the o ccf ecceug,.oun* W Pr OMM, n Puar îNem b, M tarpauumssooa. mail vWii. haforvadii i The $le.lona for tleSterpi;aý i b. m=40-ih Oblv14, Dot ut.iï1e amumement but Muotao ulruocila- d',"aoyor lmmnaillY cf *à .ib.r eugar..oated ormoctv éthgotâs hýea4 aicured by, 4he, pro. prietores ibaà ora1d-uras Agriculture, Eaflwayon ehaf1 n Commerce, Na*s. î as$%4liesrlvAllbe etr.tn1fefft#ed every week, for thé k#ieumur., edifloatlon, anS profit ofoub. soribers. 59leeticus viii b. maddrooe the4e jeurusis, cf poil poery, briof moral.ssoi>*iarkling anecdôtes, pa. thoto =T bmaipuntnSotll, «#. *Thore@aboli &ase b.foruibed 6a eleat' semmuary of OauadAan, Axcerlos». ritiîîeudnSorelgu nevi. Improve. m6enAs lu Agricelture, tacts in grain sud dattle farmiug, domasUco;econumy, etc., etc.,1 -ul ie t. he apecial attention ci TuimNsa. À weelcly revlev et tb. grain sud catlle uiarksto, at horne and abrod, ýl eue o et b.features et Tas Xr a. peclal attention vili be givn o btol news, Whiol i ii be as ful from .nuter> fr< l ver lthewnsblp S Tptbo,ý bé Ploeingt, Tuaj lb. 0ocut, udpf rpualion outoide iL. Theu.vpte 0 w îteSilly la s ritre. seulatlvot abroad, sudi inrfere, te Pick. à il la cf prime. importance. As au Aoceemery tg, llj oi~esmenl fLIli buelsaà eleyI a ntion pa4nog1tu 'n 1lrw, tea tsu.pprla ut lite Tm 1>. a wqiluri thelb ormajô te ftl. à otam ruiofflekerlng, à will vsy*s b. pieeeéd byUspropeer laIe a narioo.à O*llam. IXiviiisix»te rerpeulab.ooaquty ua bolt. Thi .Aià oTnas va4 im 1 b. one of kindlinâeesuanS cculiion ; ene of in- tellige ansdliberallty. Whil. labor. toigt tezmuslldato tha eiltnsnim &ud feeling. of the e»Popi f Pickring updn 41 i qtioatof" egferastalaccrute tii, Ouuloipallîy, t vii o ailber te foter ta'mi ueourag.l.interestsetfavery le.I balitin la baounlyýj. la ibisspirt 0 wiii dis"use ocal questions. Ian Lb. ? utatou,,Tua £'aw.iii11always b. 1ouud loySa tis oatm honesi onvie. tlo» ai! "-butl llerats oet lbmajor. ty, t(afrsema iantemtrs hali cer. Por t - bon.sly sud fairnees vith lb. f t ofWl l.l.rthInfdividuel or ll4e T <* *11b. oondacted la bthh ls týmcla7ioasund ltirsry deparnlma byua rnDie414hpové y> PL>hilsguoleou. fi w nêrsi :theum 00110-b il vii]> slatofa, adranlaga to lbe' movublp sud &Iaty Ihel Tma Navi ,Wilimotib a rebsehofeTaoento opinion, boutha b oelr*ry b. a Pick. arlng dià b, served lue by oeuty et Ou. larlwqoan, w andvoreS vwu Ontario TaPzowaar E ,Vin addrees ftefb.t'apiceal hhinge. Pick. lb. fieiobjecte llt qaeb4nO obereq1j* ot , , lb.,c1uuy. .A ô»Wý , -4 ula afaro . "At u e b'rriaievery day IAI a e &Pt te overlo te dangers attending i ans orSe» finS tee laie', thi a lever or Lung, irul iaayd 'ailAn hmadlo baS Boe>eoùer*i.Srw ta1eu il, cur Wou il b"v. reulted aalrebu frai a docter beau avoAdà ,. For ab u se tas cf tb. Throat andS Luugm Bohu'. GOfffn»2i1phbu roveuAiee o be' th. ov M me. A0 ~erf jearelis a long til».te loek iqck ucbt' wbec » attend*4 vA$aCOn." and anl Ihis pain-conu have been avol4ed f, Whon jour liver- couinenfed ta 'iroublé, ,fyu WbaStaken Dnrdock BlodSDi- re.6 Pri1, ~trial amse 10 Cents. Yen Have No Excuse. Have ytu» any excuse for sufierlng vlith lyspepoml or Liver - offlant ? Xa thera le da y omplaCig it h sou t omacli, Sckylda à Habtual Coutieeme pel. UjIton.cftlweRIà s, Ieat bure. Water-ý GanganS b rni g "st théb -ïPU ethéb. temch elo k esteS i Tonque,and dlagroable taate in thie a»oith Oomiu p c od g eta lowsapffla te., Io? Il lepeltlvely jour own faitdif. ta abeile utcf Geen'u Augumi Flover for 60 cents pour Cure las certain, but f yen Soubt " bi Sta mple Bth. for 10 cents anS *~y fi. Twodoses vIA relleve Yeu. Soe:hirag 8yri pSupcrceded. Dr. Fowlor'a Extraci utf wAIS Strèwberr Ala test rmedy fer infants teething, Is surs plessant anS riflte, anS Cure* pon«y&lforumof Bousél Complaints Fo Cd~ian ChoIera or Coliteaud rn ta t f ether eidren or sdulte- there sne rffneSy. Byanptenme iByspepsiser Indagestiou, a lb wvjfee l fnbreSiomacl i vtb s mi kt-Vee li~leat"bue, 0.eascx'% STearîcn 1MPbyleoli. m =»n As the :qriain B.medy for tht.sAdstres. alnCOM!X" Inlarge bottie4, ai 50c. W.R.H*~Wii, agent for Wbttby. izo mor etuîVe la4z.icrds>< te Thsy purlfy 4". Sytem asudcool 4h. DlooO !hey are uneS d I ao Sv tgçbFem -t Ag..iilt..l adrmge iey.ue, ai m0 osta. W. R. Hcwne Speclm Agent for Whttby. 1Dx. 0CAmoi's 8vOxUCU à », Oosx$'IP"lQ Brrraxa are Anevery smesof the.-wori a 1erthpfml eii.sdv r lSt FALL O'P ING- BERLiN -WOOL WORK1I t?:1 4. a-.. Arn L'~- -[ . À Totsandoprou nli"fa n;- e! crobeer oaatal *Mtu*aOTTAWA cit3 sAe, vlth uforn=cdtofite 01 Ti BetthvilAe 1utiIbS-Uappji1llo .obnotoa, Enq, Pa%y SeuM. _______________ T. B. PABDEE. CI N. VA .RS- S D elsDtore te Iceo-Ver ShnShhlfr stoe en.t., O"hava g Saee o ineef.» P. B.-I regft bavizwg ocaionte Inforu mj nuxercus COusteUhrs thAl -Ihereot ctrculsied y one FriSAhecu White Wvho for some tine vas coarneeted viii> me ln business) relative tue my Separturs froan ovia, aise that heobaS recured th. sole control oethle business are no$ tru ose lb. aheve adv"Srsemeni luliy ePlains,. To the public genermlly, fhem vhom I bave me cocuey »bMth"$ai sud peinit Me tu satisfaction n l& U tb.branches ofelb. u IÈ Proession. loehAVA. Aug. 19. 'W. G. N. VAlIS, 80. fort Whitby Elevator I ERR*ES ANiD BUYÃ8 D. GALRMIPE, Mdaagr 84U Pt. Wbtby ]Urber Co l.Cmhad. -ANDI--I FANC GODS!STOCK FAILM The LARGI48T sud FINRST stock el ilerlin Wool Wotk o-ver opeped An Whity, ionalsttng cr OTTOMANS,- BLIPPERSB BRiCRETS, TABLE DRAPERYS, ETOÉc, ETC. IN- FAN CY GOODS>, MRB. ALLIN,- Broui Bireel. hiey, sept. 251h, 1881. 4 MONTHLY SALE,? AT vax GLOBE HOTE"L, OROOKL (N. At tb. Solicfietion of eany Ifctua Fammers, I have beau InduceS te boia a sae, ai Usie Globe Hotel, Brecklfn1 for th. laesi S eres, Cail, Iiplients, B&0 a1 12 inec», sharp, - On TtIEuDAY, Ntoy. jet, 1881. AU~~tcs or aiubni entered fcr sae srtseego,,Âb w iii b i aa 8bu5subît.ui *otgfia bb. m , 1s ait tu laof lte ibeur te «M- ; g thes sales0011W 1. w, For Sale or' o- fient w ILL BE 90.D, OR RENTEZII;K> VVaterni o! leas that fine stock fan» 82 and 8 AnlbeP oCcessonCof lots TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY. Fine ahade for stock an v.rfailUag vater. Apply te-H.I0 UDsre.l Ferai," rola sept. 14th, 181 1.1 LIVERY STABLES,,. .Litvey usiesslaelpde Son 1b7 Eam Ilseurs.e. FARM FOR SALE!1 VrURA T 4ERDEFÂEM,' sawt . 1baui le Lt No. 4. 6cWu. cf Q1h. u et JoeAn,,oonttngof 100 ee wmvm aod oeuab = llaESHOLEEN. Es.b To w» -a nd -,ýPa8rk L.ots FOR.$~E 0FR BLOOX (Pire Lot&) Wue& cf Bpo lui£ UM. am. nom W*à kn occow m a Of SOU-Abu» bu of "rmlldutbdePAID à m tbe B"14 Pnmmumow Md d=tbu l"d to or= "jrw Md & promture OMM, 46M- tà Md tffl by b mubren dma- ýx P= fer Do $Mt= tjrun CM et tu vil h. iu viitby allai thle.m ofSS.lMay. Wiun =nWiucO¶~y te, nii receirsprompt sltutio. l. 7%d Gr&zg Ameriom BSReed/.. 00OUGHMS COLD8 A STÃŽLMA, GRA taera se: la SYRUP SRED ' g .a au fi&=utoiet=. pub l amiage 1sa Dseen e a F Abu- N~L you wsut the Be- etï [?,R- Fyoldi Wà nt'-th-eBe'st BELE'-DUMPINa- HORSE, Fyu wat the Be st MU , ýOPpERp qG%'P-o- RARE 7, oz, =1W théXt PI~o- kinde ôf lana- 'fyousnt à h ;1W -J'gZNGHRRW '-OTO THE-.-- OLD RULUBLE WRlfT-BY ýFOIJN-'DRY, WhJou4 4w, *WayOagot gpp fpaie-fr yomý .money, ~ê eeryoitç~o ouiid o gvçeyou the be# of-satiefaction. Yours respectfilly - - (51w BR N PTEON MN Fa'o. *r .l J=et rn TIN il; 3mt W-t ROOX-~ 3T., g*_etDoor South to -dames Johnstons a "Goldamlth's Hall" Has o2ened business in the above premises and is now *1) ~ erev.g to Tin, on is ma workman- e mme$0 onTI C~n r ?i~onable rates. ELECTRO-IqIITED GOODS of ý UPERIOR QLJALITY. Ail Icind»WstJaffled MTn, and Shoetlme ware 60mt»nly kept in stock. RXPý1IJj à -ohâpy and nestiy. Ail work guar- antoed sahaky or no pay. Americaa and Canadian GOAL QIL. Lamp Ohimney, Wiok, Br , 1879 - . J;W. BA&NT71 Oouty- Lqur 'toeWholesale and Retail, KING STREET, 0OSH fAWA. ,Just received for Chrie.tmas and the New Year, a large ,stock of WMNSan IUO l irect importation, compriing Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Scotch sud Irish Whiskeys, Bass' Aie, -sud ,Guinneeand Blood's porter. - GOwderbas à Wort'u celebrated 015 Ryc sud Malt Wiskey, tie boatinluthe ~ -.,..~à k~is'CsusisaiAieasudPorteranS Lager Beercandraft andin »bottle. The luff hasd t aasoried stock cf CIGARS in tic cou»»' 1 Portand 1»MWinas, cf supeirlerquaily. ai #5.00. *4.00, #8.00 and #2.50, par lauperial »oils. Naic Port anSdUery, *1L75 perale I $l; JWae.Robin aSaeneyBad.. »ve n ol. 81*2.5 parGalio . Try our oekbrted T6ddy WhIsbkey. the finest Whiskeyi the markot'$Opoe gaJior $5 per caieof one dozen R otties. lad bo n ~ru - 43t8n (oroto). Tayor at-(8.d., u Qarto)e n di , Ocgrr Sn (oo), nBTaylo Sct. Cf arnoe) qarta an drt, Aozn 5 p3.0o sud 15 erlon cs, se aRll usc n Sx»qat n v c LAGER MYER FOR WINTEIL USE, vm &Beaie o.e1>oale Bt@ern t$1.49 per doaan quarte, and, 751 Flcr in, -+ Prie.ssveint Goi Oi.Kiga TuAtee GrOlD@ adDese, ýW4sW *ca Uo*U*6re- Uiar Ale h, iý Doe go"aWater, emonBaSa cets par[ ~J~Y,~rt~a c a Wuan4trn. h. bà a dof 1h.Waen ana tIi esd c th. COrporaton Apy Oouny o1 Ontsýatio aeSl. t aieeiikth-Sayo e pia br,181. orntaen PO t iey upc» 4h. lande Mentioned la the fo1lowingl sl for ereus o li bereonan f=:er'et Ih Shan luxarx eSco~ r NOURSE, ,Me, thnoe mtnds, r oInferthA1e*hiti1t'il 6 Obl Zirsnmc.Agentw Courtio buSeande rhehaeoTown eti b. neomayfor thaxmes staim s Otober B&h, 1880. »EEME - D., 1881, st the heur cf TEX eclok in ,ho cs~e. HeOusemui.cott'saPt 8U BP 14 2o2s 20o 489 psan -A Villag Lot 18 Ncrth aide- ~,~lmcelPtINIW I North pari 14 Soutb-vemi part 8 Part North-eaut quarter 7 Broken 2 Broke n 4 North hIi U4 ]North bal18 IPart2bora.bhal 8 South halln Xort hbail 6 SL0haU12 Pari North hail 21 South half . 22 Part South halu 29 Nort hà »10 part pari ômaeI aa mnst tb18. FÂIRPORi. i 066 TROà A 6. 0 60 8274 BROCK. MARA. a -200 W, 67 6. -195 W2082 8 100 '14 71 10 100 29 28 10 100 40 66 il 100 810 il 100 18 87 il 1 426 12 100 1587 12 100 1688 12 1010 81 64 12 -100 81 64 12 100 46 87 12 S 178 1L2 100 18 28 12 20 80 25 18 100 2092 RAMlA Front Front Front A B B G E R L m 8878 80 6878 2757 14.14 1794 1651 18 98 a890 19.58 1826 1255 18 49 1469 1522 1522 -15,22 89 os Treaeurer's effiqe, Sept. 201h, 1881. J. B. 902 28 P il-e 2 07 478 PatenteS 2 15 8 Ji Ptn.Sa 982 56 PatenteS - 206 2 84 2-51 2 7 902 2 21 2 46 2 41 2 89 2 89 880 8 80 8 le 2 02 2 46 2 76 280 2 80 221 209 285 2 75 2969 2816 2 45 2-42 235 2 10 2 49 2 46 2 82 2S84 2 86 2 88 2 88 2,88 2 98 482 PatenteS 8 27 PatenteS 88 51 PatenteS 22 88 PatenteS 1708s un ateutea 82 02 PatenteS 43 68 PatenteS' 10 81 upatented 20 88 UnpatenteS 6 67 PatenteS 17 76 Unpatented 17 77 PatenteS 54 94 PatenteS 54 94 Pteuted 600 OS Pat'elteS 2 75 PatnteS 20 74 Unpatcnted 88 01 Patente 14 13 Patentea 14 18 patented 10 54 Patented 5 89 Patented- 80 68 Patented 82 .61 Patente5 Pabéteda- 20 88 ýunpe4Aoed 18 98 attentefi Id 85 Unptenedý -6-,e2 Unijatented, 20:72 Ptne 11071.Patee 15 ,88 Unipatented, 1695Uaamnd 17? 6W Unpateted, 17 60 paRtenbsjî 17 60 Unpbtented 42 01 ssantia 0.Treas.,OIr. ]ý arge Stockg and Low Priees" being _our motto. and, examine and beé couvinced, at" WBIBY-0.4 Brook-st. Ili & 118 Yonge-egt--TORONTO. MO NE Y:1MOBEYl! WE ARE 'PREPARED TO LOAN On -good mortgags, at L8 OTS F']QEIE Cailadsee us,,sud pay" off your old motgae;ta - are da i hil itorest, sand-, - Cali SAV -E 'Augmt rS,îé~: -HAT H& 0. 18 R-T JR l - . T.WILtya YOUIR MOEYÃŽl u-seivillaZ "'I TÉAi I'ÂREWELL aunera.- fratSon Ilotel-, Whithy. s J. R. FARReWBLL, County M4ESSRLS BTa DARRISTERS AT Law,~ Toronto. anS mosnt FAoeIu h C3-ed iTLG andoue aproiptly, lu The BEST POSS 'IBLE MANNER BARES &DEALERS,- sarpphaed wttb F]L OUR cd f1>. Beat quatitry ut L*Ov estrtes. FLOUE AÀND'ALL KmNs oF mili, Ellghomt Price paid for Wheat AT ALL TIlLS. for tbe patron agelbeetoore ru. geived, the Propriefw orhpels, by Btrict ai- tention te busiess, anS a Seterruinatien te Wnllevaie; lr ui m 8. -7Preplietor. OONZNSIDTIllE TABIE. Tslo ffseLon- MaylO-M, 1881. munie ceQômcxxx. LearmWbih, Sm ai . &W0.> . Arv ld a 12.4G" sou=. 14 ixva micor. lue. For detaofs lia..vieve W*l 18 , ILHIGI O..1,1881. fp lt$b uluit, per mnnt o-ne1r LaineRal.Pea M7 Orpais 0 or ade»it oiqltn NDUBTUM tIj~~ OIVING a Axa eJLr- rMt-N. PRO 'ERYÈFRS -D.L A.¶'8 October 28ià Loansneo 42-IY FUtýEX. uban ilol chargea 1 lu. 1-4. Part'W Pl Bama Iolma f i*qTýIMA.Li]E r-r 0 la wic 1 ý - 1