Whitby Chronicle, 13 Oct 1881, p. 1

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la thé. kaNU ,iby strIaIst. detoûdtnsliot Ipuuesa, ta amftit AI oNE'i Yi susCIN co iasj vislapuitisflu Lu1N Mbaya. fTme or the,0 >S Ql Tmnruk B"t spwt MES HgOLDE Mtngatus Bohites. ',Oo at ii ton,4 pocrin s But, steak, o arrai cf. na tias tam lie it a LeýaieOn s.foratnArtovu.2 appe (hrto (ar FORDc Pom, rcp, Kaveguto.., L thishc ps Q uebea.' EPyOzT 1 lac. ïg I/EW/ITS>' Essablio1à8 1 p nBoi STBEET, WHItBT. A ei mou ursi luaKotmi,, oharged sut h. rate a -otf i.~Bu amrton, sud 2 oou,per Uui*",sbà pesat insertion. ..uluba 8s8peiu11R3orts o ai etIiiaa Bankunts o 4.ai&*ay ambàlâaa,ê insurancs Camptanes, mani maltera ci 11k. descriptionl whoneflpie4*iuagReu a ,et ton gente per itn.. speclolcntractu md llis, sr by the yor,ar othervias. O rders ta dlacoriluie tawvrtfsiat% tnutbeinwritug.- Business8 Direcotory. ONTARIO BANI[, WHIITBY BRANOHI[ THOKÂS DOW, KASÂNe». FAREWELL & RIJTLEDGE, 3 ÂRRISTBBS ATTOBRETS, SOLI. citors, Not;asA.. Puiblic, sudS onvey. 'tneri. Office, f"r&t. door îouqh theIbmRayal .lt1Wib .AMERUTlCMDIGBB. A. 9. - FÂREWBLL, L. L..B., Connty Crowu Attorney. d8 1'- - Wltb cua mprlntçdwod, E tiogtsa ulu VOL. xxNvi JOHN M1ax, ...paaPmD2on. The bout 81.00 a Day Sounine lity auly tva bMach tram the Northera Bepetz ueioa. ta the.Mat. The, Souie buc beenoely vftledoul, and everytbanghirt.cl 4".17y47 liRe. WALKETi TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, DUNDAS.STRBET, WHITBY. Good accommoation uIt roasonable terme. Bourder. 8$2.50 pur veek. 45 R OSSIN HIOUSE. TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hatel ai Canada Refitted. Refurnihed, und ,nriv&Uied. Nev Pasen-ý ger Elevator, ruuning siht and day.The an! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w y. ArfcaaHffuCnd igrauu uteipicestii :$28.0, &uni688par day. Ifemoru i Clb.and Othorn, dettllg rou, ithout bard, 1to 12 ea Feb. 271k, 878. Praprietor. VJ.jlSIiu 1i=TC=n E&liAilLIE GI b DARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS1 AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY .2v VV cr Ui1t 1=0 7' C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. SILLINIS, Taranto. Wbllby. O'SIJLLIVAN & PERDUE, B ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- ITORS, lIOTARIE, &o., &a. OFFICES;- 72 Tange Streot, next lhe Dominion Bank, and Corner Ring und Tange Strooti. Tarante. DA. OSULLI VAN. W. E. PERDUE. Ontober 28rd, 1880. IY45 JAMES MENT11-GORDON, B AIRSTBeh & ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Slicter i lu Caoery. Couveyuinoer, Notury Publia, &-o. OMfos-Dundas et., firit door verni of Arouiutronges Hatl. Mener ta Lon-Privute tuuS-at loyw iterest. J. IIAMER <IREENMWOOD), A TTORNET AND SOLICITOR, CON- *Tvyunccr, Nolary Pubic,ý &c.-Fôsi O)ffice Drawer No. 11, WVbtby, Ont. Forma bought and îold ; Marria e Sttle- menti, Loune negotitai on @aIl indS.cf Property; Wilî uand Truste muSe 42-iy Bpeciaitias. JOHN A. SIcGiLLIVRAY, (Succoucite H. M. Hoveil.> Y)ARISEl kA.TTORNEY-AT-LAW, DNoary Public. dcc. Solicitot for the Dominion Bank. Offce.-NozFt Soor te Mansiou f9ouie, uildge, out. -26 ton, Brook,0.W L. T. BARCLA.Y, ATTORNE-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR iu Chuncary and Inaclveney, Convey- sncer, &o., &oc. LYMAN XWGLRUR, JL L. B., A.RISTER AT LÂW, SOLIOITOR-N B Chanery,Convey&nmo, ho,&O. Stan 006 Street,Osa. DAVID ORNISTON, B.Aà., ATTOBNET.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN AChunzery, Convayancer, &a-. Oryicc-In the Offce icuti cet the Poil Office, lu MMilan'. Block, Brock Street,- Witby. ly-l0 JOHN DALL DOW, BABlUSTEI-AT-LAW. BOLIC1TOR Bli Chaucary, Convoyancor, &.e Ofince-Deveil'a Block. BravI Street, lobUtby. 'MONET TO LBNI?-Prlvate PandSa- lu sumo up tea 800, et a loy rate af lu- torent. (y49l ROBJINSON & KENT, (L&,TisDocais & Rosxoo.) B ARRISTERIS-AT-LAW, AT TO RN. .L)ays, Soliitari, Couvayaàncri, &.0 OFFICE.-In Victoria Chunuba.s, No. 9, Victoria -trusi. J.G. Raauc5ax, M. . HuIff3IB A. E. RZK:. JNtO. G. KELLEX, B ARRISTBER-AT-LAW SOLICITOR iChanory sud 0ufacyCna aner o .8ceDe BrllîBock, ~: &. XOJG e IT!,LLB, B RRISTERI &o., hc.-Mcusy ta Loua B iner cf Marriage Liceuaau. Omct-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. J.- B. GALDRAITU, M.»., fRADU04TZ oaiQaae's un4 Victoria CTUnivêritia iobr othe College of Physiciani ad un eoni, Ontario. Orirm-Brck-8L., Wbltby, Ont., (liii., dooru uaath cf Royal fatal). iy.48 R. J 1MM . URGEON TO TUE COUTYT GAOL, s Byron Sht, Whitby. WM..IUBRIEN, il.»., N..,. iUF'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG.. thesye B. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontaioa. (J ABRD. - DR.aoGÂN(AlT, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucher,. &o., ho. Wiby, Sept. 8M1, 1874. do 'IL. HI. DATES, Newsppe M .4dvertisle gg t,.41 %Park Rtow (Timres-01Dui.lt), NMevYork, le autilor sed tï) coistueS fer ae"rtine. met.tW'the CIRONTCLE et ou.- beut rates, W. ADAMS, ROUIMBOVOBRR. H. j'Autsow?6 roory iore,-Duadu..t, Whitlp.< and Gllbert sieal. - R OYAL HOTEL, WHITBY. The abova hotai hua beau thoroaghly ranavated and refauluhbed, undisl novw un. Soi lia umagemeu.ef GUO. MACRIN, <formerly of St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope. Eveiy attenton padSte guasta. apoial1f¶ood &"mPil, omifor0com, W3 IISE AMERICAN HOTEL, (LArE BaB0a1 UMHli.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Hou@ nevly renoated and f urnisha throughout, sudSputiu fit-data arder for the. reoption ai gceîts. Au omaiuuto-sud fram a&U trainu. Pirit-ci"sasmpie mreus.. S¶HAKESPEARE HOTEL, >Cor. King & York-ats., Toranto, Ont. J. A. 0OBGADY, -PROPRIETOR. Taxu, $LW i rai f.. ly47) POST OFFICE SALOON, TosoNyo. x. MCONNLL,. PROPRLETOR. SgW TRE BEST ACCOMMODATION i fer Guette. (,Y-47) 0 NTARIO flOTEL, BIIocz-ST»zziT,WITY JAMES T. .TWELL, Proprief or. (LaIe ocftho Nipisaing Hatl, Taranto.) Good Liguai. und Cigare. Commodiaus Sisbling. Fiet-viag. Livery Stable sud Billard1 Parlouratae. y1 T leQUEEN'is MOTEL, Baoaz BraUZ, Wmrm. PILIP MCCINN.X . Frvprùtcr. Boit Liquor sund Cigars. A viE sup. plisd table. Airy bed-roomu. OomioaaO stabling and lago yard rocm. Chatge. moderato..8 CENTRAL HOUSE,ý OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. MeOAW, - Proprlctar. Firit-clau accommodation. Best Winaa Liquori unS Cigar. 0-oaS slabling su< attentive. hoàtier.. . y.17 WHITBY HOU 8E BlINDAS-S3T, WHITBFY. The undereignai vould Intimatet.tahe public liaIt t.- above premlieu hava beau nevly hut and filted up tlrougbout, 1or lhe accommodation of gueula. Bas in"ao, Liquori and Cigara *THE OREAU 0f' 0ANADA-~WALZ LACER. Ais pure Ruine Wlu.. lager, Wlcole sale unS Belail. Bourdera taken by the wyod on moder- ate 'terms. JOSEPE A. BAXtDELL. Jniy, 28Lh 1880. 8. B LACK UUJRtJE OTEL, CoPIair le &Gmosoa Bru, TORONTO. (LaIe af Wollingt= ow alaMrkbani.> TERMB, 81.00 PZB DAY. 0-oaS itui. tng for ovor 800 herma. Pirtrullicoan- modution for furmar.sumd the, truvedlilnE publinlu enue. y- WHITBY ý] Oq6T F, "GEIRRIES OA TTLE SPICE@" The Best in the Maàrket!1 Large Boxes, 75C. - Sm al Boxes, 25C. FOR SALE.BY. Wu R. HOWýSE, mner Druçj Store., WHITBYe ONTAR10. I <Iy.16) OHIN'A-H A L Li IN$ UR A NO E. Ràli 0V TEE 810 me (IEGIStEED) 71 K/NO7-ST. EAST TORONTO. ONTARIO FARMERS' Fmcy re)dt aa esSes. MutuailInsuran v Co'y, Fsnay Diner su esrt Sota. F8mcyý Bed-aM Bots. HEAD OFFICE, BIROVK.8?., WHITBY. Msiy1'id Toapolu. Rail,.084Perl n pon. fSCOMPANT maures FarrmBuilS- SlrPstaiCuel.ma utr(ay.T Ings, Country Churchai, scbool Silver PlatIeSO.k cetouie. and Ibair Contants m6 abe rst-m s o Boigmrs ave s und Parks. a Iua u tb voau. ;est.û7iuCocmpany Te o mi aS Bbrn. l aaa Ploai husi or Ln ya, &o.., &o. &U.uar, ideicriptina. J'UST LO8SBPIIMTL PAID. GLOVESR miRON, Prmaaenot, vie&-Proedent Importer. (.NDRSCEAT f)^ AI UI.LWhitby, ApdIDiM, 18M8 1 uuululuu rruu uv urKs WHITDY. Gea. Cormnack, Ir 'BR MCRAJIT &BUILDER. - Docri, Saad Bi%ûndu. LUMDER viielesala and rotail, crby by ta car lacS. Plunlng, Mouldinga cf every deicnp- tion, Fioortng, Sheetiug, Bhelvlng, Re- iawing, Sbaping, Tuming. Scrol-work, etc-, etc. 'Witby, Oct. 151h, 1878. .48 M NET TO LEXD. The underslguad hm. uy amount ai Mn- ay ta LenS upon Parm or ToviPzoperty, ut Rü 6 atas ai Intareet Lom an ubu eafi wut I rayer.. Bevarulbuproted Paran mou&WîldLa"l for sa" chap. .lftvoulmin e dla KsopjD*bMsi tures -auk, unS othar m = eat~eStocka. Parfturther particulsraspphr tg JAME HLDN A&pri h, lem. le PMRu H. X IEINSURANCE Cî). Lombard St. MaiCharlng Croi, Louo. ESTABLIMED cir1782. GILrlESPIC, MOFFÂTT & CjO., Agents for Canaa. R. W. TYRE, Manager, Moutruai. AGNTETABLISITR I N ANA- Pundu. Ioderate rataio fprmfm. C. NOTIES. Agent, Wbilby. Wbitby, April tb, 8em1 BBMA2MEICA INCORPORATE» S» ASSETS,81,1 9L76 P. *Â BALL, 1 Insranuusislm albaManager.0 Icum« ONW KtthlovaMimureilP rates cm Bnulings Mran**. aiotbter prapery, uuailous or dmig-bUoy C. NOURSE Wo advàeato IÇnewlodgo, Rrotborbood. - 'AITHUR-SDAY, OCTOflER - .13, 18810- The Wpppy.ý Tho mauvbho,'rcum>byvld toweddai tcl or badge- 1 Or Ireduthco. 8botà cag Whugged 5 ur ermgtveUdenot À roudid'l a0laa 8i1les ucoul. HneItrmu lauplcd and tboughii Thon t a ràm«ýpf- filS-itu king- art A ayMibaver,, Witb emblomi déoep -md secrt etbss And patent properitoa ual baffle tbought. Whan thy bues catch, amid the grcving corn, . 1, I -Th4'emtseUt'soye, '-Woeds Iwvoeu I'le url«eo, und shakos bis But vk.a on bg Tho grain uplif l ilalaveit.beaing croit The. Pppys hiddenanid tbalamulprou4 So, viienOr Ouly alt. ela poarandS=maun, Our Portion amail- 0ur siltb ar.ive;&uareseu, Butim wo ris, la rak wlpa reputo, (Mr lsuitegol4.bldmaa Our ausers mute. T HE YOtýii a-DU X,1 . (A MoralTltcshg. El~~~~~~ BEJMNDIMLtkLlfACN., Southey, ltmat virtacai in, vitoa wiadomesalle, ber cvii, semevie thaukGGad tbatbho vaunot.bora tesa gré" e"14.l , Iquit,nago"vitkhbte ai a mms, oa& -joy -ever pisna Iaxury, vitl proll ilthimI y- ouris vavea on"u ailles eune.r, -ia nd reor eivl'AnS yatitbare se iasthiopg vbioh' joui ih .rabe oe a" in- oins tuni nel osad,'aadwvil4ne -lgbt 11k. la have-.for luilano., a baud. à complut., s 0onsauaiate band, in -niuformesoai nsal wbll. volvolviha Iiighly.vnougbtldaIubalonjust lippeS vii usage pnktopimosnsto'me tbe 10 baijou. Witea -iesI.,"baud" viii ho mpreriai apea any ea, 111. "figatsq"an Ibm cors ai lelson. The' negrou*sbculi have telit'nouai boreS, a veilaisthoi eand udbng vilh- rings of rabime.Ttc* ketîledranis sheuli bc of laver. AnS viii regard b sàpeut ettbe, no docahîtlbringe ç« ocayeu; or, to get mro cf tIbmli I.' "emuel bc neglec. ted, und ttaon il à. veà worse. B lo- lient colpe ou, sud -. aily t'o meanhbers are tbra*n out :80se mchfor neglactied influonce. 'AgtCnll tc tresu pro. fluai, sud mines, -Yue u lana thtlia Et.u ult g o b vn cnt oy lias. coallausî u"A pelle' saras. - 'Piakîng il somaiwitAt bar, lts aI boupyen be-v*- Ive bhuaypibousand a pa, yn bveeitber Aus. zcrstaymviel o fienais m lèe an h of1 fémgAr y lq yoy a yurn rfbt bM hui ntrquce jila aIl -Ujour fends, end- put biin4oate-amnt4-; uü nia,-fi by thasuttim et air. Àlug hie patzonhe iisbziasembai- 1 deqt kew w yit is, but il ea'- tuinyaees Ibt Iere la toma mai.: qulté' ràpet 'ci inivug l ted 60 's dnl W -seS vés sony itilVasovor, oftonierthIbm -mueit; itu future, il-ià My intentiqu, ho but- wïa 00)2014 by tbe deof D'e>r solf-k o*ledé I â.*eIop tmre, and todauoribot,.te-de. ?ràiRohatji. Ilvs* erly,- bcwa' lut.@otro litiesbte, aaâ4 lo '8a4e, and, lu brh.,to'îenI iSlelogl s» imself te 'ho Bue is i a b o r e . y o u , k o te mod e! - u o i t b . d o m àc q , 1 Ï w : ; uvn o * l c n d - a g b s h a b ë 'ubsil revive. ~.crI shah, à a 'Wre a chili. WitaI'ta " .do v(th hlm' Il voie, te xr sro.halt~e Oarado'srçbelhoiio$r oif, or whéete go;, hé vas oquaily aIr.aho barries te imyguide, sud write m. ero'e notes, ou.The'Sor cf tlb.1box' ôpeai and' Ibis fatal Ibi on* biokon- lréstyi. ntbreédLard B&>Éehot. If -il mailt b.:fortune sud, 1 Tii, i kaea Ïi oung dnko.,-ch 1- an aqanuoIi euh vas bota thauka oiex b bo Sae, aê e b.yeug-llaoo-tha o'any ibis> rofined sud îaieiY cher.'vihite, biescoi mauloh-wraidosii ae-by lb.e ay; iuhedoompanlcna. once more bh 0 'oroviwh vbosaied in bis bail. Ris "'WeiI, Bsg, vhal arePyou Seing viit hehavoar.,; sSiumnwo.Ionsl. nSif? ,ah-, youuueil P"'-1 And oui yi olgh - b s: 7 .hil i psîbled, pnd hi. "Oh' I-I do't know ;juI looking'in gaad, as ail utl wzag hy,- bolvesausi, 'fttr à 11*h> Any game 2" 1' -foi money.E bem~y, Inegavebic "O hnyitooiIcoan'l.say." moment ihatl grcr WVs 's ta-girl ? Oh!1 1 a..;ed. .The.o jUi it vas the dreoryond-ofdpa11gyonm. lhalélittli Wlkins., ,Thore'. MoUn bt: hli7 éê, vi ber, and tl luil papuy 'wsrq )rjk. way. Noihing nw. L aal go -ana. iHo dotriný Ing tIcff.-. 'The iii of P&raidç, -r.@t.rtl itbsall-eblny bon caver; àsud'. Ïn - ebigze boyire,,bad gone o eblgztn, "RIlle tlb, bonos i Wbah iibuhti" teo f buorinai NwbeIs ge cd puoaeitokiit "Dàcn' yeù n ov?" sud horo ,tiosonoS, that in à 4nemn, néat, ,dight,. qpd'ýftalmbsd; qrin c pemanuilny 0 éexp ra soid ihough i lsed AMelhbsýýwl4S of ai bisetneunig. iy l Repoane moye tihan one liyens-OIQ'j "Wbat <le yen 'play ut P2" askeS*ý'ibe iMleadt't a uiglat-vtnlured te corne lova fromin u-ka, .& htqy 4û ho - 4hzoadjuce$mauutig& e. e baS-hall.- %"Enazàifd, for>my money; but t gna bs1g ýproxtilatejow . o- baaps.'th. o' u 1Mk.." - irlîli*hch hieem uLe-,Ou.qttualy ho béa.-net in- "W.Mtusetal-DeBerghom'a. Th"ita .thbS IVlleda frath- UplY,ý,o-i or fron'îisa'lblysel of us. Ail crack 1 -MMtg~ju lov, rrthir.rou itscoulVAs- Wbon'luy' govornor lu bole, I néùovaie rucaSavory, ho a e sitatisog ibout wbatbha bu1ia H i 'c:'eou.-Isuppose - thtr" vbloalo dcIuhe'wuoelei aletta#)jon finii. 151k- uti e oone gamoulter anlbtant-muclnîIo oèrs, wbiehmade hlm oturo .- Se>entilrahIuycovcy l1"Lord; Bugahot« urlu.-b forth Ibogro of théb. e0bFar, suIe- exciteS by thé uauial'ffabiliîy .ci"lbthé oifngà lutormd 1h. bouse vas cleurt,ara Iat yofug Suko grev quit. famillur. tuoat "o sa ingla mn ail lingerod,,' a --ihvebl aiit'c jave~. ae t Ib:r on.Thiy paover l4ko a h M uynsid bis'-graco, vith s caroloasil ai o- mgis ai oderad-,iâiscanagek; and, air'. But0ou Morare itan o h.- b b r tle. - 'th!came- along,- by aU -nieunu, laii enof fa' lait tvc montbldaubeS Off ho bown. tby'1I h. dovillieh glud te ueo Yeu. $hir gains oui beBorgharn vas eaybug, the othen day, uig dluikNl - CHAPTEB LIIL i'a' ot elvyuvianS' haw ~tsoi - > 6bul 1ék e kucw ' roYi donth IIUIIII, undi buiker'iforiod RnwDe Bengheai, do yau.2" lthba ronse. lb. D4ke cf SI. James- Ihal neÛt cl aesc l.I know oenough Hoti ' blios wvas thé fhàImmu"hea xaatedLbul,j la fioe." - wang i bisM osru iteeoftbahpovaus,-tb4Y bai taiS "Tht. ta 'oung nablemen. quittaipaAin -inhi. bon thoal aUis stock, snd, lanifu eon bs;i. hoatro ' togmer,"' und, -und Ion 'l sud sfai m- étudit, bai aivaneai- &veibyoi l idauce cf Lord. BagshoIeioppeà-t A;moon vas unic Trbay 'vre rsudy te uecomoeodale -hfiù Zcr larn èv13 krree-. Thorthey and iÏi- cool, la évsry possible v»y, uni, te sivanobau' ola léda uuxsx'ousPa"t bl-b9wltb ii ai uet moe a b iold amemlau, 'pr osacfcouuierahon aTio lare aif1kth â fivé par ceant -Swoaêt ire ier ,ent I baran, vhorbaS one é'been". -moniher of cf May ])loWo Oh 1- m aluli#. par ceait 1Luoky, hlasi ops u o'leiEu.<oebr-a lterogue nov vitegote lhîee. Nover. 'loua; S,0 oice, ou i. poiion uni pri-- hhelea,tbey lhougbt it but proper h v otun e ocivoS-*temravith- lb. euhbis gr&&atts heuhion aho l 8i"*cuniituhmailou courleîy. Proui cfible CIL shunces, anS-to put hl la %poisaâsen fo ompno Lord ' Bagubos ol' ae, 1Ho rosa bita, lbe fuels. _I_ aiaya kue' o.llg eaise vole meomeiever bru - ng. HEi. ove "biW uplouiu a o miug vbéÙ on iOlmOfréquent lntredtictiona cofi 'tïeDuke, of oshtah"nd 'lb aualoua le teE lbthnuhh. j . aes ves sxnrciatlog, sud il iS. Young'duk6o-bo Tii. Duke of St. Jame. had nover ai. quiredal lte' freaaini cf a <inâsitd the gaiaiet.? fisol e ob. a man of huilsse aihe I ananner topi. tbrougb ibtis fleny ar- swty' of i hâd takan Il for grnueS l taI peocanary J Seul. -Hi. puace vus acqumu&i vllb ithmamed,,- Et eanhanraaaanont vas net avoir'tle' b.oaot:cf te ueula- hy siîitî, sud- b Lord Bagabot ecunîsi amoug bhis ancyace Ho Boome aven* haveS. Tt.y *e, obiefiy durëa i> s-cal <o vantai uouioliugte <l undoterania. mràof a oeetiaugo, iî h Ieexcop.ttaàn tecaillat- aittealook It mb is affai ra, ineî, l tlou"oflvwoon tysayoang poani 11k, Çýil itrecli amu s blmselL ' himaif." -'"' "'-marks lhe inaé llbaken~rero afesîpolite. flerhy 'ir- vaM té. 'EâIof OollforI, te 1trin 1 h bn hnougit hb.ig book, aIse sevonal packete pun nî0xros rth olfla an'-.o cipapers mszilol asy lied ap, univwers viig,,Wô honbcgh à -.eigmniriasujukod îpitaat ooi og r. evinuicranticru n e -cmoanioa bttr' hait amhi.b(awgel l.= aefr reauita. Hê cLdtat ns odiip witthoostamiablwrman 8vù ' lite iu4 lte .&AUtAbyu, 'lt e s ~of *in t lwokl2Asndlitematýhckyjibut the reièaÉ bis.,uo. oa U"na~hisatli-Ie aria flïý*" blsmolit -saIRbo second i s 'fiinitueetf a .ai, 1- y. oî i.hail. Thef.tg jbd tlorocaa, -Lord] In i NO. 43. 1 I ingi dgo. -AppuliS hy titiabio. icuoute vrgeof - vbih shtly:youlh; juil atepp!ag tbe ibadcvy erimnes iwÎhi aguenc-of-his 1f., meoni, us lu.;, upon 1 hW a,-f aomaucipute tinsoif (rosa rl nsdwlth-a -yuinoed msnrodprpspeecta, y " roe;toDrhat bis <cul i. et j 'beane lsdIa obothei-Ibe-avait air'cf- ruug duke, Imnsl>cnfe.s, Ilîobar man havegamnça= ,Ris aiatiety ba' i. lthe- agîit iuddenly'eae fI wlBglo v a -aîg.: sit 46make uneffort-lqr.? as wi1k isa lhatl:jiO :15 a tlepo eu' ll 1fj ,DIS C auu! nUraug amy tue prpsent generuly layod ut lte large table, -uni noevai joluOiany-'af, hèose pniv% opter. -iea, sani cfhicit louai obseived,mi cf sma-c vbib' .- h it.d. oi - Ibie vaira ne-'pruienlfitrroiî -ci t.cpeitesohation.' The young dû. vas beàntiIy tied.,of- tht-aigbt roaults 'of ail tii uxiohy, bopos, suS plans, and ~trdellyvaboi ouoie oppor!unilycof li n Thehuon aih'a&y'uhlv.d liai anun anS sb6t1W.'but tb lis t khné. iug,-~-b1hàvsà" ubin boind i evor- -"I ope ourgraceb bAsoilusky ongh "sai tho harqu, eue ovonlua. [APTMR LI. 'ts, enterai=c le baron. AUrèq MDRAWIIIG AN£>8op)lC1ATION - B- il I G p Promptiy prtj îto vi luvto Eomy aï CRUCH ,AND 805001 mARCITECURE A- lu de asiJLPIIOLI LLOTION." o SAYIINCS 119-LodN cO M ON EY TO LO ANIfieN.Sbrb8,T ON EASY TERLNO. Appiy tc- W LBLM> E SOmfcd ovar Outurlio uk 10-tf ibty 1H0.. SLEIGHý,, flOUSE - & SIGN PAINTER, -Cun nov ho founi a at ba p,- TWO DOORS WEST 0F 'A1IILTBONg'8 H1OTEL, DUNDAS STTtEET. te, Ail Orderu promptly attendSta. W Wultby, April 14, 180 .16 LUMBER 1 -_LUMBER 2, (J JOHaN 5BON, LUMBER M GBCANT,ý W H ITBRY, - Ha.on unda lrg .aplyai àlLlna'oi HON. FRANK OVITlf, «ouatas :-Pl EUGEU 0'KERFF, z«oq., vice P PATRICK B*~$ Eql.., W. T. 1(11 rte cluiereal, uni on oc= M&) synot.No comeasm5ii 1 asivml=*and -esmîxl par ftarhe parioul ara pply ta -AA.Po A A._ (lut. vihk A 4R mil 1 ilifflý li

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