Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1881, p. 3

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i-e ~ -u r~r'~ ~UIVU~LUIMSJJl_1:ALhlUfNl To cloar Out thi b"àlisas -MMr4INBY 000DB,' w. 'wlloo=e=nmOllo!-DAY teo C tlE etqim' ingly LOW PRIORS t prtty Trinimed H'at.lor $1.25, $.0$7,$0) 19,A. and auiFANOY GOODS st a barg&un - el-SPEC.IAL REDUCTIONS1 IN E VERY DEPARTMENT!«"* S .wHi offor TO-DAY our Stock o- - SUMMER DRY GOODS, MUBLINS, PEINTS, DBESB 000DS, UOSIBY, CASHMERES, GLOVES, &O. -AT PRICES TO PLEASE !- h linsoat w. viii convince you that wo mean to sen out our SUEXR GOODS at remarkably LOW PuICES! C E% 8 W~A~AJ No. 1, DEVEREBLL'8 BLOOK. Agitation ln laver cf Irisb industrIes. The agitation in fayrofthelb revival cf Irish Industries lu ý,rapidly laking held of Ito people. The Leagu, con- vention lu Dubln on Sept 151h viii undoubtedly cdeolars iufavor cf it. Modarale practical men 1ks Lord Dun- rayon, Wns. Shav, and Mitais.! HOMr favor Ibm developommut cf Ibme nor- mous viter pover cf the ccutry by Goerumeut appropriations, by tb. en- couragemont ofuema industries, by thm rensieion cf mniclole!taxation, an! cther moas. Parnsell au!ibe irrecen- chlables lhlnk faclori-lescabe created by an elaberate and lainons systen cf "hoyceltiug" Euglish mode gffede Mri. Brght ivays bas bemu lu lavor of lb. induttiatl revival, but thiaks il am only b. brougbt about by a- natal fov cf Engliheh apital inte laImna. an! by givig thie capita a gnantau of order sud s.urlty tbrougbout the land. The deoay of Iriuh iudustry. cv- ing te Euglib onspamtitioe backmd by Isestile English leg*ultien, forme e @ad record cf abmbl!ght un~ b sddr ing the iretéi oaf o!hlb.csntury after -the union ana stc. 1848., T'he Ottervil!. postOffO ice al vs blove open hy burgiar OU Frid&Y merniug, but the noise0 avoke Ma. McKasy, an& thse burgflsdacampt! without an> beet>'. An Arab fenallo, lb. individuel whc rae through the treeta of Suas reach- lug a holy van, vas brought befere th." bey, vhc ha! hlm hange!.- An Irish herdsman, . mployed hy Ca& tain O'Callaghau, vas ahot Sanday, sud, il in fesred, fatall!>' ve..OQe arrent bu been mad!.. Mfr. Formter tarI.! for Dubln fer lh. purpos. cf exemining thb.ue fse fmv- Oruspca vhc?=t la p repose! te releuse shoul! euquiry rasait favemabi>'. Look t 3 Your Bboep. Whther your objectl ha te mise met cr wool, understanfi thal lhe kaef.or lb. shers vil! resull lu s cîsar gsin cf Ivenly per cent ov. yeur ordnézy _pweita1 If yeu viz tbe animai' feod vlth Hmvmii s Cn- dition Pevder s. ld Oereyvbere. T'he crculatio of lb. blood baa bomu de- mona.,rted by lb. Microscope, sud lb. ~r lfof the crculaton cf mlterbreck;s, munlà lliat they are fonufi vryvbere. The Detb.Rate cf Our ceutry la gttlag te b. fearully alan-- lng, Ibm averagm cf lite hin g lessne«M yearwitout ngrreaoabl. cause, a&% reutngouri f rom tIb-meut luigulfi- cent eni.At Ibis«Miaofcihbe 7vmt un-y41 01 ievex>dayli04e ve are ato lacverlec lb. dangersattmudlng àl sd ý1%ften d tee, lite, Ibl t a er or L1=g itrouble bsealrea d in u.Tlsoumaufis bs. Ihelr livea iluhilb' %yovry vînter, vhile had ca ÎÎ'eGencs 5"a,, beau àtaoua he"ew3 ave reuldid and a gbilll tram adoctcr beenavolil. Feri=ld :e es cf the Throal sud Lunga. Boulas'. Gm"" S u sproveuitse.te be lh. 9,09;t àdlaceveryfeItsîle in umedue. EeyDruWgst lu Ibis country vil tel! iec tm vonderful affect.. Over 90 00 sel!lut Yeur vîthont a single fn ure kuevu. Yen Have No Excuse. Have yen suy excusfer aulenlng vith Dyspepsie or Livor Cernplant ? In lahre eey rearce vhy rau sbouldagoon freniday eo da rcoMLslung vith 9S oui Blomacl, BiokHe.ad-secbHbituai CetivOeees Pal- pitaionef1the ï*earl, Rost humn. #ster- brah naving sud buruug lCenstaItlb pIt cikth Somach, T.l!ov lin Ceae! Ton 1., sud dlsagreoabl ttselu Ibemomeeh Coe gupof food aftereatiDgs 1ev spIrtt &C., Ne ? ItlaIspcmll.î'rly your ovu feuli g t a hotte cof reon'. Augut Ployer fer &5 cet yn'-ue acertain, but if yen deubîIbt-isg tamipl ote.for 10 cents sud try il. Tv doses vil! relleve yon. NovW slar's Balsans Cures. Facie Baymoua Tiukua if. D., of IRer- mou N.JY. t"*mlàe'a IalUMof Wl!! ÇZUry give. nelvemmalsatlafacllon. Il neseutecuren cougbhy loommang sund olssauag lth ne, MLd alaylng imItttn lium movlag lb ca" ùtà f', 1gup th m Bssntb usegbmeWe vs¶ith b hl W oeutea d 1a botige. Belly al drnu- P o foSpeakiug, Restore&. Nuvisa Oveu Wd» i ,. MmC 8,188 the physice.ula de hlmmy - goLd TvoÏZ&aaiar t&fmuglh second doe.-of pva'Hl. yp=opm iés bà pover of Fou etBi aoï IUnsM.rSo"iosCs niaisas. »Da*Asnse -cr Pensesous Ix- scs.-.Keo LP I fle14. prt cvoi.d Dal # Pla =l!e, h relee.Il lawe lu tûe . le md'l lutnl> am miav'e'ycu Tie! 10? "Ift0ose ucen testify io t. dmarvolous evei c beslUng sud reuomeae&tte yeur tamd.Woe afr te Dr. Vovlom tract cf Wl!! Stravbeary, the grsud upooll for. AUl sommer ocemplalule, dlarboe, choIeramorbo dante-rcrmpe, choIUe, silolesu cf lb. ulomn"lach sud haecm. lalulu cf infants or adulte. Liot lia mmrilm h.ow uovU a litrbae net used itI. A General Defe*led, - A Zo'J bG erto villes:'I vas gufrff oin eral 4b" t cf ap- unfuugrl aiu OO, 1vDsa u va Ih t.lIbotin ls n yarn ouct praise 6,TE PEOPLES' FAVORITE GLOTHING HOUSE."1 Be Wlse sud Happy. If you-vil! stop sil your extravagant sud vxung notices indcctorlug yoursell sud familles vitb expensive dectors or humuhug cure-e"i, Ihal do barm .lvays, sud use cny eature'm simple rexuedlea for ail ycurau meule-yen vil! ha ise, Nvasd happy, sd eave realexpeue. l'h. gratait remn- en oz fo a isthegreat, vi»an sd geed vil! tel! 70eila hop Bitters-rely en 1.-Frais. A Boume cf Wesrlntss la of tu fait bypersos vo câanet locale suy particuardieasoe. If Iber vrk 11ho- cenes iai>oa;If tbey val t h&a-,u0tire; mental efforts hecoms a buden, sud aven" jcymaredismsed by lb. shadcv cf -Ibis veakemawbich laneutover their lv.. Receurse la bai somelimes te stimulante af a dangerons ciaracer. l'h. sdvicm cf pby- siclana te refrain frini active liber 'pro. duc«snochappyresoltS. Why ?lThe sy. tam le déhllitéd and nmedls. te be bulit up properly. Peruvian ByMup il! de Ibis vsay tiblg. 1.k. thm elecrile ourant villa tbm cexpereal functicua, il raimma up -lb. mn- feebled.brlngs lb. cler tte e beek &gain, sud hope to lb. despendeut. It dons itt vork premptly sud vol!. SiS by ail dirg- Fermersancd Mechanica. l7ou vish le &vcld greal danger andi treuble, besides a nc amall billetofexpense, at Iis soau of Ibe Year, yen ashou2 t abo prompt ateps th ksepcdieamefreni yeer heuseeli. The systeux sheul Ob.clane bloo! purhiflmt ch sud bovels regWlat- ad d, na .....t s"Acure diseasesaïlang frein 8 prig malaria, W. kuov cf notblug thît vil!se perfmctly sud ure! y do Ibis as EléectlBitters sud at lb. lrldleng cost of àily cents a bttl.--Sold by W. Rovmm No o! Preacbing. Noemanucaudosagood job of vork prmah a gec sermn try alav suit vell, declorsa patintor Z e agecd article viien ha- feeh isérale a dedl, villi slggieh braiu sud uumteady nervea, sud noue ubould maelthIe allonsp t ln much e condition vbeu it eau b. soc"ly sud cheaply romoved hy a Uttle Hep Batters.-À lbany l'ama. Froc cf Cest. Ail porsons viahiug te test the mertm of a great romed--one Ibat viln pcsiîlvoly cure consempion, conghs. cola amlbm bronhitils, or suy affetion cf the Ibroat sed longs- an requested 10 cal! aI W. B. Bouse'& rugstore sud -gel s trial bot!.et Dr. RingsifNov Dlscavsry for conomption, free et ceut, vhicb *ii! shv ow n-*bat a regular deolsi sed. botlles m l d.soudby W; R. Revse. Augumt -Plower. Cf Orse'é stFoe s]lalloa af vilaslMu nhé civlliaed voil lias caus.d msuy lautators le adepi s #Wlar names, ezpoctiag te rap s bazrvet fer themmeves aet hexpeume cf tb. agueots&ed hia Me- loins vas lutroduem i lue88. ud for tbe 'oet D"ÊsppsiemafiLtve# OmpW#ato, viththefecbte, such au Scu= tmâch, Oogwaess, Blck Stomaob Slek Headache, Iudigestion. Palpitation cf'lb. emiet, ver- tIge. etc etc ietnover h"acIied tc our knoeZe~e.l5reedoss vl!relie. suy case of Dypepsia. Tvo million bottles seld laut Yeu. Price 75 cents. Samples 10 cents. AGocod Thing. Phyic-nsud lu soka vegmtel nac It qulkly cures Oougbi,Oola d iu g troubles of lteh s aurrmeu as Il dom, bmcagecfl.hefcto0a1a leavnthe atl mîu dbeut clu., but Jias slod lthestcfier, ilt dcefi. Rosbee' Germa m u paalà.- trodUcedain lb. Tultofi 8lts1inT3U&~sd lanDowvsldln avptoym nuii ie clvllmd vrl, domre 4 tout"lev a=n7 82t oticsof Dira"e, Meruven, M.d Detlsaolrga 0 d * eux ao. di u.111h, lb. vite of mr. I. NoumeHnilton, lb. reaiden»o f lh* brie' nchron W.dn.eday, Aug.- &. ,.R.la aoWhîiàtb th 'Em *, nommé, t.roflb -atete Grant, P14 Soms akIds of! bdqbave bu broughl Lle and1 stoeed ixi vaek ism ittwllk@ly b. dxi, ami! delver- lesuwill begintobe mdwu:41k#O= rapxdity as h. rnozkot mles. On the street la Toronto 'on, Tausda 0 01.27J : cs, -42 44 ; barlep, 178 077. Larg deliveriesof!bey at from, T'h. attendauceai lb. pieralmark. et Whulby vas muoh larger: hait lmha beau fer smon tins, bacot, and no, doulit, vitbathe urry o b est tufm vr.mWin1 NEW ADVERTISEXENTB. REAL ANU-PER8ONAL ES TATE FOR SALE, T POLOWING PROPBTIBB vili lSbofere fr sleby Public Auction at EAY's Rote!, lu the Tovu of Whltby, lu the Ooutty ci Ontario, on BATURDÂY, the 24&Ib Day of S$op* tember, 1881, At1Icolook, P. Ilàn&e . -t eh ucompse& cf Lot No. tii, ou ltheut le of entre street, in à iciou R, Town of Wbitby, "EadeuhuMst' Plan", containing one qarter cfas u r moeo es The lot l: veil feuced sud wli~4vth abade and frait teses, and bas eaeced thureca a brick cottage. The. lot. is tsitted lu a moat désirable plae for rasi- cr .-Belng ôompouaof tlb.seit Nosighteeu. lu lb. fourtbcon- cota et héTownship eof'wbiby, Oouaty of t ri, oot&i euoe bundrd actes morsor los. Thismlot -la four au& a hali viles froni the Towu cf Wbitby, andi about the» Ma edistance front Oshawa, vllb good roode l=adng hereto, Therarn 84 acres of écilb.heremainder ca th. lot eired sud fit for cltivation. lTh. adil fia adlan. . lThé on)7 buildings area log bouméeandi barn. Theom vil! siobe offerefi for "maie atlb mime a aquanity cftvaluable obou old goode sud effecte, iuclcding w piano, aud whiocenmbe 'vîefi atany tiue befors sud Ou the day cf sale upon application te WM. Wlcks, Esq., Whltby. TXRXS.- Cash ou delivery cf lb. articles lucluded lu Ihe persnal ,estate, sud for tbe réel astate eue Ientb ef pur- ohsmemoeye to e b.psu on day cf sale te, vcudor's seoliitor, and lb. balance vitkiu cne mcth ater.sse. Condition, eofsale vil!b. mode Icov cn day cf sala For furtber particulars apply to D. Ormiston, Esq., Barriater. Rl. D. STEWART, Veudr', Solicitor, Barrie. Dated llth Âug, Â.D., 1881. 4in-88 8plendid Farm for Sale or to Rent. SE UIBIBEB wM lseil!hlm f srm, X beiug ccmposed cf soulh hall ef Lot No. 9, lu the 4th concession cf lbe tovuahip cf Pickering, bing 1 mile sud j from tb. vilflof, cf ley. ou ttuan l 1 sln did là slorey brIck boume, excellent=br sud eut-buüidIgs, sud a uever.faiig stnUw cf valerrmus zuMb il. There là alS àapleudld young onchard of superlor fruitt rees.There l inr" a go4 v itUo sprlng valsa sud afuca led&ru.lTh. fa=n c.mIaiu lSl cmm, mor, or 1le., snd i lu a 17sllcleared therebe buabo7t'or 8 acres c owcd l;ad"à Ou h.nentis hall cf hl.Ithere la a tram deluMsd bain, ve)l suîted for a tenant, m lba bume la ceifoiNbe heng uarly xcv. Partis ma Mpll te lb. owmar, onth preilisa. ICRÂIRD HNY. Pickering; Aug. UI, 868&L 88-ti TOWN HALL, WHIT8Y, ONT. Oaia. A. Wvssr~ao WOOD bzzosca.... ..... Stase Sgr Positivcfy One NLghtý ONLY, MONDÂY, ÂAUG. 291HY '81i Au vening of alterna»lln an!Md fiv. at*, b7'Ms luD thm principalilecfl.Ut! ÉAiST LYNN£, or NAD.EVARS,- Li.AD GEA, Ik TALcB ciaaleabbasmoiLvjwse kîmL cet.lite aMbeoote rwStoflt muts, harge aIT. . 0tfeoea Dpu A,LL BRYCE0 1W AVùTft~NCo sb.uM bepnn ALL THE NEWS FOR *A CENT. PPBIN! CANADA. lE N WA9 O Q O TW~E~I~S, c I J. Be POWELL & COm. beg to auno unce that they- have just received TWO c"aseéso iSo tc we utnad OI1Z4Ecase French- Worgted (Joatigs andT 3erngdirect from manuatro h ietqaiy hy have a 'first-elasscUtter on the prenises'. With- the above faciities, they, eau gnarantee- to'.turu ut, Great reductiolns in ail Sinmer G oods,'Muslins, Faney Prints, Dress. Goods, Hoýsiery, G loves, Milliery, Parasols,. &c., &o. DRESS-MAKING TO OIWER I. "'r NEW!k AsE iN uLI SLàrge Stocks asud Low Prioe#" beLg our." flottO. a1 aud examine sudbeý conviunoçd, a ~TCI~ & WHITBY-No. ~ Brock-4, Jf0.4E Y ! in1à1&1Yna- MoAJ: WRAIEPUEPARED TO. LOA.& On good mortgages, at 'rW ATSOP WN Cail an& sée, U4 ffÉd psýy ofyour oUld mrgg are aratwifthigh interet, sud 7, SAYVE YOUR ýLO1 - w11the 0 lc' u 10s ~ o~. HÂATOH -ê B wilS]i ý;0c ô oMper, lbi, BE1NG SACRIFÎCED ýATl BRiTCE NTICAHSORE. Ladies wi hn rexG"d, Frints, Sateens, G ams Praso.l_ , eor any .goods a inmedteuse, should ta3oe advauta«e o ' st Get&n~ ae NOTICE THE FOLLOWING: A Lot of 14 sud 15c. PARK FA1KGYPBLT8 ai 10, Cents. 124, Cent LIGHT GRO'UND PRINTS-fer 10 Cents. 15 Cent LIGHT GIROUND iPlITS for il Centsj: 20- Cent SATEEN PRINTS for 15- Cents.- 22 cent SATEEN PIRINTS for 17 Cents. 25 Cent 25 cent 13 Cent 17 Cent 20: cent SATEEN PRINTS for 20 Cents. SCOTCH GINGHAMS for e5 Cents PRINTED MUBLINS. fer 10, Cents. PRINTED MUBLINS for. 121 -Cents. FANCYBORDERED MUBLINS -for 15 Cents. All X,~i Dress Goods from 15 to 20 per ceit. off.' Ail Buntings reduced very nmuch inù price. AU Parasols snd Sun Shaes rieduced veryý muci. 100 Heavy Jean Spoon BuskCorsets for 75 Cents. GREAT GREAT GREAT BARGAINS ýBARGAINS, BARGAINS HfOgIERËY -4T eBRYOeA ISLE AN D ,SIrLK GxlOVES AT Reduetiorssin tIhé pr0ceof LACE' OURTAINB Reducions in the p Oef CURT41IN" NTS.-. WONDERFUL OFFEM B N ~ MBBXDRIB CARBRIE DÙISËe U U ED 1 DTEBY LOW A. LOT 0OF 76 CENT TWEEDS »AT 60 CQNTS. MILL INERY al Cut Dwi rm1o2 Pl BRYCE'S er cent. ~NOT ILOVUSE î IN TUB TC i ba Tni "sua>' uge and goo. Tai! Wheel.........e EID S!> COMPLETE STOCK 0F'FAMILY *GROOERIEIS!, Aug. 8, '81 ic~-JOTTNB~ .;,i.i:.- LU o. oivou le LUES.i4 9 OUPA=I ga1, or c gs vil be l th Weib the sage of the m7>, b>' M, J. iattng th*# tsî pat flb. àemayor lest ne elleocf the m'ealan va « tuas.! -ou# minutes'- ha ' board A spocial medabla slae. lh. North$=, il11 vas fouid"" dl lui su mnlv or upvwac me oSulitt be thal the Abiu id eldeal pon, uqdoetaod tc au nov, a4d ad, Iheir lota vmue. GREAT BARGAINS IN MEN'S HATS. GREAT BRgqAINS: IN, MENZe, CARFS. GREAT BARGAINS WME' UDIRWL'G For Bargans in al lase1 o Dijr. G,'ôds. go t liu wb lIr'r ý 1:,,,,-T%.Ir,ý:'I,'!

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