roof. ST. p. WHIIPa %MERS 1 ails sinon 0fth~-e toue ho ibis sysiu:a nk. 1ITALINE- lie RIdney.._ý 'Tahs. Pl~ lOp TORONTO 1LWÀV. D> TXXME TÂB-. oepà y M 81, 188u, Goito »Cars, M" t4m 0.0 i.1 . 50%tjà p 0 m1.'e :,cTo eua re.1sasucd ly aU Agentsi Ity, for Taronto and b 'te.Torouto, fer ai sati -, No transaer ciargsae Lrougi,. JAMUS IXIQLDINq TO ROCUSTEJ -is...~ ~i IAr trip; ounliaIs route 4a gaveymoalratl.I aP 9O'clock, on=arrivai iRva1jvl et a iron raya sund tsthe eh ak. O ishatet hom e anosn lier iformo ahpoints Bm III DeovmCnrontteoregà W. ac rvua loOsmega, O Cri, TRMC., dc.. rei evn W )by l nion apply ERSIVte, , glo di for Ibir;j land to land ir' cf lire st rinfcrmat$pr ft., Taegmpb 0 w u/l filauneYHpJY , OHM U NOLEI: h l Ul IIZ T~ Ch II D T O 1U bah& odtr,, f ia*býQ,1m c ae uk er tin., Business Direotory. OIITAIRIQ DÂNK, WHITBY BRÂNOJI, THOUAS DOW, VAREBWELL ô RTLEBDG]c B AILUSTBUS ATTaNBY'OLI. O09o800aido«r south 0i1h. R oyal RAB UTLRLDGE, B. A. J. S. FABEWEILL, L. L,. B., Oouzity Crown iAitoraey. 4 MESSnR ITCIE & BILLINGS BARRISTERS A ATTORN4EYS I AT LAW, SOLICITQRB IN 1 CRANCERY &C C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLINC8, Torouto. Whitby. O'SULLIVAN & PERDUJE, DARRISTERS ATTORMYES, BOLIC. £ITO,.IoTAMIS, &c., &o. OFFICS:- 72 Tonge Street, nezI lbe Dominion Buansd Corner King ud Yonge Streeta, Toronto. D. A. O'SULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Octobar 2Dnd, 188. -4 à JAnE8 KXITIX CORDON, JOHN TIA.MGL VR , (Buccemor10H. M. HoveiL)= B --,-STB ÂTO nE.TLW Notary Publi&c.'ta.0 oDunor fr lb Din on ice.nexi oor 1 Monualoo Hon-PUbidgse mOnt .26 JOHNLRA.C. LLR, A TTOENE&.ATTB.T-LAW, LCTRl Doino OhaanyO9OnasOaNha9Cauniu L- T. BARCLAY, A TTO"BY- AT -LÂW. BOLCITOR lu i Chancary sud Insolvancy, Coayay. uner, &o., &o. LYMNZ ENGL1UH, L L. -B., B AEITER aAT LAW, SOLCTI'OB E ce Srait, Oaa.N - DAVID Oîà rMStO, .I. Ornas-Into lb.Ofce nathof the Post Office, ilu MKlUan Blcok, Brook street, Wbuiby. -ly-10 JOHN BALL DOW. B BRBISTB-AT-LAW, SOLIClTOB lu Cbsacery, Couveyancer. &c. OMeie-Devarill'a Block. Brook Street, Whllby. MONZYEVTO LEND-Pritla unda - in mima up tu 18M00,at a loy rate of lu- tarent. (ly.dS ROBINSON,& KENT, (LATz Duaas & Romanoy.) B AB.RISTERS-AT-LAW, ATTO BN- oys, Solicitors, blonvey=, &o. c OMPCB.-In Victoria Ohambeis. No. 9, Victoria Street. B.. ounisqa, m .Hna . E. Eau. B &B2EIBT»«]rRAT-là Aw gBOLIORxa lu auensd Isau Couve sucer, &o. Ofic.e rBIBloroc - Streat, Whb5q jont.. e.IôUNtG BMITir#, L. , Orrca-OverDodMluou]Ban>. WUatby. lan., 178 (1 J. 1E.(ilaiLDRAII'R, 61. G.R.tDUÂTB*e o é'ad- saoù Vtorla ai Physiolans sud ftl~oioutan:o. Onno,--Brock-B8., 'Wblby, ouIt, (Ibis. douo. southb ai- eyalïitel). ly. R. J. GUNSP, R. D.9 URGEON TO TES OOUNTY GA&OL, (~UTIS IHOSPITAL LONDON, MOI., CYJthe eye IL O.EH.L., OshaveOntario. CÇABD. - Dit. ]BOGARLT PhyddicisuBrgeon, Accoucoher, &o., &c. Wbthy, Sept. 801h. 18U. 0 HOUSE TOLET. N10E13 FAMY jWBLLEG, çorner Bighl rooma; nev hoants. Gooa ontâlaficm Half su &acofgrounauasmasoit vater, good stable. Apply o-*-j APIIWbuuby., July 20,1581. 1-5 W. AAS WnG»atsreui C, = .9N"t 1 . T R' j, &= ï, Chanin I But osé e With <alat 1~n~nked won4., ,p~a* *l~pngI4e,, pud 'anttnlng *~TÃ"L. XXY. IO)m 01AL HOTEL ag TAà L18, 64 a46Js1ssraTorOnto. "<0Or5Ã"TIOi0oub 19th. Wl j Y to the Markat. The. Houaise bu uiwam £51. WALKEY'A TEMdPERÂNCE HOUSE;' DUNDÂS-STIUET, wHITBY. Good accommodatÃŽon ai reaaontble tOrm8. Boarders 89.80 per week. to R 085111 HOUB.-TOBONTO, ONT. The Palace Hotel of Canada Refiuiod, gerEBlevato -runntg ,alght mâd da. The .1.8priea, re -$9,88.0, sud la pr day. Membera of Clubs à ad othes. darluîg zooma, vithout boad.S LMjr day. ?eb. S7th, 878. Propnietor. JQ~OY.AL HOTBL, WEITY. irha aboyalaI wba been uorouiy rgoated and refunuabbd, and la nov nn- der tbh m dumtt r GEO. MACKE, (lorarlyof S. La ReoHail. Port Ho. Evezy attention pad bt guesia. Eut " S~od ample Booms for Coin- B RITIBH AMERICA2N HOTEL, WHITBY, ONT'ARIO. Houasnavly rsuovaied and ýfuznlad thnotgbout,-ad put iunBrIn-cluordez for thearaepiianoet guetsa. An omnibus lteand froi a&l trains. Pinat-clansasample rooma. SHAKESPEÂRE HOTEL, Cor. Kisg&orks.,Toroiito,Oni. JV LO'GRÂ.DY, .-1'ROP1RISTOR. Txams, ILôO iP» Dà T. (7-47) WTHITBY, 'VINCE dl? "GïjRRIE'S CATmESPICEs" The Best i n the MarY-ket! Large Boxes, 75C.- Small Boxes, 25C. FOR SALE BY. Wu R. ÀOWSE, Corner Store,l WHITBYe ONTARIO. Ã"HINAHALL, ara3a10E 5G ua (uaram=) 71 KINO-ST. EAST TORONTO. PayBread at ud eBte. Paucy Illnler sud Deigeisels. raiey Bed.roomBats., BilvemPlatM reti Izsud sd BpOOns Silven PlatetiCakea Baskets. Bcdgm nuîv.. andFrka. Tea ra m Sers. Plyr sie for L ily, o, do. Gla"savr, aSldescriptions. White Blana vu arq, oykinti. Rote Msd Br ood, GLOVEIR HARISON, 'Bar o' IeSr. pOTOFC ..LOTsxa Dominion Wood Wo rks, M. McCNNELL -. - BOPBI2OB. -M TEE BEST ACCOMMODATION _ for Ouests. (]Y-47) JAMES T. .TEWELL, Proprielor. <I*te of the Nlplaalng Halai Toronto) Good Liquors aud Cigare Commodiona g$sblng. 1. Fanst-ohlaaLvey Stabl, aud Bllard Panour iohdly1 T flicQUI&BN'S KOTEL, Douai BiSaT, Wmruî. plied ta"le Airy bed.-roomas. Coaûotl stablIng sud lauge yard roam. Chargea anodarste. 8 CENTRAL HOUSE,1 OSHEAWA, ONT.,- W. B. MaGAW, - Preprictor. Plnatcl. accemmedallon. Béfh Wines, Liqor sd Cgas.Geai .tabhu ngsd WHITBY HOU8E .DUNDAS-ST,-WEITBY. The uuderaigned woold intimate tb the public tual b.abyapromisshave beau nevly bli udt ltdup ubronghont, for, the a'ccommodtionoIat. Jl;à ïias Liquors sud Cigare. MIE CIEA>j 0F OANADA '- WAL.Z LAOER. AMuopure Ehina W"iua ér, Wbole- sasd RataiL Boardera taken by the week ou moden- ate terms. JOSEPH A. BMIDEL. J.l,201h 1880a2 B LAVK RBSE MOTECL, Cas. Puoui à Osoaz Bis, TORONTO. .LLFBBD 0 OFRD,. PnoP»'MpOji.' TERmB, 1#1.00 PER DAY. Good tabi- *~g for oven 800 bonis. Vlrst.ela scem-1 apadaioafn far£ner.sud the tavelltug M IL .J.eBu BATES,, Ne*#pan t U*s la thse URiONICLE '9utoui MONEV TO -,LOAN Apply la- W.,H. ILLINOms, Gea. Cormack, IrUMBEB MERCHAT 6;DUTLDEE Doona, Saab sud Blindes. LURDER virwolesale sud retail, an hy hay tihe car load. PlaniMg, lMoWrdings a1 evenydescrip- tion. Floenlng. Shettug. Sbelvlng, Re- aà *dng. Siaplng. Turnlng. Scnof-verk,' etc!, etc. Wlulty, Oct. 151h, 187..4 MONE TO LEND. bs aai m« olifmo- mteunallyIov BaiO Iieeet. Loacabe repaldin suizto anjîber 'Baae1mmmay= ami apti'W1da WfcLaioema l (...~ l tursaBa-ud o ôherak~ to Per fuarpclr s sppl o JAMES HOLDEX, Apri h b ,lD79. -, ,us INSU RANCE. ONTARIO VARMERS' Mutual In8uA2fl-oefJO> T 8 15COMPA2IY fu ras an a.d Haenses,, d Ibsr Contanu ts,mrtes ms no as thosaof aisy, eatmaaaCompany .IUfT LOSSES PROMPTLY P&ID J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILL1B, Preiat. Vie-Presldmt. C. NOtIlIS, Sscuxzrý&a.1 Whltby, April9*, 18lem-16 RN=oe m REINSURANCE00. Lombard St. aud Cbazng Cross, London. EBTABLI5EED ZN 1782. GILLESPIE, fopÂ,TT & C0., Agent. for Canada. R.W. TYIIE, Manager, tmnneL A ETBTABLISED IN CANA. dl1 the, sd c Puntis. Moderate rates of pr=fn C. NOUP., Agent, Wbtby. Wuiiby, April Olem 87la1 Assurance Companv ~V- INCORPORATép, :1».. - ET , .3~8 , 7Ol 3 lumSura aooeoi lhai raies pu BuIldIngs. eraid a.,Sutbu proparly, aglustlmS rdama6. 1 Lsx. - C. NOUms, ARCHITECTURE! DRAWING AND SPECIPiCAT.ION r BUILDlIN4GS 8 011UMIl AMD 801101. ARHITECTURE. k cbrres'pondene Respetfuly Uoiffted. ~oo*:t. nr ~ Knowledgaj Bno.tbçnhoo4, s BinA For buaire she Canna1 Tii. uiay BuI <ceatoi Clapa her WbaleTom Barks, friù» =TI al tireg Moe ibonhood, ail these parts .home. But ovmmlt a:ply Bh is kludl seWw Wl~ , -,à es phn lfbm. lb* =smlfa. Buts4 ristl. omtenet-u Ila np yl baaId" c~~ h C oin., Tovsrdabn,myoab,lo Mi Aln ca l Mido bie Tiay uay heqnir»<lioiali TirhevlUû g po& foilp caaa-- -AntIf I'eelght# teird ni lgh 1 IOU<hat . o.à gs instt ho u th raad- Who jm at rahvn eaS h To béng theau»w4m,»tOiuan Tirey n» gaint ovin W6doedy Toeeiic lcutnu play; And msie OUhaagrand <ccd tUme."~ 111'd think ù 018 Cooer 8hbmeti- At lea1,es nuty,ba bb=and- To loth sgie Ida hW4P-0se5 117 duuirtev-vhW iipiet-? Vcnwre sfslgfrein tawhà uadae ci Poor chlti 1yunn aà aSry7pllgii, We1li lir te mliu o -aIgih. 111 ual b. meas ed .Y Jobmay, THE YUODN. 'i4iarumenf. Âway, thon. with ie aor.ihelvle eofhâmb utility 1" tiu. usf-à -bat bn la sur TaI' Ànd êley MsY-eeoch sud gresu,' gravi"dnAise,1 but r, tia w,. live, ie,îoo*elr or later, to fhi w, slLs.Wre. ,cor.- -Thé.e5blepy ia-l i liand"is but-,n mappea e ctooi Afve: sont ei" liu&y tot live4&1aear lts »ey dj. ogees.,,non uray my son ,- u ifeLon en A.t lb. goldtfi 'me e oft,-o. 4 mIreitstel.mibn eau bien ifou tlr4vsl,, ny oountryl _.Pow oaa lov.e "bottefer ilaaà heoteho frsee4se.; fwe: le lime. 1 Wotthue budsare, otigfér tup .éy nysd _lby gocti;ý- ,lan ,fee b insà oeil, bralu bdlite are thune. ,fe~im.Los4 rp cnfwreon he~ 1!maiejLthl e n ieq ie raii h " n 'otmà ae Mp UZgZa Ijea~v1s l Lw=vo ld. ifk.dng-so...i uaouêthmtmeau oeitaut amoral mas nrhe _qano sdth.woun lw, oqalsao ile, my aleesd atop4, gt boned .plo 4n. ant lbSgud eiuaPigals, u vie.yune nprs !or somea Scailwrn mlheecsa~ lte saménielielieth&, n h.mi youar msaexearvlyamalg. loy aiable la you'80ndl Y.1 iq. tli yOunrnoralt UrNlM l. aOUt tâ be -jnmnd, but mp heo i a o sure ta mhli bothier: aire 19.g0 9 uatuned I Andi BrWliant,- ï ayga lia Loa aeyebrv e oliteaia lhian glides qu mbour iu eay hat, nu-'1 iiin ý plgktok drivés nire- away-af rnou ism i l'an sma trimnge ln- eaisln. W.. ta,1,h th ha wne*1,5 EMBER 29, 1881. [dga u oseueue of ihe great principla. of Lady PFile. pey t6allAh oher ihe diaiug yoncth cf botir sexes. Bbc tes,'pleà i bfh er publia boinage of Arundé] lidd ibuof ewà sOnqDwb, wItIiýAbà rêputaton M tlec È ~ niy hic affenZtions ee L4. h Thus abhezuaiotaiod; i mpire' - ;,Bt. Maurice ncw corne np ho [ezjuse huaà seIfla lbto-e'ung..dole. for . not4 A.dug lh ambra 10-nigbi. i"8qýisY could inet heuril," ho c vlalpre.i. »bi has gai hôn head fclLof the, maa. lons fainoies, aud i ms lu vais 10:- aobler bad -pro"ed k- give up Ili' ,Weil- a'Cnoekfô*d'a,"- - t' TIais reminded our-liera o.flusP Caoletilt ber aiaswur.ldl NO. dia Aube- Teta ôrblaed'jh« ii law i *ostly su hiposang';-but Ibe. asal tixan4ia~he, oriental oharsoheri 'siteaihet1ù!GeîCnvl ebb e 4tQ1ini4.baâuudLwilha golden cap frau aThe ueafed but.afteît' 15èw minuisetii-aensauIs withdrew SmuaU ablesot-ebb'y ansu d uvai - u .waitena of iy<,ny sud gleheunl stered, are si l;aod, and shildon neyer leuyès tie roda. -Tba.epu' awt vsks refinad, mm'eualsd.zs~van.i ones If Ã"sac.f..thO ede eting..Ça teeeau est. -_.Whiu a. few'pro and unonstriinid, : o ri -ibaas - w cn su sinies Amai tdua Bat scalva as ndllîng-ubhat cbarilug B iea 1 Chy Bgiga1 NOaa miucWaT'- l Bbanuih al 1Wbaf a ehsanu yn1slaerls-chsin!ug 'T eoi ar:à lnùbbimd-lum gay 9nlfas, lu~~so , i'hll. 'çaoWAlA au se ud asai ai Ma n eriy- ianinaD9 uà edtihis gnace -afLord St.Mui ce, puig'êos i Oh1then you have boa l rem " Iheoobav .ever imAd.i We iravc been epeaking of nefinei nt h 'nlluehlie vicIe e'vaning. Ha»,oabe A'Ã" ,nel Carcina laid -pan P -2 Arndel Dm.a- jA br r vnt, '."aw csinlnoduoed ana t em., oeaitvly.sunbik "foigiitbirrnames.-Deire, by alno f <lergy 'dà o à cl! tire hlies cf laiýgir? Oimne"savith w .Dacre nover anavere. Diti yen even 0" viWà jtr,à han observelirai 2but ses 1 lier. lhey, Thlisli F Peh The AI uae ,nlobselr'votiLord oluaimi, witr'eq Noue cf, your :plry~*iP iuoea, Tire prince prO bun 7f our> aoaanpy , ~eeceunis sut aiOspitI but ub inh>muas 'me uugrysd fu weUu uit BEnlIas eaminirproduc., i. D. pantajr. Whiahnbunir v th;b.eldeat asie a 'spf n &an pninc ot, irousboiag tire premier, là jeile ôVouig noble oflth ca pirop , POaOSad ýi l iri ch.Vasiw ovu .oounlny -a very ppîty park,-f 'lwo deom due,:Ali "o Ibm. iuadreti mes on i-mfor once,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I luee pusia fvrorla wtse1y âlt,a ,enéial W ursdae s ulro makthbel ig'nd nghf>'b - liýd ils diminisbed ires I bfooirteanu. topt.l She ceilla tiià eeille e Jnae wnt carrnt butM 1.,lng-alnighty. SOI IGS -ANoLUI COMTP*Il Authorlzed Ca'pital i OOO Ol e o. 72 Cotuoh.BI, Tormto. DÃ*D Z. OTOBS. S-ENEEOWKEFE, Eaq., ViePresldgi PMTICX HUGHES, Esq., W. T. KIEtY,Ea J~ME8 JOHKFoyEq W- mceove Un o M -L1 ofe -"-erp TH9S. SLEIG-Hx HOJSE, & SIGINA ?.AINTER, ltuIha -Can noabe lotviil st aBio, A RC TWO DOOBS WEST Op ABMS=COIGg ,DesfrC 'noTE,>JlAS STRHET. y WihlyA O pnt l zïOI>. r - -a -16 - -Mn -R - tJUMBERlLUMBER 1IT O. 0 3Rà 0N A. POIT, 110a1 s an's pi Kiaigi DrÈUç 1 4 1, a