Whitby Chronicle, 13 Oct 1881, p. 4

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M the Spiano bers', 019, 1b. nouh bpous aMait, To dreer of "b. ad awsklng. fint, Wabbotronglse tavallow tii.. 4w Dmaove bt you ame ne-l-tovu. Mau~ I?~s!1>n dndlahb il, but Belorte aarriage ah. was dear and ho wau ber freaaure but afterwarde eh@ bosme dearer and km' tvsrtUi*, d yet they are-flot -happy. The. czar laise sooeeded in autain- lng lbsolute monarchy. But ho 1à &frai -d4o adi.out a"ia o 1i-ow il t-'et ng aiong. Even the Philosophera ofton have th. ieugh tmmd on them. àlifttie boy aaid in the proeono. of Herbert Spencer' "What au awful lot of crowa 1" The philosopher eorrood the yonth by scyng: _"I hav yet tW emr, 11111e meuler tuat thora i. acything te in- aY Ire ave in anoh a bird as a -crow."ý Foronce tho author of firatw~nciplôs me this match. Vie. boy replied: -But I didn'B Iasy thora vwu. I didn't gay, wba t ci olayfnl crâws, 1but vhatau a'* M lloi foov "Sound for the bùy. "WhaàsW tbïs meaiiug cf thie Word tan. 0lae!P'aed [the -lohr. P6a4 snomae , tî=WokeIIîlit1lcJohnny ROI. oomb. 4111,meanaao s a uarocosaien jauslgl 9"w 1ibon. nthe ache.ý Ibn t e tob o110 Tosit a o à ârmer living on twi b Ifodld cf Waterloo, tbrew upc lise of oerlworha, four fffl bigh snd toe ftélapg.. ýForadg Yearapu$tAmeni- oaleu bave bea mg y Pna bond ê o aé . Uà la ral.ofNolo'd- Pawob s t <Iraayauigon the qtkup ogu -bIoweva.aearyth -veOtelu lînb. chair): Ioua ae, ir, 14 lant a I tire aaonly lhe hymne. but thers.the. oanin'lna sd lb. goin' onLt, ud: Uýi 'pc*s sud tba.prayera' Suansi enPaaiue take àa on'efideal Vey 1, r.aIXnded lhe Inte=rogaesi getlemauv bo4"oaed Wle thought >1yth -iady ¶uetiobsfoicf 114atssre. 4Ha9 e ou,' continuen the in4idaiive lady, "ev&er raid. 'Ton Thonsansi a Yoar, T" .N0, xmdame, ; I nover rosad SUaS way novel lu il HyMy1f." à litAi. boy lu a, Sanday.sohool put a poser W hbit toacher. The lady wa. tellnahero las o, God, ptitahed the Egyptlaus by oaug >e flrt.born of euh, hduboid tW be cdain. 'Thoittle boy lsee-t.tvl.At the proper tiseraila uUdly suquirod ..1W& vould God lisM edous e d Sbrebeau tiien." AàLs108T urx. ClGevelandi. *or w4p b.d put ln Ivo ;vkeelt lb. FlM4 abeadaoéou theba, on bit vay Lkbo. ' Aoeong hi. $r b ai eoorsilg tu.abox -*hl.b laimesi oon. aldarabe. attentnada mus flnafly approcsi hlm and ai: "1-1..uen hiabom "'a..""Wu@ té the larg. iii 04n~ '~à h.- -"Golng 1W lassehlai sneim.,.iIguetsa * iS~ b ~ l ' P""Bite met Whei4Y g byO.vrea. Ton kuowwbal 6ou0s I do. tbala a Btk Clair Fit. reosquild, leu,$ Ilt"Il w!a' a pleudld *jloréslly 114lie tpllatlon vau groei #' b. eBokeye jlwa a muilful mon, audi h abdashe uptid: "N-no, air. Tbar e .a 134,lar ~ial mua-bon. ididn'leue a 'okeeler over bail..large & >i*XU* "IMàitrÂz-AI 1h. elaieé PossomaParty lhi boit saad $W a gu.et: 111 bug joutSe entertain Ur.,Blni a l1111.; heoke nit,.rl râcms4bored go deall. 1I vi inlrÙodoehlm and bas wrttleu a book" ,Thse lady guetl graeomadynisert elb.tiqk of enter. Ihuashonisib. ao renai ntéreatsainlu buttos vv, ê wteýapa 1, à w.ath.1 "-en 84e hlt Expertv. aneee eAi11 ondoieded on Ihat beau, but judo'.. ln<1rom và a r5 epo ta bull .4eioa1i "cveso1 e? thia ioâ',, la quise as long Uiveil àeac mcan, aôcté- i donta apart.. TisaI once farnous ateai ' qQ» ahlp lofti oetbach'ata, Bistol ni 1ý"00 foty liersacga, ansi vin oh. vas put '150- up to -amotion st LiWpeol thé. otier yon day &ho vas founi~l Tu ho aimesit as #5 sbong a ever. A very notable carter dSe 9 a'.>cberoinee:the taorS rnan#elcd And *1 ~).~l~sd'e udaltle ndoesiù *dïedlb 'ali eas l i osidaya, but we have movoil e 00 qnickly sinea thon la i liaI the "Great Bisile," hlnacoetea 8 ho quise a modemate aunS vassel forVo océan voyagea, ber dimensions bing toij ony195 tons nogter, or 8270 burden. belt Î%umilg ber ealy liletime ahé mot villa a séries cf misfortunea, the f£nat being cf a cornicai sort. Bofono sic coula. Our ýreaci the river Aven lrorn lie yard iai, wtiira sîhe s ailt, tho glory cf Brise- 'ow sl baSl10opas thnough thse lc gt cans of CumberlandlBasin. Non vas i nse ptu tilth shaïbkduecrly gel vodged ie thd',ox- tl il thai hiem pi-cpieoIra dianoverid hemr a ta be îorno fiel ton broad ta painf tlarougla- Aller that se lav for a te "cbo i iter futl agrouned leDaaednurn ha bey, with nothiug W pre erho againat ouir lte luny cflbthevats but lise fteaticg frou biresalavafof bubvood and faggols 1 vhli cb tp. Clazion -fisonglit of in aGe momnocf inspiration. Tie "Greatl V Bh*tai' sssboquntly sufferdanayyc album viciaà%lades, ceddliai publica viii bei thenefone b. glad, tla'huerliitheoaIS u'e ship la ie sncbob p*6b.altb.-Loldof Glèbe.A 1Iýss DeRzusa-APevnue RELoic u a oua SECT. -The muitiplialieýn f ret mcii-Du am ssoda in lth. Wcst keepe ape i vilaand the proposa fofie agoes oina' erindus. liées.One af the leatsectu iWoailodltaxe "The Dreamners." The pemmns Who compose h censiden dreams a W hadivne mevoatioea, ansi tiieefore lhey shape 'Tr t4eir a"signie ocoomdueg le val lhey lhik Ïhey lesmele ie é allant watWliea cf th. nigial. Whou tlasy simsdreerna viicihbey caneat undertand, tboy go ELI for explanatice la lie "Ciiof Droamor" vio la the boaS allihe cl, and viso sutber axplaina -$hem or profonde te 'do n. Tii influence lie tga acoquine. ev- or ther n l vemy gneat, au ho bicornes G a.quaineed ithb hein lrnmoslpersanae sud family asenret. Tii. sect i.nat au yet tery extensive, but ifs memberu mû. nopfMr the teck of lf ire zîand ln- hoela y'intense igucr:ice and wa.ni- 4neotionableattpidly. Iâi a la eacl- quarters a ee ml lave leMinneacla. *ý A PRcuLlÂn IUEr.OAuz-AIfiai Guelphi Assises, lact veel, 9 Young man naineS Jamles Cooper, vas put on bus 4r1al an tii. charge af tape. Mhl.ohn aXùg$ cf Berlin, presoeuted, alla M. ÀA UOntire, Q. 0., appeared for lhe p mis- ener. A lecture cf lb. case wvi-îni moe it ratier peculiar, vas lie condi- tion of tiié proeienor, the aliogosi.m- Bals cf fi causi of action. Si. la an adnpted dauglafer af a faorner nDrnna Aikena, meiding on the fown lino ho. Iven olro' anad Pool, and hem âge ( la elieen yoan.. Tise pniaono' hornu Il wiuin àabaloli distance cf Miecs' ~pacé. unS tb. girl anuS bu havi gene te acicol together, aed beou ne qutained ince ciudhood. The proaecnfb-ir, Or. plia Linda Aluens, depoea thlait ou the oveeieg of tic 254h of May laaî, ahe luft a aei'iabors hboua. for home, about 8.80 0coc%,.-The dislans be aiboa tIago vw" about bhfaitcmile, asudOn teia y A mi. v a slted by lia.prisouer. The éther évdece ehe gCave *s. corrobora- lad by tire lesiirnocf horfoster moth- on' Whon the neacbdbhomsne found some. visiars re ooaceuaiug, Iberni-WL "0s vili Muais on lise orgae,-iie lon6a of viol i xl vas ntirnated. miglat have praventei hem aries biug beard. ,Ai L accu las bauiMoeen v h naticod thai ai. baS- ben cryieg. anSdaikedT b«honvat bilhappoeed. Tbeginl's e-. L. ply w vas iaihadia ual vent fa be Mn. betiereil. An boum aflonvbirds tise Qui ha, as lhe rest of l'eocrnpany lcok aUP- 'CL pet tagether, sud that niglit abe lepi njl vîitc aool ustmeas who vas boas-a i- c ing ila-tlia.bouto, anda ltbangh the laI- ten vas an intimaI. friied, diS net tell hën anything that bail bappoeoil. Be. foe going obobdaho pet bhe cle huIl s tunk, viiero hemros-mafe coula net F, se. tem. 8h. diS al <1tellanywoy abhabd lieppunedunetil the ma.e il keove Wole neaghbom. Ile b. mantime JT ah. bWdmet thse priaer, lueonrIbres li li'mea on thé. reasi.ansi had- aho saisi. ,excbangeds alutations wlihis as ue-oc, . beln only tii. girl and ber mother bold been examineS iLo rdahipasaked e1s- a-- M. dîts hll..oaa ani hoeau0-»ly- »- agnl 1 0-e-s.c' No mnestahair b.e ruaa.il 04y renaSte pnI enlotto lu Baver . r.150 6M nt. E ave SeulattAe tO fex'IAIiftby.. *cf s i Sdo. Go tW jour Drnggl.-n ae botte etfGrioeo' et Flower for conta your cure acetl& - u i o sbit liii,et a sample Baill for 10 onte >d try il.çTvo domoa iii roe. eyen. -ioothln È ympà'as4fpeded. Dr.= Fo lar'Extrait et WII4Savb the boit nemody for Inteinta loetblgIl Lio ploasant and rniable, sud onre rmiptiy aul forma cof Bovel Co nlainta or Canadien Choiera or Collead Dyson-- Sy of either chlidxen or adulte thoreno<n ater remedy. Thc Death-Rate of ut country ln gittlng te loefoarfufly aianni e hevrage et life bolng lea.ened ury wm vithont an11 nelwo2;eble cause, deali au In~ genoray front ohem=at inaig- kut engin. At tfia seasen ofeth n er 1 cally.,a cola ins uoh a commenleng itinhe -burrof very dey hie vo are b te overlook le dangers attmnding it and on find ton late, that a lover or Lung oue ha.. alreiady sol in. Theusands loue eir livis In tbiî vry ovory vinter, vhfle &a Bosepeoes Germa» Srup bien taboun, a ire -wetid havp romulàai ad a lagebill n a decter ein avoid;à. For ail dan- eto the Thneet and Lnings, Bocaa' orman Syrup ham reven ihaelte tehfe >eet dascovery cf ils kinS ln Medicine. very Dmnggist ini Ibis country viU tell eq of ts wonderfnl -effect. Over 950 00 biles seld lait year vithent a single el rknciwn. A Wrctsbed Score. Ascre et yearail a long time le look ek upenl but vhan attende viali con.- ial endering îîsoeme aiment a centnry* Id &1l is pain conîri have bien avelded when yonr lver cemmenced to trouble ,,bl yen lied takin Bnndeck BloS Bit- s. Prici #I, trial aise 10 conta. 'OWN & PARIK LOTS YOB SALE. rGIBLY SITVAuTED-BASY TERMS. Appiy te 'e.- l. HIGOINS, aLISMITHS HALL 1. IOCK-ST., WUITI3'Y. reéw Watches ! New Watches!e -New Watches-! N&.W ASSOBTMENT TO RAND. TO BE SOLD CHEAP 1 BEFORE MAXNG EXTENSIVE ALTERÂTIONS IN THE STORE. JAMHES JOHNS TON. LUT 0F J EW ELRY, CLOL'J(S AND Pl.41-EDWAIIE, TO 535 SOLD OFF AT VRIVLOW PJICES 1Ile 1 I cerp'1 Solîcitedi JAMES JOHINSTON,- ilby. A,;, 15, 81. -61 AVERY STABLES.. 1EWIS SEBIIRT hem punchaed the J Livery buinuesalatoly carnieSon hy r.J. C. Prngle,sa 4 vhllbu"nitaithse aluA1n ur fio Royal at au' houri.ne W aiasaei am ànnmhegcff thtT. ..4,8 HfORNES, Nov FIratCium GII, s aa;19 hocready te mutethoVante 'bis enilomers. Charges moarte. U SBEURT. ARM FOR SALE 1 11,&T -DBSIRARBEPARU,. South biali t Lot No.-4, ô Coni. oethe Tovn- ef Pickering, oonubitnet 100 acre., Raem ïUord u ceS. Comtorlsbie velling ions., good bhen, &c. Term wy. Apply te JAMES 1HOLDENQ. . n-SP wbtby. own and Park .lots 'FOR SALE. lm LOT on ]B»&okstael Ico -O' p-Gm'asu4-' k .lg, uzio d'City*or Trermi. TICKETS BBSL 6L ONS CANADA PAC1FIC RtAILWAY. Ta pérensa i. blsi 0nd fer Mfnedat Great Brifai» andi nelas, Iov"aes $ au fuiluolog=lenby 1.115w or, other- vise b. e su ainsi torates, e., hotors Co4eaneee aied vlhh- penson hsvng ere fr4sZeor vlahlng tfa pr. Offlo4No. 156 Front-8t. West, (OppetuUnionStatIon. TRAE WEIVC~D1IE emai mof Va- OC .ZfAmni e lon cf Msn eaber dlsuaoec.*a# th l «5nIya uvdesinta apmiatucri aomve yoa ,M h aadi0elà OUby mau diaf T. G. WRîtr!PII, lecler, Wlultby PIANOS. TJNED. G Eü. T. (IUMPRICUT,.l'ueir, Yfer Maigri.Maic &di Bec, Taumo, vll i whvitby about fie middle of May. Parties viahing thein Piano. propeli~tnd .fIl plias. Seve flair-orSieU saIna.c- LYON & RIUPERiT, Phebographens. WiUl klncnn's Bloc!, Whltby. Osrs i y mae addneased teMesuré. Maaon & MRe' h, Toi-en- te, ail occive prompt attention. ly-iO 77W Greant Âme,-icassReaed/, fr COUGHS vCOLD,% ASTff-A, .BRONCHIT14 £088 OF THR OÂT AF.FECTION.. -etitesedos"a tA. sei gluifdsia or SGRAY' ,JO*ase40 WIiiSYRUP JUlfeam VT lare 14e t. por*-wc g 4-P SPRUCEO< a a Ilo. drerkal ow j rlv roon tbu oetM. IMtlna akC inùlooui Menfmn of . a- -KfERRYW TO 7. WILLIAM M$?IPON :000. If You want the Best REÂPER- If you want the Beet MOWER- If you want the, Best SELF-DUMPING HORSE R,4 LR If you wRe3_tG 1 0PLOW -' If you wÉnti "the BeÉ ¶t!RW :UTTER-- If you want the Best -FANeING Mll[L- If you want the Best PLOWS for al kinds of land- If you want the Beet PIL'VERIZING HARROW-, ~Go »T0 TMM OLD RELIÂBLE WHITBY, FOUINDRY, Where you oasi always get good value for your money, imdevery, sirâcle bound to give you the ýbest of gatisfaetion. Yours respectfully, BROWN & PATTERSON M N F'G Co. 'Whuby, June lf-81 NEWTIN Sl? --000 I5' Nu.t Door 8outh to James Johnston's "Oolduith-'e 11a14"i neu opened bpss in the above premises ana is w 'g in Ml or blg8t,whiere eve rthigertsininto Tin, hast or a1vaize *Trouis mààn~uir&mei a workhian- 'lke manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS.of ý UPERIOR QUALITY. .n&U nE oJsPaýOd Tnind heet.Iron varo constantly kepi in stock. RPAIRINO done cheaply and neatly'. Ail work guar- anteod oatisfactory-or no pay. ~meioa an Caadin GAL ML.Lamp Chimneys, W.oBurffs, c Whit~', b~. 4th,, 1879 ~ J W ÂWS frWEÂLE & DEAfrTS County Liquor Store, WhoIe8aIe and Retail, KING STREET, OSHAWA.- Just received for Christmas and the New Year, a lazge stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Scotch and Irish Whxskeys, Bass' Aie, aud Guinness -and Blood's Porter. tGooderaa& Wots celebralesiOld 1te oandi Mal Wblskey,lise boat luntire Dominion. Taylor h Bates' and Cougrave &i sous' Canadien Aies andl Porter, anS Luager Boer en draft and iu bottle. Tie langeaI ansi beet aismrtod stock cf CIGARS lu lb. canly i Poot, andi SherryWlnes, et superior quality. et 85.00, #4.00,$83.00 sud S#U0~ ~~ftu88biimr #LIS 5pin Gallon., - magt ieuls Bcbmu-.ud Hemuiy Brandieu, inwveesiand bohîle. Mfmplaia~fo - lL8pet Gallon. àiSGree taIOITémldalmadGt triec'a Bukm uvii uStmrl'msotci ad Irish Wisakeyi. Try ur ço1bratod Toddy Wbinkey. the. fluent Wbiskey'in Bass AI., botteS by Hibbent andêFoaler iisens, iu Quartesud Pinta, 0"sarave &i Son (Toronto), TaylIor & Baie (St. Catharines) Aie an draft, le 5, 1O au*1OIo es ns inlu 30h11. lu c&"$of Que0 Soen quarta and tva dozen LAGER BEZE FOR * USEMr Owseansi Blooda stoutlin quarts s&n i ita.ý 0e~ae hSoa'e atebatel Sout-al 5<Jeu4aahjaars, u.?75*ents par Fier Flua, AIteasme A feu cf lthae la cmWan eIy nbaud. H.nry O ly.,Wanr ~lg, Tmnmpeetae, Oru4 Dnolieus, #s aplei.efLutptetes ~Pn~ ~ o., ,Ne-'lMsUltra La cllns, La Oate»oa5 Moulgecl-Oioger AI., Lemmat, Potmt a Wctcr eiga la Wcter, Lents o as Bafrhls Celnmu r àn-à- d inul etn~ubfrvoina t obrgo.? foi. 01 vifa fa aratnue lb udclbWaen asudthe. 5.401dtise Corporation me kc m o, fi heai lns rand m catsne aa onmaytn fieol m,,afi eCoD e.â t'evWtBYoRED&,leTBT.fIHdyo DE oJIB 9,0..,181,a fe eupf-L'N-lm o usao aeon Beechell'u.pcrt 85 Part Resue anSrlot, Scott'a Pt 85 ]Blo'k D, Ni VUlge Lot1 ViltrgeLot 18 North uldo Slme-t Pt Wi 13 Vil.1e1 497" l aide Slme il,, cor. Union-e, pi Ni lai North putI il1 PICKRING, Lot Cou. A*W. Mut af Taxe. BP 0478 PAMRT. - k 066 THOIRAR. 5 I 266 207 5 O Senli-voil part Part Nanti-ue quarter Brokon Broken Sonths hait North hait Souh haIt Noth hali SoutihaitH Part North hall SeuIth hall Roil hall Seuhlt-balf FNrthaitV Sentishall Part I3lortiheUàl Seti hait Part Bd-3uIi hall North bil Part part PRa Sonth.oa tpart NotiaUË Part W Pta=e Ialce.t Front Pi-ont Front A B, B C G H L L m 4 699 BEACH. 60 827U BROCK. 4 2 26 42 611 JIARA. 200 83867 195 20 82 100 1471 100 2928 100 40 66 100 8 10 100 1887 1 4 26 100 15 87 100 15 88 100 51 64 100 51 64 100 46 87 6 78 100 18 28 20 80 25 100 2092 RAMlA il 88 il 83 88 880 88 78 29866 27 57 27 67 14 14 17 94 16 51 18 98 8 90 19 58 18 26 12 55 18-49 14 50 15 22 15 22 il 22 89 OS 1Tmeauner'a eSce, sept. ioti, 1881. Cosa. Total AmI. 202 249 -Pelentesi 207 4 89 PatenteS 2 02 268 Patentai 4 78 PatenteS 8 14 Petente 85 56 PatenteS 4 82 Petented 8 27 PateuloS Bo 51 Patente 22 83 PatenteS 17 0O_ Unpatented 8l2 02 clouPteSe 48 68 PatenteS 10 81 Unpelented 20 83 Unpetented 6 67 Petented 17 76 Unpetenled 17 77 patenteS 64 94 PatenteS 54 94 Patente 50 OS PatenteSl 2 75 PalonleS 20 74 Unpatenled 83 a1 PatenteS 28 45 unpatenled 1m 18 PatenteS 14 18 Palenled 10 54 PRtented 5 89 Pstentea 86 68 pal éd 82 61 Paetesi 80 26 pateutej 80 26 Unpatonted 20 89 Unpaleuled 18 98 -Patented 10 88 Unpittenled 6 00 Unpatonted 22 02 Un Atented 20 72 Ptoesi 14 87 Pate, e 25 W «Unpatèated 16 95 Unpatouled 17 80 Unpelent id 17 60 Uupalonte 17 6W Unpàtenléd 42 01 Pafenleae Ce. Trea.., Ontario. 2 15 282 2 06 2 16 2 84 2 51 2817 2-74 8 02 2 21 2 46 2 41 2839 2859 8 80 8 80 a 18 202 2 do 2 76 258 280 2 80 221 209 286 2 15 2 U 2 69 280 245 242 285 210 2 49 2 46 2 82 2-84 2 88 288 2 88 288 2 98 J. B. H AR DWAR E "1Large Stocks and Low Prices" being Our motto. . ad examine and be convinced, at 1- E-Ar a ( 1 WMlTi3Y-No. 4 Brock-st. Cali 111 & 118 Yonge-st-TORONTO. M-7ONEY' MONE-Yi WEm ARE PREPARED TO LOÂN on god m iortgages, -st LOW RATES 0F INTEREST.' Cali tind'Be- us, mmd pay, ff ýsour old mortgages, that are drawing high ýintereat, mmd bSAVJi- Y 0UJR<M0 NE Y!-e .whle the rate of interest is. Iow., HATCH &- BRO., SAulSm.Br,, 1881. i8334 TOI EBoN -Apply te Otb M18.InmisuceAgent Vhlby. MAJOIR MILLS. The Mil!la snov in Complote xunninq orSon, fie Machines-y ailnv ielta sud meal approved in d. The a&t La doeopremptly, dinlthi BEST POSSIBLE MANER,- ÂAnd'ivoa ontire acmufclon. BAER &DEALES Supplied wtth FLOUR cf the Seat qualiîy ai Lowait rate«. FLOUE AND ALL KINDS 0F MILI, FEED, FOU SALE. Bighest Price paid for Whea.t - AT AUL TIlSs. -Tbaâaik.l for-the p atronage lertofre re- *eioo, thppropnietor hopea, by itrici,"ai-» 'hention le huainesan sd a Selerininalion teý deal iatiaectex 'ivif&aUlpartiestmrt a c ontinuation fLmme. T. P. WMTB, Wnitevalo, l9th Jane, '80. -27 Proprietor. w ~ TITBY, PORT:PERS! -& L INDSAY * ONDENSEDTIMTABLE. Taking effeel ou May 801h, 188. TEoIXieer aoTz.Loavo 'Wbifby ' 8M 0a=m. *050 pà2 M a0m Anrve Lindsay 1&40' 9.10 11.40 Lem asnsy 610 a-m. 2m15P-r.40 .m -.Pot Perry 7m1 .4 0 Ar'vo Wbifbe 8m5-ý" 40 For lime alethar sataions, m Pob4Tlme. Tahal telie ouagl".eA llqu ajie ý Wrsr Juoec'nr-WhGrand Trnnkleil. vAY for aU Pointseesi int det. Le mPaaé Wlb1agTasEpamxylat . 1 ra WHITBY. Established Chbeapprthan evMer,. 's ~new BROG ST.,- Wfl 1833.1 DAL &I l AIR 0; . R1

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