Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jul 1881, p. 3

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Win a.UmmdIy l"ed te .dliew«y 0 thouh W ' Do t 0w elatt1yyetitt lugii.l iidortecd boe. iat il- 1r1l ne lmortu diueovies hs"e but mtie by thé ' pietw ,f theb' drili. lu ou*bIstance th. drini wu mmci dovua hunarid f "t, il . be . body vau fous tutur4erd. RIA *lusion verei $heuea ple elothem ne.,tif Terrible Dea't the eon l e& ,àiavà agi 89i!v, ' Bd lbi Itbo mms iboge udva wu'cquesllousbly i6ea afr, tht. o1»- nei eonvke'ibg. Thre y lied, sud. Ivice t leofrepe *.Of t' lb mie eti ihtlydrvn s!MverW is a , elght hailbe.u ai. srope sand the bedy la thie fflleiu cf th. river, Le rap. gave çMy. Over of the vlotim vas a bullet a Pott mbrltenm eamlesl. re bal i vet fanisabed lu This bdilel, lhe repes, teà, s&bd soinscf the hair Led ce thé baek of 1h, e's hea, are tu th. Poe- . MeGray, of Drmmeud.* roner who ccndccted thc 1These faotei IailY pic. luil trsgedy-lýhe Vtctim F. intheénaght dime, ne ou pn tu rver suit veight of atone or ieon. surei t hat the deeitW&4 tb tecanadien glds, for wn it lait broke from ils ,t cvii the Osuad"Ian til .lopmelili prove miOmt bhaï lb.! bodiy fanatwas iha coues, a locomotive à a og 0s. a ide nl h0f lsut Febrnmary, 'Mms à a letter from bar bus- Hamltlon, Oct Ilvau eectienate vords, sud mud *Ming home leose«ie tber." 8h. never hboard du.<Tlxepassai ahbr rie! ceame, greal. She >0 tidfinga of hlm. At bar cf Uicetiudiug cf the kueve man at lb. Pals, bUlaicd a descriplioetcfthe ded thal tbe body ls hat abanit. john cloue wvu bisee era old, a atrlotly y lumrioce min, sud s ma sud father. H. b.. Bro lrrbod cf Locemet. s, ta the eetcfter@ to thc Oddtfeilevs. orne sationa viii perbaps auist igatini, au thc beîeaved ôt the muass herevilh te bhal appeau te be thé foui ider of ber buabacd. .r'zllng a Kingdon. UAL'm LITTLE OAM-SELL- IUNTRY TO TUE CELEBTI- msa that tho Kiug cf the lana vu linaceaby the Laco Moreno laouter liet ta by vhicihtie Obiuoul Lusé cf steamersu va te land jarnen ce the lsland, eon tion la% cf $7 euch vae They- ver. le be made the klugdom turnet avez «. Bmpire. The sohemî by ferelgu restits sud cf- plnued et th. issus, and guaj4opu1srly, lb. King a leverf et l. oritL arrible uccy 'res e! Aprîl 80, bas thé Thbe'-sbooner Blisabeti om a lralug cnis on SUc- ig rievm cf a mcml horribît il han been purpatraled ta a.e Of -the Lice lisc It Sna. yeum&go a, hrsnch 0o Mleiouary Society wvas- the lulanti, frcm gonolulu, tof a Sandwich Wsande D, vH'o sumoeinlapioe. emtre commuit .upe 4tng olmslni ,induit give ne ai iheir vesses Aaea uku at aý& m mer beversge. u slow honre Produoe faal ,vrs oblgciam m uda. dullu. Dr. 1 tMStrwberyt. 1h juoalmtaberem for a&l formailcfmcm- Crompl 0,nle. sïmaaat sud prompt "1te, b4m qrmorbus, ohollo 4cramPs, voâtlig, a.5 iokueso§ est 0 nlm =lrrou»a rery, sud all tiio f a like natur!e c01 tt lhe. mmmciseu àniaD.Powlex%tatlof Wld5trav. berry, wblch cm ab. oblaized cf & aile-er Are You Golg b Travel? Don't foigot ib uplIly of thal Dr. Fowler's BEttract ef Wlld 1traw b Tt .I la a uper- lor remife yfor ussal ae n da poalliva cre for a&U bowel bcomIdut . duc- by bsdu chmaPof MMdi rt cliaO . hoeme floreuld b bept ýt hani lu cas of emergenoy. Burclock Blood Biters. CresScrafula, rysipeas, suat rheum, PU"e sud aul humors cf lb. blocti. OuV aop. i, lvet complelul, bliiowusacnue ion, dropsy, kldney complaintu,hudce Given Up by Doctors % i. Ilpumable Ihat Mf. Oodfrey lu up Ma st wcTk,uud omrdbyso a esemedy' , I cr I -tatruc tam e l nle oured, m i i h5 otigbut Hop ellert * pa&.oly ton tdeys&go e doctors gave him ma dsaid ho mmt die 1" 9WM4vay1 l t lu xakable 1 1 vii go tio lu sud get -Ome for My oo Gerge-I know hope sre god- 8.1cm The public vil have lhem-the peu. cf th. Bslerbrook Steel peu Cole'mamre, andi ail saulirasrcUready t'Osupply lhem. 'The Greatest Blcselng. A simple, pure, emitesu rsmedy, 1hs1 cures everytime, sud prevenlu dius"e bl keepig lb. blood pure, stomaoh regulur,1 kidue". ma liveractve, ilu éhe greateel bleuslu vr conferred. uponmm.n. Hop are belcg bleuuea by thonawho hav beeu msved sud a0 t by it. WtII you lry It? Baglo4. -ibme iot mouthm of uly and Augusl lh. bIoodbutbe eoître andi cooL wlthsan asud Constipationhbitters, à werthy family medlclue. lu large 8 0u"cebetue, MmsOel at W. . Howm'm drus ilte. AÂlesdlug druggs in lth esétms878 have la imeore tDr. Cmrmcu'ms eomsch asti oonstlpallau Bitters in four mnat. thmany7Otoeîmedicine I ever bantileti. Il seme sltieus every lime." For fale by W. B. Have. drcgglul. Dojuu flad.miserable, tireti, hlf-slolt ne appetisuad out of sorts gecersly ? Dr. Carson,$ tamach snd constipation Bittera is usthe lb.nidicine 70u vazt, a 1ev doues W-illat once rlleve yon. Go le yoer adig st andtiget abottie, pioe50OfihIt. W. R. Frec cf Coat. Al permans wisbing ta lest tl ocrta et ~cuewmu on ogha. 001,Poasthme, bronebltis, or MAnsfecttan of tle Ibroat tu anilungu-uarerequeuleat acau at w. B. Hotseýuo agstare anti gel a tr&ilbaIlle ef rDr. KlWg'slew Dluomry for 0coumumptien, free of ceaI, vhlch viii show au vhat a reglaidollareqedbottllesvuf le. oldbY W. B. Havie. Farmern b Mechaules. ilyuiuhlto avoulti re danger ma trou,sdesmauaumi£ ill of 1et<peune, g m sepsto kep rop .yor r= Tiheayamaoula b.emeas blocti ucrilled, slmacb sd boerai oa ied,auPreven Md cr« iteue sl1 n - ram Brn alsils, W.b ow c olbi g sthal Il u&o pefetl àanti screlydo' Itu sué *BlectioBitter.s ceIthe ab" 01 no e fftlty cent.s abelll.--Soldb W.LUWO bruites, sotesm, er 41 rheum fever rts, toller, hppe0-A bauds, chllLa;z *coré, sud ;ii ;I Mbtazulln sd pomvely mmcre piles. ' Ilà e=si 44 rtitoe Pe teedwllfaiSonor ceauY ref ond n"o. 24£ cents par box. Siby W.R. Revue. e0 anysr l uear~ .. If ey work ilbo.. ece uabr; tby i% t uon tre j oya are 4, m4by lMe s d bis Ywsakneshc t at vrIbi ive&. T R] ~ÇY OW PI CE Duliatreris -G'a~ pes~ ~' ,.S< ; Cottôns, anL~ iiery to ha d. 1500 YARDS 0F NEW'CARITS, mnEmpion) idemnte;Taety, an4 ]ordèrngs-all ne 2 (JkSES -0F PRIT u t VWiiolesale prices. Ëo~osadSirigsa atr rcs DRESS GOODS,, astonisbingly cheap. MILLINER1Y at 'a" great' reýduoctionl DRESS and, Mà*Ãœt1e making. TAILORING to order a>tpicesj that defycïïttof.A ag. tckoweed Suiins8ndCégtingg. We have purchased. an unzm8ua1y lai7ge stock of TA niS2GRbfr h dacadwl A full stock of General Grocenes. r~ ~~A~ Whitbyt June 18th, 1881. - O0MER BROOK ANDDUN~DA$ t OIuO SOME REMARKABLE--eBAR GMNS!-,4 To lear out the balance of oi MILLINBY 000DB, vo viii commence T-Ât>oe b~ tatnui ingly LOW PRICES 1I retty Trimme4Mci 1 for j.5$1. 1,76, iOO.*;ý$ 2,&4 siÂNOUY G0DBOSt r* b.1~ e*3-SPECIAL REDUCTIONS -IN, EVERy DPRMETý with traces et lieu lhrougheut. Thée a h t l b propri=tr ! Wearl adcie egv nchoe in lu sny pbi normation t their op.rat-»bove u=fil the ons. Tbey îay ihey 1ré drillnfr chie!. the righl ear of y ai their equ expme, for. their ovu bol.. Upon a prpoît, âÏat y cianot therefore be ieh a 82-calihie qîpectei t l' e public vbst they dc i the br1à iOu. Bel lbey are ready te diril for tue banithec aupone vbo empoiya tbem, aild omorne- wbicb remainï tima ai epoyd lin bl iva, vhon mnrdered man' cf cnsthelmienths are lomet, for seson ef ]DY.1 tbm u1 6t o! tl-a dIlng ar regRa!dedi ville, tbe Oc as 'ýiceutidlullal by Iheme empýloylcg investgation. thom. 'Wbat la ml y anedelaîathat lure a frlghhf tbé Claveialznètt hoaLit gieasuaubsl &hot, bls-hodY, 'aa sui mly h. tiril lu-theépublic - -doubt, tli0 lereali. Ifth.étdril vas tsduy 1wci e teck wltheh fà& fev m=onlhs, undicroemenit litmay he sue tien, sud the résulte male publie, ecumîit aIe ibeoomb. ýne tlub tht it wl veuthelb.body, vheu Uh i n u an- c àititrth e notice o!f uorluge, verl foreigu capltalle tua m mlutugpeculal-- Luter deve; t. te liae is ticlt sud thégretest sud conlusvely th Mot important'bonfils mhi flevw. ljst cfM. JOI Mr. Paxttle *Mié'mia. 1 irong al *ugf user, fera thai coua be deaIr.d; Mi. Ivatt'm ie Bufwao but lai wcrklug steàdily aItlb. ines entier Ou the 1811 hi. ceutiol;,>'sud mit1h. Rolsnd mine Close receivoti the pepeefsare ac goo t lait Il is pro- baud, dateti E pcsc&lte maire ume f a nuci bouni ritteu ite valerfail le purnp corprosed ar int that ho vascol the mi0eas s motive power le b . - uitmasuitbl plofetdinludelng thé tiriling sud ether fitem hlmagel wcrk. ' nîioly aud gr coula soecurse: Nc;vspspero Pontage. lengtlz she beil body ot an unu Thé Dundas Baianer mAYm -"It sud havlug oci uaïfd that PO&trnut0r-Ûeueral James, body, Ilsati efthIe Unitedt States,lassu &avocatsofet o r rluit bum Ibe redîctlon cf Imter postage te Iwo àaUeu hry-lb ceulu,,sud lame CanadiseUruala are ober sud very urgies upoc our 'PetmatèrGeu.ral lovig husa the afivlabillty etfrncvig lunlthenesiqufa e b direction, -W. suggest le Cauadiean 1.E iee coenotryjoiiietjat& an important MevTO Mascum sud tI lu Uic vaY cf gttlag svicwilb the >these organi publilehrs cf lae large ciy v,,klem, id, the investi vho klep iheir pria.s dowu te one vidv bu Dnt dolai a poar iu eider le tInjure- the inveetigaté wv fouutry -proe. ltlpgemu*'re b. troughl sud brutal rn tu beir epan Ihe représentatives et rumral ccnuae e ol uoure su amen&- * meltof the petta lavase mau le permit Embci tho amailing e« all nevêpapera fineeet potage lu thé deusties viare tbey are Kt. painted. Thbim isthe lsv in lbe States 111<1Bie col anti avery goot lsw it lu. If mioptet ia Canada 'lb. coertry vemklies voni î s ean ho becfite tle aorne citent, and w Ivao ea do nuime W4, Lh. rural prose conutol Sndwich Imi aoicure $ib eauby takîug unateti ac- aoterionsmColi tien, Thisquesmtion migiat veiy propor- arrangements 1y b. ruade a acbjecl for iusion aI Marchent@' Hz Zbe fortboornc meeting ef theéCanadi- à million Ohi an Prose Âsoation,. vhom a capit te belevieti Dsrlug Trsin Rcbbcfy'. olizeas, andt te tb. chinent DRSPBADIS uàanA TAflt usor as bsiked bj TUE CONlIOTOIR AND WALE or7 iciali. ohm vîr *0,00.bisgeatlting vent off os s XmasaCiy, Mo., July la.-The rob- Z bers vho aliboit lb train aI Winaion, Baîurday evening na ,tbetîd, siîx, under th. Suppeostiea eihp of Jeune.James. The Fli i Thc monbu osded-thi e raistalOareroma. fdiiowing ." Whon lbhe trainta uioppe& ai W-Viutoc, efrauiof ttco lbey tco4 upin théels i vlladravua day, bringinu tevolvîrs. n e or lbe bandit. *avao- Mffas ",1h ead vilh a revolver lun " ahend, te* Tapilava, cn, vards'conuctar Westf& an sd ertered seema t s hlm le boIt up bia banda. The cou- tUic Londonb tinctor belug slow lu cernplylag vas tabliahetinhi &hot shreugh iboheau. rThe iobberr ndter charge tben veut tIrougb Ibe train tu lb. Oz- carnet 'Kubu, 9pteis Car, o oerpovered ,Mesosegr 1tin the 0, ulrray, sa nti imdatet i hm lie fjgîr embraci OPOMP4 the dute frem vblcb *50,000 edtiem le Si .vere u. The doupradees procoeet i. jntis car eit le the engineer sud tlid bîm le sta rit nmoitly fox the trahi. This he ceuiti sedo te c m: ver, people1 ceuni of aulotnate btalses. He vu otth. il and1 lmmedaely utlta.t aeaalargciby tbe constant requ robberi, T ~engluser put cul thé fer copra,a ilbe reS pul le i. caboosée exina- brla tlanl gshtLbotlgobhsa s,èd 44 alàydouapsttsai thora. The rcbberu tiadetoe seh for crusate &aàa bum, bult epaileti. Ne altempi vas fonc WC"t,'lM mate'. le rob thre pausengers>. Thé inw î* oiu populace c! Wisn od îca r*asue sud $0 1 XM Ki àretà eu are ncw setblâg the -duefilovotv*al au C eradoe. llinsîtet thal lbtherobberu Net ljojoIth bada 1uiber e! os!fedsraieson the.lanti ebQdr trin beter they beartie'til, andet a a tusugeret à-g secro ivipoeecof tli a ai0oe by tbeé* le Mdber th'e tienl.s15 5PgZra s s=litiani xctri evae' over lb. celltti togi iiackal"fqlou ratet spèd. T thé bOthe,ià robbrs l"e toreA f(r hie expresu laceti evet meumenger ant suether .quad ularted Co butreti1 ltis cacrs i hte or eder vas glren theâi.ýî 1h. m"gntu1oiald p trpfrbanda e e va e & lr* 01t bnsMa *è euot tli*e but th. arei eaesp . pis 4 ek thé » k cs" fer-44bise an -We w ofDrESS GÃ"YoDBSoc', f HOBIEBY. OÂSHMEREB, *0L0'VES, *~. -AT PRICES TO PLEASE 1 r"In faut we will conviance u ta- we mean te oali-Out oir XYBR GOODS at remarkably LOW PRIOE8It No. 1, DEVEBELL'S ]3LOCK. "THEPOLE  IT I~T~ CI1OTHING HOUSE" AL L4 8UMI ~ G OS: BEING SAORIFIOED AT BRticES NOTE» ý CASh STEI* Ladies wisbing "Dredoa Goode, Printa, Sateens, Ginghurm, M_ s3ins,,P È, 1Bçr8.il goodý of immediàte use, should -take a.dvaxtag fti~rtGreat Sme ae NOTICE T Ol OWNG A Lot of 14: and - 5e. DABK ANCY PB1"TS t 3~ et 12k Cent LIGHT GROUlïD P NT ">cents. 15 Cent LIGHT «ROUND jpRIT8 f- ee.M 20 eent SATEEN PRINTS for 15 Cents. 22 Cent- SATF5EN PINTS loi 17,CJents. 25 Cent SÂTEE2', PB1¶TS -for'2 25 Cent SCOTCH- Gr 8-MS -f Gnt 13 Cent PINITED -, "8IWXS" $or i O~ 17 1Vent PRINTZD.-MU&ZUMfS- 12 -VntOïQ AB pAh ÂUo ~NE AVEk'IEMEýÉNTS'* I'RESH STRA~ 0OF -TH E CHOIOEST- KINDS -AT- W. . IIhSU'SWIIITBY CHIINÀ A STDEIOIU TIIIET- FROMHIS QARILLE GAEtDENS.', FOR S E, WH0LE8A4F 'AND RETAÃŽL gM,'The.,Trade supplieatTêrýonto prioes.. Speciai -ài tangem#ut 'nade'Pipiat ailiswre qpantt aie used diland 4delivered iîmmediately'.,-n arriveaVc Train. -y DO"MININ!1 >re#s 9, unpu#iuusm W ed b'staolyciese., i ~t oldprices aiol p we o- 7 SUMMER DRY GOODS, MUSTIR. ~PRINTg.

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