4A1~KM3EE To 4cen outt l» hmlauS. et oui- mM.IIEI 19»S .vlcmec T0-DÂ1 çbomtasolh iugly lOW PP.ICES i ApotyT »meai Huiler $1.25, $1.50, ~1 b "J0, à -,&o sud UFA1~YGOnt a bargak 1 ti-SP-ECIÂL ýREýDUCTIObNS IN EVERY DEPARTMENTUOU1 We wMl offer- TO-DAY our Stock oi-- SUMMEIR DRY 000DB, SMUBLINS, PIIT8, DRES G000, - HOSIEMY, CÂ~1IM~RESS GLOVES, ~IC. I.--A ir P RI1C0E S TO PL-EASE !- r~In factwe will convince you that we mean to oeiliout our SUXXER GOODB- at remazkably 10W PRIOES No ,DEVEjRELU'S BLOCK. T c Ocean Race. Nâ TWO STEAMERS 10»N5011 MJAPAN TO NEW YORK FOR A DISTANCE OP 14,- 000 MILES.. th( Two teamiers, lthe Lord aofIthe Isies lai and tIbm Qleuloriy, left Yokliama for he: New York où MIry 24, and a race of vi' 14,000 mils vas bogun. Ueavy bt. leu ou the. race vere made at Yokhama an and ai thaCine.. porto whare they thi stopp.d, andinus'Vry eue *odm, vire Au given Iu favor cf tbe Glouî.rty,as ah. tar had won irilar maoes. "It waa oly fro a question of a ittle cote oeil, an va fsJ aboyi t lu," saad thie chuaf engmuais of tei the. Lord nf tb. Iules ta a Nev Ynrk re- as porter on Sunday. *,Wo inade Amoay Lo in 9bre. day. and a bal, and vere as-.moi la yë ai er.e à vesk loéding sur veasel,riis w hi!.tho Glends cargo was al îeady wa far ber and ah. sail.d lu Iwo day.. At ani Hang Reng vi found ab. bad sartai .1f befare vea arlved, but wm haed gained ho on bot a gond demi. V. reaehed Sing- an aore justle me loeu as leaving, and -iii dldnIsemrheu-cfber wu a vre % hall vay thbogb lb. Suez canal. 8h. ful r.achei Suez a day behind na. W. ho wnuld have. bien fuirther ahomd if a ter- ou rifle aouhhweterly tarrn bad not de- tu layd da ýl l te Indien Ocean. The.e *i ver, aiq b ~w etabroke aven wi the .ovenl. We boai gaad eather TI tbougli tbm Medteraneen, but vaee t ielayed 'by rmcobnesy gttleg ont of ra arien. Tii. Glati .teamed intao G.A] r-altai jias ai và re Ieing thene. Il Extra coami mniwrk vere used lu th croaing the Atlantic and moderatoesa weathar bepe us. Juat aa we sightod saney Rockt vo thought a vessai a dis- tance ausaia ha Gîmu, but we voe happlyilîssapointed. Our .rival came ino&NewvYork six bourg beini us, sud liaI', notae very big difflereuce in a ua race cf 14,000 mles. We made an av- t orage nf eleven knotatnsuheur."n Louis Otersen, a .loon.keepes, o c New York lankad i hunalf in an mce-box, ai tunned on tbm gis,«41 vau auffocatod. e i friands. clailnthst ho. .nttred Ibo.r' box ta obtai relief fronitihbait, f.U asleep, aud hfie.te deh. Sà tundy aFrncmn need PFeu t Outchlnsau, in the, .mpley - of ~Us.tt B. B. R.Ihbumu k Bon, vas dîawnsd g wblle bwekb-j»a MIUXeloesat Healsy's 4a fll0,.à éeboi luiibors Cirpbafl e frd, Wboa iý bisW-bmm *e ws acr E iai oves r tallavtt tu'lg The.ai body bo.a ncj. beau 1rèo oresà yat. ri "Thé, body 1 emgg finl, whe véa drovuni on Thtii*4yatigo a foui foatlngabot ml.soonwas b h. vi4wiglocaoy r h. Germs nrnémi Hhn, Whoaa' paemta rsie lu Arapior, waa choked ile eudaavnsri ,o nvmwll croenîIt cf broud. Ilwvu abouïtwIo yeas. nid. t A Young pMeu hmi inte al. 9 in f em Chiaesoter townahip, viac. cifinty killai an W.dnasimy wvile eu- gagedin mre trésille work -on the vea- tarn extension cf tha C. P. R. neui Pmmbrolce. Ino thetiLone Land. - TRtE PUIORÂMME ARIANOED FaR TRE The follcidig l the complota pro-t grammne a.arrsuged fan the Gavernor.I Genenal'a tour thraugh tie Nrth- West Tertitorien Aug. 8-Ra'oilwomy terinus, 80 milesV byond Portage la Prairi. Amg. - camp 40 miles boyona. Aug. lth-ýBrnnon. Ang. l1-1tapld Oity. I Aug.1-Biélle. Aug. 14"-In Cern (Sundmy). Âug' 15 aff'O-In camp, ou rnutu I pellello. log. 28-là camp C4Biltlefnni(Sun. rotiM dblii~ti(SÃnday). Sept. 7-Ola sepit. a1uiat CorwmeUs. ethk teQ'pel..ý "TE PEOPLES' FAVORITE CLOTHflLG HOUSE.Y larraw Escape from a Fearful Deatb Over Niagara Falls. On Tuesday eveuiug, the-resideuta cf o village cf Cbippawa, samml tawunu e Niagara river, were atartîni st inak ait oveoiug by hearinRloua cries for fp mrr the. river, which wau cov«rmi t2oa lipenetrable fog. Il vs son srxiei tint John Lehmao and hi.eauo da John Greenwaod, ail rasidonts cf laI vIllage, vha haed rayi aver tb he nmeriOaD aide in tie m nig, bai aI.-' ptetereturu at dnak, sterling g !mr rorI. Day about a mlle above lbe ci lse, but they bai hen adely oven- CI oby a lad fog coming upon hem t they ver. neaning the. Canada- aboe. ] ,coing thoir inurse îh.y vers iivftly b ianiîng the rapidsiikmai vere baivg cmi-. tI lad tu destructin tirangi iherusbýug Il raiens. Tii. town bell vas rang, sud% me parties fini gn, but nu, cfore t raorts under tbm cicurnatancei culd t e Waie te gave the. unfartunata meu, I id tics. 'Who bai gathened nu lie t bor. fsom heerng heu criA atani tnieken vit ii inr, iiovingthe leur. i donth evaiting tho accu panta cf Ibm 1 eat@. Greenvani, seeiug bis danger. ue gitipu . bsmceIt farn- é ~ l obk1bhecf tbe.redis, mani b. Was sarsi. IUskept shcutiog fan help ýtintaivala ail nîght, moi Ibis rnnrning ra boni iding aafely st inchas. i.e telimans, baving noa unicaiin heir boat, drillai drwn with the spidsa hnieklng fret îcally fan hmlp.j Lmoal by e miracle the curont swept ' ,em agaînut a prnjectiog paint fleur1 le burniug spriogs, aui they voro lmved. Whnt Gladstone sud Bright Say. At the banquet la Ministeis at th. blansion Unume bMr. Oladstone dwelt apou the painful moineswvIlci anmew Lmes dsablod sud dishenored lie nibleat Legfsîstive Assemhly luin th iorld. This state cf affairs, -bhoaaid, rendors necoeeary adequate meastures xr impravin, liie condition cfibtis Tetlgaaie instrument. The. on- equeuce bus enu liai tngi lb. rà p- resintivos cf lia peple noves before wrkai su brd the reait is moil da- .ppoinîlng. Ater i.plorng lia nedoa- siy for thé. Coanolon Bi11. he expressa the bopa, tieugbh.o niigt be pi-ai. tue lu uaytug se, tual ah lamaI one naîst.mesura viU .bc plîcci ýou the. statato bock. TAie metter s, s till n anlain, mvd depania upon chier Januda, lef.rlng tatermigu poilhicu,-bMn. Gim- âtoue aM --lspite cf 8rne' mica-- rlugea vm ballai'. v. are,,travalllug-ià tho vay lovendi goeial peece. The. Itaien &Wstr .painfut as caiflrndag le conviction Ibm it vas an errai ta break up t l iuiteland Iniepenient Kingdom. W. Ituit liaIOurcourse, wil 1,encefartb anly leave on tiiAAf- ghan mini impresstens-aI ofor deaire for v- elfais. Mn. Gladatone praima t'o olyh6thie BrS doing the»s-" gotatin»,sui s i hre vms no ais- innu wliy the Trnauveeaimiandr th& iieiov of BitIih protection," aoula ioI gs'Mn up in ltae evjyment of ti uneb advsAntneaatas otbeai c1wI, Mr. Gladstoea uloeissthie acionaof Mir. Gbohen thelb.Grk wgotwiata. and coolids ihaeforee tu thé Britlihcoloniosaying limonawus ta tateaumku, Wertby cf tbe namne but sroulisloltau aooii uink o e gno nbg lifgst n Eglua towiari oin .Bslit l as peh st ti l Lornd Mayor abanquut mirhli aut&i- rocmleai agea inuthe Iish liay. uom fur tbirty yeurs. 'Heïbidaludiedi the subjeet, sud 1.11 as stnangly upon il ts he evir bai ,ou< ay -polutiil, qpj. #on. > e believai ltheLUnd Bal *s a great sud voila a moasi.as il vau psible for Phrliameut te ppsu. Ha Mai net doubt Itht avaws the tIrna vonl4apeedily Corne vrn u lb ,oul saognes b. ndeavor o# t 1 oyennméut i1.o4e imrigblst' je mce.. Ms,rgbtignoraie( amena. aiùeata aftbe HEcuue if Loand sdspolke if 1h.Bih a- uilicat ra*dy iLx reoivlv Ibe Royal &ient. 1 4-Xrqoýra.cf Fi4à l1; Cout El -,rusaboesothry, sud beape becga tu eat uhpcsafuac. Tbe;.aewu' intoleable lii 'I m.ai, tr a iho sbata il-byi', m sl.po>a uem@ma&toajp .tbuy rncua a lot f paris gnuqii &p&oc&Maijtb.eroùglie Son Wanaay roini4g48 dosaavine mîtsta telbe~ee~1clIbe remedy. Tii. C~omvel Li Ofaltu e aConta Ibtallpo p. i , i No Gond Preachiirg. No men eau do a geai job cf w rk prah a good oro llO47Z a law suit wel olr ,%,a gond articl I ien he'; fole miserable and duil, with aluggi ah bran and uniste..dy nerves, and noue ahouli make the. attemit lu snob a condition viion it cau bc so esiy and cheapW2, removaIl by aUltile Hop Blftirs.-Âlbzny imue. Reaîored to Health and Strength. Firnm Hon. 'W. H. offl., qcf Fermnt. -II have been troôuble fram iny bnYhood wnth chrcula or ber.ditary long coilut.- louis yoara aluom, early lu thre;*inter to Ql~wbleh aofuseul atie me avon bngh, whinh nontlnued to inceue as the. eon avaneed, altb h I nade use of aIl b.e caug romedohIadknowrIedge ni. My ' nlylystiau aiseremcribed for nme, aut 1 enperenced n relief. Duriog al -this t1mX l'wagradually rtlng bw,cl' leui, and etrength. Iuztaimu frtnds'Wel as myseil, becaino vezy mueh alarmed, thinin oud wte in, consump- follovlug, Iwus tndnced to tVy Wistax'a Bai.am fWi chtsrTý-Âftei onb.a&_ sra i w bwa, h.1à v ws reuevln ne; iu ton dais tule My cough badl entire. ly easod, anaI was son restored to hoslth and .trength. I have evar alne spItithé Blaiam in..my hou.., .anaviienevor auj iemberoetfifamily bas a cougli ornail, Lk lsmmedietly rasortei ta. 'No famuly aboula i MtW1, 60 cent. sud $1 a bottle. Sold by ail drug- Arc Yo tGini ta 'rr*vel? - Dou't fa a pply of that Dr. Powle ExtrantafVilà trawberry. Iti. a suer ior remedyfre ikea u P.;"-: loure for ail bovel nompiaint. tutducui l, bad water, change af dîet, or of, climate, Wbether et home or abromi, 1k should be bepi ut bandinlucasofe amergenny. B7y the.af Feflo' Cnoun-.à Srp iyphospliites the blond i.la peedlly vîtefli ed ud porii,s ans maie capable of produciog a sonnua mini auda sona body. Burdo ck Blond Bittera. Cures Serofula. erysipelas, sait nieum, pileu and .lhmorsoaithe blond. cugr.p a, laver'cmpl&lx4, bîousa.ss, ýénAPt Woo roakiannom llte, haouach à erv.ouaes,fm..5ekOs î ena aeblil.. Nature Makes o Miatakea. *Natuse'. avu remedy for bovel nom. plaint., choiera niorbua, cholincran0 i vomiting, z«e .nkne, olora Inf.ntnxn *", -,&» oies f ti~Liogiu 1tti.aummer sea on, la Dr. iPavrWM. Extrâel ni WihI Straw. berry vhich can bo obtalusi nf al deslnie in Medicine. a s Dunlng Ibhis vontb simm O"omplsiuta eommonca thou nmav¶u. Bo bc forevainsi -i. ta b. iorearme&D.r. PaviEr'.Reant of Wilii travberry la the boat kvewn pie. irentative ati cure for ail farms ci boval emplpilussud lehea. incident ta the * Frie,01 Cut. lil p4ntue isl4tm-g6aùie ietmnof m grat aniey-cta lai IIIpoultiveiy curecanumpiai, cugi. eli asthme, brouchiti., or goy afetion ÃŽIfi. tixict soi longs- areneqe ite a Cai AtW. R. Roe'.dru g etciaa pe a ii baila ai f c cot I ile:ll saowc* u *bat a saulr dolar saibotilez vii n.Soli by BI. Revue. 00mai labarilf he ay vii'th". ontire; montai efforts baome a bunian,>si aen joya are digniai by l.- the udcw 0f Ibis Wénu*sw-biela u. st ven tbair, Rvus BI'NG SAOEUIFIO.GED .,ý.AT BpYiSNOE_ Ladies wishing Press >d, iga~s ul~s à 3aos l n ~godfiÃŽm~4a< ueshould; tar antg o hi l à g ý~t.Bumier Sm1e NOTICE TEE FOLLOWI15-G A Lot o: 121 Cent -15 cent 22 Ce-nt ,f 14 and 150.,DR A«YP~I~Ssl 0Cns LIGIIT G]ROUNII PRNTS for' 10 Cenits. -LIGHT GROUND PRW1TS,,.for I1,1,C9ntc. SATEEN :PRINTSfo 5Cns SATEEN PIRINTS for 17 Centýs. 25 eCent 25 Cent 13 Cent 1T Topt 20 cent GI i - GI SATEEN PRINTS for 20- dents . SCOTCH GINGHEAMS8 for 25'Oents. PIRINTED MUSINýS fer 10 "'Cents. PRIN TED frUetiNS.., for 121 Vnté. FANCY BORDERED MUBLM$ ýfor 15 Cents." Ai Tgittres Gooda fËrom 15 te 20 -per cent. off Ali ]n igeued very--nut~ in price.-- Ail araolsand Sun Shades, reduced veryiuh 100 Heavy Jean Spoon »sk'. Corsets for 7&5-Ce4to. 1EAT BARGAINg IN BOSIEBY AT-BRYOEIS.- eA.T: ýBARG.,IN '-IN LIOIL3ýA»' :IL-X el& S w~~O7T 19A'BAÈR'(}INS IN itACE - MITTS AT flRYCE'S. RBiduc4o8i6m in the p1rice of LACE, CUBPAlN&.'! Reitins in- 1k. e i. 3LRAaNRI WONDEBFTJL OFFERMGNS -1XEiB10D1~ CMUÂ~E1Y~TBR -DUdEDiEBy LOW MILLJINEI'Y ahCtD1A20p GREAT Bi4RGAINS-.4?YMEN'S HATS. GREA T B-44U1W.SARFS. GREAT BARGAINS IN MEN"UNRL0HG 'i GREATB13RGAINS-,IY- MEYS socks, BA For. lBargains 'in a0 Qar:Si0 ý yGoS ot 13RYCE'S N T E 2 ~- Mi nonEPOLIOtt=W~~R .f Z. -À. Omn ~ ig 4 QQ 4 ?ýysjOjýn be5ôùeo Larg Stocks -and Low Pnoces" bemig oÙrMel i o. aW r- and examine and lbe on-iued> at' r-i *IÙBY-' o. 4 Brook et.11 & 13Ë d ' evlixg hou WB ABE PREPÀ1eBD TO L(>AR Ou god mortgages uLWRTS0 N~ET ,~ Ciansee u, n yof bu 1&mrt'is are drawhg g trs~u ~ ~AVE wbile ~ fj r: ILuguat ~8zde 1~81. I ________ the rateoý ilion aI t ce oxpo luat par. Prie$ tu mhs i in pis damas 1EU~TIMi~ ~Wi~IT DmININW1EO . IlN J. .YQÊLL& ÇO. beg to announce ha teyhavevust ec4vedIU caes'.fFin0SctdTedSutgad ONE aseFrmn4liWorsted Cotings a<Tdueg, direc.tfrommariatro h hetqaiy h-- have a:firstý c1ass clitter on the premises. Witlithe bvefdite, hycan guaranteetourot Gret'edet~n ii al umerqods Mu1~~,F~oyPrnt, Des God, osery GovsMi~nry Parsos, &c. &. RES-M EIG T O DE ......... COMFL-'TT..STCK.0F........RQa 'eRr... T!ýOOTT0N BÂGS Par. A.ing , '81 as ~%DW U1I-. U RA- --- - ~ ' . .00.