Whitby Chronicle, 22 Sep 1881, p. 1

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fIRE WtllILIUliYUULb air Teome -$150, perAnnum., ADVBTISEMNTS. -Ali Adv.rts.- Amenui meiurid tu Ionp.rel, Mmd 0b1arged et the rite of 8 o epr liue, Iam urtlon,andî oaflha,PQZ 144 ,asbi- eramntso anpb, Baay omaraef s dleription wovbepaod &M694Novami.t ter ton conta VerlUne.. SpeiloantraOls a mde i Pubdavirie .tha yaar, orotharimo. 7etOrdrs to iacootiui i<1',tiiamuii lia etbain vritlmg. Bu8inee8 Dirootery. GItTARRO RANKe W I T BY BBA.NOH, THOMAS DOW, FAIREWELL--& UTLEBDGE, Omea.fiaetdoar aauth af the Royal Rotei, *htby. JAMES BUTLEDGE, B. A. J. B. PARBELL, L. L. IL, Oouty rovn Attorney. d8 MESSRITOHIE t ILLINCIS DARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 8OLICITOR8 111 CHANCE RY &c C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLINGS, Toranto. - Wbftby. O'UULLIVAJ< & PERDUE, ARRIMTRS ATTORNBYS, BOLIO. B ITORS, ffARIRS, &rc, &c. b OFFICB:-72Yonga Street, naitth Dominion Biank and Corner King end Yonge Streeta. Soronto. - 0. A. OSULUIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Octobo'r Sird, 1880. ly-45 CABMEROS, APPELDE & Ne- PHILLIPS, - BARRISTBRS,&Atoirnoe.at-Law, ana BSolicitere iCbsnoery. No. 4 Tarante treet, Tarante. IRCO IMRR .0., R. S. APL P. MPIIIPB. 17-8 JAMES KEITH GORDON, h RISIP.&ATTOal4ÉTAT-LAW, solicitor itaiceny, Oonv.yauoav, NotaryPublic, ho. OMeic-I>nnd&a ut., fia door vert of Amtrongs 1Natal. Money ta Loan-Prlvata inuta-at 1ev intereil. JOHN A. McGILLIVRAYe (Suceiaesor la R. IL Howeti.) nARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LÂW, B Noaryj Public, &c. Solicitor for thi Dominion Bak. O1flc.-Next dloor te mansion Rlouie, Uxbnldge. Ont. -M8 cIIARLES c. KELLE]R, ATTOREET.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IE ton, Brook, 0.-W. 1" T. BÂRCLA.Ye A TORNBY -AT-LAW, SOLICITOR in OcenSy ma md olvancy, Conva>'- an, ho., ha. ARITE T LÀW, SOLIOXTOR IN oaa Street, Oc vi DAVID ORNISTOI, DB.&., ATTOEEET.AT.LÂW, SOLICITOR IN AM Ciancory, Canveyanoar, &o. OFFICE-ln tRie Office Southl aite Poil OMfce, fi MKile Bok, Brook Streot, WhitRiy. 17.10 JOHN DALL DOWV, BARRISTBR-AT-LAW. SOLI01TOR în ohanoar, Coveyaicer, dho. MONET TO LEND-Prtiae Ëundi - la sumo up ta #M'0ta aloyratecif ln- ROBINSON & KENT, LisDucou m& Rosmçoi.) ARRISTERS.A&T.LAW, ATTORE - J.eye, saitora, Caivayanaeil. ha. FOFI uVicoraiOhambari, Ne. 1), Victoria SIneet. airer, hoe. Oeloi-Deverill'a Blacký,B.c-k- Streat, wbilby, ont. G. YOUJNG BSITIE, 1,L. il., Tan. 22,1878. I- J. E. GALERAITuo .»., C B1ADVATB of Ouuoms anA Victoria YUnivermitiai liembor af the Collage ai PhjaicuwansMd, bngeon, Ontario. Orne-Brok-l.,Wbitby, Ont,' (thma doanu scuth oaFiRoaHotat). 1-46 a* j. GUNN, JE. D., Ci URGEON TO T'IE COUWTNT GAOL, kj BZnmtfflt,i ritby. Win. PEcRIEN, E.D., N.R.C,S., (UY'S HOSPITAL ýLONDONX, EEG.,' ij ltae oye B. . H.L., Ositava, Ontario. C ARD. - .r DR.DOAT Philli, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &o. Whllby; Sept. 80M, 1874. 40 W. AAS liMai hour i fom 9 &. tel 12 mt., and frcm .80 te6, p.Mp. Up.eeno-Can.PaiByi=, sud Gllinltûeelc VN. PA$RU. L &U.s ~TP= plucf lte -art u 2»e a *CbýMUbi d auguci "ai local anattWIaltiBOBOM- Cor &naam" uvhlcwerÂti4uao'Dmra<W King lItraialaa. îJovBkJ ROINWU _nw ai.vme w lknquv i k ggwigit. adsat VOL. XXV. WTBy, PR(IVINçE 0F <»4OP TA.RIQ;TlRDY ETOBE 2 81 O 0 COMMUB01AL HOfBL maiSTABLES, U4 mdl68 Janil-trtt , Tcronto. (ancues î oa eJON mLT.) Theab.aI$L.OO aDay Roun aintitiy.,omly tva Riooke frautltae NortitaunDpotandacl la the Market. The Rouie bai boom maly Fittad out. and cvery.lbo in lulsa. (7:47) URi. WALEYIS TEMPERÂNGE HO USE, DUNDAS.STREET, WHITY. Goadaccommodation aet,-asonable tarna. Boardara #2.50 par vaek. 45 RSSmN HOUE.-TOBONTO, ONT. Thie Palace Hotel ai Canada BOfitted. Rafurnisbed, and UnulvaLleA. New Panien- gar El avatar, untiunight and day. Tihe 0u lrai ' oaHaez n aa itit niU- atdpicaseva:-i#2i.60,andos pa&ay mar aClubs anAdaltera, dal0 rooma, wilbotboard, tIl e aAy Fait. I7th, 878. iroprietor. PROYAL HOTBL, WRITBT. Thie ibove hotel bu beau thorougbRy rnovaed ami nalumishied, an* fa nov un- dan thea meageinent cf GEl>.' MAOKII, (formarly ai it. Lawrence Rail, ParI Rap.. Bpeiyil àd p Bomsfor Coin. BRBITIS H AÀ ERICAN HOTEL, (LATU acBOISS N OURaS.) WHI T,BýY. ONZ!aZIO. Rouie navly rnoavatea and furulsita lhrougboul, md put int-lasi ordar Ion thea racapticu ai guete.An omnibus te anA fram ail trains.PFiral-ci aample neami. s HARESPEARE HOTR'L. k0Cr. Kug& Yorkits., Toronto,'Ont' J. A. Q'GRADY, - PROPRIETOU. ]POST OFFICE SALOON, ToaoNTo. Mx. McCONNLL.. -PBOPBIBTOB. SW TRi 11557 ACCOMMODATION .i for Guea. (1.4 BUOCc-STassn, WHITBY. JAMES T. JEWELL, Proprietor. (Lota ai the Nipieeimg RotaI, Tenante.) Good Liquani sud Cigara.Commodionas Stabllng. Firzt-atasLlvery Stable anA Billard Parlonattachai. ly.l6 QHNSMOTEL, BaocesSmsr, Wimr. PHZILIF MCANJ<. - - propaprer. Bout Liquora anA Cigara.A vellup plied tabla. Airy bad.rooma. te =itbl stabling and large yard rom. Chage moderato.. 8 CENTRAL HOUSE, OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. MGAW,- - Proprietor. -Flrat-cilaacommodation. Boit Wlnee.ý Liquori aid Cigara. Oood stablfng and att-ative o bîeri. y.17 WHI.TIIY HOtBE DUNDAS-ST, WHITIIY. Thea rndeoigned vould l.rtlratste lita publia tat Lbe aboya pramisaihava buen navy uht ad ftîd up lirraugitoul ton the acatidl igueula. flat Wlnaa Liquor sud Ciga. Aloo pore Rhitra Wimc. Lagar, Whala aileand Riai. BoardoSi taken by thie yack on moder- ate terme, JOSEPH h1. BiIIDELL. 3 al. 29fth . a82- B LACI& REEBOTSiL, Cou. Pman h GioasBrTa., TORONTO. (Lata ai Welllngton Hotal, Markham.)> TBIS, b41.PBB DAY. Gocod mal figr rove& 8Me brae. lirgil-elu &ao- modati or ifarinera anA 'tieti IavîhIllmg publiaeu in neral. (Ry- B. .-IH.BATES. NavapA4-r, M 4dfvan5tu5 rLA;)tt 41' paýrl MItowgjr ~ Ttq0ld new YowRtjfW lauUuried u cuaact for idvertn'a. ameute nta tRiaCHRONICLE a*t'an haut ratai, MONEY TO LOAN 01;AY EIS Apply to- .. LLG5 W.fic ve lne Bat, THOS. SLEIGQH ',ý HOIJTSE & SIGNý PAINTER, -Cau nov be loaIit ig Uiop- TWO DOORS WEST 0FýAMSTaOKeG'S HOTZL, 1UNDÀS STREET. Wbilby, AprUIl1. 1880.16 LUMBER_ LIJMBER I WIÙ i T B Y, - i 14f.', Changes. "GERRIE's- CATTJJE SPIC.Ee, Thé Best. in the Market! Large Boxes, 75C. - Small Boxes, 25C.1 FOR* SALE BY. W-8 R. HOWSE, Corner -Drug Store, WHITBYP ONTARIO. O-HINA HALL, SION 01P TES BIS G e(SSUISE) 71 KJNG-8T. EAST TORONTO. Ifanoy Breakfuand iiTas Sts. Fauoy Dinnerrand DessertSts.. Fin"y Bed.room Sala. Pnyganmd Teapots. Sila.cr3PialeA Lvaa, Parka sud Spoona. Blvîr Plated Cruels and Butter Coolers. Sfivar PltteA Cake Baskets. Boigara' Eniveaiand Parka. T« iZMIanad Srru. mlow rSitadaifor Laly's, &o., &a. Gliaipara, &Il descriptians. sotela air Goadi. GLOVBR DEARBISON, Dominion Wood Work8, WHITBY. Geo. Cormnack, LLERCHAT & BUILDEfl: inga, and al MisaPof Tvdsted Mldinga, Dooa.,Baaaband Bilnda. LUEBER vitoienat»anad ratait, or by jby the car load. IPlaning, Mouldinge of every deacrip- tian, Floaring, Sheetlug, Sitelvfng. Re- aavlng, Sitaplng, Turnlng. Scroll-vork, etc., etc. Witby, b&i 16tk, 1878. -48 0G"T TO LIN». îy ta Laid ppon Farm orUTon Propezty, is nnôuknfyy ü Betea a2i terait r»*»nacm ha rapaiduirn msa i ibor- r»Vers. Bavuu lmpo»P ma and Wild LamAi wab"Du a la d Deban- turmaBmeksua otie M Stocka. Par furtiter partiuia'afppiy i JAMEP HOLDEN, AVp lm 16L ONTARIO FARMEBRS' MutuailInsuranoe.0o'>. EAD OFIEz, lBROOK-o., wxmrB. rT 8s COMPANT futres yPar m nl- J.. aga, Country <Iuburiea, Scitool Houaa, and titairContent, &tr&as i me ai thon cof any vail.eata iàd ConipSn ln canaia. JST LOSSES PROMPTY P&ID. J. ]B. BICKELL, JOHN WILLX, Pies&mnt. * Vloe.Prealdî. 0. NOURR, ECMTIM. Wititby, April M1, l1878.J pHERNIXPIMEINSURANCE 00. Lombard St. «A Cbarlmg roai, London. EsgTABLiSIE»i 1782. ,GILLESPIE, MOPPÂTT & 00., Agentsi for Canada. R. W. TYRE, .manager, Montreal. A GENC'T E5TABLISTRIN ECANA- DA ln 180N. Unlhnited llabilty cf &U tlb. Btackbloîdrs, and la riAire PumAs. Moderto rates o1 p remn. Agent, Whltby. Whltbli April 9MI, 187. URTMAMERICA An8uisance Company, INCORPORATED "z83. ASSIT 6 ,11,MiOL,86 P. A. BALL., Inauancfe aeoeat tha lavitovrn rata. on Buidldn.,merodà, aidotite Agant, Wltby.1 biyAil9tk. 178m1 ARCHITEC 'IU.REI DRAWING AND SPBCIFICATION BUI-LDIN~GS Promplly prV=a vt., VI"wtao cmy OHURCH AND 8011001.ARCiTECTUR A Tha P" of aithé, r.ta ahunldit dray. Thei b$gblhopoi of pault ara oft vanlihed in yaxa Ana dluilvad fa itae aweat amUîof glid. ama in tair. /Nt atii, not la mbOu Oc. ur avucambe Foz the w"iofaildi»ny b. v1eokeflu a iowond. AnAa the loveaftcitam eitbo itaai bour. An&a eemigly vaihucia ha laina m And lte bia ltat dvila udlte tamplâ offame. ; Ani ltae priza that eaduls a vorimovm ame May vinlsh 1k »V fta atiteriR"m urn to.inorrOv a its~nk -in tha aaaami> THE.YOUNO DUKB. (4MrlT447,'dompih gay.) B EAMNDwmuIL, BAïL iBAO- teran titnhe wcrld, knov vOUl mheint ismoet àmusacfci; ud a ,vitc areü everaa raA>'e e fied à gaod nues aven -cn u My ltait vItacoudual, and an aaue for nMy moa itoiaml'l aui>' creAit, tbtat in iulerfWksg a in iffair in wvici p ou Are omoncena, am mat linu.edb)y an nnritp, an, cificieni, cr a meddlin pnlI.No, m ovu May 1It i acn sa WI Ibit Ilbe- tan fan y au ltaI v. sobcld epai apc ohs$ajct. thîl I bava venluredtO Irait upom IL.Parhapé I1rcbWli eru eo raedfitu tu c.ii in nuliA apml.î V» U h * ëveal gomeht unggioaos minsur-but pý'ou viobave padcned l- -sotton, vi axouse il nv.Taéhb 4 ief, Il ii ot pour companion te atI aouraed 'tt WRaI I vonldapeab'" #,Mn D*Mo.u aopot "Buiely, a"R. Âoid ber, May. 1 do mot libèa tI oa". Yeu bmov I auldon @Pa* ai4itazrd ; If I do net, spomb more dlsi diyàmou, lI hecua I vili navl M=ag ntysipicicnsia mI Carlalutios, vidait vo muit do aven if ve mention théut, But Isuspet-- grestly enspeat. Au apea'=rutur wudbu diigama -Vuld-be n- saion duSf'u taeluai. Qute "'M contevit a mnluiètuIks'usiaml the meamîlmi nuicuv er, if maisa bàav Uinfimu;id norter,61 a, liai imporantl mnj4e-f'mp*f. 1 anAdtti"blm ita itane delsilon. Evar>' day mev Aliilêlaavs; "a even>' day =y ea= i inou uir 1 amvwasfl praéoioulmïs,î eioue Who stouldhbein ta aias.'"klim,. thon, of natnrnlng ta Vlezand udtk aoe, I bvacin o anci ofbeIau Pla Becrtan>' cf L«e1mi'Lcad ta>h have acieive vitlvms lte rett Ob- "«Tisuaalvi>i a aarovful ctUbo teame, ÂrudeL Voas bave ehtona ac etrangiOnemtlb.' offnesidi f I ai> snob errnemnsIdas. aji te iubjat of viaeo o aes tiii'hît'I "4i liaupas Il,wvsuni onpmt li.l ai vitit profit le pon»u mi a Uciut. myseL. Idapendinei1 -'Wbéis - h. dapendimt It e bainoaiDAM .bovi.tô indipndenlftrio fûluni baadof > on» *vpof Iiàbin« " '<W. hva ofatelic tIRsùMUKý 1 a ahane 1aô> Urthé'. lernuai mdi tit> penfumie'of ttie fiow: àed bim cf bis favorite noiig * rnld, cool aoene *W as ul lthi tbeotaMd >Mo ayobam. WuaI afnid cf the delicoena amen aMr," aniMi"s D&Ove ýeIy ha harmlaiae'~ taew vesilenc;mmd Mic 'r iitg. pinoked a lover La planit, aemed ta express .'ofvltbdravimp. Ou i doe- ,,ad'l uatu vie ace, z ara lao kind, toc oe ha offanded, if'K dft ' to ler anytitiugocould juna. yo10u lelohw uttcrly ha is Unvar na, oU are the. lt lmat in a eaure po u, maithar Of us' aoek vWiih tllfaon"Ume eae tien nô bopa?» Mait I With th. conacicuinea of b. ýjtOl cf our acro ?2"- a, mol ýMy lard.is yonvlll na nudinatind e&Oach to.- E msy appiovi 0f My lalwon- 'ed' qnlta long unugh th i' manier luàvoh L vbii uon- Sannot2 viitanutlthe niait un-' egrt-I cannatifora moment, rtitI I bava, addreaua i'jj. topa ta vhi oI am udir ilt obIig&tlana. . If My apolo înay, ha silent." t paak. ý 'IfcMy apologie@, My liltB moat, humble splo- ei ay ompensaton for trat. irait' ligitnéatfeelingasvticit * o , s u d ff r a b y w v i t i a t ,er -muf honaradi,-cpl 'lDacra, -lihtfatal Word- ai vant varmar werda imlhia * pu. Yen arà»-cvow ur maotfl rge uit vicit May yeifpe OUcÃ"liArad My meItimei lbluii2tàvu anigit i mt.me hope R, arDupkeaof C. Pemea, i aM. rll'naerafaudmie, -beomua. fvp pain titisvaAfo enteri ismore, ainoeere ra- kpannaIt. I am civinceëd, I ikllantiter ta youv'l;frtua But tis le de R,. k cv1il but, ai la ttéli='natomi baaveý vhe ltito'ur Igtalo"s naug" rgl. Wheou 'ae inMina :eacaf thairfealingi rasoavtt slim and *w ia tzféel, koeml -ty*, ty ,c yialenily. eI have 'itaïf-obmini, lbgive il up, imd leave theai lvo voluma«,in iiipar(aot haîuty, likae two lame columna ou aiuriepan Penitapa Il fa bite ionx,-parbapslît i t, plai eet-aumingloowy. ,'iTew -moan fa in'bar midu igit baver, and Irans te vollaocfDitae -buga h&it whicb 1 ait M'auy a- mmbR chief aid' canvas cardinal trapu, as ltvave,-upon, thta inîrusve .aotnauger, , v it ,t sait 'ling in tiw ièî eanca, and, vrbpm;:IM vhy era aàlilie by vould, mornea ttmk cf -atabbing, etaontngo.< cr huit mmais board, ta< tainthie l Qllaig. whiiâWne eenentai. Tbere la nuqt-: - onÀmcIdasolata s-an Ilium. 'ai aux a 0il" -r ne,é~utta 1ci; it faàa'dactrlnaýI hava ej, c -aNaifI r seate i "i ioay. admmd ls a mai, -,mmmdý taîblas, mdjsqure couchsviitd.at e rok -.,ito al mlta pu vwitit a bronze or bual e00%0 aigitIan. 'tique, Wv0tia t i v inda nulht ad va l1ivad ai ÂthenaoaorrA ne vê ire ottitecaelect fav vwhs ould haejained Aipailn catonleud na rtlam anp. Iea~-rf even 1hadak"Wl n-i om>rulapaSalte'ù_ iia 4iuqJeTixi DIëýraIt, on St aa'.plce ctq4 ýRe roovmau.i, nug and amo'ky. q1QcYJ. my càal.., aài d dpekomy fré cff a chapter'wbiUlôibt imokê.Som 0 miaule tara: fan erantit citlaZ «;e 72. f"i tus îupmiaoy ymÙMUscm ite mu for tat. somneike 'Nàpa idts er ihalabave grevu fit ani la,, m Seh l thm ltra.' O14 '--sud gray'. amdresphtaiséiiidthè-lauePCÏ4- gota.»P so ityaustha lswt aomamliht ckili,'1~ib b thelr eau.: îaiiatifemRimàry. orihifi -cobool; inothir writp1a a ubhol bo% Raving> arbabaied ý t f'iuk, i condeacandýta camare bfetl i blYd rau. Maorc,Âilnui Iko Muat ehargingra wa lOI.ounI May vlclary p-olieoan his uniullied Plùme 1.4-lig ma lb.h 'Ireobil ibaîf'ha'wtiqim'Oaur triamh Ktinke i ti' heliavrthab mSy leave a-.i-on p 'litI -a, a in viii k. lois i wri, tbti aais lau bulght. tte mIaou-lait aaft -htaiodvi buril over Ibe *99dPas cf -Oakinere. &a lb. Paiei grov pâle aMi te pila.. ,of Ânabad »:-titlev Ïy-ilig vilpin.,aid ivevrèl ,lr d But wvite,.paladinesuanrouundltae thI.ronR étkhai hoi êmA' ah0,'id. d TSI lug had lhéopasséd htwioei teëm c era remindi ,tho'naofhaRiesbut h mi c Ie..Tt oocuttbut obsare, ltai ltae -mnera cýontr4sl ofblavald isvmotêltanocm. béi'hày-h. woaly crdial. AmdiMiss Diu, lpiia'momaont1 'iî (ite, as moîg lteéfinaltitail ' "You mnî ltlaretun.t healtand theniatncpoia.àar P" aubei lucidéntb ltid bi e eeral tintai in "muat anre hàitysAuisa ad ivtlem variaos i Again l aidontuatai ojom'Jerobla -friand, aud tended Road heein baé.Io f fTloentauby _an inlantie tite 'iilytila fLr.Squlb. ly he sOpo basi h. ayflr bs rnvaihi lewu, -"Misae an m a itli ,hlm Whou amdnrlly. loua exalét t mu ap lsgiga voi. slcdbelaivv Uri i iitri a dh=iumdesàibly tfi to:iiv*lý' ooplimea cfbic vwlci. lh$-tyf1 z tova. lap th,>iaiepartuent, îmcng âMp loir Whu o ootpa ebadlob eaeur c ead «,tli veila :Qnaou,. tLa-ly-. Qanori nd -: oLinin Maurea.aid'Mii - ieu Urnim &a. bolabtb vi t en isaliteafea$H n- I ha uatiom.tbel 1-irei, Fovi te ; on t t t a boain tooeduos leuon Mc e, mt* "oit t n1 hâd àve titsfortue tohbaelrivr, i mm be kltr, vancg .1k Idcca-lulallatishe Hêrorvir] vas »n -,radeedilie uinshorttIthava'ttes ceedlg 9itaubs, oindofMDa phet, h.oveped. iti haue bais foRtuetahave lied lu remamba thalidlm-vhlci dbishl» plormeer "vendet 'vaSns adzevormat aiclt Ia or-mel camp lit inode o gla. ' of mg . tanb r'.pAfyemAceiltlie nxily tiober t1now rei 1 peilný; May Daine'. ,ee&oa boered nov canald I4pa nuihie, s boextemdcd htmd tem 1" mal tac eflan offerezi' but Lady Caro, O lime vb#-i cousin, maddaanaangninity, reopsoctl,' tR±erfore, iulhord as-"ývl Ua acca-s. "Lord uw l@d for lt.e vmrnlt cof bar groatiug. bohane fer <IHAPTER XLVI. I ie A vury lov dapI>o atterIa reton, lte LA o Due cf'St. James ined vwith Mrh , i Da-i i vs théifirst flime îthâ ho behppy. ainad vitit Mm, dnring lte aseauo. TRhe FUlS pompepi voeutte»an: aid o aua c ohnbis grace itad lte pliaeauaofTe r aiamaitimg a feWof bis -Yoranbineiton frnds. h l Once m be htonud biiuif >astthe - ititano **(bt'and, cf Mm>' Damr. - A-1 isi c-cuW iat seralce bsafvai n l Itai - airisblmui.'Dacale,'*berq ,b* pr ypeurý bai~ ~ ~ édôf fi*1aiheIea l 'Pttde. ia oo favorite itmd bolteA. Spqot s iota. i- -1 t ilt~~~~~~~~a th rsgTvaaiditme mineaiaioebisa Who. bul ita ni o wa -ame mdlooked ýuponm rIaïi inhlg athonn 'bihi iould motfiainmianbbla, Iamnca a ni tbougbt Iket e ihân vmer boeau M 0tia'gvéeable a p m-ifin, blé 1f.: vya0 tyWt il a ol4 camposaoÈ théi Varybe- :~ bapswham ho dmly- eýeild'fart hoirml p eàvtcha ad rt ai n d' R: A oluw f ee i g W aetiymaore ilant litai lè4uacloseûi b v ~tt sud fouad blmal +o Iernrg Rug b vlth muteA dimiration mon titi litufrome vieoiaeemed insprto.' Yet hvis 'a hippy. -Ohb v btal ipineü ia hi* 1iYoa-, f vWho dotés upon avomnan i PocolaRA 1 obvt fveua bis canduci whilt wua o anc sgt imida; yt ths qtilte$m2g ' c _f bli gftetid tauet, and Ibstanlàimi cr f lbiolov G ad 'ltilibm ed né oe litatia , bA oea ui lat;bi bae ll1mam%> heto,'bdIlléi d?' of couv opuun, e aentf.À-iiiiia, os@fIfa pubs; Suodt7,0 oz-, a«m 0 aAI'aaL'iafilaulv aMi± ltaI nT ly NEW in1 the ETT, No. L 'HOE< has lakaný kol and E , lr. Ho, 3K 1 aqualit>'=a 1 ». 1 ', sAVilGs ýAlo hUAki CUmpAil NON1. FRANK 8MITIM eaaPauot -EIJGEXE O'KEEFE, EqVc ieiii JIAMES MASON, - Mnae Mr Mony lmieMif t<a locvei te.« aiofeat, oenvauim$tom à.ag=i, "d Un.iwa rdLA-A.FOS'3i' A. A. t'tIST, (tale vAth Lam4lay, ngley h Bt A KC i labo I T But Aulaozc il-afleai glflge elala iugI, fmcng, fo #ujts, excellaic depo ndi on hi 0 alm gayl>' il ommd aflr ltai bus,» as, tit induàgeta a te' enstting wv my ýftlond, , - Beoae *vi aYc-Y nigt, a . 1 1 i 1 N 8 UR-A N CE. 1 1

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