Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jul 1881, p. 4

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- -- - - - b e jeeut inrm LAidlà Jeté int puaiy round, The Utlla idcnisam rplng in. "daimsalemesaMi she, Il i, tbt ie tosiérBou f "eIlsauei dme Il o 0 isu, an',uaid 1 isi sud eM4 isrsl Thegygllfrend @a -nie 1 Uîiehé iehonid, hom âlthiag A thoueibmilDs. at s«a1 Blectrlc Rallwaya. TLitjâd aàbils9y Io raà way leaslready demonstrated. Peopi, May sen itfor thommelvaat the-Crysta palace, sud the German capital give yet more convlncwng ?roof. Tihe grea poteecy cf the invention consista enlbi tranlwl!BiQp of lt.eimotiye c"4etl a smpi #fr. Wbtbîirtbrougb ce6r. orestrand, eathing cau bi more facile thakn Ibis mode of oon inenication. The vire eau bchuniei or bang aloft or tvisted and tnrned il any deslred direction. Tii. distance tg vhich thé. cerrent eau bc conveyed ani the amoent of energy lest ije. traest are Mattera wbich more -imnmediutý affect the economicat aspect of lbi questio. But alowieg tuat oely haL the lo*ý-taý4 bt ecoveWe and leinad té acuoetýr. A. Sîemeli shows liaI cheapeesa wcald be effectsi le maey instances as compared vil! theeue cf imaIl 1 Ime. ' idea&ila aof a2t ce, powerfel steani e , workinE O the Mout es a e ise, v1 drive a DOZTM = M te produeethe reqnlired ernants. Il vould beceasy te l w ires from the central station, ini tie came vaY we see oit ra.lidat 4roma4>lpssai l cot@ for [he411% ae uher fo wc*PO * 1 ctci *éd .lÃ"M. carrent. gnerate&d *ý a distainu'eonce thoughi lpraoa'blsi The transmis. sic a Cpeverbythie eleotrls cerreet h siwnIiaylby ý lb. 'I$nèar rail. w#aY, but by varions other appliaeces. Onaneaur.werked and repeaare pul1ed b 'tbh'ecy iOhalcu. near IIon dc lbl) ouble r iîl ~wu' sud 010tdo'tm wtýýerorn 'lMe "inL "of haadlwerk av bis oucàtyry eideecu n T ZdgWe18 »0 moreultit kle thZ ol a *he f"in la anbled te 40J40, work vwt44- woeld otherwls. eUOpy tirées-4 bd ct vMelay cWm attenuc tio bm tbeacterslinbresta Bi ilAarzm1song bacsu' ibueche pcwer of f"llg s1* er the' votï a cf aàoirâini ýwhsnoby" ho galai ,s fs. awfrp*fueel tusccouatIüb a~~I talc. bthe tuiracunnunt.' l bu'dlia&h toinhe » youxuereumr ho lu -l- I v M - Th*. couus ratSu rar"rtmuly uni- lu the. Union i J 000 ; 1841, %,175,000. Thon came lb. famine Jsaru, vien oven 1,500,000 n.er lieShocfbuger end dsd toe- escape thoin.The O i alticula 1851 uovlng a Iereas duing lhe ladi fort sans of ne I0se thon 8,000,000 e iieVflaës r ~i depopelate ; le ail the Popelalion has baa tannbly thunned ocil, lne Wst Cork, on théeTuvasttesf et lsountéese cf Kinguton, at Mitebhletev, tieransae 5appeau , con. ed 6w0ouela ln 18411 ilto.day, exclusive cf the pilgnims. tiens se ans nal 80 ah leld. The Limerick ne- as turnestllàaÉcomiear toy-.tba natf-ras le fallen in epon lis cahin, roofllas tans. i ,Qh&à1pi ei b the West and ary f1 dYoung mon anS = . nAmenica or Eagamf lJÃ"é llvlidt thle lani ara cli peple, vie prefer le ýd diaeviena thilfathanu liaS ed.Is@e le aide cf 1t- The canons retenus do not, f hovaver, show lha full extalqt cf tie i M~~aoe~o.l d Bootland evsry yea*fo« lie buaisou; h liey liv. Ielind, b 1 u~dose ýt Hov à PfflM vxeov n3aéca ni 8, Tii. lullOuif, eiaes-Dtbs p 'cuty are not " Ion thein vinnlng - barity. AnS liéef ai> nsgu, tl A, r t 0 vay lthe Pougpiepus nay 1. Qourellu lie ulony. Il sureeia 8 ~tu finia voere Tory cansfl 1 çhoIs lilhgvas keplvéryquiel * slold noter â 1t rt* Panr a Xsnmed liaI theie Islua oeudpermit % bemslsa lebe bugged anSdutiesezel Di anos mach panruqiaisa, lie prooo»da -ta U be dsvolei le a promin nt ad deserv. stempe vouw d 0b-u outa tavare cf tic value lith vhcthii icharmu ver. su"tods. The foloviug pice last vus Bush>' adoptai Girlsuander 16...............2 cents e l irls fromn16 to 20...............5IMents lI......... Soenu . ...... : ce Th Ti.gentleumn noe gt inl '!bo panlon. ]En e inlaii. entlemen, b o ncu. Salisc f the ladies present, anS ihen orne aiecwteb.lady h.ovanteS a cmm1 wý1 hoquéesu. eorsan adillenl smnak of cfdouble te lb.praua eMy minute lanasoes, m and ss»ml na ,tn a vré eavy- - bal -vers onaiàvi'rbont The viole uaivÈgconfidential, and noue Qecemmitssere te knov v w kiia * ho. -Il vould hav ebaa a sucse Atr ie bal an i $nsuccession lie cher lali- ~4nrSur. and on the. toe e 0 <~of thé.ladies ed'a vols IL . "An rtL 1- ý e?000O LOCAL PEIVÂTE FUND8 in' lau um lsuit borroyer.,on eay tan. ÂP~»DqSolipi biwitve SOiDf achiel c ulie jusly ce- bral ci théi T :BJ 1=1L 1, SS THM yi i n oorForh Jil'RDur" fLJllk oe4mItthaor s îrat door orthaaaay s o .. Dt'. QýDOWNEYY Wflklneca BW Blo Bek.ose. OCASH FOR WHEATe ~ARL PEASI, ~1 . Hus opeined business, in tlhe above premIes .and is now pumn 1 -hl t;*er veytinÈertaiing to Tin, Sheet, or Galvaiiized bron is manufacturedl in a workman- BIk-anr, on SH1fORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ,ELECTRO-PLI*J ED GOODS cf t UIPERIOR QUALITY. 16ý îloa? ~neteaùly kept ila REPAIRING doue cheaply aud neatly. AUl work - guar- antuiedsatisfaetry or no pa>'. Am~cn su C~adia COA QI. Lamip Ohimneys, Wie a,"urners 0 b..L bana ai a goivate on 1hg. 8e cky los D; braIehoea f s D tdation on B. Ternis cah. For teepalcIza 'ply le D. Ormitan,Slctz Iib, Dated Whitby, **9 ffdfl, Fiecutor&' Notice tg Creditoîs. late o et Townmh.lp et Whitby, linIths Oounny etfOntarlo, Yeomean, de.-aaed, are day otfinst nezt, a statemnt cf thair ",mes us dàresssanadfunl partienlazu et thairclaim s4 e~(ilauy)>héil y AndhhlVtti 11e Wad a'th1e nen-r sgeS exsoutan o e idiSestale viiipro- cea te dszbte th.easuta thermloof o Sthereto, hsvlng agr et v o wichthey &hH J. " imaEzmen1 Ocounty Liquor Btore, WhoIo8aIe and Retail, KING sTrREET, O8HÀA. Juat received for Christmas and the New Tear, a large stock cf WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, comprising Port and Sherry WinesB, Brandies, ffnRm,-çoo1h anld Irioh Whis]eys-Bass' -- ~ ~ ' --i1~4dGunesa Blocds- orlér. Pocierarl 4~'gclabaâs GI aadM~ufrWhlus he l.but in tho la ~,ats& Q>ad~ ;.,Msd Pr.tetr, mi Legs The largui nibltasaetatcek ef OIGAUS lanb.he oaiy 1I Port Wlnset ofsupeuior quality, at #f.00, #4.00, ts&oo and 02.50 B.d and Jamen'., Eurk'sDuM ndif al Burs BoSeteland IrlahWbaea Try .w tWWate od4y WlIi*ak!ho, e t Wh* koy ini ~asa~&laboWLl KBbsi m d sYe"&tsô%, fla Quarem iPinta. 10 i1Gisusd ea s~at e domseq9nrb ansd lvi dosen ICoeerave à& loeuss e1bretýd Beia 1.0paur suartî. and 75 cet.par dezen pinte À fiv of the aimpe. .1ofg a0*" alyo b l 0c » urKIÙ414 TrMMpetw., Grand Duehe. uloga H efw i eate, - NEALE & A1W8 WÀ î L costing a gene far encage i» ais't '4 ent. el, oioved by ail lie se& o~vyr le, le fini thé Young vW»S miy là the anMe of lie ol4esing 4Jhwf ri,Ç ~(*4er ~' .C I..~L- "Bo4:Â' ho 33 0. in I mPa:lac luit~~ P MenON *ats, m maea irinaollyng el ese a r " Wring 'Uon U l allen "M,. an, "v aln h ine VO I f. I33e b337lihe' FUeRNITURe, Okeaper than ever, a i new strd The undersigned in returning thanks to the publie for the liberal Patronage cxtcnded b him, begs te stete thst having nemovcd te bis commodiou ncw prcmiscs, loic i uow in e bcttcr position then ever te supply ail tuheir wents. His stock of Firiture,. embraces very handsome sets, and evcrything' that cen be callcd for in hi ie nc, and an ceamimetion wMl convince uliat the prices arc low enougli ta suiit thc limes. UN DE RTAKIN G. Funerais fnlly supplieûd.« WM. TILL. TAI LO R IN G GENTS' FURNISHING HOUSE!1 -:00:- The undcrsigned lies just rcoeived a splendid stock of Scotch, West cf FEnglend end Cenadian Tweeds, for SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS!1 AU garments made end finislied in first-ciss style, and et moderato prie"s. Gentlemen will seve money by giving eaoel and îxaminîng. NI~~STSTYLES IN. HÂBTS, tCAPS SIRTS, Collars, and ail kinds of gents' furnishinge. JO0H N-FER G U SON THE OLD STAND, Mardi 22, '81. Dxindas Street, Whitby.. PH 0OR PiY WE AIRE MA2ING A NIEWSTYLE Of Photographe, in sipia, life-size, au entirely NEW SPEýCIMENS ON EXHIBITION. Carda- and Cabinets furnished i theI lateet stylecf the Art. Frams cf ail sizes always on hand. A. BARRETT,ý --I Axe HAIRNE SSe WILLIM THOMP80N LEATHER VALISES » SARATOGA TRUNXS. -ÂLOT - f CHILDREY18 CÂRRIGES i Verhnde ansd Oheap. At lia ohc De.e 28, 187. WILIM TIROMSON, Brook Stret, Whitby. D AILY UINE TO ROCHIESTER Commanclng Wadnesday, 201h April, 1881, THE STEAMEB (B.R.UWFOEBD, muster,) Wibl maka han nagelar tripe on tbis route, LEAVING Cobourg every morning!aI 7.30 and Poit HopieAt 9 c'clock, on arrivai of the Grand Trnnk -Railvaz train. froni tic Hast and. West; oonniclzng aI Bochitazr vtheli Nev Yazk Central -NoFrtianu Cea- Irai, anS Hioe Ha%ivau, -th le Iàaka On- taiDisin.of the BôeeWatezlewn & RBT!JRNING;viii havé charlotte (Port *tof alz daily At 9 'cl k piu, sicip And mut expediions route.h aagBe tee, Albbuy, 11%ev Yorkï &o4, ho. For tickeU sud olierinfoznio pl H. STEPHENSON,' Dominion Tlgai And Ginanal Ticket mq,00 liy RuO 3WOD, Part Hope,. 19-un) or O. GILDEESUEIVE, Kingta.: Allan Lino. LIVERPOOL, -LOND.ONDERRY. gummer Service via Quebec. lquOItTEST SEA PASSAG-E, ECONOKY an' CxFOIT-1 HERly SÂT1IRDÂKy PROM QURBIRO, On arrivaiofethe train laaving Whllby. aI 8.80, . M lp"É., F n dy- Crbiin faea, 81ma 19,acconlng io Position et utàtatun.. Loverraafr. obazar!eLaÉe 1881 Oz pposite. Ontarjio Bank, j À younmiit a à de lb'fstudýY elotQgrapliyw*infw id s-gooêcuâ,ie , by 101h, 879. i .1.. «'uotS tock lu Tow iL..' GRAT BAIRGAINS- GOLDSMITy1âi -HALL la AT OOBT. GOLD WEEy CarAT 005T. LADIS' GOLD WAT OHEB 2' amT COST. SILYEER WATCHEU taA3 couT. The whole stocrk to Be, cleared off hefore the expi&.. tion cf the lease. JAMES JOHINSTON, Pracl Walcbrnaksr, Brook-St., Whitby. 1 Manoh, lot 1881. JOHEN SCIULLY> Land aad Immigration Agent1 500 Farina la Ontario, and lands la Mianitoba fer Bale. RAILWAY ANDI 8TEAM8HIP -AGENT. Agent for NortlêWeaf Transportation, Oo'y and Grad 2runk R'jf, alto Agent for fSteamers "Ukicra" 1andZ "City cfTont" TICKETS FOR SATE TO AML POINTS. il Oontractor's Headquters: CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY. *o pern vishng to smd fon frdu toi BtkriWahiandilrsl&àd, leet ratsu ma 1 ni uornation, given by letIer or allier- ývise; be sure and sa for rates, 13Ic., berau bragn~elsewhea a<~ dence clicite ithpnsn for ,= sale or 'wshing tepomnra chas. Offiàcê No, 6FÉont-8t Weet, (Opposite union Statio). Ta klng affect onMay 81,1881.ý TRASe 015NeTK am. Ar've Lindsay 11.40 9m1 "11»9 4vWhll, 8M.5 U Tý!ontinias aotbaratatilnsmeaPocYat Tue. ;%ab b ailedon application t u y cf Si v*y-f= &51»Onteabats.nd veut »M oEpiqa, 17Mi. iak nad the Y-2I' 'hve f 481 -I -I h i ý-firdý4.4%tt Fun. f. bk~ - WIMtbyi Peby, 24th, 1879 e W. BARNqS. 1

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