Whitby Chronicle, 27 Oct 1881, p. 3

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~'JV J~L ~ UJ~U1i WF4 SHOW, TO-PÂY,: AN IXEEDZNI Y R 68RX Fine Frenchi Worstb d Coang, -.- Nobby ,P*tterns of Scotch Tweed Suitings. S~ludd arns of' Canaidiân Tweeds 1I pattrns TOucK VERT Re , x efz bling oustomêrs tbhava a gôoaod cs, anad vaiety fcioours ana patiins Ouiouri lage j0'iW"iiadepartacenten"«uaus ta procure the nwst duirabi. ýg0oos *0 -bcu obtaincd ini the iL&kt. iiiebût goode thï moaoy ana uxpuiençe m s-procure, and you mnyrcly on ýgottin-9 satisfiaction fraru oui Tweeds. OVEROATING5-Ân im4euae ~uge of ohoice goode suitablo for Overcoats,. and make 'ma Fit î. Perfect, and satisfaction guaanteod OVERCOATS-A.1large vaaietY Of Ready-made Overcoate and Ulsters on hand at prioes io suit uvory one. If you require a good Suit of Clothes, an Overcoat or Ulster, or Gents' Furnishings, eall on the GREÂT OLOTHINO HOUSE, c~ E'. S No. 1, DEVERELL'S ]BLOOR. "THE NEW &DVÃŽÃŽTIEîg=nr made lu the mattir ai the ctste af i llLa Gadsby, deaoueeti, sudnlucanu i aiSturgu, sianst Woludcue, the credilara ofiWllIa ladaby, laie of the Town ai Wbliby, lu 1hi County ai Otaria, vbo diedon auor aboni lte moth ai Jase, 3867, are, aor hua thes7th day ai Novera"e, 6l, taenti b' M oi, peedic, am*uiRutledsoithe of Iby th oitmof tahUicde. fendante, Jobs Woaiiîui.c sd Jouatbai Woliinden, th. Enculais af tbe docoaed Ibeir chrlatan sud mmsames mdreuiei an descripton, tbe mIn particulars oai 1581 oios, saleng t eir aoço= a dus u Usturnane ci 0h.scoitirit any]_bsld bi thora; or, lu damnualthoreof, IbeyvU iibg premptr lyiluded front -the binefitco ttec Lodr vc6il o ldin u secnritt ta proiue themum» ebeforame et mny' barabet ith. Town oCWbltby, in th UicCsa!ty 0 lnarlê, m 1hé 1 I atY ai Novembr, 1881, ai Ton o!o"là uhUi for. Catio nm dis DatediOti 5. 45da O *obezl 189L G. Y. Sxier, GRO.-R. DA.rJNBLL, Pltfl's Soir. 91n.4gMater PERCHERON BIES LAn <O waIE. W. Dn" Af B A wauaen.)ag blala ]UN. h 55uclriutu PriseWiStut FisilBcatrs M thceat u st echl, talions birer4 bars M cb Sc 'lu oftne 0untal tceprZu l maculors aettger bispâsuboête«vert. eus;sd or mamo taoti.marte than sur atSer chaioai ormde. CHANCERY SALE. FARU IN TJIIE TOWN121P OF FKCBEI NG PDUBSANTt n oude mati. by thé of jus" the Ucmalter ai Kathw -Do-sil and othxrIfns, nd uti vlSthe aproba- Local MaserhieS. altiCourt st Whitby, there viilbi afoeotfou sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, By Thoa&m ucher, Anolloncet, aI Popuas- 33*s RoTEL, iu the -1; VILLAGE 0F J3ROUGHA,ýX Iuesday, the OtIiday ef No'î. iN. thal vslu;blo faima ouned s"d'd uplat by the lato Thomas De-itt, bWugeapaZ'a the South bahai tLot F.1,lu ibm 6eh Co io i tb*Tovsabi di PkimsLng,- salitacculn 110suincsnlc Theboimsfl U d loaetbui-czepbout serin saris of hartivoti lap44a h. FouiS enut tSeulf. The Builings ocli Uic A ariDuoobaito ofaà trame hanse ilSfl4, * ftrae, banu a slraw houai 80*00, a ai*sài i tal The sallinla go -à,aut 514fuýirs acte in the zr=ntyoi r bu,-tofanaslu Ploker. Tbeputchamer sbïa*tbetlme aofItha, pYaa tiposit of teon peutn1he p "0 aomaneyj ta Pi Tedor0044cre andichah itîhiu-onei aib Ua:elwlr-pa intoCourt the balia. aioflb. purchai mouey. The pgzibmorgbagl~pn a b cea tonluiPer cent, bné lct<psaaaa for Uic purpos. i olp= lt ploughIng. sud to 10 , . 4e,44 e-ai-ns d ai ou, -bao=ttral "idao n paymiat aith. baImaaerbimu lhe mailag thorm on d tram the dover ,9f Iabilla DvilI, ltheas-e tro oliti Inian tu rom" inuCouand t h.applieilupay- metteul l.m 1rther"buas Uicy re. The Veudora or-tUiulr ollters akalot be bocndtiausanyidesca i te mePt thomelIe in u irpoiaah" ad aia stat iecipl a uqof ab Bg ah. Ttoerolbe a »»arvd idOi.4lstie The éga. iit l1.couopte uâa~r Lu. standing ouaditiasa-cl the &&0 Cout,ies- aullrpaqllularé anti con lis ofOslo tonay te t ti-Law oQaues et Mosis. Farewell dg Rutledge, VSenti6s'a ollulli wlatby, et th, Âlilor, 5&",of th lm-1 dorsigneti Itas«fte, h.Cout. FAhliw ow, R Slicitrs., a Ct ilSRVA1. Ontario Bank' 8todk,.L T't, u psbu=Iy the Captagtai<mofaith ontaio-lâEak. tersecashos *"emsglvls mvmrhi w m ,a..aj*à MI - PEOPLES' FAVORITE *NEW ADVERTIBEMENTS. l AUCTION SALE aOP VÂLUAPLE Ft ARM AND FREEHOLD re PROPERTY. 7 WXILLIAM RENET THOMAS, the Pmo VVprietar ai the foUo 'ng valuablo pro. parivll oafer tIm r calot yPuI SAoanaIthe CENTRAÂL UOTEL, lu thc Tovu aiPOSAIWÂ,at Tvelve oIoak Ir 1 uaou, au W aurday the 29âh Octoher1 A1OI 08 parcmi Naomprs ses parts %aiLs Namberu 18 ieid 14lu icnOrhoei&ù af the Townsitp of East Wbltby, msrkid bu a certain reistareti plan ibiref asLot Na. et, malling 58 areasuMd 82 perche., mareor leu ; sud aIma a&U ibat part ai Lot umber 7 c0m rarked upan saiti plan des- *orlbsd ai falov : oammenaLng si thé North ansé angle oai sud lot number 7ani runng bece South 16 dégrées Rami 82 chalusansd 0 buts,,thenai Soutbh7Wdigues 'W.st'9 balus sud 60 links more or leus ta thecentre af 1he crack thoniSst.l iolloviug tUicenctre 7ath.lb.cak la Uicy S Iu elilmIit i esaid lot number 7 * Ienue 8BoutS 74 itogrees West 1 chaiusu 66 inka more or les; ta vbere sa ostba *beupl»M ettau ssgo bcraag, thà,: an dgesu9 minutes West 4 obtins sud 89 thui. h -couth 14,dge il chalut l onmbeat .c Frh16 iesClt c5 hai=asud66 unis thUicriar afthe sli *ÇonI eoe oth74degrees u giunlngontainlug 84 acres ai 901a an acre mare or lesi.. iParcel 2comprisesaM that parlaifLUt 2 usmaredceo a rgied Z puaifLoti surabers 1%. wiSau1inlu h. sald$rd Cou. es»Io deftribetiàas illovs- Clommeucing asn Uic Solterlirait oaihe icaSlot lnua- builitiuetof 9 halund 87llnks tra liiSaIbas angle thareol, theuco North laSeg eWst 45 ohaini snd 64 àAisamanre i Ig ta i thote ira UIt, Stt cutgalo t nu"b 9,r Voorllt 74 les. ta thc Bas itL a oim tai UI adlot1 numbir 2, Ibuaca Failti 16 degreésaEast 45 cizuainsd6Ofhis mare or lms ta thé Souhui ugI. aisali lotnumber 2, Uisucc ? South 74 degluces West 8abaini asti79k Iînks more ai lias t h. place ai beginning, Oonnlalning 40 acres mor or lics. rareil 8 comriisc thai Partif t Wnom- ber 10lu th. bih COucIciiidicsTvuD shipai Bail Whllby desanheti se follova : -commauno«asp a;Z teot h. Bail, cru lmil ai Uic sasitilot taumber I10a&1adis- tiane aiof 8Cain# fraiethe sauucaat -angle thro, Ibsuce North i16 dipesWca i obtins ani 7 IiiÎÏ Luice pth 74 4. gSh74W gr ea st Jhina his ils- ýE vu B u 7hains andila liuks the plaueof ba i coautainlng o0 soris Parel à4 corh tse h.Southait quatera lb. ~ ~ u Tanhp iRilWlby, except osa I gar1cr aes uiai of theSonthuis temr- ercio-vlhUic e. M. chuteS saw s and sIaeoepling di tarai ai Ui Narth $ad th.rai, sold Mad oauvcyed la W.i ]EL Thomas, uontalulng 45 acre more orb ligs. ; Pareil 5 comprises ail that puat ai thet Westlw hal iot number 1loin Uic Sud Con. cession ai BuaIWhitby, desuribeil ai fl.C lovs: aommie o g o i RshtJ3 Iltoa pootSt ta t;nlgt18douphes Wes 9ohana uMd ii9 11011 li a te ctno-ait mid Concession. ticnoo Forth 74,-dagrees Bail Il ahaIns74 hithen..Forh lti- ~~estmi9 ichalu asi 8 Etath62 digr71 u w0-8tuc 1ls1asdi74 Uis moreor lama ta LuEB of lrita th Nouqonàai tene iUg icEust- Orly = nui teUe Naquonlat Ofiaa one St. eh"inaanti 83 lUrftuuaoraLma tho place af begliung, etaining 10 a"u, Parc!ô camprîmà Lof ùumbes îa Ibe Prote Ftutupa Làkril., inthe Town hip of Bacliýth» atSCsa$yaf-Wei II , sud coutas 180 actes, mare or lècs. Panel 7 9ompires altbatl' -rt 0* Lo TowuI aBusWt, rb~ed1 uumbrs &Mà D8ith*. CM'aOheaac thc North by aportion0ai id lotunabe - ormerly oonusyed hn Ra egrte1 ou tb. ï West by lot uiphr) lutSa"si ongg cdon, sud anl.BoS thaiaucfr rond lu front part -lot aumber 6, sasioas. tain 50 <~emrpupa arilo Pacl1 omlot numbéi 88 Wealid ofsi tmioWltý.y t Tovwn ipo04 ofathel 0crsslo ambImm's h front s South =of thSie, ulo oaumbeàt1 laisWPlan,<)L 'thi -Tov'Ls - CILOTHING HOUSE." tered by a nover.faiing astaa; the» fa a good orobard of about tvo Lâme. Paroo leustva mile, tram the Townao Oshawa, thore in on this parool a mail Dwelllng Bous. and Barn vtito. tou. dation, snd Stable sud Young Orohard. Pa" i8hl about Mmxmailes tram the Town of Oshawa, the soli in rery good. îla lu v vaiorod 2, a uovsr-fsillng crack ; Lt jeLaa a" lda1cr htherean a FrusEmome snd Baru sud a mmail Orobard oi goad fruit trios. Parcol 4 la about threo miles trom the Town ai Oshawa, on the NonqonEod, ibore la on thh parcel a Vary Delllug Roua., o aBsrne sud BtabE. tournemo aegood; thorein su Orobrd i out «i8 aaret, Partelà ihtva miles irom tbé Tovn ai 0sbAW14 ronts ou Simoa. atreot, in vonlfon. laa, defi oable sito for building pur- Parail 4 haveli sLtuated on Lake Ere vithin balià atl of a station ai the G=an Trunh Rellroad,e7 miles tram .Fort Bio, sud 9 milés frami Port Coiborneo-there h ou ma *d ot idnsau ecel. lent Orchard oabast thlrtyacres Of apples <tu IP.gapes, andotbe fruits i beu adna godmst.faicultlvutian; this i of tih.eietdeue propories in tieOauuty af Welland. Psrcel 7hleabout t ustvarli raeoahaà,, la Ue¶ a Im; thera in on this praporty n H ran oua. Paroasin l21 miles tram Oshawa, thmr 4a 1bru5jo Stan ousse vilhiralfe kioc, sud maft vater a Bars vLth atone mnat~sd gooti oaItlemA dbarme puaris htlmbiredsud about 4 miles tram-A.beriy, on the Midi-adRsilraad. Parolg7y h hava semThomu4vr Stable*. The buildings are P3rtclesudom. modiosi aitti viiifittoïd, up. te "hlaUtc bust in Oshava for ItAvery Stablepuai. ParolIlinsnon the contre ai oshva, thora le toreon &flukamlîh ohppIlisea p'arcel1. On thi lot hn a good Frame Pagoal 14. oun lilaprciàl haàl.6 tjme, 6arees Shop, vithgood 3Ens o and aar olortireuty baupoifl Cottage v'Z "iou. dounaton, in goo"te Pair. Parel le. on Ibis paredin a gond BogéitRt@WU Metas ounda" inl 17?l. On Ibis parein a Bougbcast soua.se W irpsr Pareil 1.O bi olha a untrame reellV( *àeel m.lfl Bouse l od rpabr Pot à 'Ontbl pareelasàmall lwe au moe. Parool2L. on-"laparouljh a gond One sud One.baU 8 ryPluk Route, vith gn eta" muda -b.ldl- Aituatsti au X Street nerDm oste *@eTovn, *ad 1<i acrmesud clansd lé,about 7 mliesfraie Orono. PszoelUS. ou Ibhis pro e a afood i storyRBonghoaaitDv.limu.vietaseo foudaiofilun todZ" r;them h imaa gocd Franse tabl. Parcemi4Jathé.'imddmm,»oI.tiaa,,Vuidor. uomPrhmes about Iture.la bu«I*Ullrsitu,. ated os thé Wistmidiof Sbmesteisudm =UUu latei t h oiboirit sud craieuls vlt t hane015.bet Laves Lu 0mb.:c va -thèeih a largeBrick )willcg Sous hut iunlthé mut sbstmata =amo, as" galo uaaroesiII goei= th. muat asiraleà sles la Oshav. .TBEX8 0F SALE -U o4ntCash et lime af mslevitltiiin mouLta"therfir enough totubs Onimw* fthéilb.pureaae mi 1 uràb ~ U ~ min ieý-h be tmlmâmtm. vurtbor particulm arsudondltlosof"al isbh rotlVm dr 1YQI SALE EY P1ÇB1 ICTIONO., MIR. MA'BY'S. PtLL~ L'o aun 1h*flavlng 'ralcable properges MIF T0WXOF WBTBZ, ft vnet#s,- a. a. -e ... JL4_Iueu-!< e-o01 or.~~'s-*. We sow té 1~e~Vad o _.ç , tdrCok of WortdOaigSokh~ Candia Tweds CaelsIT~r (Q~I (Y<>akixg, l~tr Cots, hi the CGny,'Te fines Stock of Gnrai Dey, (ýo4s and &M.1liery ever '- A in Whitby,,.at pmQderat prcs u ilnr superior" to ny reiou Saso. 'aiorig o;or4~,hi heBest Style. A larg stoé of -Shirts,. *Drîwers, Ties, olts, ocksy,1 Gloves, Hats .and Caps, &c., &c. lx ü" DRSS GOÃ"ibS , ehâvÃ"a coio sok<f 3ac ndcloe smres, FrenhPaiecoslwopan -and, TWlI Winceys, black ami. - clrdSkVlvetàsuad, VelveteensLcs RibnJt Inmns Fringes,' Cloak ozraments.; Skirts âadSitns, ais Lnecohing, lsey 1~&Çc CARPE TS A SPJJCL4LTY !--W & e 6ved largé,e addifions in tlzis departmentj, whikbA Tapestry, Brussels, Union, HempadForOi(JMMtc.Lge8okfTaieke Our stock of Gioceries is complete. A& large ý- 0Okof Glass and Crockery, just to hÉindve- arene ,o-i mpnise the latest,,novelties at, the lowest pr*ces. A liberal discoun to cas WhV]itby, October 2àth, 1881. - - -4.tO.M ONE. T1IOUSAr PAISOF THE'" FINESTJ2JiNII1OH From 6 to 9 iinch. IN PLAIN AND FANCY COLORS!1 The whole lot ta be ferdatls than Wholesale pries I Ladies should: make a arly"stat tor BRYO'vL ES GreatGi ngUpBs~i5a¶.Ei e To procure althey require ,of this choi1celoofHiry -as it'wlNOT -LAsz 'Ã"I<G.' 9CFARMTlO SENTI TsIQulPmripidc rn roeing i!OuP od iL& O, - UAAf~f,',k 181, FAALL PROCLAMA TIN ~q0.'0F ONTARIO02.1 R fi 4TOWIT: IosseUling 5Ii.uioae Beh~ otddies fins now Beason, Green Tms for $;ooc a[c, 81bi for.$;BbcdisSpna±pa~Tafr~.A aIý prices thut ady ,computition. Canne, G~OdC bafl>àY's.: 84 d S au ues, Cocoa ng t, in bu l k Fl on g E tr c s P z Crem f~ t . Th' Lbn "e B kin Powdcn is noaea of codu s ad fancy SOAPS ;712 e'oïTlU0.8o, assortmunt of BRtOOMS, BRUBRES, -PÀIISi TUBS, Wi &o. ; 2 Brooms for 25e. B,&É.hâ,ab'élainéel mL ini thé conty; spucwsibarqaùrs- in, Cbina Te Sets;" <»rsnW ir ac~new styles !n Glaewa.4 cafùP S LAMPB vurcheap; GlausLapfm GONkALAND 01 s ,pl ËM af ft6èk Bbttom Prie"s, aI the. "Cash <rocu '4- . - 8MON .- _ -Deverell's Block. p1. - lic ont. SA.LE >omute, Tuas, kt bdboton ci eiitoreau& of Oh mu"ll far 1 m1. eta the Caur, te s«Mo tc L »aunkpality. etD ltNo. in l t iibrof ~ t of ai te thc dis gilhy paily Muas, , DAx! 'ivAL ii.The ol at 3.00 lint ai il ud TKEAI>41 -N EIV Latest I TUE Pl 1

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