Whitby Chronicle, 10 Nov 1881, p. 3

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TUE PEOPUtSCLOTIl_1O¶1 WB SHOW, TO-DÂY, AN EXOEED)INGLY FINE ASSOMTMENT OF Fine FrèeliWorsted Coatings, Nobby -Patterns -of Sc3otch Tweed Suità-98.1 Splendid Patterns of Can adia Tweeds!1 ()UR STOCK IS VE11Y LÂRGE, enablizig eustomers te bave a good ehoice, ana varety of Colours ana pen.Our cerh large ns icnelutiesdcpartment enales us to procure the most deirable goods tb be obt icd in tho market.Weu the best gooa that money ana ex-perience can procure, ana you may.rclY on gatting satisfaction from our Tweeds. oVERCOATINGS3-Au immenqp range of ohoice gooda suitable for Overcoats, and make and Fit is perfect, and satisfaction guaranteed. OVERCOATS-A large varietyof Ready-made Overcoats and Ulsters on hand at priceo ta suit every one. If you require a good Suit. of lothes, an Overcoat or Ulster, or Gents' Furnishings, eall on the GREAT OLOTHING HOUSE, C E' 8T ArT No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK. "THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE GLOTHING HOUSE." At Ottawa a man nauied P. Little, charged with diecharging firearme an Hlallowe'en, wae fined 820 and cots. Soine boasbaid beau annoying him, when hefired iuta the crawd. à neîgh. bour named H. Hall wee paeeing by at the tîme, sid wam wouuded lu tho hand and foot. The patent case, Janes v. The Wash. burn & Niven Manufacturlng C. whioh was ta bave corne up for final bearing ou Thursdey, butors tic Commissioner of patente, et Ottawa, was, et the re- quest of bath partise, ndefinitely past- poned. It le preennied thel a com- promnise hes been effected.- it je sf*d the Allen lin. steamers will begin dieharging their male, freîght, aud pusengore et the new whartat tihe deep water terminue of th. Intercolori- iel rellway nuit wesk, ou tue arxivai of the firet weekly boat from Eugland. A building bas been rented close by, sud tbo offices wiIlb. fittefi up et once., The uieeonry arch cf tbe Washin gton equeduet ovur Cabin John rek is seid ta bu tb. largeat lu the world. It bas a seaucf 220 feet, heighth 101 et, aud the widtb of the structure is 20 feet. The. Landon Liquor dealers have or- gauized au asecciatlen for mutuel bene- ft aud protuction. .Se Sickriess. The beet romnedy sud prveutative for sea siekuesa is Dr. ;cwler'e Etract cf Wild Strawberry. It 1e aIse the hst remedy fcr ail forme cf SuLmmer cozplinte. Whelhen ou sea or land it wil not l OYen. Ail DrnggistaseslI il et 87J cents per hottie. A c ARtD. T 0 aIl wbe are suffering froxu the erre sud indecretions cf youlh, nervons weakness. eariy decayo Iqsocf meuhcud, &0e. 1 wilI senti a recipe IbsI willI cure yen, FRIEE 0F CHARGE. Thie great remedy was diecevered by a mlesioner n luot h Amenias. Send e self.eddreseed enveloBa te the 13ev. Jostrsi T. INxe, Sfiaw . Bible Hoeme, Newe Yrk O.fg. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. p URSUANtT te Section 84-Iof Chapter 107 cf the ilevieed Statutes cf Ontario, Notice is hershy given that aIl croditore sud othens having cdaimse gainte i festate of HENRY HULL BETTS, ate cf the Towe cf Whifhy, je tie CoUCey ýfOctario, Yecman, daceased, whe died on rabout tlîs 241h day cf Anguet, 1881, are qulred te seud by post prepaid sud regis- red ta Maesera. Fareel & iledas cf the &id Town ol Whthy, Solicitors,. on or ha- ore the lUth day cf Decezeben, 1881, a tatument cf their namesansd addruesgee, id the fulil particulere cf thein dlaims sud ecnrtiles <ifexty) helti by Ihemn. And that efler the ea.ld lUth day cf De. *mber, 1881, the tnderaigned Ezecutore a1 e Ritale cf the eaid late eanry HOu elle vii proeW etitadistrihule the assl )fbheaaid Teetator uxeong the parties an- tied thenele, havieg regard ta thee daims mly cf whirli lhey skahi have receirt, I itice as aforasaid. Dated at Whitby this 7t1h day cf Novernier, HAZARD IW. W'ILCO?\, Eîutr IL.13. TAYLOR, COOK WANTED! N ED t lt.eIROYAL IHOTEL, gond cook-a Middlo-aged Per- on preferred. Apply ta 47- MRS. MACKIE. FOR SALE. (' HFE 0101E SOVTHDOW'N AN1D to aewithrahredevu nEwe@.AU supposeti B. H. SPENCER, I)reokliu P.O. Broolin, Nov. 131h, 1881. 2in-87 THE CENTURY MAGAZINE, <sclaUBNE5L'S N 1ONTIILY,> For the Coming Year., [IIHtho No'vembar numbor began ha ~Vew ses under lthe tille cf Tus CzN- 'Tra- MeoAiui, witich ',cli ha, la lact, a neta, eolarged, and îm>woved ."1SesLUorsu" T'he page u souuîlîat srger and sceder, ad- mitsing icfuree of a a fît-usetem, anienx- tl'ODing te.reoding matter about Fourfectî e<3ilîaaal pagei. The foilowing le a sommer>' of ltse lead- ing featinres cf ltae ne w series for thée year : A Nucv NOEvLby Mn- lluiruut, lauhiio ef 'T-liaI Lasso'LvresCt..;,itu <«Thrcugh Oua Administraiou," e etory cf Washington lMe. ýSTuo)us cp raLoursase OwCimx. By Geo. W. Caitis ahirof The Gradi&- "Iu," etc. A suies of ilustra"ePpenr, on lb. traditions ant i manca cf Creole 1f. lu Louisiana. A Nloaa by W. D. Hlovell, autitor cf 0A4 Chance Âcîuieltsuce." etc. deallng itb chanaclurtsticfIcatures cf Anîsniou 11e. ANTAUucn tf nLPMosu c'Rî.. A, "llany at Aucieul Henîlpture," by Mes. Lucy M'Mitchell, b cenhain tha fluant suri- es cfnrvig ê psubllshed of!tlb. mas- teuplace of sculpture. T-bers viii aise bu pipera on "LIingEnglisb Sculp)tons," sud' on "IThe Y0 .rSculptons of Azerlea, fuIly illustr Tus Os-a! ueNzieRKE , b yRichard, Orant White.A populer sud Ivaluablueau. ias, 1 lie illualui iitvcndrful cant- pletenesanti beanuy. - - î Aucumexcus sd E cr2 oin Ameri "- vill b. trealt.inl a way te luteuet bth housaholder sud honsevifs ; with msay Lrac lirai as veil as boautiai illustrations irmreocut deaigue. RaraaeZîNAI'rVZsMZ1,sAiND WetaauN u"ruM 10-ru Csuas JJihgrpicl Sketchesa,o companieti by portraits- of George Bli, Robent B opug, Rov. P W.!l bentson, Ibyrl Diaeu]»= B a lbeq Newman, anti cf lie youxiger Amaeoa u- Ihore, tVm. D. Howelis, Huury James, Jr.,. aud Oco. W. Cibla. Sczuzs cf Tliackenay'e Hawthorne'% anti George Eliot'e Ncveie. Snceetila« Ieilj lustateltoseres on th.e cunea of Dlokea'a nevele. Arrangements have matitloýjr&a hrile question. Farcis Au Poire in Ammcsss-Thera fV~ be,.studipp af Longfeýov, Wltittler, Emierson, La-s'eU, anti ohlM. byE'X. Ci Stedman. SrcSxse, Saircua, AmileturTs n=%y bu expute4fromenChusiie5Dudley Warner, W. D. " EetlIM~ Tv*i*,S Elwdv Be3 glestu,1Ly Jaes,-Jr ar-,MuiWMins Go0inC080- H.H,"Os.W. oiabie. Jeel ChantierEaris A. C.'Betivoti, F, D. Mxillet, NoahfrtiePaik.Sakom Ocnntania P. WoOolà, . 4cyme euruglis, PaïkaGodiIn, Tot si- Go nTik ,e B'rfneIs rullt LL Godkn, B B. ub ide i many oth. Txis -Inroaze-L Dxu'es-suuî hrougbcul ýJlîM i--usnusiiveoiîlete, anti "-Thi lef cf1 ori ruq ter The assts cf the defunct Mechanice' fa B3ank cf Newark, N. J., are placed et t s2,085,000O, andi the liabilities st $4, an 449,000. Lord Fitzwilliams hes remittet un- t caediionally the peet baîf yaar' reut B, of ie tenante, ant many other Englih ofu rorieortare w eking large deduclione. it lpe esimte that the Avéraga redue- o£ lion ou uuw lettînge fiu England inis80 re per cent. Di Almont Young Again. My niothur vas sfllllcteti a long tinte-ith lîeucigisansd a dul, heay, inactive condi- tion of the uhole system ; beadache, eerv-- eus prostration. auddvau almoot heiplese. D;e p.hysiciana o r medicines did her auy go . Threeiuentho sac ehe hegep te use ifp Bitture, villi suçh goot fet taI abe seem, and ftee ang agail, Allbongh over 70eyaars od.Wa tbluk titane le no alhar tuedicine fit ta une. ln the amrnly." A ladya lu Previdente, I.L-Jciaureal. Dr. Carsn'a Stomacli sud Consipation Bitters, are rapldly taking tbe place cf aul otherggr5ehves, tncludlug pille, pa-ders etcThaïr aâtan in ilti yal effectumansu ts y re s certain cure for ail bilons comn- lainte, Iu large bttIs. at W 1cents. W-lt ifowlee eclal agent for Whitby. A Vexeti Clergymnan. Even the-patteuca-of Job voulti bacome ataueled wern lieaepruacerudeuduaVor- lus te internet bism aience vb.tle they vers koepinfi up su incessant cougbing maktetg - it iposalle fer huto ho hua. rd.othav vury easy cen ail tiisbue &valdut i '.ply uslug Dr. Ring'& 1New Discv r orCon- sutuption. Couglis anti Cols. Trial battle gîvan ae et W. Bl. Hawie'o Drng Store. People are bagmining ta fin&i out lbé true virtues cf Dr. Carucn'e Stoman sd Consti. pilion Bltters, andi they are hacomlng the favorite famiyMedicine cf1th. Caoadien - public fer aldrangemaents cf1 te Stemach, lowe, Ltver sud Kidneye. lunlar ge bat- lda, et 60 cents, epeotal agency for Whtthy g aI. BI. E.Ecsec -A Fact ieorthbKnowing. With oednary good gromlng, id lthe occaslcual Use0cfHieBVILL'B CONDITION Pevucats, any borne, nc malter wbat the condition cf hlm hsaith or physique, cen ha seo estarea inlievery relation s ta miie hlm su linost uav slm&L. hey are eciti averywhere. The. Beat Canal? Rcrncdy. Fnom Mies. ton. Tussa; Of.Uaiila, N. Y. '.I can sey vith the utmi confidence that I thiek Dr. Wlstar's Bamiofa Wild chrythe bhast cugli remedy 1 bava evur =u an ed belleve Loa-e my prissunt ex- istence -ta ils vonderfiti curatie powiers. haige utme been brongit very loy byaditeaegecng.somptoilad vill svitting of losud the syniptornîs cf tfàt di*ddenroyr, ooeumption. 1 trieti msuy relixedies vllbcut ufieci, until a ru. sr a t b. Belmexaw vas hibh, byUthé bleslng ai Divine providenlce, won restoxsd nme to abi. The Balumi la n-Swaurre- sat vbeuveu etoout fauailyile ttaeke villi coughaoc =m a,#muis nm vrfail- eti ta <lvé, thé deslrud relief. I keup con- ctâty àiLnIPPl.y On band., Durlug the put ton y= 1 hve iiflueuw , many "rione ta tusk unue cf tis reniudanilways vlt thebuane suceuse. 50 centesud IIa battis- Solti by al druggsta. i Iimustx.-.Tbefeare saine simple remetius -indIpesble lu- uvery femi -. Amal' g thues#, eexprience of year s-i sures us u>iàed 1î e irffldPeu yDavis' pal-in_] er. fterbth iniur n a su Me- ternel appllsigie"vu@have lbaud îh af great vau in;upeela»oiu -vurecoumadlIt for oold,rbekutuiaiu, or £-ah oupls and Fellove' Rypophouitue -e&M s anIod puranco ea u rger. UThis vituem la ram" Wou cdit maôe videly meke IL nc 'for 18 rmiy virtues. Long May is *ant talvulesea the bappy fruit cf bis iu=veptlo. Axz5D5CLAXxx, DM., Ambersi, K. . "AÀrktn#taeorai Ykama#." bte in ita. tula i lio. pronnnuflalA o'leado ted lu Ihiau, butS qute m4telai lâsaiho t- sus zaese-îuvtb thurestli !heb Uiniedti Satejaad thDomhdnaiaboulti ha wihgo os.B irosare K 'NUe o Wbs Zrmgs aclD.cuih ogei W case60 !' cech. . E__ _TZS. - GUEE .-ALGreenwod, on Elun' ,IaNav BI. Anes -6f 'edrtfeli NEW ADVERTISEMENTB. The ChIidren's Magazine of Amelca. ST. NICHOLÂS. 'T RIS llutrated min e oryotg ifooks has now attan.iud ciieion 1r geprcb&bly, than that cf sny allier mou. thly magazine cf ie clame. It has heen cal. led '«& mare! cf perfection, both as regards ils literary excellence aud its ertistie menit." It wee the iret ta give ta boys suna F ila the veryoast illustrations tht could b.hd u as eerued the nome cf *Tics CmILuI>aE'sAIRT MAcAZINZ." The greutest living wuittrs cf Europe and America are emcng ile flh5TIsitUiIZDCcTSBOt. Charles Dudley Werner, Hy.W. Longfellow, Jelin G. Wbittier, H. I. Boyeseu, Saxe Haîxu, BretI Harts, Gale Hemillon, Thomas Huqhes, Louis M. lctt, Dcnald G. Mitchell, Harriet Prescctt Spofford, E . Stuart Phelpa, George MacDonald, Washington Gieddo The GOodale SimIens, Alfred Tennyson, John Hay, Clarence Cook Rossîter Jehnston Suen Coolhdge, Edwerd Eggestcn, rGf. IL. A. Proctor, Chriltins G. otssetti, Mm. A.D.T.Whitney, Francis Hcdgecn BorneIt, Ceia Thaxter Marlou Haand, T. W. Hgien Lucy Larcom, Noah Brooks, Auther cf I'Alice in Wonderlend," Mrs. Oliphant, T. B. Aldrichi, aud hondreds cf ethens. WEHÂT ENGLAN'D SAYS 0F IT. point ont ils eqtLl in uur owu peniod.tcal liertr. Fb-a SpecWrfaf ouIl le tie hast cf aU chu.- dren'a magazines." Lifenary II'uld : IThara je ne magazine for the young Iliat eau *bcrsid ta equal it," etc ., etc. DIULLîANT rF EÀTr'tZeos-F 111FCOKING Vies. Theanimtbvolumne, wbich hagins wtb tse November, 1881 number, vill conlain a nev SERIAL STOIIT. by 'M.s Mary Idapes Doidge, aditor cf "«SI. Nicitoles," anthor of «IEatisBuînker, orntha Sler Skates," etc. A second serti tory, full ýf lively incident, "The oodceer SEbool-Boy, luy E4vsrd 3< glaston, auther cf -The Hoosier SchoÃ"l- mater,"* etc. A eiaç1u article cfuilversal jterat: -Ho-v Chîlduen Shoulti Leaun Music," ,hy Richard Wagner, thea eminent composer. Tvo other eniais, ane dealina- vith cernp aW illfe lu lb.laIe ver, anti the allier vU ii l ansd Boy LUle lu the 131 Cetury. Pls for Rome sud SohaalErn- brcidery ferirls, Amateur Nespapera Illuctrateti Practtea autiDesc ltive Papers, articles on Sports, anti The Tnaaur-baue ef Litem-ture vilha amena- Ushe tureselo Ibis greaSvolaue. An immense *alnvil bu printeti o! thé CizaxerssNumis, vhieh vill b. rumdy about Decenîber lit. 8 .sme. Prieu P,00a yb ear U cente SubscrptianSotkonsu bgxu sold by bock-sellers sud né.-dmirseveryviere, or the pubihhrs TasM CENTU XY 00. Union Square New York. A UCTION SALE, by Z.,W. Patsti Auctione«ertaIHl' lotel Kukl Village, ou T1lUEDA-. ir b vubr 1881, 41ivliuiCourt day, ai 12 ocok, l r. Southt bl of Lot 81 conu.,Pikea n 100 acres, about 80 clnre; sal 41 =bull t refiard, sud thns. illa. Bot aýof Lot 8w' eau. 0 Piokrlt&, r attm lvel)ffa's qreek. So ou o boiht 1ouiS ninuls a-erele are& 6 miles fIrm lairkhara 'ÇhIlaguvitii Uslay station, spnd hall eatulle froin OreuuRier vIlli Saur sud ;iov Mill, tulluesafro WWlsite front uneeaf the but traveut ds lu aie tavnahlpadte -The.purcheser in tu pay aet b* lime af sala ans-tenth cf thcpurchsme Mauay, sud vîtin auemoulli thersaf Lau, vithout Intereat unongit more te make tvo-fifthm of.il, Z7 give eà mortgage on tho lanti for tihe balance ol-It, vill i nterest ai O par ceni. 'Ph.e" of e"c paacis ubject la areeveti titi, For furter opgticuier pl ta the Anc.- tioneer,crta MACDOINALD&PÂTIIRSN, Datad lot November, 188. "44. M"irîquv I, IT 'J. cos. .- - --n -- - o We ~ocïte ~~é'~ai4-choieat soko ose oatingis, Scotch and Canaian1~wèds Ca a~a~i O-th, Cioaklng, JJlster Cloths, n the.County. The finest stock. of Genertal' Dry G0d n Mfiey eerslown in, Whitby, at. nide'rateiprices.OrMinyisupio tanpevo seasou.I Tlaîloring -to -order, '4th Best Style. A large stock of Shirt,- - rawersï Ties-. CoilarSoçks, Gloves, Hats and Caps,&c., «&c IN DRESSý GOOD)S, we- have a choicëe,Ëtock of BlIa ndi ooe Cashmeres, Frencli Palice c'ohs alWool0pain and Twill Winýceys, blàck andi coloredi Silks, VevetW and. Velveteens, Laces, RibbonJtTm2ns Fringe, Cloa ornamnts kïrts and Skirtings,_ L,,dies'-llJnderclothing, HosieryGoe,&5 c la ty W AL.6 O have re<ieived lez4 'go additions aitd Plo<or Oil Clth, Mats, d&C. in hi dpartment, which iscomlote .in'-*fP'ool, Large stock of Table Linen and ToweIing?- Our stock of Groceries is complete. A large stock. of mGlass -and Crockery, just to hand, very c.heapl. are new, and,.,comprise the laàtest novelties, at the lô.west pricese liberal discount to cash bi1yers.' WhVitby, 'October 2 ý5tft-, 1881. ONE THOUSÂND PAIRSm0 TUE FIN EST FRENCil BOS5E 1881, FALL POLMTO!18, t~8LI»$M~WUS' HkLL I IBU9OK-ST.a W1IITIIY.. - i i a (J.O.F ONTA.R10 - F 1? S E E aeaih TO 191T «: lis oeling fi be. uncolored 3aàpoo*esfr 1 8ib. caddies âne neÈ 8cnson Green, Tes for $1 ; oclenew S easn lak > <i' W Tes, 81b foi 11; -bit. uaies Superior Js.pan Tes for $1. AUl grades -ugrs........ ai pr*e th 1t d4efy competition. Oanned Goode, Bastys'schoiccikeè iLIE ,ndsauces, cOouaau in bulli, Flavoring Extrsets, Pure Splenueat Cý OWE Cresm of Turtar. The "Louise" Baking Powder liasno culfrpliy pI àiid êse-enee, the sale of lb lncresiungdaily. Useee O"Chinese Waahëe" G II I for ecouomy in the Landry. i of common sud faucy-BOÂPS; 12 cakes Tollet Stpfr2e e i~ assortmenb of BROOf 5, BRUSHES, PALS, TUBS, WÂASBOMpD, &.;2 Broonis for 25c. lias the 'largetsoko - . CROCKERY AND) GLASS'WÂE -W~O in thceounby ; special bargaiu B lu China Tes Sets, ixew styles MWthe eî Granite ware ; na-w styles ini Gahware. Beaubiful' Painteïi snd àùtéd LA.MPS ver cheap ; Glass Lampa froni 80c 1Dss TEE I3EST PAMILY FLOUR, 1 Y ~ GRAHAX FLOURY k ca! l reseetI~il islobjebfore -purchasig su B alatRck Bobbom Prices, at the esOuli Gi' - - Devereil'e- I THEWEEL A une -1» -- 1: To procure ail they require of this choice lot of ýj ait *wil OT LAST LOI* VALU ABLE FARM -FOR: -SALE! MAoon's RHotei, lIHIld Grieat, At um£.TWMdOP If O rx 'LBY y aeo, TKDcq P UEK NEW A~DVE CARPETS A -SPECTLLTY!-'--We Tapsty, rusel, nion, Hemp J. B. POWEL L &' COe,- DOMINION WARERýOOS mises )FICE wvýil be ia iNTS eslip. 1es4 have x< Bped to r e*i$aIn ti »e-thn80O Who but à erous ant itUiauta g' if cusa6 c 4vy ram i R have 58e1 1 la0e, Who art udeti >. Som*l s of danger "i,-lfoi'usl thie propri .- vêe.car boeyaoà a ont Iaterrt bu' 8, vwhu I1âr becsp, lin vereq se 1 yei a' the :Vnage M eur hauses 'siass1 voue val troit. Scoi làfmrt0 out' of à .-Report va4 From 5'to 9j- inch.. IN PLAIN AND, FANCY COLORS1-. The,whole lot to« be offered at les than Wholesale price's"I Ladies should make- an eairl-y stA1t for BRYOE'S Great QivngUwBuane-Sl Sprlng Wheai.î Barley.d.-.,e ... Plaur, pu wcv-i - pes, blacI.ueO obti ....' a... RayOe5,e...i4 POuitr.,..... Chs.... Wood...... 0 1 orequart Oalfsklon. Bides. par l -z- -go s nit to wzoi,ý,

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