Ti LL. Scotchl, West ITS!1 A oit modcate N 1JTION6. Bd in li RETTg ýtographer. la g~ gooola he. Town- tlurnking the -extensive, "m them that. iold CHE4&jP1 il ,do wefl No., 1. SHÃ"ES! 3oot ana.- hon. -ê tic qualîty and1 LTY, fguas wuAk4aUsS iVEIT '6 BROQE ý Wý1TBY. à Au, $10, v inmW metts e sUae.1 la mpEfuï Iseut unsertion- ter WulonOtu avliavl~. 00Orders to dLacolnue avrtam Bù81n88-8 Direotoiy OMTARVOfBANKS- WHITBX BBà NOCHR * THORAUS DOW, suce"a Ofnqfice t door scuth of the. Royal Hlotel, *hutby. jÂumEs RuTLEDGR, B. A. LJ. E.FABEWHLL. LU L. B-, County Crown Atorney- 48 MESSUW~HE ILIO MARRISIIURB AATTORNEYS Ar LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY Ac *'W' 1. i tO-E T Toronto. Whitby.- B ARRISTERS ATTOMMIYS, SOLIC. B TORS, kiOTAMIE, &C., &tc. toFFIzeB :- 72 Youge Street, nez!t the Dominion fBauk, snd Corner Ring sud 1 Yeugc Street@, Torouto. b D. A. O'SULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. th octobor tSrd, 18. . 1-46f CAMERON Ai-P-iLDE & me- ÂARISTEBS, Âttorneya.at-Law, snd B olcitoruin ChaneeryNo. 4TorontoJ street, Toronto 4EMTR CAMEYIOM, Q0., R. a. APPELS!. P. McPIWPS. (1Y48) KICS RITIE GORDON, 8sÂTTOENEY.ATLAW, i B mpilitu nChancery, 0,1 Notary Public, u&. Offl-Dunct.: Brut door vaut of Armstrong'$a Hali. 1f Moucy te Lo-lPriuito fend-aet loy luterait. JOHN..McGlLLIVRAY, (Succassor to H. M. lacweU.) T)AJBISBR & ATTOBNEY.A.TLÂW, DNetary Public, &tc. ollolter for tha Deminion ]Bank. Offc.-Noit door ta Mfansion House, UJxhrkdte, Ont. -268 CgL&RLESC. KELLERt, ATTOflBY-ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOR I 'Con',yanorh,Caunlg. >ton, Brook,0. Le T. DAÃ&CLAY, A TTORNETAT -LAW, OLO10 O sacer, *o., ho. AT &WSOLICTORU<I DAVID oRK1isToNq, 3B.&., ATTOENEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .tIchncy, Couunor uc &. Ornai-l the. Ofcsoe ullt fthe. Pest Ofice, tn Mciim'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. -lylO0 3JOHN DÂLIL DOW, ARITER-ATLAWf BO8 CT0 inhane , povancuer,& A Whitby.t mOSET TO LBND-rtvate Fens- in um up to $8090,t a 1ev rate cf lu iioDI3NsoN & KENT. 1 L Vay, Olitoru, Conveyancers, u&. OFICad-inVictoi Chambeon, No. 9, Victoria Streat. AEE1STERAT LA.W BOLICITOR G. VOUNG SUITE, ILL. B., Omca-Onr DuM#Iu niolen, Witby, Ja. 9El. GLRIE . G RADUATE ciOueen'u sud Victoria unieaittes Keuiber cf tbé Collage cf Pb7dutg ana rgeonu, Ontario. d bstiof BayaI Wbltby, Ot., (brea Et. J. GUNq, la. De, Cl FZ301 TO TEE COUIMTYGÂOL, S, Counslest, Wbltby. ,W M.lienRIEN, lLD. , 7.1goCl.. MIS Y R OOPrAL LONDON, ENG,, 7J lte eye R41. H. L., Oshawa, Ontaro., AitBOGART, Thysila nAccoucher,u&., u&. Wbttby, ff hi 1874. 40 W.ADAMS) rom O10 Q'ÇERB. H.' YÀMeBOW8 *"» Grooeii StoeDundesat., va- dhby., office boniï%*rttftw 88 t =., sud Ioe 1.80 tap01 atlneCO.c BY**o sud lbsre. c, ."asLà D. 8.- AOIKMuRTR inuesis on ani u Bo 13. roc Fe roi * *-; TO ev C OMMEEBCUL ROT3L mîd STABLES, JOSNE oAS . PBOPB1BTOB. 'ihb &t,%0Dv4! onuetlathe etty only tvo blocis r=thie ortherfl eot.audolose to the Market. The Houae.buba en nOwlY Vitted out sud everytliIng lirut-Clus. y47) Kas. WÂLKEY'S TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, DUNDASB.B=, WHITBY. Good acoommedalTon et reasonable teoms. 3arderas $.60 per vet. th RO SBfI HOTTS.-TORONTO, ONT. Tha Palaca Hote cf OCanada Befttefd, lefurniabed, and UnxlvâUed. 'NewPaase- iru levator, rtiu dinIU ne b. The, rofCubn cana"a wftflrau uad others,,= wim, wlthout board, eISr a,- .eb. 27Û4,6 78. -rpttr Fry" Z OTBL wmT-y. Th. above hotel ha. beenthorogbly enoiated saitretnzntsled, ail ta novn- tr the. mmnagtuient of GEV. SIACEIS, îrmsrly <of, Bt Lavoren l, Port HOPe. 1,cr! atteni eton~it ea.~t~ E9Ieciafly gOod sarn Bo= frcmz- 3 BITIBE AMIUCÀN HOTEL, (LAT& BUBsON Rougit.) W H12- BY, 0ONT AB 10. Bona.ne wly renoited a-nB furnlaboi iouglo«t, Ma dput in Brut-lan order fo i.à reoeption cf guetast. AnOmnibus tu smi [rm ail trains. Pilruls &amiple zooms. 1HAKESPEIBE HOTRL, Cor. Mg à York-sta., Tooao, Ont X.A, ORAIDY, - FROPRIBTOB. Tzans, $1.50 Pas Dà . (17-47) ]POST OFFICE BALOON, Touoiao. ikL MOONNBLL, -..PROPRITOI. cwTEE BEOT ACCOMMODATION usr for Guests. 0M,7) 0 NTARIO HOTEL, Baocz-BTamsr, WHITBY. JAMES T. JEWE1iL, Proprictor. (Late of tbe Nipiasiug Hotal, Toronto.) (lood Liquors sud Cigars. Coanmodioue itabling. F irsi-cinas Liicr>' Stuble sud *Bliud T EQUENMS OTEL, 1.Bucu Suri-r, WEMi. . BINILIF MO.LNN. -- .Pojcr. Bout Liquora sud Cigers A vaei np pliat tusI. Atry bed.rooms. Confortbl etabling sud large yard rooma.Charpu Moderato: -U8 CENTRAL HOUSE, OSHAWAj ONT., W. E.MCGÂW, - Proprietor. Firsit-clasa accommodation. Best Wlnes. Liquors sud Cigars. Good etabling snd attentives honeate. ly.17 WHITBY HOU 8E DUNDAS-OT, WHITBY. The uudeiguod wonld iutima" e te . publie 1hat tb. aboya premises bae beený newly built sud ftted np tbrcugbout, for' th. accommodation of-guetu. Seat wluca Liquers sud Cigaru. THE ORAUCF CANADA" - WAIZ LACER. Alto pure Ime Wine. Liager, Whowo sale aiud ctoil.- Boardera taltou by the week on moder- ato terme. JOBEPE A. I3ANDEL&L. july, 201h 1880.BS BLACKX NURSE DOTEL, Cm a. Pi & hGatmaoni., TOROSTO. ALFJ39D OFPP JOMT ([Ate cf WelgtuRe)Mrku. TERMO 81.00 P13B DAY. Goba stei-i lng for oyez 800 horses. Plrst.oluuacm- moodation for tanor'sudmaIbm travelling1 publc lu geneisi.-, f M R. J.-H. BÂTIeB, oNesapev &dvmrlîstg Agoni-41 Pr Row (tino'Buildieng), New York, -sa authoried e oatoc fratvonmae bes leso 1, fet te, -ý110N &' n MONEY- TO LOAN Off EASY TIRES.O Ani], to- ,W.H.IL NGB. W'OMfc e r Ontario Banik, THOS. SIEIGH MOUSE -& SIGN PAIN TER, -Cen nov b. fouud et bfu Shop- TWO DOOIIS WEST 0F U&1KBOZGle HXOTEL, DUIIDÂSSTEEMT. 93r AU Order promptly attonded ta. .«M Whltby, April 14.. 8 LUMBER 1-_LUMBER 1 1 ITB Y, let ffl PItS oés ý 1",u it.IgBi~r WHIBY POvNO0FN 4 - - - - - - - .1 mHE EXECIJ8OEB il Mus IAR~I ~QU ~SMJ~A!j "1GERRJESCATLSPE" The Bèst in tharka.it Large Boxes, 75C.- Small Boxes, 25C. FOR. SALE BY Wu R.e OWE Corner 'Drug St'o-re,, WHITBY, ONTARIO., 41Y.111 C>HIN A HALL, aIGs or Tm ]EIQ m JUS tuiiu) 71 KING-8T. EA8T TORONTO. Fan" Smrakfat @a~d Teu Set. Fanoy Dinner and Dessert 8e.. cy Eed.room Boa" PsuCy Jugu and Teapota. Biler P1atsdvg, Ports amd Spooniý BlIver aeoCets hiBterCoolari. Eadgeot nad Ports. « tigfr ZAB04 &.9 &o. wu"e oussevory klu Hwotel mau raod. Dominion Wood Work8, * WHITBY. Gea. Cormack, LUBE M R 7,AT 1uLI lug, sud sIl, lîsma ofTwisted Moldingu, Docrs, Sash mid BOua LUIKDER 'whleealeasud ratai!, or by liy th. car loa. Plaulng, Mouldinga of ceaey dcscnp- dion, F'looa4ug, Shectiug, Sheilg. Re.. sawint. Shaplug. Turanu, Scro-work, etc., etc. Wbltby, 0.1. 161, 1878. -a m BTTO LMM, nuually 106w IBalsa inter" Losasouabe Pispti u i'tos«a bor. #wn lup.a lm ni t 'JAMS BOLDRE, Apui h,18M& I MutuailInsuiance Co'y HEADOFC, 3KStWDi pna - . Whitby, APni i,188 I Lombard St. i.nd Chartng Cross, Loudon. ES!AEL5E UW m1782. GIILEFBPI,.MOPPÂI? & 00.1 Aients for Canada. a. -W. TYBE, ESTADUSBED iW CASAI~ Pledu. Roderais rata. cd SU te. eockh o. hîtoJ", uà ~wmtthyAptn9i ,10m1 As8urance Orpny Wuty.ÂApzIMlm, 17 15 ARCHÃŽTEC TueE 1 PI1AWING AI* 84CIiCaI JOREIEU E~ or to' jOillaWm' 4k, u-e Land adAgents 00#Naanuie rjIon Sal, W0 4gu*lro $Jb. t'IF4LIlllý TlCeuS~BL OAL'~V8 «A Losie Wbftby S»0 &m. LeniDm10aj]ý M tat s au4 usa.r *sc Ba4hébood. .* v 8, 188] TELY 1JN<11. iA Ùma ÃÃŽo,4hUgk E mloeluha u Uii Au o 9 - wul&aierun bna ui f u sucè '4. RUWB lOV f.g*Àmqna c i jn,-lt emà t ~gn 5, ~ b. ftt4mm, bE an v. e mi thd erbp,~o e urutdm. sr~y 6*gtene ber an4ah. bw ue îsu.~~a~~z ~ ~ ouenyb4hsdIa 's el à 6< S "j -14) r . qGI DMEB PIE, ÉgTo AllanLinez gLIVRPO,LoNDOviNOLéeRRY tu¶#OW I~~pm r 8 il dit iebc ...... oe 1pot~,uaa~.w fromabluureaUh; ismdehdo v fi éà r vo i lltheb.' oremlue of, blé Iib tale. 'Ble losthed the Ides.1H. Botte. W ed Auto thébeemitage, .4brI l hm ezug muik-b pe o e lnonstraus oto urymeTafT j»Iiii4 opmf. »ela" btl i;* ,pdtbts~f1-foraIradln>ajbled a~m Dcesou1dlttuWhuIen n.l 1u il l. 1lineve ailu'ead v easy Inapte rug mu enlrl fforent. ajaterà 1ber soolfrt ' ot Ite. tHe I amaae'v I 'S itiCs AIU LifAl CouPAPT HO K. FRANK 8VTH n ar t.'" i.-- e4 EI$ENEO'KEEFE EqVc reia ?JN-FO E LY, JAME8 MSII, , - Is Otto vulth n A R C EIT Z CT. T.b e rotC1 loal«t, hS rit. NO, B& mo1~NE- 1-1