Whitby Chronicle, 24 Nov 1881, p. 2

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-Neow 4Udveffiemefli* tMIS Di PrOPftttis-2ievYork nilependeuI. Club iqfei-J. S. Eobert4cn & Broe. aso. for al. rmes -Carnegie. K<nibhly tale-L. Palrbau., AMeotincforfarm-L. Fàirbanks, A. Uoneson O01i4Rlsqumsand New Yesr'm Fasnily - erowd~e-8. a. Jasgeson. Pseeheel aud Besi ok-B. H. Sanie- Béat Wines and tiquone-1l. H. Sanie. Vin. flavoreil Teas, Collses, A.-R. H. Jammeeu.e CannaeilGood-R, EL.Jameson. lame. and elliss-il. H. Jarnoson. Feania'sHases, Oi, &.- H. Jarneson. Crockery andl Gluswaîe-R. H. Sanie. o. Faim 10 Bont. Town Lots for sale. Now Holiday goodi ai Goidamithe' Hall -James Johnston. Servant Wanîed. Special Bargains-O. F. Stewart. Flannels and lankts-C. F. Stewart. Fur@.-O. F. Stewart. Fcesb Oytes-C. S. Maie & Son. Favorite loLingtore-C. F. Stewart. Entrance Examination-Wýhuîby Col. legiate Institute. Speeal-Financial Association o! On. tarin. Specials -J. S. Rtobertson & Bics. AUCTION SALES. 15ale ffjarai stock, implementa, &., tie propeîty o! Mi. Andîew Summer- ville, on lot 1l, la the 51à con. of Pick. trieg, on Ttiesday, December Oth 1881 ~~Thomas Ponoher, Antioneer. 1Montbly Sale of Horsees, tile, Bug- Itie, etc., etc., at the Globe hotel, Brocilin, at noon, on Thursday, De- cember, lot 18-L. Fairbanks, Âne. tioneer. Sale cf first-class farm ln Pickering Village, on Tusrday, December Oth 1881, at one o'clok-L. Fairbanks, Anelionser. Sale cf farm stock, iniplemeats, etc., th, property o! Mr. Richard Perry, on lot 85,10n the rd con. Whitby, on Wed. nssday Nov. 80th 188-L. Fairbanks, Auctloneoi. Sale of farai stock implinients, &o., tlb. prerty cf Mr. James 'Stott, on loi 82, la th. lot con cf Pckering, on Mon- day,Noiv 28th 1881-L Fairbanks, Auc- Sale of faim stock, implimenîs &o., the propsry cf Mr. Moses Harris, on lot 16. iu the 5th- con ýPickering, on Thanday, Nov 24tb, 1881-Thomae Poucher. Auctioneer., ONLY Si se PER ANNLLM. Wliitby,;v Thursday, Nov. 24, 1881. Liberal Conservat!vc Convention The. Lîberal Conservative Gonventîon * opened at Shaftesbury hall, Toronto, on Tuesday afleroon, There wu quito a large gathrfn- nearly 1 ,400 dole- gal. esware tbld, belng la attendanos. Sir on .Maconald, Hon. Messie. -Bowell, O'Connor, Aikoes, MPherson, ba C amnpbell are the Miniebore prenent. Thoe are alarge number cf M.P.9 and 1f.P.P'». The Premier received a hearty receptlon. MtO James Terner of lain. ilton vau appoiatedl chairata, and Mr. John A, Maedonell, seoleary. Sir John spolie briedy, but vithoul nnfolding &Dy poliuy. Other. speakers follove. No business vas trmaeed. 'To.da (Wdedsday). la l e b. devotd le b:y nms. The Liberal prse he been de. nied'admissiom. Tii. gaIerng ire. garsled as a ouculug stroke o! peliey le secure a largebtuendamo. froi Ihe ooantrY- s-tbgbansqum et té u John. At the smre "Urne ls Oènyeton umuet b. regar4ed lu 16.ligbl e1 a ohal- loge Io the - Liberal Party--oe e 16. muet mur, Iboni up -l'q -siat eaction, anl to th. dixyetbtter organWiton. yunicIpal maislle, bhewoiy4-be candIdatesfor maslol. pal honore aremot hovng p,0 ivoly- dune.thém"gls ela lait v..Iia Onaoi.. oLi. There la a le 11. just, mv, ad lb.e leelors have Umie luo tk. m*o of th.mn-and texamine lb. poiion. Nofau1ea b.foinp116 1 h oourée of lthe Maor Asfuraaubo-eesiM do, ho om$ eh» ae smia 16.1, p. aad 41, anif IMr.BillUmgm 4maI,. bi helb.of. dee o second termuw. do sot kaov 16.1 h.oseould meet'vlOhauy opposition. Godsmith#' Hall. "odulOh' 11*11makega wveudrul hmniou. in the premise.. Mr. Jomlo uade forther additions le hlm afreaily I.a-sock le meel h. eW quirementasof qthehIo14!by demand, and cosboniers wll Dovwldu CIhlm ,pripred loe oei Ihesa ormigsodyo aid oit,. vilehes *p oiremi od klnd*M. pé zly noqi aprieem. i. a look ln.'- TIi Cow By-uw.-The Mayor lase glvec Instructions le Ibm chieonstable le obslwteO1nf«eoe Ibmé provisions ci tbe sor byWar The.malter was bronght befre th. I'wn Ceuincil on Mondsy eâ in na aL'emlution paued le the amoeO. Thecoewms iero .havlug j, promenais on Banday eveuing, sud lu thher rable osr the towu pau à aviit le AUl B"aw Qhurob. Bla". Da. W=,s>dliver.d lils lectre on Ith. Prophel Jeumaloh'm riait 10 old Irelmidst I bth té"hall on Monday evenng.' Thé atendance vaenoct ao large as wvas epé.ted or as the lecture demrvodi'- -1vôleoet hhnk, moedbh Mr. D. Ormilalenmad' meon dbyhfQ henor JnùIge Dpn#tnel, Iras passei le the leurer. Tus T I-Y N àxWÂauens- Mr. Thenuextl euranattéo for aulmlion yull b. heol List and 22ad Deo..[Ses adytj Mr. S. A. Marling, M. A., $'rmaÉly Hlead Master of lthe6Whitby High- Sool, aow une of lb. 111gh SBubeel Inspectors, paid au officiaiel sîit ta lb. Collegiate Institut@ ou $ho 1016 and 111h- inst. H. made a thooih innrylto the Latin buis of the- lu. itît nd fonud overything satisfac tory. Mr. John Smith, a papil of the In- aLitutsd au ofniG. Y. Sith B8q.. barrister of Whltby, hu a st pa.8ed tb. Matrionltlon E;xauination bofore the Law Society. Mr. Frank Palamur, Ws a pupit -of the Gollegiate InstIto nd son or Mr. J. Palmer of Ibis tnwn, bas just passed fintLnerniediate la*,- aking the rd Mr. Josehb Olham, B. A.. well r.. niembered ilb.theown as an assistant teacher in the High Soboul, ha. alac pased tbe second latermedit Ls.w, withont an oral. A holiday was «iven on Friday lait- in isonor of Mr. IHesIonas scosafor tbe ilobrist Scbolarsbip. The toot hall club Look advantage of he occa- sion 40 play matches witb tbe Univer- sity and Toronto Collegiate Instiîtut clubs on the Uiverslty lawn. Fu accouatinlaanother gomma, Miss Lawder has made an excellent beginning wîth ber munsic class. Mr. Shrapnelsa classes la drawing and painting are making nnusnally good prngress. Soin. of the work that we have sssn is of rare merit for ama- teurs. The reading room ls as attractive and asefol as ever. It i. the Woader o! ail visitera. Dati cf lthe Wldow efthlie Laie Peter i'arry. Diel, aI lie residonce of ber grand. dangiter. Ms-s. Falier, Wbitby, on tie lti inat., MARY, xelieL of the lais Peter Perry, agl86 y.ast.- The deali of Mis. Ferry vas Dot uepcl.Si. bal been for nevera *yoaisa al. te leave ber bid,snd bac -livel a gond aiany beyenl tiheaaItea lisae score y.ara-tnd-Len. 8h. vu a ilaugiter cf Soin Hmm, o! Ernestova, neai Kingston, a U. E. L., vin came t'O Canada in 1776, and 'vas tie lust mrvivhng monesio! the original Ham family cf ton. 5h. marriesl lie laIs Peter Pers-y hn 1818, ansIcame vîlli ber laleted h8insimtleo Whithy ln 1886, vien tia place wva swilernass. She wva afaithiilel mas te lalie busband in &el bis affaira, andi lies oon came te b. lb. affaira f efieta pabie mintuhle place ail tie nopro- sonltive nf tbm Biding. Mria.Perry bal a farnily a! egit chIdren-enu langitersand twivo eau.;-the latter still survive, aldare velI ail videly kuovu a ilhhy respctei- John Hamm erry et Whtby,aildhB. E. Psr cf Bracebrilge, ex-Warîen o! lie catnu- ly cf Victoria. Of lié daugiteru, tiera are now living-Mis. Abaham Biyan and Mra. B. F. Dsy. The deocaci livedte uec bei cbilidren jute the fîlt generatin- ail living, * andl togelier uniler the euai. roof, seuvas noticedin l thie Wsrrss CHaONiaLE a short.. ime &go. These veethle deceaseil. Mary Ferry ; hon dangiLer. Mary Brya; ber dugter, Mary Filler ; bonrilaugli. t, Mary Maloluaa. andl beriycuag langiter, Mary. Allbongi l igil o! for lb. lai Ivenly yesre, an accouaI cf Ibsr long iiluesm, Mia. erry vas oet forgoîlmu. cnr lis pioineul place ah. once ecen- pied la 16e camniut. Biswuva gond voman; oaiiable, fiee te give ondtel forgive, aid a frionil la iummn. ly ; oetrous vinsedonsthe6-poar or the ditesed Meyer veul avay lsuugry or uousatised. -Ant a grand trait la the gond voaiane oaime"ter *ai tIbat ne one ever bhardl ron hourlpm a word in disparsgsnt o! a nelgibor. The. renaik. vere bafte tt hem biy ,ber graison-thisfou"enl akiug place on Saturday aternoan, ai 8 olodk- ine le cali the thé AttentiounetfeOu remea e eu Oe cfthie grealeel uevs- paporft e &mg-aie liaIaeutes the but wvilles la li. country aauErope, regal lemm cf expense; bas he basl "a fafIn bonk revievm cf auj paper in thm counntry ; bu ahieartCles upan finsacial mbjacta ;.liaidepailmenta miîteilhy .po " su- ad devowtelt Pins Aits,oMamie, science, Religions Intelligence, Misiles, Sobool sud Celiege, Nevn e! lie Wsek, Hyn notes, lbe mndsy.scoocî,Leg=lnd Banilary questions, libioail.slReb (seniething that imnho toIua I laau niher nevspapou lu lie Uniteud Slalom), Faim Al Gaets, Inanance, Weekiy Maiket Reports, et.-in fatoIa neye pmper flly anilti te lie requirsaisul. o! eveuy tmmlly, c*untwg a tugaie Information vifoIt cannaI hi bail tu- auj cthai miape, ail havlag'a vile. circulation ag, over thm coutrj Aid lu, Europe. W. roter la the Iudependeub, ef New Yok. "Tiihlea1b «,lb. anial, lie besl."Smo adveillsmnh, lu au- etier colami, olandendàpostal eau for free apecimmu capy. Dutteau's Trial. Gaitlesn'striaib*ogan u i remtou Thnrailaj, Ibm first i vlae eminni belng Saoislary inas, vie va. tellow. ed by tie Miniter of Veneuelaulmam, elier viees ofhet lmoting nf-is late Presleub.The cass fcr lie pro- esution oleset on Monlay. The de- tomc is 00w going on. Inuauily is lie plea risileiluponi. Wsshy Goe>unthi Jan. 158, ianlu larqema , Osilmmlo Ces, for *1-ce; Weeklyý Ma i ht al "Auslcmy Homrssm time, #1.(l. weeoldy dvertiser, dho i -lt011.Seuil for cublin. 3. S. Robertson & Bina. vili son lDonhu- lou;orgam aI peclaioui prisses for uext co à. BAD n Prsop RoiD.-Tim .rosa- noetlb lahé lie llîconcession li qetling b*,lly bheen up-eanglil la 9boreë1 pareil, The larg e Ofib zt mu g-mIng ner bu feu outitIlup veýyý i. eu,~sworship the Mayor, [in t16 snd 'Messrs. Bogart, BlIow,, Oamý chI]Dunley, 'Foi, Hanuain, ublloy £edB aisud_ Wcsley. 0f Meurse. Halîsît, Jetfrey, lenden. nan and olbois, sakiag for th. opeaini of aide lin. beswoen lots 81 aud 82, ând con., snd removal o! cbsls'uctloua. On motion cf Mi. Campbell, sconde' by Mi. Fox, the -Petitlon, after a tes words o! exlanalion tràm Dr. Bogart, vas directes 10 be bandoil.oor la lthe Conaty Attorney, wIbh. Instruction&m take sncb action as May be uocessary. FI£ sAND WÀATE. Mr. Long brought up report of coni. mille. and on motion conucil *ont iat< commutte. thereon-Mi. Campbell in lie cbai-Report adopteil, recomaien' .ding payment o! sconats cf J. W. Barnes, 810.48 ; Tics, Rico, $4.60; Wm. Wo6es, $9.221 Report staleil thai tenders for goal cil iad beon receivesl tramn Messra. Hatch Bras., aI 26 cents per gallon, and Mr. G. C. Grass at 27 cents per gallon, and rocommeading acceptance o! lie former for Byve bai- rels. BTATS tOF FISEENGIN£. Mr. IHannasa enqaired o! the chair- man o! commitîce on fire and vater vhelher lbthe reengin. wus la s good state cf ispair, andl if eveiytbing in good tInn in caa. cf a fire, andl if s hser abd been altached tb the englue. Mr. Loagreplied liat mach questions woe.ont o! place. He vas informed by the chie! engineer Ibat lie engins vas .ready 10 do ils voîli vienever oalled upon. DRiAINS N IAt NawCES. Mn. lHsnnam ropoîtoil froaithi. spec- il committesappoîntl ol ean euh h. drain on Oison Ssneet, eatnttglia tiey bad don.ase gond a job as coul hi vib thie liailleilmeana aut hir ispo&- ai. l Thsy isiozexpedi810. Il vonil b. à a cibetterr jniIf thi.drain could have been madam afoot deepen alliae South-sud. The Major caliel atontmon te tha bail saae of Mr. Devorll and Mis. Thompson'm drain, andilaciso hbe man- nes la viicihales vere f011.1 up vitI oaili vilci voulil vasi vmj vwili lia rala. Mr. Wesley took il fiom Mi. Hain- nam'm report liaI lie commite. iad nI docue Wha% liey angit la have doue. Wiy luia Iey uci ilespon Lie train ? Why li ley stop aI an expeuiliture cf $10 P Wbal vas Ibme bjeel o! appoint. ing the special cammitte.. balta odo thal voîli tboroughly 2 Mi. Hannasai eplied tliaIt 'ieocon- nîtton bald Ooc vbal liey voie Sp. pointed ta do ;-the other mattit be- longeal 10 Mn. Dunkley, tie charma» cf tbm conittîsoon Street$, Mr. Dnnkley replicil, explsining how maltons toal, and sai Ib"t if lbe ceai- aube oi oe te open draine fîom aIl lie oellarsim t lan lboy oulha limpi buay. Aftto a gooldeal o! terîbon discus- sion, in hilci Maigri. Blow, Long, Kalley an-I Campbell tuaI part, the re- pont va. aloptil - ADbDITIOiAL eiuxr TO MATOU. Ou motion of Mn. Campisol,è senendeil by Mr. Wesley, aus adlhtonual sue ai $50 vas granlol tie Mayor to cover bils liabuimameats for tie yesr. ADOIsXTXOSU. CROOL AMOOXOOTIO- TES 01.» TOWN "ULI" Mr. Camipbellî acellby.Mr. Han- Dam, movel &bat lhe cl tovu-bail ho haulel over totah oeol besrd la ho -convredi lte shool roonis, sud thsmI lie ock-up bm nemovoil Ihsrifranias sau nai canvonimul. Mle Stlei laI lie sciecl vas over«oroded-thalthors voe e asmauy As 100 paphle la oe - ioat, saud liaIeaily Action vas desit- Ailee as 4e have Ohm renmasin resu- nesrlmmeilitely *atethe b.Christmas 1Mi. Blov ebjectel hcause Ibm mat. ter wu not ineugh forarain luàapiapai vay. Il aheulil b. leftIfer lhe Tovu Prcpmity cousmite ob bing 10 a im' pot; sud ho vaulail tie value et lie 'ouI lova hall la b.amilaneil aud obangeil ta lis proper Impertinent agiansl liccois cf tie proea evu o bail. Ho moveil&an amenîmealte Ibtis affect. - Mr. CampbelreplimlIt1haildn lifference, lbheusnney came ont of thé saieneuh. Mrs. Blow Aldt lieo as a rgil vey and s vroug vay fart bing tlinge, aud preeseled ta aduinister a cuiataicis la Mr'. Campbell for Iakiog som nci up- ona imuel lib is malter, Mfr, Campbell rome tb îspl- The Mayor clled "orde l' Mr. Long nijecleil b Mr. Bloa' "ibullyfagging," expre de hi uatie- faction viii the pre4essa sbo sysem, because Ibm trustees bail o mue h pav- et. Ha s u nfavor et delie ' ' ela Mi. Kelieyvas la favor o f baig lhe usal$or stand *ver, aid e«Ps'a bila sorprier AI the lnerset-lite sebool Population. M r. Fox lo acteil le bave tb. 1uM.alow alan lm biver.amnd ment, &cît Iben axNdeeatiallise snalteu b. Wai ovei«n'tinhl 16naismxleting cf thie cauncil. Ticmoyer -u sieemil lng viIb ' anotbor speh Wre h;lt Mayor dmeisred bei ,ssol(cg, nam- u àuilnt aîout of ordir, cn lb. trouil thsl teérequb'seints cf lte Muiciopal Am bat nstbeens fdilovei, andt hst the sehool board achd enidei <oy» a re. qaostlos tle t-be cocuitl. lie appoaulment of Botùrnibg cWîmurs vici v a pmmol Irougithebmvarices stages vilbont diaecuasionappoioling placesandsutourniogeffioaim n4 1.11ev;: North, Wsd- Odhfmllows' Hall- RugIs Prier, relai'ingoecr. - Omîbr Wurd-Tovsu Hall-loba Dow, retànor ieer. - v'satoe. aloe- ffonmy Thampeno, rmlnrabng offeer. Mr. Hasinasa. eieldliv jir. ~Wil-Toiblve il', halfSur _11 Jo ehn oinI for Mo .about the ooni*lnohbua '0 o We're cuit où1lthundo,- as hei. aut a alith e oililnet barmnulomat the lust 0 rginersi i lskei, ho ont afor leo ovérbok liaI au Itmopne- spile ",os f O'l)ay," selt is,111 tlier yetl, .14 epil. a' agi» au honeat poitical eppenent. I 9do'It oiget- Ibat msny'm Ibm Ul'oz ergar me=0inlimes pust, uI lac 16ai Pet- eonsallyjeuiver bail abard wurille say & glin ohnuA. An Glin lsas <pot folgi- -a rite goci ollev-an la makijui ls mark ia lie Houge ais is gralmy lockil np loi, au I niver oacI blameil je forge. la for aloia Thrusip., Ousu give nà yanr fie, aulil toiIovW.snlit bygoutel be bygenées1" - Grasp -me-baid ho puess- ed il mm o juilyan piacelme-in is c -w aete-at lie saie îthnp rhngin îi7led 5bell. Ho vas veny otijial ïsuirîly, au g alLesiidleeal d flinmm, m lIeilou 91 o o tiat for tie fiaetlin minutes 1 cud't ni pt in a vend edgsvlse. The vailiar ed t siriJ. siakin islied in liaI oulI en w aggsa vay of islu-Give yer dher un * I io't spare lb. goal licker cfibe in bouse. *Won'&tluci aoyhhiag ahhreng 2 ci ho ares, amaleil 1k, aI me refuasito Il jino hlm i hets ovin bail. "Do ye rW mape la say, y os do'l dbiraI onvhiing, ea O'Dy?' Wall, thal's a nie lo? Wiy, Ti vwn ilid yesl lave cff P A 11111e gond ou vine, for yer temao's salie wvnnîdc ro 1 yes van bit av bora. YTe eo i eSd mn an occauional ocodk4lîaiuni help ta yeu at liliorany effort-if 1 remimber s-tely. Il Take boulil man alie Ill-ft "Sur Jchn," I pi& lu, st lat "l'aitlu mity agilaz oi*eeYezsgoveliausnc sai goil Perite. As for moii, Iran!, it middlia,-an me speuuls vw niver amnoo mvw, 1- 11 - nl "'Cheer Oea op, eald ci p1" -h. ciesm b ot-"cober eni Up afther -the goal bé; onlil vay b. peuin affle @ peritsilovu. by 'vo'hhredsaI an fernni theeffeck in tvnuderful-n;-ugxal.I mite mha" "Don'& timpt ms-I vcl;e't impt. sw e ., Sur John ; huides I've mol a ml- ni nai promi, lsiani e Noble FPuni, 1E lieM ari ocua bhkagin, & upav ed licker von t salbher me lip-nor mibàeta icr a long lime aftlirarda." But o0 v oa p? Wluat'm sal"Ifo onvin. fa auriaunsse baul 1?,Ib IlGînelraîsbl, O'Day 1I.Gluoral- fi ahi pIII eclahrno<lSur JSaisilu m"Y oc âaiehsfied Vice.1 "lu don% tell use gse ," us1, "th"at Iis -2 lis raillly a mo tev.v ie url'." g MeHostool haek apleeaI tiiplI is9C 2 bandemakimbo, abu 1i , au gur aeisnh sici a comick look LiaI n o elu ibmthe rl ollbut blmmgel! cul give. lfi "Whontbull je liaI V be ho il.. S ".No, no," he vint cn-"Il'm thie(liner- ad ai -lie Gineralinluchief aI lie Party.bi -an 111 taire recionsgond gaie liaI ÏImi .vou't ho ou-gineraleil. This in a fianli th .moyemial apon lie Gril forces la On- di h are. These fellovs boe e autel toi ja -givo mn s <muner- àA. muer indeoil I fit viare tiare vuil be ouly o !ew av lis tic oul iso liaI on Ino presam ; zmin hi vidiaul vaut or politicai influence, co city coilbractore, bammin Aldermen, WC off. seekera, an baugera on, an vaiti- au ens on Providince av aI! kindi. I air cndn'Iabîle ta mt loin vidh eman un dhriak an guzxlo, an relsil al lie oulil er s1.1. jolies liaitbey bov cisei4and tai laffeda ol mIeno. insidli av oei. 1 ca vewntail lie ccantiry crov. An liaI WC f mid.esue t ai-wi '-J. B." lis onlilffl i'War Herse'av Seti Ontario, b. pro. op sginlP I vent to saebinm, an I vaut go taha s!ho pilla b. in te il tetisPo nexl eleclsii, an net eciajle cf bus On rigits la yer censiiey.-Hov I. Id ho 2-TYes. I vatoil agrand U ely n I vanteil bamthin 111e as int gatierinc allihe dinnor, aunvasn't il aamre av fm ginfrtabilup labring d<l eva2oUbIrds tIl vîdb im'atoe? No vaste o! ammuais- cf inn, eh, onl bey ' of "TYer vondierini iutirely Sur John," th, vas ail I1ouIdmaY. 0I *'Yès " mes be, oqtininIlutha amo ab, siiu-"*I've miml Ibe psrlyomucomeaulin hijna i &R exrpectauhun. Sna c Buceai1 Snce.m I Tiet'm viat fehes op frienila about nu--" i "An Pelironage-t& ie'isposhai av tIl av fmiplacea-I plut& i. ci "fYes, 70e," es hi., "eneesa aufattw bfrtum IWiiiliaultIbese, I kboythare IW are moiyWhoauarenov ail olsiku-a- m neis, via vudn'I yl ai Ibestreet tb to pay thieïr canrt laJohn A. I-nov Ibey Fr vuil-vel wbat vadn't sain mv lbe ps hennI. le 1", cm I toulil im-Ildidu'$ agiee lu mii thal, p altbo Om av il vas bm., jet lb. ougits O, lc remimbrlth&$in Isde varsity bis cal frilasld by hlm, au Ibal I mite say col il viiaul fisllbery, ne public ma n lb Canada-vu able tlatahrael ich a afl rge porsonatfliowin as John A. toris hoi WO ahsook bandoanil »atcd, an 00w ni vaboblu lie' gatieuin au tliakin av the preinisoil »Ont. TIM 'DAÀY. Lait Sunday Bev. Pather Staford qoutlnno<iu, as is mîsteil, s someviat laourslve vay Iseaccountt e hieou- iregallca of his rocenttbur in Flarope. [le lirea aleil toà urber of parisih Mallers in lie course cf vhieh hoetal- Bd liai b. deairoiltlase the Lindsay porionucf the. dicoma» delàt pail aI 'Palier Btafaord usniarked It isi h sP.England ho visileil oue of t. hree omîballe training echoala oslabllsie a - taI conutiy. Two cf thoea vetounder religieuse. one is in priverol sud is >allol Mount Pîmasaut Trahxslool. 'berne trining scicols are Émialai te air Normal oinois for toucheis, sud sceive a contribution froni 1h. goveru. ment for Iheir support, lb. sanie as lie liher training secelai. 'He fouud liaI fi Liverpool institution ocouplsd a roul pl&an lthe work cf training sachera;?,aid tLiaI liu pupihs-vwore thumîle boult tochueras lu glanil. t1oui b. gratfylag la hlm if vo bail nue sncbsechocil ib isocuntry, pticl- aiarly for girls. luirsiatil ltheLoret- w sieters .1111 bail the. loaiiug place as Wachera andl vers maiulainedi nly by lie upper or botter olamse. Neliber in Eaglsud uer on th. continent bail eo seen lie acheola 'mn vell suppiaei! wili mape, globes aid ocher uchool fur- Biture as lu th. province cf Ontaio. ne bil ïîuis tisaies cosllisaly> notI- il hIngo 1» relation le sinsilàr Ibig khome, (ic'a t Ouerdf eta imparisne viiihemu. 'le oleed, tnluslsaco, thas ie pté cf 0>paed eotter boumes, tri nldlg mi Wrme than mcml cf lie tainin luthe Dd country, sud veto fai bmIter snp. lied viii agrlltnrailuplelioflt. Iu rse ths bail not, made any prc- to At a aimncse & oaecf Augnalus ,sai, sllud 1 ledsy heuplougiing in tie saine vsy ltaIVirgil bail dem- ribel. He voulil'net if bh O w. a Farmer, beave Opa for auylhi le ba meon a 1. firni=g l$nen.....e mîgit bdl lu ooeneou i aremark, he ail mal. Ibe previcus suudsy Ibal îauny pople lathe olbconntry bélieveil ufal over oducalicn u spiedncing a lesto tfor auelal or. Il vau Oi- eil ai at àgimat mauy became un- Iteil for manuai labor by thm odaca. don they hail receivil; sud boam board tie same objection statel ia Ibis untry. it vas maintainea liaI il Vas n&the uty ofte sate tb piovile ;upeior edacalion tiat the state aboula mply provide Lhe common or eral- ary edneation, sedl bave 10 lie fatmily )r individus! tic îeaponsiiiity cf Ob- cluning or providitlu lihr classi- >l or profesaîcual educalion, Tisie was noltluinitly a governient grant ,oi superior educalion ; andpublic )piinva moviug in laverorfa!tIis sunerai policy. Mfe vas hisasi dis- peel te Ibink liaI il vas vîang ta )nplay lie publie funls tla give a mp.ec- al Olacation;bat'bat persoas-vin, 'ere quallfying for lie Professons igtIo doesoallet rne efl toft1h. !àmilyssannt ot tell#&i.Ofcours ser vas a certainarguet lufayot )fgiving a suprl ed soam oa baye >r tlent aIrit tâpstblibe opofise; bot, bat argument "ould ap-ply te Oditors r1 sieapapeis as vell. I1%vas isdeni. Ms tbat lie militer of h' ipaper vu a apoil my vays agreal bonefit la, k onmaily, bnt SIil ,-tber. vasne ,eciW ilcatosi provideil for hlm by hoeato. &Agraeaiéiculd bsail l he aMo e vy il, favor oft edncaiing ergymet i tht&..pubi*s.eppense, fcr ay, ajudoubtellWiteiOika- boefinhal fluenea ail has ,goil s rlgbf la spoci eduaen a lsvyorsor dc. Ors,inbuthy ditaoct got it......In rance vwsa he vas hoe bey bail eil iav, (nvavailhaz the con- i ocf Lieaesna*e) le compel Sisellaserv, in 6e a"My, mn liai rery olasmi icauetaster ho hi- binO a certin fag O olibave, ta hi. me elier sut mpm»8 BvOyeueaaCI sntacks lit.. Thezma who bail bo msgttkglabring liaI about vas Osai 'OI,Ithe mm f wiom, sy had rea a being te lie conasctien 0Of 'ehuici .d ,shtt. Tis meure alnply casant hodestuctionocf tise Catholle religion loëger, for lie lifs, ofa scîdier ant eL.i-eÀf9 .pri4at vas ince mpahil ulier -alosuveu 1- da n un is coun- lry. Juil in proportion ,as people bat tie principlos or caiùltlanity Iboey l respect'for w8rnen ; sud 1thevcrnen. cf Pîsùde and . Xtaly haIlndlvidsaal sud personal inlerest lainintbliug lie princîplée et Christ. ReHao b.dene ln Italy, vornen walkiilg baiefoolei on muaaa elroas ewhib -h 1e; 7r bootaIs country'vwonld DcI Iravel, and bearlngcu Iheiï -beails heavy büki lienës, vhlle Ibee mon veto valkng. along.ald4 vell.diess.d, viti boots on, sud *îtb 1 hdin-luheu pochaIs,et delng ausllg. lsiesbil seeu Young, girs wo ogh laobo nt mohool, diig upon la do ....HRe bai spont a Sanday luNa pies visiting tie churcies, and noliceil liaI tiey wve. vol aliendeil. In onuelargeochurci th. msjorily cf 16.e people vere men sud mcml cf them vent ta Communion ....HEe observed Ibat la thobig cilles lie gocil ver. botter tion th. sarne lu lie ensiler cilles sud laon, vile tie ba in lath. big cilles vere vous. than l intee mmli. er cese. There vas -tua difierenco belveen Paris andl London, liaI viat vas dca. i» Paris vas donc opsuly.... He vas iu Paris on lie 141h cf Jnly, lie national ftel day cf lie City, vie» lie viol. population Inîneil cut andl took possession cf the streeta and boulevards andl enjoyed Ibemmolves la tie fulleet orIent, . v as cal onu.h street from oarly mcrning unuil mld- aigit observing th. scene, andlhi.baad in tiaI vast conocurse oet lre. millions- of people Beau but on. peisou exciteil fîcai drink. Tiey & ailbalthelr vine sud coffe., andl vere gay aid hspPY ; bal thieue au not one drunkard. ±H0w voulil liaI compare vii Lindsay ? l. vonlil lesvp lb em ta malse con00- parimen. He b.d blissa 04 Ial îiey boa bail a concourme et people in Lind-. say Dot long ago and he Ibongit freai ,wiat i. bail bearil liaI Ibere vas :more than one vho dia not hnow viol lie Was dolng. lu Il lth i nie ho vas0on thie conent hol ie ail et oul:y liai one usa» ender tli nfuence 0cf lox. Il miglul hi ail liaI Ibis vasan argu- ment agalut latal abstinence, andl io voul adlmilt t atif tlaliabstinence veresildvocalmdinlu rano sud Italy lie people voulil not uderatan i . There vas ne argument agalnet' vine drink- iug lu thoue nounîris. Il val cly csiminsis viko got drnlsand acime vas oct nemmitoil am a roie lirongi drunk- nom. H. boalmet' olil residonts lu Franco sud Italy vio, hail ld hem Ibat they bail ilot teen Bye mon drunli la lhiu lives. saine mîgil ssy liaI you Couai drink lagor beor.iu Canada, but h li1 ant link liaI Couabc hoiae- iy doue. H. iad sema ucthing to change ie.opinion vîithregard tb lie use e! drink, but mach ta confira iti. Hf oa eausenuotbing lu London or Liverpool or Dublin ta, cans hlm 1 madify isviess itb 'regard ta drink. Tii. groat cuise of Englanil andl of Ira- ail-more %isa lhe lanilords-vas the whlskey, bath lrom a moral and religions os vol! as fromse amalerial point o! view. The soverigu ponîiff on ssnding hie bîeasing te the totl, obsti- nonce aociety o! oui chanci béeeil Lindsay bail sent one word aq a miess- age. That word vas *Preserve.tt... Palier Safaord tien alluded tote ite 1 cildrea seul cnt by BRey. Paîber Nagent and ilvelt aI seme lenRti cn lie imsportanceofo!that vorkwvici he va. sare voulil cammenil itself lc tbplr jusigmeal anil support .... ie question bas been ralseil as la tb. Classification of emigrants an lie ocean steamers. Ho boalgiven corne attention la liaI important malter ail he belloveil liat lie syshous adcpted by lie Alla» lino iu lssaifyingib tirilclaie passeners vau thie beet.He aIto believeil liaI the White star liue vae bing thueir b.,t la Ibis direclioa. -Ho meulioned Ibis malter fcr Ibe beneit o! Iboa. lu tuaO country soading word ta friands aud relative. lnthie olil country...PFalier Blaford relaled' s luîstrallng lb. aI. lmucion pail lu Borne te aU churoli Matta"- lbe tact It s heCardinal Prefec cf th. Propagala mail ta bisa:' "Yengave yonr blabôp saroyal rocopt- ion,"tle vici ho replieil: Anil i. vill alvays flua us loyal." The esrdi- ual-aaîd cf Dr. Clarm, "Ho is'pions, loarueil, ealoua sud cloquent." -Ho aise allînd oil b isgrace of Torcoaso a grs eao alier Blaffardcon- cîlel bypubliý*ciyepresingls Ibanke laIbevurs o! 16. Wbite Star.sud AUssi lUnes for Iboir kindness le binoîlf peneoually..1 auEwmITtI LIOOLN -T0 LHAYS' -Tas Re He -- JAMESON. CHRISTMAS AND' NEW LEA1VIS FAMILY GROCERIES! NOW COMING TO HAND, THE FIiESHE8T."A ND BE8T 8ELEOTED STOCK 0F. PURE AND CHOICE OOEI~rES, "WiiNI-E8 Fi Ga n i No. 1, DEVEZ - On Frllay or ina laconnecti Inatitute veni fi on forelg gouni the acceunlagivs theu br* isvsihi 11111e ta mâl. tha slmilarlo le doalinaticu at th anl the Brut mai Unaiversity leam5 repulalion c! bel amnfg wviecha olage, oatWu lâhotherinal5 mal oue even i -matob, Univers] celleglatelsIB Coliege tamib - 1woeh tie CIl IjI~crcxE~E That possibly could be purchased in the Best Markets! CONSISTINO AS FOLLOWS: Valentia IRaisins, ail off staUt, Loose Muscatele, Sultanas, Losndon layer-, 'Black basket, Bie basket, Black Crown, choice table Riaisins, also table Raisins in single layer boxes. Currants-Patrass finest; Lemon, Citron: and Orange Peels. Canned iRings for Scotch shortbread. Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Dates, Prunes, Metz Orystalized Frenchi Fruits, A fuit uine of English Cosacques, as cheap as 25o per doz.7 PICKLES-Cross & B1aokweil'é, Moir's, Whybrow's London, Batty's Mild -anc Ho te Nabob, South Ainerican Digestive. SAUCES-Lea & Perin, John Bull, Batty's Dûke' Edinburgh, Elders' Royal H]Eolyroodl Prince cf Wales, Salad Sanco (Cross & Blackwoll's), Bongal, Chutncy, Walrnt Catsup, Muùshrocm Catu, ua Peyder (Cross & BlackwelPs gooda), Celory Solt, Tellichery, White P8pPoýr, Shot, Peppor, Parmasan Cheese Blanc Mange Powder, Allked Birds' Oustard Croom Powder, Extroot CaMs' Foot, Gellatine Fre.nch Mustard. Rowintrees' pure Block Chocolate, Bensdorp* & Co.'s Pute Soluble Coeoa, Epa' Coooai Qucen'1. (hhocolate: Aise Chooçate CroamsIn boxtes. Special attention paidin tis-ie. Java ini bean, and ground ýas reqmlred, MoohlaalBo-, Café Des Gourmets, in»L.bottlos.ý -BLACK-ýsouchong and Paeklf4g« Congo of 'choicest quality C ,REEN-GuII Powder, YoungiHyson. aI ail puces; thi ~e meJapan in the. market--80o per lb., and l al other grades rsncalimed,- Agent for thc Li-quor aiCmny Port aud Sherrni.4n a vaniety,ôf cehoice brande, in bottie and wo& A fluelighti-Spanish Vite, $2.00 per gah, 506 per bottle. Ntv Wino, $2.00 por gal. -10c per bottie. ~G ahi -P' j lýe bottWie. iwlv.reaommenaèiL. Uolborne White Port. iùz stock.- 1.ATJflT ,,nnsa. ....,,.. UQLD alebtis iil igivou to mah&o,-apu 1vory -oui tplnmtilav bis maalur. o bFs0 toil I.remin &Il mems a worn -l9 lblng rloohe loveIy.But aven r tiste'. ilovaiglut itgmdsaàcm nl-thei.pro shifts aid sthratagera aye an 'm su tbe "$ButltaIShïbagw Ixicsov» Bnîxau.-Tb* .Maocgl sid ObimiBry »,, le <01 lt eTrmtf mlnet of boxs, dry gooeil., ~hbu-.j ils, ~ ~ an . i ts niacs o Pl speet vas-observa a "e o l o; .The epe t mu i at" The - ýO. Suons 17 Dr. WiIL,.?"uisIslue4 1ù inel lamphis ,formst aIo 10 esala& sssyiuae reelsi cfuies f ï,

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