_ _ _IDA N.H. Hl GQGINBSt Athisprlitifli siablighmint, BBROOK STREET, WHLITByý. Forma - $1 60,,p Annum. t DVBTIUXBXS.-Ail Adveraia., aharged et the raté cf S cents, p«r lino, fin aorto,aud 2csnta,per lins, esoh aus.. of Meetnisertion.a Statmene o Baks, Riwa7 (lompaies, insurance Campantes, Cm&uidaaso! 1k. description wheupiamot N^Wa Mat. ter ton cents par lino. Specialcontracta muade wlth gadvor"ler iythe year, or othervise. . Ordera in dlsoontiuae advartlaemsts iuit hein writing. Susinesm Direotory. 014TARIO BANK, WHITBY BBA.NOHI, THOMÂS DOW, rAREWELL & RUWLEDGE, incers. Office frait door sonili cf the.Royal llotel, *hltby. JAMES IRUTLE3DGE, B. A. F. E. FIREWELL, L. L. B.,' Couuty Crowu Attoruey.- 48 MESSES IIITCHIE &BILLINOS BARRISTERS t& ATTORNEY- AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE NY d&C 'WI22 L t *> -W- C. H.RITCHIE, . Toronto. w;H. BILLINOS, Witby. O'I'TLLIVAN & P0ERDITE, I;ARIIISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLTO- ITORS, kOTARUES, &c., &c. OFFICES:-7'2 Venge Street, nextthOe Dominion Bank, anid Corner Ring and Yonge Streets, Toronto. 0. A. 1 SULLI VN. W. E. PERDUE. <ctobcr 23rd, 1880. ly.46 JAMES KEITU GORDON, B ARRISTER & ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor ln Chauc.ry, Conveya.nosr, Notary Public, &o. Offloi-Doindas St., fret door weeut of A.matrong's Hot.el. Money to Losu-Private funds-a-t low juteronst. J. HAMER GREENWOOD-, TTORNEY ANDI SOICITORl, CON- veaie.Notary Public, &o.-Posi Office Drawer No. 14, Whitby, Ont.. Ferma bonght and .old ; Marriage Settis- ments, WiUs and Trusts mades Specialties. Loams negtiated on ail kinda of Property. 42-ly JOIIN A. McGiLLIVRAY, (Successor to H. M. Howeil.> D>ABRISTER & ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, DJNotary Pnble, dc. Bolicitor for the Dominion Bank. Offlc.-Nert door te Mansion-Ronae, Umbridge, Ont. -26 CHRILES C. KELLER, ATTOBNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR 121 on, Bok n ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, SOLICITOR le Chancery and Inayoveey, Convsy. aner, dc., c LYMAN ENGLISH. L L. B., A ISTUR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN B Chanoery, Conveyauioer. &C., &c. Sim. ce Street, Oshawa. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&.., ATTORNBY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN1 A.dihancery, Convcyancer, &o. Omrc-In the Offi c oui o! the Post Office, in MoMIUna Block, Drock Street, Whitby. Iy-1O JOHN HALL DOW, BARISTER-AT-LAW, SOLIOlTOR Bin Chancery, Convoyancer, &-o. Office-Deveriil'o' Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONZT TO LBND-Prlvate Fonds - inmm pto¶800, st a low rats of li.- RBIINSON & XMENT, (LÂTs DuanÂs & Ronuxenu.) B ARRISTEUS-AT-LAW, A T-T O EN. sys, Solicitors, Couvoyancera, &o. OFFICB.-In Victoria Chambeas, No. 9, Victoria Street. J.G. Bonrat;&, M. à .HazîrAT. .BNKm. JPuO. G. KJCLLBY*.. ARRISTER-AT. LAW- BOLICITOR B in Chancery ndlmivenoy Convy. ancer, &c. O*oéae-Deverill'eBlýýBoc Street, Whltby, Ont. G. VOUN(G SMITH, IL;. B., B&BIÉTM, o. &o-M-neytoLosa Omiu-Over Dominion DanA, Whitby. Ibn. 22,1878. (tf-S JE. GALBRAITH, U.D., G RADUA.TE o! *Quoeu's adVictoria %--Univeraitiesm lember of thse Colege of Phyecias aud bnrgeon, Ontarlo. Orin-Brook-St.,- Wbltby, Ont., (thre dong ou of Royal Hotol). iy-46 E. J. GUSNN, 14. D., -1URGON TO BCOUNTT ýGAOL, BnnStreet, Wbltby.- Wse. MeDRIEN, XMD., JLR.C,B., irYs HOSPTALLONDON, ENO., the. sysR.B. . l . wav, Ontario. C A RD . DRt. I3OA.ET, Phystolan, Surgeon, .Acoucher, &o. c Wbit.by, Sept. 8OiR, 1874. do RUi. J. -M. DATreS, Neweaper m 4d verttiur ÀgAg : 1- Park Row (,rimes BUidîlpg>, ew ok, Slllbordlzed tu contreet for derrtse. maets la the CNC13ULE icI oui hist rates. W. A-DAMS) l»10 6, P. M. Rssdanco-COoy. o! Sx anid Glbert atreesa. C. N. v Ans, L.S Te sathrAe ôitn pa, sith o'ancVtblok, ov er tkno'Du< JOUX19eROUiNOri<VW JAIR DRB9SSINGal»mý à . Il B0Ton,-Brock St., Whutby.> J OUR OPEcN Rt za1fe.nDnAt A-. it'bu With calm Prmnted words, great. thoogh:s, VOL. XXV. WHITBY, PIROVINCE flOMMER01AL HOTEL and STABLES, %j ôt anafô66Jarvle-stiït,î Toante. .loHNirs iB, .. --. .PBOPPJBTOB. TIse beat $1.W a Day Hanvs.la là City, only tira biocoks rom thue Nortbere Deportndcose I ta tIse Market. Thse Rouselia sse eewiy Fitted out, and every-thing Vimai-cimes. 11747, RO INHOUS.-TORONTO, ONT. The Pameos otei c! Canada Refittet), Re!urntahed, and) Unrltalle). 2New Passon- gar ievator, oining niçht md day.The, on~frt-claisa oe n .amasaRg9 vi rc s -#2, $2.50, and $8 per day. em ors o!fClubs and nilers, delring rooma, vithoulboard,81to$2 ,r day. Pcb. 27tli, 878. Proprieter. fOYAL BOTELW1UTBY. TIse above hotol la, been thoroughly renovated and efuniaet, and ta nov on- der tho management o!flIEU. MACKIE, (fnrmerly o! St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope. Every attention p aid tc gueSsa. Eupecialy gond Sasuplo R coma for Com- merciai traveile. B IIHAMERICAN HOTEL, R A y 1a *(LATIE sOon soUBIar) WHIT.BY, ONTARIO. Rogue. nevly renevated and) furilaet) -trouglout, and) put la firet-clan order for tse reception o! gneeta. An omnibus te and) from aIl trains. Firet-cisas ample rooma. S HAKESPEARE MOTEL, Cor. Ring & Yorti-ste., Tomante, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY, - PBOPBIBTOR. Tzai,,t1-W mii DT. (tY-47) POST OFFICE* SALOON, TcooNio. M. meoTNNELL,. - -PBOPRIBTOB. r TES flIRT ACCOMMODATION .me for Gneata. (13 -471 o NARIO HOTEL, NT BaOCX-Si-Uiza, WHITBY. JAMES T. JEWPELL, Propricf or. <Late ni the. Nipisuing Hotel, Toronto.) Gond Liquors and Cigars. Commodiona Stabling. Firat-cises Livory Stable and IliUrd Parloor attacbed. ly-16 T IE QUEIIN'8 HOTEL, Ilioce STasET, Wnrzy. PHILIF McCÂNN. - .-Propricf or. Beat Liquors and Cigare. A wel sca- plied table. Airy bed-rooms. CoufortabLe stabling and large yard rnom. Charges moderate. -W8 CENTRAL HOUSE, OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. MeGAW,- Proprietor. Pirat-cls<s sccommodation. Bert Wines Liqoora and Cigars. Gond stabling &J~ attenives boslera 71 WHITBY HO USE DUNDÂS-ST, WHIITBY. The underaigned wonld intimaiste iRte pofi tat[le boepromises have been nelbotAt and fttdup throughnnt, for the a inx otin !gulte. Dest Wines, Liquors and Cigare. THE CREAU OF CANAA "-WALZ LAGER. Alzn pore Elhine Wine. Lager, Whole- sale and Betail. Boarders takers by the week oin moder- ate, terme. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Jeiy, 28tli 18W. 82- B LACIs HORSE MOTEL, Ce. FRONT & Au GuiSTIR., TORONTO. ALFREDOXFORD, . èno.Pà rzr'oB. (Lots of Wellington Hotel, Martiban.) TERMS, $1.00 PEU DAYT. Gond stabi- [ng for over 80 hotues. Firat.class accom- modation for flumenranmdth. travelling public in generai. 11Y-î MON EY TO LOANf ON EASY TERMS. Appty te- W. H. BILINGS, Solloibor. 10-if Wbiiby., -THOS. SLEIGH," flOUSE & SIGN P A IN TE R, -Cm nDov be font) t blé SRhop, TWO DOORS WEST OF ABM8ÃŽRONG'5 HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET. L AiUlais premîtby attendadtl. .M Whitby, April 141880..6 "GERRIE's CATTLE SPIC4î'" The Best in the Market 1 Large Boxes, 75c. - Srrall Boxes, 2z5c. FOR SALE BY Wu R. HOWSE, Corner (ly.16) Druçj Store,1 WHITBYJ ONTARIO. CHI NA H AL L, INSURANCE. SIONiN 0 I BI 10 (8.GIBTESED) 71 KING -S T. EAST TORONTO. ONTARIO FAR MERS' Fancy Breakfast snd Teà , Sets. MYulIsrac o>. Pancy Dinner and Dessert Sets. Pancy Bed-room Sets. HEAD OFFICE, BROCK-ST., Wm1TBY. PaIne oanmud Teapots. silver Plate&4d Roes, Foîke and epons. TrRIS COMPANY mnues Farm Build- Silvea Plated Cruets and Butter onea. ings, Conntry Churches, Selhool Silver Plsted cake Baskets. Ilouises, and their Contenta, at rate s 5 LOY R*da*I Radves and Forks. as those of any vweU-sstablished Comipany Te&:rysadServers. in Canada. - F ivusades for Lily's, &o., dm. Glssswae, au descriptions. JUST LOSSES ?ROMPTLT P&ID. White Stone ware, every kind. Hotel and Bar Gooa. * . B-BICIZEBLL, JOHN WILL1S, GLOVERHARRISON, Preuident. Vice-President. Importea. C. NOUBSE, SCZÀY Dominion Wood Works, WlbArlSh 88 1 WHITBY. pHe IR INUA E0. Gea. Cormnack, Lombard St. and Charing Cross, Londona. îSTABLISIED INc1782. 1 L UMBER MERCHANT & BIUILDER. -A large aupply oftBndersFurnlsh. GILLE SPIE, MOFFÂTT & CO.,1 inge, and ailkidndo of Twristed Moldinga, Aet o aaa Doora, Sash mand Bilnds. Aet o aaa LIUHER wholoe anmud retaîl, or by Ba. W. TIRE, 1 by the = r oaa. Manager, Montreal. AGENCT ESTABLISHEED IN CANA- Planiuig, Mouldinga of cvery dcscrup. - A D n1Mulmjalaiiyo tionFoinetu, Shelving, R' l the Stockholders, and laM Beserve aawing, Shaping, Turning. Scroll-work, Punas. Moderato rates of preulm. etc., etc. C. NOURSE, Whltby, Oct. 16th, 1878. -48 Agent, Whftby.r Whitby, April th, 1878. 1 ABsurance Company INCORPORATRD 1833. ASSE BTS8,. 11101878g4. maaegr. Inmnrances efecoted at tse lowest eurrent rates on Buildings, Merohandise, auid other propsrty, against lois or damage uy fie. Agent. wBitby. si Whitby, Ainl 9fth. 1m78. 18 ARtCH-ITECTURE!11t DRAWIIIG AND SPECIFICATION 0 te ?UMOULEBUILDING3S' P ~AINS NOLW CUPAU<PromPay profanadwith, vaew.to oomomy aMRM4fl CHURON AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A 'O 8PECU±Tly. .se Authrizd 0aita-82000#00 orreponenc R«pctfUy Sncfe a ~utoried apial 2,OOOO Crrspodeace espctfflySolchd. be OffSc, No. 72Chureh-8t., Toronto. . B. BARDER, Architeci, &o., di Osaaa, Ont b D1B B CTOIIB S.' --bc HOM. FRANK SMIT. Senaor, ProsMden t "ULPHiOLINE LGTION." UGENEO'ICEEFE,:Esq., Vice Priaident. An 5eia~nlcssa PATRICK IW6IIES,Es. W. T. KIELY,Ea. - JOHN FOY, Eq JAMES MASO*,- - nae l~Mouc og basait on origa gou sl rase o! inicret, sitand cnvn= ntbe 1 cf ze&:yanent. No commissin. Mouflag mi rn utana iulolpaI ebeutur- Io fete ahclars ppy10 - t A.A. PR A.a.posT, Ottho viR alyLagey Burlie 4 RCrHI1T EC T. *mqus for cburcbef, Ëuil&'à emitiegi Iernc LUMBER!_,LUMBER fT I 7l.n% ce"" = ccglrsnlSpu. fi JOLN 0-N1, tileuSCitrC5layb C., NEW Voux. LUMBER' MERCHÀ.NT,' w 1 1T YMONEY TO L Ras on haut) a large sUppiyof ah i steo!01U NVU Bama Lumber Bod, and 4ail nacaay Building Lumir. Pnine, BavaTimber, O FÂ BAL8 sud Scantiing, a laruge qunanty San Rend.ON'ELSTÉ I ,,arge ordeslu og -Blli BIc, .hedý ,rom Mlea athartnotice. ý- - Ai lovesi living raes cf la Doon, Saslisand Bllineailvawye on oc eawdsilu 1 baud. Mny5«rdwün1 .bty, May 7tR. 1877. î A-m - pUoaion FARMERS Wlib*uamy 1th18M~. Worklugmn, prof.ssbcAl mer4ana d opry . t- t caasquins aIt ta eaaia Enns-yer , omtij o ie tueo s Ystecad ani J30 seujeaca cea viii yteic j bo"Selplialinemauiv dapaant) commence cii ale ailThoy arc o good. naîtnd, orarnd ilao duE. Mr. Ceau. fui, though 1Icoonbs bave lisua toi fow thinga more à alulat te l m. s Min gloomy. 'Mât the Hoiqe always rail riot, takiog every-thing for gzà rae, and craeked their - oniveral aides b.- fore lie opened bis Mouth. -Th fsnit sud untiring indnatry1 mal advocste Peaces, Progreas, KFnowledg., Drotherhood. casions to man.wild, cansethero - ia no ýone 40.noticsem;ler 0F O TA L, lrJRn y, NOVEMBER 3, 1881. . NO. 46,J %'aom"e' o toaiiti M. an infai test ofo a min of goulus. Ibhetur taiMr. Babinglon Mecolaà Christophe. piower.wîth vhli h iruieî1 bis spirit -1I Hovever, ho did not leave Dacre at tbe main flot in Englmnd Whou it ceas. la [n be returned. If lie spesake aif as (Edmond Clarence Stedman, in thse(Cen- AnfIsd ar.-ti a rn Dar,' same tinme sArundel, but lingereti On. Os." volt as be çiriteil, -b.he ouse ,vil! biela tuly agazne fr Novinbe.) bov1b ted hlmIni1oh, - -it they JIUs afairs vamp farfmu- being aHeg. "ome mnd live at Hauteville, and fashion again. I fearihat -lie la one cf tnu Mgain fe Nvebe.>wie.liandte an al ,andti ard b erd ed. The Irish business gave gmpet b. er us ?" those Who, 11k. the, individuei l om lia '<Ring IHenri lu Ring Steplsen's peer, in aème fais fait),, at brme décide Ià t troubleanduthoiedterminedti iRrefori e 1 Hefaintly sied &S ha aai4; "No, limemont sidt, 4"viii give op tO Party Hia frox he old ost id uacae i , r Le =muai-sonquer; 1h, fait tuat. AI. reman.. no; any doom is fixait. Hauteville is vIsai vas mant'for maùn)" 01 iRem who hontea Tounitdovu; Fadylilsvaà pois Pieret)tht'crayon Il vus ridionlos te tali o! feeding atho lest Place tht Ishould-chocs. *for At acy raté, ho muet getl rid-of 'bis But wbat WaslIe,atbieSiave iRai avent tioatt, santi _- et'~open, that brestpassion vIsicl vas not9anmeptibia of my résidence, aeu if I remainod in rapidiiy. Ho drries nov on &Il subjece, Thse shambles, thon te peraseleapu? whiohhvst o l.pillov of--eU i inrase. IHem eooiety v a evon ; Engianti. flot I heatr the h6rsaa."' as if lho ertaiuly intended [telis a rme. Their counterfeit [n bronze a thlâg, hall!1 Ho moahedtela iueroan, sed lb.and lh. rosolvatbeiijoy Lt, aithongli le The impor tant lnighi ab tengîli erriv- gade,ccd vas doterancate lmalté the To mock,-or every inch a g g an a letior tu CirolineSt. Maurice ; vas-to b. .zpelled. As for hie bas obf et), or tathier the important mossenger, contrast complote. on San-Snnci's defiant Walbut lie coun fot w'rite, andti te aribi. foriuns, il gave him nrot a momenî'a vwho brought <love, express, s report Mr. Pool'is lbe modol of a ministor, Blis people samy, gsnst tIse sky, o at-bliug over a quima of paier,..ha ibrev c ame. WliÃ"he lie efait h.couldafmot cf its proieedings [ne Casaso Dacro. -end, tuprove s oua spoker; thougli. Chlsstepb,-a shapeie heighb f a lItshaots tu he ûdamée, ad determin- 'live l nglant), andi, aeon mined, 'lie -Nothing is more singuuer than Iho 11k. meut ofithe rosi, hi lefluent viii. Achic! who brookcd ne rivais nigli. cdalte rde op l onm.or* oî) i il or nMaisepine. ,vrosucoesof mon in 1h. Houie cf out the. lasi style. H. should, not gel Riglit vell ho aped the antique state, TheadimntrbailNioundatid. oidho Sa-bs ontinoed lier coin union, snokGmons.Floevi aebe ofe uapsin ueoi i o His birth was mean, bis hau as great; . elw h aeba ofe napsin ihr ri i o no azurqý filUd hie velnu -ihatemd bneet them ?- Ay 1 -mnat themil -Defy --day riaing vith porer feelings aen& a tb. oracles of coteries froan their-bjrti, eoj o get ont of one ab eo sity. Thse Afro torrent, bot ank- rail. them 1Insoit îhet.n1IHo de*eided more benovotsnî beat; escli day lmcre - Lat~ve gens ubrougli th.er 'gIar îs vetbapoogesmrcoyui i tn tb. diiiiug rootu. Ho.beérd fier Oonvineoedof bbe falgensea of bis-Puti Proese of goid modale,- senior wrmngi..candor-he kWiidoWaeli teairid c Ho buit fmi np ihe rmnntaia-aide musical and i qotvoices;,1h. ssqcvl existence, andi of tsepoaeibility of lieu, ehipe, muid double firet ,-who'î havo that. RH. eau muke À present of it ta A royal kecp, and wailelerond upon liw brov'meilted aay - 'bû*tý, pineas 10 a tvell.rsae d m -;e&bý nightly set dovo imit)- tumolinous Mr. Huesisson.ll The ramparis tovsrd ocoma frowned;- gioom jiud ailsrcneiristâ dt i oh hern n eâtn o'eie, nd-a Benemth, vithin thierock-hewn hbld, gloomy set). suent lie remainet),. Li9lbe ing,,pg.retIbm self-knovledge, andthé,be -arangue villi an unmoffid forebeà ati sance cf the vaine of knovlsdge,-h Hhem d a mnnarch'a reofgold. ha spolie,, anti that 11111e. - amcyprfsaeso lcoaqatl h d.adan oefaitericg voice, (rom.on. ami mintaina&min -under ailticantn Ho m=ebis nobles [n a liaitb courteous, But Arundei ba) noolivelapain of feelings vhac eh r l.efatue tbe etiltbr-voon ces anti ait t)iedvantages, anti viii. I Hoe hold [he power c! Ille and deaih; toe v., LeWuat lb. hea Oof thb pet.onty true source oc f -gratificatiin111ioccasion. have' somelbing,,te -By, -anf pot acre nov,:if I voesking-whplich And bore thmongb torrit) yeare hh. mi.d eli e<anighibe. R[nry After st Ilf H aoumnetover the epporlueities anti ho.OCen speali vitl fluency on, Ihani ed, I ami nul.,,beomue I-shoolt Thse Baytian horde,--a deepot klng,- oldit) allast)Young' iio*ç,, eurwyvicbho b.d fofiteti of . oenduuqieg bo' vliat.h iakuiov nothcg aboui-o,t-n hen lispuevontetfrom-being- lb.mosi MccedEumpes mp-'-he mnios ichra ani omupt come r thé happinees cf alliera -ant'hi ief..tsdr- r- uit* los, ia leudutiful cf aubjécte, wsable, ibank Goaot) schooied Bparkle it) bt'fitsis Sm omW' Pldsrsté. are svny ;abdl s faaea amib. *se Soetimas hlelhait resoiveui ho raauseldsreta.Ail ieir affropýtery-Ia7,Ia nteue a-iIw Tou trae dher dukperboy vin,- at'the tribots Of tsédulie, antis tributsa je fglant) and) devota hiansif [n bis uneles. Commaupt.. !doea ae ton-, os.gacosmajea-4y-.anti -the Te t aehidkRe d srnavinaRiFassoldae pît).We-tm; bt tpassion blindeti him, set) dareti aveu more unfntormeslig ly.anon. prisent csbluei coelt -bot go on, I - am TUposnt) îele draand goY fali l' Yeuare flot well 111 sait) KissDadra lie toit that hliae red tuefaeear te otenous delivemy; sud) eenlyalte asnoI sure Ihat 1 shou1i4 sent)for Mr. Close te the ihreehald vhore le atroda. te bila in "À oZ ede.e 'Le ri ght mmd. a veu boles &aein'- thoue 'saoued aeHusk«sou. - .." Rlive ma,"seve shaout. Re élection for vhioh ArunelaDe- tu e ridiaulous, neo noappeamarnord "lueakiaônl1" I aîhoùldl-say, -"the -And) nov tIsa Block must exit malte, ly. -ors sas a acandidats came on. EBach.tboroogbly av*are cf hîouiexpeaiti ai- uk& env 'ilo n oner f e Aà ciavenaut thse last, t ley By; "Yen doot »eom uite 80," selle eday the state-of tii.poliarrivot). Il a uocdctafcecesImîe rtr1ko'cp,,wbp tnou m l ongehr.kIfye b Nqot go-Cbrlstephe hà e cve viiltae, pied, vitlià an air of surprise. nearby equal 1 t a .bsh. Thair agita- hianseif. Honrgains bs seat, bt mid - e ore Soalihionu, anti ne more ex- E., ho long unvonteil Ramais way. <IlaioeIlst4a6 , invs ar-î, o o ot b-1 " ~ ~ .' bt 1111o 1 Ho 1 crict ieh, "iRe day ta dons, tenwuterbl, utfrh."n _ dovu ititIRe mpiesuit h. ea)v Illhaveéy lttà a r di- eepmorifulo g n auhe har, u anu ailsti.., Wlta buulng ptauaqonu. I-aveno idon 0et ieflit And 1 go w ihteto io u " lertre v eyltl oeord-ýe otfcto hioli ti.y expor. cheok ama an Loy bha, repre ,saeg-his estlte of tlo'realià lbmviâagiaîn-b de A pistoi-sIot-no aiguof fesi,- mlity. 8h. did sot »gain »eak, bul lencéet ithe annonosment ot kis, de. breath leas t shoui, treva vlier ncef n lb. dty. cf ,lhe ivo .Otlias. If. yeu Se <iedChrstoh. o a eor ab va evlent~' cnoed.feat. Le isiket) te lb. publia tory existence cf vhicli&La.mnet),.and -have a partyi_.tobenougb, 700 sae lioldly of petitioniug, antid a etinycehn hiefilg 'a ' ple.ûc-have afairtL- , >Youeti nemt Spaak, T HE Y OU NG DUOK E. CÂTRLXIII. oatultimate sucoae ;.-bot h. lot theanmmy s.cretly convinc4 hlm ta elias a *proeuLLncen-ia i e the xi There out&Winyà e dauk ielight in knPv privately ual R.oliatino intention coitas compieiely annËiiatètbis stupitir on. Wh'en yon bavao aken à a-bottis b.ing aiaersbe-.& sort cf atuange selle-of the fluet and nu chance cf île second. lbody asIe falis. repula'ion. --of lbock, vw :51,1?ge..-little Imuth-ool (i orl ala !ot~isUB.) faction Lu being lavage, vhicli laune. Ee m secut oonceal bis Ountseother bantil persona - hoin-cf you" BT BENJAMIUN DISRAELI, EARL Or BEACONS. cuamonby ù t 1ug"'- On. cf -thedeaptilsppomîmeunt; bel May vas tleévmea hve lonTdepluet), nti le- - FIL, L.Effs out pesta of My phasophy ii, blisi quite.Le desair. .Even if ber fstht)u mon- leug pitieti as living »ne 'Imanl- -- Tf Ooies) t-- - mIEL», LO. ý-À çan ne longer lbe aulien, - "a m onît) tidfietimens e aeuriug him a Bsat ner," vWho bltuffb Wb.nyen 5peik htiulm iebî ta ve:a~a ai -do]yti Eregret WI& To -wd Ã"oer an t iane,1h. preset grealoppor. ibean, anti bluntier Whoulien 107 pe5th gul bsrvi.. t a et whbu: boMan CHPTRLXI msuytofmt. yusatibl ier fluy a ot.utyu Sedll jmpu i-htO .hiair-pins or,&agum, eLeq fortl. baby, ht TieDuk cfSIJams bt, îs l-not a kingla being ws alecres fer uu "Sereliý vs auimatie' somsarrange. viti a selt.coeýfitencs, sahich ta only books &bout san- bimee-aezbIgqÀ when TheDuie f t, ams bd;on isexiasece, s"at)ot aesigiecircuanstance00Meni for cari sessionIlsaidt)hei.dua, equaled bytelu consommai. aliility. e-lunke l -b la.br fo .r aUille' arril a aDacre, aoon obsouvedthéli&C atie ktht existence deairaîbe :-oh v prlgboue tu lier. .'an 't itva sii AuotaliD4ore. e Hbtesoo h veuy consate correspondance Wvabilis led.wâld-vwithery ia it, vhich I "RI a o o;s anch tieçentiet)rose t.efirit night, that lie tti lis " 9'oadbilnfrU.aonbaake znaintmined hetveen Miss Decreand doolil vbethor opium enu eacb, ant I îopen titis. Il le net nirely lia taklcg Béat, a gréât disatage, of wbiewhno'> Hs a. B assyin - "A btpesmly col- lier cousin. Thora vas no attempt tuiam suie ltai vine cannat. -- a part Le tht-debate,'boit-bul-Amun. one vas more sensible Ib m aseif, umn cf amok.f-Ue *îW2s.in coticeai tIse (ici frenmy of tha guee, Aod tse dclt 1 Le aoon -leait. he le*1 is , .anti erytbing vas stali- antifor bye houe atia 4 lt hielir- phere ises.nnbrok>rt boven,#ut), su and as that Young gentieman vasnovoaci.mut)nd esphev tn Iheir mie§rable s etupn Ibis. I osenot bat e»ou viii anguet te flilesi Houa. tlîha t) oer i hà rt iseaB- bu fliiisi' As -thblueu engagea)in mn affair interesting tealahispéculations about the abats te P b.) O pU, etupon il. Ho vinl bave Ecg- been asembiet) ilibiesb.pseslû brok mnu asfbithrser eUt Rais fins evryuagrhlosllyacn- mt an'tihibis ullen vmy, vibh thé air of let) ieliy.of an habituaidbtr-Hecic~si eyaoul..neuasya,eb ees." laicge th ore Mpaugrsmatas ierfiAjax, to the otuae.Larej lie stalkjti She didt) a tierpt tn cocceailiesr argument, anti --sbl um inoedtlBj) h 'er.-oo taw'r eang10 iRe M acoinglrt) a oe. oif ngina ses. revario ; aied ) hyagitation. Tha duke rac,,eut) pacet) migbt bave bean -expectet) frei n eagagèti, lWylalc e ntoms" mt iilvamcotLlyea)ant.ho bail bac bhotu ; vby hl ie tt ull. rO una éaitesacircetloua lsmovet). wbo bailt)hb eputation cf baIng. beeil ý1,ý - - .-'r.1, Mr. Arundel Dacre vas candidate for die ;vliy ho abroltilivo, amutgo - o.,A ogbt bat) auddenly fiashet) upion a aud.nî. Wbe via more vwo nde -T hit t; ý artsId Iir et tIRe the vacant représentation of a tesan LiaC8 J à Leba) en tin Hie voanet) pute, sabicli bat) ie. i.Their marriege doubties depei- a» a, thé vilbering aima-hhh asI. sqiau!f ara moi, !airly gol bbe maebemy, andt e-.ei' pnRssccno okevams- et) imoomi5 lb uLlaqt salies ot vi -asnht <ibdrsamiy46oIllÈ 4re palitet) Leis vieva an the bomougli egt tstfra nuleo oe.tn !AnaelDoe nisthat RI lse li ii h uR lireoi _b, u lsel. ssaa'-bo;tà about ici lie bat) melurnedt)e[nEcg. vlie îî e(ecein m oacuvily. R era.ot HqDevas sonvinceti of lteé buoth attiies cf humorlluht dmovned ail opIpo. 6tetBp> at)uI.rati-- lied, bot ho bat) bean ncvorthelea Pur- b1lmlied lu dti lob6 he aliebu o!hiespiio.Bîtiier- le nepb. iin nibeviiid-wu, ote.- .huuiPE.i xotkd 4 enaded by his cousin tu romain in bliaeolf beforle. u v. î. volt ntdam rhut)ntlle at) ileaanti nvîe 11030gum2a'saihlts abhsois k ue( AP neuive ceuntry, During Ibis parlot) bho!OfRaI Rumiliation", aud o! every*, a carvst) out bis ovn, fortunes,orbîisprioceu- nnoncet) n rocks,_ bui aùdti ortin*t) lbk -nui.a "at beau a groa eal staICaile DaqMp, ý sh0' ùn c Utliva .Isucat.ia dI027eOti t.cn vlhR.-pcvt- eb pmoale and but) becme anusi mrh lma ecug h .aUerfr,1 .dltl*achof onent. Y, ïk bti~lvr a toaesncli a tefnphnhl d. e- a? ormmlm* le- anti unreserted saill isnlebsaI o O. posvengeance, va1lâ& luîansalflnîo Ilvasu tt.Athnt hna 4, hs4bùt, anti, s a, âhono! gamele uo < bi- L . iu' R 1. wic- iI someth thi e i.gateat slsato ieiin aso OtOrt allieulypuitid" o.pu_ rôral k -quno. b.ans a!5.,ûiu feling, dont~ tRis chmage Le bis clismier, mt l5 nt-avvt mi )floh i ~ Yethe hatasenà ennogievig gL4CiudeadAmet. the 'long anti reneveé d no apporîonity cf obsemving >ant ian. Rabt) ler.- Aus fer him, mà oiaf atl~ a thbuan hogil.-chieracd both partie&.'-8~e~' creaaing the. confidence for sahiahho eha abpit RIute a r iî,U. - TeIs,ElueoLeUi c)thé ë gal 'fin V lied se long unataiiingby peamnet), anti U thrte oHovtg. <WhElqncea'liti91-ful ~il whlch vas ncv au0uexpectue4yrmoger- lianm ut" ixcocc lLV a i voieanelWrghI ai mà 8 1 Titi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l 4oogifrshc mne m i adffOnt relation >t0euh Otber.. A«oèherforiuight glide&avsy,aE Confusion an&o1ütiy aremitobnfln. tka$"L Il as dath hn h. ouht lý'. hýlie vas alaI bthe sssla, Mthbe con. o tcuésdWficeriw h uftaf are vas about bu "ati as ian.se,-, Paot auigblesieani:boVa- 'à ooHwmsshe~i B f* m county in vhioh hae famnLbhâd neouoe;lnhi eeiue)el-.MyDr.- : --sot iprpabhfia=givi tet.D eprmty. mut) vemy alight conolon. b.e cowect, ami maseiie tue sh inaaeif zIl le breAkf"ti;'>i. he:; evsaûtis te e'crciiertomans le azaougfl aba ls 1.1aI boplae l. athlo etmes Ut oa~uIau sun ofe tbelru muaul liveuing tlt è$e-btôMr. Damcr. loeasawil daeont iliva tl,Abtio.- ppjdf ars ireg ationlII ut h. sullots, ao hé,i W e upr the bdravb>gi. htrsiimops51 sycu exténd nese, and- Ebenlliôd ecnjwihr'tob-t Whigiednienae lho vituroi., -isa-te. ran. AtIuean e t !Iis tory saei Y0=1bnt frmLha-of & nitruai;,quleso. Tlaêy "e ters,. cf -tolr .thiï-t , du t eeiasa ambmc~ie parbanntu. Dacu. atiArundeuil vod'andi uicaivo yonr talortu bil11 t Eow týibjeect, Knà aio e - aIuatr b-t-g id. ttr MqîLZ- . rou, i al ntifran euy lins e~ aîig la Lesep conversuate ot ohe'prov<thingiy, slowara çiost domuestlo ôouaaeaM ManttiiinMisu usm, as ovgretl heghenai 3'ait Miss Wre at's table, ueat)lng. ThechciefÃains Lu :lhanXlOa'8operuhion.i t wLfacta boutc-renlbsivsi -me .aÃŽ* a > h' lpron Cîcfb.lin débat@.Atean bdulie select a chair- vitbepl bootilngsil Tbey trtohbe -latters a vr i s-E.ver;-agre saIR pueviolte OSes intitSIOII.il" Z c.et)LeCelbolo debae. ~ liem, tragge l t4ag 101he fire.pheose, anti pside)ant)dov .rhgconfoae, saoul o! ont i ovmindi. -Temale iceho - sanca ofttee wvae bbd bourietito A hr aighmlwt i rameaea&iot rtnlk bm Voulishire fou fourmtant b oi,%ramsai hmslsltIius neaimairor;prtn),lk hn-ssfe.,av niât, ful' otmi '. a"a. '~~A~- o i ea r pa t o b s yav a a Ut. ., I s- el t o n îél tnf er - an t, i e- a poll eon,ot u de lap r l l b l fb i f nk e ,and t u-ho laioun ealv s - w e nMet b . bà LuraL ÃS be S 't- ; 9 roabiiyo!fbis cadncas; In ne. the &stcingli-e aeti le aolndlte itstIbeoriniheilaTi erosa'i M.ec~>rhî L8~ Sas aivere IgrcmttY inueist4-u Raa s o taien o! théias tent)otiaafriently admnonition,bhe -Lgfrlthwrioga-u. fbýcb~o01w s, ber '- - boihhLtetsi.~btvoi ~ Dôealutsla)pasi, sln.- ncnaawniLvig&s!tpit.no 4 bu;tjnmo~ - p lIer' aubodocntumhoenptsat leuit mot- e....n .e.o -- auwil sli evaathwleh betuae.iher ý ece elns Hmj- tei.pac onbyu me euLaTouihré. saIe *as -anuahic ae nysi mi bv uthe)ol,r asIte - >ody -asgreeoht) I arry Maii ke yoed lie lectLen merely bu lier lëminu., 1:t 4ing bageanti-unrivaibeti poeof aaniperinh-biae l ie- at) -ocm4ý 1tta, ab, 8ie le quio ssU, ut)-,& "fTG Y li iRa Ret the las. DO. .1? uap TIME TABLE. May 80h, lmi. Mre sot,. IONS. bysti Toron Muos ROLDEI maeagteg DtAM AMR Lrpa on "titessb ve« oning ah 7M 'dock, on arrVia 57v tgil IMtra b aPni aI, Rocheat« ai te Ith lLak ly t0 D,, PeutHoLps, lad ta penstov %ame ré iir frieni