Whitby Chronicle, 10 Nov 1881, p. 2

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1882- -J. B. thia Day. eota..4hea4 nain, - Re)enbse-n h li~ >. o r 1 8 8 ~ & le ofl cf (iWixntoek, lmpiementé, eoe., li 9. 924r-oken Pron1, Pler, on wbuw ý, xv, lth, 881.L. air. houko4, uotionssr.' .ONLY i 3oPER ANNUM. Whltby, Thursday, Nov. 10, 1881. Ontario Sault LUne, ANNUAL MEETING, The stjournei aunuai meeting ol tis siarebeltiere of lie Ontario Saull 81.. Marie Compsny vas heit on Weàd esti n Toronto. Fie cuair vas tak. en b>.thue President, Mi. J. D. Ethibi sud amouget lie aliareiciders proeni voesMassue. William Gooeiebm, Prasîteul Foronto and. Niptssiug Bail- wa>.; George A. Cax, Prealaotu Mid- aut RAjlvay ; Robert JafMmyJ. C0 Miller, M.PP., Ait. Byse, K. Ciisbib M.PP., anti J. M. Pennen, M.PP. uoucet la laut -veek'm CalomeCLE, vs pp th le tevu hall, on Mcntsy .veuulgil, b>. Aexander Caufuan, suppott by au sxcelilsnttroupe.- Wlteul alteptphig àa duîmtie cr111- alikmo! lbipla>., vu fou lundut>. bount teO sa>, tiat lie fusaI piée.oe acting uver prestet te sWbitby audiience, VA ývsunon liaIuveing. Mn. COse muntlaie artiste of iigh menit, sud bau ehouen te support hlm a àconpsu>.-in viu, uoer>. acter besmna apeolhi> dl ted fox, lt.e patt ho le caloti upon te pli>.. Qvng t101h. tlshguasbi vos- liai prsvslllag, lie audience vas nel e large e-ne, allicuigiil vaa a bigil>. Sp, preàa&iatuoee, sut enhret mIe- lie plat o! lb. puà aimeoul viti liai sat of lis l~lae4e-auliuv:aate Wbtij under lité~uim[asse( M . J. CCotinera, of tboRoyal QOeia Houa., Toronto, vie repen»t liaipneùtseuolsin,as far As id. vino,t hob est sien oieneed Atthie -Fhé, cable anonoue e dsethieh Venérsble ArohbishopofTuan, Ireiand, thge mauI flou. John VMeHah. BuEviw hem in 1791, at Tnbhinnailee, àMapo. R esn> da"Dcah l »oas 'vodulut as i.bi1ha «i tenvaniis-lutiet aI Mapucli, fie' uebueica. Leture sutPefaoef VDpgmalo Tlisloy. appint ,it l soup-* $ion 0 wéndsoW.0Pand a afuesMsd 4na»64 aeoeid ,Diii N»>.As Areha. bbipfTOMsu. Kevawlty kne-vn sas s vmterMa poellIleal àu t roî.r. sIeoi Soui~Je. *sutad6,pmeah.- th a alo- aryof.r.U-« U M otin al*.ssna(usmut oe f'esit U"la oi là fié qKoalac&eus go' up r vas villam lias YiPu0n ai> t 'a. Min.,lait laospoq&@ pow bla.lula atlmouua01 200, sud bas fin. Mores, mila, vork. uhepote. de! ai bet, snd leneasua fut. At Wigelpog hle mat nearl>. :à lasWltltby people setdlb.>. oxpranet liuiues woin sillafla. Piton Ie. tendu relureinggoethie North-Weel nexl Febman>.. Oar a.ecomplotlonecf contracl 15, CanadaPacifIe Râliva>, a grant -de. ',noatablu vas D enb>.thée SUi, cetuietora, forme, drivera, ateun. shovsi minéani lien le to héhuuel tentenl t ocnsle-tltoe, At thi.Ritout Hons., au ortage. A pmnltioný vas mate ef a seui>. pfrgnu,&Umluneas trou . B.Dealdo-nhBe, winnuogk. ainluBroya & Pattérson fentu>. for li pt o5pafa, id t Ibis uealtece oena %a>i afhenulut, mter a ahort ilUau.R, Hu vA smunier cf lie Kouadiers'U"i-; lue issuves a lange famul>. q ouamu Io"a. -T '7=8 t. 'aae,0 of ýjames Bol. teu, Eag., was-paoohol.thie Melie- - neWpaMcuat» o s PM i lieb'ès, cf 'Ail B' si anrcrj jjb, uailu-ela ip004ware là be pa~ueit sudet tiusktuaio en»>. ýýnuaet; lvii 0 ob"déIýiq $areu~aup - ~ ~~~~~ llm pae- i-,seeu wh4,Xi iilasqw innysgs Bock tNotices- hava beau abovu tous, -andti îioôe b9sl"Maull fGth vsrnm et Vauda, anti v. venture to prediel 111mb lie près eut pubiieston wili Inerpase bis reput*- lion. - Ânstsne iUhe revision of lie difféentulchsptbru is sekuovietigeti frein aiversi cf tleaesuof the Ou. lana-Be, froun bie,ibsuanthle repula- lion cf lh. learnet autior, Il nMay veli hoebellevet iahle bock vil be a trust- voty guide te the mysleries ofccuvsy- sueiug. -- eLvssLuvNo 'É.-Tha numbera ci The Living Aga fer October 29, abt November 5conîanWoruy Nineteenth Century;.Tii. Future cf islam, Fort- nightly ; Tis Lellers of Goethe'e Moti- >on, hifé lu Mediauvai Veule., andt e conclusion cf Mary Soionevalt, sasltidy inuPropbecy, Fraeer* Carie Goltoni, Blaclewood; Inaugral Attss ah lie -Jubiee Meeting -cf ieh «Bitish Associ- ation by Sir Jouit Lunocux, Nature ; My troubles il ussia. Chaambers' Jour.. na, Sui ilk Groving lu Burma, St. James Gasetto; Veina by BScot, MAheuuoum; Eieohuuity lu lie Tierapeutiescf the Ancients, Me-afici Preos andi Cirouar; viti an instalmeut cf "Fie ri rea," lie f conclusion of -Iu trust," sudthli usual *ameuntecf poetry. Por fifly-tvo numbeus cf ixly-four large pages esci (or more than 8,800 pages a yesr), thie ubeription priae <$8) ls 1ev ; vile fer bI0.50 the publishier offer te sent auj eue cf thieAmerluan $4 menthlies on weekiiea vii h heLiv- ing Age fer ars, hoth postpaid. Lit- hll & Ce., Boston, sue lb. pubisiors. Tuis Fias? NUEDER tou 'Tas e6î. TUET MoAzIN.-Withi tbaNovemier numben, 5Buaeu's MoNTaLi takea au ils now name. Tie fuIrifeature tle stîrsel attention is lie frontispi oprtraîl cf George ElioI, vieb is puilicti hirougi TEEc CuNTvuairMacAzr by ua. Cros famiy, andtihle cul yoee by vbibh lb.>. désirs lâ iat e ubeuit be kuovu to postenlt,itz lis-iksnsss anti ati. enticityieling voxtcbed for. Il pimsents lie full faee-a strong sud adéquate tiongi iuy ne moins a cemely counlen- a&uoe. M., Cross dasireasilte be kuovu liaI ne cher portrait indonoedbthb. fsmily bas been orviii b. publisheti. Tb. sugraving in mate b>. Mr. J. H. B. Whitney, frein tie piste vbloh lie dis. tinguishea FPunch etcher, Rtajon, bas réceiîly matie, ou-,a commission freni Mri. Cross, uftertho a rton crayonireun 1f.. Thia andthlb. cher eistiug pou- traité are lie subjeet cf s short sceount lu Ibis number, te vilci also Mr. Prêt. iuiek W. H. Myere centributes a tioli- este piae o f vrlliug about the. intimaIs life cf George EliloI-bar ciarach.er, sudt ber moisi, religions, anti pioaopiical beliets, viii snecdotes,-& papor liaI viii intenest evemj redter cf ien bocks. The Decîmber number l he in large par ail mémorisl cf Dr. Holand anti cf Preeident Gardoîtd.-Itlliiappeau itev. ti, thie day lhe latter vouit have bee flfly yeara oit, sut viii cen- lena portrslbeof ssci by 'Coe, vui mattial of unusuil Interest regsrttng both. Mr. -HcveUl'snov novai, 19A --Modern lnelanoo," vIl baglu in tuae uuqumbir nd ut-tiena vilieha sernai Ps-, per of aivoinlure or cfaà curions char- acter. Mantobs'a Riglais. Dlseiisatu lattIera oce insuma- léu position ssie Fievuuco! tie Do- iale- e, lieEensou Internaional sasys--"No llong ago lm obtiluet se u4téas4cu - e-ni Leedarin antifoir wib vester gilfeaà, but vili Ibisàe:» tensiotué, cam a ,expuilture lu- eeýinetniuate viii usiant no Ie. croies'et pnlulle ou r'ione cession cf ligi tuleier tu e nsila us te carry ou lb. Ineroe re z niiuo! Goîsuntu sut Legisîsînra. Fie limestaIvilci ve shouit baie oui' "Exclusive Cduali- lulîcua" la curselves bas airivet. Wïl are usither savage., uer innatice, uer infants, uer scical obiltiren, nor igpor. amuses, uer border ruffians, but Biisia =ujet, iu a Dominion colon>. asklng' fo lon g noctieselat ve us>.be par- mitte to, l fel liai vi au. c, utgnovu rupige-.antibaue reacheti car major. ays a àProuinca,'- Andtihée Neluenule Mountaineer Oaya #-,IWO areéa loyal people, anti a long anffeing people, anti ve terni mue-i elrongon lise lie people ta!flte mateun provinces fielli aI Ibsue le spossible gloiîoue fu4ture ton Canada; -but v.a ise fui lit a r e mnot reiteà tl anldse Iwo semelimes fer lierea osausis approaching. Ti. pro-vincease-f lie Dominion muai ho piseutou au iquai footing, on the cannelbchi amoe ilicuf hbarmen y otioneaiprosperut> e-ue b ioktfor. leIn bi atster cf publie- laudas, se-hiaembar o! lie Confoteration muai coutrol ils ovu publie landi, orthie Dominion muet coutiol S». A coniiraticu cf aix le roi atbyraulme bruassevînti la 100 aeiaelei us su rngeinltegohi long telerated b>.a!froe peopi' PansNuno..~AsMu. W. M. Me- MlienthiesBuerlteptaul cf titi Job DopartmoMal cf iiiGbe Puinting Co., Feresaole-<cmsuly Of Hsmilton, isèhtouil le- *îovilus prootioal ma-;qer li s Ïéem for blzà. Fb.>. prosuept hlm- Pieol loca. oootpayfg It via ainton behualf et tiii vcrkmen b>. M. -DI. IMDoudi à&M. Meilun vie *as mneb safitedi, nepiea ,!la tas tiag lauguigu. H.econclu4sW b>.ry lumnla iLahas <'os lihalit ,ref.nene- 840 hie ittra te-buthé uil>. Lîb'o cseoi'8.e Quenoit e tù&Iiùhcudsôpinpn o - e-ehe iole ë.are vr>Y i I e ,oan~alfsMs "isea.N6ou leuitld bas sp.' vevié as 'n - enen useV. r. U>vr liprpby, vhi i teu acocitijl i.1 éaaa ecntuuing lie Ciaspeu rail' lai uebe WuI b.tle reinutéenl M~,Camhscu4e ie aierSou D.A Roe buouesist' lit e eae Qnsbe Ce-ulp n-seilut efill.basti Weed.Mt iiineebr,"nl Ju.e laBn.,"fO,. n nvuul u .2e~l ei n -2 g or the soûncil ibis vnlg P.sont, EHie Wotship lie Mhye;r u i te chir,) Rsev ampbell, .fart, Wesley, Nndrse, Hannxme'Dankm- q' Fox and Blow. Miaulas cfi'oaislnlg roasu p Spreei ÀA 50LDInG ?BOX TmS MATOS. Mayor Bilfinga seissd lit.e ppertuul- ty, isioesgclng on viti furlier busi- nnssof Lb.e oincii, Le £&Y LiaI eveiY day complainta vers madetie e ini cf tie diagiaceful slateocf-Lb. streetsef lb. looh. Inuet au ne&t ioul cause; oui froulstnreel net being dl for piga 10 Pae& lireugi. '-sbat pase t tongIl the varions wards sud féond that lie members vers net deing heu duly.- lu frcnl cf bis ove pîslaceeevma dangereus.bol. in tb. reati, auy, dam- âge causei by wviehL.ecuneil mugit be boit reaponsible- 'fer. Pétitions batibeen sent iluto the councilsasking forth lidng cf draineansd resa,sud tliine atonhien hati been psldt10 le ipatter. Wby are net tie mambers iaviug tisse malieft in charte, imore active ? Wbat do tiey mesur coula not a man bit seul aronnd le Ili up lies. matters t? Hs enît ldsak lieleik 10 -ead lie communications le tielconu- cil sent lu at tlentl Ivo meetings, in refereuce ho bad drainage andi bati roatia. The cocnoil muet lake action oni Ibis malter ho-night. The. membera mnst net thiok Ibis a mesmalt-eu cf play; lie cauncil shoulti oct adjounIbis eveuing vithont haking aoine definite action in lie malter. Hé. liiev tie vbole isspousibulty upon Ibem. The cierk reati over lie pelilions as asketi by lie Mayor, pariculais of viicihbave already been given lu tiese comumua. COMMUN<ICATIONS. Promn J. Diii, reeve of Braosbriilge, asking relief fer lie auffers by tie Muskcka bush flues. From Fred Mutige caiiing abttention la hisefermer peliticu re drain. FreinG. Y. Smith, uotifying the cancil cf s drain auaptylng lu Iront cf Jutige Daîtueil'a resdeucoe, being choit- eti up a uti danaagng prop.rhy ai lie reaitieubscf Misère. Till andi Abrams. Frein J. H. Greonvooti, aaking for lie opsang cf à strset, fronlîng cn vbici, . is puîîing up a dvelling. RELIE. Dr. Bogart brougil lun a report of lb. relief bommittee, reicommeudiug psy- ment cf lie acconnie cf J. B. Powell, 810,26 ; Dr. Gnn 11,75; Rose Bics., $1 ; L. Houck 06 ; Wm. Burns $2,25 ; Mua. Stafford $1,50; Bleue k7Balrt 88 centa ;-R. Bnow $10,04 ; Wm. Bues $18,50. The majciiy cf lie accounle voe for gooda suppliedth le Camerone, Baunesansd Bielt. Tic lestitem (Mr. Barnea's accouait,) vas for pulllng uap a safe,,sud preperly belongedti t ovu Prcperty, but vagsamuuggied Ibiengi te save lime, on théeunderstandiug that lie clerk wcnld make lis charge againet tie prepsi commit-tee. Report. adcpied anti acceanuls rdereti ho i. psid. MIANCE AND ASsEECIET. Mr. Blow brongitluinthe report cf thbe Finance Commiflle, recemm*nlding liaI the taxes fer 1880 of Mua. A. Cameron, Maurice Kiano, Jop. Nevbury, 'Luke Stanlon, andi Mn.. Cevan, ho remit-lsd, sud liat Aies. Pile isbe paiti $85 for bis services as healti inupecor, turing lie prese. year. Report adopted. 1TUE LANGEVUS flAQUE? BIILL. Onitheb bingmug cf liaisbill befote lbe conil by Mr. Campbeu.I, :hs Mayor asked liaI lbé accouiotbhopaasdin silences.Enongihatâi benu s94 &bout il alriady. This wvtoialmeatdone. Dr. hiégarl standing np and ie c fata sqp0er o amotion &hm th memberï cf Lb. conealipsy lt.eaccouat froin Iheir ova poolkets, anti Mr. Fox fe.biy mauing *"tout" iltle the obsi'- mn, Mi. Hannam. cahodt hie motion carrieti. Îmus ESSUL? Or.T MTal kOUsi zLu Mr. Long moveti, secndeti by Mi. Wesley, tliaIthi. enecl ap Pi ou n. cf Iliemeeves to pmociod ti aIeue.anti biave lie treels andi draina cflbth Pvwu put -iu a proper stale cf repair, &4 fan as canI b.doue before lie frosh, sud LiaI lie e"pn_" hiertof bh o kn fum tii. uexpiuded mousyo ote .cre4it cf erela anti improvemouts. Mr. Liong sut Mi. ]Blow lieu indulg- e in lu along sp" ech0ap o f lie ne- marks ef emtbr cf wvolojour reporter viii bo bioveti if be ouit maki muob Hewever, lihs majorcame te the relisecf ever7body. tbud preventeil an ail ulgil sibling by geting Mm. Long te vwihitrsv bis motion, on Mr. l>un)ley, and 00uesrarey so,-tmns comiek re oy, cf tb. moîherilani. fButI ithuanîaed net tea we-rifl itjoyalt>. lieu ic. lis - ke oftcbtainplace anti pover for esey."If wveaue-euaýsouvou wze fer Brisi cenneaen" Iitucaieotil -sud Canada týoc a ioafgstep, tevant commercial Independoee.. ,Blie Tot Iske the povoir le ne*cll ahebr evn Ireaties ,otf -mne vIiivic=aai nia>. désire. >Englsu ti atm meséu tusriit -Bu lleCry repra, tahau sud te lb MWin viiicoe vieua -tle Mal andi ite Part>. viiiAgilâ na d iheseivse eeeking for pever sutnoficeÎ, ant inl thi esgenue s 10 Obtâle - vbat 0iep nek, ts OliaI blline cf loysit>. sut shussming frt foul viin ala nieesant ginv place te the «c-Y t- lundopsenos. Fie neiodles vicia lhesMailgas jelahie oui>. olas Who disqes liequishicu etf indepeudanco i ll he niegnlseiti -b>. tia saine jurnal asusnisiode te-moriav, andtir iAlexandet- Gaitvie-m thi Mail note as aaylug nelbien ibezson non jnipn en a slivs issue lu dosuts eaunol cerlaly b. rlut on uans antiot. A mu n obifiehienea. as Sir Alexautian Galt bas provit bimseoif !0 b. liaovoulug evirytiing inLur an sd but aotiiegleng, le unneliable, having no frxet opinions te guida lxii. As I beforsa hlinlua proviens 1ehttr lie boat preif cf lihs gnoti e!onational sentiment in Canada le'liaahese cf andthle encouragement recelvet b>. thst portion o!fleth es" viciatvoes neversuce frein BrW$alnn luhiat pescetul manuer long aullipaltéd b>.-lesting olstesmen se&Iteiwa rtr-nEg land. W. muai alut> poitiee ub lagé 4 t cf iehory, v. are toi. 'rbil lejust what li theates of Canadian inderun. tance hbeau entoing, andti b ov lhiu unewerviug lcyauly andi intense Ici. for icrelgu mle - lb pieople of ti country ave. issu-veSi r gs4- aia>,dstlug frnthie jeai 1840, LordDurhamavai.gat id lis peple cf Ibis cer>. IbiSdo- mante for constiluticual goverument. We bave gel nov te lieeunde!fliseopi vici va but il>. by oit, set muet eveuluali>. lst go. TFieala notig more pW'babe unter tiesaun, But -sya lta. Mail, if Itependeut, the ooue- try muet immediatal>. mdatîs ilf vit> militai>. set dilomatie *ixpantlhures ou an appalliug se-aie. Wl>. ? for *bat raseon ? EBai, vi notnov enrolhîti lie nameés cf 00,000 fliLlugmin, sud didt alrBuJoie Maousit but a fev monîba slnite, Wvouen u glaut, hbast cf haîing at commà,6d at s fev heure' cali an anmy of 40,800 mon alvsys aI, tic service cf lie crgwon1 Wby. tien, au>. furlier expensej lebusines fou ourselvesP Anti asu thlis mlpiemtic Oexnai, abouit veait bhowsu el sbe to saip under île eneumone veigit as chier anti emalier nations ire ?- WVould net t-be stviutsge cf beiug re. prenastedt hrougiaut the vorlt more than counheibalauce thé, coelP Ou inierceal oulti tien ho attentedtotea- broa, v iein anet nov thecase., uer êveu bas boee. Englant'a represeuta. lives do net lu any suï reprisent Ca- n"- a, uer cari Ivo étrave for hot cou-. mereîliveifara. Ine eor>. -disuted case betvîau Englan s&ct lie Unitot tlalea. Csesds> intereal bas beumate te sutfer ; andt lera existe in Ecgisut et tie présent lime, aiortlug lethie prêse cflie country, eci au ovon- vitaleieg désie te keep on gond torma w theli ted 8"oe,4iaI atier than Ioe their ,fieadabip Bugiaut roul maie gréai; *4ofcele ohme diretions. Fierefous anat's-eli ahne. fu-mtaîylsib at.sun se muci moretepcttnlàtïgibon. ing republie aneta i tntmrats than fer lisI ot Canada. We are aîudylug polil. licesi lie ligil cf haleor>. vievi r»Y liii Csnads's inlerest- bas noyer benu fuvorabi>. considerat b>. Great Britain - liaI Our prospecte o! ab future national existence, oo cloner commercili e- lslionaiip viti thuaIcountrislenet lake- 1>. te become brigit-ér ou strengthest b>. deas.. aIndsuocsie n a ""s na rom iaviag car interiat furthi or sacificet b>. Great Bitain anti froin Annoxatièt onthle UnitedIStates. aeoronto Latter. l'O 11ME ite, cf ilhg Wlitby hOna-e i .P Yovilla" eïythie cip papou 1 'toiernto la nov ausumiatg a tangible shape, an t ImIYenkvl »-a'Re ogre. pli-ipeni ikly îo b.blttît e-ut cr exaeo. ont % .xe, t bover GOUijOIL. 5UOAHït B. A»ETs ias <Pýrom Ouir eselaiCotrespeudenlj) Waaiingtoa, D. C., Nov. 1, 1881. After aocempliaiing l1111e more tisai s fîv conflrmatlens o! miner import- ance, rave liaI cf Becretany Foegr ; a pllgrimage ltituaI-ci ;éfhisitor ork. iOvn ý aud lthe tlllona tiiiéalo@k, the :moeioâsu "Bouse of - xilliOnaliesý bas-a djou rnetëaine dcli, anti sustera bave sone te- tlu.r bômnes 10 1,epare toir lie long rogulai nesien, *vie-b yu commence on lt hei c f Dicemier. Mewnvle, Waainglen le lu-tis midtI cfba is antal fai' loilel; eieaning, caip- sting, paiftint, pstohlng, anti gilding. Il le -ne siffgelo ho s>. liaI the Nitil ci ital la mors besuhilul, nov, sud wIb vi.srMntet mmre upsnbly for lie coming sessenhahn aie bas er bien before. The rpiopuit>. abas enrichîdthle Nation .hss net bien un- toit baril sud la ovar> stroot sud squame, in svory drawing uo ut alltie, the vork cf building pÈni o~,r fur"iing boudoirs goes ou. HSotol anti boardiug house. poprietoe aue expechlng % largo influx cf New Toîkees, frein lie faclilial lie Presi- tient, santhle- Ivo C(abinet minialans iaaviug lie leigeat amotunt et patron. age te distnihuto, are frein New Yeîk. Msanviie, Prices havi advanedt, anti living allihe capital viii, I think, be fuiy 25 p ai cent desmir tien il bas beea for lie put four jeane. Thaehast heuresud deti rallecfthie extra Session e! the Sonate vers de- vait Of intereet.- Fhe Deauccratie, vili thiir ciaracteriallo mai apropos ocfa- cieusuese, juieseuteltasprotest e! some leugh againlictteersrent cf ubseuteés te make a quorum, but lie peselulion vas lid on th. table. Fie question cf liai onfirmation cf Ciffodît jtsM, Obè b.poabuter oe! LjInchhurgo vas ben taken up, anti lii. impending deatiioek aveitdb>. lie nomination is- ing laitdsit,, on motion cf Mn. Ferry. It le undoratot lun polilloal celiabere, bovîver, liaI the President vill promp- tly appoipt Mn. Bîratiuni b the oMOc. lu I n nlcuao, Sonalor Bayant offereti aà resoînuion, ai ityle e f Senater B4muudthaiiug *FneéltuDavis for the "ccuitesj, IMnparitlsy anti ahililj" viti ici lie bat perfornastibis tut>., vie-bwuascarnet uunimeuàly. Fie -peutneus ainaton acknovledged lie ,resolution, matdediare thlb.Sonate adi- journeti aine tid, sud lu a fev moments lieh Cismberi vas desoiteti. Fie sunal convention of lie Nation- Al Womenas Christian 'TîmpenanceVu- ion bas beeu in progresa bore lis pasl vîek, anti b a sractoti a got deal cf 1attention. Sçnater F. W. Blair, cf Nsw Hampshui, kuovu s hL-ien.aa tard issuer" of tb. cause, vas in ai- mtlconstant alieutisuce, antieaI-one stage O! lb. pnooeesting, vwu presénhet v-iii s basket cf Doeais mi'! s great tieplay cfwvite cambric an4ti tars. At the close o! lbe cenvention, he centime- ted lie lvo buntinet ielegates to Puesi- tiont -ArthuaItlthe "Grey Honse'" tial Blutler buit, viere hep voesreceiveti by tie Presideat. Mis. Cispin, of SouthiCarolina, e-ne cf lie delegatos, on beiug puesente t th le Piesitient, a&idi ltaI, in beisif of lie atrieken senti, aie praye t laI ber section cfthe country vomit fut in lie Presldeuh s frienti, 10 vie- Preuitient Arltur anuvenet, liaI ho vas in entre ympali>. vih lie ati in ber reouperatlon, sn u de. i laiMinoti iaIno asecof th. country abouit, turing hii administration, ho faveret sas fan as ilvswu isiepower le prevaut, over anthier. Bilsan B. An- thony, and ti ohm"ladis tinguiset fer theu sdvocaoy ei feuil. auffrage, aiu bore trying le bsve-'he WomaLn'is Tom.- ponanceUnion idopt a suffrage piank. Bs te pposet by soma e ioad ls vie- kauov tieimportance of singieaus fcim una, nho iedo ndvisite divide thoin slrength VUli io isa, ne mat-. ten boy gSdeetlbisues eay o -vian sougit aiparilel>.. Mis uss ie 1>. te prove air@ huant;Pib>. aiecesn't ae" libaItiha.ladies yl inturecly 4te théecause t cirnmuas unfra emere <oct as sue-c.sul temperanu. refermerathan tie>. couit do b>. uommilliug thum- selves te ber hobby luntulseme msele-, lions. Pailao e icAir.- A RALLOON 9£«M'rLT NAAGEIDUEING gives te au nt4fr.Oceam semaindes et bis -recet remirkable expeuiauce in - balhoonlng atitamundime a enabeu> sanp IaMinnestaO. Fi * The Govereor-;GeneraL VEPAUTURE OF u Ns ZOELLEiOY780MO QUEBO-PBSEIT~1ONOir it AM- cas lnt THE XL.QIBI' ]BEPT. Mo t RSSIGKTIoN Dit Quitnzc, Nov, O.-HMa Exosilency the' Governor-Goeoai srrvedl hors on Bat- .nrd&y mornlng by opeoiai train frern Ottawa, and mter a hasty breakfast droe eutheAllans' wharf, where eev- oral hiudreds of tbe ieading ciizene cf- Qnebie, with their wives sud their daughte, had asaembied at th. invita-- ion of Lieutsnant.Ggverdor Bobibaile to b. proetet b-resding cf a fare- veil adduesa by bis Honour on bohaif of Lb, inhabitansa cf tbe Province Of Quebeo. A.mon2g bbc.. present woe bis Hefnour tbe LientenantGoYvelicre tbe Archbiehop of Queboand Vicar- General Legars, the Mayor of Qnsbec, Sir Charles Tnpper aud 8ir Hector Langevin, Hfon. A. P. CJaron, Eton. E. J. Flynn, Lieut.-Ooionel Freemantle, Miitary Secretary te Sfr -Patrick Mac- dong ail, tlieut..Colousl Montizamberb, cf 'fB" Batery; flapt. Bhepheîd, A. ,D.C., tc, bis Honour the Lieutenant- Governor, Colonels Lrwin snd Cotton, snd a guard cf hononi frprn "Â" Bat- tory, the band alec being preseut. Shortiy aft4r the arrivai of cf bis El. oellency, Who was atlended by Col. DoWicton, Major Chater, Capt. Perci- val, Capt. Bagot, A.D.C.'s, and tie us- ual intarchange cf courtreits, a number cf gentlemen andi ladies wers presenteti bo bis Excelilenoy, who held a short con- versation with each. At nine o'clock puuctuaily bis Honour th. Lieutenant- Governor read the followiug addreas,- whioh was listenedtu t with maîketi at- tention by ail within saruhot. ADDiEE55. "To Hie Eocefleuoij the Right Ëonor- able Sir .John DouglaoSButherland Campbell, Marquis o Lorne, etc., etc..- Trotsta Era.e.-On the occasion cf your leaviug for a lime tbe shôres cf canada w. have thought it Oui du!yytu to express tolyon publiciy the feehings cf respect andhu esteem which the inhabitanta of. lb. province cf Quebec entertain for you persenaily. Investot with augiist fonctions by sovereigu au- bbority, yen, have sustalueti in a Most dignifiest nner the boueur cf Lhe British crewn winbtis country, aud aI tbe esae ime bave, under every air- curnstauoes, ncbly represenledti he Engiish colony in the capaeiîy cf ils conelitutional chief. The Cazàadian Confédération bas begun ber career witké vast fields of terrltory, woîks cf progree, and legitimate ambitions. A gigautie future seems e tait ber. Oui railwsys, o;u; canaIs, oui immense fertile territoriee are se many procicue elements cf oui future prospoîiîy. Yen bave underotood Ibis, your Excelieucy. Yen have net considered yourself simop- ly a bigi dignatary wio merely travels tirongi lhe coutry, be geverns, but wbose interesis sud affections are ail centereti on 1he other side cf tihe ocean. No, frorn lhe moment that yen set foot upon tb. sou cof Ibis country yen have been imply and frankly Canadian ; yen have inteiested yourself in cur prospects, yen have euconraged oui as- pr ations, yen have applauded aur ef. ors, aud fieally yen b ave undertaken a long sud arduons Juurney in order te scertain for youîself the value cf our reservos of tie North-West, te whicb aIl present thoughts are turneti. But yen bave net euly beon mintifuL-ef cur materiai proprose: yen have aIoshar. et in Our national life aud asseciatoti yoursolf with oui glorions souvenirs and oui patrinte rejoicings. In one memerable instance, among otbero, words have fanoen frem your lips wvhich found an eche in the hearte 6f people in tii provine, and wbich ludicated at the amre lime tb. cernprehensive views eithle statesman andth te nobility aud 4dignily cf a character at Once sympa. Ihetic sud chivalîcus. For Ibis we thank ycar Excellenoy, sud beg yen to accept Ibis e«pression cf oui grali. Inde. lu a few moments Yen Winl leave lbhe. sierse tepsy your bornage St l>e féeetof the S'oroigu, Whoe can Say wth brth, as ita once said by th. King cf Spains. liat lh. sun neveu sets upon ber dominions, We pîsy yonr Excellency to express te ber Majeety coui-senti- dierits cf gracionslove, repect, sud veneralion -fer Ibat aalale Qnéon whose inatorial sceptr eiscor des.* linies. Tell ber Mjisty liat we are ber dovoted sens, ant4tia on tbe banke et the Bt.Lawre*nce âher rcyai virlnu Bellmullet sffray. ýThere te ne dcubî atones wves lrown. but tlbnjuries cf lb. police wqre most trivial - ý1rhe heati censtablesyo b. wus strucktbreetimes, but bo i nt -any way hurt'. etveral * other policemen Say lhey vire bit, but Ofe i nire force cul y bvo-subceustab- 'leu frein'Boallib ave beauen u lb. euh est degres lncaspactated.fcr dnty. O n. cf tbe injuieti coustables *as struck ou lb. log sud lameti somewhab, sud the cther secoiveti a bMevon lhe obest. Netwithetandiug liaItbe detaobmenl cbarged with fixed bayonete, sud fired about tbirty charges cf backeiel over lie heaosecf the orowd, wbicb nunher- eotour bundred or five bundred, eniy a few ocattering pelleta teck effeot. The bayonel vonnds cf oeegil have termi- nasted fatslly, sud an inquest yul b. heiti ou Monday. Que old weman, tbreugh' wbose larynx a few grains passeti, may recover uder ekilful tieat. ment, but ber age makes Ibis doubtfuL Beveral ether people have beau, injuieti, but through feai cf arreet they conceai- ed theu wennds. Alarming reports have since beau publisieti respectiug. FUETHER RIOTIO in Beilmuilet. Il la slstei thatt he diatunbauces bave beeu reuewed ; the. people, having attsokedthéti barracke woesfired upon by the police. wbo kili. ling twe persans aud wounded Iwenly cthers, The arreste number over tbirly, ahl cf whem were seul le Casîlebar 9a01, under slîeng: esceit. A force cf mii- tary bas. been sent fram Balîtua te quell lie riet. Thepelice are being drafleti in from ail quarters, sud the workhoueé la converteti loto bauraeke fouthe police sud soldiers. On tie ocher bud, the Herald'a Beilmuliet correspondent wris,-I amn aile 10 brauti, at once, sa wild untruti the teleguama wioh seuestion-mongers bave despatche t l the Englisi news associations, whioi are eagerly oking ont for Irish newe ah beiliug point. These helegranis fuom local press association correspondants, equaliy vith noiva representatives cf lb. London jeuinale, are poieeniug Euglisb opinion regýydiug Ibis country, snd minimise theiri ruli by severàl degrees. As for tie etalemeuhs liaI rnilihary from Ballina have ganrisoueti Belimullet workhouse, lier. is net a soldier vithiu fouty miles cf il." The Human Voice. BOEii REMARBEABLE REVELATIONS--THREE PEOULIAR STUDIES Or A FEENcE Starling revelatioue about lb, bu- man veice have been madie by a Frencb phy@ician. Careful experimeuts con- vîcoed im liaIbath amoug animale aud birdsthie veice is more sharp sud piercing than in tie higier epecies cf races. The ancients aise, hbesaiti, b.d more sirli voices hban late generations a fact wbicih. prohabiy aseerhnined by mesus cf the. phenoguapi useti by Hemer sud dng up somewiere by Scilieman. If we sdtitt lse fadao the considfiration tlin theb.individnal too, the voice gradualiy changes from Soprano le tenor sud thueugi baritone le bais, il vonid foiiolw (as a corollary cf tie Dnrwinisîa liaI lb.thedevelep. ment of the individuel is a recapitala- tien cf liaI cf tie race) tint in course cf time tenOonud seprauossuodostined tp disappeai altogetier, leaving'ouiy ëltot, anti bassns. Right ber.'cornes in the use cf tho phonograpi. The at surviving Sopranos sud ténors vil doubtiese b. Gmployed by goverumeut tedevotetbeii lite te siuging -mb lite phcnoginph for the benefit cf futurs genemiins, via vould'otbemwise is dapriveti cf this luxury. And lins Ediean'es me yl be cleareti cf tbe avfui imputation- bal lun th. phono. grapihe6oniyý inveutodý a more sen- lidoc toy. But OUiTFronebuan bas seme fnrlhou observations .to mae. Blondes, h.oayau&uali bave bigber voices than bru1ellea, *whiob is borne out by tb.eobservation biasi seprMueS aud tenorsareunsnally Iigit, basses andi altos cf tiark. complexion. Amoug esîneat, sud inltellglfolk basa veices pr evail, wvle lb. Inivolcus are teora. Before dtuner, ton, lis voice le bigher tixan atter- tuner, a circumetauce, whici cempela toueora te dine eaîly, Icu eider to preservo Lb. bigi pibcb ef Ibear voice. Finily, ie use>cf apirituona liquais leidtateoecnge1eîon cf the larynx, wvberefcrýe teors, muet, b. spai- iug lu theu ueof thein, i"ne basos May est sud drink as much as Iiey please. GREAT SLAUGHTER ID1? G-00rDi Being obliged to -vacate the store i the Richardson Block, we wifl move the Bankrupt Stock of- HAMILTON & HAIROCWEII,- on Wednesday next, the l6tli inst,, to the promnises lately occupied by Mr. Pringle, NEXT IDOOR TO POST'OFFICE, when a Tremendous Sacrifice of Dry-Goods wil be made for a few weeks, AS THE STOCK MUST BE SOLDI - Previois to removai, SPECL4L IND UCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED! -The Public will find this a grand' opportunity toý securo good and seasonable goods at les than whole- sale prices. Sign of the Red Fiag! 1- BROOK STIRET, WIIITBY. Nov. 11h, 1881. Hon. Lionel Sackville-West. ECEPTION OF TUS NEW BEITISE MINIS- - TEE AT PILADELPEXA. PEILDELPEIA,-Pa., Nev. 4.-Ailer ieaviug lie Msyoî'e office, Mînistor WeaI vae talion tirougi Intiepeutence, Hall, sud then .40veu te the public intidlnge, lie Masonie Hall, the Penn. ylvania Baifroati Cempsuy's nov ta- pat, sut Girard College. A drive vas lieu taken Ibrugihie Park as fan as Behmout, afler wblih b.epsuty noturu- edti l Girarti Coli.ge. viere the puails assemblet in lie ciapel, sang scaus se- leohieus, and subsequent>. tie coilege cadets venh thucugi dill. :Mmnioer- West vas thon triien le lie Continen- lal Motel ho give hlm ltime for prépara. tien for tue banquet toudeiet b>.the British secieties at St. Gecrgeel Hall, Ibis eveuing... Inl reepouse ta lie tostlcf b14 bealli, Ministér West sat he vas aI aloas te, kuov iav even 10 attompt le aoknev- ledge suiicors. Canliuuing, hésait; -1 lank yenfor lis cordial recep. lien anti for tie kint manner in vhich Yent Pueslidtieu s pokon, sud for lhè sympali>. vici ias beau expess.d viti me luni>. Officiel capacat>.. I ahsil oudoavor te foaten he iisul> feelinga botveen lis ive counbhie. I caunol malt as long speech. I isel- asý If 1 vasa abhome, sud do nost tenMy. selfa sranor e Vone., I cannol s>.a 1ayliiug more expressiu* han Ibis o! My> féeliaags,'. 7Addreaae*or-s ai is ,dliveret b>. Mr. Fovior M. P, Cspl. CiprcBrilisla iionlCol. A. R. Me-Clûre. Jol Ccok,1 anti chers, anti their-rouremri*,rsê"rbaaéerieuzed b>.' sipressiaus Cf beamblîs.inypAlbyaai fraleinal feelings for Grilt Brilain aat bem people, andi b>. Sfeellonite lu- sienaýto hemir vrelgu,- Quesu Tléto., ris.- Fie, spe.cied wvici alliactot Most geusai attention vere lion o! Minieler- Weït atdsueetany Blaine, vie enter 'ethe lie ting balLsi,>.lahe iu lb, evuuing. - -Guitlenu'a Triai. A DISPUTE e Iii US ABf ýregartingvia il e-alla a n meeting vich took pso he retuno! lis -prie tevu. On lie o-e-sieuim Preeldeul i. repnesenledti edt lut be bad se-alli Goverument vasentirooit Guitieàu'a.ciao, sud liaI alier Ilt iegïace if !p 1k - ovua z sut-r en IL. Tic Bvisa Lant Slip. HOW TEE VILLAGE OP ELX vAS ovra. WEELtmD BT A MAS 0F ROCK. Iu tie îeoeul disaster ah Elm-ohei. vise knevn as Unhethal-s great mass ofeth anti rock- frein lie Plalteuberg ci 'nacingler Alp. 1,500 teet vide, et least 2,000 test bigi shovs tbe viii.>., anti, according tethe enginsers, frein 60 10-100 teel deep, teli over upu .lti vflhage. ils fari, gardens,at moiti. ove, oovening suverai tieusantBoue. Feue eft-rock voie dasiot entiiel>. acreselie Villa>., sut nov rTest quaistl 00sd'400 fealiaigi upon ths billsids. Fie air pressure vas so great listions. es vera-lflt p trou> heur foundations anti carritia distance, ot 1,000 lest. A bain buill o! heavy loge, sut fillet vith -hay. vàecarnet entirel>. erau the val.>. anti overluruet 200 feet bigb on the mutain Opposite. tie Plattan- ierg. Aiu iran bridge vwich crosue bis'Soruf vas tbrau p,,carrietiscores etf feet svay framin is abulmente, anti nov reste on anti, more than hlfbariet ia. mut anti leese atone. Fie viole, val. le>., as fan as il can be seau freni lie village, inn, vie - h le ili standing, ver>. clouai>. rosombies tlbbato! sler vbiciheu recsdîti, T Fe'river, Senuibse matie for ilaelf a nov cianuel. lbrouqh lie .debnis, sut ltas goodae ad iruuted mue-i c lie. OUIR STOCK obtaifle& li thé OVEIRCQ. OVERCOA If 'you req Ur -At Ott.a la: Bahicve'en, vas Some boysb at viqn en b.ret in heour namet ILB lie time, suit va ant icfet.- The paleni-cas -burn &Ni'ueui[ vas te bave ýcoin on Thuianta..h of P aten s,s 1 Oh quelst f ol bpau pone4 t. in e promuse bas bea Il is.Faithe beglu aiiuiargn -anti passangèsa deep vsterbiin lai ïaflvay nexl lW ire aweekl - building'-bas- m ans va>. hes issu h pair. Filé nolisas thi Mi acunsigavre pobfqe ltai ah hJ* iq noîl cwethlng -it'o o!4. euueiJý v lotrodsag& yl wfor the apppitju. of D.pqý Uty ennsilg -Qmdi O Pou-" pIR0ces,&0., fer tliii oming Meaie$pbl aiètdoo fsl ta*t» oU-e ýlafîom vab,,your rporter!. thrpgm bis nemin WrAbing>tisrcdua>gOf. - otenhireve le Th Fe Ad Z.;

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