tfflée-J. B.,oeI u S i$oia ii .Pvl iey4oni * 0P Pinto Pfrab enh os-B SElltng ab lae inuiooa.prie :11nwý-.4ovnhpborah. auoav, 011 SpealairuI sevic-W.P. P.& L. B * Buthrlek'ePiêterms for Noyer-1C. à B'.Prayrgbots.. . obèton Broe. Anetion sale e1 taru shotk, eto-Exeal toms Tiâmotby oLeary. The Wetern Âdverliser. Hr"per'. Young ]people. - Cfaeh- sud Cr.dit Saie-L. Fairbauli NoieTeAUiIu Lino-G. B. Yul, Vhast 1othly Far-L. Fairbanks. Notice to credtor-G. Y, smIll, sol, Eevward-Tvueukîp Pictering. Nohce-Goorge Smith. Nev Grocry-C, S. Male & Sou,. Gyster saloou-C. 8, Male & Sou. -Boars for'sae-H. Hl. spepqoar. TeBlegr&phing..Tizoq. Hezslevoca. Q1à uiduîuhip Notice -Ke B-S -,.Roblison, soir., Speiat-+Tme 8Mises ucyre. Bpp Ev'J .Rolerteon & Brus. - UOTîON S. gebls otr audaal reabelai propenhy, lime proprty o!f1Ur. NW-. .t!boa, ai lil*Ogtr*lh bulOiava on Satursy, OctlOUa1801L.Fairbanks. Anotion. Il.expid eaây e laie Rutton slarr, T'layà POët- 211h lSOI-L.,Pairbanks, "A liiatbiîy.à îe vlîIbohoîai at Brok 86*5e, h., p,, n Wqely, Nov lit, alo rt.olsu ( at,ahRay' ,Wtbjr*ion eu4sayNo. Anotioeer P.m. L. Fatrbsnket S4l0 Cf Farta, Towu Lrots, iFaobory ûni.;coaïIt#à si Holel, ova o WIiiîby. on salnrday, Nov. ôth 1881. L. Pirliank@, Auctioneer, Chancy S1ab lBIroughama ofvalu. abI. (arum,'ou Tuesday, Nov. 8&b 1881 -Tmus. Poncher, Agucîjoer. 8 sale or (atm etoo, implemeuts * huuehoial(uruiure thLb proprt of Lb. lita Tinolby O'L.sry, aetLth = ug.j&tolily;occapieai bybhlm aI Dufns reel, on Tburecay, Nov. &rWi 188-L. Fairbanks, Auoaneer. ttduoNLY Sze i8 UNIIN bano ble. totIl'Of.ate;aiep rlugliflMe p Tc' iitoug vhleml li boeu, giïd,@s lu a lbe <ai té T in Tovub@ Wuja'u. IL hofla inpgeei lat.mel. cf ttue JovuOuc .Islil 1 in. aie zti. mIJtU f5gig 4)b * ott.Wbitbyi>ort perry and V51 q itiwaCompany, wbiob vas, ~ ived bore on Monday teio, oesuy blonds ad the, wboîeý" ë, ira WVbtby reoetved a sualden Obock fi he by bavsîait y7M omuplatel.y1 rrai. 1Ur. Holden, whie ina de aMe Mtt Of bealth, vent on huima to'Manitobsatabut ibrois veeks agoaa uts juhs VI'..Nov,*&à t vuIIvareo.iv.d re laut *veo à tohglarMing up go Saà turai v WIescetson vas sels hiP (oOnaMouday lbtheaitt p albt oded tha ter 11.80ai Daatu "CiOty. Infismuitic th.,ItO'"fà isialâ bhats' ben ui ork, 29th Februry, 1829. He, w f Irishp arents, and 1k. tacet 040 pià O iearentsge'-as thorouigl Iatthé 1h. Irabteslvî."l ~ rot engagea inlumetantiie pursiteà ' labi native village. Subue' e ' *rmoved ta Pince.Albert, in Ibis cont 0y, viire, la 1857, oied Q publication of th. North Ontario, O errer Ia 1864, havlng been appointe OMeiiaI Assigne., h. retired fronith acvspaper business, -snd th. foilovin cytook up bis residence fl Wbitbj s,. vere b. parohaaed 'a large propirtj v bohebas linos noch improved Mî-Cr Holden, iamudiately identiâoe * "Isf with tb. lateresîs of lthe lantj r.own, and inmo then bas giveil a heli ing hband la every projeo"ot ultm promole ils growpth and proaperiiî look an sctive part in ralway mattera nd MainlY go bis exertions after h. ha sMo Managug Director, vs OWS lbë extenion of Lb. lin.ofboin Port «Perr3 3 a Lindsay. He bod great projecls ia 1ev ta conneetion wiÉ heLb. etnre's le.road ' and"Ming tbrough ilt $ I0i Port of Wlttb OUo of tua vait rade oft he lqorthb.Wemt, eno' sdirect rallv-ycommunication b.. ra part of the oonnty. Ta hie exer. ioaWhitby le also cbied' Inebteai rb etablishment f tee on"aj L4di' Glleg, sad Ibe Domi n k.-Ho10asusa ifretor of theBIank, *o of the. Fumer.'Loan Compaay North Amerlôsu Lite Insursaic G., dOntario and ani t Ste. Marie hl vay, snd Prosident of the Ontario ladis' oulge. 'He bêlai iroat ar à uniipal poeitiou lu the sln 01 the peule,* frora conoillor ta ru,eaus aayor of thée towu-bai'iug btu idie. erot that body, aud h aBibi Ia bscber for many poli. Ueo1Cr Hloldena&a&etmoug lîborsi. asbrought Out Looppose 13o1. T. N Obbsola Soutb Ontarlo lu '78, but ,i taaances favoureaiL theao nevi a poit.d Mgilter of Sir :ôhD A Jîdonsld'a cabinet, rsmnltlng iu tb nly publie defeat wbicb 1Ur. Holden taet vttb throagh 1f.. .Ur. Holdou's death le ai ouce publie and a private lo"st'à the. people of Wbitby sud ta tb. llsilvay Coti pauy. -Ii ooaneeîion viti thela als întçreotâ of theova, lbe oc pie Position ta .usble biuta t. foward aud pual tboge interesta la mauy va Sbt& %Fould Dot 6e open t.anouther. H. boai an intellgent omnoeptloof va t oce for Lthe beneâ fithe tôbvcn d lb. aivantage .1 lb. Oduupay lh. pMse dsa.anlpubjlo enter. "deaa aiogb undém nt aive, aifrienal ; ho never forg bfieam4 am u e :nopprtanlty t. do hlm turia, aid févmon v ii e.o ?lner1y Và mournd lm a aine a o ,yt ho friend hehaeîUnbe~ 1C. olden leas a ld g na l0g !sMay of nia.e hlou gor Toungois ~>y e 1.- hbav hio îympautby oýfýila e . commiwj Avibeemon bT notices luin tli 00luni,,lb. tuner ii 0aiePî1ce0on Dond e Maito in thfenon u mameeveniug theb.aoomoatiom. "ieudadsrionq of paying lt.he hèilut tribueof respect. >I U. Win. Paso, of &sihnrnmm, ente âl.4 hlm At a complls.terysuer kt -Whiey's botel on Tusods»aPt 0. > «onOf c C.Pro' rea l Ur b ooll4v.reb idmua UMrtockBlo I bahiracter 0.1 Ibe vominle *11 tuase b. (e ollovlug are l.the er. l' inmm u!Vln 0e, pe lDoainldon- eot, 2nd .,ý J. obb,8d m ul vocal, 4t*ii; Geo.Mmhta4ep. o;Marqulé, J. EÃ"eI, J. -Els." sud Buat Wbity-6 entries,. Wm. <aung lt, SmponRoât ,G; aStocks, 'Srd; Wm'. fStocko, 4; Jl tots Sh.-Jai.e-D-Tvoedi, J* Martin, analT. Luite.-vimo voeae nadges lu the stuble'ies.. Extra Clas-Meu-Wbutby Buhat Whtby-8 eutries--Wm. Roado set; J.- Bamnet , ui John G 0a, mal;-Jdge-J.Daviaison, J. L. anai T. Wilson. First.olan., boys, nuder 18, 4-Jai. Beitb, 1, Le Rulis, 2ud, J. Doidg., 8mai, Wua. Auwtu; 4. Seooud-claas, Boys, mnet 16, la lubble-6 entriee-HK. Petbtik, 1, R. Eal, 2, R. Jenkins, 8, Wan. Stocke, 4, Wm. Withenidge, Gta, W.sley BlfIuas, Stubble Clame-open ta ail1 coner- il entae-Jas. Obsyne, 1, John Wal- ker, 8, Wua. Thouapson Brai, N. Haoule-, wccai, 4, Charles Word, 5. Gang Plongis, 1-Bichai. Sylvester, ist. Dinuor vau serveai st the Globe Eotel, andal al agreoai thal Mr. MeQaay loft utilugonprovialeaifor the ouatort anal sifactIon cf hie guesîs. The plovlng match Ibis @eauon sc iu ail respecta i susa. MIL MOGAMin. - Thi. Telegrmu. pekng tf1Cr. MoOsmigle, nov cm. loyed ila thé Grand Tmtaui Station, so bu lthe flomVM.To MieGargla&-bookit kranal ioeoukl uL, vimo laaly 'Dublinuanal cral a posItion on lthé G. T. IL. provoal t. b.e nch an offtient empîcye &bat lime oopsuy remoyoal hlm ba ore responoible Position at Wbitby, drvious tO islegnt a fov of bis .nd oibartà nal ,lmaian eysl.r inpr a icharduon'. Hoiel, corner o« aîngsd Breok etb a. 1Ur. Rafttan bury ocaptehel-echair, said in anal là e h onà graltlalel r. MoGerlgletu- hsdaedpoction vhileapv.seln thât ba bis, use ainlice *Md tait. hlfroua hbelamidalt. Speeches vire 4ôc madi 63Dr. Hanter, 1Mr. KeLeli. aud, 1Cr. Kemblle, o! Koéant poré,iMm.U If cCrag, of Msarkclalo, Mr. iritlimd, if Lindsay, suai "mine hbot" Richard. on. A meut enjoyable eveuttu a c. r-' Hoe glves tiie tolloving amoun#calmer rasons: -. Tic nlliug cf lande for taxes bas issu iransferreal (rom tbc the fées vilt aom. S The povere of Case vbich useai 1 lh ait iys lntheii Superior cuty Courte are nov sa=. tnaily dieposeai of. S The appoiuh. oent t offilal aiuese, dnring lb. Lniolvcnh Act, sericoasyreelcoal tue uo11h 4 Tieoi cya-sof prisaser tuaiuntios to prisons anal eyinms lma boen tekea frounta be heifsà iaThe é,area djurimilictoof oVime Division 40 Bey.Michael Étone, D.D. bat asuspuend by Arohbiehamp bMoGbe ta refusi 'puIblioiey apolgefor adisoretbon sai 04oedea .a. "g bimeeoli t. -b. pmroealfor abembip. ioutheXaUndiLongue. su c onoe.-I islutuongbituai' QoebeProvicial*11 eeetnsvil Tua. Dura oit OoA.-ThiasTacoto e0 duty ounoal.; Parties vi4 t am eima .elegrapIsy râ1 nov hart aoa e Vr- M. bos. huai thùime ian e:pemaioo, luanovimningà slais br tue viater enha. ea bis air. emeaýtinlaanotheamoi"a.,'11 oked by a nelgbbor'alime1andltaa m. loba Littiejobsa metvitu ane4* motst aI &eoklln Frday ngluL lait teugh itIcit bis h;ëfultl. vputu Sgobe-1 S Thé in iap U 400Y.lastJUN 1yi4iWn. l P o., uer u Am .A ajorliof lth enoe aeident, li. orelg uete, eshi.' maoy olimer W01ubuu , o drse.i eelori nd lî te Yortown. ,mv '* 1W our day& aeb«.adimeal estpar, i ofleulcircle, to/et.. 4i Ibrelondoinu oior troo. il,, anli, lthey *M 1doaubtleu W5ohiI38ton vth liée lmpreiouo 6Naicea sp4lfaosfo- ng, publi tuoItiomiesudnaleo rrepo# ,Thos. goodlooing eontabiie. of tko Ivo greosi vu rof 1urope bave attractei much floumbythéir-handenua, anlforana, ciffitry attîitde., ev olt hletorfeal 'anel-amic,83 tral sor ,et m.e- anai oocrtee their meuat grand ahrsud hhero l aa tai genuâine soponteietylIn the vel- bat le given theta, vhich, if théey nihnabut uineteenlb century, ihulo, 4Parlstans, tbey vonia Basth Sb piri of '78 andi'98 dos se ia thmetiger andl &Po Combina. Iunobraocf tIs he. of Ibee. ra of Louis Quorobize, set lue of modern bimea. Never. s,lot of kW 1 h. >prodigal viiether I relta.û or not. Thé French- btliail tilt one vebcome thait vas them liat v# ifitors ho lime sel Capitol viii perbapsremeta. ol01 Proebvoman v ho k.eps a tiser o Ph hotran sd avu ianrses, i b. oth orrdor "si OU. ielu' nît Young or fdiffen i, baSi thon sie is Wlviiec tue middle.agod, du» pon a u wsa'ber hband- mantrymea drIva *plin th. to. *11 tlag t. e presenteai to the oh, her feelings quit* overeame metion. 8h. oeaed Ibem en omnibehlnd in an embrace&bat A iof T tlmePrenchnen vers erbly bahen aà bseitby Ibis un.o balmei Inîthe m aadl o. ill their taiioaIpolitaeu epale bbiqc2aivmawihcon- Ai lb vie, tbsy temteoyat front, s oldlers, or om'17 ooùd At oasO mmii, retrèstai (rom l.$I otun. mine of lfayehle:sudofsetbn tg oit. ini a 'me , hotel'forfour a& à y havé yà t bhen introeluo. in sl s* h thll tiPrtusitescc ing, Ibe Prelido Dot vieh ho W iat conquerors ah Gravelotte, gd Bedan. onsocial ternis. This Il ay meauvaise, bolat4 that leDot lite, t'o &ay lb. letît. The Pros. ive élohlan j4, Joa, anAu@n. st oforWel, but IL mut lhacontes. M ,bave huai liwe tb forget lboe 8 apisodes. a ta, arwkof 00 - ,léIn, E Ce Ppe ýëlâ& lile six-yýtalIonà Itana, mnom.asspg *.cigo & ll, au b i flel rOdià 1. ly"Ot hevrsuo "l M beÂ,Rastý ýlidan.ealiilonai é <lIL.grand pSi.nis'olrreprisk lmiastaniehee al .bceehouldiems ,wldh oe Id s * e V i v f g m a a o e i n l B o v l in , i t t L f.&M er tue Q aMItp" it in a sa mn i. an al n I h e t D îi t B a a ,l i a i- t l 0 ue nl a il m a n a l O fa h le d m e v hl o q o r thtu B I ; i l 'i y him g i n l Wlesu hou. s'ntury Daine rimeae vadim D o nm , a n S * yir> yono Su ivi th ir g -aviti prpa8ov 'Plke; - oral L a v l ra o t u r G ip a v th é a n l ai B l e." s'e re s i iv riokîlUbooitrsaI, lii util M e.-Onic5J su, vial tu 800ow Pag, aI1im sl Sam rtet rlaie re fh Dot livi At he 2 side Lmae as CoupelilorLinF Nurse-no saci t l h te- gate spirit « tue Br tonrse the b.1leçïau .eeeta the t l ay, Who tvnty O ffi l, â 'OU Lblese, bae it r-fbis son, au frin vboe e 1h eicl eirly. 101ions Ba u Obaribocauxmon At siolabrll*lîtployar&. HOeMeloMaigiven t a vip e A bb au (ab blh g b ts cali seh t le) N t o auaiconî1 itslé &au hote shlbasbr tue *ad SaZt, tev eyav to vnbthe itoè1leb kuo Idvn.sua .fi* heu vlah lI. bFi alcunrlihe Liai". uv Pl$u-vo French. -vhc te n£aim lie & sdear"k-an scc0 V i e m itv e r .,p m e, o nly P re el le , fl an c , z 4 o v e t ha" l s u d s- h e p ail e lipply ltme É*dlIn; suis. !5lifr tuer Sa nj vmo ou hsmve a a baUse, u mo e, ormnol a. hé msllunoiile MIu, aiidyj.4lulb.a =~e bi. nes o1mepla ii a u ;-a à Dt g ri Baiamla btl4'teuo- glit. fouon. turbe aili bla onlml ay-sn ap le r Migliin ~4e Anbntuepn - o ua a-anuvii. vuai n a ibngae itel ho final looted:a u an sav v ether George M& a l a tue wey to k.toi b ie t h e b a l l u a t h e L I o l l a i h e P p ; - n e e n a KisherImmlt-1myvthe, sint culaihava boa layer.,ivimo gosein luvlah Misthem deys;the CueoItumebe hllnHs-an eho, cd. I iI ba ise lmmelsuiof Mistuor NaitIBay o' n illix ânue slbvokes for matin Loeg Bys an mOa thei matila Batlla-be wvaon tue isaine SMets ana Bide. Au tho' liaIDotlolage be oa lonag Aleà ispli ciait, tha«o vslalleber John Prinme, Freuch4i the Tailor. Tiat'athe By fo!r cittink; saielia 9s.hmau4at be Bas A théGoe,>ad larlita to Mmcsi as gooma as Doctimer Canon for cd. lie7 leldin &0 tanin. W.ll thie le hov tue blcody -e grate plaYe n umaîcedid" igrate Tii. Jag . .. 90(not ont). Tho rs cf li playes.. 0 D* g by Ca= .v.d...... 00st U The 0"NaL......... ol.ou2 DoUitfor sr.on 510 Rot on. T0ie othe plmayere e ows"à Majcrl» y oYr EysLae.88ea ca untin ue lagbmAmobvds vlcia theBainlmeia s i limuthe 'eil ac il 'a m'ly <ar liaI tue hob 'orla ianelu heu =,DU"i av lie karawtherav tue LIS bastIbis ime, mtiy. Te. ture rind 'PlI! O'DAY. torout. Letter. 2'. dit. EaiUog Lite Witilby CAma- -ici.. Connais, vbetb4 ol~rr tovu,] agoas Lobe elvapula Ira I1uni moal hap y t o ua-ai tha a ~ ca h y n a mb u r o l v.altl y fu m e r . o f -i s udl a t b e a ti f t o v né , sk b i p e t Kualbuanacu abedaI ILà latue DO, mlnlo-excdepiPleedog) ave fo r ç a c a Ii t u m e v u , l t . a s o o lty ,ll a a '7pmmsm' club-' Wodr thé move hu a D ot b ie n mu sa.' on ig , G ra t r ltâiai l ohnmraUl amoag 'MI, 'th* l o v u a i n p . T i i . . . b o h i r m t i n g s mesathly. a i iqm ue heown ae niaot * o e l l n î p ù c n t h é . l l f g re n l m a u d a o * nl Mn-dé oi stock, the M ot p oia l a a l * a e ly si e a , lt a i fe r e nt i b l d s f o! gain, anal aoei em4tbl. huIà W, b. ais othreer ra t«mcoaneoew vlt& lb. Intera"si of faraers. The lait Meeting 1Cr. W M i glls BUh R nuI s S ed m a , T o. o n t .o n t o 1 l l a t h e S u a i c o n . o ! T hé am. mbe m e br pr sent a . n g ivl leal iem elv es of t at rivillge vre Ih t gentleman inviteî t. ex. aMÃDne MIs felai oche anal. hie improveel mode ,o! farimig, of! viioltuey sppe bigbly. Il aâppire lii Mr. Remanie buas PW u o t a a n e v an al em evb uL, aborter uaetuc4 rotationo! .roCM, by vhliilit as, b. emble puil -tam msre rgahl deqWpyL fi a tôlie Ã"oïllton of 1Cr.>H.Ù_l eke ec miLLe. o! <eha ole on Lb. rosainth. t.vnshlp o! wiitby. J.- . thevson lu th.ehar Ommlthee, rose, reporodpo sud'seited bave t asit again as c ýÈ'nsia of tie boancil. Repor recl sudanaladopleal0 bavégave té l again: ah le. -a meeting of Lb. comiacil. On motion o! Mm. H. Biokell, seati ad hy 1Mr. J.,LU Sumith, molveai i Mr.IM, tlaeis ibe *ale 'y . uol le b m stii" e r .t e eor , culv.rh opplte Mise Spencers ar 0e elabVillage cf Brooklin. Ou motion o! Mr. 1H. Bictoli, secal ad ay 1Cr. Smnith; resolteal Ihat1 -ree e ana li'e heha sahorizei grant ble order on the Ireasurer fort folleviug acueunte ;- John Wier, for iumber, 881.40(;) Guttll, for priuîing, 80.00; RB. Whi 111e for roas 8.76 ; Jas. O'Day, wo ou ronda%, $8 ; John Stintivaut, grai for rosai, $18;-,B.T. Harrison, oan lo ary, #100 ; Rabi. N'aa, hoiýumabersi nails for bridge 0' .8;Frauk-'*ih aid ta indigent, 81.62; Alez. Kecimi reipsiring ransaicrapers, 08.89 ;Ge Frnkala. vork on rosas, 21.20 ;Joi Blo, vater lme for bridge, #22.« Henry Mentona,vomit on bridge iren, Chai. Burel, watt con bridge, #14.2à %Fohn Obarils, Dm $Q Frank Ba le 9 Do. si ; Je.Detong, Do.,-$25 Wa. Wickst, 10.8o; sadvanced 1 BC, BluiL tô senai ber -tmý Tornlo- au $8.15 ta at in ta êita ;J Miv. 886.86 she killelby doge ; Ja Balalon, Do.,-$5.6; H. IL Spencer Do., #U38 ;'Jas. Balalon,-tediWr,#1 ; je Knighl, 886, building bridge lu Brocl U, Ma». Jais. P"en, on socýà oni bosrd iIsabella,-Wale,20 Moeiby J. E. Msthevson, Second ad by H. Bicitell, that bhis cuneil a DOv adjonumaid etandad ejounonea nt tho fia-eh Moualay inNovember, lien mnet athle Tovnship Hall, ahetat O'ClclthlaSoforeuiou. Garmied su, Con.ladjcurue4. Pickering Couaucil., Monday, October 17&ba. The Picesring Conucil met pursusa i adjoamument. Thé memuets 'vo: ai prosul. Tii. minutes of lait rase mg rendand cofiruaca. Severai a& eouta for-vert dou. ou the resas, etc. 'ere prasaneai fer payanut. Mr. Hoovar prasantei lhe report a: me Standing Couamitlea on aicconl i3d pelitione, vhich reomeanded pay. nsut of time follîiuig accouuts -j.É Imitfer, for repsa-tung bridigo at Fioresi dille, #21.95 ; Adamn Forsyta, fer ceai &.20; WSe. Dnhecath, for atera id bnildlag'tvo culverts on vesten vwalue, btag oue baîf o! thea whale ost, ýMaritam payiug a 11k. amenI 18-78, anal for ýrepîmnklng bridge cm th COU. la front o! lot 84, 82.12;-, ay Lig, for reP&iriag bridge ait Dfu -ecit, #170. sud for mopairiug lrldg tDunartot, $78; John Smnith ifo nîiding bridge on side ro'd bëtve DOa 12 au i18 la 7tb cun5i .# itfrgael, Il6.7. -*GReao le toad bîlveen lo t no. 82 su i I e 4t cn,$20;Ha# - ro., for ýiriimgrouad oae, 17;Tobins 1b110, for gravel, $50; Tboî. Trnp, 'greil,$2.50O; J. S. ]palmner, for uhe ana gaaie, 894.06 ; John Sel. M,fe £,le. fp iillecL by doge, beiag On motion of M1Cr. Hcover lihe-repmort s eoelved;and4adopteal. tir, Fogrter movei tlat lb. Coma. o b i W a u n o eD-r e r s a e a t u .. c h a e d 5 o 14 c m â 7. w o ! IJmibat WmhmU for the oua," , t,______________ tihak 000 vbieb mhi clli e ldue t. -eroj ap.Q- NPol*, the 4 BonMe desh; h e HOLDEN.- .th 4d5. obr io , mnu fa cr e are " Ilr. N g s, s 18 1 a o inion City, M anitoba ,e mauf nurr l ilver Cresit, Wva a ames odn u h 8dyero i 1nl "tuéii - f - kmf-be- , -1 - o!«nvointhe ien la ofgbi lbê bsb.leos latue (ail et 1880 certain The fanerai *lu leave Lhe famil re. Co agssesments simd dues t. the. leage b.. sidenot,,, Wbthhy, for tymlon Ãkialam die, snd Bir. Nagle failîug to psy Borial Gronnai, ou Sundà ay, 80hOt. ià tôt 4130- saan wason -Sept. 28th- suspeadedéai.aiTwo o'olook, p.m. Fienae is ihg 1Cr. Oan the 81b of Novetaber h.e died afler, tu attendiLb. faueral vill plesae accept #alneMhbe lengtlu of wbiohle iin Ibis lahimalion. d-oi.ý A fev minutas before his dealh ________________ aex friandl cf bis approscbed tbe Recorder RH2B. A K 8 nx ofteloaige andl tendered, te hlm teusZB. sd aikIOnl Ihai Mr, Naçle vas lin arrearOà ntOn,,Oî.25h 81 The Roeoder asecep e, snd,18. at a sabsequeul aeslingof the lodge PuWheat........ 'l 80 0 88 >nai. hteudered itiLtLathe Finaa4cier, vimose ar y..... .......... 05@ 9 thaL duty lb le te receive mauay fer aines sud Fiapr cwt ......... 8 00 ai,8 20 î*re. assuessnts. The Financier mefuseal te Bye..................O090 @ 0O92 -Ia nocem>temoney on tbe gronnd tbaî iL Pas.................. 070 @i 077 S vou vrmnaly relastate the deceaseaiPais, black.eyed ....... 90 d@ i 02 rosdrsIbt is Woua luBIe Peau............. 080 @ 1 00o ienb tenstaeran.Odereain bsdg L aCas ............... 8 4 ual. ment a Et-an Who wu sdesad coula nol Ray ......r.hua.........80GO @ 10 GO t<, aocept Lb.eumoney, lhe stili refuseal, andl Potatoe »............. 0OO5 Lie took 'su appeal te the Grand Mastergs93..................018 ai0O20 Theodare M. Case, of Ellington, Cbanu tter .............. 0158d0 O02 as. Isuqus couuly vbo enataineal hlm. The Wood ....... .... ...... 4 80 @ 500G lies, .relatives cf tb. decoealths hoock an shee aina.............1 GO @ 110 ,ot appeal 10 the laut session of the Grand Lamb, hind quarter .....1 25 @ 0O0G ,vl Lodge, vbieh sustained tlie Grand Mas-. " fore quarter .... GO.. ci,0 OGO al. ter. Thon the case vas csrried inho Calfîkins ................. 0t1* @, O12 anal thbecourte, sud triod as above aL:?rad. PHidaspar lb...........7 0 7o T air; iu ordirto shortan the case crtin ornip:r ......... .700 di8700 eu, quetions otf aut sud lav vare Stipula. Celary, per do, ........O O40 ýeO ted or uduaitheal hy bath aides, andthe Obickena, parpair .O... 80 @ O 00 « bua jeasîna li ai vatla the jurywvaseimply *Turkays, par aM........"»010 d@ 015 1; Ibis, Was Mr. Nagle capable, physiosl- b c niasa........O GO0d@i0O0COJ 1&ly sud uaantally, cf hrnatn uai. Beef, bas *he a....&......000 @ 5OGO >5 ; uesa at the tima ha vas avspanded froua ietaii.-Oc. ýa the Lodge?2 Mutton, by Lhe carces.... O0O6 @i O0O ý5; The. resecutiop introduosai ne vit. BataiL..iOc. ta nasses, but producaai affidavite froua Mr.- V'saaotés. 6a, retail.... .010 @ 90GO mai Nagis, physliins and others, setting ill Fei ...... o 1is @ 154T ai forththe$ intheir juaigament. haewas ui-a. Rhubsrb, per banch .O GO. 00 @ GO u: fi for business from thLb' previons June Asparagus, sO OS.... d005 O GO T or la the Lime of bis death. lu vlev cf Shalata, do si.... @ 00 ùs bsact aud ou tbe sLrengtb of a by- PBadiie s i ~ 01 iOG k.- Of taheLB.ilver Great Loalge, which Crb.,',er e". G 1::: 08 @ 05GO te of declares that no uaembersrasl b e sus- abgprbad OO iOO pendeai ville sick for nonpayanant of ACOlR . ad. dame or aseesemeute Lbe proeecutian de- O0al who CaresufR D * _ the 8m la mandeai a verdict lu their fayot. T end indisarations ot yautb, natTons î~The defenco iutroaiucodib res vitues. veakueise. early aeay, lais cfi man'hood,&o.ý 1 te ýses vimo testifleal that Mm. Nagle vaa I vil send a racip at wMa cure you,A en abIe t. sand ali Iransactbhualies afater F"ItEO0F CHABOFB. This great remedy am vas discavareal by a .iaidnu n 1oh mai Ju:e, 1880, anda Ur. J. J. Dairymple, Bmarias. Soud a lioaw7 lu Sou B, the inanier lf te, loalge, testuied, to ho tb, Bey. Jas»er T. IXS iu having met bina on lihe streel miter bis' Bilei. Hous,Neta Yorla Oitg suspansion, snd notifled i hm -of Lthe saine. The casa vent t thie jury who, after -NEW ADVERTISEMEÉNl'. l deliheratiug short Lime, returneai a ver. - - nL diot for Lbe proseculion.à Te On lbe quesations of tact lima Juaige tk decidedal théliepaymnat o!dues sud a.- assepesuasts ta lime Bccorder' of'ti.ÃŽle- lodIga vas a vaia nayman, anal that ln his judguaemt the fagal represenhalive cf DEATH' 0F MR.- HOLDEN. of s anamber, whthber sncb member wasThi e dacassad or ual, coula pay UP aIl ar- L8PEciÂL Txt&i SERvicE, yreara vithln the requireai lianee oftbraaw %. m nh . A. tay cf sixty days w swl et granteai Ibat an peal ay b a ktIen. t P ~ _Lindsay nRanway ' ai DrscovEnuy Or Tua ROSES OF A MAS- For the accommodation of friands wihI va&I ta attend the funerai af the. laIs 1Cfr.Holden C ,n rAaiom NEAU WOOnSToca.-In Juue lait Mauai Direcor, a Sncia rain port se vbile sean. warmuen vere e augaa in leava Lindsay fori lby ah 9.GO, aan s'or- t, igging a ditcb au tii. fartacf Mr. Ga.() 8 D 802- i Grouveil, tovuiip -cf Rist Oxford. << UNI)&Y î0eïOToE; r r rbe -cam--upou Lie romains ef what Beturning et 5.00, pn.-m - * e ast have hbenau astodon, aimio Whitby, Oct. 26, -81. - it.4 great sutiqnily. Thi.jav, viich la very ________________ tocn ýr complets, is two féeeltour luches long,,~- i .sud t hme teeth , v b ic i are S U wlî l .Il pr e -. hb served, weigh four pounde. Several of' Hfarper'gý Young People. a vartebmse,Ãun[many o! Lie maibones. ,'A, -L«U= » DWEEKXLY, -le5PsSé'Àlac,, c -.wer alec (canai. Te9ioe9ole 'n:s Dn oTe 3As», czSaaOF YvaX axe vo-a rbas, beau eÃ]bîbitedl at several of Lb.e* ] Tx Aaà 0 O£ c, - ef couuLr, fai Ii s -dùlstrîc-by the Vol. 1lu commences- Noyeau ib.r , isaj finder, 1ri, Amios Carter, sud Iwbea aI NOW 18 TEE TIME TOSu.BscEIBE. 'ot e 1 <,eai fewdéye ag,*lb athe 4ntin u eü enru b cf Lbhe iaitex ot.Rducataon veadravai nuesJJxqtyna ati'pUol j-~y ta lb. colleamtion by Ur. G. B. Pablullo,.1 nnpct eh otti BsafneBe and udnder bis -* IthaedleUnpu r ov iî auspices Prof. Rmsay' To. 11Y aKoa-ht nusya uppiazQug imol0niveraity, anal bie asihantî t. lb. vicinsparifor t4i .7u=g 'wt imle day examiu"sd Lhe romains, ui ted Wmr3cme svff~ uevoe O the spot viere liey vira raunai, about, Fornastues, iancfe gravaag, andi boum -five miles fromnWoodatcck. The pro. onutents gsurily .i. aurseibynyme fesser vwu ac.ompauied on iivit.tloam pab*&*iqalionetbouh tcroms of ?Jr. Pâtfnllât: 'his-bon-:Jade Mec.. notice -Pitt4bÙ'rg POU rulht A Ui queen.Rcvc .~ ,MmlIhllu, ~ . * -veebyvidait. augrly ioit.d for, 1 -ual cnly by Ie hilairea, but alaub &MMre Fsshley, Uer., Pyincipal Wolvertou, of, parodtirho.sre'Auxione te provldse an td p] Woodetock,,o1Iage4 Ur. W. H. Vahin. teraturator tbelaglmlsanal bîy.-Ofri. -Dit, gea, colleehorof enu8lonmsanud mideh i an 4Atacocate1ilxuftalu, N. Y. ansa raveyVanlg.u;f H. 8 Âeelaly rper tor obldreuvhlch par. 45. Noobst ilvere mach iner - ettb aaed nu tsr b e tii.i rmad' eai etd il 'é r -ia ,t anid I ipeal t 1e auil'11, 1 thK~ aiDel cilsaijoaru outil Mooalay, lb. 251h day 0(1~ovember neet. Carrîad, Plougilng Match. - oniai eiome'mîar narvusit vvo soovruaR OHAiettOus. f - -- On-Tiursciay leat Jndganenh vas git. culai (avor cf Mm. Sharp. oua polI. eontè - plôlmghinR mitai helvean- Gii ai buî ,lot w aIl tico r.' li= fi va im 'ONTÂRIOï! aaa SI BY-lawNo. -o À Rey-law to dC1086 p that .Part of Mue Lake s7tore RBoad on the. 817 Cona. The con011 of the. ilorltioncf -and sietéie finiasst.g, . Tmat frel ÃŽp IObtis &Hl th&, fthIe ictknova slite.Lak Shr a, on t. h e h- sluam uofthe sa townsbîp, a&Bd sihuateai hetveen the scutiorn Ilmit of the SIlOvsncelf osa ad. 1 teen the 815suh 95an sd .msud lias nortmaru fluait a0Lbhero% = 2btvs tii ? and M boaicns bat sud the sanet1, s ruebclosed up, analn ogr esae aPubabcHtghîvay cf the sai etp c NO0TI CE JSHERREBY GIVEN Ibt a. h aboya By. aW wihlbO taken ito cnieto (vtb a vlev ta -the final pasin hercf by the Muanipil Cmiuiil cf th. coros allen, of Tiarsiet a metinm t b' si Conucil, to e ala i n aTown Hall fleavarton, an BATIJRDAY, TR i 'ltb DA-y 0F DECENBIER, A.D., 1881, the saisi meeting. ta commen*0cetiLona omclack, p.a. GEORE Ui 9IH Tovtahip diel& rbeoaai, Oct. 22nd, 1881. 4tn.4 A.UCTION SALE Of Paria Stock, luaplemnobî, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &C The subecriber ban received instructions froua L. Exemitars011the late TIMOtI-Y 'O'LEAkRy, ro nll by P lu no elan, -is lait raesd. - once, Vil.leCf PICkBfIBG, on rUIRiDAY, NOV'R, Srd' 1881, Tha fufluowtug vauabi. propemy. 1ouEs, S 0ev.w, 1Bl, WsgoeiCal. riPlmei E rowi Se D Bi, esp erapars, 1 set-1o H mueà tlaiDoubla id. ce utrs aonabtstng tof Bîl., mdding ChairsTba,<pae,.s. pets, SLove, iAndô11er'& 8a1 ai Onas c l, p.m.. Sharsp f TmmeBmS-AII s fine M & d.Uider a"s overý thamunai, 12 uaonths'orodjî,r gte n hmsp ianu due. m - CENýTS TO JAN. Isi> ii*< me Great Psuaily N ýevpaper of the- West 1 WI lie sent t. eny adairsa frym la".-le L. lut nexl for 15 cents;' Tbi 6ls"r ii," ilueable rensar, t-çm coa uaiW ch the. mnt ttiUleres nmd msAbl, M, Il as -the - r.aesv, vaeçklyuesppei ib, lagal sud edncatiawdeprisu ries, potnssusic. R~lboadpse xtym ourc-cluu-ans.. 'ua. 'h6fa elmily a»er. Sena 18 coûte s obup su*l)a amad.ýgat ilt l ntima ti §WThe 15 cemts-pald for <tzia" yul mitoveafroan eeplgrralffyon dueti subsmribé eo eu.a, vh.n "trwiani tinsà meI slsumeoilrheýN iglai ilr- boà inat or -f ra ueime"forle te exlesentint lime - -JOR O.e NO TI 1îaC4 Oâ - v a '. "-j 4 f iâ dso la mieù ln thaaes caRil it or ulgâcmoAItuh No. 11~D NEW fendaz descri tela ~Otuwz.a' Po, ~tt*noll Offea. Dius Bill 1