Whitby Chronicle, 22 Sep 1881, p. 4

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M&4*owbuhp *t * "en.; ifl 1 Aad o reukstu aow o E.jslo ¶onh ha," ..ilàho uQlol wtats the driktoi me." Amia 10 gnik *it ' am nihe, no poindéé In&a 111l oi. Mù=stI ui go"& ma d vry thin, AnE. o horod& I'ittle R omo he vIn. And sa. .nidmmSU" vuute 1h. u. Es .h.4se ies in lthe.,c4. Th=n jutl I.-tl.whls&o-weIl, au tw.n7u n.t 4 ogas 139 &»0glàgloelul ones thtu tune: Et relu e ihosai; iJuS, l6ni ho Iaughed, As to the drop the goblet quaet'. Iaimh Hospitality. ORBU9TING-O T £OIUIHOP LYNCHl. A. argo depulation ef lb. membai etSt atriok'of oo±etyhanê cf tii. li HirOraso the Archbisosp of 89. Ben fa.I.tmghi. Tise dlegalion ousif idof thse 11v. Pallier Joyce, G. Vs pblu s M.Hughes, P. Ruanuiiîc,1 Mooruask, D. gofo F Pst. l ,Dr.Seymour. J. NBawlf, T. J. Lyfnsk.y mai ~1~l~pzy~ 'it olet' by Ard blhpT or ho shoid tlyalr itl ismiEl <mo .r«Oblhop fyc tissepissent. fr a brt ief ni Geo. MofJllps, cm-bitif et h.'1 l'alitais Sodoh, rsadito ià hbls a oipllsnutaiy eddie., s iciho nlb" M*..Ra'd&& t Citly. Rbt. P LJ.pw ay o vraul celeir mdhr.islda ilio mpli-ud a àhorsbi-,=sboý«pe a, visa tu h the St. Patrini'fitbe rti.West.1 eoomslulo, -agalsbie Got'-sp. lb. St Pal ocieostyetfWlnu:pé Irlub Catisof- etWinuipg. Aftera oort'lig hMna oordllomboes s eut their ovu oeunt7nyuvho liai cen taoeccpy iships iliou ammg t prelato u tis ohuno,. &hep# vas0 proosw41 Ibal lhislq migit provo pIs.ahoms1st he li anans oet îmaug lange nmiuof thein seuntr op to coffsehoroansu abeh se b trions ca 40vis mevasulu Mi epenu up Ibs trileconfry, 'detinea ount non faturae .thse moul importai eçsyîiosIn the Dominîiu. Tboye proe4 tucit tait h lu 1h. future tecouuhry, sud ormocteb id"eth bat'<ceeabasat'as e Le sverlty the climat#, ansi, lisougillihes oeilofet Prairie Proins. aswu mrlvalet' lu t "rtl, po g for t tsiâet upmitralureespees etirait d, I eMprAmu.b $m ras thl t'è-0 sutO éhu W si, u ~lai o itss4t~it ursgliAMButou.or tI -Yean, hardipe cf Itr 00r1 iou Lrd..msj ltàsei1urst &, bnk lb. m.nuou la oompslm a vth thon tbs.arly seIluru 0(tlir, parlaf tC ada. Theneit -r.qu rs.-tlb. laboro litetime 10 oy"onts anammfroue foreesta - *bilé"ee ,tisbo vurn ri 9"u b. lieueid , lo "Omtllg fiIs godsgrns' l d'- tlýOor tirse. y. W 1b h r» spvss~aisad in so &s a ltm'owosthàs jdedo Ibis ora the ,c . t wrvo 1 lisehomana veunà:,caF& > 1 L sipu atelini eai ho detor hlm frou e cmlg bore * reeaalu v.e'rs.Tisenuiber soreuroé taigreternoumber ofsmen thania -fouedýIth is ontl.y' tis yenr, vonhioff importance ans bolng disa witle gplonimans soodin..else loninl the. North-West, 11. Gises odont' a meut interseting addroas by ex- pr.uslnglbhe p. Itb. heIrish prisais who were nov comicg te Ibis country vomit' emlats ths zeal-ot thoir FPromt predocesues. Il ;. 1-1"-* - , Archbithop Tache, ilàai aotwvAppro- palak ýremarks, expressed tihe'ret péàauswir euàV la rcýhbZ*'O Lynclrlà anltoa, ani a fervenit hep., that ho might &gain visir huscoeuntry. Afler bldt'iug adieu t101h.eAehbislop tho delegatin on suwithdrsw. Advite ho Cborch Goemr. Don't go lo'iloep.> Don't bxl.baeby vi&i yen. Do't saugif you dou't kuov bau'. Dou't .11 donouyour nov silk hat. Do't put yor ou eterfeil coin -ou th. plate. Don't stay homeono collection Sun. days. Don' read yeur book during the uer. mon. Don'& go Ibalat. if yen wsar squealcy Do't tua eeel fit If you'eau b.0n't try te make cildrcu ail e Mi1 au EgyptiAun iumroles. D't ~ib. an active talker in ehuroli mautera uises yen are an active woik- or.- Don't kep. your religion in th. joocet e ~ou'8çuay a obro c" s. hat Yeu have Ret. Don't pull a it of peanuts ont et jour 'eoet =;li Our bhamdelf. Dom't ge& rad' and'i"e yeurself away if somslhlug in tihe sermon bits-you la a, iofl upet., ,,.--1ý of pre'ty girls un go hoe%. u adrecb_ tmg rain. Do't do amy lovait' svearing if a üy plays hepsooci on tisaIbait' spot. Dou't tare every girl lu churci eut ot countuno boause nmre:girls 1k. it. bat ai- -The tee men Insido. aet' Au oh Ind" nonce sked àewvile Inu nnte give hiss. soans tobucco 4r b ig 1 t Pie: The mue gave hlm as boue *g. leaniful ftcm ispookt. Od The mai t 'az i. cala. backsaud'-àask. the, et' toi tisevisite man. 'Por.' said t' h, se- IItounai a qunler et a dollar among ime tWby4on 1 t ou' ep il subi sà by. tise tauder. 0%-. I'ts gel a goot manindt'a bad mua le a isret, Nsait lb.mian. poiuting te big- su- ireasi ; 190dthei.gooi Mau eay, N'No ne ; yen muet mol keep il.,1Idomlt kno me hat 10 de, anti I thiak ho go le las- sloop, but b. ootandut'bai men keap. 151iîke4i nigit, unidti-onblo =mu;and' the nov I'bring lie mouey iok, I téed but guet'." i Auîp or- tlhe l y c, e bave a&lU e of t n s a a viliia. Tise bat' à" u u umt tionlb.guet'man ts et Constueu ut he ieep talking for thse sat' agaumuauy tiiogu tisai ve do Who eveifdsj 1 That iluhe lb.4o Idait' amihe anaver deoides a man's bey charmotonf'or Ibis lite aeu& lb.elitsh 1 ome.o W ij ùs? B"up for dulty. D~llown vw it "I Ws itutls~u oupla.. t ien saanily. Nvr nyrgivo up ane bey 4.*4re >,assi,,'il'àtache amartee f ariner. or imelvil, Iàs*ldaum a-Graves, vise liv.. o> a 100 faim vet kt"uo e- i zuatsatobicu eué tea. of! Afler gr. Graves bat ' uhé me bis et alle am celbon n "àt leSme over 10 au ecbis vooda. lits tWsll, -eral t f I'i.ked as holt lis et' ont a tan acre toisai. dre. "'bap 2 Wbbtk V y' '4beme'a black etof sWmâlle, air, Teàton ofet'eoi. lant- ,am et"em mysmîf ten Yemars geu.Bn bont &bey are ton luclisu tisiongi. Got' &DY licuech 1" W4 And sure enoigli there vas ton so 3151 ef biond' plauto-t' 'vu>u ties. 'Ély r ot aoere.-tu al 2,000 lc. bos ":OW.lli boy di you get jour -.00007 glag bak PtTaaked ' '- P0ri **~Biack valcutt lie, verte *2:50 i ha bushol al'h;L ? . P 9lil gel400 bnub-ý sund, $la tua ye". T t' $1,000. AÀIbon- od4rd olar s'ysar lu g cd reul foi lent' wot115 sarsian t I Ma' "ýWell, viat glas II" I tuqutret', înr- grovlng tnterestd. rau iThe tuée,ontInuai Mr. Graves, oids :"aregrewlug su 1inc a jear. Wbea funb.y an.20 jsaoidt t isa lllbhorli oaa cuIfe, 1't ait t toiont , ithea TO -1",&kuslielof valnutu l e Ise a- ey hat le, get 2,600 a yeaforthes or. PJ~ Tuadra'ed cdr.tyusz>.Bota~o knhue ha ait e«aoentaiau ?uid as Ivmp o a 1W who-va_ hurijing a1o3g M517 "Boor,"nspoaithi t. usprospt- Mes Tho$Aes .orn.ularch, ronis ýmais' *&Lüp up &ndvasu-rààLggil -I*ist; "Tes; rsito e îl Iis vay, #1 obag$ ie "and dhaula. i Adiop'of(kMay mole a mmlllle hhiLuk1 ti to pe au ne t'i of in lx roer nuteret'thse bat, aui hissghfuly off. -"Lor4, cnuùy, chin a doo'iuslofe teie hlm o-ba t t ho* ru nuuu i~a lïle ra on Iurtrrey parigtber. la ap limage ~ Idlenesu lu the ksy of beggary, aud' ho otof &R evil, . s0 avl bo wtir1ndvlsi.,ï,i r T 0f Iv o mona, ohoose hone thai ffiI bave jon. >i Bro*n leso,'favorite oellit es 1 ion. It lu a curions anomal y that smma# people talk aIl theu lives b ut iauvek iâÏ buythiug. 1 Theere ta an alakrrng, lnoreB5l1 h.. - ambehr «otios.who, ýlike ta1.11ev n ales suxoko vleu th.y go 'ont. Alfrsed Tennyson ls 72. Not uaany f bis readors bave livt'e Tii. most povorfal man, physioally, in Eugleud la sBit' le bu Lord àHaa. on. to waihi -$WeUi.bomasidyn ik1 vOe yole? ,*Let'& e-about s.vemty-fiveo osa "TulmIove joiesait - "t' .a âïaa Pte7 ýP8i.riht; 1. ighly plat a.bave ~o4 aftrnoon. "Pretty nies thimg lu your PaprIi nopliL a 1Rg 04..io'o îpvîitb aglov etfplesnre. "!s1p« pose yen roter le, my leader ou liee. nation 1" -Pegg uhook hbibet. "Or peihape lb va a eelaragrap'l ihboni tho Bungtova ýralrsal' 1., ,alPogg, "il vas a.pouud'o boëteâa "eat took home for brakfast. Ni"eol1 thlsk 1 evor eaw lu 1h.eMarader, pou borner. UIVERI STABLES. T WI 9EBERT ha. parbase thel zLJLIvry business lately carnet on by Mr . 0.Pilge, au 1 viii1b. ound-aa th. oli sglad, noun ie Ral9 stau. ,houmnes lms ulso adet'ak a*umbmr M.FriT. o1h.osoas Charges moderato. * l. SBEUBT. FARM FOR SALE!ý 7l DI)II&BJLE YARI S outh .1. halt of Lot No. 4, 6 con. of the TOWIu. '»h ofPicerirconslatlng of 100 auea, 'i a fonuet. ,coaetùl goot' banu, .Tes JÂMgS HOLDEN, RoQ. TownandPark Lots FRSALE. ONE LOT on Brook Bit' acre.m MME BLOCE (SU1Ltb) betvoenBrook uMi 0 lini. o Ail in lb.. North Warx i m u"tai.for building, «a«don or paîture punposes 21.5., G O.THÂLjp ', t* i jyou waUtthe Êýà t WR- lf- you want the Beestf3LF-D UMPING HORS8E R.AM If you waxnt the'Best GBAIN ýCHOPPEIr- If ~thé,Best GANG PLOW- 'Ifiôn>uian'nthè,Best STRAW OUTTER1- ,Ifeyou wa"t thefleàt FANI<UNG MILL- ~~~~~~~ È~ y0 wnrtees LOWao uL5nao'a. SIf Yen wasit the Beet'PULIVERIZING HAIIROW-2- ~ î013 ELIBLEWHITBY FOUNDRY, ýWhérë you eau lwûys get gÉood.value-for yjour money, ana OvOTy article bonnd to give yen the best ofstsfcin - Yours respeotfdlly, ~ BROWN& PATTERSON MNF'G Co. 4Whiýj7, Jugne lot 1881. 1ZfW TIN', 'S.0? k î0 0~ ITU 81 LE.Next Door 8outh to James Johnston'8 "Goldsmith'8 Hall," Has opened business in the above premises and is now running în fItR blast, where everytbing pertaini.ng to Tlin, -Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is. manufaot'ured in a workm an- Mie manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. L~ ~ ~~. VLCR->kEJ OfSo4PERIOR QUALITY. - ;içindu UtfJ&aisetian n e eà4.m.asceistantly Sept in stock. ,Wb"o la Toroqbe. ont., canada T. G. WHITPIELD, liar, Whhby PIANOS TUNED. GO O;T. teUJPXLCHT, Tuere f ore. Essor- Y»"scbTorouto, vil ho lIn whllby *bout tlb. mudùisOf iMay Partiet vihng thelr Piano. r ritnid viIl pusses" ear bir ordure l sr. LYON & BUPEUT, Photogrmupe ,Wifl klnsu~s look Whlb. Odoi.lsy mai.: tb, wiflroelys prompt attentilun ly-16 .B R ,O f Ç H I T I S ; L O B S O P I THRO.42, FX0I~ suwkafs fonnu q> aei~<fl ngob- IOI4MU e, usons seâa* wes~w -trio., ÂNE antee.d salifaory or ne pV>. O~nshan O~LOIL.L~pCbimneys, J. W. BARN«mjS. 1*ETÂLBIJ &"- IDEMA1.WS Count Lqpr tort, WhaJesaý aod Retail, KING STREET, OSHAWA. --00 Just reoeived for Christmnas and the Ncw Yea.r, a large ,-stuiokof WINES and IJIQU ORS, direct importation, coomprmng Port ànd Sherry Wfinos, Bra;ndies, Gin, Rum, Scotch and Irish Whiskcys, Bass' MsdG nea~n ~*o's Porter. Goot'erbau hWorfls elobratet' OIt'Bye and ltWhlskey, tise boul lu the t*ké & Bales' saS douegvi . &SeauCai1s.t'aetMa ' 4Pôsnlrant'Lager Boeron drm aftsdla boli. 11' -. qhalygqtsd»ala 4stetofCIGARu nbthecounty I Pca*mi~Shèniy és4-mLsuporeoquality. ai Si$W .00fl, 8.00eut' $250 pert I4pmnlalelon. EsiePort ati Serry, $1.75 Per Gallon. msntell. Jliebi esBDDd-H.uusa Brandies, in coot andi lt. À fBrst.oiuueBr&'Ud ëfO oo eking P iee. t-12.75 Pei Gallon. > Réa aua Green "saa i'Temundu' 0oUat'UGn. ~ ad",as'asScotch e iand WisWiskeyu. Tryouxclort -Tod4rÏ'1W 1"ev. -the finueat WbIdkey in *- market. 82 per gall. or $5 per case of oe dozen Botties. Fiant qulity eoitla insca Hune. Baam-, boffl dby Elibeni sud Poiter &BSe nluQuarte sudPlut. Coagrvo A. Son (orento), Tayflor hàBale (St9.bmrnae.)-Ais ou draft, lu 5, 10 sii 1 Galon Kge, sut' luBotle luncases et on. dozen qu&at dIo dozen LAQEE 1BEMR707R WIlfMRUSE, Tee dosetiiotie. aI 1#1.25 pease. Guinses ami D soi' oul lu quartend pinta. iôa.u pl cte. - ted BleuI, st #LW5(Jert'ezou quinte, sudt75 conts per, A eof « lb. sssiiples et ciganucouelanby Con liant'.. Ino, PU flnoetssTelle, ,Flor dpne Ala, A wU l4 Maple Lest,. Onlcesteu ci the tdL M. Plo.,Viora Pordel . u sa{.5e V- -- la ds . ýLa()tÇac IESII S.,'1ÂW., RRE 0F ~ ~ ~ tK TE OO(ETKNDSi" IV2ATAL -The. MM, ilu nov in comploe craer, ths Machiner7 a& i nie an"'raout bpprovsd i:,2 Io dons promptly, In lb. Amdgivesns e tsat w. J,'GIBSONIS WHITBY CHINA -, TA STORE. 1BAXES&DA DIRCTFRO~ IS AIYILE ARENS. FOR SALE, WHOLE8ALEý AND, RETAIL. g'The 'Trade supp'ied at Toronto, prices. Special ar- rangement made j'th private families whëre quantities are used, daily, and delivered immediately on arrivai of W. J. aL81r Whitby Cina Tom Store. 1 833- -Established 1833-1 FURNITURE, - FURNITURE> Cheaper than ever, -at his new store BR>0X S., WIITB The iUudersigned iii returning thants to 'the publie foi -the' libonal 'patroniage oxtended to hlm, begs te sttt that having epivod to hie eomruodione new promises, ho- is now in a. botter positi6s, thoànever to supply a4ltheir 'mute.' IHis stock of Furniture emrnbaces very haudsome seti;,- Ond overything that -eau bu calot' for in Vis lino, and an examination wfll convinco that the puices are low eanougli to suit the tinees. IND ERBTAIG WM. TILL. WUAT TIRE PEOPLE WANT-!,,- FINeZ- APAN TEA, ut'20e,25c, 85o and 50c. pc lb., worth'from 40o to 75e, per. lb»,, Fine Moyne.YoungHyson Tuas, at 85c, 40c, 500 and 00par Ib..t< 4Fine Black T 0s jt85,50cana 76c-usual iprices fronu S)Oq.f.o-$1 pur-lb. BARGAIN S IN ALL GRADES' QF-;SIGAIIS A large ochof FaMi1 Grouries, at prices that CIfy copip8tition. A maËnmoth stock of Cia Crockezy adGisscr1 1re a~eu beautifuldusigng. White Granite, Teà Beéttgs, 4« piees, ut ,$2,25 pbrutt., Whis-ranteChamber 8ettsa 9 eofor $2.00 pur sett. 'Chamber Sote,4pece, or$t4. Wh(~ rait. ea ~ts rr Om éper dozen. iPTEL AND-,GÂRDEN SEEDS, »fiom thq ,zxiostreib ?EehMungold eed:ternon pn ot BeConinet -reuh nxi eoefanghàlm's, Skiverin,s,8utiôn's Cuu;u;ry stopo ;< '. Fnch'W4 aSgrBut rs nd eheup, ut ~SINON ?RUSER'SG 8-~P~U, Devrll's Bloch, -Brook.est., Whitby. z-WANlýTBD-My.q i fFzus'h Ekègs, Prime -futter, Potatoos, &o. PH T-O0GRA PH Y. WE RE AKLG A 1-q-È-c!m-ýrT-1L 0f Photographa, Lu sipia, life- C~TS ~ji1 abinefs' 8,~ g 0e othe, Art. alse always onhu qnýality ai Lowoofr ioa.' F UEAN!) aiL KIDs OF- , FEED, 1 ( SALE Higheut Priceipa id forW AT AUL IllS.; Thunldai for tho patronage bertcfoeëj-M cidthe Proprietor, b s y tite e tio ebusiness, an a ls terIaI gnu dlemi satiuactorily ,,i5 B arieo..te jàji, a continuationthbereof. , ,i T. p. WITjE, Wniteva.la, l9th Juns, '80. -27 1m à w FARMERS! Workingmen, profesuional meu, sud.oes iau, isquires at IbissesieuOf tbheaj somethiug 10 gietoue t l ytmm pîspare hlm for vork. 5I5 o . YiWAMMR Wil do Ibis by alosn.ng aU inpufite frgi tic blood. USE VITALINE Inal aff sections cf the Ridasys. Sold by sn Drnggisis. Pce, $ttO pue hottls. THE GRAY MEDICINÇE CO, 4in-47 TOBLONTo. 17HITBY, PORT PEBET hLIND5AI RArLWÂY. CONDENSPID TIMETÂBLE. Taknxg eoSait on May 801h, 1881. L"eoWbitby -&80 a.s&Witp.m Oie au Port Perry l.40 --7M,5 leu9 - manilla 5140" 8mii"u.t Ar've Lindsay 12.40 9250 1.4e TRASixuouac soVra PortPrenmy7m5 " .i5-' ami An;'ve 'Wletby ' &Z " t.iu'- &U For time'at ocher stations, use Poohet' Table. e 1»:baidou applicabtioeAnerb, em ny sAgents. emy tby mu pointu snatlai cIel aid Uxbuidge. Waa-P eBinhftsldana Wick, xÂxmrnn.-Forsaderlaut' anid -aid"- Msmrs'om-Per Oakvoed, 1.111e Blt, Senà ntud PeiHooveÏ.. - 011TARYO W H I-T B-Y TÉ Ofice, iTRSidoAl Iotel, W iby . - . . MiH EE-I-Ii Toont.t ALas, xSI YDP tulmtt Mnrough Ticketsa aeds by mil Agei -P. T .Ticket Ageats.Tonun'to for 7à %W ïW. P. P. & L. R'Y Pc isUZVorchii juaggaÃŽuscbsoled tbrough. - fl LINE.TQO RCIJBSTI 'an For Me by ail delems ml Kwm4u orc..> Nov »mà »W. l'thsbid SCREENED 0COAI troma ltle brateSClEUý»2Ã"l DC.DOWIS Wz1ki"Qn!ru Block, Enoci 'bTe, fot i se 1981 i have $ut reelvea imyasecona cf tihe, jstlyeeebrabe m lu Funerab- fuHy suppiiea.

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