Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1881, p. 3

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~~TINi1 d- MiIlý-liý,nery Qpeninçj FBRMAY AND SATtTRDAY, SJePT.80TH -AŽI D T. ThST. whlen we wiIl show at Our r.!11!nery Show Booms, on the'above days, the Largeet, the %v.ichcest, lthé'ranà et diepiay over offered to the peoploýof Ontario Co. TUEF RICHESIMSATINS, StLK8,'VELVETS & PLUSES, Ili NEW ýdOMBRE'! SHADES. TUE NEWESBItPOCADE, SILKS, "Ombre" and Gold.etriped RIBBONS, Bih, Whito & Oroam LACES, "Ã"mbre" Piueh RIBBONS, PLUMES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, QENAMENTS, &oe. OJDIP0FROUR TRIMMfigD RATrS AND 30111T81 WILL BE A VERY SPECIÂL ATTRACTION TO TIE LADIES. Our Styles, Shapes, and Trizemingearcn perfectiy immense-eovcevHat ana Bonnet a marvel of artistia taste, neatflOss. and perfection. We wüli show only thé lateet ana most Fashionable goods tb be obtained. Yoer attention is 81,30 direoteti to the largoe howing of General, Stapie and Fancy Dry Gooti and Noveities. Iirdiy look at our Drees Goods, Black (Jashmere8, Shawlé, Wooiene and Yarne, Manties, Mastic Cioth, Buitinuge, Fianneis, Hlosiery, Giovos, Laces, &ie.- The stock je large, no-w, attractive, a.na the value is uneurpasme. No. 1, DEVERÈLL'S BLOCK. Ilarchluet, z gour for-thé a istuben, 1880. goures amquiv- l'es, 1 shoreti 1 Our neat ex. 4 ue surplus &d basa éqilai est. 1 stateti >iuco f thé cta endlng 014ai te ne ex. Zts aud that *h Jan$, 1881, umte pinu as I ain glad W timated ; thé e1881. wheat mindmen ha tJuns, aseex. *lèmua importe, froin Unitedi 1877-8. 8.887,640 8,541.122 27. erop cf 1880 las nany ci udicaltd, but 4e meut relia. * ob"slét. i barley cie-. afler hanveat. thaï; soe éof Mt thé banley sn langrthan A prove t10lbe kpinicu litI ,byfrap ensâ tat h veould éd isegé orp ués Show- an w Aimà ealar msr prericua Lihél; te thle j furdher, foi mine"u e thé lunch llut, I of bariéy andt àr 0 menthe uid hé about se wrble Yeur lclal riturn er yeara msar 4is cf bariey f thé méncér mp, nding 1877-8. 07,M1,850 80.1. »s, that thé wsu lesthan, y mech thé ti écy cein- sur efpoon 1880 nanketi _éiyear. hulcrop te hane ini1880. of IlIy tue 1tisai more 0. F. STEWART, TUIE PEOPLES' FAVORITE CLOTHING HOUSE."1 Ireland. Oit thé re-usesmbiing cf thé National Land League convention on liaturday Mr. Parnel ucuuncéti s resolullon, callitng upen thé furmera te proveoteir ymnpathy vith thé laborénu, by naimlug dweliinge fertemn to live ie, ometing like lcéncy sunde p soct. Thim vamîhe cutcop cf thé conférence betwéen tse Lesguéeéontivé aud the laborn' dé. légates. The »suolution wu anm. ouuiy sdcpted. RumAALE Ixclrr<DiÂRr Frte.-A Dublin télé rm maya :-"A (remark. ablé erles o cnduuryflrébaa ocue-' réil about Nidané, Considéréblé ex- citemeutwovas ed by a report that thé bsy yard cf Daniel Cléaey, net out- ie thé lova va s blaéis. Vhile a nomber cf people were exingnlpticg 1111, unottér hay yiard nearer thé byen wau fired. and tis a vueimsdistely folîowed by the dring cf a hay yard be. Iidgng te Samneel Chaplin, J.P. Two other fires follovod, and fusIlier reporte - are ccming le. -Thé lmmely niaoovery preveuteil enrieus leeu in tée places named. Fathér Conwsy, thé parinli priet of Cloebnr, Irélaud, tas beén eenteuced te two montewitt tiard laitor for as. eaultieig a bailiff wtc nerved tii yt a e, writ at thé suit cf Lord Ardihaun. Notice cf uppeal lu giron. Mr. Parnell met witt au enthuelastio réception in cork. In his speech tée advieed thé fermera to ahané iith tte labounitéré aey cf thé bonofita cf thé Landl Act 111mbthey conl. aýnd alec md- vioed thé laboreru to fostéeIrist manu- facture. butter Stoeéy réoeived thé momt fllttering ceatian@ on hi. réleame frein prison. Patrick Morue aud maey other cf thé ueeta have bée releamed uncon- Lard O'llagac deiiveréd nu uddrees ut thé Social Science Cougiee. Ho mid thé LandAcLt, iu the conception. sud magnitude cf ils remults, ilaoescf tb. grealtetnéasurés cf téecentury. Hée poké hcpéioly of thé proponétiré, vival cf manefactures. Thé Pope bu approved cf néoltions pamnéti at thé récent meeting of Irish iaiopstMaynooth Collage expe. oing uabstàdu i i théeLand f£oi. The o1ffloal mactlnéry cf thé Land Commiualon le nov coinpiétea by thé appintinent cf thé foloulegAomalt Comiommonéeu :-Prof. BaRAtIn, vho tas an extensive etjuanéWUt faemlig ; Garland, Hcughtoe, OKé"é. O'Shaughnéssy. and ism, potc farmeru ; and iSc, Who vaswom Commuonérr eépeuentlng thé tenant furmers' Interesa eon thé DuRé of Rlct- moud'. Commliion. Thé mdde dett cf tchue rlof Lirlté cause great regret ie privaI. cinolea Risaloue4lu s heavy blow ta big family. Thé peonunelmaute cf thé Catio biérurotyil far of thé Laed Bill mnay induce tenant@ le abandon thé Leagne and ail ira vorks, but Il is cnly fuie te Parnell te esy that et thé prom. ont lime ta Is praclioslly king cf Con. naegtt and Muneter. LOIN, Oct, 2.-There averébeu ne froeetcamsaof aholara hère ince Toma. dey. One hundréti sud thirty ttoueand pouede cf gol was sent te, Amado&uon Saturday. ROTTRAMnî Oct. 2.-A. névapaper bohre anncuncem thé érmt-cf caicf thé -- drectore cf, the National Bank cf Lux- emburg vhich noently faited. CÂ60 Ot. 1.7-A negro régiment vhich pnouiinéntly particpatet inî thé recent aimute léft hère fer Damiette. Thé Billut slip Charger, frein Que. bec, bua arivéS ut Boifast, bsdng blo part cf h«u dockiloa. Thé changé& ia thé e egraph seouri- lieaé:Is Lnglo.Lm.ionl prsfér- ln ditto, defenréd, 1. Direct cabie sarée have rn 1 1. s 1 -- THU Ainmom» Musemaxr'-.a Czcue MÂ.-Mr. Wm. Mougrare tbas bée eugageti as 6d-uneél by' Mr. W. W. Celé ionté défence cf Store Due, th é iies cuu mue héla on tbe Oornen'e juey'u verdict cf 'mwifui -merdera" - ln a letton Mr. Cols gieis Dpnn s,, gac haratr, sudsys I av*i i gâtâ thé show vr eighte n montha ho a atièvéer given evidlauce ecfas vicions tâtueramtt, and coneequéntly Co(i' lee) lasuicn -hi. employé ehil hava -jutice andi a fair trial, sud le villlng bumef topsy thé expéncécf prér cuctiél for thé EXECUTORY NOTICE. PUIRSUANT te Section 48 cf 011apter 107 Pf cfthe Bevisadstatute of 1the ±Province cf Ontro:. Notice la hereby gieth1l al oreditor. u«A others ha'i4ng " agig thé estate of 8STEPHEN FULLER, late cf the Township cf Whlbyb in the County ef Ontario, inithe aiaprvice, Gentleman. deeeaaed vwho depurted 4111. iteocràaot the Efmenth diy cf APnIl tn thé year cf our Lord one thoumand eight htuadred ansd Blghty, are requiréd 1teuid pptprépaid.or te dlivre Mr. Mr iyàa er, Whtby]P. 0., or toi. Rmenr Creenvood, Sootor cf thé id d ae Whitb P.,.#on or belote thée9(1111day cf vebr .D, 1881 a mitemet coutain- ieg their naine. &a à âdreuefl a dthéefton r rticulffl of their claima and thé e oities àf ny]heid by them;asud tai after thé mid -dàtéiat aforémald, thée xecutrix wlIl proceéed ted&Ktrbute théeamemcfthé mid 4éceam mnong thé persona >nblntied téré. te regard béng had only te théelaima c f ;L ar bééàt e givén Sa Sbcoo2» <lred1 and thé mid Exécubrix viliDot b. fiabl lirthé Aéstao.any puat théreof to ce y permotor peAcaocf hose clam noieaal lthvé béerceved by thé mid Exéutrix or Solicitor ai thé Unie 91 Datast whltby, thlu 19111 day -afsep. béniber, A.D., 18. * MARY SABAR YU=LtE, SOIe Executbix CREDIT SALE 01? EARM, STOCK, IMPLEME TS, &c., &0. underlgnedbaua récéivéd lino. Dili. JQUN 1 ipTZ'ATRticK, To mli by PUBLIC AUCTON -on WE1D. NESDAY, thé 121h OtVT'., 1881, On LOT No. 24, Brd CON. of WHITY, thé followleg valuable property, vita: HzàvyT HRea.-1 Conqueror Mare, 9 yrm. old, ie foui te Glilffer ; 1 Mare 4 ym . I, (by Cianmman ont of Con murr uré.) th mcldng colt, ijoe theMDnWe.- 1 Mr Il eody0 mm. Huosetyz.old. 1 . à old. IF U,2p770-old, byP Claunmn. Y"yi.0 b4 Olnuan. 1 i Py. 1 yr. ci B)bise u. CATLE-4 Milécb Ccv,,la eaututéthora'. brd Bull, (1 due te cl. la October.>1 Ccv a8Yrxold Itu«IL aSHeifu% a xm.ld, 1 cuIt. 11ier,2yrm. cM. t84 Stmj. old. ôsteéu iy.l. 4lI ttéem,iye.oid 2 Sprin.g Oui,.. &Pmu.--a ve, v Imb, Bn LambS, (Woul brea.> Pveu-t Fat RHep.8s prins 24>m W guires n ie. Iroelilngma ug bofpoéud tef, ., 'o novée a makel 1pu ha.cb4 aies, léOui, uga, Moyen. .i1Sulkey SomnéBuRe. 1 Ré- volving RBoéRake. 1T i ïtrnlg u - 1 EnrIt Bee4der. 1 Land Bolier. 1 Cul. tivator. 1iIron soumfer. 1lwocden Souff- an. 1 et of lrmn Brnoya. geq" of oo& en rrovu, i OmhavaPlough 1se.4& 1' Sisa l 0M.10" 1P1r4legh. i WooeuWqdPnq;a 1e.~tmPann Mille, (one mr ia"ly v)-1Osner- Tunnip Dril 2semta Doublé -Hunées. 1 mt Doubl L4bt «ewui,1 1 #W» Uw gKeck.okis. 2L"Udem 2 9*6iurouqhm .2PZ. 2rybama.1 Wtemburrev. 1 Suger KéttIs. i OradnornAl.. #&y- "Riue. I (rklatonu.. i Léogglng Ohain.-. 1 Crousa$*Ba. - ccihvL8scybia- sudan 8ottVu.B ds. ÂGralu Raon. .10 Catlle Chaise. 50 boul cf Hay lu Stk- 8 tos fRaylaShel. 6 SmumcrioClêner unheulimd.4;e"fýT= A-u ' est îamrve. Salé ta commnencé AtIl 1d ocoknooc, obarp. -Lunah sMIo'ooct - Ovéer tha u kcun ii9'iothb*Clidiilllb ve b furnlahIga *a ohejl*uo4m - W. D.-The Pnrsa for alé by pnivté cu- WHITBY MA1ÉKErT. OOmx Orîcz, Octr. 5111, 1881. PSU Whaat ..............$#180 0 6187 Spring Wheat;...........I1 27 01 1 85 Bai .............. ..... 080 4 095 Floer, per ewt............3800 @ 8 20 Rye ................... 090 @ 0 95 Posa................... 070 i0 77 Peau, hlaek-eyed..... 0 86 <10 Biue Poe................ 08041 100 Osta................... 088 n1 f40 Ray .................. 800 ab 1000 Apple, per ba..........O 0 4 O0W Polatoém............... 0454@ 0 50 .gs............0 15841017 Chéai ................ 01la 0 000 Wood ........... ..... 480 850 Shéépmkine .............00 4 0 60 Lmb hind quarter.... 125 <1000 do foreéqumrter ...100 a000 almi ..n..............O il11 0 12 .idés, par lb ............. 007 4 008 Pork, parewt....-....... 7 04 7 50 Trnipa ................. 008 i0 10 Coery, par doca...........O0 80 01 Odû 0hiken, pernpair ...... 80 @ 0O50 Tenlceyz, per fb .......:15 0 015 Wocî, enwmahéd..........0 18340 CO 4wahe............. 020 a 02S Beef, bythecamaé...0 07 4008 Retail-124e. Mutton, by thé caress .... O008 000 9 Ret&Ui-12ic. Vaal, carease, 6c, rétail .... 0 10 @S 990 Bacon, Furmr'. O...012 4 0 14 Rama,.............. 03lai015 Rhubanrb, per bunch .... O000 4 0 Aspaagu, fi ...... 005 10 0 Shalots, le....0 05 4000 itadishs, . .....010 100 Pé Iln * ......0 10 41000 Cabueé.pr head..... 008 4006 NZW -ADVERTISEMENTS Notice to Credlitors 1 T>URSUANT to Section 34, of Chapter -t,,107, cf Z411o revised Statntea of Onturlo: Noticela herb egrn, thsa li creditormi otheru huvlng cl9an stathé éstate cf JAMM MIDDLETON, laie cf thé Townshp ot Pickering, 10 thé Coi oy f Octario, yeoiundesceaaéd, Who 41.4 on thé Elghth day cf Â115u5 1881 are requrél to %eendliy Mt é id e Meam AlflL &RUT- ËDrGd, cfthé Town cil WlntiByDarrister., on or hélais thé 17th day of Novemee, 1881, a statémént cf théir usnad addrése mnd théefeu particulers of Ibeir cila, 55d secullles, (if aey) hélA bthes And that miter théeaid 1711 day cof Nov. eniber 1881, thé undesiagnéd Exécutore cf thé ÃŽ&ÃŽinte cf thée ld lot aieiddléi viii pro o d istribIie the uete o! lb. muid testatrJames Mlddleton, among thé = etetitied théréte. btVuring rad 1 clama cof vhieh they shali have reelvéd notice su aloreusd. 3lated et Whitby. this 5111 day cf octo. bar, 1881 JAMES VITOH SPEARS, GEORGE TOOL Exécutai. WM. HENBT BtIRK, PROPERTY FOR SAL]E. T HE uzderslged hu beeniirtruted by noldm, teo fer for saie, thé folitv aine- hie proportieu je thé Town cf Wbitby Caunty of Ontario, Vie PARCEL I.-Abqut 3585-100 ara yn Eust cf leynoldm' Street nsud rt cfth L"di a Collèg.Tis irvcee cf thé tnest. buildiniotaleWhity PARCEL IL-About 5 29-I00acs, op- 0c mte thé aboié,and adjoleing thé Raillvy tion. Thlmrosnyle véil adaptai fer building lotu ar a man Uaotory. tPAIiCiL M.-AUi that part cf lob 25, lu ethim cceésslon ai Whtbyevned by the uald laie-N. G. Reiodu usAbelegmut et thé Lmim'Coi sudanAGUberS street, coetaigabout 80 acores, veli adaptai for a fuet, if net sadA ltore thelot, cf May next, ltvhll béfor ként. Also Elght Lobascen te North afide ~of ~Dnndaa mtieand Wéel cf, and adjolnn the. prcperby of Thomus Dow. Baq.> sae cçtintg 16cf an sacie. Wlil bciod âtuglY or logetherL Alo Loba au eackcmrner cf Dundar suA etyciusreéts, anA aloI a4;olinlg Me. Almo mvér Lots aj1Ilgthé Grand tAlmo for ualeIàrtu eut toe bl 4t taI deirablu Dvéiiinjloqué%cci. si Ly thé la" oian f Outarie anA stai ai on théeouth-éut corneroci- BYron4t Dunlop srés hs anlcul atteatedthé bousé ainu tb - m *parnieév amui ~jcidee5l. The ltolu5 2 l w *çnyrIR e 1 yitlL bese Mit chen,f., batitrooi, ktc'e, &Z. Almo for mulefuai yCur%%p. Phic Buggy, 61igit Cb t WQga ,parofBo' w ih ill hé molA eiteap. Tée rm e a y, Sdi1mai é hM oncnuapl- cation tte Exécute ,or SoUiciter for Rxéctom, ilt Whuitby prie* st loi L. PAIRBABES, Auctiéné5i. 881. DTTV L~ A OT V' A xrn 1~T'TV- VIPl112'~T £toV 1 i2J2 k J MI J Ji £ X ) V-F .5-F oJJ. .L .5.IlN BER H.BRYCEr AUCTION SALEI FAOM Il Di 8 t .18TO011 "M eflbeI Mby PMbBasclIes. flusd~, ItiOeto»r, 1M6t 1-! OPEI -WIIITBY9 Commenciflçjofl FRJDAY,. SEP TEMBER 8Oth, and will coÃ"*n-twI u 1"e- Saturday, Octobér lst, MY$onday 8rd, and Tuesday, DIS PLAY. ; 0-F FASHIONABLE DÈ' OTHEIR 3.0 B DEPA1RTMENTS F1ILLY ~OWE~LL STOCKED. ID co., DOMINION SUCCESS89 B, W:A D V ERIf'18EENTS j4 N.VA] 18VFALL PROCLAMATION' 188 00. 0F, ONTARIO4 S.F R A.S TO wIT: 8lesellng Site. unooloret a n Tes fa. 8ib. caddies fine new Season Groen Tes for $1.1;-ehoi-e 'nov&aseon Tes., Bib for $1; 81b. eaddica Superior Japan"' Tes fe 1. AUl grades -8 if pricés hat ddfy competition. Canned ,Go, B stty O' Coe Ë z#d, sances, Cocoanut in bulle, Flaitoning,,Extat, Pueo Spieé, Oreas cf Tartse. Thé Ie Ljse" Balfing Poec basseo equal for- sud excellence, thce sue cf it incréasing daily. Use.tbc ii()jnnese Wu for "otffly in the Lundryý. cf common su an eym" APS .12 eire Toilet* Scsp fer 20e. assoetment of EItoomsi iBEISHES, PAILS8, TIUBS, WASHBOd i.; Brooms for 25e. S. F. lasu che ageet stock cf- CROOKERÉBY ANDUL8S ine i outy; epeoiai targaies in China- Tes Bots,-nov styles. Granite vare; ne* styles in Giaeswaro. Beautful Pàahit su LAMPB veu qeai Glass Lamps from 80ee"ci TEE BEST PAXILY PLOUR, - GR~AEAX hOUE, A oeIlis esetfdufy soiciwe m- -â7 Upply: Bttemiéti ept. 21, '81. -1- ME.9 w yEIVRI ]LALL AND JW -~ - s ldflgis - - QGranc DO1NO AERO , C OOK &.DtJND)AS STRFiETS, AN IMMENSE OiNTÂRIO. I Whitby, Sept. 29th, 1881. 4th: M1,LIERY LUN00DS~ UNPARALLLELED' TfE'GRtAND OPBXING DA-,0F CO.A Oltc, Pa béhe und= Mr.*Jý T %bi 28,1881.) I adrancu Isiti" froin 700 pagés, îMe.8O en- 0. cf ent lb teonly iod éiby e adorsa. r or ex- k. thé lovera' kat, be Id that-- lcab4 authea' Path-. Mu.BS. e bory -- vide. - ilus. lilone oma- y ociy WAR A GREATSURPRISE»' litsanticiations were much more than realized. %~iseBetween $900 and,$1,000 sold in has Two Stores ~ on Saturday. Astouishment expressed "byý every -'one at 'Me veryl2wPùe..- Goods &re- e clgé1erdottin izieý

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