Whitby Chronicle, 24 Nov 1881, p. 3

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SPECIAL. BARýGA1 N S PEOPLE 0F ONTAJ NOTET18 FACTI T14AT WE A ..LINtQ W06111 Woo" rey,.Flannels from, 30epryrd worÏth 40c. UnDanbl.odly wohavé the ohoîpeat Fla=nos inIi own. i 3ankets-'Of the best make, and extraordiuarily cheap. .0'YARNS-8plendid loi of Factory and J'ingeritzg Yanz. -Furs 1 Furs!1 *Ladies' Mink Muils -sd caps, anda onmuils ana Caps. -Ladies' Black Astrican Mffs and caps, sua OIrey Porsian Muis aud Caps. In fat a very large variety, ana extremely low in prices. Ladies' A.trioan, Jaokets te order-see our sample. Gents' Minix, Bol,. Persian, (Joney and other Fur caps, and undoubtedlly Iow iu prices. We -can buy as cheap and sell as cheap as any flouse in. t7e County I We keep only thie BEST quality of goods. rT STEJW .-IT "THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE OLOTHINO HOUSZ." Foot Bail Match. On Friday of lest week. tb. football leam ini connocticu with 1h.eclirgiate Instituts vent tLappay tb. firl match an fanmigu grounds, aud guesing trom tb. accounts fiven by tihe players cf their brief vimt, il vould take but veryj littlein tak e hem apend a holiday 1 imilar ta that of Fiday lmmt, Theo detination cf th. t.am vas Toronto, and the iret match vas wiii Toronto University tesam, vhich vi9i the Ber- lin igi Soheol team has shared the reputation cf being Lbthe s team cf tho p ravince. On arnlving lu Toronto, th. Intituto tes ain vaetulby prozm neul members cf Lbe Gallego tsam, amen g vhlch numbor then. vas aur townsfielcv Mr. Palmer. Once at the cllege, aid Wilby beys viei Witi on. aucîhern umakagtheir visitons at home, sud vers even ready te do vhat <bey coula ta i.ip thein l sobool on ta victcry. Shortly atten tvelve, tb.e ii match, University Cllege vs. Witiy Collegiale _InotituttQ wae began. The Collage tesam baving the kick, quickly breught thb.'bal -up Lb.heid te the Wthitby goal, and by play'ug voiteLo gether it vas a fev minutes befors Lhe' stebool lervards? bai a chance te show 4tbemsev%, but tb. fine play et the schaoei' detence ah length relieved Lb. geai cf danger, and sending th. bail on the terward il vas quickly cannied on lbe College goals, and as vas remarked i byoeoe e L.clloge backs, they bai for a peodl long ime asu muci work as1 tbey ceu manage te defend their goal.à lu on. of these assaue Rogers of the saoel team by a beautiful run forcedj tbe bail pstthL.e aks, snd by a veli directed kick aconed a goal for thb. solicol. The OrsI goal, se ftand ni eu f a few minutes loftIcf haiftime. Iu Lbe secend part Lb. game vas wool atnb. *beruiy contsstei. Very ltte sadvint. age vas gaîned by oiher aide su eveely w er. the backs undi lorvardseofthLb tee mtcbed. But th. eider sud beavien teatu were laxiug tbe *rengîh aud .kiil of Lb. yeunger e thein nîmaost aud inally succeeded iu taking a goal. à second vas aise taken by th. College teatu, but' disalloved by te referee. Tireughent ther match tbm besi of gocd feeling prevailai. Ne ncngh play et auy kind va. tadnlged in. For th. scieci : Radmoni, goal ; J. A. Palmer, Eastwood, O3. McGlbivray. Rogers, T. MoGllivray sud Pbilp did geod vcnk. Fer the. college:- M, Palmer, Haig,Hnughsm,Croolau aud Baldesnu play la deservtag cf spocia mention. Trime aud aain M. Pàlmer vas cheen- ed fr hisseatifia klckingan had lte scbcol beys iad lime lsy vaili hbave joinsdinlutle.gênerai aheer,- but viiun- Palmer had tbe bail they bai le be ever active, or he vauld dribble il inta geai. Se qutstly bad lhe game boeau pîsymi that Lb.he atng teatu vers aI Once favorites vitb Lbe col- legiaus. And tbs geod feeling wua abevu mont enthnsiastllciy vhsn lhay enceuntsrsd tLb.-Torontoehast tona. Th*s gams vas betiy sud semeviat 4oughl contest.ed. An oulooker veu scarceiy have lbeugbt Lb. games in the monning vas piayed unien Lhe asm. ruicu as the game et Lb. afternoon, su diffrent ver. Lbsy. Again the Wiitby team venee ir e Oa ascore a goal, <C. P. McGilivnay kickit)g the bail tinougi aller Ove o'clock iu Lb. ev.ning, sud ln tb, dark Lb. balva. ent Iraugi Lbe WVbtby goai, sud, aflen a long dions. sien, Ihe retoee daided t a ciii ilà goal. Tins lu both matches our tavu club vers able te score o drav. The tevu players vers-O. F. MaGillivray, J.0. fHaretane, A. G. Heudorson? O0. * 1edmonid J. Ragensy . Pbilp, W. Walters, T. Mloiroy,ï W. M ,il, J. H. Iiostveool J. Fergusan, J. A. Palm- er, P., Pa4r, G. Johuacu, J. White. Acacxpanyintag b.ployer., vers 1fr. Robinson, Pricipal, sans cniortva elbmi. An effort.nboheg. made ta 1ýbringte University tan doirit taplay M WhIbl ou St. Aurow'e Day.8S geai au liupression ha. lhe OlIeglate teane mode fer Ii lu infootball achoies, LiaI au invitatlin bas beau reolvedl tram Berli te anot thea -n uTarant. ou Saturday nexl. Toronto Letton.- Te the.ERcWor of 1h. Whilby Chronicle. Tornoapeopleare sommwist eau. corneaiabout Lhe pnks af lb. sindeuts eftLe Uiveriyionauat Frid&y nlghl. of late, alunta lram &Utie difféent collages bava boeuon showtho fruits cf vacation, but Fnidsy ighesi oings eeem La surpiui ilotiora. The uual Wt10fmoeigii. than elher Dmwv ()i* orliùthé oef SirJohn lu tboilil.p apMdthi p» viii thé. sit elroi eg ne ci os 7h aufa.ekloryol .. lce. 1fr. Lieder made a most ,;uccasstul debut last nigbt in Torontoe; -b.va. abiy assistai by several veli-kuowu musical favorites cf Lh. City. Au excel. lent sud appanentiy appreciative audi- ence vas asseamblsd despila lb. attnio* iens At tbe theatres. The yengplan. lIs la centaiuly deserving cf Lb.eiearly n.ception sccrded hlm. A departurs from the cuslom ie tie malter cf ushers vas Dot a decided success. The young girls looked veli eeeugb lu thein black dresses, vhite apreus and caps, bel many bejirs et ticket& antitling to r.. oervsd seUls bai ta content Ihemmolvec viti places eallie end cf the pavilicu, bovsver, perbaps practice viii mal. perfect. At the Royal M r@. Partiegtofl sud ber sou Ike are making thein laugiable bînnuden-the latter canaing much dis cmfitun. ta the Dacon sud allier ci bis motier's trieuda by bis pranîs. The Harv.rley Miesirsis aIt th. Grand are meeting large audincas--Rossi's acttag vas au attraction lasi veek, but boy mucb more appecatcit il bave been iad he red Lie greal irak. matist's crealions lenlthe lauguage-ilie woeds-fin viicb ti.y vers inteudd. E. Canadian. Tux AmýLe.ixLîe.-By arrangement viti tb. postal authenitias af lb. Do- minion lie Afln mail steamers are te be despatch.d tram Liverpoal ovory1 Weinesday, lusteai et .veny Thursday,1 as horetafere.4 Tax MOwNuIRAL ORANE zCà.SZ.-A jueignelgiy impontant Le Orange- men va. given intahLb.mliCourt ef Quéenea Benci aI Montreal. It con- finmtheL .judgment et thé Court b. 1ev lu lb. casa cf David Grant againsh Mayor Beaudny ton taisaerarent on Jnly 12t1i, 1878, the juigmeet of lb. laver Court being thai Lhe Mayor va. on- litici te LbirLy days' notice, wvici bad net been given. But, going bond tus ere tocheicality, the judgea un- auimoualy deeided Ibul the Orange Ai. soclîtioci cleirly came under lis Lover Canada staLuta probibiing the. admials- traLien ef catise ofsececy, sud vas thenefona illogal. They terthmr doisd lbat outaide cf &ai ii b. Me yor bai acledinlugoci faiLli, sud theroe thélt action agalusi hlm venu dnol lie. Serions changes inocunection viti Lb. expenses cf the transten of prisouers tram t.é eenty gaol ta lhe varions penitanhianles sud netermalons lava been made agamuat Sbin Muera cf Eleu, nud lb. Oouly* Cannai bau do. termesito petition lbs Ontaio Gav- enumeni la investigalo lb. nailor. Wisl locha veiy much lika a case cf merder bas camne <o 4gin luhLe. ova. slip et Inunfl, couny cf Simco. ýAu old man uansi Slgii, via la kuavu te, have bai a eem ai mou, y upon hlm. vas teunnideai on lb. bigl a c iti tva cuti ou lb. bock cf bis heai, sud hie moesy gene. The Murdoch Oas. terminai by thie Court enderng LiaL lb. chili romain in its mnother's posessaion. This la preh. abiy tbe sud cf Ibis vn.tchei case. Mr. Jonathan Gèni, aoUbf io ba. pauaei fon 15,000 L.siul 200 ocre farm frein Mr. W. Summer. ville, cf Stouffville. Theata s-mthle voit bal ci icIIl 12, l i h Meau. cf Mankiatu, ouly ce mils tram liaI Vil- legs, andisla ceuiderei ans of liýe bout fimslu thst splendid tovuship. Fragmente oetasu nukuavublaek vos- sel vers inivan »salstaIPart Colil berne.* Tiey are thanglit to belong to eome veasel tLi a eumin uThure4 day uight'a atoru. 15h. turne culte b.th lB". P. Dorr," Wh"oh licargo sud aIl -bandswoveslest,., Mn. Dmv.duay bas lea appoluls Lieuteuant.Govenor, provWioily, af Ibm Norti Westin t b. place cf ML. Laird. SLlent..Col. Higubotisauxlias bien sp. poluted R.glslîar oethéb.South Riding of Wsllington, lu Lb. ioom f et Cata Prinoe, deiasai. He rapremeulai Ile riig iu lie iaesaien cf -tii.Damia. Ion Parliameul. Prince Blaneank, via baaIs ai belng Ibe-mosl pepu1er man iu Genmany, la ,crely ciagninsi ai lithei ai il.hi aond son, CeunI Wilielm Birmark, Whoe offsnod bhiesitas cesuiae st Mullauen, prlnclpally ou tie graupi et beiug bis ftîosa sou, *êe o rela by au oemnvhmizlg msjorily. Il va. ha a breh cf promise cas. Sai lbtheuisndat, «I moî.ly asli ber if shs voulil 'ry mesud ch. asai, yes ;'but I 1idu :Iek. ony prom. lse to her." "Yçou dou1t som tW besa tua Young wounaumo 6poo0toos, Wvo ahal expec tol yn 8e126asa#10.0w0allé. Cou thie nei cas. 3 The Aie-clamep6nidan fan palificai 1servies, vacant by tie d"ea 'fl t r 1Beaeoeafieid, bau been 0.at.i eàupan Mr. Chiliens, but ite pay ment viii b. sipeuisis'Ied o1oga ls prseai rayas- 1 slanary ramilus ln office. ,Thoenso £la £2,000 a Yser. Tows > »E5TROY à, ar a uam The. taira of Msn»11a, osnlb.e ltus 0,P&aaun, vascoamplatsly déstnaySd 4iyhurleae o lb 20 auUit., lavi. vIngana t stimalsi ai oves bail millidoll ,esnie f<oolpu -- r.f-John i. Pofa, rpsotr of the 4y7, bY thb.He iConstable of tâbe . Clel bravt4.l Lag Ms c'ï EIB.'l0 'p - MareInt4er, lu a t cm I4.thli Di4 , yé ~o" àà tétèhé ezt Nc<ioes cf BirtA, Mary-sages, aibd Deati charged 50 ýC.v4 A .4. GOODWIN-MOORE.-Ât the. I. 0. church, Pickering, on the 1tM tait, by the Boy. Father Boauug, Mr. W. J. Gocdviu, ta Mary Bilan, daughter of Mr. Heury Moore. D EA .THB8 ADDISON-At Whthby, au Mouday, thé 21,1 luit., Magglo, ouly daughtor cf J. H. snd H. M. &. Addison, aM" 8 yess ad 8 month" OuMN uossOirvr, Son.. Sud, 18. FaUWheat ...........<1Il #129 8pla he1.....23 * 95 Bar.........080 *c0l lys..........-. 0886tos0e Peus.................. 072 078 ..........yod. 090 t,097 i.u. .......... 100 ,1 02 )ata ...............i.. 040 (8 042 Ray.................... 800 o1000 bt......040 t 0 60 P..............o060a o0n Butes..........020 0 092 Ch................... 0O12à 000 Wood ....... .... ..... 460 a 5500 Seukis ...........060t,090 IA=,â" ueta .....195U 000 dfo» quarter ...100 <8000 Calfllus............... 011 012 Rides, per lb . .......... 007* 006 Pork, per lv. .......... 7 W00 '710 Turnipf(............... 010 a 015 Celer, per dos.......... 080 <0040 Chlcks, perar ...080 t0 050 Turku. y thé ume.... 000 006 Mtaubthoaeae 06O 0 VaI, caruse, 6, r.all010 t@ 900 Bacon. Farmer...... 012 ta 014 H&Ma i ......018 O015 pssuli, pu bblL ...040 00 Caibge, pr hod. ooe..... ,0oc00 Rhubaxb, pet lunch ...00 tw O00 S-prgm i ...006 t,000 shalotg,.............0056t,000 Radishes. fi"...010 00 Wo, uuvsshed ....000 O0 00 .....d........ 00 wta 000 A C AMRD.* sarnu,"ly depay, lmu ai mneI 1 vii moud a la »i tviiiM»rsYau FR O F CR E. Tubs <ra my vus dhauumdby a 9810*00.57la Southi Amadou. Bond a aolf.sddresssiuvulope La the Rxv. Jours T. Issuz, DttaDi> B"i HOMOs. NM. rat O04.' NEW ADVEITIBEBNT The Whitby Coilie ttl ENTRANCE EI&MTION. The neeamluao iadmissioniiilac WEDMESUDAZ. AND TIR.UEDAT, 218 o2t0. 34 ita.mrrF lu81 axrqlsto uya.a o fompdoa On Tb Wnsi t iiiluepsa a olr le chrlstana oays- I ou MndygZaau olb, lm89.Absrsoe, KoC& mua W,Ë e ta t baroughly caispt. oui teschsrmea the mmra onais ies --.oua.s octalmnn .1Iintlcu uponf GEO. 1H. EOBIXBOILA. Noir. 9ud, 1M6. AUCTION SLEM Of ansecet besilarums in Ptebosn1 Thomu. âes fulbasrate isuoin. AT CUTHEBERTI MOTEL.1 inu» .VilagofaiDameus C004 ou TUE8DAY, DECEMUBER M<. tUEz. Th" valu"bi.Faro, at~sle th Tovu.- ofi~c Picksoelg, aie*ll4mà* ug100 Na. & &9 uf.fe id meooud aeams0s, pooveutrket 1 - i ThI. la oneofaitle lsoui mont, desmi rU n thelTovudp of rdnu,- clay 1«CaMd i lvenR adapw fS au i ima ths bin, Oc", airo ImrpW g au ket, ais ouvuoeittgw "Y A ou u Mr. Caruegla bouMai t.seiiaveuniaà maefls u,àeul. uabe ofdo Whllbye ov. y- as it will NOT LASIP LONG. .7. Cc,. Weshow th%>Iagest, andcichoioest stock of W rsed Ooaàtings, Scotch. and. Canadi&n. Twe eds, Came1s-Hair Uloth, Cl oaking, 1Jlster-Clothà, ln the Couanty. The finetétok ofGeea Dry Goods and-Mi]liner ever shown inu Whitby, at nioderate prices. Our Millinery is superior to Uy preiu sesn ao~n eodr.ite Best Style. A large stock of Shirts DrawèiersT4es; Collars,- Socks. Glôves, Rats,anidý Caps, &c., &o. IN DIRESS'GOODS, we have a choice stock'of, Black and colored Cashmeres, French Palice eloths, al..wool plain and Twill -WneYs, black -and colored Silks, Výelvets n evtenLcs ibos e rimmins Fringes, Cloak ornaments. Skirts and ýSkitings, Ladies' llnderclothing, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c jB~ IV x:~ CARPETS À SPEC{ALTY !v-- We have. .received-lage addiin in this department,,.which i cmlete iýn Wool,, TapestryBsssUn Hm, andfloor Ou(IoMth, Mats., dc. Large stock of Table Linen and Toweling.- Our stock of Groceries is complete. A large' stock of, Glass"àauJ Crockery, just to hand, very eheap 1 are new, and comprise thé latest noveltiesat -the, lowest prices. A Jiberal discountto cash buyer.s. J. B.POWE-LL & ýC0,.I DOMINION WAREýROO-MS-U Whitby, Ootober - 5th, 1881. ONE TUOU.SÂND P* I OP0 FRENCH RIOSE 'BitCK-ST., W HIT BY.. An ETMIENRW STOBX nov o"peusi 88vFA LL PROCLA MA TION I~ u,~e~amanas~pice, 00 0F ÙOIDO i - F' > AnB sR TO Wr! Jl sl I iba. uneolored Japaù Tes for $1; 81b. caddies fine new Besson Green Tes for$1 ; cheice new- Besson Bisci Tes,. bfor 1. 81h. caddies Bîpeir Japsu Tes fer $1. AUl grades- Sugar m~ ro StIs deiy oompettiu.o- anued GSodoBatty'sChoicePiâles, mad Saes, e Cecoanut in bulk, MFisvonug Ezlracts, -Pure Spices, Pr Cream ofTa r The «iUuis" Baking Powder has neusfor puri sud exclence, the sale ofet i noreasing daly. - 'Use the "C0huese Waeher!'- for ecenomiy iu thc Laundry. A L.A~LGrJE~ ~ c~ cf aeunmon sud fsuey BOÂPB ; 12. caici Taiet Besp 1~ar 20e. 'sarmed fBOOM, BRUMES, PAIS, TUBS, WÂRBOA &C,'; 2 Broems for 25c. B. P. bas the largeet stock. cf. GRBOCKERY SIÈVER I -I 'i .AND aASAE Granit. vare ;-new styles in Glsssare. Beifel Pâ slute&a n COGENKEÂAND QATMEM CRAKei»,WHIU.* *upely &U il Bock BoIIom Prices, tI -OAL-L ON- ___OF W ITA', -J' Furs! 0'..p TUE FINEST RUtS.. From 5 to . 9j inch. IN PLAIN AND FANCY (JOLORS, 1 The whole 1lot to be offered at less than Wholesale pricesit Ladies should make au eatly start for BRYOE'SGrea~t Qiving.UpBusMmess Sales!, To, procure. ail they require. of tischoice 'lot.,of 1Hosiery, 9 OASES .. MALE & 80W8S Fulvote 1 O.Ur gooas . Furs 1 ffl X7 w w ]La 0 w XY 1 Il ma

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