mu "Ah, GO.ests, dtar, wiry bat"n tissM Nyc are thea suligit 09mihbout; Itabed,4 pha your nl (No dc44 my uïrm o e- ~4«Tniow vek Ileh* vbtspnabotti ne ld ha waald, but ens-tira day Et &"P64 A Story of Rldgeay., & 081 f541raroxaaa E&BUT$ ]Ua alpUiIoUTII PUNJUHN5NT RU 1 j, dse mol0. Tom Keogli, of North Carollu # entendO tle room of sootary Lineolu, soccowpsnlsd by a' g.ntlamsu virose gpsy haire sud bovîd torm sbaved plsinly tirai Sometiring basides tirs lass. aiyearc baidbrought premature ahi sge fupon hlm.,>This W»sa Gn.- Robert B. Lynch. the re- lation af hie story ta the kind.LearWe ecretéry îecourd binlau l meiste appontuneut as mnesasuger lu the War departmeut. Hin taiseWs$s internat. lng sit ever cons& tathrs lot of a Cabinet affider ta hear. - Twenty.flve y'ears ega Gog~. Lynch won ans cf the Most praminét tmou lu Milwaukee. RH. cdsufficisut af ths warld's goadi ta gi. hirm an sasy living. One af hie friands thon wuscol. IReagi. wbsun 1h. latter entersd' thes amy Mr. Lynch a- o ae slited, sud iring lu Cal. Kecaghs eoumsud, h. feeling of friendabif bet*eeg tire ,tva vau treugtbfune Sbharly sitar h. var (Gin. Lynch, vira lisd sried vtir oualdenablo distinot. ton, beceme lutersited iu" lb. thon au-. qulokiF ob k A cmmsading pailtiai lu tue 0ngI4la Ofaithe. "sum "raid," sud voin lu ne, 18U0,Oonei"v.or si bl u droted onpime noerm Canada on vhat eflea rpord a (allie .terp"nl a.. ».Lynch Ãvasonu. of ther neognied vas presentsthe bialtle-aOf tldgsay, sud wau one a-tc18 atndby the Esgli At ual t, me. Besîdes Gen. Lyioblliere vers amoag these tabou sqd iB~Ieepa1minutber asmed Lumsdn'thé.-latter hsvlug 3olaëd 1h. expedition ad etyled bîwftuelflcbap. -.laie vhlle Dot lu a tat-. cf sceunt. abiliy for-hbis setionu, Tie psrtyvoe c onreye4 tote , Cset1Kingotoni barly .oaping the irair liai lthnuged the ttions wbqss the trahipaseeld. For igil sioallie iey neuialued lu tht. prisonas 8wlllg trial. Whou ltht. came off thé Epiçcopal minlatmr seourd 'lauts84sqittal, iI belg shbow t-bt lio >riLnot jolned lu thre raidvlith ab ide& of whst lie vas dolug. Noten fortuisete vue Lyncah %sd hie friand, thé prisat, -Rouir re.ld sevrenseun. tacez, and v.res onplacoedla oelse about t»e faIt id.- so ùrow tualIl Zpe t',1" Iaw 1fai <sot*lu, o vebots vivais for the bond of tic saâme youug. lad, -c..bate -beaty. you krsev I1 eidilj, I dan't wvauté te wag, butlI gaI tisbeut cf 1. Poar Symîhe 1, 0*dean.f$o.iatlroneand congrat- ulitious 1" 'Tlbauks avCly. We bathi pnopoeèdtaa1 yack, yen kuowsud ah. Tistiophône bis deveiaped an en. tirely neo semaiof heilo-outinu. ' A Vîzad Clergyman. Rea-the. p&tWe oi f Jolb wouibicorne ixirausted ves ho a proacierand endearo'r lcg te lutenet bis audience viile tisyvire kiipug a up ennesisant cougl1rln, mag It lmnposble for inima ieiar. -1 "o Ver ssion &I» ailb iraoidedby mipli' ualg Dr. Kiug'a»1New Discovar' o Cou- suruption. Conghs sud Colad. Tgi botles given avuu' -t,-W. -. Hnvsa'a Drag Store. Bucicn'u Arnica salve. Tir set Salve lu tierslrd for "uts, Bruises, Sones, Ulcqre, Sel Rienu Piri toes, ~ etter. ChappeHaRnde, O lane, Coaus, sud a Isuptlons. nasudpolive. hi' cures Piles. 1- I l garuad ta aieri. tates safaction or mous' rofande. Pries 26 cents par box. For Dyspepsia or Indlgeahlon, H~bitua! Constipation, llloansaa, Liver a ney affections, tirssaleusud ùaboit rmemdy la Dr. -Carsn'a tarcb sud Constipation Bittera, tIo grise famîli' msdlocne. Tbey cau vltb perfectosasti' ie gven ta thre ouugest chîld ua tlrey are puni'y vegetabie lu composition sud mnld lu their action. Sold lu ange pausl boIlles et 60 cents. W. R. Hovse, spial agent for Wbitby. - Woman's Truc Prlcnd. A flnd ilu ceatio a a rieraS indeed. Tis DnueCaui'. ss, peclsl-y vien asaltance la rsudered vimn uie iasosrehi' cOUrteS disease, mors pbrienlarli' those complasmnte sud veakuesses 80 common ta cur feins!. eoputioan. Bryi' ornauauronid ue Ptai hooakie Bitters ans voms's trus friand, sud vili poattively. restons 'ber ta h erensu veail aIrer ceinediesant. A durgli trial slways proves@aurtaasrtion. Tey are pleiu a tu te taite sud oui' cash fiti' cnts abattis. Soid by W. a. Havie. Get O*Ut Doors-. - -Tirs lose confiment a!fail fatori' vomI, gr.tire oîmrtivis?>allid faces, poor&?Ppo- teigt, , msers le feeings~, Por blod, inactiveahiver, kdueyi sud urinuri'troubles, sud &Il-the piiyslcians end mediles in the vanS cannaI hehp thoea nuletsithey get ont cf domotr aisHo p Bittera, lthe purest sud bst remuidi, espealalli' for snbcki4t. bey-. lng sirundsuce ai heati, sunirsse sud rosi' cO1,s iSiqthema. They cost but a trills - ChitaiRecordai. A-seeo!Weetines la of ectilt byersas vir a c4nollocale ani'pantUionl uss. If tiey varieit be. acasa 1-ba; ithe vsk, hhey eoou tirs; meta= iori e a aburdin, sud aven joya are dmmed bhtre sadow ai tlii veku eis i out caIovere tuet irivea. Recolures hsoiiacetimeas ta stimulants of a dlaugemnicisarachir. Tire &avine af pi"- sielaus tai refrain tram - active loer pro. dueces an ba ppi'reanîts. Wiry tThe. s'- MMais ladihltâtedad sud e.ta irabult up p1 p i. eaiuSyrup vil! do Ibis very j a sle ieuwcne cornent vrtir tire corans fuotlniIt rateas rp tirean. fssbled,Isnluge tire colon tu tire cireek again. ad bop le, tire dispauderrh. Il Sos ils vark promptli' sud veil. dbai Udlailrug. Tra Deatir-Rale af Our ceu37 nI lettlng trrfsfi~lr Ihe tirs ge ci 1M1ebulamisredeei yeanv-wtboil auy masonale aus, dl:% moiaao tna hi' fro e tir e atirgulA. ocm c ,u .At -e3t a à assa. M ShaTr ,ù»?issatab. tir t r in -lD r a g g lath e l uo t - b s c a nl r y i s i l 0*r#Aým8 Iboim n âî tsie th. A«. , oua aveNo Excuse- j*ttSà sd Haro Joi sny excuse frtacueciug vith ultsUsdy DyppiýoFa ./SveiConplaint? I le re &Dyiiresrnvayy aui tgênram day- te ycphlalg ti Our Stomacir. -~ ~~~a Olkedai, Habtesna/s-ra4ncesPal. mad ladlpite t i bHeart, Rart bora.. -Wisr. basd iruing pain, cI the plI a eïr 'te Stoacsh, Telicen Skia CosteS Abd4 , nai% ougo,*ud lagrable tas1thotr ani ir$, aoi Ooarl fpotdaS aestiug, lau spirits. mli. Tli~ho.,Nais.poatiroli' your Ovpeolt I 10 yen doà . . Go ta, youn Dugglt--aud be Miss or < taiallu ai GroesAnuaMMt Ployer tor lcents'your cure ta eactslu, but il i'au Yi NP e0 deuht ti, ge a BSimple Botte for 10 cents ladY vl40 sadtryi I. Tva o s vIiirelieey. a OOAL! là irn»f& AI isada e! Ceai Nov 0on flanS 1 h I . rT. amnnov propanSta fMueaipatist md SO.80REENSO OO0AL I n41c510te frais tire 1ouhirratedSCUANTON_ bilIaA <> MINE, at levent picea. Of b& ag TERNIRs, s- s CABH. DC. DOWN-EY, majret, WWflliso'&Blocke, BrackieeL. ktarlu on -wiitby, KaroirOM,1881. -12 T;M - OI>êON _EOUSE9 À.~ ~ ~ u vina - ..&s ..î, n..y.e. CREE-P1KERNG, ii - Tire ébe4m'pr.r",-bave irapn taà kunb' anetueuadrugue~ cinSnenov being rrvly fItteS Up for lui réception ef gues, ai lue trveling public. 41040- 1 1sW Wie-Ulquoro mu, "ati.Maia at - C~tsbhng, iseroomu, sud su -atteu. ~ î~.tlqott*r- -WM. RHGDG5OÉ. adat.d fer of lot U,. ln ,of thre Ladieas'clere ana Wb35U505sOestp cact iut v a forld res,-wlheptd o Al»a Blght Lots on lhée NortÉ -aide cf tie ralrty of TiromasDow, Biq.,eacb outsiùtlg 1-5 o! au acre. Wlflo boa slnql or t64atier. 'Aima Lotsou aacircorner il Dundâo sud neuolds mres- nS a lot Adjoinin; Mn. R.Iê, onSout oiai DanSas Uinet Aiea sevrnai Lots sdjoining tire Grand Truuk Rsihvsy Station. ,- AIma foc sale ac ta cent toa s mitaine ten- sut. that desiral le Dvellng nouse, occopi- cd bii'tire lots Shimifof Ontario, sud situai- aou tire South-ost corner of Byron sud Dunlop streets- Tis propert inlniceli' eitutosd, tire hanse anidoultirnilinge are neanli' nev anSdlungood cep air. The. iras. in full tva storeys, brick, î5w , w ihbase ruent Lichen, &c., iratirrome, W. 0', dcc.' MiaO for saie, (amUi Carrnage, Planton, Bug li Cr-t, Wsggoanpair ai Boira. &R&M1ý&Saâs, BffsQ aâ -oit Robes, sud a lot of airer articlesa ua lâaetiar>s wvich wil lasscola cheep. - Terme are ueYa- aad eauire iraS ouappli- caÃŽtiot tue Emecutara, or FRED W. CAsEy, Soiicitoq toc Ezecutara, Smith's Feils. Lrsrsti rai'. ReoDua irb*s». ec.iiburing trl.d tinratau srr tuas drme L a. EUVB. 413,a w-, .. . Dznà aTxrrcorr Cnowrs Liss., T oronato t/sOctober, IbOI. N OTICEqa. harm' givan tiret, unudersu Order in Counnil, ixxa Buasnl the undermntItned Townships in tue 1(0500K/ aud P/SRT SOUND DIS- TRICTS viii ire oSered for sale hi' Publiac Auction ah tihe Depsnlnant of Crovu Lands et TWELVE oclocI noon, au Tues- day, thre SIXTE day of DECEMBER cext, Vtr -TOvuelrpa Of MowaT, J3nara.?li- COxrt'rHiu; .PATrraisoit, Mrr.r..Sas. CL&Ml. ilETrrff14P, PrSIOro. GUa», Minai. &a Steorco, Jar., LAcarmn. P nLuror LourNrr-reVsrrGan sd llnrsvoUrrr. Tire area 1teircdisposeS o! inteabr iove Townshipe as Timuber LBertha la upwandâ of 1,400 square miles, sud ta suit ail classes et pnrchâa»ers each '1'wnsilp will, asenearlyi su pracaticbielac iiSeS luta tour bertirs.t sbeetg centainfig conditions aud tonma of Sale, witiî information as to Ares sud Lots and canctecioues conaprised in eacii Berth Itl be fuiirid ou appication TJ. soualy or by letteri, ta the. Wooâ us Iriio- EST& Buzoisof tihe Departint, or ta the. CrovmnTimbor Offices et OrrAs-A, BELLE- ,rutxanmd Qaraurc. aud the. office of T. E. Johnston, Esq., Parry Sonud. T. B. PABDER. Commiusons. Ionnlaadail U cukue, =owwn of tIm, Paus 17.,,de Pnan and Iohêa. l ON E smaTeeon rkrem t ssSJeui Streer TWl eeTà c M- MEuStet sS -parumela Ontarlio, &Bd Lands le RAIL-WAY âD -8flAMBRIP A 0ENY,." Àgent for NoriJ.Wai Tr7rete"os 1 oreia'C~'4 "Cfiarw 1 TlICKTS JOB S3ALTO ALPOIIqTR.l CANADPA CIFIC RAILWAY. * fo peuq wlsilgte .ema for f lu4to NI lufrm«Zlou <lys»m itpon alun. vie; he 4»dfo e ~e., ben CMorraodeuce sllclted vus penons ýhaving, itarnsfer elleor 7" .n- 40eli . -1iag t pur Office, Nb. 16 Front-8t, Weà t, 'OpleUni"nStation)", GRAY's *PECIF1CME CI . TR40! MARK. Tas AD ÃœR cane fer sperlmatat. rire, 1ws Bdoons Talig.? ~?"~Ahlrah oefreue ifl-Auase; as loua o!fMori' mUui sLLssltude, Palin theb. aB Dlà - ne"a a!=I1inPremature 01dAg, sud mcci' othier dsas ta0"aSta aity or Cou. setI an ud Prndr Grve. Mpartionlans lunaur pmpkItiett vici vue Autre ta senS freh y insU taeery ane. or Tire Spuetft. Mdicibe las oiS hi' aildru.. glats et 81 pia rsckguor sixipackages tocr1U or'vtfl bu sent twebym=&U an recelpt of Ibe TgE <i. J9IIN o i. Toronta, Ont. Canads. T. G. WIIITFIEL), 3dislar,WVit-b7 PIANOS, TUKED. G E O. T. GUlUPRICIT, Tuer, Ytoc Messrs.Meason & Bieci, Toronto, vWin hi lu vbithi about tua uriddle of Mai'. Parties vlshlug helr Pauouprapelytnned viii piesse lese, hein ordera vitu MWnr. LYON & RUPERT, Protagrepirer, Winl klnsou'a Block, Whitb. Onderu irry cai- &cdesued to Mesmureon & Rlw ,Toron- ta, viii recire prompt attention. ly.16 . Te lkeWAf .m*ricareRemedy foi- 1C*UGffre COLD4 AÀYTH-AI BROIF 0HITtg, L008 Ofi voici?, H<>ARSENESS ,ANLD THOA. FBOam ) l5iES'atM a mgsd esa Aps Se SGRAYSGur 1 sseole lit'".ffut pis* 'f*SYRUP;t, e's pre- F# RED a eomte-GUM. Mas: "gais/oikaboZmer ,-n'ri1 tlmoes poed4o d.otin ra ing ob- oinau uhacitwg offJ&a i-s Mo m e k <ff o tise iebJio as kMr SW4 T$OY et CO., SADDLERY' Wll4LlMTHOMPBQN LEATFUMIB NALI8E W'A&mi 1OMNIfIVNIl If you wawkt th Beit REAPERv- If yon waut the BestMOWER- Ilfyou,.wantthe.,est SEILFýAPU.ffN-Q -HOJSE IL -If ~ ~ 0 HI 0wnt 1 Ifyou want tb -esANQ7eLOW- r yIf yOU VEUt th est SRÂW, Q~-1 If~~~~ ouwnth est ~Nf~rIL If~~~~~~~io #11aat heBs Ia'o ~kinds of land- If yo WSO. eBest P'UL RIZING HARIROW- -GO TO THE- OLD RELIABLE WH-1iTBY FOUXDRY, Y-virtue a01a warrant under tir azsdaiftierasr naudtire Sea! aftire Corporation B ai tirhe>County oaiOntento, datedtise Sixteenth irdy of Beptmnban, -1881,: eommauliu1 meé toev uy pora the lande nastionadin à tie ialowiméit fon roar aci taxes tireon, ana cojs,ý as irerelu ge6ions: -ibièerebEontietbhuleuW aucir anneiss"sud coïts sùre sdonner palO, I shaU, lu coli4Ianiètiist sïewiméffit Aë, pnoceed t lui 'Publia Auction tise a dlamas, or il: mucir. tiereof as mai' be necessari' for tirs taxes, et tirs W, Ig-thr ciWrtâWHITB-y, n IMUR5DAY, tira TWPNTY.N;INTH day ci DBC~BEE,Â.h>, iB~ 't th isa ,Irr S iTN o'cloaâk lu -â5e forenoon. PI - CKERI' G. [ p,, -.Lot Coa. Àdmes. Amt af-Taes. Caus. Total AmI. Beairll' iLrt 85 B F" '&047 2 012 249 pstented, RougesAà Ltt,'cott'asPt .5 Br 4 0 82 207 489 pstentsdl Blool D, Ne Vil"i5 Lot-i- YIIgLoa-1North aide mnoe-st. t Wl Vil. Lot 27 à . sidaSlmce M., cor. Union-st., pt Ni Northr part - Wh re ouCa ýaw &s eý o o -value foi - your m'On 0e, 1'.i- North-eaeat quarte r and every article bound to give you the best- of satisfaction. Yours respeotfully', BROWN& PATTERSON MNF'G Co. Whitby, Jlune lut 1881. NEW 'TIN SEIOP. 3~- -w-~ E~ s N~" Next Door South to dames dohnston's 11Goldsmith's Hall," ]l ".-~i n f u n - l h s t , - w e r e e v e Àh n , g p e ' a f i g t o T i n , Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is manufactured in a workm an- ike mannier, on SHORT NOTICE and at reasonable rates. E.TLECTRO-PLATED GOODS of, UPERIOR QUALITY. AUkinda fJ»oTiu, ad 8heetrou ware coustantly kept in stock. Broken Sroen ri Sauir hall N5orth hl '-Soth hall Southbbal Seouthohaliai PautiNrthall South bal North halt Noti hal SNtir iait PSouothall Ià T BNth ha PISouhha Northhall Part 1Bouin-eai part THORAH.- REACIL 9 60 8 iIRe)CI 8 4 6 12 13 21 2 29 lu Front Front Front A E F G G L L m RE1'AIRING* done cheaply and neatly. Ail work guar- WP IAIln anteed eatisisctory on no psy. Pt iRm 551 Amerioa5n ancl Canadian COA.L QIL. Wiakoe, Bà ruýors, &o. - 2 012 2 68 Patsntsd 2 8 2 07 ô 09 2 15 1. 82 74 2 82 Ê.0 I 226 .200 88067 195 20 32 100 14 71 100 29 28 100 40 06 '100 8 10 100 18 37 1 4 26 Io() 1537 1()0 15 88 100 61064 100 51 64 100 46'87 a 78 100 1828 20 80 25 100 20 92 RAI!A a 80 83 78 29 88 27 67 27 67 14 14 17 94 1-651 13 98 8 90 19 153 1a 28 12 65 18 49 14 Ã"D 15 22 18 22 15 22 39 w1 Lamp Ohimneys, 1Treauner'0 Office, Sept. 0h 81 - W. BARN«R. IN- ALE & DE_&11s County Liquor Store, Wholesale and Iietail, KING STREET, OSHAWA. Just reoeived. for Christmas and -the New Year, a large stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Riun, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys B]ass', AiMe, and Guinness and Blooa à - Porter. Ooodnba & ort' casbrt.dOId ye u~ 11 hiskey, the best in the Dominion. Taylor & Bates' and Congreve & Sons' Canadiean Alcsansd Porter, aud Loger Beer on draft snd lu hottis. The lorgest aab"t aseorted stock of CMARS inuthe. connty I Port âzd Sherry Wines, of superior quality, et 85.00, 04.00, #8.00 aud 12.50 re Gmerallonu. Mati.. Port aud Sherry, $1.75 per Gallon. M*rteUl, Jpl.êRobin sud Henueaas rades u-woo# sud bottle. Â &à alaBrandy foor.kinpu 1os j4 0.0pr ain uG(roaiseal Old Tom sud RHollanda Gin. Zameson's, Ban'.o, Dunvili sud Stusrt's Soctch sud Irish Whiskeys. Try our celebrated Toddy Whiskey. the ,ftuent Whiskey in themarkoet. $2 pergaU. r$ a aea n oa Finai quslity cf 010aumzn Bu Rm. Basa Ale, bot2ld by Hibbert snd Poster & Sono, lu Quartaeund Plut.. Coagnave & Son (Toronto), Taylor & Bats (St. Catharinea) Aie ou draft, lu 5, 10 and 15 Gallon Eego, and in-Bottie iu cases of on. dozen quarts sudltwa dozen pinta, at 01.25 LAGER B ER -PFOa W TER 'USE,. Two domo botle tc a$1.25 par case. Guinnedsand Blond's Stout4n qiak4tansd piutï. Cosgrave & Souecolsbrted Stout, ÃŽ% 1.0 a on quarts, sud 7.5 cents per doasu pinta.____ b.fwttesémplea of Ciganw'ctalsty onDU nd Mecr Pipa, Priucess Totto, -FirdAma Beu 6Ogïrs* i 8mao, Ne plauwUra, (*111 Edge, F4,.lFumai -- Lcý6îà , - Amuerloir. Eaelc,. 2uiog Gouzsz LJ1oï ,li 19ffl Âmerilou Cousin 2 16 2 51 2 87 2 74 3802 2 21 2 46 2 41 2 39 2 39 a 80 202 2 46 2 76 2 53 4 73 PatenteS 35 56 Pateuted 4 32 PatenteS 8 27 Patentsd 86 511 1atented 22 83 Patsutsd 17 08 Unpalcnted 82 -2 PianteS 43 68 Patauled Io s1 upater'ted 20 83 Patented 6 67 PatenteS 17 76 Unpatented 17 77 Unpatsnted 54 94 Patcnted 54 94 Patentçd 600 OS Patenled 2 75 PatenteS 20 74 Uneaterated 23 45 'Unpatented 2 30 14 1S PaenteS 2 80 14 18 Patentcd 2 21 10 64 PatenteS 2 09 5 89 PatenteS 2 85 8868 Patentea 2 75 82 6L PatenteS 2 69 80 26 PatenteS 2 69 80 26 Unpateuted 2 86 In1 50 PatenteS 2 45 20 89 'Unpatsuted 2 42 - 1898 Patenta 2 85 16 88 Unpatentsd 2 10 6 0(1 Unpatentcd 2 49 22 (12 Uupatented 2 46 20 72 PatenteS 2 82 14-87 Pelenhed 2 34 15 8-Unpaeted 2 86 16 95 Unpatonted 2 38 17 W0 Unpatsnted 2 88 17 60 Uupateuted' 2 88 1700 Unpateuted 2 96 42 (11 Patente J. B. LAING, Co. Tres., Ontanio. H A R DW ARE! "Large Stocks anid Low Pricco" heing our. motto. and examine and be convinced, uit WHITBY-No. 4 i3r)cLk'st. cai 111& 118 Youge-st-TORONTO. MONEY! ýMONEY il WE iIEPLEPA14ED TQ LOAN On good mortgages,,-at LOW RATES 0F INTEIRE ST. Cail l- id pyofyur od mortgaý&es, that .", -are,, dfawing high interest, and- SA-VE., Y0-U R MO0NEY! Ê-2let. o'tp,-f interest 'slà w ,Àugasl &d, 1881. 11833. Established WHITBY. 1833. Mt 10; 5th con. nl1. ta. RENTP om ofa!front On the ar. So ot 1I«How Restored f, 'new adition o r. Cuvr Wwell', Celý,raed Esay en the. radicsl and peirmaà ent cafte(Witiieut madfiolue) of Nervoue Debility, Mental - an Phyïical Incapacity, Izupediments to Mar- riaga, etc., resaulting hein axcess. SW» Price, Ilu a esled cénvelope, culy 6 conte, or two posatgetainpa. The. celebrated author, in ti admirable Essai', ealy demouatrates, tram tbirty yeara' succeuufol practise, that alarming coneequenes iay beradicefy èvred with. out thie dangerous use of internai medi. dcins or the use of the kuife ; pointing ont a mode of cure at once simple, certain aua effectuai, iii means of which everyzufferer, no matter what bis condition may be. xnay cure himself cheapli', privateli' and radicaUly. qýFThis Lecture shoaid be in the. bauds of everi' youth snd everi' man in the land. Aadregs, THE OULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Anu St., New Yark, Post Office B3ox 4580. 8-hi' TO INVEST ON Mouigage Real Estate Secuîlity Apply lu CHAS. NOUBSE, Insurauce Agent, Whitby. October 6th, 1880. -42 oe doceê.-1 yesre~s. I-.l oo1 to 2--> tob a and u;. 1 1,-. 1. c SHpte rs. .i hi4 p L3tr obin.o, o riywe ksfl b ILa . d y aud Jun m I. ou pomtl- u ir Andgivs etir saisfcIop SupphuclwlthFLOURf he Bea ifaiaMet owa ratas FLoUA!)ALXIDBFM ' FRE, FORSALE Highest Prcie paid fr We ,MJO MPAL ILL& ordrtheMahepraUng he te s =tu e in vntlr 6118/nes -0OlI TAI BARRlSTERSý AT LA C. H. RITNIE, c vvij -.O8ULIY1 Youge t r41 t DAVID Gia Weitevale, 1111h Zone, à a ey.orythi cenvince lt art, WhitbyEIevatoi 'RB LEVÂTOR AT PORT WHin fonvrAd o li pl IV i £MERS AND BUTERS pia.tks ie. Ersry£"*In&i 1TcL&Ugs ande. D. DGALIBU=P.g3-j*bp -Pt. Wbaliy Barber Co. dinited. FURNI] Cape4tl ever; « ~ e HE~OCXsT-rI Masocu 1 1 -i- ý 'i- 1 ir-