Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1881, p. 4

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ram, 1,1 r 'whsr. Àîz ,vllbad eaqs, sa n u ,uNow, Qo< b. -peulod,Whe BtRuaiad Wea "Bine. Ihur. bond the as hor." AU saZIne o ga. 4r-,jf I j adO rb. Tbipd.e Wfo Uplb oMeleir 0ibm mtuciizm, c amp lied a chair oat f axahangs on1h fioor aud set dovué, "lsay," th. old -ebaidam, ahevlu hl&m iorsel-of navy plug wlth tbé repU intonationucf aàimmuWho vs as esi. t'gay]FOU kno* ihst spaiti4 oaahdog cf mine. ébabi hie log vllb a raille- aa . nl- goWthase voeks ugoP "Yes', b. eilo eai h.remembue-ý ad ILDagd"1111-" "*Douti 111ad the old -au, «no ; lite sa JOU -are. and cli rghts only he'à iry. in',10 oil hlmselfup il té ihe . a nd hua leVen a wlloegroved oui on the ad ntltusail.- au for. a l ua. od iâqure &Bsd ,nid :- oc osa n ears'.thé old man's *a ghoi e" <. w ',Wheai d unI'ee"bd Ibemedaium. 0a "My aid ma, th. goveror. Oel Pl ti robean mm o nco gi.-i 7a1, tgt an -'t' M hem oùoor t- "H at unweO ll--If, aoit*dhow,~* Mir he'&hii Ihiat table he'd spftterdit Oelil him Up," amd, draving £rnft th. afealionstuon out àe mate alook on th . medium .rtIcnéeUhr "1.11 hlm thai I vent la ses him. ThatlIl feiah hlm." "Noh'Oaolia L.~ to b.e àhIS. 'W0-:a preseu Hee ïr bdr. d e*« stu "Oap'n, Fou's. lb. lnfermlsl làiasn 10% a n 0ia id .rkcim. t h hd Mark TTelio mêâA9 si vula nomf.ll Mukarkiton.hro Wf eUs ,long p$i a N. et lad .v.ry luihof IL. Ift absud go hudu'l ~ ii.doge. MUT toub.- laiDol Ieu'i a 013 .piiug." - ught' Ibis. vould b. oned business- in' hue .bove promises anadles now tr, on SHORT NOTICE âadat reasonakie rates. DbPW ED GOODS of %.-JPERIOR QUALITY' of sapa Ta , nd Sh.at4ron waa andtatly kapt in stea. 1~ &Lo th F9I [th&$sanurwurnj sunken aciIwes ouirveti bD. D. ofe? ofn&w - - " .ddeawuhlabhitâherto hatr~ ibppad from Pioloulasi weak. ~&ufdpoil oflgq.u-lBpde ià.rsd il l iigou-lhua1i~8 Th. Dominon Modias Amoeeiloà wili tibe at Pombroke on Fndey, 8.p. »Mi eafrhs~W t ob" Tb. dilere plauueaf theOaaUMIMU in-S =u osut.S ,o Wbty ~ie a. T. 1MILESSI & 00. SOs.m. oet B~EPÂRfl<done chesply andýneatly. Âeicaiana canadian 0 OÀt MI.1 Lamp Chimneyo, KINdi TRtETr, ' otï4'AwA. Just rmcoie& ti a a the New er# ~ 1~ stock of WINES and LIQ«UORS, direot importaton, S co m 4iig ,-Pert- ia4nà e Wies,& di, - Â1e~and Guinness and Blood's Porter. Goo~m Wer~felebs~Old -Uyoatid Malt iiky, Ithb betuIalhe »»i on drmft and inbottle.à Thaergout uana bes umt d iof ààÂAliéseiabtjb a Bhe*ry Win-si, of smuios quuliy, ai #5.0, 4&00, #8.00 sud 12.50 fledsadGrOn l Tmsua iaude38Gin. Plméià quli ofet OlJameleaRamn. BeauAIe, boWied 1 lu d ?W04n4nl, Tvo dosan hotlls.ai 11.25, per.oe. Gculaee ud Blood'm Stoutlulaquaea nd pin ta. oegree& Son'* aelobrated Sioe stai 1.50 per dozen qua, andi 75 onuta pes 4os8« pinte. F fra8 A foi oM111ne Ê e' 96d cm Kinge4 w of Ibm 59ip1.s 4f Çi~ess ooeetuslly on benti. i~a Hâr~~Ole~ Wiod*or, Ta~gmpit.s., Graud Ducbeum, Mmjde Lmef~ xlala~tesu~ Femue, N. ~Jpe ijilse, 1, M.P.O., Y~OtOrAe, Plo~4è~Fuhes, Iaoam, Ls0asoIlua~ L~9utollee. E.Hfja, La E~ei~ Emlu~.uI., AmeuioeuOàûsan Laro o smZluanw emulhed. and delivarot fur.tcharg la-té mu Wbile sluumbe be ,ot40 Wbloa. sa aiIm~ure.iaIow 's. 100:, 1580. Pa e a hùù,:%ev e at hs t hw strevdt h om uos. new promioes, leie j now. in a botter position -than ever te supply aul t*iir wants, His stock of Fumnituree raevnd6ie sets, ana everything - hat cmn b. eafle for in ii linà, ùndan examination wii co4vince that,.hppri r owaogite suit the times. lt'MeÊ T AXRI N G. '~ Fner.IsMIysnped. WM TI ~LL. 6iE N T S' FURNIS-ýHlNG- flOUSE! The unarsignei ham just raaaivedaa. splendid stock of Bdotoh, West 9f Engla alqd Canadien Tweea, for S~4A~¶)~SU MMER. S UITS! Aul gmernts nmade.and, finihd in %rt.laaya7, a n ôa oerate pricas. Gentleiman wiilsvemna ygivingle oeil and axa.mining.- couvea, endail kinaof -golits'fuimshinge. -J H FàUS N T~E O--:0 -ND fach 22, '81. Ditudas St4cct, Whitby. wE &BI& ùmÂxfG A 0f Photographs, in sipia, Ifeé-size, an entirely NEW7 PROCESS.ý. SEIMBNS OMX. BTIN Ca0rds apd Cabinets futrnished in tlthe 1~tosy~oFt0 Art. ,~ O~~te OntarioBank ,j 1yngmimdosiring toe atdy Phê1Qpwpý1y, wWiU p oa&ba MA ugà:r. Barett, sadgettingterms.,- ATe HARNFj soo? tMes S.çv LWILLIbandtThoMP6OAt-teNàl Do.. 28,J879. WILLiAM THOMPOON, -B.rook Street, Whitby. A&ILY LINE TO ROCIlESTE Oommenoing Wadnesday, 201h April, 1881, THE STEAMBR (R. cRÂWFoEDi Master,) WiIi mako her'regoler trilis on ibis route, LBAVING Cobourg everymorning at780 andl Port Hope ail 9 o'clock, on arrivai ýof tb. Grand Truçk Estva latrain, from the Kaeý and»West; aonneo ng e# Bocheatar wiih thtiXw York'Cêntral*N~br e trai, u mia Hilaya a.:nJthé,Lk;n ÎÎIrlo Dldbslo i fthe home. .Witartbiovn ýr Êmkbwr al1ay, for a2 pointseHaut,; Momu e iote(Pr fPor OL.ENON, Dâmléio For lirbari~4rn -iénppIt o é. IVEPOZO,Land COff~RTS on arrivai of the traliIeaving Whiiby- afit 8,-m., Pziday. fr: é menu TaAId pari. 5 ~L~~L~UUE ---r - IL,.. )-Tl~oe >PArn~- on Mïy iotl~, i~~- - mime wdaex.1 - - LOOI 000 -The Finest St6J 1. A~ an campa 1, OVU7 I - d.~ J tersait 4~T4I I 8.1l irbl v la i -& Wl 1 I-jr Il LL- MI Gl:EAT. BARGAI&NS L~AT 001. &~ T 008., < 9T COSI. The -wholer"S'to'ck, Vo -be olearedl off before the expira- tion of the lease. JAMES JOHNSATON, Praticai We±obznake, iBrook-St., Wbitby. . March, lot 8a1. JOHFN SCIJLLY, Land aod lm îlg~tun figent .500 Farma lu Outarié, and Lande in antb or sale. RAILWAY AND) 8TEAMIIP AGENT. Agent for. Noi-th-Wt Trax8portatio TICKERTS iOBL~ I OINTS. CANqADA PÀ-PAFie., AILWÀ7. O i,1ioà,$ta "t prins 1111

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