- i1#'?- t.ft i N--. -t. -n laesaId that a plae besn fônd for sir Henry bqtyMd udthel, hongh ho refusai!a oaiAma 46ort Washlngtof, ha vilinot ojeol ta go sas OovaP0P*~~l 1 Qaada wlh 410. 000 à year, vhea ù or4 4 1q -ià ç home to he lsPnnoisünà 4id uod à mëi. Sir Henrly Layar4 4à ,, tI muat b.omui, ahovlt lDo empaoty ttgovoruunt, ma hlm arblttlTY Uln4 woild suin to be out af p lace 1in tiel Jion of Canada vwhich lea60 eauly fel t4with au? st. teps on the pars ai the Goysrar.eu. oral Wtoltrfore Ivill its -PrQ»r fret. dom. But If -ho i i i hav a a Ice ho Muet have a pla., an lCOaada he ha a colony in vhloh aM preaet tlirt le no hadow of 0Ioly 0 tust anisas hoe croatea a dispute f or itimaelf ho should h blI.ta ge% theougit hie tenin comfortably. Tihe Opposition tin411e Victoria, Aus- tralia Parliament, bas aucooasded in fonmin a bptry, wlth Sir Bryan O'Loghiuase. 1-remter. Lord Saliabm7y'mspeech on teauae Soties, on Tionaday, im negarded sasin- tsnded to raeute i.roiprooity flag, A meeting of the Emperana iofrin. anj. anS Avstia vil l ake place' et Ssburg in1the Middle af Auguat. Blandean, vho kiIled a Minguoslf. defence smre veeaegaocon the. (atin-, eau, bais ben fonS gulty ai mom. elaughter. Thé Albany affale ia loua likely titan ovon ta resuit in eanelaclin by te pres- eut Législature. Au adjourutuent nov seomu probable.- Ayoob Khtan sud ltae Amoer ai Ab. durrahain. are trsparing for a confliie, tse former having bit Horst vith a considéable force. Tb@ roaS (ram Bitamo, lu Burnait, te China, vhlch ira been closesi for twsuty yeer, sa once mors open fot traite. France la preparod ta entertala te Spa" liclaim for basa lu Oran il han avu bosses la tht civil vans af 1872 opd 1876 are settied. Itlal reporteà te vteat crap in France cannatI excoed téaverage, sud oxsy ha sightby urler il. Tire heet erop cannae exceed teavernage. At Et. LUis tera livoaa lusatic vIto liai sent yard te Socrstary Blabina thalt hoe vilI kilîLl osteu himmf if te attait an tflo President la mot aveugsd by tire law. Thto Ruulen Minlater ai War propos. eeos aatotn Million roubles In dîscon1- iinqilngUir et f otllostion on th. Aintslan atSGrmnan frontiers. France and tht Port. hava mcdo up tiaî ifronoas about tht Tripoli ai. fair. Thte Arab réelolion la, itowveor, more and more tormndals, and May yel give, tse Froncht considerable trouble. Trac GÂrraLax Fru.-Tlieasubscnlp. toua, up la Monday lu <ho Garfiold fnd amounlod ta #122.7715, or nscnby ans heu <tho amonnt il la praposed lu rais.. Iu caumeqoance oaihelit tîernoca nov nova.ilng belvecu tse Freuch sud te Italians, the Pope has poalponed twa French pilgrimages ta Bôme vitici voro la have taken place In Augut and Sepitmher. i St Jcum.-T-lrcNev Yark Herarld corropondent in London telegrapha ltaI SrJohni Maconald la mach le. provod tinii.slth, asiS i il .hontly -pays viilta lte ecamp at Wimbledon. Ha viJ, amabu ren ttuleULrd Ma1oet banquet tethemoalalnepreultleas. Mr. Bradiaugir bas doided upon »maUaghis attempit tek. bIe st in the RHanse i coimn on aou Agoal rt andS144 thst ebjaeo lu vlew lausclleSl apon he supportera te masS -la Tratel- go,squ» neiiéstbiaday, snd eoorti hlm te tii Houte ea la Lord George1 Gordon. A Sepatch (nom Madrid aeys te Spanlit Govornient te rcbnforcing ltm Lanrlaaz>s and stations oun1the coamt cf AUrCtiAce PRnemzrir.-Tito Amen.- usa people, sdnce th*eadoption cf the 'Constitution, have ehasan elgitteen di.- Trecilpensons ta te Prtsid.ney, ai vbOM Ism.s A. GarfiSlu lb.th lest. The eltempt ai assassilution has -beu umde opon tus lires oi tlnee of ltaes. ptri osa. The iraS attempi 'all on tha lile Of Pesident JaciCmon, an lthe 50th af January, 188U, and If tha ital's csP -a Do nt mWaed ire hm o Ul4 bavebesu abat and prôba'bly killedS on lte spot. A. utile morseIlian sixteen yeara ago, oný the 14lh cf Apil. 1886tire lamenteS Lincon 1.1 a vitimto tahie uaaa huilet- sud dueS tht rdoit- 'day. ,Ou 8&îurday, Job y OnS, 1881, Pitaident GafilelS aus abt, vithth1e inteuSta kill him. Titese ausasalnationa, se. complialied or ttemnpled, are lal ita rate af ont lu sVary gix Panas chassa la tht 'esuldeiroy by tha pople. Hon. mra. Blaire, UlolosI Movet and Hardy art 'th Sadr@eea, meeting Of th1e IBeformer ai W'est Yank an thre SSpd cfSeptember. The 8usmsbl1 F'aradlay arriveS ltu MdOnean aSaon_*e h heEDUîai toao4:J a F7 V abw, taS th$» iu r i1st le4 ta .it Cana, dige «4; $*wà m 1 abo"t =$ta1.ao be.lapebtet eau ou, A. large %km reU$enSa ai ,bspe., sapa 1 Oin ris nia baiIgneS titon witb thre Via 4Iu4o wbym lug~e numtben o et iwta#o vto givé oe 9cu Sto teisMana 0ett a( th #sS.oo u an tsu lsr fromon e le Su ratêasi v ondle aud-pmaleuad rroi b ir arnm. ber vha vrere &Il, 1e intretd' >-eong parie repaulilefor lb.*Stater itis pucîied. -T'ret seenista fraye beu à a deiroal thiough4 ueenqolry 10 pase 1h.ewpr ovr as, lte oisibiot and té croe . te de é-beore -'46ô mros g4 ase -i ?ln ut Sagalast tbosolmplieated. Tht relative# ai th* vitme anf She peope of tir# ciSy cry auS for ju. lop4 im 1.61l U«gly th&~ si tir.ooerqueanSdbis.jtry bave taiO# ilue oumaaue1%OMI ïo tirai tire nat oold b. aly lniteilgo$.4 wtopw jdstoapi S 4tt I.~. - Kzýid mwto.betwa ta unSes lmpnfaonniirmore anSdnmort, RHo bas bcameStepndent longs te relais te Zûlaltird, 4 tnsistu emphat. ieeby tua Zultdulaasbis. nezlend. ad etoltnt boso iasboîts e, 9 wa~ut YlItula4.0f %ht absolq4 naoesltyfor nenrai zone 'tae parate tBse enittZQins h.ovite Dot admit a, doubi, and if tht whole oounnry aboutiS b. esSortS ta thtelBoers, thons muet,, ore long, ho maya bc war. Botra and Zuins aide by aIie render poeo impossible.' HonmmuxaCAsa orPenAdv AIr!> Km. Noà x'Nu.-Âdvoea fnom China gay that a ingulas eecf piracy -bias been SiseovertS lu FrenchhCohin China. A. native.- vemmel dnîvon sahoro vas seaîoched for contrahand opium, anS, conoalod, lu the itold, vers foond about fifty female children whoni inves- tigation proveS te h. intsndsd for sale. Thte golden ago--tho prenent witen Ester- brook' popular Steel Peu. are within the neaceatcil.The stationere eau aupply them. Wholesale hy Alto leaSing Toronto statianors. Oppression aofte Cheat. Tht. dangeroua anS Sintrea±g affection meâ' arise froin colS, sedentary habite or variona other causes. Whatever its source, il dtsappears kt once before Dr. L. R. lier- rlck'sSugar-ooathd Vegetable Pisletihic aepaway aIl internai aliment.. Try Z.e1. They are solS everyvhors. For Dysepsis-Tsaeune teauponfunl ni Penny Davis' Pain Killun in augar anS vater uenmedlately atter each meal. Let yonr iet b. nourlshlug, bot takou at regular lu- tervaîs betng careful nt la overload ho stomet 51auy tirne, non te est 100 soon aller severe exorcise. Il isn longer an tIiedreant or haasîlng te affilrm lirat Fellovu Hypaphosphttes vterein are uniteS nature as neaW@ astng menan aumake hlm lis, nezoS endurable, but sparkling ivt<h rude and joy. ou@ hsit:,titis tho e sresoamund whett vllality -te on tsevane, or viton te organ- lent becomma cntoeblsd. Oppression, cter Eating. Many persans, aller aht ordinary mel, lae s a sof aiegltianS aitscomiort ta the 9eglof ntlie stomnact, te ure ign ai an tmporfet digestion, auS prababîy thes tare. ronner oiea settleSdyspeti.Notilg Wil reiee hi ppressIonlte .Perevian BSprup, b se timulus Il gives la <ha Sîgea- Liv Pavern. SolS hy aià Sruggtiss. Travellers &asudste abould alvaya b. provîded vît h Dr. Powlar'u lixtratci aill Ilîrswberny, the boat rczfiedy lunlire vorid ior euring anffeing broogitt on front ealing nonipe ou saur fruits, b.d miii, impure val. or, change ai vater sud climate. The great remedy for ail sommer complainte. Thira.dm ni ounr 1111e onos ams but an. nuuaiy rpâà oholara, tastuin, di=ertoa itirS 18e mmer complainte, %virsà liv.. miglit be praterved by thre llnely use of Dr. FPor~s Extnset ut WiId Stra4m, lbe grelet and meut relilble sp c kuowi or ail sommer alments. For ale ekt Il Dru g Stoes. Sce. advertismeut in anuter enlumix. Thousanda i chlîdren ara lit aunu&uay tram choiera, intantuin, dlarthoea, and-lte ommer complainte virose lives mt&ht b. preerved by uiug kztract ofWWlid Strsw- berr, Phyalcisus recomnuend sud use il constanlly. Il la a rondy vl l nowu, end more htghly valuei lb.h longer knovo. Il ia tan aale ai al drug stores, sud l i it: tu rmeh aitvery one. Seo advartisenuent in anuter coiutu. The renxtdy titet hes hed lhe mosl rc- snarkale succesa lin tie cura ai dlarrhoea dysentery choiera, morbus, anS, IndeeS, every iluA afisommer campîaixt, brougbtî onu by enttng impnuler food,ue au ras' vegetables, unipa or saur fruite, baS milk, i imprure mater, cýta.-tire rooy taIte iâte pnt pleuant, ra, reltablo, anS ffectual, te Dr. Povlen'sILlxtraci of WilS Strswlmerny. Tit te tire fine"lremedy ton annimer ceznt- plaints ltnovn. Pur sale by m&i Sasienu Tire mot ploaumt raptS, rslltaito anS effectui emedy-yutL Ssovered for daun- teny. iarritisa, cholea morqos, choIera, F amatuan, bagrSU a smmer cOxPMt.F W é s xrc 1w l int a , la1 ia uneurpassd as a reilabîseeld6ii it aiove lsaesaia i e knaMu as agest rm iaagnanSdla mue.nuiluy van tire ~ ~ ~ ý logrI amyTaeea l our. lis dwuld cenrysumep1y u1trrhvr sea. For asie by a;l4 M erasa ein les By <haelitely uae ci1tsé Extracoi ai 1 Sitriterry, peu mal avent aIL iagreeebla siptmer complaintes, diennltoee dysentery phole r nnus, ste,, nothlnglà sso pleaaat tu île cure, 4o rspld, relahie. anS afectoal ozDr. Powler,o lxtracofIaiWlS Stnavitsrry. AnS te vaiu. ai titis medteinaMau ansnti dota la uaur amacir, eolig, 0ommp.1se*. telcnu, vamiting, anSdallier irrilalloaoa the stontecitand bovela nincl ables. 1-l la ae asuesuad ébouadbe carned la lte havenascl ai s'eetrayelvlar ematou- In *the t liontittrci July unS gut tb bloSsirauld 1:4 ept pre ana 00L vit* oceasoonal do».ai Dr. C.ros ' Sxuae snd0hwutl*tirrbitters, a wrh aaf pI W.mi.ce wss'essien, - A lewbg amSu tu té «iii ay have"sISmorse ci De.Casn oaü sud eouistpallon Eitt luI tous mn"t thhazuy acher Modiclu t1I ven ld . It t leaë oery tt 1." obe Lvis evsa'dm a -'g b e - - On- W I "Ta sum t up, mix Io n ofraaibed.ib don stcelisa eotlng 5M,10per ear, ttal ç51,2 01aithias pes vas stOpalr vI#..- nirtes-on l10r ounh pyma-m» ine4 hoait tu* bo 0,As i and~ *vent 'vary o ktaionvinti r e Nous rowcele s: cli iruaft and nana e sa proandly patetosuanshowmet ma lagtera i .aonpà laRp it9 inus it nvsl y auhjoita. 0111118 an lever, ~ U' I InIetinodregtUut e $tunt orS exedisi ie biraea; is- n«s irt baik'-or kt&M»i p, Ilaltut.e baSlydrau~ Brsdl' AlopSIY ?he eataIvrlntir variA Iaorexut, lruimges -omma, - ien metat rlrasilever sarti, Ltter, oliappeA liands, oirl.LlInsg-~ cures pile. IXili eýý'hilto dvl'e 1tw tet satisactiaon o ay etoneSpni 90 cents put box.- - - - - - Ratb gel Rlchb Thé. gréât secti cbtcIn lob $115, la frtt,, pracijea aeoanamy, snd aiS ocaS 14- à Dae Scydr." l 'ueS lawcrry thé* 1 =6ot 01 me t t dsocor's bhlu bol nov 1ihave erul lir .1 ta1th &at teelune msi pçrltQPtbo$* I ~ ~ ~ ~ bM , -$O --biii !P tu4 F ThretImense s] aS t pua t Qima'.Luge Plye as am Pïiw ,i O-e t e te .t ouweseloma --t sny pertcolar lissse., Il they wor It be. ôoms labor;-ilheyvtlk, t_-y soontira; mntal efflabecome a buroan, asdeven maa iic laoa ae Ie lves. dnces nohsapresultz. Why) iTh* ffl- Mlet eitae a[> niseda tao bnuilt.up lhing. Lik. ta alatri carrant viit ut ca71rport ugotu, 4IlraMot np the en- J»sebl, brlugs thes colon ta the ehetir again, and hope ta lte Sespandei>t.Il damaeis vank pramplly and veli.- SolS by èll drug. giala. _ Buclon's Arica salve. The BzsT 511.13 ta tire yodrtanCte, Braises, Sorsu, UlerseWuSl t heum Fever Tit is, ale lagnaoteeC*ta give perfect satistaction lu eveny cms or mniy retond. eS. Prie 25 cents per Box. For sale by T. G. WhtOold, Whllby. Fermersand Mechanica. If you wteh lu avalS great danger anS trouble, beidfî a nu mmciibill ot axpense, aI tbiim eson ai th. year, you sboula taire îromt, stops takeep disoee ram par house iolad Thre system samuiS b.e leansed blond purifIeS, atomacir snd itaola reguiet- .5, anu prevent anS cnre Sttsaaos anlslug front Sprtng mnsiria, W. lnos' ai nothlng tirat Mls no rfeelyanS soxel7 Sao <his as Blecîrie Bittenu anS aI lte lfling coul ai Sifty centsas bottle.-5o15 by W. B. Iavae. Free of Cast. AIl persans mishing ta test the monits of m, great remedj-oe that 'wil Positl«vely Ouro consump on, c00U9118-coldA14athme, bronohitis, or- any affetion of the throat &.na longs- aré requestod to osulait W. B. Rouses drug store and gt a trial battIs of Dr.Kiu~s ov isov.r for consumptin fre. of cont, vhich vili show yan vhat ia regular dolUlaisme battis vill do. A Oood Thing. German Serup lathoecLAl prescription of Dr. A. Bosce e, a celebratsd Germen Ph7scîois sudinacknovledges ta b. one of ~heMost lortunate discoverintaModiine qoickly cures Coig ,Clas and ail Lung miroales etfSgoe everes unr oi asi do.a,tbceau"eai tiheasDectou m leevinj the parts lu s atrong asudhéalb audiio. lsnet an poimnamfl bine, but bun stood the test ai yeara, giving latisaaoon in every case,vhloh Ites na4idly milmbattis. sold snnually. DBv1rsof mediines ci similar osmes Ialey litra- duceS. Boche'sGerman âyrm uv va n- trauduin the Tulted Stateslin BU, and insuow soldintueverytown and YMin jtbe çtrillsed worl. Three doses vrrelieve goy ordimmrjough. Pice 75 cents. Sain- A Great Chicago Enterprîse. The Labers*ory fer th. urauefaetun Àet Blsctrie Ditters te ons of Ciag'. gretest enterprises, glvlng emploimetot a large nuznber af hande. The extensive mâle ai- ready &tts.ned for tilts vonderful reoidyil utoiailng. Whsrever once iutroduoed and becames known.ite ia almost iupsl> ta sopply th demand, beesose of litote true.rierii-curing wvire. ail aiier Je- anusat a reasonablo price ({fty cents.- ff»Noties of Birihe, Marrrzges, aend Deaths charged 50 conts socle. DEÂATHIIS. BR0WËi t lîlville, on Betur. day, JnIy M. h, 11, any, daugitter of AIlîexander Brao, and sister of Jas. lInop ,teaclrer Model Solsool, Whltby, aged 2 yeari and 8 enoathe. pan lWheat ............81 15 66$120 Il ring Weet......... 15d@ 1i22 suaby..........000 t0 000 Fbor, perct.... 2 75 a 1141 1%30 ..... ........... 000 0e 000 -1les............ .0 61 * 068 Peas, blaeyed086 ta 000 Blluepeass.............. 000 O0,00 Date .................040do 045 E Y........... 00 0, Ibo5 j4ples, per buts.........C 00 000 jrotato................ 020 a 025 g...........-05ý2 * 0181 Buter..........0121<0 0151 Oh*e.................. 018 je 000 WioS s 480 @ 500 aboop. .... 075 t 1 00, IJ&bndqurte......1 25 t0 000 f ore quarter ...100 t 000 i &If"$ a.............. 011oit @01i Ses, per lb . .......... 007 a 008 âork , percvo. .... . V00 t0 760 Csieyy~dse.. b . 00t040 Çhtolrens, par psir...050 0 O80 Prkeys, pr ...o. 015 016o Woor, noyaate. ..........0w i i se .......b00028 b3~1ee omm&...007 te008 Iktton, by the4atua.",.O-S o000 PMU an.010te012 .h. le 0 0 0OO0 0060 Shlos " '...... O0 e 000 ab5îim, *À0....4 alî iréa" are fen I= Uen=m anStn dlsertio= et youth, uev v eua, e Io» e~laa t maeail &o. JvlsuSnd p MOi If BXIBOO C.WB; ,?hM red*fasdy vas dtsOM=.Q&11ya =li' , au B Stb j .suYorxp.x, c TYLISE DBTVI1G ORs"E ABD "90mou Mev Tap 1«ytesaea 6. ZAZU -0P THE- iiKENT -MLS BROOKLI N. 'nrlrNTTiTW 'fi'RU flKCBU NDý G~R~ ÙT4~L~Y 0FN-EWGO UTI D -P-L A T' "011oôF S AT R E-M À R KAIB LY L OW' p RICES Duplicate orders of" arpets, -.,.Prints, 'Dress ,Goods, Sbirtijngs, Cottons, -and Millinery to hand. 1500 YARDS 0F NEW 04RPETS, inUm UnoJidder'inster. Tapestry,. and Bodrnsllewptri. 2 CASES 0--F PIRINT,, ,t Wholesale prices. Cottons and Shfrtings at factory price DIRESS GOODS astonishingly cheap. MILLINERYat a great reduetion.. DIRESS and'M"antl mkin»-g.'"- TAILORING to order at priCGB that-dêfy de'mpetition. A large stock of Tweed Suitings and Coatingse We have purchased an unusuall-y liige stock of TEA S anýd S UGARS, before tlw ahac eo and 8i selat ald4,prîce8,,! A fuli stock ôf General Groceruïs5 Whitby, June lOth, 1881. VERPy SPIECIAL INIMENTS! LOOK ,out for'us, we arenow hohgotsm I BARQAINS FOR THtII TH See that special lot of Figuredâand So MslisÃ"t2"c sper yraio0'fiine Plints for 8 aud,10,eentea.yUd; a godbonElada 0~yIgood ood Towehnt st'6ca yrdTowels Se' eaoh; a real good piece of Tablé Linen af~~sd3 et .ad large white Honeyoomb Quilt for $1; Lao.,Ciurtim b-l~e ,ir or d.rda . çr,.~ To clear out oui Cotton Hosiery, wewiflseil t-, éat rdued.prices, oommencing .wiîth Ladieis' White Cotton £Iose 4 pair for, 25«.e; Be uKid Givesiail colora st SNô Pa pair, reiilly good value. Dress goods worth 80ç O Gerig, ,at, 20c.,'Apretty Caà rn tag " for 85ti, (ente' Merino Shirt, 80o*; Gents' wôr*Y shift, 50ô ; Gente' Soi, 3 p air for 24o. Gents' Braoes froma 20oc; a good Cotton Shirting o#red-at 1 1 yr1.TED TWEEDS !-Seo that boys' Twedat,4S&G eut-'ey ep If you want good value a-nd -sqnu f.9aing, go to oe r' No. 1, DEVEIIELL'S ]ILOOK-., A LL "THEÉË LS FVRIE OTHING HOtU3E. S UMM WOOQ BÇtING.,SAOR FIQE T < BRÃCE'S NOTEJlCsq~ME O-IT ,..,.î Ladies wishing -Dréa, Gooa, r~ a goods of inimediate use, sliould'take -a& -îOTICE THýL A Lot of 14 and ýec. ASK1 12J Cent LIGHT *ROUND E 20 Cet SAT ET R -f 22 Cent SATEEN '2RIIà g- fo 25 O~tSATBIN-1 18 Cent P»W~Tu 17,e4 PR T 20t Cent FA0- Ail-,Lghli Di sGo4dà a-"4 AILBunùig ~une--é iQ. ~e~!y ~Ja~Spoou Bi GR&TBARGINS IN LTSi WO2NDERPUL OPPEEflGS 'EMBROHN M~IL LINE i ,r GREf T*d-HRtà NS IN1 MBNS HA] GRZA T D4ARG4VV te-:- N% à ams, Muslins, Paraolpe,, u &INTS at 10 Cents. 10 cents. ~- ___ici CORN Ë BRÃ"OK -AN.DDUNDCAS;,STREETS.: N'EN--AD VERrs1 1 R.TsX FIRESU STRAWBERRIES! OF ITH HIETKNS .-O7 -ALE FARHM.: PRIOPERTY, -1NTo À~R~IVLfrTG DIRET PROM RIS OKIL AIES oi FOR $ALE HLSALE AND RETA L -0:0---HOL £Mr' The -1Trae- supplied at T-orouto pnigesi E Maiienet mae- wih private familie wbere ar ue dlyazddêierdImmedae1von Train«r 4 Jvt" ~ti j~~~ -0O IIN Wm è r mai 7f-- t dou-l«M - % 1 , 1