Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1881, p. 2

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àaA ,Gray OCa Whty1rédBiuhool. P ReLw iate for sale-1 D.81.yst soir. Chante, of Tlou-.ýThe àUln Lino. Z « Sepomber. =4 1 Caille. SplO-W. B; HoWI laeopeulugi OntAulo Ladie' Cologo- ONLY 8i:5o PER ANNUK Whhfby, Thursday, August 25, 188 The BHast Suger Factory Project Mr. Lawderbareied ni louter from Mr. Doak, of Oosticoc upon thillahjeiit roui wieih v.ha beau peruittedt Lshnako Lbe, foilowi ettraots,* ,'Our contrracte arn al mades in gr( tous, and My staterenl'of yield 'w bueetupo. Liai melaure, bast vo ot aftoQr4 o *y.Par toll forehr, #4 veredaet , .tededaum bmm éupply,ýwussuu .Ahbita to (Io .mMabomr"do Le t adIL wlllreq:i good m fatiq tg e te. tata. I aY ures aL soins tole arem adpe e t1h ugar bteelgvisàgt iAmlpr..tsl ofsalts and not eneotquantity ^of chrystalixal oxpeelmet falle l ins ofiLb.eriche 'Wbsulrx atse (vis. >-Oilo snd Ni onui)., W.made a prellmiml yti of 11beeta bs ors before uundertaki ouz,iàmto, mani fomt the qus]i 0cOr ooakmeaeiôtUwo l .for tw~o ysa vhlsh volti aford th. Companyo portaity 10 provido acroaga cf to own to ieét %y aubsequent shortag la t*9 ,voiuaiary raisingu of 1 fuaris. Oaa yu. «md f any sngar beeta ha beon km"wula your section $biti. y se hai Lhb quulii oould ho tasted Ifyonu o ouid. andt2he wo.ulL siion proie favorable, it wool& rorovo st dobt s to oitabity cfyonr sti xriî Lavè4r ",eoirod omuasoa vlob vwiliib. forwarded. The.oeil tt4 us eoâ leiprouoùnod, hy Lbo who rota4 ~.jtgos, ominsut liu saitieti fr gSvlg ugr hosto the. dati qtali1y Fardeulss Ms thtit thers. vwes e n o difficul whatsver la guarutselug Lb.euoessai MVay.b4 eesyfodejp The fàarmegs »4flunt.d lau su fer as iauoh aq, h.iovnep.ople<ý Lb. ,indueçobuh offesbti sheil oub"e9 tA soeutsrhosr. y coupt tiaon t he PreaMiýtt bât ot lnuproý durig b.paet ve.Aitho4hglI dooLrsar lioenM f4l, itlilespa thi hlnoutho'diuMXleov-; t&atbh be9onulg znola v s udtian à Judlsatur e ain*me"ubopeistiant Mooday. Oouslderabio sommeti aaîo4uts [egl fratornitylastheb. saI.. Tiihe nolEsu, tuoi , entier &ai oua oventhe change broughî about. Ti 41udaOIIOboeven he court ef cii onysth.coruon 1ev ocuntte, sloIshe, aui 111.relue cf ho cort : yprevaiL 1 oré have bo oombus sb1ev, e oufora M=tj lA es.., vhtwhw boeoo& dIn th.elà4-s ge sass ordtaaryadhils, asti euttaln a b atatelssmài f 1hhe i.. - ' T4:co0% Whb" foepsrlpýoxke* ie* o't bac oato r Onario, ed*uIboumd&.aut ek. lai tédAdU Sa .i. tri Wehire roeelveti om lb. Baguat j publubsh o - ul siUilbtî hio* , ole Uue sfmie 240 sud 280. pefibs , n-e ootiveiy, with the abave tité. .. -Tuey are fuill cf qualuh humer, sud. macht sou stsasea, anti piossaut anecdotes, 4.@.. ingod anot,oat themLanashire - i'5IrosIad by a,'il, vith mucflavor anti rslii. AndtihLispbssuro wum deuil y ehasaed viLh heMua buavetgo ducticu cf an olti peseonai friand. rMn. J. Johnson Brown, formerly the ediltor cf <ho Outm.loTimes--(before il ho.j cemo lthe whithy Gauette vtb ia1 tventy sulooe.ding, chnge.>,suanti kvl many y ýs àl îdter ai pttp- opioncf-ti. Roponi.trlthm Mue- aloîe %gr. »rwn viilb. reinmoiereti hy nuy of bi. elt i»bLy Miasa,, via - ii h ueaeseatotaearalhlims sd vu, pnospenity, sud gro6mgreput.@ai au author.08 1 Pon't W1rnnn.-Arrived, thm iabr. Ari, ligit. -tosaed with peplan wqot ansd boIt for osnal. Tho elîvaton aud varehouseare. lu copleLeoroden for Lihe recepticu cf -grain. Fartuera eau nov look for, a I.-quick delinery cf theIn produceý -Dredging to the mtent af 8000 yarduà bashe beudons, gling adepîlu cf 11 batwen te Rim > dretige le etili - t at rk, andtilli do saine 8M00y"ni Smors, towards, tovanda the vieif, be. fae fiishing. hone 'ho Harbor Company sboulai go 'i' tefor a viil <om Sir Hector Langevn, -while le i. Paaiug thie vay, andilry ,,a aud&soer a r. of lb.gooti thùîtg iug pronisod ge msny ocher places, l nery o hoty of recognition a roe istb-ans-Wtbcai 6? - nild di.choxgsd cargo las% veekt IPi4 "41eaa Ltmumu'atIlieTb*n HII&7Î omu Mnay evouing. bog aire Tbrosagb Lbe favorable rscoeennda- thot cf Msuager Canner, of te Royal no%' Opera Hanse, Toronto, tus People er tac Wilby and viciily vili hans au oppor' - bis Lunty of vitnossing Muthe mtatîou orof lb. Lthe imntlonal draina cf set Lynna or t the Etepomaut,.at lb. TeonHall,0on les Monday erening. Miss Ada Gray, in Mu8 te uhanaten af Lsd yIsanbel, bai won a est continental noputation. Mn. George 'ln Danreil, as Sir Francis Lovisen, le ity ' pa i tihcul tint-by ltheToronto. MIPres. Tiie Company opsasd et Lb. t1, oyal Tononto, au Monday sud have 10 since bati urovdsd, saud increaudgly Scrowddouhosos .very evening. Asmn.- the5 narked hy*ou. cf Lth. Torouto daiies- "b Tis mshow. tuat the public appreciato &vo lu mnri wiich Lb. company pro. >a It le ta e b.boel tMa a Wiby 'ni audience yl s.Uffcinly apprcte stA histrionlu efforts cf titis descrption- nyIn titefn.cive.a a means cf aducton ne vel ssci .njeynont-end iai in Ibis nu- respect Whithy viii gain s naine for pu, patrauizing Lthi iogtimaiedlranua, wiiicii lu otiter ioellti:r nuly secesoded la oh. taiing'fo. toirsupport cf -perform- as nes cf tbe colored nulistrel snd uig. 90Y gor ciass. are Doe s and eg-flgiita arecoulerons Ly ou the streots anti gir. mueh atinoy- km suce. Tho cursa Muetac n aten sud1 àa" howl set1he' holacf podestrimansd »0. honose&boula ho uhovunoticMercy. Mg* Their ovuers night b. nmmoned be- tt for*e sWonhlp anti Ponbbpo Lu. lu- bu dictimo f &sfemant fiues voubtihabsn. lu* Me effect of abatin&titis abominable1 anud tangenos nulimanco. iI Cou=T oTTvege&-&I thee lna<aiLug - reaof i f Mu upei.courtonu ody i ire sutngaofethle s"vy"lcourte 'cf Assise btid NiiProie, sud Ghaneeny Division vers l appeineti.9 him 'Vimvani racu.- Hon. Justice1 - Armaur, Brampto, Sept, 18; Whllby, Sept. 19; Lindsay, Sept. 24; Peter-, MW boWo, Qt 8 ; lggbmug, Oct. 24, - on CEM01RT uurisiai. ion 0à Hoe cuu.-Honl. Justice ton ne-gsu, Guelphl, SPt. 0;Balsud 'il- 18 sînec sep~t. l18 St. CaMuer. rhe UO4.Bet. 1 ;BarieOct. 4;1 *Owen' anho Sonna, Oct, il ; Whithy. -Oct, :Le la~ Hamilton, Oct. 21. cf DE"AoTp cs EAToa Bneuo.-Sens- bout torBonaediedti hlebosasli Hoa., ai' Otttlir uTu ay1orlg. H M11 . DAT on . Wu Goaxusung susR-1 lioeé-by, - Attspgam, anunciug lti i Ies.. e isa lian ýi, vini a Tu rpooseoi pnei.ad-;umciàb à - amoilma u Muy report -mU c f vbmal dai d. *atiW».i oylaocadlln. )4* U i'ttamt>lesaaexpoctetinlu thm cours favui bu -O5ma, i, Loti dulys- n.te of Dr. ino0*1 filoa eti lt atàej, rus h OsPar.Ti.f %oln a , "ut%',- Felisi n ont ..L.............. M. Paimer, b Woods....1........... F. Palmer, b Woos ............. S. Ray, c Stounett, b Smlh-...... Lngb tlgutb ....... ..... L Dou nt ouI . ........... .....1i Tomu, A. Sunref, h Woo&s..1 Billîfng, a.J, agralt, b end. B!vwn, b Kennedy'*........ .. Leg........... Wides ........-............ la COBORGO. let Insinge. % Hde,1hw, b'Logaub.%.....1 Stennoît, b Lalng-.. ......b.. Hargraft, 3., e F- Palmner, b Logan. Wcods, b Logan ............... ArmanT, M., e Palmer, b Léga .. Kennedy, h Laing ............... Hargraft, A., ot cutl. ............b Nelia, b Logan ................. Whiite, b Logan ................. Munsou, b Herring ............. Smithi, b Logn................a Extra....................... Total------------------......... 7 COnOURG. 2%d Inings. Haydem, b .......... .u .......... . ...o.t... i Hu'nIJ,,ea M. Palmer, b Laon. v Woods. c M. Peiner, h Loga... Anneour, c F. Patlner,. agn -Ki ausdy,e F . Palüimorb 1. Faluner Hanrgrft, A., c Bncua, b M. Pa"mr 1 Nels,ý b Loga................. Wiitebh Logan. 6..... . Monao,1 b w, hboa<~-..... Smith# b .... .............. ~xra......................... Totali..................f......... BOWLING ANALYSI-vlirnn. lot Innttsge. Buvionrs. Ovors. W'm Ll . 12 8 Boviens. Ovinr. M>d'na. Woods....- 20 8 leonsAdy..k. 9 2 la"giafI, J.. 2 O alargrsft, A. 2 0 Armour.... 5 0 Smith ....12 2 Buts. Wkt 20 7 .27 8 10 2 26 7 8 0 Rua. Wbt 14 2 4 0 7 0ý 18 O 81 4 A change bu heen madtetin lth olst,en t. play ln the Iuterustlani tuatchbaI Hamiito,-B. Ray tshun lb. place of Mn. Behaen. .Sain viiinc ffi to-gin. a gacd mecelunt cf hulusol Importation of ShePP for llboane The Dorchuer Couuty Ghreuiù1 and Souuorsoeiire Gazette, ofJuby 28t contain Mue foibavlu* c"h.zzP,-'Witîthé V Lb. t onii it ovu bau be.n7 avIetbye M HHELSpe.u',vb-soins, 4yera liveA et 1Hougliltb. ielaiino buefls da là faimn «BrehlO u'elasng 10 Kualantva t. asicM ébifnhslaiirnânali useiuit dangers Ventures. n.mtiy nu Mr. j. J. Nenvic;ý nm in shov, a 101k> ;i~ hatshum extra fln' =vo07a I DoOMa'l Mue Bhrbonel wnt, bbofui ie proredinlt. e Harbor av lbefgeP Au lie't Sun Eeelhog nov <ho & bout, redhrsssln Lb.ginanceacfai p ilâces hanauboorau ô il IsiPi'c ,7 tverkDlsni - e helui mntehan 0 piou o CIbténium sa- vn-' p mi, L8 hon hro fin ln iti kila n gdeuts an ~san ..hmdbun y-oaag- dmnsmieah sui],Heotho> bas lix.~nenou vany, Ssaint Dai-lie Salutt. Mauilthe î vunît ýkuova, alkeuwo'muy loig, an w varymiles vitl iii hielid ndher hie Sur Hoothorwou't b. liktihy-2 valk vudihuhieditundiier ie.arm, not -vidi ie lite bldunudier a -bathol, an for liaI "mue rayon amay u noti IL almey ho 8fclly lu the futteope an-thé Sant,- Sur 0 H9thonvaw"sid iei nbiel,sau 8 c tho Li.lits av bit kuithooti kipI 1 bluia b4 .hlmhiglior Liaa kite, 0 iverywvi ah goos, an Lb. people (vie 8 hor barbons an publie vonks ta in- 18 Ëronlsn&U arycnt-Qed Bave Sun 1 Tharo vas vausi upon a hlm. a 1 hnmboggin culA aluner an a Rail, oe 6 Sur Hudibnas, vio- 4 IWiuen civil dutigeon «inu grmv higi -1 AnA mon feR ouL thoy kniv net viiy-" v ioL ravin aboitt- " Chier et tiomdsehie è;aà at at Billion for .baitoi urf ar vaauht-" 4 But, Sur Heothon le a e voy tilfern L2 baiL frouneleh a eharak.the-s &f- <mfoinat eck as luit la-tactDankueis, 0 or insybe, 1 huti lie et manDaylte. 0 Tii. ouit svmhàbtkler vint eut te 4' ebsllnge su arglfy an flght au- 2 -"JProve bis docthelnO ctlioti.) 0 Sy pchtallcbl nntiktack§.'Y 4 Bat Retti on nte -mnbskY, ifa 1 Du a Do e n titly au ouly vanta 0 te de s geeti hurn, on promise holde Il, 6ý for irorybody, To ho shore I et - faffly puntindt 1 don y hut Muai politicbs 58 hod suun tuo do idh lieégeins oui an Lb. vantiàsmis- av boths- an -Ihit tharevas th t mui n 00o Ilc bethun a e-Muai iciseanm n antet t& 10 show offIe koîthoot ian wvaspronti av hein addbresmed as tilté Worebiful. But th&aI v Uai. Tiare va ts ia single plut mavcenipanian. An tharo vu thiehbig diffonince bosides. Sur Hudibras knov ivoryMulng, anA vut- -Undortaire te provo by foi-ceà 4 Of ar.gumeint, & imaSs no horse-,t vieesu, acccrdin te the Wae, Sur SHeathor l uisvarnu, (an vory propor. ly) te obLain iufone-us ful Au accunate a noliage saas oslhl-av tae publia vonks undben brs coutrol. Thia in commindable, an ho deservea Le ha patteoth Me back for iL, su il iii anly cnuate Whitby I vuti holp La givo hlm te s dazen PaLm--on tue back-iu 'preaint &il hlm vuihan addiiress, u gooti a van 'ra urer cuti ho moti, an-an-s-how hlmu Lb.th Harbor. Hie uchitige an bis blenu. If o' ecmplaho if he oMiLs WiLiY htbrI is thravois, an yoz ,t ebutimake o bevté telol hlm se. Tel Mua Mare, au the Tovn Govosil, au Mue Harber Comnpany, su Mue Conserva- s,- Lve Panly-yes, ail Parties-to invite 'hblut-kçfL im n otMe fly-goî np o, grand banet-iot'sail11.9Qonu t ii u, a ntut tulLis eauties anthie il faithea posion an Mue vory bost r. Harnbor on Mue Nrt onulito an Lake ~oOnhan, an hunve me Lviii psy for Mue ,e "lnui nWb" inh vi h emuIimber- th- = rlMu Mn ahecuina 10 carry leont hie lnhisuumm et . m' Iaeoul lald in WhLby lu 7., vee. Tvas Miathen Dewey, the vOU Of baou J. P. an U. i wo le havi ra. thltthsspàtwl"bhe boter magie. ùr tbraiM.-ithr John' Not, tuit res hon va nahleoinla ie oniee.lHe aieA me ut aivlee. anI cudn't bolp teilin lm l [to- wu aNotty q eiuuu au Muet I leftLîl n., to ho. uled becbnne em"lres au o-"ini t , maho$ "maudy I1I vant teogve yes a louludimuin bout ri ~WLy le Musdy's ig hi imbe d 'b bioGEenlant i -tlle it up ' Y& I K1R' il ' %BOohOe,îl dBai h, "-le a bd gowlwïtoèm'ph t" promieodI~ cf vnuttiMulea ua il I ditisu le, lisüaiy jule o i ohm, I vouitigPt id yes We glne lhe onforgivin slndamenr Ik otYon hume frmtii, 01 TIM ODAX. i. - ~ Loue'. 1. uA froate letvcr«4 -nhoe &L'rcf lie ?oncoto iotsr Whuo io making si 10cor fnom . Toronto notes$" glvem the foloving description Whiîby, Lhe Oonuny To-vh cf the Olqsnty of Onhario, is Véry pieasautly tho lako, "à oUt th'-aie distance 'froLa lb. GOrna = un av. IL>4 âu llüponLànt eh!pio pin, baviniga uhf,velPebesha ehao,<cuiee ou. . tho béat on thLb. ' lion,) anti imple vrhtmn comoal,;b ralL0, alclg si etseaeus olevator, a8,0,; 1811, 2.'782--.omprWolg 684 natepsy- orn. The corporation limite embrase the largeaia of 4,240, &Ores, affoutilng etoutycf room for future grovth &ud d6veiop6mont, vlthôe irtur, ta ait tendthebolimité. AtitiLeol0 hein corporation cf Whltby, lu 1855, liions wrs gueat etpadtmtlous t if 1raidt grovthanti cf Ite soon .sallng inho the prcportions cf a clty, rivaillng Tor<,nto, A railway vii Projeoldi <om Lake On- tarie ta GeorgianB&y ; but Lbe effort te got Lbe Coonty toa lnvith Lthe toua lu ils construction vas unencosful and s grand cpportmuulty ieih cf nisking tii. county the lghway fer tiie Lieds botveen the. two lakesansd building up tb. Couuty Tôvn. After -subséquent fruitiess effortt lu thé e nedirection# à naliay vau at hongili builitnortb, es fan as Port Penny', andi aftervardaex.z tendeA Mence 10 Lintissy. At Lb. lat- ton P;O.odu uonocte viLl the 'Victoria sd iand inoe;&anti nder tbe -able management cf Mr. Ecidon, biansgiug- Dfrsotor, sud bMn. Rou, Lthe SeregsiY, Treausaer cf tii. ooinpany. the, Whithy Port-Ferry sadLindeayRMjlay ls nov oeOte ob sL.oulonucted *udanA oo the buet poyingrooaîjsn'ýhoProvince. Tiie towi of W"Yh ave 880,000 to- varda <heo ouatrto" cf . li ne. Thé amcuflt *a@cs ed u ago for a tovu oftite site 1bati t '-tow-toaplng itho beuneit c4tu lnu1oIêi1b u uapin ber anA choap condvood, sud casy, choap anti- expudullons commuication vitli th. nonthê iiou ôtry. Tii. streoteans vel laid caL sud Lb. bovaluod for-ita-boalnnua. on the prIpa sttnos âcure - somb dons w v he .formons cf Lb.s8 =CnI- ing vele.ottieti ounsl. Wbitby pa.- sm" eoeavry fine puonket building sud tohoul-Lb. latter llghted vitb Clan- adieu Air gai, anti'capable of s.sting 800 people. àtarkotdasys, Wednosdaye sud Saturdaye. Tie.areusvensi veli kuowu grain b0tiy& I a tu h. touansd L.theaot anti baly trade le cneocf tho important featansa cf ite Liae.and commerce. The conulty buildings are lange sud *911ai1Vointed, aud inclttdo lhe conrt bouse, regumry af- flae, cii.. cf Me sounty t.nasurer, ciork cf Lb. pence anA sUrrcgnte. dep. uty clink cf Lhs crevu, geai &c. Tii. Ontario Ladies' Cellego, s osatollateA building lu the EHizabaLiin stle, le a rery prominout sud comuuanding oh- jet amonget the public buildings of Wiitby. 'The Cdilsgaate Insitut. 18 &oaiue ati mWoui fteA up sool building. Thiore are a modeY sebool, Mre. public sciiecie, anti one soparate sciieci, &ail lbuiit, maALb obaracter cf tiie ouctionai facilities suppliat by Whihby have a very bigli réputation- Tierare aýhuiebea of Englant, Metie- dist, Préshytonian, Roman Catholie,, Bapilit, ant cgregitional chnncbom, sligooo buildinags, lis MethOtiat Tab- or"*, suantiA i anteOhunoh boing «ePéguay ampomuug anA eoctiy atru- ttrs«..Som Une 7.ybadoin privai. reunée.sl"Moset lieoye un every diretio. 'bltbisaeo eli supplied in Lth* vaapn n, avog-1e wweukly Papenré Alu gh;anuaxeptWc»aly goond lialieorthé eetshibhmen cf ins- hfu os, mueaüabtsiumet--of iii, tow u refov et prèsest.-Tiýp=icî-- pal are, ihe Wbiby ountinyï an-tii tannony of ithe Mosans. Ring ]Dro.. Whilby bas carnabc>pïh va vhicii ha gainauaMOT a m u rPni- olsI-rpsatotl; plians inge sud me- chine sbups, *exteec5pea<er anti butdons'ubopa pA lb.he vkofka thle Witby Pont iPenny anti Lindsay BAil- vey. Thon. ame alse Ivo baukm a iMe. ebanice' Institute sud, largo librany;ý offices oethMu Mto*l andiDoinin toenP, ines, spaciosas aNiculua grouae audaildigs heid, lve sIbeo.vial s osa oeb vit omaibuseos <o antifromeinMuerlway dtUdooaesription -----e' WETur, FOR*PI5ut&IAX.Uoâ1 UAh-ý wA,Y-For u~o4s u.lth le Froigii 1 Il .. ,106W >aasu adriet < .. 68 Totaliii #1590 Oorrospouding *eek lfut yeai.... 1M0 Inrae. 88- * " 1880.....62,766 --Iree..5,599 1TrAckiaplgii a cmaoet On the robeli portion of lhe canada: Fai" ta lwuay htoa' Portage la;- Prairio anA Wlnalpog.. ItlaI inionded te, ave tiuaportion of lie nadl"readY, for Iraffo by tii. lôth af Sopiember. lie canada Facifie (osetern eeotop), se;- bai ben robedtoA mi on-o sideration cf a grant cfi wonty acres andi freodonu froin taxation for lventy The contractons c~ iEoocti of tcfLb Can'ada PiieZo are rumilng thoir lrack- layiug. Tiey are n0w vitbin fine miles of the end -cf their section. Ou Lbe pcrticn stili nemininugthere la somo grading te 'mbe <done,-belon. the.- railsecan b. laid, but thb0F Lack vI h dovu bofor. tha lot of Septombon, anA MeussPurcoel & Go. vil lbc enotitieti ho their botucs cf ô per cent. Tii Ondin of 1Rallvsy Gondtieniet its «il tannual meeting ilu Lndon ehecteothMe foloving officers s-Mn A. Douglas re-elo<,hod Chef Cocductor; Mn. 1!. '#elai t a.ih, .01 3.,Turbuil, Trou ; T. Walsh, Selc. ; t>, G. Ils-nil, Sn. 0. ,f C.; J. G. Willams, J. S, S.; T. Eil, O. S.; 0. Wsimmloy, Past G. G_; D. G. Revil, Delegatte theii Grand cession.- The tnafflc roturna fan thoeiilanti Railvay for Lb. voek euding Aug. 14 are :-Peegssdmas,2,10; frob, 8,6.8;tt$ 8,678.49,s bompae v 0,1.for Lb conns- Poudn ek t18.being an in- Oreao cf:" 0 GOsdtheéogçrgate traffie 10 dataisa 211,756.60, . ing au lncreaae cf 027,584,02 oeon1880. Tii. rfio rstnrns forn Lie Grand JutoaRllvay fcr the.week endng AUig. 14 are as f6nileve -Pamseà andi malle, #697.99; froigit, 81,7ô8.80; total, 42,46L79; as compaesA wU $984t47 fan Mue caroepondiug veek af 1M8, heing an incroeocf 61,522,82; andt he aggrogste trafflefou Jomue lst ho date i. 122,775.89, heing an lucronas cf $18,711 oarnl8O. Thé nsv propriotons cf thie Victoria Railway are lacreamlug their transpor- tation facilities lu onder te meet the Asmand. IL i. saiA that tuis lins cau hrng te market a large qusntity cf black bircii,- viich vii doubtleus.ho nsedn a àsubstitut. for black vainuL vboesthaï, vood il scane. -Mars grain cars have been put ounLiie lino, antia, nov possenger cosch is reieviuig the flnisbing tanches. Na cbange i. oxpected in Lbe van cf rsilvny rates in the. States util the fail. The Grand Truuk is viii satiafieti vith tbé e stiit cf the cutting. A Suggestive Expennment. an Mna. IL X. ?ATME lI tiscoutry Lth. public neading- rocuns havi comn. 10 ho alnuost doserteti hIy tie clu Lhoy are intended.to, reacii, If you vnbk Lirougii s promunuent itreit of a grea& City lunLthe evoning, yen viii «pas crowds cf youug mou vandering simlfsely up snd dnva on gazing lieý store vindovs. Tiiîy are cies amok- iug, sauelismnoe wearing, 'I e abmault luvaniablyý talking nonsense. Stop in- a ide a roailg reoin,2 by Mue very Acons cf vioithe.. ycung mou are asnter- lng, and yen viil inIlyiug opon the table ail thecarrent magazines, pamu- phlets sutd'noepapens ; s fév sliaving si fmes, but the msjenity as Lbey the libriian's bande, alLer Lbth 1imavos fia-ibeoi oarefubiy eutA 1ev readens an. bore; Cidi mou sud studenle one or twoe yonug min interoated lu, 1mochardes, hending 'avor .engineering pipons, anA eue ar Lwe eiera cof "Punol"on "Fou." Tii. librarlan i.- met huey ; but belugt a bock-worm, h. doesmet* cars.. Tie- ahelves ati-caes aboeoanA about thoeeding-tabies are lied vith Itheoke, andi vbonyouask fori ane I ia given you alten Muhe dust bas hbein carefnly - renoveti,. I omnu mot speakîng nôv 'of -the. vuludmius do- pantunt untitlo4 "Fiction," vhioh de-i Tihe Pope andti ti Présidont. 8oc le*7 lVaineha. itoelvot the, e<om, Augni ual 1,-hooe ly, FathtEr loaiuoti with 'painM ulp s sud. prfound sorro theb. ordaitia- Lompt cf vblob Lb. Président cf Lb. BepubHllowns tho vieLlaiso 00w luhi happyto folicitato hié Exceenoq upoin ont cf dangor, and vill aven prsv uaLt Goamay grant hlm a spoedy ana coin plat. roocvory of hi. hoaltb, andi long tpr l 0h. hénsfit of» 1h. Unitedi Btat*a; The. udrsignod b he b hanor.tojoin lInlb...senotimonia cf0 sincoro congratulation and i vlehe for hie complote reorory. 'IL. CARDNAL JACOBMN." Seorotary Blaino sent th. folovlng "2!oHi. Bsnines eL. Cardital Jaco binut, Rome: "Ploaso convoy to bis Heoines the sincero thanks vitli vbich the Goveru. mont rocpived tho kinti expression cf hi. prayorful latorost lu hohaif cftho' striokonenPisdeut. .SEince your ,mot sage vai sont the President'a condition bas boon ohsnged, sud vo are now filied with anxiety, but not without hope» Tii. Présideut bas beau, very dopl1 touchedl for the piou. intorost fo hiU oosr hv by &1l churches. sud hy noueZmro widely or more de- voutiy thau hy those cf the. Roman Gauho ecommunion." The End cf the Worid. Leonardo Aretina, su Italien cf the. 14th ontury, prediotcd theienontf tho venld for the. 151h Novoruhor, 1881. Bohold the exact programme cf tLiei catastrophe whioh vill happen iu losa than throemonths : Novembor 1-Tii. cossu vill ovor- flcv its shores. Noveunher 2-The sarth vill b. soak- ed wiLb výater. Novombor 8-Tii. flsh in tb. river. Novembor 4-AlILith. vator fovl. sud flsh viii die. Noeomber 5-The birdain the air will dis. Novomber 6-Lb. bouses vili fali dowu. November 7-the rocks viii fait dovu. November 8-The earth ill itrem- hie. Novombon 9-The mountaius viii fali dovu. NovemberlO-Tho meu vill become sposohies. November il-Lb. tombs viii open. Novemiier 12-Tho stars viii fal. November 18-al th. men sud ail Lb. women viii dis. - Noveinher 14-The heavens wiii dis- *sppoar nsudhliand viii bc no more. November 15-A goneral resurrec- ion and Lbhast judgmeut. The EnglsiiHarveat. DAMAGED AND DISAPODtiMG. Tiie Mark Lau. express sys that Lb. paît voek's woatber ha.e dnmagod sud joopardizedtheL. iarvest. Mildev la rapidl.y deveolpî11 ng l heb.standing grain, sud cold nigbts suda bot d'ayi are cnusing tuaL lu the sheavea 10 eprouL. Thé euialit'y cf vieat frein vbiciithe vr'strésulîste rsexpectod i fund Lo .bs affsctod hy .prématuré ripoens.,, sud qualiîy sud yiold are Jimspoiilt- lng. Iu Great Bitain sud on théè cou- tineut thoro bas beau an advanco lu vhoat, net sclely ou scount cf thé dis., =pcutîb arveot ; stocks have hoon 1110 d iu e n ant ,icipation cf osniy boou-upset by' o eator, v b las ontinoiypnov«" tD iraig;frein the, fields.. Ti. ulk cfthe. ocp muaI go. Linogiith cii. nlâ!sotignik bofono il comos to sny menxa b market. Pstdly Mer. i noÙ-0OlIC ostift vheMt,-, . Tho 8Stanàra ,isays Mat since 'thé hargethbeaubme genoral, tbe rainfs1il bas boon slmost dsily up ho' Mcnday, sud thore i.ne longer any boe of a superior qusiity or condition cf our cnopi. Woatheir Probabflht1e8, Durng1 lobe nogiot crosse. i nAova So B been a Dver the rul Cen- udy iu The laie-John Hughes, cf Montroal, Ia oksoLcd to have ce;, -murdeued by ban- ibrowu Into Lbe river by dierepu. tibli charaotera. An invsigtoni Tiiostony cf labuman treatinant by the officere cffLthe British ehip Star cf EnglýanZof ayauongioau iàcornobon- aLed hy the latest vituosses vbo have beon securod. Investigation i.said 10, have sbovn- thal Gapt.I. Hcgati,"Lb. Arctie explorer robiio theLi. orornt ocf lange sra inuh Lii.ftting outrofi thé,steamer Gui. are. Tii. total ombezziemeut lasanid 10 amoüti o .100,000. Vaukougbne4the LbLughhcro' mur. deror, nov lug sol ai Kingston lias madeaàfull-"feWson ofIaa oime and appeara quit. brolken dovu. RHsasoy ho expoata Lo liiaugod. William Fuse cf Luoan, Ont., vas itapified WIt44<ui air vile diggiug a voli: Hoevas dravu up sud viien near the top lest bis bold aud foîl te tbe hettoin, hsiug instantly kilod. Rev. Rcmald McDonald bas beau coscrsted ai ]Roman Cathoio Bisbop cf Harbor Grace, Novfoucdland. Under the. treaty witii China, Ruesis hasl the nigiit 10 apIoint consuls iu mauy important Chines. Lovus. the Sb. Gethard tunnel bas at lustbhein oompletod ; iL le hoped succosîfully'. It à. believed that the. Blomsburg Goal Company sud tho Lscksvsn Rond have beau purchasod by Jby Gould. Aterpedo boat, said Lo have heen cocstructoti for the Fenians, i. unden Liie survellance of theocuatomi autieni. ies cf New York.t *Tii. Canada Gaïelie contalnm' 1he officiai notice Mu ho bohernA offices cf the. amalgamatoti telegrapli oompanloa viii be removedto Toronto. Tho Canada Pacifia Syndioste haro advertiseed for tendors for uheqenstruo.ý ion cf tLb. Sault Ste. Marie 1 Brahcli, extonding-, froin nean Aigomb Milie. Lake Huron, tona point noir tho nortli aide cf Spanish River0 a distanceocf 60 miles. 0 The attitude cf Lb. Engisi publie on the French Treaty la stated 10 o evony docided. -They are reacivoti ithor ho, hiave a troaty igiving oqually favorable terme vith thoe epiring one or nono at ail. A semi.cffictal noie publâisbd Paria asserts Muat France bas no option hut.to break cf Ithe negotiations.. The LanA Bülh la .LlltLb.upporméet =poitical topie lan Engiai, sud tiie fuisetileint cf the dsadiock la re- garded as. a decided trlumpi o f popular rigbts ocrnfeudaliaxu, altiioogh Liie Lords Ven. lot dcvii easy, by a fov miner concessions vbic vie ratier apparent than rosi. Tho bill, ampassed le suiistantially asàilolft tbo Commona. The Britisli member ci thiDIelimita- tien Commission sud bis escont bhave beon attacoked by Groek briganda, vbc vers repuiei aftetr aa mief strugglo, sud afLer Lb. cointf"uder cf Lb. oscont. bad heen killed t i. L arumored lu Cou- stantinoplo thaL Lb, Unglish «sd ItL.. ian Commissiouors'bve hoon captur- esa. Lord Dunravon- ha. been intervieowât et soins ieugth on'tbe -Irlih*landique.- tLau.' H. dos net xpootto fluA in th LanA Bill tb. solution cf Liie Pnobior-," .but voisifriL'hcûè oehn bai 10 o drno," luinth, boliof tbat itL vantA emelicraLo Lbhe conditi o f h-. tenanta. vbo bail hanrgi nti juat., l*ndlordi. He adrocatea thb. suceur- faàvora proteion «fnrIish induetries. Thé steamer Cifty a! OwenS osuund wvt reporte, cfgreat,,oxctiemont et- Silver ,ot ovor a nwav'iry nioli A lady Who applieti fer appointinent as Loscluer inthoeGoduioli Hlgh School te-r- 101-hal«o!W'eictesvoro datoti, twentyiseven yesre back. A stbry e)àabrôsatinlaViLu)ria, B.Ç., tbni the Dominion 'Goverumenti la aboutýto lay olalipL Waconta pin prion unden Lb., proviaions- of the. treaty .o1 ME E. P. DWIGHT ON TE lEW AB&INGEMENTS. A LÂBGBHXTEÇSION oF THE LIEBt- TIE RATE OU OEDInÂU,STxSAGS T O BE INCREAsE». Tih. transe fLb.thebusiness cf 'the Montroal, Toegraph Company, sifectet sL -Montréal. an Wednosday, 10 Lb. Great NcnMu.Wost Talograph Conpany, vhicii bus 21a0absorbud tiheboms.cf the. Dominion Toiegrapli Company, bau csusod s gooti dosi cf opiculation amie the offoct cf Mue nev arangement ou telegraphu. raies, sud Lb. extenaion cf the. tolegnaphis service. Witli hhe viev cf sortabuing viuat lhe intenilonl o the. Comnpany are la regard t10 Lbe1 pointa, a GlObe nrOsenut8tivo calliti upon Mr. H. P. Dvughh yesterdoy. Iu rapiy Lo*evoral inquMeis, M'.DvlgiL said Aà tXE 0F RATEs. We wve.forceti a fev yesrs aga, lb the action of Lb. Dominion Telegraph, Company, te reduce lb.ordinsry rate# per message cf tan vends frein 25 10 20o. IL vas suppo.ed at Lb, ime by a large portion Of the. public that the o.. feot cf Ibis réduction vould ho sosie. gens Le MunI produced by Mue réduction cf postage rate-that iL vouid se ýlargo. ly incroase Lb. husinoss cf Mus compauy that greater profita vonld ho matie un.- don the 1ev rats thon untier lb. highr oe. Thia expectation bati net hein' realized. The increaso iu Mue uiner cf messages laconsequeuci cf Mue, prester ceeua as very emali, andi vo vire obligea 10 psy esialer dlvi. dendi to th. îtookholders, sud to psy even the rodnced- profita vere obliged lao curtail oc fythe Lb.asirate cf ex. tension of Lb. vires, but the expendi. turo neomiary toboep the old Unelinos good condition.. Tined thi ii.tiiecorn- pany'had'fonnd ti L ise 'Le loue the linos forniqetx 9ineyears 10 Lie Great Ncrtb.Wesh Cd«pany, vbicii vas in- corporatéti - a Lb. bat -zession,-cf Mue Dominion Pa&nlianont, anti jnvest.d vith lago povoncf nuuning lins. ai aven Canada. The absorption cf Mue Dominion Company, lesng lb. Great NorlrWest Cdiïpony vitàhoi ra ival,- il hati benu doodeA to retum t0 u e aid rats sud charge 125 couta per umessage-. cf ton vortis, insteati cf 20 cents. The prenant 15 cent rate for santi distance viiie hocontinneti, asuda-moro favorable rate for nigbt. messages viii be giron IXTENSION 01? TELEGEAPE LIMS. Ili laxpuctsd&.hlat tb6.iJnonood rates viii placetho financea-f teoli- graphie service.on sa boLter footing. At anyrat. he i opaýIinit opM e nsliommédiate y, aggrgat- uga tojai longti cf nev vire cf.over 2,000 mies. Thei. cheif 'e xtension vi ho made li the'Saguenay' tovad Lako St. John, uap thoeota, from a Peny Round norhhvard, sn u bet o Rings- ton. Tiieo vii&>also-bec aoao- ber cf sunali oextensios sesaeia Mue viiole àcountry. ARZRAXIEMENT5 vE IT oOEPAIsl Tii, nov cempany viii, of cours, make ras 'changes. la rý,egard4o d- - cens, buai vbhosse changes vilho Mue, Directons bavo -not* yel deterunineti.- Boyond a friendiy relation thesWeaienn- Uu4onvhlibav e 11110do viih -tliii. ,~fw. oi p u y* wIli, bowvvr, guar- oùtcaues dvind of eight' .rcoent. Leo on Môntroal Telegrapli steekioltiar. Abould thi Zp*couSeA tdlviiebt -iiotz ho ceP"y ith the agraemsntlouiero&yn=to- by mMdifitreal Company, thé lino, Enit iLexhensiens, viii pau bock 10o 'Mue latter comulany on lhinLy day.i' net- 100 being given. Emliieut logal adrios b-hub.n .hchoa on the ig.bftofLb ýWestern Union 10 guanstto p&.div'i deuil, and tii ba beau deoid tho iesvpempony_ hu saeb -eapower.1 Afhiceloction cf offion! the other ayr Wiin, of cwo York vaw .,boson se rPrïaideut. Mr. wa i a Mnost, f gotlandsnomefl businoes s -' 1, bout. I To at romà C: cf 111mb vonhiton lu undoubti 'moorsa raven- favar <u mous a Gpern ]oileo' "heyucthe ýlieinUs lânaldl"o

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