Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1881, p. 3

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- a -U- - LOOK ouit for. us, we ar no throwil i ~itam I PA'*LGAINS FOR THIS UY!ONTH'll Se thft speciial lot of Figured and spot-muslins at 121 cents pe'r yard; ailso hue Prints for 8 an 0onsayr;tgod brown Rolland at 10o a yard; a good Toweling at 5o a fard; Towels Se e aoh ;*a rouigood piece of Table Linen at 25, 27 and 80 cents a yard. A 'white floneyoomb Quilt for $1; Lace Ourtains by the pair or yaxd 1ut very low prices. To clear ont- ouri "0ttôo Hosiery, we wiil sefl them at redueed pr»ês, commeneing- with Ladies' White Cotton Rose 4 pair for 25e. See our Kid Gloves in al colora at 50e per p irally good value. Dress goodé worth 80o offering at 20o. A pletty CarriageRug- o()iree ~gents'. Merinoý Shirt, 30e; Genhs' working Shirt, 50c; Gents' Sox, 8 pair for 240. Gents' Braces from 20e ; a good Cotton Shirting offered at 121c a yard. TWEEDS!1 TWEEDS !-See that boys' Tweed at 40, 45 and 65 cents-very cheap. If you want good value and square dealing, go to c - :19' No. 1, DEVERELL'8 BLOCK. ST EWA-&I?.,T - "THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE OLOTHINO HOUSE." The Reason Why Six. reasons why buyers of' Dry Goods, do'better in making their purohases _ _ _-_-----T-- - - BRtiCE'S NOTED CASH -STOREI ODD FELLOWS' HALL, than at any other house. lst.---The goods are sold for cash only, so that the -cash fpayila customer saves the extra amount to be oharged for bad dlebts which s8th case where part cash and part credit is donc. 2uid.---The goodlo are ail marked in plain -figures and sold only at the prico marked, thus giving every one au assurance that they are quoted the lowest possible selling price. 3rd.--1?here is no accumulation of old goods, as the pur- choses are mnade with the greatest care, and sliould any mnaterial net be readily -sold, it is iimnodiately reduced so low ini price that a sppedy sale is effected. The stock is ini consequence always freslî and desirable. 4th.-.-The stock is being replenished every day, and every' novelty for wliich there wilI ho a proba~ble deînind is shown earlier by him than othor dealers. 5th,--Every customer is treated fairly and lte utmost en- deavour made te satisfy their requiroments. 6th.--His ever extending business enableshim to do better eaeh auooeeding month, thus making the ptesent the best opportunity for buying the best and most fashionable goods very cheap. V'our interests demand au early visit lar establishment. Bulenle Arica Salve. Th Tiisravm Anthe vonld forCuts., DruaS ore.,Ulnee SBalRIeunt Ferer Bores ,teer Ohoppeà Roda, Chihblins, aud ea l kindaof skian raptiona. Thi a a uguaraateed te gi. e t oct satisaction n every cma or money r.fund. ed. PrlceM conte per Box. Fer@ide by T. 0. WbilteId, bty Former aond Mechanica. If yon viii to 4vold greit deýcger and trouble, besldaieueno mallhbuil ofexpena.. at thua son o f lb.yeau yen ebouniStake rmts ksep oseae frotéyour bl.dUrlBed, stomaci ana bevels regalai ed,sn proveul Scure diaeaaes alng front Sprg malonl, W. knov of nothîng thalwI00rfectl sud sneydo thlasu BlecrioBlt*tloaodet1he, t Auig cosi of ftty conte a bottl.-Sold by W. R. Howae. Pree cfCo. Ail porsona wlhlug b test th. menitIecf a gréiot ruem 'f-M t h" vi!Podtiîoly brenchilla, or mgay gifflilon of iLeu" and lung- mee iw t d te eta W. B. =oss &" tr oigMs atrialbottie cf Dr. Rngs Bey wDlstovery for oonaumptlon, freof cf os wbiflcviisow you Wv"a resuiaolar lise boit u ildo. of Dr. AÀ 0L. nu a ieek 4 0nau Physetai utS As aekaoi4ues « tcn trouble t o*f Yotl" u5 Idaeiib.tae .1tb" leavtýngibepritn asiseu t oonditon. Itleucian ua llu ud cne, but hastoodt lb. la.lofll ra, gWln satisacotion u etry as,1vbAb ie spdY" ucreaang maie orryssooudnsTo mmion b*Ie âl*sàlàa'y. lBoea, of medielues oV AtAlpm e Jtoly lia.o duce& . DuiObeferWon= ' 9#np vWu tu- trodued n lbe Tute4Statux19U a-N8seu As nov si u-vy euauivile. civllztedwork M " iseSauii rell «nY oSdASBV Ch. Pri eÙ mio. Dam. A Ofot chicago Enthrprise. Th. Laboratory for the manufacture cf Electnie Biersei laiof bAmsgo graoit entorprises, ghvAog epyuu l a nunibmn cf bande. The. ateuil soo a reody otaned for Iis voudanul n.m.4 iA stonldalg. Wboerver -onbe Ibincduced anS boes k In, la abnoci iaposbleý te supply 11w ýdanmn, boe4nse tufh*. true nert-.-unng viiore Il othera fiA- sud al s ressemble prie@ (1w one. BRc. to this justly popu- ROBERT H. BRYCEsi 9ý»Notices of.Birtho, Mamrageo, and Deati u >&rged 50 cents each. DBÂTHS. MoLIBENi-,& ber mother'a -rosi- deoe, 87 Oule sreetToronto, 8"k, urday, 2nd Jul ,1881,'Tea,-daugbtèr of lb. lotI. E.erb McLaren, aged 19 DEHÂRUT.-Ât thé, -résidence of 1Mr. Waltn er iregpor. lot No. 88, 2id to~n WIditbyo,,ou tii, 294h'lust. Jobu H. Debuýage84 75 yParail1' onthianmd 2 day.. ...Wea.... ....... il *$20 spnngWha......15 0 O 2 Bale..........000 r@ 000 PloU,pcrc"........975 *800 laye.......... ..000w 000 POU....:::............00 0 Blee...........0004 0 .................C8 O00 B.......... $8500pic 800, aS7000 4Ple.~rba.........0000 où ( h ~ s . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1-g o 0 0 Soic.................... ieoluO05 Sheaifta..............0700 Lssblndusi.........125 000 forefluantei'...100 O000 Bies, oub........' 07 -008, Ponliper ............ 7000 780 TurnPp ..............0 08 O 10. -Celary, prde....o....080 O00 <hiokena, p.nisi f. *00 * '80 Turkoyit, pourl. ....05 @'c1$ 'Wdo, unah6E..b....e8' 0 CD -J lef by thecaaa 007 O0 008 ea m tte, 6 ; hheu.I..-0 10 9000 "aon, FarmWOu....010 a 012 Hanta, " . 0120000 *Bhab, perbuneIs. ;ýýo000 00000 Aopaagua, Il d . 00 tà 000 shalota, di "..4..0 W0,O0,00 EsSies, Il I . 010 0,e 0001 PanaulpaIl'"Il...010 (9000 cabbâga, pou bOaS........ O08 O 0D0 * A CA iD 'tO aU wviresusfeslng tmm the rronl JU aS indiscollons 'cf'yonth, uqrvcuè akuoossoy dscayj, locf mubood, &0. NEW »ETS~NS MORTGAGE SALE TOWN 'PROPERTY AND MACHINE Si~OPs. TOWN:of SA4 U NDIA by viclue oi the pow.ref maode by ti.1487 4U.C S I&G COMfP*HVluie Vd't e vle vil! b. produced ai ithelindmf o4l,'eni An rnt of thé, moneys eecuwed by ýWbAeh for So by PublieAmoIAOn.ai sbtToronto, 0ou ,igTURDAY ft b d Day aýfJ.rru, AT TWELVE O'eLOCX, lMON, Tue felovlnig parasel fIma -Ton Lots Nurnbora 81, g5, K 86, 87B? 88, 8SA 54 $nS 55,West of entre ,on rge4 nepan et Tovçi »4i laid out cm paris.ooreof-ieNumbèr %Eiaen, ithe usai ceulceon uofet .Townabp eti'Wbilby, 9ig.ou Manufactuing Cooeau, snis 1u0 cf tachine srop.,eu 1 wl Anas, stables,.Eic.,&o., al u gomdj*p*üil $08u ond«includlngm alu t ures tman" lTB e5-Tnpélr ori. atili-tu i ;al balance vAt ltersee ighl sud.a %P« pou nt. pr amnunm, fron the .4..Ute balb-,vithinDOrdays thratn. Forn tnba hl® M1h wi4, 1581. m-t Mosu. BRTHUNE MOS GOAL! CO-AL!GOAL!1 nuffl mmig k 8É.. ei.t 1 ifaes mal -1___________ -E M.W3Q A A T Duplicate orpders "RJCE-"S i, or- (JCarpets»,, PrisDes od, bitngCtonan Milery ta hand. 1500 YARDS -OF NEW CARPETS, in 1mp nin Kdernmiinster, Tap ansd J3orderingsà-aIl new patterns, 2 CASES 0F PRINTS,-',t Wholesùle, prices Cttnand Sftnsa atr rcs D-RESS GOODSý astonishingly cheap. MILNRY 3t reat- reducton.i DIRESS and Mantle-. makiug TAILORING to order at prices that detfy. competition. A large stock df'Tweed Suitings and Coad4nti JA We ful have p)krcha8ed au unusuaUy large stock ofTBAS «n, e. L4RS, before,-tIe advanee m iil8~ UJ.JLJ.. ------acsarnf flaneral1 (rocerùle Wb-itby, Junie l6th, 1881. NEW ADVERTI8EXENT8 FARMý FOR SALE!1 T IIAt D]38MUBEFII South hall et Lot No. t, 5 con. of àtue '1own- steredandn c.d omine dwelbnqg honl,,good barn, &W. Teri 6-mY. Apply to JÂMES HOLDEN. EsQ. 20in29 WliLtby. HUP~à ,ri= Or ALL OMS uBiiiiB *IO0O U CaLce WIU be flrI cm tbey vuf mot.m for.o fr ÇHÀNCERY SALE -OF TRE- "KRENT lMILLS,"Y BROOKLIN., P)URSUÂNT TO THE DEORB AND fi7naorerfor sais mode b7 1the.ouut ofCmcyizOnta4ot 1 m at etO4NJ vs. FRANCIS, thore villb. aold by pub- lic auction, wvlhthe approbatin S eog H.L Dartnail, Baquire. e A, Ru8 O~L In the Town of Wbhtby, lby'; Mr. lv F*Abanis, ÂUmtoe«eno TLIESDA Y, tihe l9th Day of JuIy, 1841, fl rpry: eQgpnof lot iNo. % la the. Strhoàon slout ti.Tovnship of WbIitby, in the county of Ontario. Vpouhthessldpeel are a trame fleu andoast- oai a1 ou t, by 80 l.et, tvo ani a hali toe ;àivtl.unoe.. .auyabn huztery hre areth,"e tan cf sioe dri*en iio- lee!tubine-*&ar l .oe ut 96à luches, t»A the other obout 20 inches.. tuoaa fume store- houa. about 10 f eet by 50 béel. A, bdié drvni Mift fo« u l.ibouseboi NEW IADVERTIS-EMENýTSS 0F.T HE CHOICeSTKIID, À.RibIVINWG DÂI. A,, DIRECT FBM HIS OAKVILLE ýGARDEDlR. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. SThe Trade supplied at eoronto prices. Special ii- rangement made with private. -faiis where quantities are used dlafly, and- delivered immediately on arrivai of Train. Wub7China TeaStre TO THE FAÀ RME RS'FOf-IF E D0 MItNIO"N!1 If you If you If. yen If. you If, you If yen If yenL If yen Ilf you- OLD want ' want waut waîï , want, w&nt the, Best. 8ELJF-DUMPING HREBH the Begt GRAIN CHOPPEB- the Bet the Best PLOWS for all kindas of I& at odrcs CORNER.,BROCK AND DAS SREE T~mIq q ~XO~Â1-G7 1~8. NEW DYEIrISMENTS~.CHANCER - ALE ME6H14fiLsSRGUIETTAT PROPEflY, - et A 'Township ofROly TU EGUlwETTEmay now b. caSaiel>1ebratedbiughlàmeut. lu ton. e', '.,-e&iatld it 14 akbilo lb. Oabintql0ian, bat-thle. orpga' suBIb. mauipuab' au -rfi". O. O àr té itw iü i f th orguietia s'B«aeb ,tIé -ab. torel yécl lca~ tila a tlonla stldulDg expolue it eaubernmade b. farubsh om uli kitod " ymf.way TEOEGUIMEElid.d usclWonder. Itu sa miniAture r.O8a orgn, uh slougmd ~.Idio. t h e Cablnel airié". ur ýë. -UTh (laI k P10Ijutihgv.aan taàto nw ico t uA aio. I a l y.i~Imiutui; l te, i21ImIa H~ARDW ~I4 I -00- RELIBLEWHITBY' Wbêrey aid ea YOu WIty ueA ALguai v lower lnt. sS - .~-m.e tu'v nmyimita expetlng tI "4!leue 8 mmmàmmmmmo$ 1 &A J6,Li*.ýWA domo 1,44-4ffli iý ' -lien Ot)VUM6 -1 'Y

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