Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1881, p. 3

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9 osme iey coulai asueucie d- boquitaià lie se orovil e Qoum "5te5 muMmu 1 g t a a Ire on have. e Ur. Par ulpuuity, z thieiumreu million cf Oac. 10 gat boud% bui boon paseod îregard ta ltse of tii. canada the Pnlvy Canu.- zhdeegallcu ýt te be given t taadme uly Ã"alte inoa lii.: Sertilfieli bill ef Ate" (nom Nov beon kiled ln ýy wu caes. -,. th. local Hu. Itte Utat ba lonefl goteh dmposîtinluaciy have tunfeli a ie surrenden of- Ab. province la Maenlbba has bt. provincenn 1 eaihi npre. 22 dco 0# 7T.ý Uv WB SHOW, TO-DÂY, AN EXOEEDINGLY F1NE ÂSOflTMENT OP F~ine Frenchi Worsted Coatings, Noùbby-P 4tterns of Sc4tch Tweed Suitings. splendid Patterns of Canadian- Tweeds! ()UR STOCK I8 VMY LARGE, enabling oustomers to have a good chaice, ana variety of Colours ad psgears. Our cer lu age experience in this department enabies us ta procure the Most desirs.ble goode to be obtained ini the Market. W. -buy the beat goods that money ana experience oan procure, arnd you May.,re1'y on getting satisfaction from aur Tweeds. OVERCOOTING-Ân immense range of oh;ioe goods suitable for Overcoats, and make and Fit is perfect, and satisfaction guaranteed. OVEItCOATS-A large variety of Ready-made, Overcoats and Ulsters on lIand at prices ta suit overy one. If you roquire agood Suit of Clothes, an Overcoat or Ulster, or Gents' 1'urnishings, cati - on the GREAT CLOTHIING HOUS]E, No. 1, DEVEPRLL'S BLOCK. I3LÂCKieILING JAY GoULO-Cal. J. Q Hlovard weols ha. been aurestedanUa&meud charge afi attmpting ta blaekmail Jay pepi Ooold. Ho sent tu the Wall street tory. magnat. s number of letton. lun which for th h. by turn. thrat.ued Gould and im- plored bhlu ta in baok one hundroe Mi of thoosanda vhlobhoh claimed ta have ly el laiit lu. stock spcltions. H. sent villib, Gaula tli key ta a ciphor, hy vhich &he' thogh "personals" pnhlishod ln ths e Gne papera Gould coulaItgve hbininforma- ad tion inwhich h.ocufad spoolates aally .e1 Wells cdaim. ta b. related 1 lte longr secretsry cfMWUsuay. Gideo_. Weîls ,ual E, ad ils"rotbot-fn.iiw cfUo. Charles lioome cf tht. eily, sud aas, l s said, Miyr of th.e'ýrosldent cf.Hamilton coilogo. 1Neural Wells &asestand. high oocsally. He tien of vas brevelted lieut. colanel for servie- oua Pr e as commlsoiry during lh. war.]N b H.e farieriy hali considerable mu-E PBi a. , bot i la.saidl lst a -goo eoitl u emi lu alstreet. On ovral>uoescns ho 70 Year spohe cf htbing leat 610,000 luneus &Y mint runn u p the amouut- te $80,000. When he lbat meuey cmôme lime ago, he Dr.i leemali ta break dovu, sud declareli Bitteon h. vaulli shootbhimeif. Hie mi 5 etc. believedita be affectd. Goull'.braker te aya. Goullibas bae aloscoentantly lainta reeiving throtening anonymos lot. ugo tors frein diffèeont parties. Peap A BuriîMEs Gm.-The follaing jatuon "igooli one" ija bld at th. expeuse of awaorit dentist iccatei& oct far froin Ovîd. À iublie yonug lay vhileounder thii ulonneCo lf cf sumastbeties hadl four t e tracteli. at W.1 As ah. vas ,ëry haudmomo "subjet" ths deutist, whe vas au unmarrioli min, coula ual reisut the temptalion of Tiie sîealing a kîsu for every tthho lie ex ra tracteli. The. young lady via vasual .1,,,fo. under the influence, liowever, as lie on se& thought, and decideli ta be even with Drngm' hlm, and Do an riing from her chair1Fo mie said ah. hali forgotton ber purs., dobili bot vould oud the amount, twa dollars, equsi the nazi day by a frend. TII. folowiug -et ei day the friend veut ta the office ana sy"tt preeteli th e dotiat vith a bill froin Fbfis mactorner, lu which aie gave hlm creliii.for extracting four tecth, .in a t tva dollars, sud chasrged one dollar p, ach for the. bisses, and added ; "Please peaua remit lie balance, tva dollaus.'" Be Steel1 baili tie bil. Thore's a business girl Dame, for yen 1 L.tvraasFlusaTàLK.-"Tieo ounsel Bei for the. plaintiff," Raid a gay and festive dirty,j attorney of tbe Suporîor Court, "ha. d n beau semevlytdisucrsive in bis re- tipl, marks la ycu. Es bua aiudod toal-pain1 mosi oerytbininluthe pages cf hislory, expras anciant sud modem. Me hmasocked Pain-1 vlth aid Socraes., reimed i vth od Romulus, rippeli itbnid Enrlpides, sud cintd v i ad CantharIdes. But, gentlemen cf the jury, vhat b hsta na ta do wth hits cas ? Al hi. ulega. rida, ions are filse, sud thé aid alligator formez knavs il binseif. My citent do'l uoed restaoi suy cf- Moi due tubk. Look à& i h 1 . .1 g entlemen, and say, if you eau, liaI ho h . bas't lden. the honeat thiig by tie plaintiff 1 Froinbis youup ho ha. Fr bosu as yau nov Sund hlm-a No. 1, Foi extra lupectod,aaled andi acreeneli, chatn ccpper-fasaol, <znofrein sScotes mer, chir1 steel. bock haro handle. mnze yards ta CKTIiii lie.dollar, threali hrovu lu t"pac Ta RonTs 0F Fàauxau' GraLs.-Â P-gte great liai has heon Raid Raid vritteu ver. prostr concenng the rlghts ai farinera' boys, ytu but nohlug about the girl@. t in a coin tram mon tbing fer (armera te pay thtir braie sous air vages for tiieir work ; yet e ie '511 daughton donoct rooilve a dollar frein I hai nionti le montli Why aboulai Ibis ui diffrence eximi 'belvemu the. farmer's iu girl aod tho boyP The former t. quit. unathi asu muob enlitieli othe revard fer sony- Srv le.g as the. imtter. lu trubi th. (armer s ý1Z girl ta thé mýore vaboable -eft h% tva. p . e îexpectel I ln aait us 1*arise uSern veny early, gel breakfast, dae n phei andsu house, and propare lthe otL«r oss e. remsl qoireli Ibrogh tlb. dey -;'o, f nol tla'60 lsrgly&id tinmau chose boluolli dotites. a In adition, alléIin o4ked upou by fath- eUni or, mother, mafbrotfièr, îtq >outerlain e=! eampay-be set as heelea st ai bail toe t as a crdiibi.e ",a tthe mehhora Md wilàlese may b. thoe pnbd cf th., smlly, sud »iirdedi»a srt cf priUegelicharactor, yet arnoIb isoareoteli of no lua ton theueand cc amai mn (saturas 6f bOite 11%.. Wh~ f tien aboula sie net bhéanconnagoliZvis ofNth vlth ah lett ,muoh pay 1stboy? MJ ïhold b.i4altade as attnlva5 spoi.. ailbe-vlth a piano plely :cf b6ocks, neviqppus.sud p e, 8-; cultIvaIs s FI laite iu ch.eg-1 s or f.ovol'sThaïselotI <mtures vishha ruoderale-auzonut <of job, yack, shauldoue s bappi coontent- anud md bo"e hf. on lue firi. oI AnrY _c xaQFENl.*NEA' 7 a ofaul tli.ealth. VerOfona vwille aany fumeuras0o stock le hing gra4DUs3l ucv isandredo et1 itaui graliolish.ep;,w* Ivie a yoér, s*dý jl are fmdiug on lte», Wecl va es lu ; and Texas pro elé%Oà suher aaie it tis p5 Sic Paînik lofi Mse4 alinistratan of t4#Gp Demb«.O The. RUhwuy C00 Gowobe'soble faom 1»b aya :-The anciocnuem Poioe4 ooubiblallofl -oher nr1ahlva va. u ,THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE CLOTHIN HOUSE." en. Sheridan, iu ils report recoin. Tweoty-eus bronches of tic Land tas Congireseiousl action ta P~W9nt Lau h!oill ulnudrvn le orovdiug inoathein. udan bri- oue guistes, as benelit societies or social H.oR says the army la inmuflcieut clubs. lie work expecloli of it. Tii. Ia-iy the great lire ah Wood- LITiA DRiLL.-Tlie custoin former- stock, N. B., le estimateli at one ion- exisliug un tie milita of Canada dreli thousanli dollars. be rovertedtI lansd lie viole of iufautry, ercopltite Governor- NîEWV ADVERTISEM-EgTS. eraI's Foot Onerds sud snob ballai -________________ as chisin special sanction fram lquarter., viii, tiougi armad w iti N O T IC E. rifles, drill sccordinug b lie Man- Exorcise for Short riflea.OTEa reygvnltaupp- Aliiqoat Young Again. N- es"on vil! bo muas ta lue Parliamout imoali trasaffiictod s long lime vili ni Ontario, at ch. ucit sittlngs liereof, fez alglsand a duil, ieavy, mOche condi- su Act te canflrm su agreourent betveeo of the. viole mystoin ; jbe&dishe, er,.the. Toraqba sud Niplmsing Railway Coin- proftrallon, adsud salmout haipleai. pya. the Midisuel Raiivay ai Canada, the pysiciens or mediies dld ber any térsofijoncha ilv aÀKyCoinpny, tbe To- STh e ntahesag e s began la use rout ansd Ottawa PRslva]7campany. lue BAttera, vlti suci good eSfctsaI $hoae Witby, Port Perry sud Liudsay Bailvay suad "à.Isoung agaiu, slueougi avez Company sud the. Victoria Rallvay Com- an old. M5 thiak chers la neoluter pany, for cho consoludation ai luesuid tom. cAna fit te us. inuthebafmly." A lay pf~a ila one o.ider lue O D~am tIl The ividence, R. L--Juraf. Midland BRilvay ai Canada," sud saote consolidai., smeud sud reduejute one Act Carion's Stamaci sud Constipation tie moveral Acte reIsiug ta lue suid Coin- anez rapldly taking the. place ai ail panies, adalto for paver ta enter luta snob slvsicludiug p'llpvsm arrangements as may b. deeuiod nceisay, heraction As miid pet e-e11alsud ith a vlow af iecuring lue construction a are a certain cure for all bitions corin.lue Ontario sad Sanl Ste Marte Pslway; s. Iu large baffles at 6 cents. W.R. sud gîing puys? ta make running or otiier sspocla agent for Wiiby. arrangement. vilu suy oluer oompsuy opie are b.gtnning ta Sund ont lie true vione lin. may bnuci or cannent vAlb lue esoi r. Carmonsa Stoincansd Couiti- mui conaolldated Company'&sliue, sud for ,n Bilears, sud tii.y are becozning the olier purpe.. ite family niedinine ai the Cansadien Dabed 11h N;ovember, LSSi. e for aIl deasgameuli ai lh. Stoinsci, GEO. A. COX, fal, Liver sud Kiduepa. lu large lok President Mill.nd Biv~.tCanada, e1t 0cents, speciat sgenny for Wihy î4-dpplicants. Il ovie. i boat re:i; Sland :ss.natv for sea 9 CASES, ras i Dr. Fovier'. Extract ai WilA 'berry. It Aà alan ltne boat remedy for N~ V F J! !l1l nums ai Sunimer complaints, vielier NlE W..a US.FIJ»LY as or land AI vii l otfaiX pant Al JUST IIECEINED AT iists moul At et 87J cents per bottin- * ipieà digestion, aud, in ftat, for M IRS. AL JL IN' lty Pai n aue, 1I boy 0i noliing 14.1 elaaHypopiespiis. Ils di- enet lu trengtheuing thre jiryus BEAUTIFUL XMIAS CARDS, on rendors il onilable for lhe maîonxty o.a.s. Wum. S. Hovz, M- D., iMit.s- SPLENDID ALBUMS, IMe.- LATEST STYLES 0F BERACKETS, titions to Parliamac ou]d b. written bo14, round. o1 a n&wd, or which pur. ltsterbrooka lunt su. adbroad pointedl are the boit. Address the Esterbrook Peu Co., 27 John St., Ntew York for les. A mlot. ware of the. worthlens mirtures, sud graycomhxustious vin are oSfer- alMoat .very tore yon eut0,r, aud i om ninelplsd ab.,p-oepu rmty lin offas àibstîtte for Pezy Davis Killr. The.. mizinresme galion op 7alto »U lou tiie relmtation af thé. Klier, but bave notiniugl n ouo 't. The Head and Stomnach. ben the hoad aches, the. etauiach, il, lably, the. caus.. À single doe of Rer- àSngar-Coated Pille viii relie,. the, er thzongh purilying the. latter, and lng its toue. Thes. gmst catherticu wId everyviiere. Tii.y neyer liii. Try For Boils and Carbunliles. From Bey. Richd. Dides, Bolton, Msss. rYeartsI'vas a suferez f romt bll,o -e life' beosa. voearâame tiirongi freqomuet and persistent r.cumraoe. A inie, v an ltimately occapied s eof tire. or four square lucbes, form- the. enal of my back. Durlug IÙs "se large:,o= of deoompeaed flash everydaortwo eut Say ; snd ithe ration sud jgeneral dlsturbece of tiis em ver.gral Rdore I hua reeovered Chi a tac tvo amneler carbauclea, eont higiier upsud I vas throeed àa recurreuce of'the. sufleriups to viich Iù no long beau snbject.d. It vrasai lb. ch tat 1 oomnienced takiuiç thiePer- tumyr; 1continued takiug tg untUl1 ,ased aiv* baIlles ;smo. thon I baveiia" hiog ai the. kld. 1 attribut. luài Ar- ved etate of rny a Eteuentire ~ta lthe UanSympa 10 tee a ena oasy olIgtAaI~9it lu tormsao mg. Forearsil-varone ai ii.groatets Sma. tthar ruediolies gave Ime partialt t.mporaryrelief; but Ibis rernazkabls ady, witi s kiud ai liuAtvo~euae vent t hea t.rout ci the evil, audnd ats viia tiioroughuesa wortly ci s e- lshed chazacter.11 Sali by doalers gen- ýa' Noties. of Birthî, Ma"oviee, 4De.tlh.lqed 60 conte e640k. te bnilie's futiter, ou tbm 91b day oi reiber, by lb.e13ev. J. J. flamern, A., Mn. William Covie, ta Miss sun Young, &a i Broughamm. D'EA T HS., 'ITZPATBICKÏ -4t 'bi oldn ,24, 4fh bColi. Whlby, én thOth inst., bunFltzptiok,saged f,62 yman 4 mos, r 17,daye. Tie,, ddeoaud wu eU temeli sud hlghly respeetea by il io hnsv him, R@eîWtleli on lb. nwboe.hb. ied neariy Ihily yeans hon bivib~ebeame l pur. ser, ",vofl si of 81 mnslrult = Mr. Davidi Dcv, adjoiniug (feu- i. Tirougli- inliusbny, lia.styana 4etý sobniety., :le lfU bs frily cf o.e sýons andu r aonougteo fac avideli for eaItho tino- cf bis lomhb ie nemain. 'vers interreli in tb. R. C4 togeý elý*in lte olgh àeopeot lu ich thé-o aecesd vashla y amil uses cf tiie cammniity. *WI2'BY M4RsKRT8. OOmicm Oirivci. Non. 101h, 1881. il lwhea............ e .6112 .tiWh......... -ou 0-a imî.aa ..090 0op Sc......... ..1- I ......... 040g *0 ...... 00 Y9 RANDSOME BOUND VOLUMES 0F THE POET8. The LARO1tST sud FINST stocks ai Bozin Wool Work over opoued iun WiiiUmy, cansistlug ai OTTOMANS. SLIPPERS. BRACRETS. TABLE DRAPE=IS, ETC, ETC. IN FANCY G0ODS,- BASKETS. WOBKBOXES, WRITINQ DESES, FANOT FRAIMS, HA&NDEROHIEAND> GLOVE BOXES, ETC, ETC. CORDIAL INVITATION ITO ALL. MRS. 4AL1N,' Broda Street- WibNov. iOtA, 1881. -41 WILL CURB OR REUEVC 0 YOPEPM 'O rOPS Y, INDIOE8TIOf4 FLUTTERINO JAUNDIOL . 0FPFTUE IIEART ERYSIPELAS, ACIDIT Y 0F 8ALT RIEUX, TUYE 8TOMACJl! OEART8URN, DRYA'E88 NEA.OCJE, O F lTftdý,6PKN, AM, ""s' pia of dissase aidnir tram THE SUN. uui neveu zeliinI. ." IC 1 9W B. LL ~ER9OMS, ~ co. w We show, the largest and choicest stocek of Worsted Qoatings, Scotchl and Canadiaiin T-weeds, Cameh-flir Cloth, Cloraking, Ulster Cloths,7i the County. The finest stoôk of- GeneraVl Dry Goods and Milliner.er shown in Whitby, ,at moderate prices.- Our Miilinery isspio to any previous. season. Tailoriing to order, m i the Best Style. A large stocki of Shirts, Drawers, Ties, Collars, Socks, Gloves, Rats and Caps, &c., &c. IN DRESS GOODS, we have a choice stock of Black and coloret Cashmeres, Frencli.-Paliëe . cloths, ail-wool plain and Twill Winceys, blaek and colored Silks', Velvets* and Velveteens, Laces, Ribbons, Jet Trîmmings, Fringes, Cloak ornaments.- Skirts and Skirtings, Ladies' IJnderclothing, Hosiery, Gloves, &o., &c. 3E X Iw ' ikXQ£ J& IV ID Ir X7 IM ma CARPETS A SPECL4LTY! --- We havereceiveJ l'age additions in this departWent, which is complete in Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Union, Hernp, and iflor Où~ Cloth, Mats, &~c. Large stock of Table Linen and ToweIng'ý.- Our stock -of G-roceries is complete. A large stock of Glass are new, and comprise the latest novelties at the lowest prioes. and Crockery, just to band, very cheapl A liberal discount to cash buyers. Our goods JB. POWELL &. ,,C6 DOMIIONWAREROOMS. Whitby, Otober 25th, 1881. ONE THOUSAND PAIRS 0F THE FIN-EST FRENCH From 5 to 91 inch., IN PLAIN AND FANCY RUSE! I COLORS1 The -whole lot to' be offered at less than Wholesale prices I Ladies should make an 'early start for BRYOE'S Great Givi'ng-TJp-Businos Sa1esel To procure.,al they require of. this choice lot Of Hsey as it will NOT LAST, LONG. NEW ADVERTIMENTB. Cenkal Ndon indudriesi' "UR WUIL BE OEVD BY 0Uth Iii dmoiup t e FRUDÂT. stie 261b NOV. INiT* NEW 4»9,M IlThe profit derao OId Ireai REV. DR. Mr Pre"ýiet= Ã"OlmUrel,Teoi,wmi LENTS. tN~ VIçto1.A N E W AD V E RT I S EM E- N rt s' LB IT8HA>I - làOCEST.,WlE. 1881. FALL PROCLAMATION! i su8ve1.. - <GLD WATCHES, CO0. 0F ONTARIO CSOF ?, . S E G OD ETTS. TO WIT: -Isosdling 5 ibe. uncolored Japan Tea for' $1;, COLORED <lOLD E&RDROPS, Slb. caddies fine new Season Green Tea for $1 ; choute nOv geason Blck- COLORER (dOLI) RROOCHES<, Tea, 8lb for $1; eBih. caddies Superior J-apan Tea fan $1. Ail grades Sugars ÂDLOEI at prices that defy competition. (Janne& Goods, Batty's Choices Pickles GEX RIS, anad Sauces, Cocoanut intbl<, Fiavorng Extracts, Pure Spicits, Pure JIýBBEPR G + RINGS . Cneami of Tartar. The "'Ldtuise" Baking Powden lia no equal for purity anad excellence, te sale of it increasing aaily. Use the "Chinese Washer" .SI ýLVER J EWELRY for economy in lte Laundry. &DB ' ËT flý--ýQ]O 3 E. AR- * é L of common mand fancy BOAFS ; 12 cakes Toilet Soap for 20c. A-ful assortment of BROOMS, BRUSHE S, PAILS, TUBS,- WASHEBOÂRDS, &a. ; 2 Broome for 25c. S. F. has the hangeat .stock of f CI~OCKER Y AND -aLASISJIAREB in bite county pcs bargains in China Tea Sets, nov styles ; White Granite var; ne stles in Glassware. Écautifnl >Painted and Bnonied. LAMPS very citeap ; Glass Lampe fronu 80cr eeith. THIE IEST P&NILY FLOURY GRAHAM, IMOUR NE'W- JETG00DS. No ei uEnglii Platmd Brecee Eao1 "IV ineck hains and Leekets, suP BLECTRO-PLATED GOOD8S( Ail lie no ptiemn i. lu ets, Butter Diuiies, Cari Receivers, Vaset, &a: Ac, a large stock of 'CLOORS, Speebsoies, Siik dGuard,,&o. Ail of whicii wilU -vW iatflw AL. ÂLWAYS ON~ À coli le espeefnlly soicited befone Purcitaslm'g elsavitre,m 'supply ail st Bock Êotiom Pnices, at lte "Cash Grocen Empoi Sept. ý21, '81. - Doverell's Blocit, ýBrook-st., For Reliabl& Boots ând: SI ýF~c oot Weilr o TWO THousABD 001D8 TOWN Ticlelai5c aundervu - Plan of hanl 710cord8 ef Plue, oeur aat lm 5Ruleek, , ObITOb "* i viekl. Tom Sa twd. Il a cnIlt 7t I or lii 'THE PEýL'llCOn Vul~h bd 50 mi the a laT-n mai

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