SPECIAL BRAN PIEOPLE 0F -9NTA NOTE 7THIS FAOT, HAT E E S NLL.1NQ ~Aj1WoolGrÉey Fiannels fr-om 80o e yard, worth 40Mi Unbefly Ive have'1h. oheap»ost Flawolbi Town. Biqkeýts-OOýthe besit make, and extraordinarily cheap. Furs .1 Furs!1 Furs t- Furs!1 ads'Mini'Kuffs and'Caps, ana Ssii Mufssana Caipe. Ladies, Black' Astrican Muffs and Caps, Mad Grey Persua >.ufsi andas.fata very 'sgevurity, ma extremely low in prices. Ladies' Amrican 3taokets to ordr-sèe our amisple. Gents' Mink, Seul, Persian, Coney and other Fur Caps, and undoubtedfly low in prices. Wre can buy as cl&.pj and 8elI as cheap as any house in the Countyl1 We keep only the BEBT quality of goods. No. 1. DEVERELL'8 BLOCK. BIG Sr MI -&1.,T - -"THE PEOPLBS' FAVORITE CLOTHINO HIOUBE." PluI 12Sf TEW mA&8s Inias Fruits, GentraI Grottiers,1 SIMON F RASER Rlas struck it, by selling 5 lbs. Japan Tea for $1.00. ýarkets 3lack basket-9 i) laye? boxes. S for Sctch' reuch Fruits. mad anad-Hot, yal H olyroods 121n11Chees, Mocha al5oo- Gnun Powder,, "o unalimed.-, Bis 3 Ibs. choice A large stock of Green, Black, or Japan Tea for $1.00 Tickles the Patate of Al 1 ail grades of Tea, at prices to suit the customer. Try oui new Basket Fired Japan Ton, very choice. New Valcutia Raisins, ail off stalk, very choice ; New Sultanas, Loose Muscatel Raisins, Choice ncw London Layer Raisins, in boxes and quarter boxes, Fine Dehesi Raisins, Fino Viga ].taisins. New Currants, very fine. Ohoice Turkey FigsI, in Ml. boxes. S.S. Almonda, Filberts, Walntits, Brazil nuts. Lemons, Oranges, Fresh Malaga Grapes. Flavoring Extracts, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, dessicated Cocoanut ini blk and pkg. COCQA AND DHOOOLAT98. COFFEES.-Finest. Old Government Java and Plantation Coffees, fresh ground au reqnired. A ohoice assortment, at prices that defy competition. NEW WHITE 'GRANITE WAREI NEW CHINA TEA SETS AND FANCY CHIINA GOODS, ONE CASE RICH BOHEMIAN VASESt DIRECT PROM H&MBUEG. New GIlassware, ail new patterns, direct from the Potteries -sad GlassworkS. Wo are bound not to be undersold in any of these goodg. Corneand 8881u8. Always on hand-Choice Family Flour, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Oatmeal, Corneal,&o.SIMON FRASER, lIntending DEZVEà REL'SBROOKI, BROOK-BT., WMITY. Z . B. ~.. Col. W e sh w .h agéât aid, ehoiïest etock lof Worsted Ooatings, Scotch.,and Canadian Tweedil,,Camnels-Hair Cloth, (loaking, IJister. Cloths, in ýthe Count.y. The-finest stock of Genelral. Dry'r 'Goods anïd UMillieyee hw in Wrhitby, at moderate rcs Our Millinery is superior to, a> previous esn Tailoring, to ore,0 i the Best Style. A large'stock ofShrs Drawers, Ties, Collars, Socks, Gloves, Hats and Caps, &c., &c. IN DRESS GOODS, we have a choice stock of Black and eolored Cashmeres, Frencli Palice eloths, all-wool plai'n and Twill Winceys, black and colored' Silks, Vélvets and Velveteens, Laces, ]Ribbons, Jet Tririmings,- Fringes, Cloak ornaments. Skirts and Skirtings, Ladies' lJnderclothing,llosiery,- Gloves, &c., &c. ýI3 Y Iw w JÀk rn£ iv xw ]E 3p XY XL Ou 'z CARPETS A- SPECt»ALTY !1--- We have received large additions in this departrnent, wlzich i8 complee in Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Union, Hemp, and Floor OÙ Cloth, Mats, &~c. Large -stock of Table Linen and Toweling. Our stock of Grocerlêés is complete. A large stock of Glass -and Croékery, just to la-nd, -very cheap 1 are new, and comprise the latest novelties at the lowest prices. A Jiberal discount to cash buyers. 1Whitby, October 25th, 1881. Our goods JB. POWELL &C. DOMINION -WAREROOMS. - iim<u.vv~&iwvvmwv&ii WYIWY Y WJhAJ~lVlllfld~ fl1~L DE~CEIVKBN~ - A '1' BRYCE'S' NOTEB CASH STORE.I Great Sale of Furs. Great Sale of Fancy Woolen Goods. Great Sale of Clouds. Great Sale of Blankets. Great Sale of Flannels. Great Sale of Yarns.' Great Sale of Underclotiii*ng.. SGreat Sale of Table lin enis. Grea~t Sale of ýWincjes4 Great Sale, of -Dress Gos Great Sale of Mantie.,Cloths.' Great Sale- of" Hosier y.ý GREAT SALE' 0F REMNANTS!1 buyer8 81&oud make 8elections eCar4j at, Br NIEW AD iTLEMN . -ALL ON- -OF WHRITBY,- For Reliable Boots and 'Shoe.s.- Qi-Foot Wear of oit kinde sola Ohoap fer Cash,', by WILLIAM BlUBNB, BOOTS AND SHQOES, FOR FA.LL AND WINI'ERWER AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK Latest Styles and Fashions. and ]3est'*W rkm anship. CHEA PBODT8 AND 8/iDES FOR, EVER<YBOI corne on~ wiêh yo esaCoule ow$ oroa TIhm ai tes bqun Iy uQksaeep I et -fv~bo the b.mother, Yon u aaoâswh.& -You il The isuhter sud son ihe eayor n11551; And aven .14 dail The gecds ýis ant new; Mygg. iblrà apar.Inwbytsb Thil von't bur,1bis oorns, But dnS s1Ãrtfromhbol] à ad are splendid te wssaro Till y" ou pe' hewb.c" ILepairs promptly miade as usual. JOHN SAUN4DERE. ~DROCK.ST., WUITEY. An ENTIRE NE~?5TOBK now opened ont, which h», benvl PmleolmO GOLGO III COOE~4OLD EA0,,OSTÃŽ COLORE»GOLD-BROOCREB,, ,,eCOORE» GOLI> NECKLETi4 -AND ER RINGS 8]IGNE+ RINGS. SILVER JEWELRYý' New ~ ELE Aube D~sl AJao,'aJs Ail of 4' igunaýtý Pri, 1pr artcl's and 3,1,r .Green Soul, 01 a Rurn. mur'gs OsUA&inAi es inu itout, an«êBl0ode Bye 6 years .&4, sty. Salmon~ a UMes,TreIps Devled Ham,, Ja m, Apricot~ ound Nutmeg," ry, Pepernrint, S, mmi "Point Surpasinuprvo EST 1874. Jsu siT with folly' Throi R'19 STOCK jJOHN .LEBLIB, .Pop- e (Late oi lbe Siano o= , Toro.)o I LAi.,. an ,.5 <an ia w £Ismmodlou