 movot b>' Mr. Smtih, lin. Han. Damu ticugil $50 eneugiL - 1' lit. Smnith claimedthe $100. Mri. Blow veni ah lengtli lte tietaile, anal Lie $100, wva el after scomuas iller dincussion. Tite nepont van lion edopteti. INDIGENTACCOUNTS. Mr. Relie>' neported froua lie, Relief Committe.. An acount cf Wm. Div. lia ton 48.50 van refoaed. A. I. Bioe'e accouaI, for hurlai etfliaiFoie>', oader-- id te be pea; aise eccounts ef Dr. Shaw, 08.75, anui cf Mro. Stafford, 01. Reportadopteti.. On motion cf-,Mr. Blow, neced b>' Mri. Samith,the communication cf 1Mr. Revse van referneal te lb. committie on etreie-te report ai teexh meeting. Mn. Dunkle>' untlmelti lihaIil had bienulie intention ta buildal a ev cUl- On motion cf Mr. Plow, socondot b>' Mrn. Nourse, lie communucataionetflin. Thempsnnwvanrefenrial le the nami couaiti, vils tmtheSquitÏhat i. b. Dr. ogadoubted viietier thoup- son coultido de e ont. Ou motion t K>vj'Nourco, cemedea b> lin. PoT, lhe accouai t, fJames àniltteà on etreete-le b. neporteal on on Motion cf Mlin. Netie>', ecouad b>' Mr.- Manasu, eoacil adjoxtineal te Recad cf Sciç i 1 ratees. OuPCIAL MEETING. A. epouallmeeting cf lie 0Sehool Board vas bela et heTovuhali Tues- de>' evenlag. Present Mr. Ormiston, fin the caair]j e.M.Cmrâ U ro Judge Dextueil, anal Mens. Faewell, Dew, Samitht Powell,. anal Jarneson. TEE ASISTANT MASTEDi. Tite Buiignation of lin. Rbertnle, ii Modem Leagnegen -licter inilie, Colloinstl ltae, vanrecnived and - toepled. demmittie ou Scicol lieu- agement iaîiruoled tlie thle necees- et>' nlepi-.te11il h. vacanci. CcOmmunma*ionafroa Mn, Phlipn, itad be oîn ciet h ie beadalfanlersbp et Elora Higli Smhcl, anal "oiennugie roidguation. ý;Tiiï Scicol -lianagement ComuiüiWdrOd a-to iscommenti au adyaae ia Mr. Phio caa>-nlif nos accepteal viliu neveu da>'s. te id- vortise for a ialhemaica imaMuter' ai $800 pet an. 1 On itieremomCmend ofic cf tiiï. s taee li nicnéooln analo - tueir ruepofnte iI'lie'hedaiéhdi bangoff-ovIo tomefiettlolie tear i dlpittâaoL. l oard ionold- ij1 d te clonîe-isnoboite th.indinin- v' mer-,seSidape ou Fnida>' nlght-a veek -'Né deilnulacion vwu'-reporiti"11rt petig icpac tcf'h.edalditionel, ioc ot. ard adjouneal. -- he am u fea Tin ws ay $ n--T e 'pove ut-ie ;&'l- -keep 7p the pkc t balCaapdenme 'b Ut !th is hC lefoea oi er. or o #7 ',000 FORTE DELIBE»D lT.-' a granddevryfaftagfcme Attemptu hasve ben mdbers hblio»,' but thiac app.d them ail. The. hamuet- lngxmachineà dellVered ber. lent Satar- wo',vre manafactured by "Tiie Jo.- -iilalcnuteuting Compa.n>', of _ Oubavas," anal .upplied throngh their Ilcndbit Aqencya, lb e local agente la thie oa1tbigUMeuru. Waller & Tribe. Tii. fermeru ,met, ai lbe Air Lini station anl heiopéal eah other ta lad ,tbeir maebinen. Whon ail vire rsady ltbé>' dreve lu p rocenuion- lthliii. place -for ahner, boedab>'thse Sprinigford Baud vhich enlivenea the. occasion vilk »qme ver> ali ce lecolu. When tuei teamu vire tairly atarteal the. ro- ceilsion reached about haif a mile. Tii. machine. deliverual ropresenteal over neveu thonsanal dollar. lien> vire lthe vouders made au ýto hov sa man>' machine. coulal bave beon nold, b>' the Hall Company. Il coula not b. on account cf comiug na far (froin Oshawa) or boceune lie>' vire chese in prie. than auy other. We have enquireal of saine of thos farmern who teck pa.rt ia tues "Cham- pion" deliver>', and framx thon. uning "Champion" machines for the -leut neveu yearn. asud in ever>' cane lhe re- ply van. ve oaa get cheaper machine., and one made nearer borne, but eu- not gel inythiug no nimple and durable. There must-nnrely be ncmething la thin reply viien ve take iuto conideratica. liat thie "Chaempion" trade le dons la lie face cf neven 1locJal ops locatea vitbla huirt>' miles cf nu. If Moquen. Wallor & Tribe, ths agente nie lb. menun of providing oui farmerau vus lis bent reapern anal moveru in tales markiet wvs vluh hem necenaanal mann>'happy return of "Chathpion" daliverien. 113 A Patsl Stejn. ]BUILOnIOW EEffCIE» nv TEE WI»ND I 1'EOPLE KiLL» IN OIT*JO AND A beavy Wlud anal thunderntcri vinitea onhava on Tueiday efNmoon tant, but no damiage vau doue in lis violait>'. Il van thought a> ths lime utal'h uc toru vanmore nover. <r"or oaci and North, v-,bleb provea te, b. lite cane-At Mnlltna ahe. Out>' cf Durhama Il ragoal la i furloun m-a- uer, neyerai pneonboiug kulleal. On tii. firit cncmssion cf Civan -:R. ,011. meure hbougeni anbarn -vire blova clown. 1fr.Ditle uevatalyit> njnred, James, Armitrougns bonne sud bain vere blowva dovu, B. Stewart'. bonne euad beru" vire vreckod, sud Mrn. 'Stevart vas- aie,atally injured. A numbor of othuri vers injured more or At Manille, lMr. Neil MoDougal van eenletiug et a barn raiing at Mr. Wm. main', about eue mile frota Souye. The storta truoli lbe building bloviug the. timber. la ovni>' direction, a rafter elrlkiug Mr. MéDongall killiag hlm ai- meel insteuti>'. At Treutthe elghlnng itruck a hbou. occupieal by G. T. Hugiien. Tearlag off'tb, ubingiqi on 'hie roof, il pruceda dviithé.chimnoy, -ana, .tisa oa: he nétlveplpê ýanal, cul o :f' the utove in a rooza in lie lover part cf liee boute, lastenti>' kliug a dok lying iii. a ide lte steve. Panunadir the. car- pet e short distance Il came up, teaulng the. ones off lins. Sprnng'c fest, silgit- - 1>' ;burnluag thenu andl hhnovuag -her racriié be "rpecta li.Huh s a a6isel te rôoombutincapealnhat Thoîauid lieu panse _ lut, en - do' nntting iaagnri>. mad>ïiteecoape iiatoa aback -kiheboan, earth. -An blia ns,î.Hugbei ns ie ranig ver. ui. lees te lhiitove The toru ane lnteal Welland, viiere the Ibander andl lightehing výers, hoavy, adalouiiueil b>" a, beavy znia anal haill, analtheiùd rosealuta bhunricane. H»iltoËe ilarge pnval barn befongngtolKr,, oBe Pur- PRE.SIDENT 'GAReIBLiD.SHOT 1 AKOTEER WASHINGTON TBAGEDY i TEE AfflsON-i'ULL PAETICULAR Saiday moruiag Prenideut Garda socmpinued b>' neverai. memlburs othin cab lait e il.WhiteiRoHenith h l 0bjiet fiakaag lb, trein tô joanIha laznlly ah Làong Prnb. He valked lietc the station m-! v- ils necei. lai>' of naieleine le purchae a tick- et, andl vithoat a Word et var nlg van ihot Ivice in itbarearb>' & aucaamual Charin J. Guittea- a diuappointed oflioe-nesher anal a stalwart repubiian. Tiei. reaident foU - upon xeiviag .lie nsecoud ballet. Ris auna*insoughiteto escape, buttvan immedlatel>' aptarsal sud removeal te gai, One etfithe bal- let. enterid thi.shouldsr anal lie olier la Lii. neigubonhocalf et iskidusys. Tii. president van noon altervard. re- mevea te thae white hone,.viiere he receiveal tie unremitting attention cf lihe bent physiciensinlathe. oit>'. Dotail- ed seconinte et tbe danlrdi>' erime, vbici oel. forth ulvennal ezeeretien, are given bîiov. Tho Washington correspondent ot lthi New Yenk EvaiagPeut onaju lia thse firnt bail aimedal e i prenideul entened immediael>' above the kiduesn on te lett"side The prinideut van stunnoal anal turnealabout, vhsu lte viliain miel a nemoual lina, the ballet, strlking lanlthe front cf th. shoulder andl peslg ont beneatb lhe uhouldin- biade. Thone vho ntood immodiatel>' eround tjae amnas" n nd thse preident sayr liaI tie man nicuteal lu a trag'0 toue, 11 ai à stalvat ; itl bcd tbb. doue ; Arthur viii nov ibc premideni." lin. Ponon, ex-muet of lhe secret nerv- ice, van standing usai anal runhed te. yard the assassin an hi van about te raine bic pintai, viihure ohimbero nuil loeded, te shoot Plaine Il hs thougitt. He lirotlled bhlm anal tirew ,bim on tise gnound. -Guitleau van ixnmeiately overpevereal b> 'liemad- dened nlobTsepoic hn iedhl effe asgriat tIMed- letheigiblt~iÏov Mit hlm £rom beiag. moba. Tfe mneyeu teambilthelieti immedialel>', uana a excitial anal angry crovailâlntbntaeca- lfloveal frem every snhret leing tai the depot, anald woulal certill>. have: hangea the assamnin te a laip.poet If lthi police had not beon active ina lieu movemente. The pronident menvwbile naak ta hl cc, sanal nog handi car- riat hlm immediatel>' le au a-pper offie rocm. A-aaahrau van oblainsal fom lie Pullman sleepng car' mou, upen vhiôb b. van laid,- bleeding, profanel>'. Deecia v er# nummousal tlehon. andtelgrah..Dr. Plias,7 ' f a. pear4. heàscon toloveda se ci lie môsoeneunh phynllanc lanlthi City- . Bi.Diia s s a iii a, -iv'.ea nef. ve-unal." Alter iho vatchial lieh piqnident a 1ev moments, h. inia, vlih gneai ticughttulnenn. ll etosne.- seifl>' amortel vcaak." EScon afher Col. lichent Ingerudil vae aamitted. Tise prenident stretoheal eut hie handl, anal la a voice,net treug nafl, I"Iam. glati yen ha ve -cornep, gercol î@aid, "'Are jeuo in pean?" The prenident enavoreal.III feel a prichi>' nensation lau'feeu." 'lou, of the.phyniolana nial,"Prickly nensaticu lu nt a got nympicu; il migit ladicale thaithle s mal cord hati bora teucical. The o~ulder vounal u- et'dangeirous." The cal>' fear lefnom lte.wonnd, oo tis kidneyn. Ii,'hasnont ye t bien ai containoal Wvier or neôt tàebailpan- Éïd linrougit he body, directti>'. or wb tlur l.struoli tho verteb.aoi anal gianeti arounda-l leisntestinen_ Upon that Il luprobable hhah i lfo i ontelde le iadt ngornoll mny8Ibï pnudawas cliii in hic mind, but .e #t I dazeal. Hi. 'bendi vire oold. Telegriapiil, omnmution vas un- coedzately ndmai vlling Brnna mil bulein naIt <beover>'miaute. A1ott10.80 e.m. the phynlehen. deelal. edbo rumovelthe pnesdnilt telh ite 'better te nemove hlm vMi iutinagli voulti permit. - The pintai lu the. ue.-i esein'. had, i a amurdireuioklng fiv.-âhmmbered 5ev'- nar>' revolver,, 44 calibre. t mse helialaresi a ntznlret baleThe 1 balla rom-in il we&re dosignoti for self-de fence, on, à& noee 15m,. foi- Maine. Tbue*w bp. etoôtinoar-sayenlieat/ti. da &more.- meuh vheuiastrioken.down fait toiioti heOa f hi. exichtace 6111 iumoralug. Tié fcllovlag letter van founa on lis street stenliaer- Guitiea'.anat Ibe envéoe niaelanal addro "Plase dliven ah oee <c 0 Shorman oet hic amný tint la ver dopatntuu " Te ýGeneral Sherma Ibaelut shol, t heprüialst. III-é thlm svera time, aulvusadhim togoseneasal>' an ponil, 'I e aci vaWa",& le necessil>. Ia a lawyor, 0heoogi« ana politicien. I amn a ntlvait oft Ib etalvarhu. I vae vils Grant anal lb. renhrof oui mua la Nov Yonk duriug lie, cavais. I am geiag te Jan ; pleace eider eut ycui hroopu analtaîm._ pomsessionuoet1h. jeu eat once. Shterman gave lhe letten lis flliov- lag enaloisement. "Titis letten van ianaliame iei minute b>' Major W. J. Twinlug, U.s. engineero, couminnionner fthle dintrlol cf Columbia, anA, Major Win. G. Brook, cief cf lis police. I don't knov lie vrilei, and nover beanrd cf er aav bita- ta au>'knowledgs." - MgS EEORD I UtCICAGO. InCicago, Chaerlen J. Guatecau-c quireal unsaviable neputaticu. RnevW" aI oeetimeomuthe. politcf muarrag vils an estimable yonug lady, but hlà character becanie kuovn us n t ime to preveut nucise celamlt>' totseled>' nnd ler family. -Quitteau âlotI ev immealatel>' aller tis ton soe mmoulin. Re seemeti te have ne visible menne et nup port. Re preactea or leotureti on re 'eus anal oialsubete, apen vhuch ihgvanau enlhiaat. He sut- etiu a elavyer, but failoa uttiri>', ana tien tria tà hi-aimef ila.netoee> b>' l.ctariug -ou-religion oui eveclg eaci veek. Allen iling -a alecluier ho ebegae .aie atramp- of the more respectabe chanceler, anal va braudeal b>' lis. itel-keepers' asooatlou an a da. Reto-&W or d40 jeas ad, _anal hic viole appearance is lt" ef e dandifiet i-onf imall montl a nDri. Ho vaununalUy fonal et atoriet>', aa votlalgoanj leugh te got bic namo la lhi apeni. Re van urenlealhur acnme for eubeanlemna. Hoevanua'- ïÏdd nwak-minded, anA ah oee e-m vua etatie an impereasee, anal. delive'idoM aihi Meth6dint chur& ona lta eumbJeci., ýPafllg ho pa>' th. Trimai feu ite edveilnima, liai papsu viol. hlm, np an a àbaud, &andi van nanti b>'hlm for libol,-buu lis suit neyer é1ame <cicune. RHi vicIe 'a pam- phlet ca tie Second Comlug -cfOhet vhloh vau publisheal- Un a etiriel>. Veiy HutlesnoclflykIOnvof ube man,! anal chatï;11 afvonst ve> v>. UccasicàU.ell W"vansiuh vWio4'drmused anal vils a bick ga-aise a iroftilua- nias aboni hlm lta vas ealculatud le inspire moaïdlmue. A$ thir-intenvald hic voulal b. tonna in-a depléiable etale of niabi> geniit>'t, haanimng tasben saloons andl holding ft ontoueIbphil. cnopisy-o t linge ilageneral. n.ex.i hlbited ne ,tanagiblu nsymptôen f la. - nanit>', but'vn taiiimne eeva ecceutrie, nervoue anti excitable indi- viduel. lmporta4t te Furues, etc.- If jeu voulal kip joui bIne, cahtin isoga, herses. seep anAl po uit u hi emo prt.- Harvfl' Canitimn PwdeS cclouaflymi% titi weuazW cf the bain yxi- e Il!à Sela overjvis.rs. Fan ScLn2eiy io'Fanr»fr psaote - tvwontlake, long.

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