Whitby Chronicle, 15 Dec 1881, p. 3

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I -Rail s-6 arovéll.0vor'agor utbyefuxrt Pa thre veuoa lu ours atone anaXStarm Tare lnda ae bavl" ont te as; Take Upthy lite nd-sar -WOMIÂN, -tO8Bsip.- A Riide laland jusice refnsed te auarry a m=n named cera' te a lady thie sanie naine, on tire grouaid thatbie v&i-af"d teý couple cars. Oltuiravz boy sldeur thre old busband amie when ini conversation vitir bis wif e anid bow constantly. and aniaibly ho iiewhcn li converi'st.on with ai»rotrer lady. So atiÀ, sentliientially - '4 demrly love te liaton te the ickinar cf a dlock., It seomato nie tirat a clock iras langu 0e f t.s'ovu 1, Mr. Snmart: '"Yen, Sophtieok bas a anrgnrrrg-you igat Bay amdisi-et." Tiz retort courteous : le (after pro- posing anud beiurg rejected-"I 1supposein tire onnd renwii[be marrying soeaiditof a fellow-' She<bretkilg li)"" Excuse me, if 1 mieunite ode liraI1 wonld have accepted yonr offe." A PRamwrr oman lu black passea tire ve- dev. IlLookp 1k. ai pretty yourig wdow, cloeant aie? Do yen like te sec ai protty ,widow? A pretty yenng idov analwaa a pleasin igat. " ?,esno5 onýg an sire isit yonrs., MÀrW JÀ?A Nv anta a receipl for prcserviflg tire hair. Oertainlýr. Uic white nugur, ',pound for pound,' add enouqlr water te Inake a inary sirup, add -tirehaïra, ani four ounces oeomnargar"r, bell, etrain, and put ini stene or glass jars. "WVarÀ a rougir feliow that i insi'" î.etulantly exclainuod tihe Hope e.e 'n, a! ter a trnggie wi th taie aforesard Snuigîn nt C (operiragen." Il e neariy smothere me - Andi did you ,kis lim for iis surother?" askeah the otirer miss, navely. . ý 'ill yen hold my baby virile I1hcek nt ter my baggage ?" asked a voînan of a railwayMuienphoyed ini a Chicago depel. tire othor day. Il o," said thre mmi, "but I wiil iroldvourirgae witie yen look for your baby. " ,He heldababy for aivoman conco. and mae nover ceeue boick for t, and tir e iral miaude hl-m se careful. A woxAN viro carried arond milkhin Paria raid a naive tblrag taie othar day. One o! tire cooks te wlaom saie breught nrlk looked inte tire can and remarked witi r prise r IlWiry, tireal actually notbing thora but voter 1" Tire woman baving- satlsfied her- melcli o!the truti of tire stateareri, sai' IlWei, if I didn't forget le put i tira mik il Tuais Seauttua. Pluunu a schas venin hoc enidered exuberant lu thre coid and critical Nortir ef Europe oontitutes tire pepular ideal of teomate beaurty lu tire Regency of -Terris. Amongmg rrriargoable yenng ladies o! tirai province mendernesa o!foran and delicacy of proportion ara regrded witir justifiable aversion as disquaallfcaeioe for tihe woddeal etate. Tii.firter a "aaden, taie botter hs ber chance nt maklng a good tord esnl> matcb. To bcabnorrnahyobeeà tu b certain o!fnrawang a prisa ru the- matriment' ah nmarket, ad tiralovelleat liheea me mains unnooed, wiie ironzrly çurpelounc4 ce pik aniote froin anorig a Urong et oliguie suilors., Hoew dcep a roet Ibis p re diliection for esacions ciraïmahsbatri nek tire Trinialan msanlybosemu may ho gatherea! frein tha fact thtirai viovrs deireus to nrarrymagain,siroxrld tirey lrajly, med by family r pecu a usderations, select a bride virose dimenionsramarepoirted la fMU uomewaiat short o! thome ge viroirtheir pre- viens expeerie ie d accustomeai tireu, are vont te moud tire dunt deparlea'. girale and! bracelet te taie p"ets oftiroir tee exigu ces betrotired. Oa. recel pI of tires. a"-i cos, cnaveying a delicate hit thirt Imrigglil bc oxpodient te make np fer Natures& short comingn by soea idicions treainrent, the irid'sapapaarrd maniea proceed te falter ber witil rrssduity and despatarh. For soe veeksabmirenleds tire bibe o! a Stranhain gnoose; anrd, wiren safeirasu atalned tire necesury goodly rpotonaer nuptiala are ceiobrated te tieetr atisfacton ef evorybridy concrned li hem, I took a jburney tira otiier dayaaysa Paris correspondentg, vay te tire other aide o! Paris, te that bar-off quarter vire Bon. guoroaan d otirer great artists &bide, te sce .1 theais irfient Nvlndov in painteai lau i viricir l detined for tire dinig-roem o Ma',a WIlliam H. VaaderbIt'ahouae ra Nev York.i This spîtaidai ork ef art, virichilatire1 largeat a'ne o! tbe klnd ever exocuteai for ae secular bndildin$. in due tote-talent of! M. Oudinot, vi aimd to e reaie tritno tire vendilu bipeeîalin. Tiresubjecti e! the pieture ÎÏ. the meeting fe! tire i kiaig%, Francis L eai Henry VUIL, on tlb, roecdof tireGlatir cf Gelai. lu tire centre of! tire foregrounidhbe twe- yo rng sovereq«gne, M riSrlcnt li dres mdit ppontinents, euhir uonted on a superb al ffiery steed,1 cbaap banda, virile et lb. rigait Quoeen C lande e! France, nurrouirded by lier ai. tendants, contempla testiaetiungof tire rivai Omunrcr& L ranid aes a nnw- 'a vbitechrargea,withtepnsfaueaa goid, vbilelieuaya is la i a dark iray. A gayly-clad Jester haai Io bouad nda a hli in tie laiebteoeg!und te taie rigirt,1 wite tiere ranIo! the - l iurelafilleaI vill the. kniglrte, nobles, etoaruamon, ete., li ai- tendance on tire tva> king@. lu the hock. grouna ris.tire gorgeons tenta erecteai ta sireltertire thro'ng o! royai and rlaocrtei perTsonagm.Tira colorrig of!' the . nr, vîrtuir ncludes soe. orty or fifty figures, in veny nuperb. ,Iotkdrng eau ba.lunagineai riaher in effirot 'limainlathe velv.rt pt of tire dais e!ftthe queu, it gvlng oaMn suidrich»Ir brdrelai ngsefar, oe tire fieli t it in fretteihy tire irofs o Ring Pma' aste& andi iravonttea vantar lb.e puevwhitof the aniiimland tlr ig nree of tikémi lassel b ai aderi ibui 'This immurense and, o e o rk i arutan'dhtl.flAu virilsett he él4edthe recan villirplaceai snmallerviêat!l,téihpainted iry M. Oudi- not, a errienea4ug arr, baunenaj $ue-. pliesoe, eacsumouantd by the coost-of- ,.oulf uribe ranols that "iaDtrin - trenseton, ma did4uLW 01 oà iead wlial wu the guatoip*ry ., asud hoandwhen it u b padaplgetlaIy4f Io M t waa néver mou~~eeo"o Thé. deafred ifermatieai'~wugiiveu, the. F sen.to-be B]lo&dot, wthdmw to à ide iti table, pmerdpaplr tsud uivolopéand li- ex dtd anote to 1h0eerC maithankiaghlm for hia kindn uaid ailig ibis c O el the eneloeod, ai tii, eme ime g ho wore ablu ovive 2iio. Tie. reuo d geai, tieman declared trtt ho e wielth saime, for the envi.opoi ,did ibOutla n&a penny. Alinost qualy ommon lhatheU0qieOfl0o 'f murrylng these Who resort t auai mariner of sciiemea toovade payaient. A'vofl.kuo*ni clergyman narrate au intaûoo liPlat, -ho wau thon preac,ùlng at iDe.-xW, Mieh.1wbeaon an ppaontY vr<Inlcouple -came over t@ mu liiistuy fo tL .beyhad Oco tir to town on to h aited. toby tilaW d **mg clergyuman, tJiey pi a er ong ona g"tewer." The, ceremneny ever,, tue grom to tbruste i han&s ee&in =tc, en ekat mter eà anether, and thèn witha vell- iutd t'ai- l npyaaice ejaculated- II dolaro, Jarne, I lizm haelft my mney iithe trgaik, over ait 1 thre hôoil"'Me *elf-âgo -rhl aver and be gel it, and b. bock iiniaitq. Tho lrgy- pu -ari bçweyer, *eer4 ~. befew, and el* blandly nu t'isUuI as lie wa the cpflilng bacse aeMn, thre bride wardd W%îi aah thora hgis returu. This arranrgemenat ememd te bcenatisfactory,;apd thre gro #Urwe for the botelHeaaé on euîtf adladýh UJne, I car't unlock that peaky treal of!vo yenrn. Yen WHiihawve le oeume ever and do t. IlEventnsll tth-nkreasttbair Qom- bined efforts, fer lire clergyrnmaufver aaw Bd thom afterwmard. wo On day, as an eid, wito.iralrod uuniater o %vas writiuglinai&study, e dauaste ces1 ini witb te announiemrt tiret 'a oupoo00 were outaide who wlahod la o marrie& O Ho told ber te admit tlrem, ard lithey came, tare. palasni ofier, and nE armn-.L arm. It wus imposubUéta docide whleh ar was tirepair, but, selectlag tii. rut con-i- fuscod-looing couple ho o*ÎnSrd thie cee- mony. ALI mreurtmerrily -urtillt camae toa]u tire charge : lftire.ho anyeu mnog you wo knowseof arryreaaon .Why tria o"le t slreadnt et ojoaned liwo=Io letl h-= speask row, or forever after bold bia pesut." ti liera tire ranaibrie! pam unewm mde, lm ibut veyqLiy termiristd 1b hie groaei a ejacnlhiigia asupraaed ioie: ,Co M on paren, go on!1 'ero aiit nu re, ea Ona of vetreit's eldet Clergymen narrale an icident tirai occrrrod Maft ler be a located bore, wben ho kev but làttie ot thre people and notlrin# viateofthai lb .ai ties. Rie wuvas vned Împa 1by a pot Vory profea.oaral.loolg Wahviawibed bhuai man ad Lize" Te tire miniaîter Pr&Dkila strot oanded as arwstoo c à s woul&di~ %waairton street, but ho adrailts tira ho vau a talle takee acuk vhèn o'lowid hià f rguide liote ocuse, ad bond ire vasla a fnaloon. Howeveara*oose" a met a .rmarried a eli as otirer peope, *& tthougirland hoe lllaed on tirraugirtie f Froora. up a fllgit of! aireid til a ait.T a turrom Thon thé guidevira pru'a'qni lm' 0 rnomAuvelttpped iuto thé hallad ou b onna raerLm 1 Came on, gfrk ; hi ythie paraan'o cone!" tand tlathe om 1c 4 a treep.d acmwod th"a ioved tiraI ho baai trai meriago areonaey bepesaohod inch a f sermon irpori theoaebjecot Ùmsnawty nas tbcse ai isaddrms' Wedbeea o -no avait ovevea', 1 ho -vS cauvincei by thre tarcllrly exjreu.lve di 0remark ofthrseainB*aW4lTniU hie fiat tI tegeuber horuplariya.o-&-"Trr. àLierai.Mirelu se 0týaiagwt you 'l novi ______ Mr'. George 0. t$tArr sent 212 invit4ttin to ph ocii%tins li é* Yçk a0heabouta t a al 1 nl rrlaitrti1 clurloby Dr. Lya of Londaon ar tQnrrzmno'nber oni Brad- Sway ey. urraali)doctem 1Wrepotidedi, may t o! tbem acooalmi ielyladiaa% Theywe uraiere tirou laus of lhlang ourïasim &C ;;ich Mr'. Biun eleeW ohsOai.0ito t4* 9auditoriuam,wvbrefl Dr. Lypar .e14behaabould e chappy la d.éapitatse ina ot«i» vtedis- ,fm.mhrfloon otireur, Il sarr, lt NomnSpninh« Wdeho uki akeU atage earpsrtr fr hi& suject ad tnvited two cetitheulct<rs to assiat hbue. MA! iferemi lLberdl patIeslli,8àxoly ut elelnwu P91,81,anid ofthre O9 AT tihe o*lcgc- Congren heln lognathopreelasareesirn o be givt Mr&ausea i haeseaptire gcywnad Bitte&m a acmmoar nii f ou oyw ic5aSSW5dPta hvauim olva sebpe4wo mixt congrms ilmuettauBediel M rbonDr'. KBeOya'rihIb Pet ldet may ffioleait readie; but vires t i raieof potsaaiam 40M enlunies tra bien à uendi4 ý in vm r ervoma i asm ercept fît dyapej*l aa=4ua eotrmaod *ithu"eht* &é.58W1a15abl aid t4relume AP1s#7 Ual lai Repli ire9aaea Lrlnag 1< osoirman ire gocd dancers fer th irrat lim rrg to turaiUp. air-Haty pai. ,~elunch for a - puays axcepting liean inexperi. il malle in cor-. yô e cn't lmy rip mn yen cwnt-got m. It is dceey iv Onu charmal R'S TOCK I~,s ets I w.k basket, iiYer boxes. for Scotch -ah Fruits. a and Hote J flolyrood' Catrup, Curry Muan Cheese. ch Musaard. lpps' Oocoa, àlso- lin iPowder, gtSpanish L'a Port, *1 per el'a aud Jules me=n Seal, Old E BUM. MUn's readian Aies - i 1and Bloods' 5years oid, ',Salmon, Emdes, Tripe, vied Ham, un,Àpriqot r, Cryttaliieai p Johaiston'a id Nutmeg, GCrenoble , Finrnan giot Point n.One

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