Pésslth the glow' of the munriso, Pesaolh the gold i o.west. W"et th Ilit; f life's pringtl'e. Padoth'lb. bloom ai the rames, ioyolnoss siokene sud dieo. Ylul e lbbnar o ¶gratas", Volsbthgoy andflame., Dosfaaod fargedtinus heodo not The notese of historlesi name. Changoth the newneue ai beauty, Toulbialness cornes but ta go, Wearleth mma cf bIaduos, Turnelli ho gaylylojay , /W.aur'oikeeoarre -M 0Y. Paseing and ohsnglng and fading, l'orlig, hasl'nlng ta death, Thus on dr planetie swriton "AU in a bubbl--a breall."1 To Si*.. A DKLIGUTIIXL 11039LY WITII A BROAD AI'. PLICATIOB. Corne here, Sis. sud ait dowu beside me, and lot me f ive you a lithoe talking to. That le rght, ait abear ah the oth- or end of the sofa. It inakes more rooma for my goal and. corne, basides biug a good habit for a youug lady ta become eddictldta. Always pauder ho Ibis habit, snd you will in lime fiud youreelf walking through groen moad- ows sud boida Ihe stili watere of eolf. resect. You onay ho walkiug alono, ta bo sure, but you will bave fewor lawn dressés tu do ap on Monday moruiug. 1 wish ta opeak ta you of yonr mother. It znay ho yau have noticed a care- woru look upon ber face latly. 0f course it ha, ntIbeen broirgbt lbere by auy à cI of 7ours, stili i lei.your duhy tu Case it away. I don't mosau for you to rqn'à it an) shako yoar ekirlo sud telli tltta lshoo," as you would a heu, unoido -I1oxpecen tou hoan 1h. other otber aide of th. fonce sud throw aId oo tetons sud piocos of burrrot saves a11, suou did ah the 00w yestordsy. But 1 want y»a ta. ge1t upto-morrow oeorning sud gpî breakfast, sud when y9our tUother*comes down sud beglus ho expressber surprise, go righ up ta ber sud kits ber on the mouth. Yeu dont imagine how il will brighteu ber dear aid face. Beaides, yon owe ber à kieo or twa. Âws.y-baek wheo you wore a Iltgle girl sieh" bai klsed you when no ane oises Nas lompied. 6y your foyer- taintea i rath snd swollen face. 'You woe notl &attractive Ihen se you are Dow. And along through those. yesrs of childioh stnohbine sud sbhadowves e wasa swayl roady ta care, by tb. magie of a molh*èr'i tiiz.the ltte rlrty. chah- by bande 'wbensver tbey fwere injuréd iu those Bres skirmlshea.with this rougb old world. Âud.thati the midnigl ie i- ies with whibche ah.hé ronued samany bail dreanis, à e aha leaned -above your rctîeo pillow, have aIl heen ou inter- esl these long, long years. 0f course she la flot eu pretty sud kissable as yoa arc, but if you had doue your share of tIre work duriug l4ieslest ton 7er the Controot Îould not b o semarked. lier face basa mord wriokleo thon yours, far *q»Ma, *ud yet if yona were sick that face would appear te yen ta be more beauli- tuel t an u e~, sil hovered over yott, w&tolîï .very apporluaitly ta miiaisfpr 10 yoaa' oaibfort, sud ovry Que of Ithose wrinkles wobld nom wteho brighî wayeleto - of saulhmne Chaoiog oach athor avor lb. est orld face. Bbc 'W4i les,, ymon of those daya. Thos* lu4s, ifl ofie o ioi heraoulders wilflbreak ber dawni. T"oo.rough. rd, a4atsbave dQueo so.many glsooUpa-lhm, $*va ~uyerf baby Itls- 1- boforevsé oloed,oma 1 lý u ndtye sanL $a 7êu wlu appreoa âM otw molrbutiwmU bet0a ". -loft yon yok.,hSb* iswma in 4ho kitobon srslgboas ofori ldnuer, madif ,Yau finfich tlheioïud le lier hsg~aber druas said rstau hour W1uedianer. Ad af& aluner, je~u migbl do up the Aiobos wbile o Ireï ~sa « ltletbo p. T hon yon =<b 1 akeola ,he baïr and do ilnp for her. Yo.cd not wud il oor yo0ur Angor an u <estaoka 11111., apîl ourleos 4yomuoo"d t do wlth youra, but glve t *7goiôd. hruablngs ud wind It 11 etyMdtond.rly, - au f y ou an- do»W.u inthe arlât$orasu walî until Yeu ba&ve performed $hm .deties.. If hoaior ou o aliO*pro 'a*dgo ont., andhbelS ~gpaiora1è' you wUWlahî imre ci yoursolfL the world 'ÎifI1I b"more af you, and yeu wit) ho happlr and botter tho? Gadorz,are aiti.I A VexoS CI evhan tepaexo i r eplnunp an incessa it lmpoamlble for bim t Vary easy cun al Itbis b. ualng Dr. King!ela e'ý sampton. <cugi aid1 giron away et W. la.1 1dm. T'lial mls aDru Biiclbcws Arnica Salve. TIr, Bost- Salve ln the world for 1"uto, Bruies Sorce, Ulocra Sait Rheam Fover' Sores/5,elaIr, Obappoà Bande, Oblaina, Corna, anS sU aida ruptione, sud poaltivé. lycures Pilas.Ill lratatoiear foot satisfacton cr money refundcd. Picou U1 ceaie par boxm TIre axoling, céaal 0= an çj W .1] Btwberry renSer 1h the boutremedy in btr al& .fer- alforaiaifbOel com- plaits, sicknensaof 1he shomeeh, araipa, obalers morbu.suddys~-entery. Puraly vcg. chable, and alyvsys reliable. It Neveu Feusà . Dr. Powler'a Exîracl ai Wild Stnawlaerry tnans anfaihing e romey fer ail linds of howcl coxuplaint. Grandmnother Ueed tl aey, "Boys, if your blond fle ont of order, try Bvrdool tas ;' sud thoy bad te dig up the Bardock and bail il down lunlait- tics, maaing a naety smelling Secoollon- Dow yaîî get ail the curative proportioepu ap la a palatable tara inta urdock lood Bittlon- Prico $1, trial aise 10 cent. Oct the Beat. Dr. Ixowler'e Extrset et Wild Strawberry itho best, mont p rompt sud calcnl cura for Choiera Morbus, Dyaontery, Sîck Stomach, Cesuige, Cholie sud ChoIera haulaci Ibat bas ycl beon diacovare..Un popnleirity la andimmed by ego. AU neieie cleî-a ,-The Leaves shalIre for bhc Healing of tie Nations."' The Ief etIhe Wild Straavberry bas veri- lied t"t Scriptural quatattea. Dr. Powlcres Extracl of WildStSrascberry l te reiarvel et healing in alI varretieci Snmmcr0Cm- plainte, sud Fbazcey, Chilera Merbas, Chai. ors Infanhum and cvery ferrai of Itecel Cern. plaints ai eilîdren or adulte pramptly yiolds tu 1h, pawer of htaling. For Dyspepsie cor Iedig lin, Habituai Constipatian', illousnes Liven or Kldney affections the saleot asd ast rcx.edv la Dr. Canon'. tonach an.! Cecstiation Bitter., the great foaiuly medicine. I bey can witb perfect saaety be given tathie yauugetcht.ld as tlsey are pnrely vegelable lu rempositien sud zild int thir action. Salal in large pondl bottbe ah 80 cents. W. R. Howes, speexal agent fer Wbttby. Wamnans Truc Fuiend. A friond i»need ia a irionS indeud. This' noue ce n deny, ospoclslly wben aeektance ln roudered whea eue i. eorely affiicted avth diseuse, mare p&rerlcnarly those complaimte and wekeluese- sa coînuon te aur icîcale population. Every women abould klîîw Ibat Beoctria Bittera are woaian'e true friand, and '.111 pasttively restai-e her ta heoîth eveu wher al ether rxnedlcs fail. A single trial always p raves our asabrion.- They are pîca a thoUhstotsuad ealy caIt tlfty cents a battis. Sold by W. IL. ifewse. Oct Out Doora. TIre clase eoufiaemienlo ai]I factory wrl, givea the operativoc pallid faces, peer appo. tîte, languiS, macrable feelings, peor bcad, inactive liver, kidacys and urinai- troubles, and ailth 1ephyalclans anS medi7es neelthe world canuot blp themu nniées tley gel out <if doors or use Hop Bittera, the puaiet and beal remecdy, eapecially fer axîchi rases, hav. ing abundsuce oi heaithi, snnu.hine aa.! raay ceeal iu thora. Thcycoeil but a trille - Chritan 'iRecerdler. A Sente o(Wcarincas ta allen fait by persane xwho, cannaI loi-e suy partienlar dinesese. If tbey work il 6e- cornes laban; if îbey walk, tlaey Beaui tire ; mental offerte bocomeca SuriSe, and!cran joym anc aiuînaed lxy the alaaaw of ibis weakneum wbaeh. i. cat ovxr thiir lives, Itacourso le baSlsouictirnes ta stimulants of a dangoroas cliarsoler. -TIhe aSvicesof phy. siibns ta refrain Iram active lober pro. Sucatno ba raulta. Wliy ? The sys. tacsls dclsllsU d mSeds to- be batlhup praparly. P1ervisu Syrup wllldo 161. vey thing. Like the cbcctric carrant witb the Q* rosi eitictions, il caiseseup the on- ý,bigtecaler ta tise ciscel ogan Imadhopole te è dotpopgdlwt .Ildac« lIa work pramply asdwell. Sala by &Ul drug- igts., The Deaîh.Raîc af Our country le gethlng ta belcearfullyailarm. Lng, tho averagoeai1lits being feaaonnal overy -yoar wttbont %au y resnable couse, Seatb reouie »cnrally from the meust tneigntfi.] oa .A thua acoson o!the6ear I epeciaiy, a colS a asscbha a mmcu g -Wlat ithbarry0aiovery deyltlee oare anl ta overlSak tIse dangers atnalscg il sud i ofln fanS tee lote, that a forer or- Lang troubla buas aay Bel lu. Thouisandas o- thein ivea lu Uhic wsycv«ry inter, whila hai Boscpee's Geroxapo p ea cu teken, a cure woud have résul, ad a large bill froealetobeaavtde..Forcltialies- es cf the Thi-alsu d Lange Biceees Gereecai Sarpbas prove nitacl? to-ho Uice groteet discovery af il. kind l in calîcine. Every Druggitit l Iis counatry villtell yaol lb tswcderfnl effeel. Ovor 950;000 - baIlles aold lait yecr vithont asingle lais. arc knpwn. You Have No Excuse. Have yoo auy ecuse for alonlng vith Dyspepsie or JÀ,ver Complainah2' lu theare any i-saon wby1you aauoula go pua item ay 1 itation of the ïar.Matbro tr lsaurc. ~ GooS sbllng, sheý roam, suS an Atlen. livo ilsIlar. oouney Zo!lJutaBa imx,-, PAlICEL L-About& 85540 cQre., Il1n< Betoa eotd' Streti sud North cf the Ladies'Oo1c . Tisiesonete iclncot bianlo.M Whllby. p 0ate ha aliav nsua jolninà telb. wr Stto.This praporty l» e I daptod for building ltear a euaiactory.' PARCEL I1.-Al l tae port of lot 25, lu tIre IcI comncesic of ai W4hby owned by thc said latI . N. n ltcluMsu ibcng South cf the Ladies' 0,loge ndGilIbert Street, containlag *bot t0 acre, well seaptod for a ferm.. If nutldlSbeWà e 1W lot of May neoitw h eai afor nent. 1ý Aima Eight Lots on the 'Norhladeof DanSaiStareet, and West of aa ainint the prolsertyoUfThoiu B ,Rui.ach conaining 1-5 cf an acue. WUbosl singly or logether. Aise Lots on caci corner of Dundas anS 1tem'nlds e-treeoe anS a lot adjauning Mr. Hoit'a, on Southbà aidc of DunSaiS treet. Aia eeeral Lots adjoiniag the Grand Trual Rallway Station. Aiea for sile or to'reut ta a enilablo ten- eut that dosirablo Dweiling Houes, oceupi- cd ty the lato Shoriff cf Ontario, and situaI- ed oii the South.enet corner cf Byron aniS L)unnlop streela. ThisnJropcrty la uieely situatod,A~liebog uiontbuildings arc noarly new andinù good repair. The bouge te fuUll wc etorcya, brick, 45 'm 60, with base- mont litchen, &c.. bahroms, W. C'a, *.i. 1uggy l-gb Cat, ega ai cfB b. whieh willlieho slal eeap. a Terme ar eoasy, sdcan bu bail ou appli- cation ta thre lxeoutora, or FIIID W. CASEY, Solicitor for Executors, October 416, 1881, Drî'anRTMrxav OF r CowN LiAND. Taoronto Cth October, >681. NTOTICE la hereby iven that, under an i Orier lu Couacil, Tiniuga lira-rua lu the udnitnntioned Townabhielu th 11U1SCOKA and PARRI 50U-MD3'DIS- TJIICTS will ho offered for sale lay Public A4ption et the Departaicut aof Crawa Lalde at TWELVE o'clocl i ceax, an Tues- day. the SIXTII day nifTIECEMBER uol" vit. :-Townships of MOWIT, f3l&an, MÇ- Ccxr, IlÂiUUY lÂTTitIt$o' MItuoS, IX- CL&.l. i<erntral'atUiaraT, G Ui'. MxcZi- Aiu STixco, Joiy, Lmyi-itiia xxe,> Laine, N'aîenaxial}imaiwoxnu. ' The ares ta o le pesei oi in tic abôvo Townships *s ite Tîcftbrths la npWaral cf 1,400 cu r al-a, a'l o cuit &H cleecci cf1 parchaccreachasîTowxaal!p wil. ces nearly as preettible, be dividiaditata four berths. Sheu cnta uliÀiat cu-ltiîTanda..!termes of Sale, With intormetioaa- sta Aie£. andl Loat andla-lc--eii comptixua lincacb B3ertla, ciil e furîaaiihealon eppliration rer- atmacll cor iay lei.-r, ta 16e WueDSAac as1ona- raes 3LAecN cUf rtxe Deluarteit rto e athe Croi-n 'rainher Offiéea et 0'reAMUiteua.r- v.ir aaiQarand ra! 6e offic'e ot T. E. Jalanstti, Erq., Parry Sotand. FALL OPEN1NG --Ix- BERLIN WOOL WORK F ANCY 000DS! The L&ai.IGST an.! bINES? stock Of Ilerîtu Wool Wock croc epeneal in Whithy, eonahiing cf OTTOMANS, SLII'PEIUS, B13ACKMIS, TABLE DRÂPERYS, ETC., ETC. IN FANCYiOODS, lIASXEITS, WOURBiOXES. WITINQ DI$sKS, FANCY FIlAMES, IIANDKEROHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, E1tC., 'ETC. ÇORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL. MRS. ALLUN, -Brock Street. Wiattby. Sept. 28t6, 1881. -41 Town and Park Lots ' FOR SALE. uni ailtc e Lnd nud. 4 aiwIr tongent1 500 Tarne it OILtario, ana t ande J& Maultobai for Bale. RAILWAY AND BTgAMSBIP AGEI4T. Agentfr1eÙ.e~Ta.atzo 0 ~and ardnd 2'rws7k R'g, 41m0 B11n forSeamers "Chicer'as" . end "OUiiïof Toromio." TICIETS FOR SALE 1TC ALL POINTS. 1 Contraotor'ecdý,iquarlart: CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY. To porsons wlshlng th smcdi for ionde te Great Brilain andi melond, lowest rates andS lui) information glveu ly letton or other- wise; bo ure and ouS for ratés, etc., bofore 1o0=epond nceolicited wlth persons 1 48 M~sieor wlshlng 10 puir.- chuse. rý- STORAGF & 2011 WÂRDING. ~ Office, No. 156 Front-St. West, ' (Opposite UnioStin) on taton) GRIAy'8s BEicipic NEDICINEz. TRIO£ MARK. Tia GIRA.rT TRDE MARK. Eaxua il Wsakneas,, Befr Ssaea î itrabg aeueci afSelf-Abuse a as los aiofomory UÊnivonsiinacludc, Pain iluhe Ucka, ii - ucs et Vision, Premalure 014 Age, anS many o16cr Siseass that le"S te Insauaity or Con- smai an sd a Premnature Grave. U*c Fouit p5a-acuiars lueour amoplot, wblcli vo cloître te senS troc by =1toecvery ene. SZ-y The ipcîoMedicine he selS by ail drug- gmsto ah 55 poct aeage, or six pfeeofr $5, or celil balisent oce by mnail ona reeccip cf tIrs aioney biaddresiisg . e15 Toronto, OuIt, Canada. T. Gi. WIIITFIELD, dealer. Wbitby PIANOS TUNEID. C El). T. GIIMPItIC lIT, I unci-, T tre-r eara. laason & iecb, Temualo, wiiI btain whitby about tic middlle oi May. Paies, tsbiug thcir Planesîîroperly lune.! ou-tII >lcab lbave o revtaMesura. 'YýÇtIyT tPh»ag'mphera, XViII kineh. 0,11cr, by mai- ýadr ea-c t'dta sre lason &Plier h, Tatou- 1, wlll raicirve prompt attention. ly-l8 77m Gtreat Ameriean ýRemedy foc- C0 UGHI-S %COLDS ASfVIMA, BJONCffITIS, LOS0O' VOICE, I11RSEYESS AND -eJIROAT AFFECTIONS. ql'Uîo td ha o ef tewum 6*sos amas Eume la 151 amksrdGRAYS f osèao tat of tu=igai.o sprsces atit-s>s 'he SYR UP %ý " t"*w RED Ti sr caa»Cire%- M-av--a MW Pe- cte-le., <eranI M r h= Meocr f eUtis aougisaade nrtrie e knoen (otkspasUe ailores i 81 bp iireaspoebloe esin iming58ce 17 erst e" Sge s i of urcos Oeand" 5, keorm Iieo M ptl'sde Karg e. r -es ceillbt lc re io eotaerCM. W" K1E1?RY, WATBSNcet Car S A 1. WILLIAM 1IWOMPBO LOT OF- Ils C4RRL4Gr'B 1 anad luep. .At14the ià 'v I IIL DOM~!UNI -:000:- If ypu antthe Best IEA.PjRe-- If you wn the Beet MeOWER- If you want:the Best4 BELF-DUMPING HOIRSE RA2KE If you want 6the Beit GRAMN O1OPPER-. If T'ou wan thte BewbtGANEF ,-L-Ow- If yôu we tthe fleat STRA"' (JTTEIft,- If you want thle Beat EÉANmNG ILL .you- wart the Bouât PLOWB for à ,1l kinds of land- If you want the Best PJL'VERIZING HAIRROW- -GOTOT - OLD RELIABLE WHITBY FOUNDRY, Where you-cian always got good value for your money, and every article bound to give you the bout of satisfaction. Yours respectfulfly, BROWN & PATTERSON MNFG 00. Whitby, June lot 1881,. NEW TIN SHO?. J.0 ocx-s~-, W2BITB~Y~, go- Next Door South to Jamea Johnaton58 "Gold8mith'e Hall," Has opened business in t'ho abovo promises and is now running in fu11 bist, where eveqythig pertaining to Tht, Shoot, or Galvariiz'ed Iron is manufaoturedi a workman- like manner, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of'- UPERIOR QUALITY. AUl kinde af Japened Tin, sud Sheet-Iron ware constantty kept istock. ~A~E W MW3Ffl~TAXÉ&~ m rerei I elabh: ihéri o ti et Uiila eil r¶asaSoah n Cor Nomiin th. T.,'owu aVWHT. onTMM ESAY. the TWENTX-.NMT]a ckyaof LEIMEAD, 1881, et the hour ai TEN a'clock t ualrdon.- Pr Lot Cn c~s m fTeo. BF I BF j l047 282 - AIRPORT., à 066 THIORAR. 6 1 2 60 HfI10 r5 cott'& Pt 85 Block Do N1% Village Lot 1 VillegeLal 18 NarU èlSc Sinacocet., pI Wj Vil. fr127 S. aide Slmcoa .1., con.Union-st., ph Ni Northx part Seou-Weit part Part Nerhh-csst quarter Broken Broken Sonuhhall North hui- Sonuih hTf Northr bell Sonuhhafl Prt Nortb baul South bail NantIrhall Soutrhalou -North balf South bol! [Part Nerth hall South bu P'art South bail North hbai Part Part Part 8ouheuth NortIr bel REPAIRING done cheaply and neatly. -Ail work guar- IPrp autoed sattiifautery or na puy.I American and Canadian GOAL OIL. Lamp Chimneys, Wicke, Burners, &c. ~WibFeby. 241h, 1879 Eý:M.LEjm J. W. BABNPiS. 3z :DEL.AIS County Liquor Store, Wholesale and Retail, KING STREET, OSHAWA. Just received for Christmas and the New Yoar, a largo stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Bass' Ale, and Guinness and Blood's Porter. Goodrbea & Wort's clobratoil Old Bye sud Malt Whisey, thse be.d in the Dominion. Talgd ates' anS Coagrro & Sons' Cap4aAles sud Ponter, sud Lagon Boor aolri and iu boIt. TIse targeot andlfDésl4umoted stock of CIGARS iua the county h Part sud 8harre Wluaeo, of auperior quality, ah 85.00, 84.00, 88.00 and 82.50 par Imperial Gallon. 1 NhaLle Part sud Sherry, 81.76 per Gallon. Martell, Jules Robin sud Honuaesty Brandies, lu wood sad'baIlle. A Ss'mI-ja Brandy foor cokiusg purposes, ah 82.75 par Gallon. B.d and Green asai 91d Tom ssi lo&nds. Gin. - lanoson'., BurYs, DuunilIe andt'o1bsd Irl hWhiseys. Try our celebrated Toddy Whinkov. the finest Whiskey in the market. 82 per pal. or $5 per case of one dozen Fictqaalily oa lISJeundio linna. Beau hic, bottIed by EIb4rt and FPouter & Bons, in Quartesud Pinte. Coagrave & Son (Toronato), Taylor & Bat-e (St. Catharines) AIe on draftin 5, 10 and 15 Gallon Regs, and in Bottlu casscf eue dozea quart@ansd two dose» pinte, ah 81.25 per case. LAGER BEER FOR WINTER USE, G~~n Two dbnnbottes. et iLSpst cae.: GunesadBlooa S'. 81111 n quarla anaiP tia Coagrave & Soa'o ucbebrated Stout, mt *1,50 por daîu en ilan i7 cnte isor d0oe -pinta.- ~c . - -1 Auzg la c a aleLe C,, la 14 5 1 5 99 î REACE. 14 9 60 32 74 8 7 j 26 7 14 42 6 Ua - IIARA* 2 6 200 88.67 4 8 195 2082 5 8 100 1471 4 10 100, 29 28 18 10 1005 40886 8 Il 100 810 9 il 100 1887 .86, il, 426 12 12 1OG 1 i4 12 12 100 6164,%. 22 -Ur MO» --18 28 i 29 12 " 20 80 25 10 13 100 2092 RAMA -1-;roFyonb -25 2 * bout 26 44 lFront -7 part 15 .-1 1 la 4, 100 14 ioe a 15 B 100 15 C 100 15 E 14«- E 17 F 0 ô G 100 Il ---G 100 65 2 ,-KR 100 19 L .100 1 m 100 RaMA Iland 60 Treý Aosr.ofce, sept. 2016, 1881. Casà . Total Amt. 202 249I 207 489 Ti 202 28 2 07 25 2 82 2 O6 2 16 284 2-61 2 87 2 u- 8102* 2 21 2 46 2-41 2839 2 89 8 80 980 S 18i 2052 2 tg 2 76 2 53 il188 2 30 il 88m 2-80 888 2 21 8-80 2 09 83.78 28W, 2988 215' 27 57 2689 27,57, 269 198 9.85 a 890 2 10ý,, 1958 -R49- 1e826 -246o 12,65 2.S<(-Bg 1849 2 .,t 1522 288 1622 288 1522 288 8908 -298 4 78 8'.14 86 482 827 'aateSe- 'atented PitenteS PatenteS- PatenteS 17 O up jted 8208 patented 10 81 unpabttented 2088 Pabea 6 67 PatenteS 17 76 ,Unpateuata 17 771:Unpbelatntl 54 94-a PtenteS 5494,'-PatenteS 5005S Z*aenteS 2 75 PatentaS 20 74 Un"ateutea 28 45 U»patenledl 14 18 10 64 589 8688 e~ *61 Pitcufatb Pà tmsted LfPatenta Io i, 16Con. Pickenur~idO i -Apply;ta AN NcQUOID iehave rceuly pubhsew a6 (wwedtono D.Cve sudan permanent cureM I VoussPabUteit#lalj~s W- . rcic.naae5- envie, %cnly 6 cnts, or twa postage üAt#%rp. TIra celebrtaledaubhor, li is amni.% Esa,-clçarly dcmonstrau, rm ibj, cOpfflgunces May nereicolly civreS ia dn-th anguenasuse o! mheral maij. aines on tac use ai the lnife - peint»1 O - la1#pSaeolcudreastaonce Èmrle certain sod effeotuol, hy means of whicb every suffe. no motter whot hie condition ma' h, aj cure himsalfcheapîyprivtly C aicau 1W' This lecture shouiS b. lu abs bonds of every yonth snd every ain bueIasoa. Aaaress, THE CULYERWELL MNEDICAL C0.0- 41 Ain St,-' *e-k ! Post Oficeo Box 4U68.84 CTO INVEST ONi à -14, iel-[sae~ciI uAPIY h - 4 noacoAgent, Wbltby. pdbe Ette, vses -a 17 - Uptut 1781 eaol 420 P4oI aAIN, HADWrE!l "La t8e~ks anti Low P4 eu5 èmg-rmto - ndexiaffuM and, bo convinced, 1,- 1- ATOl I- Cail & 8R~O7S, WHITBY-No. 4 Brook-st. 1 Il & 113 Yozige-st-TQRONTO. MV0ONeY-! ,MONEiYI WE ARE PBEPAI&ED- TO LOÂN a ~2 A Ongood mortgagos, at LOW RATES 0QF IN-TEREST., Cail and uee u, and pý -'off your old mortgages, thau- are drawing -'iigi iteet, n F'sSA~ .Aiigaial 8rd ýwhile, the rate of 'mlifresT¶ioir lw - - &BRO, Estaà blrs-hed 1833. "p-i. TBY1 se The Xlý lenov bu Campleots à = -order, th. Macbinery ail newv, la and mon - appro-yoad lind. Th l don.éram the-16 ý8T POSSIBLE XNf BAIBeRS &DEALEJ - OppheL-with FLOUJI or theq1» qualihy et'Lowost rates. -th,,&T, Af0,' 5,u.*,f e e ta t f833. Wcvslc.1h FURNITUI La susstesR.~Uijos L 'on ' 4 Port Whitby Elevator I TE ELEVATOIR ATPOTWTB T le nov rodjy ion.replaton iM"TZU PARMERS &s~BUYE-RS wM lltoo e e, ntice.- 'Evsrybbg lu D. GALBà fflI moamee MEE B A -~ 0.11.-lt 13- FAB 7-7, ý 1 40.1001. ý.,